Rant addressing social prejudice and fiction

We all should have the right to live how we want.

Yet, a developing or adult male walks the streets dressed as a female. A mother and child notice, the child stares on confused and maybe even distressed. The crossdressed male is likely made to feel uncomfortable among other things.

It is one thing to culture an expected response to such a spectacle, it is another, an impossibility for the spectacle to be anything other than that. To bypass, often such polarized gender signals on a single body, is to bypass gender distinction altogether, to cease to live. I am sick of deluded expectations promoted, such extreme naivety, perhaps it is just the unintelligent wishful character of tg community and its fiction.

Also the rediculous cliche in the fiction itself, somehow justafiable to be repeated over and over again! Might it be that people don't understand they're fetish deeper than the representative scenarios autonomously co-evolved alongside the eventual community which we have now???