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for a divorce, his wife resorts to a radical solution. This is not the sweet/sentimental
kind of story I usually write. Nothing violent, or anything, but it is not like Disney
Princess or Dusty Rose.
Author's Note: Please leave me a review? ~Clara.
This version of If You're Not Paying It...: 2 has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar.~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at .~Sephrena.
Chapter 3
"Morning, mommy," Karen kissed her mother's cheek and grabbed the bowl of cereal that was waiting for her. "Where's dad?"
Maureen checked the clock on the wall. 7:40 and Andy wasn't downstairs, yet. She knew he was up, but he was taking forever today.
"Still getting ready, I guess. We stopped for dinner last night and had a few drinks. Maybe a few too many for a Thursday night."
In fact, Maureen had only had one red wine last night with their meal. Andrew had had a drink before dinner, wine at dinner and two bourbons after dinner and one of those had just a sprinkling of the powder that Hillary had given her on Wednesday. When they'd gotten home, Maureen had led Andy to their bed and ravished him every way to Sunday. She LOVED taking the sexual lead and Andy seemed willing to follow, provided he'd had a little of the powder before hand.
Maureen walked to the foot of the steps and called up, "Andy! What's taking so long? Is everything alright?"
Andrew appeared on the upper landing, still in his bathrobe. "I don't know what you did to the wash, Mo, but everything is stretched out. Nothing fits. Look, even my boxers are falling off of me."
He opened his robe and it was true. Andy had definitely lost some body mass last night. Oops. She'd have to be careful of that. In fact, thought Maureen, he looked to be substantially smaller than usual. Almost the same size as Karen.
"I'll be right up to help you. Find a jacket, shirt and tie. I'll take care of the rest."
Maureen turned to the kitchen, "Are you all set, sweetheart? I need to go upstairs."
"I'm leaving, now, mom. See you tonight, but remember, I'm going to the game at the school at 7:30. Love you!"
"Love you, too," Maureen shouted as the kitchen door closed behind Karen.
Maureen climbed the stairs with a bit of a smirk on her face.
"My shirts seem baggy, too, Mo. What did you do to them?" Andre called from the bedroom.
"Alright, alright," she moaned. "I have some fresh clothes. Hang on."
A couple of minutes later, she walked into their bedroom with a pair of black slacks. "Here. Try these on."
He pulled them up and they fit well.
"Good," Maureen said as she held up the white shirt and he put his arms in. "You tuck it in. I'll button it." She said as she helped him get ready. She grabbed his tie and ran it through his collar then tied a neat double Windsor knot for him, then straightened it.
As she helped him pull his coat on, Andrew said, "Geez, even my suit coat feels baggy. Really baggy."
"Well, I can't help you with that," Maureen scoffed, "and you can't blame me for washing it wrong, either. That goes to the dry cleaner. Face it, Andy, you've lost some weight. You'll need to pick up a few things this weekend."
As she was headed out the bedroom door, Andrew let put an exasperated shout, "Oh, for crying out loud! Did I lose weight in my feet, too!? How is that even possible!?"
Seconds later, Maureen reappeared with a pair of obviously cheap, black loafers. "Here. These should do for today. We're running very late, now. We'll have to stop for coffee on the way. I'll meet you in the car."
They reached their offices a few minutes past 9:00. Andrew kept his jacket unbuttoned and headed for his desk without making eye contact with anyone.
"Good morning, Mr Green," Carolyn called as he passed, but he plowed ahead. "Mr Green! Mr Green!"
Andrew stopped, but didn't turn around immediately. "Yes, what is it?" He stood, slightly slouched and waited for a reply.
Suddenly, Carolyn was right behind him, speaking quietly into his ear. "Mr Cunningham is in your office. Evidently, Mr Perkins called and complained about your work on the estate."
Andrew shook his head and sighed. He didn't need this right now. "What's his complaint?"
Carolyn moved to face him, "I don't think he's complaining about the quality of the work, but about how long it took. Mr Cunningham seemed pretty angry."
He relaxed a little. As long as no one was taking too close a look at the work, he could talk his way out of a complaint about the amount of time he'd taken to finish. Finally, he straightened and looked at Carolyn. "Alright. Thank you."
At five-foot-nine-inches tall and always sporting a substantial heel, Carolyn was a formidable woman, but when Andrew looked at her this morning, she seemed a bit taller than usual. She had a similar revelation looking at Andrew.
"Are you ok, Drew? You don't look right?"
He nodded and took in a deep breath, preparing for the encounter ahead. "I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little... off. I'm fine."
"And this thing with Cunningham? Is everything going to be alright in there?"
Andrew took a quick look around the office to make sure no one was looking, then he gave Carolyn a quick peck on her cheek and said, "Just fine. Don't worry. As long as they don't look at the books too closely, we'll be fine."
He gave her another reassuring smile and headed into the office.
"Bill! What a nice surprise. What can I do for you?" He asked as he gathered as much bravado as possible and entered the office with a flourish. He was a little surprised to find Bill sitting in the desk chair, forcing Andrew to stand 'on the carpet' before his boss.
Bill glanced at his watch. "9:22? Running a little late today, Drew?"
Andrew laughed, "Not me, Bill; my car pool partner. Mo had a hard time picking out clothes this morning. Women. What can you do?" His own laughter sounded a bit more nervous than he'd intended. 'Get focused, Drew,' he thought. 'You've got this. Eye of the tiger, man. Eye of the tiger.'
There was no reaction from the other side of the desk.
"I'm going to be straight with you Drew," Bill Cunningham said. "You're on fairly thin ice here. You used to be a good lawyer, but ever since Hillary was named partner, your work has gone steadily down hill. I figured that you were just sulking about my choice, but it's been becoming a bigger problem every month since and now, clients are complaining. I don't like that and I'm not going to put up with it. Do we understand each other?"
"Sure, Bill, sure. I understand, but you have to understand that Perkins and his family were not easy to deal with..."
"The Perkins debacle is just the latest complaint, Drew. The partners were not at all happy with your behavior during yesterday's meeting, either. Let me be very clear about this: You have three months to get your act together. Get a hair cut and, for God's sake, get a suit that fits correctly and get all of your ducks in row. I will review your work in ninety days and if there is no improvement, we will have to sever our ties. Am I understood?"
"Ok, Bill. Ok. I understand and I apologize. I'll pull it together."
"Good." Bill got up to leave, but stopped and looked at Drew. "What are you wearing? That coat looks huge on you. Take it off, for heavens sake. You don't have any clients coming in today, do you?"
Drew took off the coat and draped it over the back of a chair. "No. No clients."
Bill looked at Drew without the coat. He looked better, but not quite right. As Drew moved to his desk chair, Bill said, "Be careful there. Your wallet looks like it's going to fall out of your pocket."
Drew tried to push it in further. "I know. The pockets on these pants are tiny. I don't know why."
Bill grunted an acknowledgment and turned and left the office.
Almost Immediately, the door reopened and Carolyn came in as Drew sat in his desk chair.
"Don't worry. All's well," Drew said. "I've got ninety days to get my act together. That's more than we need. Relax."
"Whew," Carolyn said. "I was nervous."
"Well, we're fine, but I think you'd better get back out to your desk so that I can start working on 'getting my ducks in a row' for Bill. I need to look contrite for the time being. Ok?"
"Ok, Drew," she said with a nod as she hustled back to her desk.
Drew let out a sigh of relief. All was still well, as he'd said. In fact, everything was coming together. With that thought, he pulled his iPad out of his briefcase and called up the online version of his favorite video game and signed on. He figured he had a good two and a half hours to play before anyone bothered him again.
"Hi, mom! Hi, daddy!" Maureen had called a local Italian restaurant and ordered a family-style lasagna for dinner, paid for it over the phone and Karen had picked it up. When Drew and Maureen entered the kitchen, Karen had already put out a clean table cloth, plates, utensils, garlic bread, serving items and the water glasses were full. At this moment, she was pulling a chilled pitcher of iced tea from the refrigerator. "Dinner's on the table!"
"Oh, it looks beautiful, Karen! Thank you so much for setting everything out," and Maureen planted a loving kiss on her daughter's cheek. "Let me just run upstairs for a moment to change. I don't want to get anything on this suit. It's linen. I'll be down in two shakes."
As His wife disappeared up the stairs, Drew smiled at his daughter as he took down a short tumbler from the cabinets and reached for a bottle of Jack Daniels to whet his appetite.
"How are you feeling, daddy?"
"I'm ok, hon. Why?"
"Well, you look pretty tired and you're wearing that oversized sports jacket."
Drew look at his coat and laughed, "Oops. I must have grabbed someone else's coat at the meeting this afternoon. I didn't even notice," he fibbed.
"I hope you didn't wear it around the office, daddy. It looks shabby and you always say that a professional needs to look his best. Here," Karen came up behind her father and gripped the shoulders of his coat, "let me take it for you."
As she assisted him by guiding the coat down his arms, she had to look twice at the back of his head. 'Did I have a growth spurt, of something? I swear we're same height,' she thought. She hung the coat over the back of a chair and proceeded to fold napkins and place them next to the plates.
Drew let put a self-satisfied, "Ahh," as the Jack Daniels burned the back of his throat.
Maureen returned wearing a new pair of jeans and a form fitting tee shirt that showed off her figure in a very non-Maureen manner.
"Wow, mom, you look great! Have you been working out?"
"Nope, just working," Maureen laughed.
"Well, it sure suits you. Are you wearing a new bra?"
"No. I just have a cami under this. Why?"
"Really? I don't know. Your girls. They just seem perkier than usual."
"Yeah. You know. Higher. Firmer. Perkier."
"Yeah. I wish," Maureen laughed as she grabbed the grated cheese from the fridge, but she knew that Karen was right. She'd noticed it, too. Since she'd started Andrew on the powder the other night, not only had he become more manageable, she'd become firmer and stronger - both physically and in her personality. She thought that they had nearly reached the equilibrium that their marriage had lacked of late. Everything was better - especially the sex. That was great.
"Come on, daddy," Karen said, cheerily, as she and Maureen took their seats, "soup's on."
Andrew downed the last of his drink, placed his glass on the counter and came to the table, but was stopped as Karen said, "Daddy, are you wearing my shirt?"
Andrew came to a dead stop and looked at his shirt, then to Maureen as he started to put together the activities of the morning.
"Yes, he is, honey," Maureen said. "Daddy has lost a good deal of weight in the last few days and we couldn't find anything for him to wear this morning, so I borrowed a few things from you. You don't mind, do you?"
"No, I don't mind at all. I'm just surprised. You can borrow anything you need, any time, daddy." Karen's laugh was teasing, but it hit Andrew pretty hard.
"I wore my daughter's shirt to work!?" His anger was palpable.
"Yes, dear," Maureen said with the air of an elementary school teacher who was not about to argue with a student. "You're also wearing her slacks and shoes. Oh, and the boy shorts your wearing under your pants are Karen's, too. You had no clothes, we were in a rush and I found you some that fit just fine, now, just sit down and eat before it gets cold."
Andrew was furious, he wanted to yell and scream. He wanted to smack Maureen. He wanted to yell at Karen for giggling at him. He wanted to... He wanted to... He wanted to let go at everyone, but, instead, he just sat in confusion as Maureen placed a piece of lasagna on his plate.
What was going on? How had he lost control of everything? Why wasn't he fighting back? Where was his backbone? Was he drunk? No. He'd only had a finger of Jack. That wasn't much.
"How was school, sweetheart?" Maureen asked Karen.
The conversation went on with out him while he managed to get his thoughts in order. He'd figure this out and deal with it. If he just needed some new clothes, he'd get them tomorrow. If he needed to see a doctor, he'd call the office on Monday.
"What?" He said, being drawn from his reverie by a question from Maureen.
"I asked you if it was ok with you for Karen to go out with Brian tonight?"
"Brian?" he asked. "Who's Brian?"
"Who's Brian? Weren't you paying attention, Andy? Karen just asked if she could go out with Brian, the boy in her Calculus Class, to get an ice cream after dinner." Maureen was a bit concerned about how befuddled Andy seemed right now. Was it the powder, alcohol or was he really that thrown by the discovery that he could share his daughter's wardrobe? "Are you ok, Andy?"
"I'm fine. Just feeling a little off today." He turned to his daughter. "Brian, huh? Is he a good boy? Should I have the father-to-boyfriend talk before you go out?"
"No, daddy, you certainly should not have 'the talk' with him or anyone else. We're just going to go to Diary Queen for an ice cream. Maybe a movie tomorrow night if we get along tonight."
"Wow, you are such a pragmatist, honey," Maureen said. "When I was young, we all fell in love at the drop of a hat, but you're taking everything in such orderly steps."
"Love!?" Karen feigned insult. "Mom, I barely know him. I need to get to know him first." Her smile was huge and her cheeks were flushed, but Karen was determined to appear controlled and in charge of her relationships.
"Andy?" Maureen asked, "What do you think?"
"Fine with me," he shrugged.
Maureen smiled at Karen, "Have fun, honey. Take a twenty out of my purse before you go."
When they'd finished, Maureen turned on the coffee maker and made a cup for Andrew and herself, while Karen went to the bathroom to freshen her face. When she placed Andrew's on the table, he immediately rose and went to the cabinet he'd used earlier and added just a splash of Jack Daniels to the coffee.
As he was returning the bottle to its shelf, Maureen's phone rang. "Hello?"
It was obvious from her tone of voice that it was a business call. She walked out into the living room as Karen returned to the room. As Karen rummaged through her mother's pocketbook to take out a twenty-dollar bill, Andrew rummaged through the cabinets looking for something.
"Damn it!" Andrew grunted as he slammed a cabinet door.
"What's the matter?" Karen asked.
"Nothing," he said, "we are just out of sugar and I can't drink coffee without some."
"Here," Karen said, "mom has some Splenda in here purse. How many do you want?"
"I'll take four, thanks."
Karen handed him the small, yellow tubes and kissed he father's cheek. "Bye, daddy. Tell mom I said 'Bye' and I'll be home around 11:00" and out the door she went.
Ten minutes later, Maureen returned to the kitchen, "Did Karen leave already?"
"Yes," Andrew said as he stood from his seat, leaving an empty cup of coffee on the table. He went to his wife, gently placed his hands on her hips and said, "which means we have the house to our selves for a few hours. Let's go upstairs."
As he hugged her, Maureen could feel the erection in his pants. She lightly brushed her hand over the crotch of her daughter's pants that her husband was wearing. She found it all so erotic and, obviously, so did Andy. She hadn't felt him this hard without a lot of foreplay for over a decade.
"Why go upstairs," she asked, "if we have the house to ourselves?" She reached down and caressed his penis through his pants eliciting an excited moan from her husband. Emboldened by this response, she undid the button on the slacks that he was wearing, the slacks that belonged to her daughter - oh, God! The sensations that she was currently feeling was beyond exciting! - and she reached into his panties and grabbed his member firmly, using it as a handle to guide him into the living room.
As soon as they reached the soft, area rug in the center of the room, Andrew was frantic to get Maureen's pants unbuttoned, but, in his haste and excitement, was unable to accomplish this easy task.
"Let me do it, Andy," she said as she continued to hold and lightlypump his manhood, while using her free hand to undo her own pants.
When the button and zipper were down, Andrew knelt and pulled her pants and jeans to the floor, revealing her nicely trimmed womanhood. Andrew caught sight of her vagina and froze in a gaze of horny astonishment. To Maureen, he looked like a boy seeing a woman's organs for the first time. His eyes were wide with wonder and wanting. Without warning, he grabbed his wife by the hips and plunged his tongue into her and frantically licked.
Maureen threw her head back in ecstasy. When they were young, it was rare that Andy would go down on her, but as they grew older, he never did - and he had never shown this much enthusiasm for it before. This was all so amazing! Just a few days of using the powder and here was her know-it-all husband on his knees pleasuring her as if his life depended on it. She felt young. She felt sexy. She felt in-love, but more than anything, she felt - Powerful.
It was 11:55pm when the phone in the charger on Hillary's nightstand started ringing. She had only been in bed about ten minutes and she was reading the latest John Grisham novel on her iPad, nevertheless, a ringing phone at this hour was always jarring. For the first fifteen years of her career, she had been on call for clients who were arrested at night, or needed an attorney during off-hours for any reason, but it had been a long time since those days.
She grabbed the phone and looked at the screen. "Mo," it said . Immediately, thoughts of Maureen or Karen being hurt or ill flashed through her mind.
As she disconnected the phone from the charger and pulled it towards her, Hillary's husband rolled toward her and asked, "Who is it?"
"Mo!? Is everything ok?"
"I don't know, yet," she said to her husband as she pushed the 'Accept' button and spoke into the phone, "Mo? Are you ok?"
Maureen's voice was breathless and frightened, "I don't know what's wrong with him. First he was having convulsions and then... then he started changing."
Hillary pulled back the covers and climbed out of bed and walked into the hallway, closing the bedroom door behind her. "Who? Andrew? Changing how!?"
"Hilly, he's shrinking. He got a lot smaller, really quickly. I don't know what to do!"
"Mo, how much powder did you give him, for crying out loud?"
"I did what you told me! I gave him a packet Wednesday night and I sprinkled a little in his drink yesterday and today. That's all, I swear!"
"Shit." Hillary ran her hand from her forehead backwards, through her hair as she tried to think. "Look, Mo, I'm coming over. I'm going to call Dr Perez and have her come, too, ok? I'll be there in fifteen minutes."
"Ok, but, Hill, it's not just that he's shrinking. He looks, younger and..."
Hillary waited for the end of the sentence, even though she had an idea as to what Mo was going to say. There was silence. "And what, Mo?"
".... And... he's got breasts."
"I'll be right over."
Chapter 4
The living room, where Karen and Sadie slept on the large sectional sofa, was dark except for the light that came in from the kitchen where Maureen, Hillary, Jenny and Dr Joy Perez sat around the table sipping tea and discussing the situation. It was 2:23am, nearly an hour since Andrew had been stabilized. He was still unconscious, sleeping soundly.
"He looked so small when we changed the sheets and redressed him," Jenny said. "He'll be ok, though, right?"
"He'll be fine, Jenny," Dr Perez said. "Give his system about twenty eight days to flush out the powder and we can start him on the process of regrowing and re-masculating."
"Re-masculating!? That's a new one for me," Maureen said with an exhausted shake of her head. "Why twenty-eight days, though, doctor?"
"Because he's a human and all humans operate on a twenty-eight day cycle. It's just more obvious in females."
"So," Hillary chimed in, "if I could be the pragmatic one here, how do we handle the next twenty-eight days? We need some kind of a story to tell Andrew and everyone at work. Obviously, we can't tell them the truth. If they didn't believe us, they'd have us locked up. If the did believe us, they'd have us locked up, too."
"I suggest," Dr Perez said, "that we concoct a store in which Andy has had a severe allergic reaction, which, in a way, is true. That seems plausible to me."
They all agreed.
"Something you should know, though," the doctor continues, " even though Andy will be more compliant than usual, he will not be happy. You can expect some rebellion. And, since his body is being bombarded by female hormones, just like a girl in puberty, those rebellions may resemble those of an eleven to twelve year old girl. He may be very emotional and unreasonable. You'll need to keep an eye on him until he's back to normal. Well, as normal as possible."
"Unreasonable would not be unusual for Andy, believe me," Maureen sighed. "That was what pushed me to try this treatment - his unreasonableness."
"If you take a stand with him, though, as you would with a petulant child, you will find him much more compliant than usual," the doctor said, as she stood.
"You know, Mo," Hillary interrupted, "you should get him to sign a Power of Attorney document while he's in this condition. I know that seems a little mercenary at the moment, but, as your lawyer, I strongly suggest that you do that. If something happens in the the next month, you need to be able to speak for Andrew."
"That is an excellent idea," Dr Perez nodded, "but, for now, I suggest that you all get some rest. I'll go back up and sit with him, but I don't expect that he'll be stirring until this afternoon."
Jenny and Maureen nodded and headed into the living room to try to catch some sleep with their daughters, but Hillary joined the doctor. "If you don't mind, Joy, I'll sit with you."
"Of course you can join me. I'd enjoy the company, but don't worry. He'll be ok."
"Oh, I know. I just want to be there when he wakes up. I wouldn't miss that for the world!"
"Mom, he's starting to wake up." It was Karen's voice, but Andrew couldn't pull his eyelids apart to see her. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a tiny moan.
"Just relax, Mr Green. It will take a few minutes for you to wake up completely. Don't try to rush it." Who's voice was that? He couldn't make it out.
"Oh, thank God. You had me so scared, Andy." Definitely Maureen. She sounded worried. What had happened?
"Get a chair for your aunt, Sadie." That was Jenny. Why was she here.
"Here, Auntie." That was Sadie.
Someone took Andrew's hand. It felt like Maureen, but not. Who ever it was had a soft hand, like Mo, but the hand was much bigger than Maureen's. Weird.
"Just relax, Andy, you'll be fine." Maureen's voice was close to his ear. Her tone was different, though. It was as if she was speaking to a sick child.
"Mmmm," Andrew tried to speak, but his mouth was dry.
"Here you go, sweetie." There was that condescending tone, again, and this time it sounded like Hillary. What was that bitch doing here?
Andrew felt a straw enter his mouth. He swallowed some lukewarm water.
"Ok, Mr Green." Who was that? "Let's try to open our eyes. Very slowly, now."
His eyes fluttered, but there was a lot of light in the room and it hurt like hell. It hurt like he had a hangover.
"Relax for a minute, Mr Green, then try again."
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr Green," the voice said, "I'm Dr Perez. I was called in to look after you. You're going to be just fine. You're pretty dehydrated, so you'll probably have a headache, but it will pass. Let's try to open our eyes again."
'Our eyes?' Were her's closed too? She was talking to him as if he were a child or an old man.
Andrew's eyes fluttered open and, after a brief battle with the light, remained that way. Maureen was to his right, holding his hand, and Karen was to his left, patting his head. Next to Karen was Sadie and Jenny. Next to Mo was Hillary. At the foot of the bed was a tall, beautiful woman who must be Dr Perez.
"Why is everyone here? What happened?" His voice was odd, high and little. Why?
"You gave us quite a scare, honey," Maureen said in that annoying, motherly tone. "You had a very severe allergic reaction to the sweetener you put into your coffee after dinner last night. It really hit you hard."
"Allergic reaction?" Andrew was confused. "Did I stop breathing or something?"
Maureen got out of the chair she'd been sitting in, looked at the others and sat on the side of the bed. She played with his hair as she spoke in that damned maternal voice, again. "Well, Andy, you went into convulsions and your body changed a bit."
"My body changed a bit!?" he half shouted, again aware of the strangeness of his voice. Suddenly, he noticed that Maureen was playing with more hair than he should have had. Yes, he had worn a pony tail for more than a decade, but there was more than there should be.
"Quite a bit, Mr Green," said the doctor. "If you're strong enough, I'd like to get you out of bed so we can explain all of this to you."
"Are you ready, honey?" Maureen asked again. She was still using that voice and patting his head like he was a child and playing with his too-long hair.
He nodded.
Maureen stood and pulled back the covers, offering him assistance.
That's when he noticed it. "What the fuck am I wearing!?" He shouted.
"Andrew Green, watch your mouth," Maureen scolded. "Your daughter and niece are in the room."
"You're wearing one of my nighties, Uncle Andy," Sadie said. "I'm sorry that it's a little big on you, but it's one of my favorites. I wanted to give you something that was soft and comfortable."
Andrew was completely taken aback by Maureen's response and couldn't even process what Sadie had just said. He climbed out of bed, trying to get his head around why he was wearing a soft, white nightgown with thin straps across his shoulders, a fitted bodice and a flouncy skit that reached to just above his knees. "I'm... I'm sorry, Mo, but... wait. Why are you so much taller than me?" He looked around the room. "Why... why are you all taller than me!?"
"Now, sweetheart, just calm down..." Maureen started, but Andrew interrupted.
"Calm down! What the hell has happened to me!?"
"Andy, honey,"'Jenny started to call across the bed, but almost immediately the room became a chaos of people telling him to calm down, which only managed to upset him even more.
Suddenly, the doctor was standing in front of him with her hands on his bare shoulders. "Just take a seat, Mr Green, and let me explain." She helped him sit back down on the bed as she pulled the chair that Maureen had been using up and sat in it so that her knees and Andrew's were touching. She leaned forward and took both of his hands in hers and held them on his lap while she looked into his eyes. She was much taller than him, but under the circumstances, he was having a hard time judging heights relative to his own.
She rubbed his hands with her fingers as she spoke. When she did speak, it was a voice of reason and calm. Very doctorly, but very maternal as well. Andrew wanted to hate it, but he found her demeanor to be very calming and reassuring.
"Now, Andy," she said with that cooing voice, "I need you to calm down and pay attention to what I am going to tell you. Can you do that for me?"
Again, Andrew wanted to yell, or lash out, but she seemed so nice. He just nodded his consent to cooperate.
The doctor smiled as she continued. "Good. Thank you, Andy. Now, your body has had a reaction to the sweetener that you used last night. Do you understand that?"
He nodded.
"That's good, Andy. As a result, your body has undergone a substantial change, but that change is only temporary. Do you understand, that?"
He nodded, again.
"Good. Now, sweetie, how tall were you the last time you were measured?"
Andrew thought for a moment. "Six-foot-one-and-a-half inches in my bare feet."
"Wow," the doctor smiled as she looked into his eyes. "You were a big guy, weren't you?"
He nodded.
"Well, baby, I'm afraid that things will be a little different for the next twenty-eight days or so."
Had she just called him 'baby?'
"You see, because of the reaction, you've lost a good deal of mass and muscle. That's very unusual, but it's nothing we can't fix, ok? It will just take us about a month to clean out your system and start getting your body back to normal. So, the long and the short of it, darling, is that you are a lot smaller than before, but we can fix that."
Again, Andrew wanted to lash out, but her hands were so soft and warm and safe. He nodded and asked, "How tall am I?"
She smiled as if she was about to deliver great news. "Well, you were laying down when we checked, but it appears that you are four foot-eleven and a half."
His eyes widened and he wanted to scream, but she touched his cheek with one of those soft, warm hands and she smiled so sincerely that he just stared back at her.
"That not so bad, is it, dear?" She asked in that mommy voice.
"I guess not," he said, although he couldn't understand why.
"And one more thing, baby," the doctor continued, "you look a lot different, too."
"How?" He asked, not as concerned as he had been before. He was confident that this woman could fix everything.
"Well, you see, the sweetener was really made for ladies, not little boys, like you, so not only did it make you smaller, it made you look, just a bit, like a little girl."
"Oh, but don't worry your pretty little head, baby. With your hair already shoulder length before and then your body shrinking, it reached to the middle of your back, now, so between that and your breasts, you are a very, very pretty little thing."
For a moment, the doctor's spell was broken and Andrew looked down at the top of his nightie and the gap created there by the very obvious breasts that protruded from his chest. "My breasts!?" His voice was tiny and breathless. The doctor put her hand on his chin and raised it so that she made eye contact with him again.
"Yes, and they are very pretty breasts for such a little thing as you." She smiled at him and he melted a bit. "You should be proud of them, Andy. You make a very pretty young lady. What a wonderful opportunity for a boy like you to experience life as a girl, don't you think?"
He didn't know why, but he nodded. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
"I saw a picture of your sister, Jenny, when she was your size and you are the spit and image of her. Isn't that so, Jenny?"
The doctor and Andrew never broke eye contact as Jenny spoke. "It's true, Andy. It's like you're my twelve-year-old twin. You look more like me at that age than my own daughter did."
The doctor smiled and said, "See and wasn't Jenny a beautiful little girl?"
He nodded. It was true. Jenny was a beautiful little girl and very well endowed at an early age. It made sense that he'd look like her, after all, since she was his little sister.
"Ok," the doctor smiled, "now it's time to put on your slippers and come down stairs and have a little something to eat. Can you do that for me, Andy? Can you be an adult and stay calm and come down stairs with us?"
Andy nodded, eager to please. He smiled and pulled himself off of the bed where there were some little, white scuffs waiting for his little feet. He put them on, took the doctor's hand and headed out the door with the doctor talking to him the whole time.
"We'll keep you busy as your body heals and then, in a month or so, you'll grow big and strong again. Ok?"
He nodded and accompanied her down the stairs leaving the others to gape in amazement.
Maureen glanced into the living room where Andrew sat on the sectional with his daughter and his niece watching an old comedy on the TV. Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis were both trying to win the hand of Marilyn Monroe. It was a great film and seemed oddly appropriate for today.
Twice, Andy had asked for a beer and twice he'd been reminded that he did not have the appropriate body for alcohol. Several times, he'd gotten a little antsy, but the Doctor Perez's calming voice brought him back each time.
"This is the weirdest day of my life," Maureen said as she returned to the table to join the other woman. "My big, headstrong, 'my way or the highway' husband looks like a child - a pretty, little girl, at that - and he's enjoying an evening with his daughter and niece watching a romantic comedy. I swear, if we could have sex, it would be the perfect evening."
The others laughed.
"You can have sex while he's like this, Mo," Dr Perez said in a hushed voice, "but I'd wait a day or so to be sure he's stable."
Maureen raised her eyebrows and thought about sex with her little-girl husband. "That could be kinky," she laughed, prompting the others to giggle, too.
"The big challenge will be his attitude" Dr Perez said. "You need to keep him in check so that he doesn't run to the authorities - not that they'd believe him, but this is the perfect opportunity to train him correctly."
"Like a puppy," Hillary joked.
"No," Dr Perez was being serious, "train him to be a decent human being. From what I have heard, this is an opportunity to get back the man you loved, Mo. Don't squander it by being to softhearted with him. You saw how I handled him, well, try that, but I warn you, he will have some moments that will try your patience and you need to be very firm with him in those moments. Remember, you're the grown up. Even though he's been here for forty one years, he's going to look and sometimes act like a child for the next few weeks. You need to always be in charge."
"Ok," Maureen said.
"I wish this hadn't been necessary," Jenny said. "I was just thinking of how things were when I was that age. He was a good brother. Supportive. Involved. I wonder what happened. I'd love to have that Andy back."
"Me, too," sighed Maureen.
"Me too," said Hillary. "He used to be a nice guy. Just a bit of that frat-boy attitude that gets under my skin, but a nice guy. He's been such a prick lately though. Just let me know if I can help, Mo."
"Me too," said Jenny.
Maureen reached to her right to take Jenny's hand and to her left to take Hillary's. "I know, girls and thanks. As a matter of fact, I could use some help tomorrow. It seems that I have got to go buy my big, manly husband a few new bras and panties."
Hillary's laugh was a guffaw. "Now that sound like a great way to spend a Sunday!!"
Chapter 5
Karen and Sadie were in the back of the minivan, while Maureen drove and Hillary had the shot-gun-seat. Andrew was sitting in the second row, passenger side seat beside Jenny who was continually taking his hand, or fixing his hair, but talking in that same, reassuring way that the doctor had used. It had been years since Andrew had had a long conversation with his sister and, even though this situation was pretty weird, it was nice to reconnect with her.
"I think you'll get used to things pretty quickly, Andy," she smiled at him. "I work with girls all day, everyday and at home, it's just Sadie and me. You'll be fine for a month. Sadie is very excited to take you shopping today and, I have to say, I am kinda excited, too. I mean, how many women get to take their big brothers shopping for their first bra. That's a big day for a girl. You should savor this experience, Andy."
Andrew couldn't quite build up the enthusiasm that Jenny seemed to desire, but he smiled at her and nodded. He'd get through this, somehow.
When they disembarked at the mall, Andrew hopped out of the minivan and a breeze caught the light material of his dress, raising it up high enough so that he had to hold down his skirts to keep it from flying up over his waist.
"Have a little modesty, there, young lady," Hillary joked. "Remember that there may be young men around. You don't want them to think you're easy."
He had been very calm all morning, but he still hated Hillary and he couldn't help but respond to this teasing. "Oh, shut up, will you, please..."
"Andrew!" Maureen's shout caught him by surprise. He didn't know she'd come to this side of the minivan. "How dare you speak to your Aunt Hillary that way. You apologize right this second!"
"Apologize? No way!" It was a pretty little girl with Andrew's obnoxious attitude and Maureen was not about to take it.
"Ok, young lady," Maureen's voice was soft, but dangerous, "you have until the count of three to say, 'I'm sorry that I was rude, Auntie Hillary,' or I will pull you over my knee, right here in this parking lot, and give you the spanking of your life. Do you understand me, Andrew?"
He felt the heat of fear rise in his chest. Would she actually do that? Right here? He didn't know the answer.
As Maureen started counting, Jenny sat in the sliding door opening of the minivan and took the tiny hands of her frightened and feminine brother in hers. She looked into his eyes and smiled.
"Andy, you were pretty rude to Auntie Hillary, now weren't you?" Her voice was soft and her touch was comforting, like the doctor's.
He nodded.
"Then the right thing to do would be to apologize, right?"
He nodded
"Then, go ahead, honey. Apologize."
Andrew turned his head, his eyes downcast, leaving his hands in Jenny's. "I'm sorry," he said to Hillary.
"I'm sorry, who?" Maureen's voice was irritated.
"I'm sorry, Aunt Hillary." Andrew was defeated, but when he turned back to Jenny, he felt better.
Hillary grinned at Maureen. "We'll work on getting him to say 'Auntie' next time."
"Very good, Andy," Jenny said. "That was very grown up of you. I'm very proud of you."
Andrew smiled. He didn't know why, but approval from grown ups seemed very important right now.
"Mom," Karen whispered, "I think that Auntie Jenny has the magic touch."
"Probably from spending day in and day out with little girls in school."
Sadie joined the conversation, "Maybe, but that's how she always spoke to me when I was little. I still only want to make her proud. She's very good at getting kids to do what she wants."
Shopping and dinner made for an endless afternoon. Andrew had a bra fitting, tried on shoes and God knows how many articles of clothing. Hillary kept pushing Maureen towards dresses and skirts, but, mercifully, most of the purchases were tee shirts and shorts and other gender-neutral items. The saleswomen were very pleasant and seemed genuinely excited about making sure that this young girl was properly dressed to face the world.
Dinner was at Olive Garden. Not great, but not bad. When they'd entered, Andrew had fantasies about a big meal of meat and pasta with a cup of soup to start. Sadly, though, the 'grown ups' ordered for him and he was only allowed a small salad and one bread stick. The 'grown ups' drank wine while he had an iced tea with Karen and Sadie, who included him in their conversation, but he was oblivious to the music, TV or movies they discussed.
When they got home, Andrew was exhausted and was perfectly happy to have his wife strip him, pull a new pair of cotton panties up his legs lower a new, cotton nightie over his head.
He crawled up into bed and, moments later, Maureen, wearing a sleep-tee and sleep-boxers climbed in beside him. He rolled onto his side and she pulled him into a spoon, in much the same way as he had done to her when they were first married. It didn't matter that she was bigger than him or that she was wearing boxers and he was wearing a soft, lacy nightie. It felt good.
She nestled her nose in his hair and smelled the strawberry shampoo that she'd had him use that morning and a hint of the hairspray that she'd used to hold his pretty blonde hair in place. She liked it. She didn't like that there was what appeared to be a pubescent little girl in her bed, but she loved that the pubescent little girl was her husband.
"Will you be ok alone here tomorrow while Karen is at school and I'm at work?" She whispered to him.
"I'll be fine. I can take care of myself."
"I know, but the way that you look right now... I forget that you're a grown up. You're so cute this way."
There was no response.
"And, except for that incident with your Auntie Hillary, you were very good today as well."
Still no response.
Her hand that was on his belly moved just enough to feel the underside of Andrew's right breast. She lingered there and felt the soft firmness of him and she felt excited. Gradually, she moved her hand so that her right hand engulfed the breast. She felt him shift ever so slightly so that she had more access to it. She smiled as she fondled the nipple through the thin, soft cotton of the nightie.
"That feels nice, doesn't it?"
He let out a slight moan which encouraged her to fondle the nipple even harder.
The moan grew with each manipulation.
"See," she whispered, "this is what you get when you're a good girl for mommy."
When he rolled onto his back, his face was flushed and his breathing was fast. He threw his arms around Maureen's neck and planted a deep kiss on her lips. She sat up a bit higher and kissed him back.
Then, without warning, she bent down and nibbled his engorged nipple through the cotton nightie.
"Ahhh!" he sighed.
"Oh, what a good little girl you are," she whispered and returned to his nipple.
"I'm not a girl. I'm a boy. I mean... I'm a man." His attempt to be manly was even cuter than the nightie.
"Show me," Maureen whispered.
As she continued to nibble and suckle, he pulled up his nightie and pulled down his panties revealing a penis that, although still usable, was a pale reminder of its former prowess.
She glanced at it and giggled. "That's not a man's penis, baby. That's just a little girl's penis. Feel it and see how small it is."
He reached down with his left hand and felt his greatly reduced manhood. It was truly tiny.
"Play with it and maybe it will grow," Maureen whispered.
He grasped the shaft in his hand and started massaging and caressing it. Soon his hips were thrusting to his own efforts. The tiny piece of meat had grown a little, but only just a little and he was going to town on it as sweat beaded his face.
Maureen sat back a bit and guided his right hand to the nipple of his right breast. "Play with this, too, little girl. It will feel nice."
He did and soon he was approaching a huge climax.
Maureen couldn't believe what she was watching. He masturbating himself for her pleasure and she loved every second of it.
"That's a girl. That's a good, good girl. Oh, baby, don't stop. Tell me that you're mommy's good girl..."
"I am. I'm mommy's good girl," he nearly shouted as he exploded and rope after rope of his own seed landed on his tummy and hand.
When he could breath again, he looked at Maureen.
"Oh, little girl, that was amazing. No need to be sorry."
"But I made a mess," he may have been sweating from the exertion or he may have been on the verge of tears, Maureen couldn't tell.
"Shh," she cooed at him. Come with mommy to the bathroom and I'll clean you up. Don't worry, you've been a very, very good girl."
To Be Continued...
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a little bit ick
he might have the mind of an adult, but that was borderline pedophile behavior ...