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TG Themes:
The Harem
By Saxfemail
The combination of breastforms, a costume party, a bet lead to an offer to join a harem. Am I ready for such a life change?
The Harem
I had a pretty good life. I had a good paying stable job. I have been married for 25 years to a flight attendant. We have 2 kids, our son graduated college last year and our daughter will be graduating this spring. We had all the trappings of the average middle class family, but beneath the surface we had problems like every family.
My job had become repetitive and boring. It also operates 24 hours a day and 7 days a week so it requires a great deal of shift work that has caused me sleep problems that leaves me exhausted much of the time. I would consider changing jobs, but they pay me too much to make it viable to change jobs. I will be eligible to retire with a good pension in 5 years, but it will probably be 10 years before I can afford to retire.
Our marriage is good, but not great. The passion has gone out of our marriage. After my wife’s hysterectomy she lost her sex drive and we make love maybe once a month. Our interests have changed and we no longer have that many activities that we share an interest in. We still enjoy being together, but we do spend much of our time with separate activities.
We have spent a lot of time in the past with our kid’s activities, but those are coming to an end as they graduate college. I had hoped to pay for my kids college, but a combination of underperforming investments and rapidly increasing tuition cost they are facing large college loans to pay back. My son had wanted to become a pilot, but the costs of the training were just too high to make it viable. My daughter wanted to have the experience of a semester abroad, but again the cost was too much. I will try to help them pay back their loans, but that will delay my possibility of retirement. My son has a decent starting job, but I believe that it will be difficult for my kids to achieve the same lifestyle we were able to achieve. As an example the health insurance provided with my son’s job was such a bad plan that I am paying for a separate policy for him.
My wife travels with her job and has a constant changing schedule and with our two unusual work schedules makes it impossible to maintain a normal life. It is difficult to get involve in a regular hobby or activity with our work schedules, because our work schedules don’t allow us to participate in regularly scheduled activities. I should be getting into a regular exercise program to work off some extra weight I have added, but between my work schedule and exhaustion, I never seem to find the time.
I have never been that active socially as I am not that good with the normal social chit-chat that goes along with social activities. My sense of humor takes getting use to as it tends to somewhat tongue-in-cheek as in a battle of wits, but always with a smile, and unusual things which make people unsure of how to take what I say. Add in an interest in political issues and you have a personality which does not always work well in casual social situations. I am friendly, have good intentions and concerned about others, but I am often left felling misunderstood.
We moved a few times early in our marriage and we have no family or childhood friends in the area we live. I do have some work friends, other parents from our kids’ activities and neighbors, but no real friends that I would routinely call up to go golfing or other activities. The result is that my life is pretty much tied up with my family.
My life started to change about two years ago. My wife and I were invited to a Halloween costume party. We went to a costume shop run by a charity that takes clothes and things donation and takes the ones that might make good costumes and sells them in a special store. While we were walking through the store I ran across a pair of breastforms for $30. Now with my sense of humor I thought those would look good in my den. I showed them to my wife and she rolled her eyes and shook her head but she knew that I would buy them. I asked her if she had found anything for our costumes and she said that she had an idea and she would take care of it.
I am sure that to the surprise of no one my costume involved the breastforms. Now many men would have been embarrassed by such a suggestion and tried to talk their wife out of it, but I am a bit of a ham and looked at it as an opportunity, as an actor at heart, to play an interesting role. Besides I tend to see embarrassment as an opportunity to make others laugh, even if it is at my expense.
I was not one of those that believed they were born the wrong sex, I was perfectly comfortable being male. I had at times tried on a piece of my wife’s clothing out of curiosity or to get a laugh from her, but I was not what most people considered a crossdresser. I have always prided myself for having an open mind I would have had no problem relating to a transgender individual or a crossdresser, but I had never knowingly met one.
Now I am six foot five inches without heels and 250 pounds, so there was going to be no way that my wife could make me up as a believable woman. Since there was no way I would be believable, I could have fun with the role of playing a woman without having to try and make people actually believe I was a woman. The week before the party my wife tried various outfits and wigs on me and had me practice walking in a pair of very large pumps with three inch heels. She also had me work on some mannerisms and language that would be appropriate. My kids have long been used to my personality being somewhat embarrassing in a fun way. They laughed at what I was going through and my daughter helped with the training.
My wife finally settled on a black skirt that came to just above my knees and a red short sleeved form fitting top that showed off my “assets”. She added a shoulder length light brown wig, clip on earrings, necklace, bracelets and the appropriate undergarments to given me the proper shape. She seemed to be having a lot of fun planning and developing my “costume”.
We both had the day of the party off and my wife decided to use the afternoon for preparations. She had me shave my legs and arms. I drew the line at having my eyebrows plucked, but I did let her trim them up a little bit. She had me take a bubble bath and the applied lotion on me. I dressed up in the undergarments, breastforms and a robe to start getting into character. My wife started on a pedicure and a manicure. I was hesitant to allow her to apply the glue on nails, but she assured me that they would be able to be removed tomorrow. As it got closer to the time of the party, she applied the full makeup and outfit. Since my name is Sam, my wife christened me Samantha.
When I looked in the mirror I was surprised how good of a job she had done. If you looked at me from across a big room and squinted your eyes, you might think I was actually a woman. If you stood next to me and looked up at my 6’8” height, with heels, the illusion would be quickly ended and when I opened my mouth, my real gender would be without doubt. Of course that is what was intended, not to fool people, but to create a character that would amuse people.
We arrived at the party and got big laughs from the other guests. I enjoyed the attention and was able to get laughs while playing my role. I got a big laugh from the wives when I had to tell their husbands that “My eyes are up here”. After one of the men had people groaning at a raunchy joke, I walked up to the kitchen counter where some of the wives were talking and shook my head and in a disgusted voice said “Men”, which cracked them all up.
The nice part about playing a character is that it lessens your inhibitions and frees you up to say and do things that you would normally not do when you are yourself. Since I don’t drink, it is about the only way I can feel comfortable step outside my normal behavior and tendencies. Normally I tend to be shy and quite at parties, but in character I was much more outgoing and both my wife and I were enjoying ourselves. It was probably the best night out for us in years.
When we got home, it took a while to remove all the clothing and makeup. We then went to bed and had our most passionate night of lovemaking in years.
We had fond memories of the party, but we quickly got back into our normal ruts. We were looking for something to do for New Year’s Eve and we found a big nightclub that was holding a costume party for New Years. Naturally Samantha made another appearance and again we had a wonderful night out.
We again fell into our normal routines. We would occasionally place bets with each others over sporting events involving each others hometown or college teams, with vague stakes. A couple of months later my wife’s team won a basketball game over my team. My wife chose a chick flicks night as her prize, which she occasionally liked to do. She brought home some DVDs and a surprise for me, a woman’s nightgown and announced she wanted to have her chick flicks night with Samantha. I lost the bet so I agreed. It was different spending a chick flicks night as girlfriends rather than husband and wife, but it was enjoyable.
Every couple of months Samantha came out for a night and of course I was dressed for next Halloween and New Years. I found myself paying more attention to how Women dressed, acted and talked. While my performance as Samantha improved each time I brought her out, I was still not going to fool anyone with my height and voice.
I have enjoyed my time playing a woman, but I still have no doubts that I am male. At the same time, I would have to admit a curiosity of what it would be like to experience life as a woman. Crossdressing and even surgery could only take me so far. It would take magic to reduce my height by 6 to 8 inches, drop about 100 pounds, lose 30 years and make all the genetic changes that would make the experience as a genetic woman real. Most importantly, it would make it possible to switch back so I would still be able to provide support for my family. While it is interesting to think about, I am not under any illusion that it will happen. Even if the opportunity presented itself for a magical change, it would be difficult to accept out of concern over what I would lose in my current life.
My wife’s team won the next Super Bowl and she announced that during our planned trip to Vegas, she and Samantha were going to have a girl’s night out. I would probably have rejected the idea if it was to be done locally, but I figured what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I did reject the idea of wearing a woman’s swimsuit to the pool out of the fear of having to explain strange tan lines.
We arrived at the hotel and checked in around 2:00PM. We made reservations for a show that evening and my wife made an appointment for both of us to get a manicure and pedicure. When we got to our room my wife laid out my outfit, which was her team’s football jersey, a pair of short shorts, the usual undergarments to give me shape, a wig and a pair of sandals with 3 inch heels. I shaved my legs, got dressed, put on some makeup and we left for our appointment.
The elevator door opened up and we got in and faced the door. I could hear the some laughter behind us, which I enjoyed hearing. We normally don’t say anything about how I am dressed unless someone directly says or asks something. Depending on the situation and the person asking, we may either simply say I lost a bet to explain my appearance, which usually gets some laughs or if it is someone that is attempting to appear morally superior we have a story established, we also have an injury story that will make the macho men cringe.
We got to the salon for our manicure and pedicures. The story of our bet quickly spread through the salon and the other stylists came over and helped to style the wig and make improvements on the makeup. They definitely made an improvement in my look, but with my height, voice and other appearance issues, there was still no doubt I was a male dressed up.
We left the salon and went to the casino floor to do some gambling. I could tell there were some eyes and laughter following us and I played it up to make an impression. After playing for about an hour and losing some money, we went up to our room to get ready for our night out.
We rested a little bit and then started to get ready for our night out. My wife had picked out a black dress that came down to just above my knees with a wrap for my shoulders. She did my makeup using some of the suggestions we got from the stylists. I thought we both looked good, but since I was about a foot taller than her we also looked unique.
We walked down the strip to the casino that the show was at and went to the restaurant to have a meal before the show. We got a smile from the hostess as she seated us. Our waiter was fun as he treated us just like a couple of women out for the night and included a little flirting with both of us. The things people will do to get good tips :)
We then went to the showroom and received the normal looks and chuckles. The usher got a smile when she greeted us and we enjoyed a few laughs and a pleasant conversation before the show started. The show started as was big shows with an adult theme that Vegas does so well. At intermission, I realized I had a problem, I had to use a bathroom. Our hotel room was too far away and there was no way I could go into the men’s room as I was dressed or would it be viable to get in the long line for the women’s room. I talked to the usher and she laughed but showed me a more private restroom backstage I could use.
We enjoyed the show and started the walk back down the strip to our hotel. We passed a group of people handing out those cards for escort services and I couldn’t resist asking if they were hiring escorts which got a laugh. A guy stepped out of the background and said that actually I would be surprised at the demand for a “girl” like me and I could make some good money if I was interested. My wife got a big smile on her face and asked how much I could make. He said that special “girl” like me could probably make about $5,000 a week. My wife said that is pretty good money and asked if I wanted to give it a try while trying to keep a straight face. I said that I was more of a lesbian and would have to pass. The guy gave me his card and told me to call him if I changed my mind.
We walked about another block and a guy hit on me. I played along for a while just to see where he would go with it. It was hard to say if he was too drunk to realize I was actually male or if he was hitting on me because or it. My wife seemed to be enjoying it a little too much.
We got back to our hotel and started doing some gambling. We settled on some dollar slots just outside the high rollers room. After about 15 minutes a man came up to us and said that Sheik Hakeem would like us to join him. We looked at each other and decided to follow the man into the high rollers room.
He led us to a blackjack table and introduced us to the Sheik and I told him that I was Sam and this was my wife Jane. He told us that we could call him Ahmed and introduced the two women he was with as Stacy and Jennifer. He was about my height and professional looking.
The dealer asked if we would be playing. The minimum bet sign at the table showed $100 and I said that was a little to rich for us. Ahmed said that he would give us each 10 chips and if we lose it would be on him, but if we win we can have the profits. My wife quickly agreed.
While we were playing we had a pleasant conversation and he asked a lot of questions about our family, work and about our life in general. When I told him where I worked he said his company does business with us. He told me his company’s name and I recognized it as our biggest customer. We were having a good time and staying mostly even with our chips. I kept waiting for the question of why I was wearing a dress, but the issue never came up.
After about an hour, Ahmed told the dealer he wanted to cash out. We were up 5 chips at that time and I figured $500 would give us some more fun money for our trip. It wasn’t until they brought the paperwork to the table that I found out we were playing with $10,000 chips and we just made $50,000. Ahmed seemed to enjoy our shock and referred to it as pocket change.
Ahmed invited us up to his condo to continue our conversation and since he just made us $50,000 we couldn’t refuse. When we got to his condo we were greeted by 8 other women. Ahmed said “You have already met Stacy and Jennifer, let me introduce to the other members of my harem. This is Lisa, Michelle, Terri, Amy, Marie, Karen, Heather and Ashley.”
They were all tall and good looking, not in the underweight model way, but in the normal healthy woman way. Most of them looked like they were in their upper 20’s to mid 30’s, Terri looked a little older maybe in her young 40’s.
Ahmed noticed my wife’s look of disapproval and asked her about it. She recognized that most men would love to have a harem of girls at their beck and call, but she didn’t think it was a healthy relationship and wasn’t fair to the women. Ahmed said that was the common misperception of a harem and acknowledged that some men in his homeland do have harems like that and do not show the respect the members of their harem they deserve. In most cases, the women in the harem are considered members of the family and treated with respect.
He went on to explain that his situation was different. While his society allows multiple wives, he has chosen to have just one and she lives with their families in his homeland with his son and daughter. They believe that is the best environment to raise their kids. He is responsible for his family’s business in the states which means he must spend a lot of time away from his family. He tries to visits them every month and they periodically come to visit him.
He does need to have companions for a variety of events and in his personal life. He could hire escorts, but that is usually an empty experience and you can’t build an ongoing friendship with a variety of escorts. He didn’t want to lead women on in a dating arrangement because is not looking for another wife. The best solution was to hire girls to be in his harem. That would allow him to have an ongoing family relationship with these women, without misleading them. They are hired to be companions and they become a part of his family. They will normally start with a 2 year agreement that can be extended each year by mutual agreement. They will normally stay 3 to 5 years before being ready to move on with the rest of their lives, but are always welcome back for a visit. Any physical relationship is voluntary and they are free to leave at anytime.
I asked where he found the women for his harem. He said they were usually referred to him by friends that knew when he was looking for a new girl. He had certain qualities he would look for in a woman. There is no particular physical look that he requires, but she should at least have the potential to be attractive if given the opportunity with diet, exercise and a stylist. He does expect them to have potential that they have not been able to reach because of life situations. Most of the women will get a college or advanced degree while a member of his harem. He enjoys seeing them reach their potential and eventually move on to have successful careers. Amy and Marie are just two of the many alumni of my harem who have been very successful and still occasionally come back to visit.
Amhed asked me if I played chess. I told him I was very rusty, but willing to give it a try. He suggested that Jane talk to his girls to get her questions answered while we played chess. I could tell that he was holding back to make the game more interesting, and we had a good conversation while we played. He seemed to appreciate my sense of humor and asked me a lot of questions about my life and family. He had a way about him that made me feel comfortable opening up and I admitted that I felt my life was in a rut, my job was not challenging and the passion was lacking in our marriage.
After about an hour, I had played myself into such a hole that our game was pretty much over. Terri came over and whispered in Ahmed’s ear and he excused himself and they went to talk. I joined Jane and the other women and we all started to talk. Jane seemed to be getting along well with the group and they seemed to have accepted her. They seemed to be an interesting group of women.
Ahmed and Terri returned and rejoined the group. Ahmed asked Jane that now that she has met the women of his harem, what did she think. She told him that she was impressed by them and they were not what she expected them would be. I added that I also was impressed by these women.
Amhed smiled and said “I am glad to hear that, because I would like you to join my harem.” I had to smile because while I still find my wife attractive, she is 50 years old, not in the same league as the other women in his harem and she is married. I couldn’t resist turning to my wife and asking her “Well what do you think honey do you want to join his harem?”
Ahmed responded by saying “No Sam, I mean you”
Now many things passed through my mind while I was trying to regain the ability to speak. He couldn’t possibly believe that I was a women. While I was dressed up as a woman and have improved my appearance over time, I still look like a man dressed up as a woman and if anyone was unsure, as soon as they heard my voice there would be no doubt. He knew that Jane and I were married and had two kids together, which must mean that one of us was a man. I finally was able to speak again and responded “Thanks for the offer, but I am more of a lesbian and if you haven’t noticed male.”
He laughed and responded “Being a lesbian in a harem is not a bad thing and yes I realize that you are male.” He went on to explain that he had no interest in me sexually, but they have found that middle aged transgender males are best to serve in the role of a den mother/manager inside the harem. They seem to be able to serve as friend, parent, advisor and manager, while being accepted by the women.
I told him that I was not truly transgender, just dressed up for a night out. He responded that he realized that, but he also could see that I was enjoying playing the role of a woman and was in need of a change in my life. He believed that I would adapt to and enjoy my new role as others before me had.
I raised the issue that my height would make it impossible for me to pass as a woman. He acknowledged that my height would draw attention, but they looked for the taller transgender to have someone of stature in the position. He then pointed out that Terri was 6’2” and asked if I thought she was too tall to be a woman. I quickly admitted that she was a good looking woman, but it would be different for a transgender male trying to be a woman. From the smiles on their faces I could tell that she was transgender and said a shocked “No!”.
Terri explained that he/she was just as hesitant when she had gotten her offer 10 years ago, but it was the best decision she had ever made. It had taken some time to adjust to her new role, but she has more good friends now and happier than she had ever been as a man. While she has enjoyed her job, now that she had reached 60 her wife and her wanted to do more traveling.
I was just as shocked that she was 60 as she was transgender. I asked her about her relationship with her wife. She said that they had never been better. Before she had taken this position, they had been in a rut, married and friends, but not really close or enjoying life. Since she changed, they started enjoying a lot more activities with each other. While they didn’t spend as much time together with her job, they made the most of the time they were together.
Ahmed then asked “What would it take to make you a woman?’
I smiled and said “Magic do you have a genie in one of those bottles on the bookshelf?”
Ahmed laughed and said “Unfortunately not, but there are other ways.”
I responded, “Yeah, a lot of hormones, surgery and money, but I am kind of attached to my penis.”
Ahmed laughed again and said “The good news is that you will be able to keep your penis, but the testicles will have to go. Your penis will even be functional with the use of erectile drugs. I have a medical division that does excellent surgery and I have plenty of money. How much money would it take to convince you to take the job?”
I responded “It is kind of like the movie, Indecent Proposal”
Ahmed said “Yes, Demi Moore, so you need a million dollars?”
I smiled and said “I would make about a million dollars over the next 10 years in my current job and would also have a $50,000 a year pension with survivor benefits. That would just be a breakeven. The movie was about a proposal being so good that they would be willing to do something they otherwise wouldn’t consider. For me that would be an offer that would provide my wife and kids with financial security and the ability to chose their own future.”
Ahmed smiled and said “Your focus on family is one of the reasons I choose you. I think I can make an offer that will be acceptable to you. Here is how I would like to proceed. You and Jane would return to your room tonight to discuss this offer. Tomorrow I would like you to return here at 9:00 AM for a medical exam, you may dress normally. Then at 11:00 AM, you and Jane will join my harem for their day at the spa and spend the next 2 days with my harem. We will then sit and speak about the experience and decide if we will proceed to the next step and agree on a compensation package. We would then go into a 3 month evaluation period where you would spend about 10 days a month with my harem. This will allow you to maintain your current life and job, while gaining experience of what your new job will be. During this time, you will be taking female hormones to prepare yourself, but nothing will be done that will significant impact your appearance in your other life or have a long term impact. We would then again talk about the experience and decide if you will take the job and your compensation package for a 5 year contract. Does this sound acceptable?”
I responded “My wife would never forgive me if I turned down a day at the spa, I can give you 2 days for a trial, but I am very unsure about anything beyond that.”
Ahmed said “That is all I ask, if you are the person I believe you to be, thing will work out. I will bid you and Jane goodnight and will see you tomorrow.”
We shook hands and left to go to our room. We talked about the events of the evening and neither of us could quite believe the offer that was made. We agreed that it should be an interesting two days, but we didn’t see it going on past this trial period.
The next morning I arrived at Ahmed’s condo at 9:00AM and was taken to a nearby clinic for a thorough exam and a variety of tests and scans. I was a little sore after they took a bone marrow sample, but overall the doctor said he didn’t see any problems that losing some weight, a better diet, more exercise and better sleep habits wouldn’t fix.
I was taken from the clinic to the spa and met my wife and the other girls there. We spent the next four or five hours getting a variety of massages, body wraps, facials, manicures and pedicures. The girls were chatting away while enjoying the experience, while I didn’t talk much; I was enjoying listening to the conversation.
When we returned to the room, there was a makeup artist there ready with specially designed breastforms, pieces to create the womanly hips and genital area. The piece for the genital area included an attachment that would allow me to urinate while wearing it and it would also serve as a chastity device to prevent sexual activity while in the harem. I needed to have my hair removed from certain areas so the pieces could be glued to me. They would remain attached for the next 2 days and can be worn 7 days before they would need to be temporarily removed. The pieces were much more realistic than anything I had ever seen before, they did a good job of matching the pieces to my natural skin tone. Looking in the mirror I made a convincing woman for the neck down.
Then the people with the wigs and makeup arrived. Jennifer and Karen came over to observe and explained that they were going to be helping me with my transition. I tried on a few of the wigs and the girls agreed on one of them. They adjusted the wig to make it sit properly and glued the hairline to me. They then used hooks to pull some of my hair through the wig cap and weave it into the wig. They explained that would make the wig secure and act like normal hair.
Then the makeup experts took over. They demonstrated various techniques and explained what they were doing and why to Jennifer, Karen and me so we could use them ourselves later. They had many interesting ways to use makeup to change my features to make them appear more feminine. When they were finished, I looked like I could actually pass as a woman. Well a very tall, somewhat manly looking woman, but close enough to make people wonder.
Jennifer, Karen, my wife and a couple of the other girls came around me and in unison said “Shopping Trip!”. I knew I was in trouble. We went to a mall that had a tall women’s clothing shop and a variety of other shops. We started at a lingerie store. I had thought we would simply pick up few simple pieces, but the women quickly pointed out that I need a variety of bras, panties, shapewear and hosiery to make sure I had what I needed for different situations. I was hesitant to try things on, with the mindset that it was my size so it should fit. I wound up putting a show on for them until we found the proper pieces that they were satisfied with. I found out I wore a 40D bra, had a 34 waist with the corset on and had 44 inch hips, which would make me about a size 16.
They had me wear their favorite bra, corset and panties when we went to the tall women’s store so they could see how clothing would fit over it. They each went to different racks to find a variety of clothing for me to try on. They had a wide variety of clothes for me to try on and I started to have fun with it. They agreed on a floral dress for our night out and added a variety of tops, skirts, shorts, jeans, exercise clothes, a swimsuit and accessories. There were more pieces that I would be able to wear for the two days, but they insisted I needed all of them.
I was ready to go back to the room, but no such luck. We went to a store that specialized in larger women’s shoes. I wore about a size 13, but it varied with the particular shoe. They started with a pair of red sandals with a 3 inch heel for tonight and added a variety of sandals, pumps, tennis shoes in a variety of colors and heel sizes. I wound up with 8 pairs of shoes when we were done.
Next was the jewelry store for a variety of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings. They wanted me to get my ears pierced, but I insisted on clip-on earrings for now. Finally we were done and had a trunk full of packages and must have spent a few thousand dollars. We headed back to the condo and had about an hour to relax before we had to start getting ready for our night out.
Once it was time to start getting ready our night out the condo turned into a madhouse. If I was younger, the sight of all the beautiful women in states of partial dress would have had me busting through the glued on pieces, but at my age I was only slightly uncomfortable, but it still put a smile on my face. It was interesting seeing all that women go thru to prepare for a night out and they had me going thru it too. I was doing what I could on my own and had plenty of people helping me fix my mistakes and do the things I needed to do. The process was messy and chaotic, but the results were amazing.
I was receiving a variety of tutoring in walking, mannerisms and speech. If I made a mistake there was someone there to correct me, of course I had to make a few obvious mistakes just to make things interesting. My head was swirling with all the instructions given me and some actually seemed to sink in. I was amazed at all of the little things that women deal with that I wouldn’t have given a second thought about.
We were finally ready to leave and got in the limo and I received a few instructions on how to get in the limo with a dress on. I tried to follow all the different conversations that were going on, but found it difficult to keep up with all the chatter. It was interesting to hear what the girls talked about when it was just girls in the group.
We started at a nice at a nice restaurant. I am normally a picky eater, mostly a meat and potatoes man, but they got me to try some new things. I tried to keep an open mind, but it will take some time for me to adjust to a healthier diet. The girls thought our waiter was hot and openly discussed his attributes. I have never understood what women see in us men, I have just been glad they are attracted to us. I guess I am just glad that I am a lesbian ;)
I didn’t know what show we were going to, but I wasn’t expecting it to be “Thunder from Down Under” the male dance show. The girls got a good laugh at my initial reaction. The crowd was just about all women and obviously enjoying themselves. I tried to play along, but I found the crowd reaction much more interesting than the dancers. They arranged to have one of the dancers dance right in front of me and while I tried to play along, they seemed to enjoy seeing how uncomfortable I appeared. I got some good natured ribbing, but I was enjoying being part of the group.
After the show we went to a dance club. I have always enjoyed music and dancing, but my wife has never been much for dancing so we rarely go to these types of clubs. We would go to the dance floor as a group when there was s good song to dance to. It was difficult dancing in heels and as a result of that along with the dress and additional body parts, my dancing style changed. As the night went on a few of the girls would be asked to dance by guys, but they would always return to our table.
I was sitting at our table when a guy who was about my height and age came up and asked me to dance. I was surprised and was going to turn him down, but the girls started to encourage me to go for it. It was obviously a setup and Terri leaned over and told me his name was Bill, he was a friend and he knew all about me, so I accepted. It was initially uncomfortable dancing with another man, in spite of my appearance. I asked him how he got forced into asking a man in drag to dance and he told me that he was actually bisexual so I was just his type. I let him know that I was a committed lesbian, which he got a laugh out of and he let me know that he had no expectations.
I looked over at our table and could tell that they were enjoying seeing me dancing with a guy. I made eye contact with my wife and gave her a look that let her know that I had a plan. I let Bill know my plan and he laughed and agreed to participate. At the end of our slow dance we put on a show with a 15 second passionate looking kiss. We walked back to the table to some shocked looks and some hoots and hollers. Bill sat in my chair next to Terri and I sat on his lap. I asked if he was comfortable and he said he was. I said it feels like I am sitting on his cell phone or something which caused Terri to spit out her drink. I said “Got Yah!” and moved to my own chair to a lot of laughs. I had a good conversation with Bill and there were a few more dances with him or the group, but there would be no more kissing.
We left about 1:00 to take the limo to our condo. It had been a fun night and everyone was interested in what I thought about the evening. I let them know that, in spite of a few embarrassing moments, I had enjoyed myself. I felt that I was accepted by the group. We were all tired and got ready for bed. My wife and I went to bed and talked about the night. She razed me about the kiss, but we both had enjoyed our night out.
Everyone started waking up around 9:00 and there was a variety of fruit, yogurt, cereal and other healthy things in the kitchen area. A couple of the girls were getting ready to go to their classes, while the others were getting ready for their daily exercise session. Stacy was the lead for the exercise which included a variety of stretching and aerobics. It became clear that I lacked flexibility, my balance was off and all those years working a desk job have taken their toll. The session lasted about an hour and It was a good workout. Stacy told me she was studying exercise science and physical therapy and would be working with me on flexibility and exercise to help shape me up. They had a couple of treadmills, an exercise cycle, elliptical machine and some weights available in the condo. We also had a membership in the onsite health club.
Terri then showed me around the condo. Each girl had their own room with a queen sized bed, a study desk and places for personal stuff. There were a total of 10 of these rooms. They had 2 common rooms that could also be used as a guest room, they had an entertainment center and a lounging area for the girls to use when not needed. They had a large bathroom with multiple makeup tables with sinks and side rooms with showers, a hot tub, sauna and toilets. There was a clothing room with a lot of clothing and shoes that were shared between the girls. There was a den with desks and a large table for meetings. The exercise room with all the exercise equipment.
The main room was a large multipurpose area. It had small kitchen area with a dining table and an island with spots for 6 chairs that could also be used for setting the food for parties and a bar. There was a large entertainment system with one of the largest televisions I have seen. There was also a large couch/conversation pit that could also be arranged into a bed area that could hold at least 10 people. It also had a lot of open space to hold parties. It also had a door that connected the harem to Ahmed’s condo.
Terri asked me if I liked golf. I said that I do enjoy playing golf, but I rarely get the chance to go out. My wife is no longer interested in playing and my son has his own things going on, so I don’t really have anyone to go golfing with. We had a noon tee time set and Stacy was going to join us. We started out on the driving range. It was interesting trying to swing a golf club with breasts. I was adjusting my swing with a few tips from Stacy. I definitely lost some distance with my drives, but the added concentration seemed to help with my accuracy.
It helped being able to tee off from the ladies tees and while it was different playing golf as a woman, my scores didn’t seem to suffer too much. While we were walking the links, Terri filled me in on what the job actually was. The primary responsibility is managing the harem. That includes managing the budget, making sure that the needed supplies are purchased, and the other routine activities that any household or business needs to have done.
That may be the official job description, but it is much more. The real responsibility is to look out for the women in the harem and the interest of the harem as a group. It is helping the new girls adjust to life in the harem, helping them develop, implement and stay on track with a plan for their future. It is being their friend, their advisor and at times their parent/boss. It may be tempting to protect a girl that broke a major rule, but it will be more important to protect the harem and enforce the rules.
The job is also to work with Ahmed as his connection to the harem, personal advisor, friend and other miscellaneous duties. He will spend time in the harem interacting with the girls and taking them out, but there are time that he will ask you to pick the girls to accompany him for event or trips based on who best fits the purpose of the event/trip and their other commitments. He may ask you to arrange for 1 or more of the girls to spend the night with him. This may sound like you are being asked to be a madam, but there normally is no problem finding volunteers, it usually is more of a problem making sure everyone gets their turn. Ahmed is good to the girls and they do love him. She also let me know not to worry because he will not be interested in me in that way.
Terri said that as she got a system down and more comfortable in her role, she has expanded her duties to working more with the charitable foundation and been an advisor on some of his business projects. She will continue in that role part-time after she leaves her role in the harem. After hearing a more detailed description of the job, I had to admit to her that it sounded much more interesting than my current job and job that I would enjoy and be able to make a difference.
It had to ask her if last night’s setup with Bill was a test. She smiled and admitted that she did want to see how I would react, but it was not just a test. Bill was a good friend of hers and she has found it important to have a guy friend that knew her secret. She found that it was nice to have a guy friend that she could spend time with as a guy, even though she had the appearance of a woman. He was also usually available for events that she needed a date for. I had to ask if she had ever been romantic with him. She blushed and had to admit that they had “tried out the equipment” a few times, but that is not a regular part of their relationship and Bill is fine with that.
I asked Terri about how this affected the relationship with her wife. She said that naturally it was a change, but their relationship needed a change. They had been married for a long time and before she started this job their relationship had fallen into a rut. Her wife had lost most of her sex drive and they didn’t seem to have much in common any more. It didn’t seem like they had much to lose when she took the job in the harem. They spent more time apart, while she could visit the harem, she couldn’t live there. They could spend time together when she had days off from the harem. It seemed like they made more use of their time together now that they weren’t together all the time. In addition I learned new things and my interests changed with my time in the harem. It seemed to help us have more interests in common and more things we liked to do together. What I learned about how to please a woman from the other girls even helped to reinvigorate our sex life. Our relationship is much better now than it was when I started. I was left hoping that it could the same thing for my wife’s and my relationship.
We golfed the whole 18 holes and had plenty of time to give me more details on the other girls and just general chit-chat. I had my good holes and my bad holes, but overall about average for me which means my game could use some work. Terri was probably about average for someone who is a regular golfer, while Stacy was good enough to probably consider going pro.
We returned to the condo and a few of the girls, including my wife, were going out to pool to relax. They tried to talk me into going out with them, but I was afraid of the tan lines and looking like a guy in a woman’s swimsuit. They told me that they had a private cabana so I wouldn’t have to worry about my appearance and with a good sunblock I shouldn’t have to worry about tan lines. In a weak moment I agreed to go with them. We spent about an hour relaxing poolside before returning to the condo.
When we got back we all took showers and cleaned up. There was nothing planned for the rest of the afternoon so we had some free time to do what we wanted. My wife and I went to our room to relax for a while and I told her about the details that Terri had told me about the job. Terri knocked on our door and said that Ahmed wanted to talk to us.
We met Ahmed in his condo along with Terri. He asked how we had been enjoying our stay. I had to admit that I had been enjoying myself and he had a great group of girls in his harem. My wife echoed my statements and added that the girls seem to enjoy being in the harem. Ahmed said that now that Terri had briefed me about the job what did I think about it. I had to honestly admit that it sounded like an interesting job and I am really tempted, but I didn’t think I could go all the way with the required surgery and it wouldn’t be fair to him to invest more money and time in me when it wasn’t likely that I could do that. He told me he appreciated that sentiment, but to let him worry about that.
He then laid out the expectations for me if I decided to continue. I would need to spend about 10 days a month there for the next 3 month. He would try to work around my work schedule and I told him that should not be a problem. They would not expect any changes that would affect my ability to present as a male when I was back home, but they would expect me to do some things that would make a future transition easier. I would need to be on female hormones, there should not be any noticeable long-term physical effects from 3 months on the hormones if I chose not to continue. I would need to lose 30 pounds and improve my physical conditioning. I would need to let my hair grow, they would make sure that the longer hair was styled in a way that would be seen as male. They may decide to request some other changes, but they would be cleared with me before proceeding. I would also need to commit to learning the job, to work with a speech therapist to develop a female voice and to learn the other things that I would need to make a passable female. I let him know that I didn’t have a problem with those expectations. While I couldn’t guarantee the results, I would give my full effort to do the work needed, but still didn’t think I was right for the job. Ahmed smiled and said he understood my concerns, but after talking to Terri, the girls and listening to me, he is convinced that I am the right person for the job. His certainty surprised me.
Then he laid out the compensation package for the 3 month trial. I would receive $30,000, which I thought was more than fair, but he wasn’t done. My wife would receive $20,000 and if she also loses the 30 pounds that she has said she wanted to lose, he would pay for the tummy tuck that she has wanted. That brought a smile to her face. My son would receive the flight training to get his pilot’s license that he wanted. My daughter would get a paid summer internship with a division of his company in Paris. Both of my kids would get $5,000 in cash and $20,000 in a trust to help pay off their student loans.
I was shocked how generous the offer was and told him so. He smiled and said that when he finds the right person for a job he makes sure they are taken care of. I told him that I would need to talk it over with my wife and kids for their input on the 3 month trial as well as the permanent job. I added that when they heard the details of the offer, I suspect they would push me to accept. He smiled and said that we should enjoy tonight in the harem and tomorrow morning he would bring the makeup people back in to remove the extra pieces and they would provide us a limo to the airport. He said he would look forward to hearing my answer.
We went back to the harem. Lisa and Michelle were cooking a meal and said that it would be ready in about an hour. My wife and I went back to our room to talk about the offer. I asked her what she thought and she said that it would be hard to turn down the offer that generous. I agreed, but I also wanted to know what she thought about the permanent job, because I didn’t want to take the offer if there was not a chance that I would consider accepting the permanent job. She thought a minute and said that she knew I was bored with my current job and that I would enjoy the job that was described to me. She added that she agreed with Ahmed that I would be good at it. Her job with the airline would allow her to work out of Las Vegas as easily as our current home.
Then I asked the big question, what about the part that changed me into a woman? She did admit that would be different, but it would still be me on the inside and I could still function as a male. She also said that she knew that our relationship is in a rut. She had talked to Terri’s wife and got her side of the positive impact the job had on their relationship. She was hoping that it could have a similar impact on ours. She wanted to know what I thought about the change. I had no fears about losing my manhood, while I have always thought of myself as a man, it was never what really defined me as a person. I had always been a curious person and had to admit that it would be interesting to experience life from the other side. I don’t live close to my brother and sisters, and I am sure that they would question the change, but I believed they would understand and accept the change. I doubted my wife’s family would be as understanding however.
We were called for supper. Heather and Ashley were out with Ahmed, but the rest of the girls were there along with Terri’s wife. The meal was naturally more towards female menu, but they did make a couple of things more towards my tastes. Lisa and Michele were good cooks and Lisa made sure the meal was healthy since she is studying nutrition. We all talked as we ate, I found that I was getting more comfortable and participating more in the conversation.
After the meal we all went to couch to watch a romantic comedy. After the movie most the girls went to other rooms to do some studying or other personal things. We joined Terri and her wife Linda to play some cards. We enjoyed them as a couple and I could see us all being good friends. We finished the card games about 11:00 and went to our rooms to prepare for leaving tomorrow. We packed up what we could and turned in for the night.
We got up about 8:00 had some breakfast and greeted the girls as they got up. At 9:00 the daily exercise session started and there was no way we were going to be able to talk our way out of it. At 10:00 the makeup people arrived to carefully remove the wig, nails and extra body parts, making sure they could be used again. I went to clean up in the bathroom, I was more self conscious now that I was back in guy more. We finished packing and said our goodbyes. A couple of the girls said that they hoped I would take the job, which I appreciated. We took a limo top the airport and boarded our flight home.
We had called our kids and had them meet us at home for supper. After we finished eating, it was time to discuss the offer. They knew I lost the bet and we would have a girl’s night out in Vegas, but the rest surprised them. They were skeptical of the story, but we assured them it was real. They didn’t think it was viable and doubted that I would go thru with it, but then we told them the details of the offer. The flying lessons sold my son on the idea and the internship in Paris sold my daughter, when I told them the money offered it seemed like a no-brainer to them.
I then needed their feedback of the permanent job and what that meant. My son kind of cringed at the mention of the surgery, while my daughter giggled. Neither of them wanted me to feel that I should do it because of what they would receive for it. They agreed that it had to be my decision. I told them that while the job sounded interesting, I probably wouldn’t normally consider the change required, but with the offers made so far, I would be a fool to not consider it. I told them that I felt I could adapt to the change and it might be interesting to experience life from the other side. I also realized that it would also affect them and other’s perception of our family, so I needed to know if they could deal with that impact and accept the change. My son agreed that it would be different, but if I thought the offer was good enough to accept, he could accept the change. My daughter just smiled and said she looked forward to seeing me deal with the changes and looked forward to going shopping with me. I thanked them for their support and we will see how the 3 month trial period went and reminded them that this needs to remain just within our family until a final decision on the long-term job. There was no reason to deal with the issues of dealing with other’s reaction until it was absolutely necessary.
I went to work the next day and talked to my boss about getting some time off and why without giving him the unnecessary details. I have a good relationship with my boss and we worked out a schedule and leave that would accommodate the time I needed to spend in Vegas.
I called Ahmed and told him that I would accept his offer and confirmed the scheduled days I would spend there. He was happy that I accepted and would start setting up a schedule for my training and would look forward to my return.
Everything was setup now for an interesting experiment and possibly an exciting life change. I couldn’t decide if I was excited at the new possibilities or scared of the changes ahead for me. It was probably a little of both, but one thing was for sure, my life was not going to be the same and that was probably a good thing.
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Kind of a different take on
Kind of a different take on TV/TG stories, will be interesting to see how this all plays out over time. J-Lynn
This is a very interesting start,
and I'm looking forward to how you have developed it. You've certainly given her plenty of hurdles to get over. Have you thought of working in some dialogue?
Great start, Rianna
What is Ahmed's phone number
I would take this job in a heart beat.
It looked like a win, win situation for our heroine. Nice story if unrealistic. I enjoyed it very much.
You're never too old to become a woman!
I liked the flow and it makes me feel there's some hope for some of us.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Romantic Infatuation with Saudi Arabia
Before I learned the realities of the culture, I really wanted to be in a Hareem there. I was sad to find out that the Ottoman's had them hundreds of years ago, but they are quite illegal now. It sounds like only very bad men have them. :(
Khadijah Gwen