Sarah book 1 part 8 The beginning

Sarah Book 1 Part 8 The beginning

Once finished we both used the mirror and got our hair just right. Along with two other older girls. We only had to wait a couple of minutes before Mrs. Walker got there to pick us up. Of course we rode in the back, being total goof balls. A quote from Mrs. Walker.

“Thanks, Mrs. Walker for taking us to the pool, we had fun. Right?” I said.

“Yeah, Mom. We even got bikini tans.”

“Great but don't tell your father. I don't think he wants you to grow up too fast. Remember you are his little girl. Will be until the day he dies.”

Becky giggled.

“What is so funny, young lady?” Her mom asked.

“What you said about me being his little girl. When I still have my icky boy parts.”

“Rebecca Lynn Walker, We have already had this talk. We support your transition into a girl. All of us do.”

I just sat quietly. Thinking that I am liking being a girl. The pretty clothes, make up, the hair. I never realized how much fun I was going to have. I smiled.

As soon as we got to Becky's house. We hung up our swim suits to dry. I then began to beat her in Gran turismo. We played until Aunt Carman came to pick me up.

Once home Aunt Carman made us dinner. I cleaned up and did the dishes. One of my chores. We watched TV until it was time for me to go to bed. Now I always wear a baby doll to bed.

We only had a week left of summer vacation. I mentioned it to Aunt Carman the next morning while I ate my blueberry Eggos. “I wish that vacation didn't have to end. I am having so much fun with my Best friend.”

Aunt Carman commented, “good thing we don't live in England. The British kids go to school year round. Only getting 2 weeks off every couple months.”

“Yuck, I would hate that.”

“I would have, too.” We both giggled.

Thinking that Me and Aunt Carman have been getting along good since I came to live with her. She is slowly becoming motherly. She would braid my hair, or fix it real pretty. Run baths for me. Stuff like that. Even when I get sad with my family gone. She helps me. It was pretty bad when we had the service for them. I think I balled for 3 days straight. We didn't have a time when people could come view them. The explosion and fire almost completely destroyed their bodies. Sarah's especially, as it was supposed to be me. Very little remained of Sarah's body. They knew who it was so no DNA test were done.

The service was beautiful. Both me and Aunt Carman wore black dresses. All my families friends came. Even Jessica's boyfriend came. It was at the church my mom took us too. The Reverend did a wonderful service. Both mom and Daddy's best friends spoke, as did Aunt Carman. They asked if I wanted to. I just shook my head. I could hardly talk as it was. Let along in front of people. Tabitha was there to support us. She was around quite a bit.

Mom and Dad had a life insurance policy through Daddy's work. It covered the whole family. I wound up having almost a million dollars in a trust fund for when I turn 21.

Aunt Carman has started teaching me some martial arts and other fighting stuff she learned while in the Navy. I found out she was medically retired with something that happened in the sand box as she calls it.

So the week left was gone before I knew it. Tomorrow was the first day of school. I had gotten a list of things I needed for my class. Neither me nor Becky knew what class we were in. We were hoping the same one. I was so excited I could barely sleep.

I wound up waking up 20 minutes before my alarm went off. I started getting ready, pretty panties, a cool green dress with peter pan collar. And to prepare me for woman hood, I had started wearing a training bra. I felt like a big girl.

I finally realized that I was a girl. With hanging with Becky these past few weeks. It got me to let go of my boy side and embrace my girly side. I was liking it more and more. I slipped on my sandals and headed to the kitchen.

Aunt Carman had just finished breakfast. I sat down next to Tabitha, who had started living with us. I think her and Aunt Carman have something going. But I am not one to judge. However I didn't eat very much as I was nervous.

Aunt Carman noticed this. “Don't worry, Sarah. It will be OK. No one will know you are not a girl unless you blab to someone.”

“I'm not doin that.”I said as I actually ate a little more.

Grabbing my backpack I headed to meet Becky on the way to the bus stop. Which was a block farther down from her house.

Knocking on the door, I heard a come in. Almost as normal since I met Becky and her family. They have become like family too. I actually call Her mom, Mom.

“Morning, Sarah.” Came a voice from the kitchen. Boxy came up and got some attention and left.

“Good Morning, Mom. Is she alive?”

“You bet ready to go.” I heard Becky's voice.

“Then lets go. I wanna be early for the bus.” I said.

“All right, geese. Give a girl a minute.”

As she came from the kitchen, putting on her backpack too. She had worn the dress she showed me earlier. As we both went out the door.

“Girls, remember as soon as you get to school go to the office they will tell you what class you will be in,” Mom reminded us.

“We will Mom,” Becky called back.

We gabbed all the way to the bus stop. Just about everything as girls do. I saw the two boys who lived between mine and Becky's house. On the way also, but they turned the corner and went towards another bus stop.

We got there 15 minutes before the bus, there was already 6 other kids there. 4 boys and 2 girls. One of the boys seemed could be in our grade. The others seemed younger than us. As we waited 5 more kids joined us. 4 more girls and a boy. The boy was younger but the girls may have been in our grade. They seemed to be friends. They kind of looked us both over.

One whispered to the others who all giggled. The one came over to us.

“Hi, I'm Kathleen.” She stuck her hand out.

In turn we both shook it and told her our names.

“What grade are you going into?” She asked.

“Fourth” We both said.

“Oh, you are in our grade. This is Wendy, Lindsey, and Bobbi.”

“Hi,” we both said. We talked or should I say they talked to us. While they were nice I had a negative feeling. They seemed the popular girls. Luckily I knew about that group as my sister, Jessica was in that group.

I kind of gave Becky a sideways look. Saying this is crap. She seemed to agree. We knew the false friend type. Just as the bus turned toward our stop. We heard running.

Another girl our age was running towards us.

“God, here comes Kaylyn.” Kathleen said, with a moan from the other girls.

Kaylyn got to the stop just as the bus came to a stop. With a little sneer she said. “Hi, Kathy.”

In an annoyed tone, “It is Kathleen to the likes of you.”

“What ever you say, Kathy.” She commented as Kathleen got on the bus.

Me and Becky tried to mind our own business. We found a couple empty seats. We took one. Kathleen sat with her group and others in the front. The girl, Kaylyn sat behind us.

As the bus pulled away. Kaylyn leaned toward us. “Hi, I'm Kaylyn. You two new to Badger Creek?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I'm Sarah. This is Becky. We just move here this summer.”

“Hope you don't believe the crap that Kathleen is throwing?”

We both nodded.

“Yeah, that group is the popular girls. I would steer clear.”

“I did notice that.”

“Me, too.” Said Becky.

Me and Becky talked to Kaylyn the rest of the way to school. I did however see Kathleen look back at us from time to time. Talk to the others they would look at us too. Two other stops and then it was the school.

Just as we got off. Kathleen stopped us.

“I saw you talking to Kaylyn. I wouldn't talk to HER. As that is a he/she a boy pretending to be a girl. It came out last year. We got an assembly about it, telling us about it. That we needed to accept HER and all that crap.”

“You mean She is transgender. I'm OK with that. Its no big thing. I was taught to accept everybody equally.” I said not wanting to out myself and Becky as also transgender.

“I guess that our friendship has ended.” Kathleen announced.

I have decided that in this new school I will not be bullied. I have had some talks with Aunt Carman about it even before I came to live with her. I was bullied some in my old school. But not in this school.

“Well I wouldn't call it a friendship just yet. An acquaintance yeah. I don't make friends until I get to know a person some.” I said with confidence, something Aunt Carman taught me.

“” Kathleen stammered and walked away in a huff.

“I guess you told her.” Kaylyn walked up beside me and Becky.

“Yeah,” Becky added. “Hey we need to get going to the office.”

“See ya, Kaylyn.” Becky said. “Hope we get in the same class.”

“Me too.” Kaylyn said.

The girl who had a service squad badge on let us by when we told her we were new. Walking into the office, it was pretty busy. We stepped up to the counter. Luckily it was low enough that we could see over it.

“May I help you girls?” A lady at a desk asked.

“I am Sarah Dunkirk and this is Becky Walker we are new here.”

“Welcome to Badger Creek. I am Mrs. Stephens the head secretary. I bet you would like to know what class you are in.”

“Yes, Ma'am” Becky said.

Mrs. Stephens typed on the computer some. Then ran her finger down the screen. Then typed some more. Nodded.

“OK, Ladies. Being you are both good students from what your records show. You both will be in Miss. Sanders. Room 15. This is also Miss Sanders first year. So take it easy on her.” She smiled and directed us towards room 15.

We both noticed that it was only 2 minutes before the bell rang so we hurried down the hall. Most of the teachers were opening the door in preparation for new students. Miss. Sanders door was already open.

We both nervously walked in. The teacher was at her desk. She was quite pretty. She looked younger than Aunt Carman.

“Excuse me, Miss. Sanders. We are new students.”

“Why yes, I was just reading the email from the office. So, who is whom?”

“I am Rebekah Walker.” Becky said.

“I am Sarah Dunkirk.” I answered.

“Welcome, Girls.”Turning to Becky. “Rebekah, do you go by Becky?”

“Yes, Ma'am”

“OK, please find a seat.” She said as the bell rang. She stood and smoothed her skirt.

Me and Becky found seats. First and second row fourth back. We placed our backpacks on our desk. And waited. Not long after. the other kids began coming in.

We noticed that Kaylyn come in. We waved. She took the seat in front of me. Then we both noticed Wendy and another one of Kathleen's friends from the bus come in. Most of them just stood around.

“You may find your own seat. But be warned that it is not perminate as I will move you if your work does not get done or attention wavers.” Miss. Sanders announced.

I noticed that no one would sit either in front or next to Kaylyn.

Turning to us, “That is normal since I came out hardly anyone comes near me.” Kaylyn said.

“It must be the girl cooties.” We all giggled.

The second bell rang. Miss. Sanders closed the door. “Good Morning, I am Miss. Sanders. I am one of the new teachers here at Badger Creek. I want to welcome you to 4th grade.”

I sat like the proper girl I was. Listening to our teacher, as she explained different things about our class room the procedures for fire and tornado drills. She was interrupted by announcements.

~ “This is Dr. West, your principal. I want to welcome you to a new year here at Badger Creek. I want to inform you of certain school district policies.

1: Bullying will not be tolerated at all. No exceptions. First offense is a 3 days in school suspension. Second offense the student is suspended a month. Third offense is expulsion from our school. But depending on the circumstances one may go to 2 or 3.

2: Assault will not be tolerated. The same punishment will be implemented. Minor scuffles will be judged at that time and other punishment may be implemented. Most Assault will be reported to the district office and law enforcement called.

We here at Badger Creek expect all our student body to behave in a proud and respectful manner. Acceptance is key here at Badger Creek elementary. Those of you who attended last year will remember the assembly.

Again I welcome you all to Badger Creek. I expect to have a great year again. Me and the assistant principal are available. As is all our staff should you need to talk.”~

I noticed Wendy and the other girl talking and looking over at us. Mostly at Kaylyn.

Kaylyn turned to us. “I am used to it. Surprised that we have another like me. Some one must have came out as well.”

“OK, class, your attention up here please. We will start off by introducing yourself and tell something about you. Please stand when it gets your turn.” Pointing to the boy in the first seat.”You may go first.”

The boy began, giving his name and things. Once finished he sat back down.

“Next.” Miss Sanders said. It was Kaylyn's turn as no one sat in front of her.

Standing, she began. “ Hi, I am Kaylyn Lord. I am transgender. I was a boy on the outside. I have been a girl on the inside as far back as I can remember. My parents and family totally support my transition. I don't want or ask for any special treatment. Other than being treated just as any other girl here.” She sat down.

I did hear a couple of comments like weirdo and creep.

“Thank you, Kaylyn. It takes a courageous person to come out as transgender. I know that the rest of the class WILL be accepting of you as a girl.” Miss Sanders had moved into the rows of desks. Standing next to one. She added. “Right.” As she tapped the desk it was one of Kathleen's group.

“Yes, Ma'am”She said.

Miss Sanders moved to another part. Doing the same. The boy also said yes ma'am. The two people who commented.

“Next” Miss Sanders said.

I stood up, “Hi, I am Sarah Dunkirk. I am a transfer from San Marcus Elementary. I had to because the rest of my family was killed when our house exploded from a major gas leak. Now I live with my Aunt.”

“Well Sarah. We are sorry about your loss. And welcome to Badger Creek.”

it continued around the room. It was almost 11 when the last girl had introduced herself.

“Well now we know each other. AND will be friendly and accepting of those who are different.” She paused for an answer. A yes Ma'am was said by all. “Lunch is in about 15 minutes. You may visit quietly with your neighbor.”

So me, Becky and Kaylyn talked. I talked to the boy behind me. He seemed shocked that Me and Becky was so freely associating with Kaylyn. It seemed like the whole class did. I wasn't to worried.

“She is a person just like everyone else. So, she used to be a boy, big deal. You used to be a baby do we call you weird.”

“OK, Class, I want everyone to line up at the door single file. Those who brought their own lunch, may get it at that time.”

I had brought my lunch as did Becky and Kaylyn. We just grabbed it from our backpacks and got lined up. Me and Becky made sure that Kaylyn was between us. So no one would have to stand away from her.

“those who brought their own. They go in the first door and those buying lunch go in the second door.”

The bell rang, Miss Sanders waved us to follow. We joined in the class next to us. While the one on the other side. Got behind us. Once we got just past the office, where the line split between bringers and buyers.

The lunch room was the same as at San Marcus. There was the pull out tables and about 6 round tables. I made a bee line to the second table. As the first was taken by some older kids.

All of my stories are purely fictional, the some places are real, some are not. The names and personnel used in all my stories, are also fictional. They may be based on people I knew but, Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or un-dead are purely coincidental.

I write my stories as a fantasy. While based on this world. Things in my story could stretch reality. However I write my stories from my mind. I reserve all rights to my work. Any form of duplication without my permission is forbidden. Please enjoy reading them as I have in writing them.

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