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and there are some pretty severe consequences to loving his life as a woman. This all
began as a way to ease stress in his marriage, but now it looks like continuing along
this path may destroy his relationship with his wife. Lots of decisions to be made!
This is the final installment of this story.
I don't know if this chapter warrants an X rating or not, but it is certainly the most graphic
story I have ever written.
Author's Note: I hope that you enjoyed it and thank you to everyone who has commented or emailed. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Leave your comments and critiques. I love reading them and they are very helpful feed back for me as I try to constantly improve my writing ~Clara.
This version of Marriage is a Compromise: 3 Final has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar. ~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at . ~Sephrena.
Chapter 3
"Make yourselves comfortable," Kate said as Patrick, Parker and Olivia entered her office. "Grab a snack and a drink from my kitchenette. We're going to be here a while."
Pootie seemed unperturbed about being called into his boss's office, but Parker and Olivia were very concerned. They had, after all, just been through a financial disaster due to the strike at Allegro. They really couldn't take another financial hit right now.
"If you don't mind me asking, Kate," Olivia took the lead, "what is this all about? I mean, did Parker do something wrong? Is he getting fired? Because, honestly, I kinda pushed him in this direction. If I pushed too far or too quickly, we can back off on his look."
"YOU pushed him in this direction?" Kate asked. "Really? Now, that is interesting!"
Olivia blinked at that remark.
"Don't worry, Livy," Pootie said. "If Kate had an issue with anything happening in the club, she wouldn't beat around the bush, would you Kate?"
Kate just smiled at her star.
"This is about what just happened on stage, am I right darling?" Pootie was still in his over the top stage mode.
Again, Kate's only response was a smile.
"I'm sorry, Kate," Parker joined the conversation, holding on to Olivia's hand for support. "I know that I shouldn't have been on the stage. It just sort of happened and... well... don't blame Poot. I could have said no, you know..."
"Oh, please," Patrick interrupted. "No one says no to Pootie and besides, you loved every second of it, little sister. I watched you. You can't deny it."
"Alright, Alright," Kate called everyone to order with her raised voice. "Firstly, no one did anything wrong. Secondly, I need to know what Olivia, it is Olivia, correct? We haven't really been introduced."
"Oh... yes," Olivia stood and reached across Kate's desk to shake hands. "I'm sorry. I'm Olivia Corbet, Parker's wife. The woman tending bar told be you were Kate."
"Nice to meet you, Olivia," Kate shook her hand. "Now, when you say you 'pushed' our little Pixie, here, what exactly do you mean."
"Oh... well... Parker wasn't really interested in dressing for work, but after I heard about how much money he could make... I kinda forced him to try it. He really didn't want to."
Kate looked at Parker, the turned back to Olivia with an incredulous look on her face. "You FORCED him?"
"Well, that I do not believe. I cannot believe that any man, even one as petite as Parker, could be FORCED to become the person sitting here right now. This person enjoys being a girl, that's very obvious. Has this 'change' in his behavior impacted your sex life?"
Olivia sat back in her chair, then folded first her arms and then her legs as she stared at Kate.
"I beg your pardon?"
Kate laughed off Olivia's reaction. "Look, Olivia, I'm not interested in what you do in your own bed, but I want to be sure that what I am about to propose doesn't interfere with what happens there. Am I making myself clear?"
"No. Not at all," Olivia remained in her protective position.
"Livy," Pootie jumped in, "I think that Kate is trying to offer Parker a more lucrative position here, but that position might require still more... modifications... and she wants to be sure that you're ok with them and that they don't interfere with your marriage. Right, Kate?"
"Exactly," Kate agreed. "Because that is the very last thing I'd want to do."
Olivia finally relaxed, a bit. "Ok. I see, but, well, I know that Parker and I are new to this business, but I want to make something clear before we go on. Our personal life is our own business. We are not going to discuss things that happen between us with you. No offense, but what doesn't impact his work here is none of your business."
Already a bit uncomfortable about being called into Kate's office and feeling more vulnerable than ever do to his new persona, Parker sat holding Olivia's hand, grateful that she was there to speak for him.
"Understood," Kate smiled, "but let me ask you a question, Olivia. You're a nurse, right? Does that job impact your home life at all?"
"No. Not really." Olivia considered things for a moment. "I mean, it's a good job that pays pretty well, so there's that kind of impact. Other than that, no."
"So, working all kinds of hours... that doesn't impact your home life?"
"A little, I suppose..."
"And when you come home in your scrubs, do you immediately change into sexy clothes for your husband?"
"No. Of course not, but..."
"And if you think about it, is your manner and way of speaking maybe more... clinical than it was when you were younger?"
This question flummoxed Olivia a moment. "Well... Yeah... I suppose I get what you mean. I do speak a certain way at work and I guess some of that comes home with me, sure. I mean, Park says that I'm the only woman he knows who 'mansplains' everything to him. That's probably because I'm used to kind of pontificating on the job. So what's your point?"
"My point is," Kate was still smiling, "the attitudes that we take on when we're doing our jobs eventually will become who we are. Now, I was on the floor for about an hour tonight and I watched our little Pixie fluttering from table to table. Every now and again I would see a hint of Parker - a smile, or a slouch of the shoulder - but for the most part, I just saw a hard working, young woman named Pixie out there. That's great, but I am telling you from experience, he's going to change a lot as Pixie emerges. It's only natural."
Olivia shot a worried glance at Parker, then returned her attention to Kate. "Look, Kate, we worked hard over the weekend to get Park ready for tonight. He learned a lot about being a woman, but he's still Parker and he can go back to being his old self with a haircut and a dye job. His eyebrows will grow back and the holes in his ears will heal. So none of this is a huge deal, right? As long as he's happy here and for as long as he needs to be working here, what difference does it make?"
"The difference, Livy," Patrick touched his sister-in-law's upper arm with affection, "is that he's not going to be working in an office with professional, reserved women. He's going to be working here, with a bunch of flamboyant queens. That doesn't mean that he's going to suddenly turn gay or anything, but he's definitely going to develop a swish to his step. Once that becomes second nature, you're going to see that seeping into his behavior at home too. It's inevitable."
"And that swish has broken up more than one marriage," Kate said seriously, "including my own."
That statement surprised both Parker and Olivia.
"Yes," Patrick said to his boss, "but to be perfectly honest, Justine was already curious about playing for my team before she started working here. I take full responsibility for the swishiness, but you know that she was already seeing a little twink on the sly before she came to The El."
"Justine?" Parker was very surprised. "He was your husband?"
"For eleven happy years," Kate said, sadly. "Well, ten happy years, then one long, difficult year of revelations and reevaluations. It was a tough thing to go through and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, Liv. That's why we're having this chat, now. If Parker continues to work at The El Camino as a waitress, then you're bound to see him develop some more effeminate behavior, but if I offer him a job on the stage with Pootie, then all of those mannerisms will need to be amped up, a lot. So, you're going to see a lot more - as Pootie and the girls on the floor refer to it - 'Swish' in his behavior. It may even go further than that, if he really wants to follow in Pootie's footsteps."
Olivia digested all of this. Parker was never a macho guy, that would have seemed very incongruous for someone as tiny as him, but he'd never been effeminate- until two days ago when she kind of forced all of this on to him. Why, just a few minutes ago, when they'd entered Kate's Office, she'd watched with pride as he smoothed his skirts beneath him when he sat. She doubted that he'd ever become a 'screaming queen,' but how would she feel about him if he was a truly swishy sissy?
But then - what if he weren't a sissy? What if he actually lived as a women and stayed at The El Camino when Allegro went back to work? That might actually be quite nice. She did like him this way. Could they maintain a relationship like that?
"Look," Olivia said, still trying to sort out her thoughts, "I love Park. Nothing is going to change that, but you've given me a lot to think about. The last two days have been a lot of fun for me - for both of us. It was like I had a little sister to dress up and teach everything about being a woman. It's been a blast, but..." she stopped to think some more.
"What about the bedroom?" Kate asked.
"Again," Olivia's face smiled, but her tone did not, "none of your business."
"Ok," Kate gave a knowing nod, "but I guarantee that things have already changed. I'm not stupid, Liv. I can see that you guys are enjoying this. Don't be embarrassed. Since I came here, I've seen it happen many times. Formally traditional couples find some cross dressing exciting and it all seems like some innocent fun, but not every woman is able to live with the long term consequences of that fun. Do you think that you can?"
Olivia was very uncomfortable with all of this and she didn't immediately answer, so Kate continued, her voice as kind as she could make it. "I just want you to think about that as you consider the offer that I'm about to make to our little Pixie, here."
Kate's attention turned to Parker. "Pixie, you did a great job tonight, both as a waitress and on stage, and I am very happy that you're taking the opportunities that The El Camino is offering seriously. I believe that the boys and girls that work for me should be well paid for their work. It's good for moral and it's just good business. Understand?"
Parker nodded.
"That being said, I'd like to offer you another opportunity. Pootie is the Queen of The El, as you know, and she is a brilliant performer, obviously. Over the past couple of years, we've been constructing a great show, but finding classy female impersonators is difficult - gaudy drag queens are everywhere, but we've been looking for another performer of Pootie's caliber for a long time, haven't we, Pootie?"
"No, Kate," he smiled. "YOU'VE been looking for a long time. I knew exactly who I wanted, but I never in a million years dreamed it would be possible. And I never would have asked you up to the stage if you hadn't come in looking so picture-perfect tonight, Park. It just all came together - like fate! Like kismet!"
"Or maybe like hubris," Kate interrupted. "Let's just be careful moving forward, shall we?"
Parker and Olivia looked at each other and each smiled, sadly.
"Maybe," Parker said, "we shouldn't even discuss having me join Poot's show, then, Liv. I don't want anything to come between us."
Olivia looked as if she was going to cry. Frankly, so did he.
"If that's what you want, baby." Olivia was very sincere.
He nodded, resolved, but not sure if he should be happy with that resolution.
"Listen, Park," Patrick spoke quietly, fraternally. "I just want you to know what you may be able to make if you join me, ok? Kate and I are going to throw this out there and I'll never mention it again. If you ever want to join me, though, all you have to do is say so. And remember, no matter what, I love you, right?"
"Ok, Poot," Parker nodded. "I love you, too."
Patrick smiled. "Thanks, Bud." He smiled at his little brother. "Ok, so, my income does fluctuate a little from year to year because that's the nature of an entertainer's life, and if you were to join me, at least at first, I'd still be the headliner, so Kate and I have discussed things and until we became co-headliners, I'd probably make about ten percent more than you."
"Sure, Poot." Parker assumed that Patrick was being evasive because he was going to tell him that he'd have to take a cut in pay in order to join the show. That was ok. If that was the case, Parker would just continue waiting tables.
"Also," Patrick unbuttoned his dress a bit, "my pay did increase a bit after I committed to getting these." He revealed his brassiere covered breasts to the room.
"Pootie!?" Olivia's eyes were wide. "Those are real!?"
"They are," he smiled. "The finest silicon encased in my own, supple flesh, Liv. Vincent and I discussed it and we approached it as a business investment, but I'm not going to lie - it's changed our relationship. Something like this makes change inevitable. But that's not something that Park would ever be required to do, unless you both decided to do it."
He buttoned the dress up again. "Any way, my loves," he continued, "the long and the short of all of this is - if Park decides to join the show, then, after the rehearsal cycle is over and he's full time on the stage, then he would be making a minimum of two-hundred-thousand dollars. Within six months, that could go up by about twenty-five thousand and, if, at some point down the road, he should decide to opt for some... modifications such as mine - then he'd probably end up making in the neighborhood of three-hundred-and-seventy-five-thousand."
The room was silent as Olivia and Parker absorbed this.
Finally, Parker asked, "Poot, do, you seriously make that much money every year?"
"I do, but..." Patrick looked to Kate to help with the explanation.
"Parker, I own fifty-two percent of this club, but I have two partners in this business as well. Justine owns fifteen percent and your brother owns the rest. He is a very rich guy, Parker, and he wants to share that with you, but, if you choose this route, it's not an easy road. So, think about it."
"Livy?" Parker asked. "What do you think?"
Olivia looked much more thoughtful than usual. "Park..." her eyes were suddenly watery, "I don't know what to say? I mean, I feel like I pushed you, or guilted you into this situation, but, Park... I don't want to lose you, baby. I love you so much... I'm afraid, baby. Maybe we need to put the brakes on all of this and take stock."
Olivia felt bile in her throat. What had she done? What had started out as some sexy fun might actually end up destroying the happy life she was trying to protect.
Olivia stood and took her husband's right hand in her left, like a mother and child. With her right hand, she reached across Kate's desk and shook her hand. "Thank you for being so forthright about all of this, Kate. I appreciate it."
"I hope that I didn't scare you off, Liv. I just wanted you to know what you were getting into." Kate looked disappointed with the way the meeting was ending.
Olivia turned to her brother-in-law, her gaze glancing at his bosom before rising to her face.
"Livy," Patrick looked for the right words to say, "we're not saying that any of the things we discussed would definitely happen to you guys. Please consider the offer. I'd really love for Pixie to join the show and become..."
"Parker," Olivia interrupted. "My husband's name is Parker. Not Pixie." Tears flowed now as she turned and led a silent Parker out the door to their car.
They rode in silence and Parker was surprised when she pulled into an all night dinner that was about halfway back to their house. "I need a coffee." She said without any invitation for Parker to join her, but he did anyway.
The train-car-style dinner had a wonderful 1930's look to it, but neither were able to enjoy it.
The waitress brought Olivia a coffee and Parker and orange juice, but neither spoke. Each thought that, perhaps, things had already gone too far, but both felt so guilty that neither could think of anything to say. Was their marriage over? How could something this destructive have happened so quickly?
"Well, hello there," someone said from the edge of their booth. "My goodness, Parker, don't you just look adorable?" It was Bridget, Parker's colleague from Allegro. Her look was smug and intolerant and somehow morally imperious.
Suddenly, all of the training that Olivia had given to Parker and all of the confidence he had gained at the club was gone. He wasn't a cute girl in a waitress outfit, he was a man who had been infantilized and feminized by his wife. Both of them felt ashamed of the position in which they had been discovered and Bridget seemed to sense it, too, and she seemed to enjoy the discomfort she was inflicting on the younger couple.
"Hi, Bridget," Parker whispered, ashamed.
"So, how is your plan to be a professional sissy coming," Bridget asked, getting more smug by the minute.
"Bridget, please," Parker whispered, again. "This isn't a good time."
"Oh, I'm sorry," she chuckled. "I guess it's not very PC of me to speak that way to you, is it? Well, I'm a bit old fashioned about these things, I guess. When I see people acting like freaks, I guess I just point it out. And let's face it, kids... this is pretty freaky."
Olivia slid to the edge of the booth's bench and stood, saying, "Excuse me," and she headed towards the door.
"Was it something I said?" Bridget mugged an innocent look as she loomed over her former supervisor, who sat prettily in a little white blouse and black skirt.
Parker slid himself to the edge of his bench and stood.
"Oh, you're not leaving, too are you?" Bridget spoke with great and irritating condescension. "Here, spin around, young lady. Let me get a good look at you."
Parker ground his teeth and was determined not to make a scene in the diner. He stood on his tip toes and strained to reach Bridget's ear. Then, speaking very quietly, "You're a fucking asshole, Bridget," he said as he turned and hurried to catch up with his wife.
"Is that anyway for a pretty girl to speak?" She called loudly behind him, causing the other customers to turn and pay attention. "Wait until I tell the other girls in accounting that the little Napoleon that drove them like a slave driver is a pretty little girl, now! They'll get such a kick out of it! Oh, wait! Can I get a quick picture?" But Parker was already out the door.
They arrived home without a word being spoken, but Olivia had been crying quietly all the way from the dinner.
When they entered the house, it was dark and stuffy. "You can use the bathroom, first," Olivia finally spoke. "Be sure you wash your face well."
"Ok," a very sad and confused Parker closed the lavatory door behind him.
He took off his clothes, putting the blouse into the hamper and hanging his skirt from a hook on the closet door. He relieved himself, then used the makeup remover and cotton removal pads to clean his face thoroughly. Then he washed it with soap and water and rubbed in the face cream that Livy had given him. Finally, he brushed his teeth and used his mouthwash.
As he entered the bedroom, wearing just a bra and panties, Olivia was standing by the bed. "Take those off and put these on," she said, sadly, her voice cracking a little as she handed him a pile of clothes consisting of a pair of boxers, his ratty gym shorts and an oversized tee shirt.
Parker tried to speak, but his wife interrupted. "This is all over, now, Park. No more dress up games. I'm sorry I ever started all of this. It was all my fault and I am truly sorry. I love you, Park, and I am not going to lose you. I've made up my mind. This is final. I'll call Barb tomorrow and we'll fix your hair, but starting right now, we're back to the way things were. You're the man and I'm the woman."
She went into the bathroom.
Fifteen minutes later, she crawled into bed next to Parker, who's back was to her. She spooned in behind him and spoke softly. "Park. You were really great tonight."
"Thanks," He was quiet, too.
"I'm sorry things ended up like the did."
He shrugged.
"I don't want to lose you, baby. We'll get by on your waiter's income until Allegro is open again, ok?"
He shrugged, again.
"Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?"
He rolled towards her and they shared a soft, tender kiss.
"You still love me?" Olivia asked.
"I'll always love you, Livy. Nothing could change that."
She smiled and kissed him again as her hand snuck down and slipped under the waistband of his boxers. They kissed, again. She became more aggressive as her hand dug deeper and gripped his flaccid tool. In spite of himself, Parker did grow harder in her grasp, but he was tired, confused and upset. Still, he wanted to please Olivia, so he concentrated on her its activities.
As soon as he was getting hard, certainly not rigid, Olivia pulled down his trunks and his boxers, straddled him and settled down onto him, enveloping his semi-hardness into her, rocking back and forth with him gripped tightly inside of her.
He came quickly and without much excitement. As soon as he stopped twitching, Olivia climbed off and laid back down. This time, her back has to her husband.
Parker cleaned himself up and rolled back onto his side. They laid like that, back to back, in the darkness and Parker could hear Olivia sniffling back tears until, finally, she fell asleep.
Parker didn't sleep a wink, though. Instead, he just laid in bed, looked at the clock, listened to the sounds outside of the house and contemplated everything that had happened in just a few days. First he was on the brink of losing everything, then he had a pretty good job and a pretty good income. Then he had a better job with a much better income, then he joined Pootie on stage, then, for a few minutes, everything seemed to be incredibly good, but then it all went to hell in a few quick seconds. He needed to figure what would be best for them and he needed to do it quickly, before his marriage was damaged beyond the point of repair.
When the sun came up at 5:30, he was still wide awake and thinking.
At 9:30, Olivia rolled over and saw that, instead of finding Parker's head on his pillow, there was a note that read, "YOU'RE RIGHT, LIVY. I NEED TO BE THE MAN IN OUR RELATIONSHIP. I CALLED BARBARA MYSELF. SHE'S GOING TO HELP ME MAKE EVERYTHING RIGHT FOR US. I'LL BE BACK SOON. LOVE YOU. P."
Too tired and too emotionally wrought to do what she really wanted to do - call Barb and tell her not to cut and color Parker's hair, Olivia rolled over and wept at the thought of losing the little, pretty thing her husband had become. More than anything, at this moment, she wanted her cute little Parker, with that little pixie hair cut, to stay as he was - adorable.
But that couldn't be. Not if she wanted to keep Parker. Obviously, being her little, feminine partner was not what he wanted. After all, he'd gotten up early to have his makeover undone. That made it clear that he'd never wanted any of it. That she had forced it all on him. Geez, how could she have done that to him? She'd make it up to him, though. He seemed to enjoy some parts of it. Maybe they could compromise a little and still have some 'Pixie time' every now and then. For now, though, she needed a little more sleep or she'd be no good on her shift, tonight. She pulled the covers over her head, rolled over and went back to sleep.
She woke up again at 2:00 that afternoon. She could smell coffee and bacon in the kitchen. Parker must be home. She needed to speak to him. They had to work this out. She got up, wrapped her robe around herself and headed down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Hi," Parker said, as Olivia entered the kitchen. "Have a seat. I made egg sandwiches. Here's your coffee."
Olivia stared in shock.
"What?" Parker asked when he saw her astonished look. "Sit. You're sandwich is getting cold."
"Park..." She stuttered over her words, trying to get her thoughts in order, "...I thought we decided..."
"Well, we decided wrong."
Parker removed the flowered, half apron he'd been wearing to cover his new dress. The dress was a white, cotton, halter dress with hundreds of tiny blue and red flowers with green stems and leaves scattered about it. The modest bodice covered his false breast nicely and zipped closed under his left arm. At the high waist, there was a white satin sash, just below which the skirt of the dress exploded into a bountiful umbrella of pleats and it flirted with his legs, ending just below his knees. Below, his slender, but shapely, pale, smooth legs, his little feet were clad in four inch heeled, white sandals.
"Livy, Poot and Kate are wrong. Maybe I'll develop a little more of a swish, but so what. I love you and only you and I'll never be tempted by anyone else - female or male. And, besides, I don't want to ever go back to Allegro or accounting, except, maybe just now and again for The El Camino. I want to stay at The El and I want to work with my big brother, Liv."
She considered all of what he had said and nodded. "But, what about at home?" She looked at the dress more closely. "Are you wearing a petticoat, Park? And why did you go to see Barbara this morning?"
Parker smiled, "I went to Barbara to have my nails and makeup done. I wanted to be a picture perfect housewife for you when you got up."
There was no doubt about it, he had succeeded at that.
"And as for how things are going to be at home, I think we should take that day by day. Today, I feel pretty, so..." he indicated the dress and shoes. "And no," he sat in a chair next to his wife, "I am not wearing a petticoat."
But the way the dress settled, Olivia could see that he was, so she raised the skirt of the dress to reveal the stiff layers of tulle. "Yes, you are, Park," she laughed. "You're wearing a petticoat. Other than when I wore my wedding dress, I haven't worn a petticoat since I was nine. I mean, it's adorable, but it's kind of over the top, isn't it. If the perfect housewife was Leave It To Beaver's mom, then you nailed it, baby."
Parker smoothed out the skirt. "That's not a petticoat. It's sewn into the dress."
She laughed even harder. "It's still a petticoat, Park. Oh, my goodness, I misjudged you! You really do love this girly stuff, don't you?"
Parker leaned forward and kissed her, his beautifully lipsticked lips meeting her unadorned lips.
"Look, Livy," he smiled and the bright red lipstick made his teeth look brighter and whiter than they could possibly be. "The way I see it, marriage is a compromise. Lately, I compromised and took on a job I didn't want and it opened my eyes to a whole new world with opportunities I didn't even know existed. Then I compromised and gave in to wearing women's clothes. I didn't want to do it at all, but it opened my eyes to a relationship with you that was better than anything I could have imagined."
Olivia was shocked to hear all of this. Still scared of the ramifications of her husband being fully feminized, she was at least relieved that he wasn't angry with her for pushing him so hard.
"Last night," he continued, "when we had sex, I know that you didn't find it fulfilling."
"Well..." Olivia was about to protest. What he said was true, but they never really discussed sex before, so it seemed appropriate to protest.
"You know how I know that you weren't satisfied?" Parker interrupted. "Because I wasn't, either."
She laughed at that. "Oh, please! I felt you orgasm."
"That's not the same as being satisfied, Liv. When we did it last week, it changed me. I felt connected to you in ways that I'd never felt before. You took me like I have never been taken. I felt like you owned me - body and soul - and I discovered things about myself I never knew. Wonderful things. Things that I never want to go away."
"Ok," Liv said. "I get that. I guess I felt the same way, too."
"Did you feel like you were a man?"
"In a way, I guess. Did you feel like a women?"
He shrugged, embarrassed to actually talking about these things. "I guess, in a way. More than feeling like 'A' woman, I guess I felt like I was 'YOUR' woman."
"And did you you like that?" Now, she was blushing a bit, too.
"If there is one thing that I've learned recently, Liv, it's that I adore being your woman in bed and I really want to find out what it's like to be your wife full time."
She smiled and kissed his forehead.
"So," he stood and spun in his dress, displaying all of its feminine charms to his wife, "after laying in bed and thinking all night, I made a decision. I decided that I was going to fully embrace being your woman. I got up and showered, called Barbara and headed out. She did my hair, nails and makeup perfectly for me, then, she went to Marcus's with me and helped me pick out this dress and these shoes. Do you like them, by the way?"
"They're..." Olivia was just beginning to appreciate that all of her dreams were coming true and she couldn't help but laugh at that. "They're stunning, baby, and I'm sorry that I didn't say so before. I'm impressed, I really am! I could never pull off a look this soft and feminine. In fact, I'm a little jealous."
"Don't be," Parker laugher. "You'll always be the woman that I aspire to be. Oh, here," he handed her a bag, "I got you this."
Olivia pulled out the contents of the bag, revealing a deep blue, silk pajama set, very nicely trimmed in black lace.
"Pajamas?" She smiled. "Park, I have pajamas."
"Yeah, but not like these. These are real silk and the looked really sexy on the mannequin. See, this way, I'm being the man and buying my wife sexy lingerie, but at the same time, I'm still making sure that there's someone wearing the pants in the relationship."
With a laugh and a smile, Olivia stood and threw her arms around Parker. "I am very glad that I have my pretty woman here to stay, Park. I'm sorry about last night, baby. I was just so scared of losing you." She pulled him close for a deep, loving kiss.
As the kiss ended, Parker said, "That will never happen. There is no woman or man in the world that could ever do to me what you can do."
"Aww," Olivia hugged him again, then took him by the hand and ran towards the stairs calling, "Come on!" As she hurried to the bedroom.
Within seconds of entering the room, Olivia had removed her nightgown and was naked as she hurried Parker towards the bed. When he raised his left arm to find the zipper so he could remove the dress, Olivia hollered, "Don't you dare take that dress off!"
She lifted him right off the floor and tossed him onto the bed, then pulled him back to the edge, causing his skirts and petticoats to balloon up towards his waist.
Leaving his shoes on, she slid his silk and lace panties over them and threw them aside. She grabbed the sex toy from her nightstand and, as quickly as she could, she spread the KY lube over it. Then she spread his legs and flipped the skirt and petticoats out of the way as she teased the opening of his rear.
"Tell me you want it," she was panting with excitement. It had only just begun and it was already so different than the mediocre encounter they'd had last night.
"Oh!" Parker giggled and yelled as he felt the phallus press gently into his opening. "I want it. Please! Please, let me have it!"
"What do you want, baby?" Her voice became teasing.
"I want your thing inside of me."
"My thing!?" Olivia's eyes were wide in mock disbelief. "Why, I am shocked. A precious little girl like you, in her pretty dress and petticoats asking me to do something like that!? You're going to have to be more precise than that, little girl. What do you want me to put inside of you?"
She administered just a little more pressure to his opening, causing more giggles of delight. "Your penis," he laughed. "Put your penis in me, please."
"Oh, But I don't have a penis," she teased even more strongly. "I do have a cock, though. Is that what you want, little girl? Do you want my big cock inside of you?"
He nodded, panting.
"Then tell me. Say, 'Please, mommy, put your great,'" She exerted a little more pressure, "'big,'" a little more pressure, "'cock,'" a little more, "'inside of me.' Say it, little girl. Tell your mommy what you want."
He licked his lips. The lipstick tasted wonderfully female. The makeup he wore smelled wonderfully female. The voluminous skirts and petticoats that floated, inverted, around his face felt wonderfully female. And most of all, the feeling of being vulnerable in this manner, of having someone making him beg to be penetrated by this wonderfully masculine item, felt wonderfully female. And the way she spoke to him - so sweet, so condescending, so maternal - and the way she was calling him 'little girl...' Yes! This was what he wanted. He wanted to be her 'little girl lover' more than anything else right now.
"Please, mommy," He panted and squirmed, trying to grab the toy with his butt and pull it into him, "put your great big cock in me. Please, mommy! That's what I really want!"
"Ok," she said as she slid it into him, slowly, gently, almost glacially.
When he tried to thrust against it to speed its progress, Olivia said, "No, no, no. Young ladies are patient. They wait for their lovers to take them. Just lay back and feel it as it enters." Slowly, very slowly, she pushed it forward. "Feel that, baby. Feel it as it expands you. As it moves closer and closer to your center. Feel it as it claims you. As it makes you want it - want it more than anything else on earth. Feel it fill you like nothing else on earth can. You are its vessel and it is your master."
His head was back and his eyes were closed as he experienced a new level of submission and ecstasy.
"Who's cock is it, baby?" She asked.
"Then who's your master?"
"You are," he grunted as the toy reached his g-spot. He breathed deeply, quickly, excitedly.
Olivia moved his rear onto the bed, causing him to sit on the toy and drive it even deeper than he thought possible. Then she spread his legs and made sure that his heels could find purchase on the mattress. Slowly, as she remained standing, she directed his tool into herself and she leaned slightly forward to accept it fully. She had to press down against his lower abdomen to keep him from thrusting too quickly.
When she was ready, she asked, "Who am I?"
"You're my master," he moaned.
"That's right, little girl, I'm your master. I'm not your mistress - I am your master. You're my little girl and right now, I'm going to show you how good it is to be my little, itty, bitty baby. Now, while I devour your manliness, I want you to feel my cock as it pushes into you with each of my thrusts. Do you understand?"
He grunted something, but seemed to have lost all ability to communicate verbally.
With that, she began to thrust forward with as much Force as she could muster and then pull back as she remained standing. Each thrust drove his penis deeper into her and the phallus deeper into him. She held her hands on his raised, bent knees as he lay prone and open to her advances. They each panted and he moaned and occasionally shrieked, high, female shrieks as he surrendered everything to her. He was hers to do with as she would.
Her thrusts became more and more aggressive until finally Parker yelled and thrust himself hard up into his master and he shuddered and squirmed and shook until he had spent every sperm in his body. Then, he collapsed on the bed, his skirts laying on his chest and neck, tickling his cheeks.
Olivia grabbed a few tissues from the nightstand and, after wiping herself clean, she gently wiped her pretty, little husband's crotch clean as well.
"Oh, what a good girl you are, Pixie," she said, playfully and maternally. "You've made your mommy very happy." She drew the discarded panties back over his shoes, then up his legs. She tucked him in safely, then helped him to stand on his shaky legs.
"You were right, baby," she said as she straightened his pretty dress. "Last night was a big mistake. We should never have gone back to the way things were. We should have just plowed forward."
Parker blinked his eyes to regain his strength. "Yeah," he smiled. "I feel like I've been plowed pretty well, right now."
She smiled and laid another tender kiss on his ruby red lips. "You'll get used to it, little girl. I promise."
"Start the car
I know a whoopee spot," Pootie sang in a strong voice.
"Where the gin is cold
But the piano's hot," Parker took over the familiar melody of the song from the musical 'Chicago.'
"It's just a noisy hall
Where there's a nightly brawl
And all that jazz," They both continued.
Wearing matching beaded, flapper's headpieces and metallic silver, fringe dresses, Parker and Patrick shimmied on either side of the stage, causing the fringe to stand out perpendicular to their bodies. The crowd applauded as they continued their shimmies and crossed towards each other and headed into the big finish.
"No, I'm no one's wife
But, oh, I love my life
And all that Jazz!
That Jazz!"
And the audience went wild with applause, as they had every night for months. In fact, it had been twenty months since Parker had been reborn as Pixie for the stage at The El Camino and eighteen months since the strike at Allegro had ended. That first weekend after the strike had ended, Bridget had encouraged the entire accounting department to go out together to celebrate. She had chosen The El Camino for supposedly innocent reasons, but, in fact, it was chosen to encourage her office mates to ridicule Parker's new life. Unfortunately for Bridget, not only did everyone in the department enjoy the show, they were all very happy for and supportive of Parker's new career. Very soon after that, Bridget bid the accounting department at Allegro a hasty goodbye, but the rest of the department had such a great time that they'd come back every three months since and they were always a great audience. Tonight was no exception.
Parker was in his performance zone this night, too. That wasn't unusual, though. Pootie had been and remained a great
teacher/director/partner. Parker could sing as well as Pootie and after more than a year of dance classes, he could dance as well, too - possibly better, but Pootie was the unquestioned star at The El Camino. He had a wit and charisma that Parker didn't, but that was just fine. Pootie always made sure that everyone on stage with him felt like a star, too and, for Parker, the very best part of being in the show was being able to be able to be with his big brother. He'd forgotten how much he'd loved spending time with him. It was great. Everything was great. The new income. The new house. The new found sense of accomplishment... everything was great.
Pootie had also introduced Parker to Dr Vance, his surgeon. Six months after joining the show, Parker had taken a two week sabbatical and had some work done. He was fitted out with perky, B-cup breasts, a shaved Adam's apple and enhancements were added to his derrière and hips. Except for the penis and the number of ribs he had, he was
indistinguishable from any other woman and he loved himself the way that he had become.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Patrick called over the din of applause, "let's hear it for my baby sister, Pixie!"
Parker had grown to love the applause and Pootie's praise was wonderful, too. The 'baby sister' thing always made him laugh, though. Patrick was, after all, only a few months older than Parker, but it was true that Parker, kind of at Olivia's insistence, cultivated a much younger appearance. He'd mastered the college-coed-girl-next-doorfresh -faced-heartbreaker look and the audience seemed to love how his look contrasted with Patrick's more mature, fem-fatale look.
"And don't forget my sister," Parker yelled. "Pootie!"
More applause.
Now came Parker's favorite part of the show. They went out into the audience and flirted with the patrons. They teased men that they (the brothers) were more than they could handle and they teased women that they couldn't compete with them because they (Patrick and Parker as Pootie and Pixie) had more equipment than they did.
Then, Parker would find some poor guy and end up sitting on his lap, telling Patrick that he'd found 'Mr Right.'
"Oh, please!" Pootie screamed across the audience, "that man isn't interested in you! You're cold and distant, little sister. He wants someone like me who can heat him up! You're an Ice Queen!"
Then, the two 'sisters' engaged in a fight in which Pootie would pull on Pixie's dress, which was designed to just tear away, easily, revealing the startling white dance leotard he wore beneath. The leotard had long, one inch wide fringe hanging from it everywhere and each strip was adorned with dozens of teardrop shaped, sparkly, silver beads, resembling all the beads in the flapper's 'lavalier' headpiece.
Parker always loved the audience's reaction to the dress being torn free. First it was shock that the dress had ripped, then admiration for the amazing costume beneath, and finally, Parker hoped, admiration for his amazing, feminine form and how beautiful it looked in the leotard.
He was a true beauty, now, and the costume showed off all of his gorgeous assists to their best.
Then, the piano started playing the iconic opening of the 70s hit and Patrick began singing,
"You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love.
You never take advice
But someday you'll pay the price, I know..."
And just as the next section of the song was about to begin, Parker interrupted with,
"Let it go, let it go,
Can't hold me back any more.
Let it go, let it go,
Turn away and slam the door."
Then, they both sang, in harmony,
"Here I stand, in the light of day
Let the storm rage on..."
Then Pootie finished that song with "The cold never bothered me anyway," while Pixie jumped into an Adele song.
"We could've had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
But you played it with a beating..."
The Pootie came back in with Pat Benatar's Hit Me With Your Best Shot.
"You're a real tough cookie with a long history
Of breaking little hearts like the one in me
Before I put another notch in my lipstick case
You better be sure you put me in my place
Hit me with your best shot
Come on, hit me with your best shot.
Hit me with your best shot
Fire away"
This back and forth went on through nearly a dozen songs until they both ended with,
"Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down down down
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon"
The audience, of course went nuts, again.
As Parker took his bow, hand and hand with his big brother/sister, he glanced towards the bar where Olivia sat uncomfortably on a barstool, her pregnant belly swollen with their child. It was kind of late for her to be out, but it was the last time that she'd see the show for a while. The baby was due any day and she wouldn't be going to the club for a while after that. He winked and smiled at her and she waved back.
Still in the bedazzled leotard, Parker bounced down the stage stairs to greet his Allegro colleagues. He hugged and kissed everyone, man and woman alike.
"Hi, Park!" Betsy, the Department Secretary half shrieked, half sang as she threw her arms around him. "Oh, my God, you are amazing!"
"Yeah," Rick, Parker's former co-manager said, kissing Parker's cheek, "I never in a million years would have ever expected to see you looking like this, Park, But you really are awesome!"
"Oh, Parker," Melinda, one of the senior clerks, a slightly heavy, but very attractive woman, ran her hand down his back and squeezed his tush, "I would kill to have your body! My goodness, Olivia must be so happy to have to Looking like this!"
The kisses and compliments and hugs went on for about fifteen minutes until the Allegro crew said their goodbyes and headed out the door.
As Parker skipped happily to his wife, she noticed something new on his costume. After she hugged him and congratulated him on a great show, she leaned forward and whispered, "Dr Vance's pills seem to be working, baby."
He smiled and glanced at his cleavage. "Yeah, they have gotten a little bigger since I started taking the pills and using the breast pump to get things moving."
"Well, I've got news for you, baby," she laughed, "things are moving just fine. You're expressing milk right now."
He touched his breasts and felt the dampness that Olivia had seen spreading on his costume. "Oh, my God!l he shrieked, causing the rest of the employees in the bar to coming running. "I'm a cow! I can't believe it! Look! The pills worked! I'm going to be able to breast feed the baby!"
The other waitresses clambered around, offering congratulations. "Oh," Justine waved her hands near her face to keep from crying, "this baby is going to be the most beautiful little girl! And she's going to have the most wonderful mommies to take care of her!"
After hugging Parker in a near death grip, she did the same to Olivia, but suddenly, Olivia let out a shriek of surprise and concern. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Park! My water just broke! I'm going into labor!"
"Oh, my God! We have to go!"
"Not like that, Park!" Olivia stopped him. "Quick, get changed and put a couple of folded tissues into your bra so that you don't leak onto your dress!"
Donna went with Parker to help him change.
"Tell Pixie that I'm taking Livy to my car!" Patrick called to Donna. "I'll drive them to the hospital! I'm so excited! I'm going to be an aunty!"
That did make Olivia chuckle a little. "Oh, Poot, I hope everything goes well! I want everything to be perfect for this baby!"
"Oh, don't worry your pretty head about that, Livy. Everything is going to be fine. With Park being Pixie, you're financially sound - you don't even need to go back to work unless you want to. You've got that nice, new house with that beautiful nursery and the baby is going to get more love from her two mommies and her Auntie Pootie and Uncle Victor than she'll know what to do with."
Just then, the door to The El Camino opened and Parker burst out, followed by the other staff members, all screaming support and well wishes. Parker was wearing a casual,sage green, fit and flare dress that was kind of revealing and had a skirt who's hem hung at just about finger tip length on his upper thigh. He was carrying his open toed pumps in his hands so he could run faster.
"Oh, and look," Pootie teased as he and Olivia watched Parker hurrying, "your baby will have Cinderella for her second mommy. Won't that be sweet."
I hope you liked it!
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Won't that be sweet."
yes, it will!
lovely story, although I was worried for a moment about their relationship.