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By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing
Synopsis:When a young couple with a child who has suffered an injury visits the TransBike, the child is made whole by the TransBike. .

The Dapper Gentleman saw a young couple with a young child wearing a red jersey top and baggy pants. The child's long blond hair was cut in a page boy style, "Welcome to TransBike where you can pedal your way to a whole new you."

The father clasped the Dapper Gentleman's hand in a firm handshake, then let go, "Thank you sir, we are looking for a unisex bicycle for our child to ride, that is if there is such a thing," he sighed.

"Why a unisex bike? My TransBike is meant for all."

Then the child tugged upon the fathers sleeve," Yes, need anything?"

"Daddy, please let me speak since the bike is for me."

Then the father smiled at his child as the mother hugged the child, "Go ahead, I just wanted to spare you the pain."

"I know daddy, but I can do it. Besides, you hate to talk about it you know."

Then the mother replied, "Go ahead, we shall not deny you."

Then the child hugged the mother, "Thanks mom."

Then the child turned to the Dapper Gentleman," Sir, I was born a boy, but what made me a boy was crushed as I was playing softball."

"Do you still have everything?"

"No sir, the doctors had to amputate what I had for my health. I am taking pills to help me be a boy, but as of now, I can never be a daddy like my daddy." he sighed.

Then the Dapper gentleman grinned as he saw the reason that he was here, "Child, would you like to be a boy again?"

Then the child brightened at the question, "Yes sir, I would. But that's impossible," he sighed.

The Dapper Gentle went over to the TransBike and patted the handlebars, "Do you believe in magic or miracles?"

Right then the father spoke up, "What does this have to do with a bike? Will you sell us one or not?"

Then the Dapper Gentleman smiled warmly, "Sir, I offer your child a chance to ride the TransBike for free."

"What good will that do my child?"

"Dear lady, perhaps a miracle if he believes."

Then the child brightened, "Oh, I get it now, by riding your TransBike, I can become a boy again."

"Yes, or a genetic girl if you are so inclined."

"Mom, dad, you already have a son, but momma wants a daughter, and y'all know that I've wanted to be a girl. May I be a girl?"

Then the dad smiled at his child, "Only if this bike also alters reality so everybody remembers you as a girl."

Then the child looks hopefully at the Dapper Gentleman, "Sir?"

"Yes child, if you believe, then only I will know and I will never tell."

"Mom, dad, I wanna ride, what about you two?"

"Well, I could lose a few pounds and I have a bad ticker, the daddy sighed.

"Then pedal away your pounds and pedal yourself a new heart."

Then the dad got on the TransBike and pedaled for a bit as he was engulfed within a rainbow, then he stopped and got off, "LOOK AT ME!! I AM RENEWED!!" Then his family hugged him.

"Sir, will the bike heal me? I have cancer," the momma sighed.

"Yes ma'am, do you believe?"

"Yes I do."

"Then pedal your way away from cancer."

Then she got on and removed her wig, revealing a bald head and lesions all over her scalp. As she pedaled, the rainbow was suffused with blackness and gangrene. But then the rainbow became whole and pure.

Then she stopped pedaling and she had a full head of golden, wavy hair that went to her shoulders, "Honey, how do I look?"

"Like you did when we wed my Love."

"Yes, and now both of you are cured of your ailments and have perfect bodies."

"What about me, may I ride now?'

"Go ahead child, your future awaits you."

Then the child snuggled the parents, "Mom, dad, Thanks for bringing me here. Now my dream will become a reality."

The child got on the TransBike as his mother got off. As the child pedaled, the clothing morphed into a red and blue cheerleader uniform while her shoes and socks became matching accessories and tan pantyhose appeared upon her shapely legs. As she stopped, a young man came in and greeted her as she disembarked.

"So, this is where my girl is hiding, are you ready for our date?'

"Yes I am, please go with mom and dad. I'll join you outside."

Then her family and boyfriend left and she went over to the Dapper Gentleman, "Thank you for my miracle kind sir."

"You're quite welcome, remember that you are a virgin and a lady."

"I know, I want a virgin bride wedding."

Then she was hugged by her boyfriend as she left the shop.

"Well, another satisfied customer," then he pedaled away to his new customer somewhere awaiting him.
Then the loving couple left to share the news of their miracle from Transbike.


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IDidn't the boy clearly state that he wanted to be a boy, and now out of nowhere that changes mew? I'm incredibly lost mew ;_;


    I just got to be me :D


I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

If you can believe...

Was this suppose to be a story? It certainly wasn't a drabble. Maybe it was a dream. Stanman, have you been daydreaming? If so, I have an old bicycle out in the garage. It's tires are flat, but if you can believe...?

I am a grain of sand on a near beach; a nova in the sky, distant and long.
In my footprints wash the sea; from my hands flow our universe.
Fact and fiction sing a legendary song.
Trickster and Creator are its divine verse.

--Old Man CoyotePuma

I am a grain of sand on a near beach; a nova in the sky, distant and long.
In my footprints wash the sea; from my hands flow our universe.
Fact and fiction sing a legendary song.
Trickster/Creator are its divine verse.

--Old Man CoyotePuma

Chelsea, Please READ

This child had lost any form of gender identity. As with the parents, the child pedaled until the wish was granted..
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine


"Then the Dapper gentleman grinned as he saw the reason that he was here, "Child, would you like to be a boy again?"

Then the child brightened at the question, "Yes sir, I would. But that's impossible," he sighed."

Does this sound like someone who doesn't want to be a boy mew >> I DID read, it's just your quotes are misleading mew.

    I just got to be me :D


I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

It turned out pretty good.

NoraAdrienne's picture

Hey Stan,
It looks pretty good in print. And I loved the story.


Ok, will someone please tell me how all y'all manage to put a photo into this area?

Princess Chelsea, The Dapper Gentleman

Sees the heart as does the Bike.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine


Here's one possible answer to the "boy" question:

The child was originally asked "Would you like to be a boy again?"

As far as the child knew, the choice was between staying put and reverting back to a boy. He was on male hormones, but perhaps the family thought it was only his lack of testosterone that was causing him to experiment with crossdressing, or were worried about the reaction from others, so the child accepted the fate prescribed up until that point.

Suddenly, given the additional option of becoming a girl...


One final point. This is a story. If a hunk of a jock suddenly decides for no apparent reason he'd rather be a cheerleader, an author can will it to happen simply by the stroke of a pen (or, more likely nowadays, the tapping of keys on a keyboard!). Just as in real life people don't always act or behave in logical ways, the same can apply in fiction. Obviously in a longer story you'd expect character development and the reasons for the decision to be explained, but when you're dealing with a little vignette like this, you just take things at face value - like it or lump it.


This space intentionally left blank.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!