A rant on transgenderism and homosexuality

By Amanda D.
A rant on sexual preference and transgenderedism:

Can someone rational please explain something to me, cause I just don't fricken get it. Why with everything that happens in the universe, planets being formed, suns going nova, huge black wholes, why God would give a rats ass who we find attractive? I mean it seems to me that he or she, if those words even apply, has way more important shit going on to care about something so silly. I have way less on my plate and I could give a shit who anyone else is attracted to, so why would the almighty?

Now I know every single bible on the planet says that homosexuality, transgenderedism and the like are sins. However those books were written thousands of years ago by people looking to control, in some measure, the populations they over saw. What better way than creating books written by men being told directly by God what to say? In these various books these men, cause you can be assured there isn't a single word in any of them penned by a woman, added every single prejudice they had, against any group they found to be distasteful.

If you find that offensive, just look for yourself. Forget the whole homosexual/transgendered thing, just read what they say about 51% of the population. That being women for those unaware of the way our planetary population numbers are divided. To say that these religious books treat the so called weaker sex as second class citizens would be a grave understatement!

The other thing that gets me, is that the bible state emphatically that God has a plan for each and everyone of us and has created all very carefully. Doesn't that lend you to believe that the almighty might just have a reason for creating people with homosexual or transgenderd leanings? I mean other than to tempt the so called moral? For my part I firmly believe I am exactly what god wants me to be. Any sexual tastes I may have that stray from the so-called norm have been with me since birth and I have had no more choice in these matters than anyone else does in what they like.

Why are homosexuals/ transgendereds considered more sinful for their tastes then someone that's into bondage or S&M for example? To me beating the crap out of your lover is a lot more of a sin then finding the same sex attractive or wanting to change your sexual identity. Once again it falls back to the prejudices of those that wrote these books and their obvious fear of anything different.

As I said in the beginning it just baffles me. Yet people from the Pope to the guy that owns the store around the corner from me spout this crap continually. Perhaps if they spent more time following the parts of the bible that tells them to respect others and do what you can to help your fellow citizens and less time worrying about weather two men or two women should be allowed to marry or that Joe or Jane down the street would be much happier if they were a member of the opposite sex, the world just might be a lot nicer place to live in.

For the record I consider myself a god loving person. I say a prayer every night and try to get to church on a regular basis. So any of you that read this and want to write it off as the rantings of an anti religious nut case will have to come up with another argument. Not that it means that you don't have the right to disagree, since in the end this is only my opinion and you know what they say about those.