
Novelist and ex-reporter Faith Collins gets a surprise visit from her nephew, Darren. This leads them into an investigation into the depths of corruption. Caution: This story depicts sexual abuse of a teen and the subsequent search for justice.



Julie O.


Edited and with Menus by Amelia R.


Chapter 1


Faith Collins poured herself another mug of coffee and returned to her computer. Like many writers, Faith had a routine she followed while she was working on a book. It was nearly nine at night, but this didn't bother Faith, as she enjoyed working late into the night. Presently she was working on the fifth book of her detective series. To her amazement, all four of her previous books had rocketed to the top of the bestseller lists.

She paused and listened to the early June rain beating off the roof of her Stonington, Connecticut home. It had been raining all day, and from what the weatherman had said it would continue raining through the night. Faith didn't mind, as the sound of the rain created a peaceful background noise.

Faith had just switched from her old electric typewriter to an Apple Macintosh personal computer. Her editor had recommended it to her.

"Come on, Faith, it's 1985!" stated her editor. "You need to accept the future and use a computer!"

So, Faith had reluctantly agreed to try it. Now she couldn't imagine working without it. It made writing so much easier, and she wondered how soon personal computers would become an everyday tool.

Her lead character was a female detective based in Boston. Erin Flynn quickly joined the ranks of other popular fictional detectives. Faith had picked Boston as she had worked there for ten years as a reporter. She'd quickly become one of the best investigative reporters in the city, but she'd burned out after tale after tale of corruption and governmental abuse. The idea of writing a detective story was initially just a whim, something to do, as she recharged her batteries. Now she had a contract for ten more books, and there were rumors of a TV movie based on her stories.

Faith loved living on the Connecticut coast, having been raised here. Her father had worked at Electric Boat in Groton for forty years building submarines. Her parents had moved to Florida right after he retired, as they had tired of winter, but not Faith. She reveled in the four seasons, especially fall, and had immediately made the decision to move back after she quit her job at the Globe.

Faith kept in shape by riding her bike daily, often down to the docks to pick up a fresh lobster. She was very proud of her figure and that at forty she could still fit in a size six.

The house was paid for by the royalty checks from her first three books. It was only half a mile from the ocean and was fairly secluded. The nice thing about the locals was that they respected privacy and weren't overly impressed with celebrities, especially one as minor as Faith. One neighbor, who had once lived in Old Saybrook, told her that if she didn't get excited about living next to Kate Hepburn, then why should she get excited for a writer of detective stories, no offense intended. Faith still got a smile out of that.

As Faith set down her mug of coffee, she heard her doorbell, followed by knocking. While she wasn't exactly a recluse, she rarely got visitors at this time of night; so with great curiosity she got up to answer the door.

Standing outside in the rain was her nephew, Darren. He was soaked like a drowned rat.

"Darren, what are you doing here?" she asked as she motioned him inside.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Faith, but I had nowhere else to go," he replied softly.

Once inside the house, Faith was shocked by his appearance. Her sixteen-year-old nephew had never been big or muscular, but he looked emaciated now. His hair was longer than she remembered, and it draped around his face. His face was stained and he had dark circles under his eyes. She also wondered when was the last time he'd had any sleep.

She immediately gave him a hug, and she noticed how long he clung to her.

Darren was the only son of her sister Hope. Faith was always grateful that her parents never had another daughter. Hope now lived with her husband Art in a small town called Carbonville in northern Maryland, near the Pennsylvania border. Faith never could understand what her sister saw in him. Art had been a sailor on one of the submarine tenders — repair ships that fixed submarines. He was a large man, and slightly overbearing and somewhat sexist; still Hope had fallen deeply in love with him.

"When did you last eat something?" she asked Darren.

He sighed. "I had a slice of pizza at the Amtrak station in New York earlier today."

"Well, come on into the kitchen; you look like you could use a meal. Wait, before that happens you need some dry clothes. Is anything in your bag dry?"

"Yes, it should be, the bag is supposed to be waterproof," he replied.

"Well, follow me to the guest room and change."

She showed him into a cozy bedroom. It had a single bed, a dresser, and a desk. Off to the side was a private bath with a bathtub.

"Sorry the room is so small, but these old houses often have small rooms. Now, when you get changed, come back to the kitchen. I'll have something ready for you."

"Don't you want to know why I'm here?" he asked.

Faith smiled. "In due time, Darren. Now change before you catch a cold."


Chapter 2


A short time later, Darren walked into the kitchen. He was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. His shoulder length brown hair hung down to his shoulders.

Faith noticed that the shirt wasn't tucked into his pants, and it seemed two sizes too big.

"I'm heating up some Irish stew; is that okay?" she asked.

Darren smiled slightly. "It smells wonderful."

"I'll take that as a yes," she replied.

Darren sat down at the large oak table in the kitchen. Most of the guests that ate here were old friends, so dinner was served in the large kitchen. It was just as well, since the dining room had been converted into Faith's library and office.

Faith filled bowls of the stew and sat down at the table next to her nephew.

He ate two full bowls in silence.

"Do you want some more?" she asked. She was pleased to see that he had an appetite.

Darren shook his head. "No, thank you."

Faith waited for him to start.

He took a deep breath and let it out in a big rush. "I guess I owe you an explanation of why I'm here."

Faith nodded as she got up to fill her mug with coffee. "You want any?"

"No, I don't drink coffee, but I'll take a glass of water."

Faith poured him a glass and set it down in front of him.

"I ran away from home three days ago. I'm in big trouble, and I had nowhere else to go," he stated softly.

Faith couldn't imagine what sort of difficulty Darren could be in. He was an honors student and while a bit shy, had never gotten into real trouble.

"Your parents will be worried, I think we should call them," suggested Faith.

Darren looked up with panic in his eyes. "No, please! They want to put me in a mental institute!"

"That can't be right," replied Faith.

"No, please listen to me. When I get done, if you also think that I should be put away, I won't fight it. I figured that you were the only one who would believe me."

"Okay, dear, I won't call them. Do you want to wait until morning? You look exhausted."

Shaking his head vigorously, Darren stared at his aunt. "No, I want to tell you now."


Chapter 3


"It started in the fall, when I was assigned to Mr. Cameron's creative writing class. He's one of the most popular teachers at Carbonville High and supposed to be one of the best. I felt lucky to be assigned to his class," explained Darren.

Darren went on to describe how one of their first assignments was to write about something very personal. Mr. Cameron had explained that the papers would not be shown to anyone else and that they weren't for a grade, rather it would give him an idea of each student's writing style.

"He said that we should write about some deep aspect of our lives, even something that we haven't told anyone else before," continued Darren, "and that's what I did."

He took a long drink from the glass. "He said that we could trust him...."

Faith noticed tears slowly running down his cheeks. He then let out another sigh.

"I've always felt different, so I wrote about that," he stated.

"What do you mean?"

He wiped the tears away with his palms. "I sometimes... well, make that most of time, wish I had been born a girl... I wish I was a girl."

It wasn't exactly what she had expected, but she wasn't totally surprised; she had always suspected that Darren was different.

"That doesn't freak you out or anything?" he asked.

"No, it doesn't, Darren. I've met some transsexuals in my job as a reporter."

"Transsexuals? I thought the term was transvestite," he replied. "That's what our health book called it."

"I'm not a doctor, but if you feel that you should have been born a girl, the correct term is transsexual."

"Oh. Mr. Cameron called me a sissy, but that came later," he replied.

Darren went on to describe how Mr. Cameron had befriended Darren and talked to him after school. He seemed genuinely interested in Darren's feelings. For the first time, Darren could talk about his feelings, and he totally opened up to his teacher.

"Tell me about Mr. Cameron; what does he look like?" asked Faith.

"He's tall, over six feet, athletic, short black hair with a moustache — sort of like the kind that Magnum has."

Faith smiled. "Okay, how old is he?"

"I think he's twenty-seven, why?"

"It helps me better understand him; please go on, I'm sorry to interrupt."

"He invited me over to his house after school. He said he had a surprise for me. I'm so stupid for trusting him!" stated Darren angrily.

"It's okay, Darren."

"We just sat and talked; then Ms. Morris, my guidance counselor, arrived. She then took me into another room and helped me get dressed in girls' clothes."

There was another long silence.

"She helped me with everything, including makeup and a wig."

"Was this the first time you had been dressed?"

"Other than Halloween, yes."

"Then what happened" asked Faith.

"Nothing that time, I was just treated like a girl. He didn't do anything to me that time."

"There were other times?"

Darren nodded.

"Did you just dress up during the other times?"

"No." His voice was soft and barely audible.

"What happened, Darren?" she asked.

"He... he used me," replied Darren.


"He told me that I was a real girl, and then he kissed me. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong. He then forced me to suck his dick."

Faith reached over and took Darren's hands.

"He forced my head down over his cock and made me suck him off. He then told me that I was now his sissy."

Faith felt a growing rage building up inside her. "When was this?"

"November. He continued to use me until last week."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I couldn't. He took photos and videos and threatened to show them to my parents and to the rest of the school."

"What else happened?"

"He used me more and more. I became his girl."

"When you say used you, do you mean he had sex with you?"

"Yes," replied Darren. "He also shared me with others."

Faith stared back in disbelief and anger.

"He would have parties, and he would have me dress up. Sometimes I was blindfolded, and other times the guests wore masks. I later found out that he was also doing this to other students," continued Darren.

"Why didn't you tell the police?"

"I couldn't. You'll understand later."

"Okay, please continue, my dear."

"He also made me take pills. He insisted that I come to his classroom and take my medicine every school day."

"What kind of pills?"

"He later called them my girlie pills," replied Darren.

"Hormones?" asked Faith.

Darren nodded. "Let me show you." He unbuttoned his shirt and opened it up. He had two small breasts.

Faith was shocked. "Tell me the rest."

"I begged to be let go. I threatened to tell my parents. May I have some more water?"

Faith took the glass, refilled it, and handed it back to Darren.

"Thanks. Two days later I was called into the principal's office. I was shocked to see Mr. Cameron there, along with Ms. Morris, my parents, and two policemen. I was told that I was in big trouble, that I was telling lies about a teacher, that I was a pervert, and that I was a drug dealer."

"Drug dealer?"

"Yes. They had a big bag of dope that was supposedly found in my locker. The police wanted to arrest me, but were willing to let the school and my parents come up with another solution. Ms. Morris told them that I had told her of my sexual thoughts. Mr. Cameron showed my initial paper to my parents. It had been changed and was much more sexually detailed. They were shocked."

"Didn't you tell them your side?"

"I tried, but they never gave me a chance. Dad told me to shut up, and Mom was crying."

Faith bit her lip. Art was such an ass, and Hope was such a nervous wreck at times.

"The principal went on to say how something like this could become a real scandal and, being Carbonville is so small, there would be repercussions. He then asked Dad if he still worked at the machine shop."

"So he threatened Art's job?"

"Yes. He then suggested that I be given a psychological evaluation. Ms. Morris added that I was showing signs of paranoid schizophrenia."

"She said what? That's totally out of line!"

"It may have been, but everyone seemed to be nodding in agreement. Anyway, the principal stated that I was now suspended for the rest of the year and that he would recommend my being expelled. Ms. Morris gave Mom and Dad the card of a doctor who she recommended. Mom was still crying, and Dad took the card. He just glared at me."

"When did this happen?"

"Last week. Anyway, we drove home, and I was sent to my room. I pretty much stayed in there until a few days ago. That's when a bunch of people came over to the house to talk to Mom and Dad. Our house has a ventilation system that allows you to hear things in other rooms. I leaned down by the vent and listened."

"Who was there?"

"Rev. Greenwell, Mr. Cameron, and a man they called Dr. Lang."

"So your teacher was there?"

"No, it was Dad's boss; he's my teacher's uncle."


"The Camerons run the town. The mayor is my teacher's father, and I believe a cousin is the police chief."


"At first all I could hear was my dad talking. I suddenly realized that they were talking about sending me to an institute."

"Wait a minute, had you seen a doctor?"

"No. Dr. Lang said that it wasn't necessary as he was ready to sign the commitment papers based on the observations of the school staff."

"Okay, please go on."

"Then the Reverend spoke and offered to help my parents through this awful ordeal. His voice sounded familiar, and before you say it, he wasn't our minister. I couldn't place the voice, until the doctor spoke again...."

Darren began to tremble and cry again.

"What is it, my dear?"

"They were some of the men who... who had used me. I recognized their voices. I then heard Dad's boss speak, and he was also one of the men. I knew I had to get away immediately."

Faith passed Darren the tissues again.

He blew his nose. "Thank you. So, I packed up some clothes and some personal things and left that night. I had some money, and I stole some from Dad's wallet. I hitchhiked to Hagerstown and then caught a bus to Baltimore. I didn't know where I was going at first, but then I remembered you lived in Connecticut. I bought a map in New York and found were you lived. I had enough money to catch a train to Mystic."

"How did you get here from Mystic?" asked Faith.

"Hitched a ride part of the way and then walked the last four miles."

Faith got up and wrapped her arms around Darren. They hugged for a long time. When they released, Faith stared Darren in the eyes. "I'm going to help you."

"So you believe me?"


"Do you want to read my journal?"

"You mean you wrote it all down?" she asked.

"Yes. I would have showed it to Mom and Dad, but I was afraid they would have taken it from me."

"Yes, I think I need to read it."

"I have it in my backpack. I'll go get it."

Darren returned and handed Faith a leather-bound journal. She immediately recognized it as one she had bought Darren for his birthday the previous year.

"Now, I think you should get some sleep. Don't worry, Darren, you're safe here."

A few minutes later, Darren was sound asleep. Faith made a new pot of coffee and sat down to read Darren's journal.


Chapter 4


Darren had begun the journal at the start of the school year. The first couple of entries were routine, then came the first entry referring to the English teacher, Mr. Cameron.

Faith began to read how Mr. Cameron had slowly pulled Darren in.

My English teacher seems pretty cool. To be honest I was a little surprised to get into his class, as it's the most popular English elective class. My guidance counselor said that she personally recommended me for the class. I'm one of only three juniors in the class. Our first assignment is for us to write about our deepest personal secret. Mr. Cameron has promised that no one else will see the papers. He explained that for someone to become a true writer that they must be able to express themselves. The question is can I risk telling him my secret?

I try and I try, but I can't purge myself of these feelings. Why do I want to be a girl? It's not normal! I wish I could talk to someone, anyone about it, but who? Dad would freak out. He thinks I'm a wimp as it is and can't understand why I want to be a writer. Mom, well, Mom is nice, but she's not someone I could talk to about this. She doesn't seem to care what's going on in the world, unless it's related to entertainment. Maybe I could tell Aunt Faith someday, she's pretty cool. I'd love to be a writer like her some day.

Faith couldn't help but smile at Darren's reference to her. She took a sip of coffee and returned to her reading. The next entry was two days later.

Well, I did it. I wrote about my feelings and how I've always had them. I wrote about my struggles to keep them repressed and a secret. I can only hope that Mr. Cameron is understanding and keeps his promise. It took me longer to do the paper, as Mr. Cameron wants all papers typed. Thankfully, we have an electric typewriter, so I didn't have to go to school to type it out.

The next entry was a week later.

Mr. Cameron asked me to stay late after class today. After everyone left, he closed the door and began to talk to me about my paper. He told me that it was very brave of me to reveal my secret. We talked for several minutes and he assured me that he wouldn't expose me. He also said that he wanted to help me. I'm so excited! I finally have someone I can talk to about this. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest!

Faith read the next few pages as Darren joyfully wrote about how Mr. Cameron had become a friend and mentor to him. Mr. Cameron promised that he might be able to help Darren get a scholarship, but it would require him to work extra hard. So far it was all pretty innocent stuff, but Faith could see what the teacher was doing; he was slowly building up both a level of trust and a desire to please him. She had seen this during her days as a reporter when she'd covered the case of a pedophile ring in Boston. Once the victim's trust was fully gained, then the trap was sprung. She then found where Mr. Cameron started to pull Darren in.

Darren's next passage started:

I'm not sure how to express exactly what has happened. I went over to Mr. Cameron's house this morning. Mom and Dad went down to Baltimore for a wedding. He said that he wanted to help me find the true me. When I arrived, I was surprised to find Ms. Morris with him. He quickly explained that she was there to help me and that she was completely trustworthy. I asked her how could she help me and she smiled and led me to a bedroom.

Inside the room there was an entire outfit of girl's clothing lying on the bed. Ms. Morris told me that since we weren't at school it was okay for me to call her Jodi, and she then asked me if I had a name that I would prefer over Darren. I sort of shrugged my shoulders and mumbled something about I hadn't thought about it. She smiled and suggested the name Debbie for now. I just nodded softly.

"It's okay, Debbie, I know you're nervous, but we're here to help you. Now, I'd like you to try on these," she said, as she pointed to the clothes. "They should fit you. I'm sorry that I didn't get you any shoes, but I wasn't sure of your size. I'll get you some for the next time."

There was a pair of white cotton panties, a bra, a short skirt, and a short sleeve floral pattern top. There were also two small pads made of some plastic. Jodi said that they were silicone breast pads and that they should go in my bra. She then suggested that I get dressed and when I was ready she would come back in and help me with my makeup and wig.

"It's okay, Debbie, deep down you know this is right," she said. "Why fight these feelings anymore?"

I did as she suggested and got dressed. I had a little trouble with the bra, but eventually figured it out. Even without makeup and the wig, I was stunned at how I looked.

Jodi came back and sat me down at the desk. She set up a makeup mirror and proceeded to apply makeup to my face. She seemed very pleased that I didn't shave.

"Debbie, pay attention to what I'm doing, as someday you'll have to do this for yourself," she explained.

I replied that I understood and took careful note of what she was doing. She even put pink nail polish on my fingernails.

She then set a wig on my head. It was blonde, curly, and sort of poofed out. Jodi explained that it was a good style for me. I wasn't sure, but it sure made me look like a girl. I looked like so many of the girls in my classes at school. I was so thrilled.

Mr. Cameron was very pleased with my appearance. Jodi explained to him my new name and he just nodded in approval.

"Now, Debbie, I'd like you to write an essay for me. Tell me how you feel about the way you're dressed and what it would be like to look like this all the time."

I did as he asked and wrote out several pages on how wonderful I felt dressed in girl's clothing. I gushed about how much I would love to be a girl and to dress like this all the time.

When I finished, he told me to join Jodi in the den and that after he was finished reading my paper, he would tell me what he thought about it. I did as he said and I watched MTV with Jodi.

She pointed out the fashions of the girls we saw on the TV. She said that now that she knew my sizes, she would help me look so pretty. It was all too good to be true, I thought.

An hour later Mr. Cameron came in and told me how much he enjoyed reading my paper. He said that it truly came from my heart and that's what it took to be a real writer.

He then told me that it was time for me to go and that I should go change. Reluctantly I obeyed. Seeing the disappointment in my face, he promised that we would do this again soon.

The next major entry was a week later. It was very similar to the previous one. Darren was dressed up by Jodi and then coached on his appearance. Darren wrote another essay for his teacher on what it was like doing his makeup.

Every week, Darren would spend some time at Mr. Cameron's house, dressing and receiving lessons from Jodi. However, there hadn't been any sexual contact yet.

Faith closed the journal and looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight, and she was feeling weary. Even the caffeine wasn't helping, so she decided to grab some sleep. First she checked in on Darren, who appeared to be sound asleep.

A short time later Faith too was asleep.


Chapter 5


It was still raining when Faith woke around six, and after making a pot of coffee, she started reading the next entry in Darren's journal.

Mr. Cameron asked me if I could stop by his house after school. I didn't see the harm in it, so I rode my bike over to his house.

"Please come in, Debbie. You look like you could use a drink, would you like a soda?" he asked.

"Sure that sounds good," I replied.

"Okay, I'll get you one. Why don't you go in the other room and change?" he said.

I did as he said and found that he an outfit laid out for me. It was a short black leather skirt, a red blouse and black high heels. It was a bit dressier than the outfits that I had been wearing, but I couldn't resist. He came in and handed me the soda. I took a long sip and started on my makeup. He sat back and watched me apply my makeup, taking the occasional photo with a Polaroid. I didn't mind as he always let me keep the photos.

I drank more of the soda and began to feel a little strange, sort of lightheaded.

Mr. Cameron walked over and checked on my drink. "That was quick, would you like another one, Debbie?"

"Yes, please," I replied.

A minute later he returned with another drink. My makeup skills had improved drastically over the past few weeks and I was very pleased with the results.

"Very good, Debbie, but I'd like you make yourself up a bit heavier, you know, like the bad girls do at school."

I turned slowly towards him and nodded. "Okay."

"Very good, Debbie."

I put on more eyeliner and eyeshadow; I also used some lip gloss to make my lips sexier.

"Yes, that's much better. Debbie, you're way too pretty to be dressing up as a boy," he said.

I smiled at the fact that he called me pretty, as I put on my wig.

He walked up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Debbie, you will do exactly as I tell you, isn't that right?"

I was caught off guard by this, but instead of questioning him, all I could do was nod.

"You're now my girl, my little sissy girl. Say it; tell me that you're my sissy girl."

I turned around and looked up at him. "I'm your sissy girl," I replied.

"Speak softer; make your voice more feminine, Debbie."

I did as he commanded.

His hand came down gently against my face and stroked me. I could feel myself breathing faster.

"You will do whatever I tell you, Debbie. You cannot resist."

He took me by the hand and led me to the nearby bed. He sat me on his lap and began to kiss me. I offered no resistance and he kissed me on my lips. His strong arms surrounded me and pulled me close. It was all so confusing, yet I couldn't resist.

He kissed and touched me all over, rubbing his hands over my chest. He then moved me down to my knees in front of him. I was facing him looking up from the floor as he undid his belt and unzipped his pants. He pulled his dick out and placed in right in front of my face.

"Kiss it, Debbie."

I couldn't resist and did as he ordered.

"Good, keep kissing it."

I did what he told me. I kissed it, I then licked it, and... and then I sucked it.

Afterwards he told me to change and to go home. I rode home in silence and then went right to bed.

I woke up with an awful headache, as if my head was going to explode. I also felt sick to my stomach when I realized what I had done.

I had sex with a man! I never even kissed a girl and I've sucked a dick! I can't believe this has happened to me. I wish I knew a way out, but who can I tell? I hope this doesn't get worse.

The next entry was more disturbing. It was from a few days later.

Mr. Cameron told me he wanted to see me after school. I knew that I had to be there. I was there right after school ended. He didn't say a word, as he closed and locked the door.

"Well, Debbie, I imagine you have a lot on your little mind," he said.

I cringed slightly hearing my girl name spoken in the classroom. "I'm confused about what happened the other day."

He chuckled. "You really should be a real blonde. I slipped a drug into your soda, it made you very obedient. Still it didn't take much to have you on your knees, you little sissy slut."

I felt a stab of fear deep into my body.

"You belong to me now, slut. I own you. I have the photos of you dressing and if I wanted could have them spread around school. I have your essays that I could turn over to your parents. I'm telling you this here in school to show you how much power I have over you. I don't fear you, Debbie, as I own you, one hundred percent."

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked meekly.

"Anything I want. You suck cock really good and you will get even better. Now, whenever I want, you will come to my house. As soon as you arrive I want you to change into whatever outfit I have laid out for you. Is that clear?"

I nodded.

"No, slut, say it, say 'Yes, Mr. Cameron, I understand and will obey you'."

"Yes, Mr. Cameron, I understand and will obey you."

"Excellent, you really are a fast learner. Now, before you go, I want you to take this," he said as he extended out his hand. There was a large pill in it. "Don't ask, just take it and swallow it."

I did as he ordered. I wondered what it was, but didn't dare ask him.

There was a knock on the door and Ms. Morris entered. She sat down on the desk next to Mr. Cameron and wrapped her arm around his waist.

"She turned out so much better than I ever could have guessed," she said to him. "I thought he might be gay, but I had no idea he was just a sissy."

I felt like crying right there, but somehow held back the tears.

"Debbie, you'll be pleased to know that I've taken care of your schedule and you won't have to worry about PE class ever again," she stated.

Somehow I knew this wasn't good news.

"Since you don't have to worry about showering with a bunch of real boys anymore, I guess you can start shaving your legs and underarms, just like the other girls," interjected Mr. Cameron.

I nodded my compliance.

"I think she should also shave her pussy, don't you?" suggested Ms. Morris.

"Of course!" replied Mr. Cameron with a laugh. "I will check tomorrow, Debbie. You don't want to disobey me."

"And since she doesn't have to worry about gym class anymore, she should wear panties to school from now on," she added.

"Exactly. In fact I have a bag of them for her right here," he stated. He got up from the edge of the desk and retrieved a bag from his desk drawer. "Make sure you wear these from now on. I will check."

I wanted to argue, but couldn't. My mind couldn't function, and all I could do was nod like some dummy.

"That's all for now, Debbie, you can leave now," he said.

I went home, went up to my room and cried. I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom trying to think of some way out of this mess. I drew a complete blank. If I came forward I would be ridiculed. If Mr. Cameron released those photos I could get the shit beaten out of me. Mom and Dad would suffer because of my weakness. I could run away, but where? There are other options but I don't want to go there, I don't even want to mention it.

I finally decided that I would just do what he says and hope for the best. Then I got up and went into the bathroom and did as they told me. I shaved my legs, my underarms, and then my pubic hair. When was I finished I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like I was twelve or younger. I then wondered what was in the pill he gave me. I also knew that I was in deep trouble.

Faith closed the book. She felt her rage growing towards the two monsters who had abused her nephew. Looking at her watch, she saw that it was almost eight. She checked in on Darren, and found he was still asleep.

She then pulled out her Rolodex and thumbed through it. Dialing the number, she was pleased to get a response by the third ring.

"Sorry to bother you so early, Patsy, but I need an immediate favor."

"What is it, Faith?" asked Patsy.

"I need you to conduct a complete physical on my nephew. I suspect that he's been sexually abused."

"Oh God, I'm so sorry to hear that. Tell me more," stated Patsy.

Faith told her want she knew so far.

"What time do you want to come over?" asked Patsy.

"Darren's still asleep. I'll call you back, but I just wanted to give you a heads up."

"If you're right about this, what do you want to do about it?"

"I don't know yet, but someone is going to pay for this." She then searched for another number and dialed it. She got the answering machine for Sanders, Sanders, and Harrison, Attorneys at Law. She then dialed the extension for Gabrielle Sanders. "Gabby, this is Faith; please call me as soon as you get in."


Chapter 6


Darren was still asleep, so Faith returned to the journal. The next few entries documented more sexual abuse, all of it oral. Mr. Cameron also continued to have Darren take a pill every day. Faith knew these must have been some sort of hormone and were the reason for Darren's physical changes.

Somehow Darren continued to function in his double life. He wrote of how no one seemed to notice what was going on. Then Mr. Cameron took it up a notch.

After school I picked up my pill. It had been a month since I first started taking them and there are some "things" happening to me. My nipples are tender; they also seem bigger, as if they're slightly swollen. I don't dare ask Mr. Cameron about this.

Anyway, when I stopped by to take my pill, Mr. Cameron told me to be at his house at seven.

"I know your parents will be out of town this weekend. So, you'll be able to spend the night with me. Won't that be fun?"

I wondered how he knew about my parents, but again I couldn't question him.

"Yes, Mr. Cameron."

He smiled. "Very good, Debbie. You're a fast learner and I want to help you as much as I can. Now, I want you ready by seven. I'll pick you up at the bus stop down from your house."

I froze; did he just say that he was picking me up?

As if he could read my mind, he nodded. "Yes. Your outfit is in this bag. Change at home and be at the bus stop by seven."

There was no room for argument. "Yes, Mr. Cameron."

I took the bag and left for home. I didn't dare open it until I got home. Mom and Dad had already left for his navy reunion. They left a note with the phone number of the hotel in Baltimore.

I went up to my room and opened the bag. Inside were a short spandex skirt, a garterbelt, stockings, high heels, and a red silk top. There was also a jacket, purse, wig, and makeup.

I stared at the outfit and realized that once I dressed I would look like one of those whores that I saw in the movies. Still, I knew I had to obey, so I got dressed.

I took special care in doing my makeup. Mr. Cameron was very critical of my appearance and I made sure that I looked perfect for him. Next I clipped on my earrings. They were big gold hoops. I had a little trouble with the fake nails, but I got them all on.

I stared at myself in the mirror before leaving. I couldn't believe I was looking at myself. In my short skirt and big hair, I was a different person. That was good, as even if someone saw me, it was very unlikely that they would know it was really me. Before leaving, I packed up my makeup and scanned my room to make sure I left nothing out.

It was so cold outside. I was shivering as I walked quickly down the street. Actually it wasn't that cold, it was just my nerves. Thankfully, I didn't see a soul, as I was so afraid that someone would see me. I stood near the bus stop, and glanced at my watch. It was seven and I prayed that Mr. Cameron would show up soon.

I saw a car approaching, it slowed down as it pulled up to the bus stop. The door opened up as soon as it came to a stop.

"Get in, slut," ordered Mr. Cameron.

I gratefully obeyed.

"Very nice, Debbie. You make a very attractive whore."

I didn't know what to say so I just turned and nervously smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Cameron."

We drove to his house and pulled into the garage. He led me inside and told me to sit on the couch. He then poured me a drink, it was champagne. I had tasted it once before at my cousin's wedding the previous year.

"Drink, Debbie. This is a good drink for a girl like you."

I obeyed and found that it didn't taste too bad. I lost track of how many glasses of champagne I drank, but he never let my glass get empty.

He then began to strip me, starting with my blouse. He seemed very pleased to see that my nipples were growing. When he rubbed them I felt all tingly, and as I reacted, it made him happy.

"Your girlie pills are working nicely, it's so nice to see you growing little titties," he remarked.

We kissed and I responded to him the way I knew would please him. I got no pleasure out of it, but I knew that I had to act like I was enjoying myself. I rubbed against his cock with my hand and could feel it grow. I waited for him to give me the order to start giving him another blow job. I just wanted to get it over with.

"It's time, Debbie," he said, as he stood up and led me to his bedroom. Between the heels and the champagne, I had a hard time walking.

We got into his room and he undressed. I was still in my stockings, heels and garterbelt. The rest of my outfit was scattered around the living room.

What happened next is sort of blurry; it was like it was happening in slow motion. He then had me get on all fours and he then began to rub something between my legs, his fingers began to rub against my asshole, his fingers began to enter me. Then he pressed his cock against me and....

Sorry, I can't put it down in words.

Crap! I can't even be open with myself!

The next morning he had me dress in jeans, a sweater, bra and panties. He didn't have me put on makeup or my wig, but I still looked like a girl, as my hair was getting so long, and he styled it so it looked feminine.

"You became a real woman last night, Debbie. You cannot be a boy now. I made love to you, as I would any other woman, and you responded like a woman. There is no turning back now."

I bit my lower lip and tried to fight back the tears.

"See, you're crying just like a real girl. Now, just in case you get any silly thoughts in your head, I have something for you to watch."

He inserted a tape in his VCR and hit play. It showed me dressing in my bedroom; somehow he videotaped me getting dressed!

"That's right, I watched you dress last night. Now imagine what would happen to you... and your parents, should this tape get out, it wouldn't be very nice, would it?"

I began to cry and beg him not to show it. I promised I would obey him and he just sat there and smiled.

"Very good, Debbie, but I'll hold onto this tape for now, along with everything else I have on you. Now, I have something for you to do today. Jodi, will be by shortly and you will go with her and get your ears pierced. Don't worry; so many real boys have their ears pierced, so no one will notice you."

I didn't argue; how could I?

Jodi arrived a short time later and we drove out of town. I asked her where we were going.

"There's a mall thirty minutes from here. I didn't think you'd want to get your ears pierced in town," she replied.

I didn't say a word the rest of the way. My ears were pieced and we headed home. I finally got the nerve up to speak.

"Why are you two doing this to me?" I blurted out.

Jodi turned to me; there was a look of real sadness on her face. "Like you, I don't have a choice. Maybe some day I can talk to you about it, but not now. Try and be strong."

I don't know if I believe her or not. I have a hard time trusting anyone right now. She is the one who is the reason why I'm being abused; she's the one that put me in his class in the first place, but maybe she's under his control too. I wish this had never happened!

This has to be punishment for my feelings about wanting to be a girl. There is no other explanation for it. If I hadn't been so weak, then I wouldn't be in this predicament. I hate my life and I hate myself. I only wish I had the strength to do something about it.

I sat at home the rest of the weekend. I had been used by a man. I really was becoming the sissy-slut he called me. He had fucked me and I had his sperm in my body, and I hadn't resisted one bit. There I said it, he fucked me. Shit. How could I be so stupid to have fallen into his trap? Am I really a slut? Maybe the real reason I didn't resist is that I wanted him to fuck me?

NO. I can't stand the fact that he used me! I may not have a choice, but I don't have to like it.

If Jodi is also owned by him, does that mean that he'll use me for the rest of my life?

Faith stared at her nephew's words and wondered how he'd managed to survive his abuse and torture.

The phone began to ring, and Faith set down the journal to answer it. "Hello?"

"Faith, this is Gabby, what's wrong?" asked Gabby.

She had been Faith's lawyer for nearly six years. They had met while Faith was still a reporter. Gabby had provided information that helped Faith expose several corrupt politicians.

Faith told her about Darren and the journal.

"What do you want me to do?" asked Gabby.

"For now, I just want to protect Darren. I'd like you to look into what it would take for me to gain custody of him. Can you get ahold of Max for me?"

"I'll see what I can do; he's not the easiest person to track down."

Max Bowie, if that was even his name, was a sometime PI, sometimes bodyguard, who did work for Gabby's firm. Faith had met him through Gabby. They were both too independent to have a relationship with each other, but there was definite chemistry between them.

"I'd appreciate it."

"You want him for investigating your nephew's story or for protection?"

Faith hesitated. "Both."

"I understand. I suppose it would be pointless of me to suggest that you turn this over to the authorities," stated Gabby.

"I need to find out how deep this goes. Darren told me that there were sex parties and that several important people in town were involved. I suspect that the town may be very dirty," replied Faith.

"Sounds like you haven't lost your reporter's sixth sense."

"True. Anyway, I want to protect Darren and uncover this mess, but I need to know how deep it goes. If I just go to the police, some of the scum may get away. I'm also worried about my sister."

"Okay. I'll see if I can find Max. Call me if you need anything."

Faith hung up the phone. She then looked in on Darren. He was just waking up.

"How're you feeling?" she asked.

"Better. I can't believe how long I slept," replied Darren.

"Why don't you take a shower and get dressed. I'll fix you some breakfast, or if you prefer, lunch."

Darren smiled. "Either will be fine. Thank you for letting me stay here."

"It's okay, Darren. After you eat, we'll talk."


Chapter 7


While Darren showered, Faith read some more of his journal. The abuse became almost routine; Darren would go over to Mr. Cameron's home once or twice a week. The sex got more frequent and kinkier. Bondage was added as Darren was restrained and assaulted by Mr. Cameron. Then came the first party where Darren was abused by others.

Mr. Cameron told me that he wanted to see me Saturday afternoon. I had no choice but to obey. I told Mom and Dad that I was going to the movies.

I arrived at his house and he told me to go to "my" room to change. The outfit on the bed was a Carbonville cheerleader's outfit. Debbie was embroidered over the left breast. There was also a note telling me to make sure my makeup was done extra heavy.

The dress fit perfectly — why wouldn't it? He thinks of everything. There was even a new wig, styled to have two pigtails with ribbons matching our school's colors, red and blue.

Mr. Cameron came in and began to take my picture. Another brick in the wall, I thought.

"Now, I'm going to blindfold you and lead you out. You will obey everything I tell you to do, is that clear, Debbie?"

"Yes, Mr. Cameron."

He put the blindfold on me and led me out of the room. It was so quiet as he led me around his house. I was a little disoriented, but I think we ended up in the den. He then tied me down over what felt like a table. My arms were stretched out in front of me as I lay on my belly. My legs were spread apart and tied down. I was confused by what he was doing. He had fucked me many times, but he had never taken such precautions to keep me tied down, usually the bondage was light.

I was in this position for a few minutes before I felt him touching me. His hands ran over my ass and began to pull down my panties. Something seemed different, but I couldn't figure it out at first. His hand began to rub against my ass. I could feel the lube being massaged in.

"Damn, she's tight!"

Oh my god! There was someone touching me. I instinctively tried to pull away, but couldn't.

"Well, seems your little surprise is complete!" laughed the man.

"Pay her no mind, she can't get away," stated Mr. Cameron. "She's a good fuck, so enjoy her."

I felt the man's cock press against my ass and slip in. I gasped as his cock seemed thicker than Mr. Cameron's.

He fucked me long and deep. I could hear Mr. Cameron's comments the whole time. I could also hear his camera clicking. Tears began to run down my face.

The other man finished and told Mr. Cameron that he had done a good job training me.

"She'll be a popular addition to our parties. I know she'll attract a lot of attention. How are her titties coming along?"

"Here, I'll show you," replied Mr. Cameron. He untied and repositioned me. He then stripped me, so that all I had on was the blindfold.

"Oooh, nice. Can you make her a girl scout next time?"

"That's not a problem; she's so petite that she could be a brownie!"

"How do you keep her so slim?" the man asked.

"The hormone pills have a weight loss additive mixed in. I plan on keeping her looking young."

"Oh yes, that will be nice. She's a cute little sissy. I can't believe she's really sixteen."

"I know, I got lucky with her."

Faith then heard Darren's footsteps.

She made him pancakes and bacon. Darren ate three helpings. He looked over and saw his journal.

"How far have you gotten?" he asked.

"The first time he let someone else use you," she replied softly.


"Darren, do you remember who the other man was?" she asked.

"It was my dad's boss," he replied meekly. "I recognized his voice later on."

"Okay, well, I want you to know that I'm going to help you. We're also going to put a stop to this."

"How? No one back there believes me. If I go back, they'll throw me in the loony bin!"

"No, they won't. I'm going to have some friends help me," replied Faith. "Listen to me, Darren; no one is going to hurt you."

"I wish I could believe you," answered Darren.

"Trust me, Darren. Now, I called a friend of mine; she's a doctor, and I want her to examine you."

Darren stared back. "When?"

"As soon as possible," she replied. "This afternoon?"

"Is it necessary?"

"Yes. We need to make sure that you haven't been injured. There's also the issue of the pills you've been taking."

"I have some of them," replied Darren.

"How? From what I've read Mr. Cameron watched you take them."

"I palmed one or two. I have them in my bag."

Faith smiled. "Darren, you're pretty slick. I'm proud of you!"

"Thanks, Aunt Faith."

"Darren, may I ask you something?"


"Do you still want to be a girl?"

He stared back at her. "Even after everything that has happened, the answer is yes."

"Okay, we'll have to tell Patsy that; she may be able to help."

"Do you think they'll come looking for me? I don't want to go back there!"

"Darren, no one is going to force you anywhere."


Chapter 8


Faith and Darren drove into Mystic in her white Volvo station wagon to the office of her friend Patsy. Dr. Patricia Neves had been friends with Faith since they were in grade school. She was third generation Portuguese-American. She was also the first member of her family to go to college. Her father and four brothers were all lobstermen.

She was a slight woman with long dark brown hair. She had piercing eyes that never missed a detail.

"Patsy, this is my nephew, Darren," introduced Faith.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," replied Patsy with a smile that made Darren feel right at ease.

They sat down in her office.

"Now, Darren, your aunt has told me that you've been sexual abused. I want to do a full exam on you. I will tell you everything that I'm doing and why. Is that okay?"

"Yes, Dr. Neves."

"Please call me Patsy."

"Okay, Patsy."

"I will have to take some blood for testing. I'll have to send it away to a lab, but don't worry. I can protect your privacy."

"What sorts of tests?" asked Faith.

"Sexually transmitted diseases," she replied. "We finally have a test for HIV that I would like to run too."

"HIV? You mean AIDS?" asked Darren with a horrified look on his face. He began to tremble slightly.

"Darren, it's just a precaution. I don't know a nice way of asking this, but how many different sexual partners have you had?"

Darren seemed to be calculating the number in his head. "Maybe twenty-five, it could be higher, as I was blindfolded some of the time."

Patsy cast a glance at her friend. "Okay, we need to make sure that none of these men passed something on to you."

"If it's AIDS, what can you do?"

"Let's just run the tests first, okay?"

Darren bit his lower lip. "Okay."

"Patsy, there's something else you need to be told; Darren's most likely a transsexual. His teacher has been giving him hormones," interjected Faith.

"I have one of the pills here," added Darren.

"Okay, that will help. I have a friend who's a therapist; she's very knowledgeable on gender issues. Would you like to see her?"

"Maybe," replied Darren.

"Well, we have time, so why don't you follow me into my examination room, Darren. Faith, why don't you wait in here?"

"Is that okay with you, Darren?" asked Faith.

"Yes, I trust her," replied Darren with a smile.

"Well, thank you very much, Darren. I really appreciate that," interjected Patsy. She then winked at Darren.

After they left, Faith took out the journal from her bag and began to read again.


Chapter 9


Over the next few months Darren was dressed in a variety of outfits. There were notes written to the side of the journal entries, obviously written by Darren at a later date. He assigned nicknames to the men who used him. In some cases the nicknames had been crossed out and the man's actual name was written in. She took out her notebook and began to record the names. Her final tally was twenty-five different men. Max would find these very useful, she hoped.

Faith then reached the first entry where Darren found out that there were other teens being used as sex slaves.

Mr. Cameron told me to be at his house after school. I wish this was over, but wishing hasn't worked yet and so I obeyed his orders and went to his home.

My outfit today was the uniform of the local Catholic high school. I put on my training bra, panties, white short sleeve blouse, and plaid skirt. There were also white knee socks and patent leather shoes. I put on the blonde wig that has two pigtails. I wondered who would use me today as I did my makeup.

Mr. Cameron knocked on the door and asked me if I was ready. I told him I was ready for his inspection. He was very pleased with my appearance.

"Follow me, Debbie; I have some very anxious guests who need your services. But before we go out there I have a warning for you; there are some other sluts working the party, if any of you talk to each other about this, I will find out and punish you severely."

"Yes, Mr. Cameron."

"I know that many of your fellow students have noticed how you've changed, but you know why none have picked on you?"

I shook my head. Considering how some of the kids were picked on at school, I was surprised that I hadn't become a target.

"You have bodyguards. There are other students who work for me. They protect you and my other girls. However, they also report to me if you have been misbehaving. So, remember that, slut."

It made sense. I was now a real wimp; my hair was longer than some of the girls, and I had pierced ears, yet no one ever bothered me. I also knew that these so-called protectors could also be used to punish me at the orders of Mr. Cameron.

"I will, Mr. Cameron."

Once out in the den, I saw two other girls dressed in similar outfits. I recognized both from school, but didn't really know either of them. Both were seniors and they wouldn't talk to a junior. I was slightly surprised that they were real girls. I guess I was expecting to see more girls like me.

I had sex with two men, both orally. They were wearing masks, but I recognized them. One was Joker and the other Dopey.

Faith looked at the notes on the side, Joker was listed as Coach Thompson, and Dopey was identified as Mr. Knox. She would ask Darren who they were later. She wondered how big the sex ring was in the town. She then returned to the journal.

I can't believe that these guys can do this to us, and they act like nothing happened back in school. I hate them; I hate them with all my heart!

"Faith, we're done," announced Patsy as she walked back into her office with Darren.

"How're you doing, Darren?"

"She says pretty good, all things considered," he replied.

"I'd like him to put some pounds back on, he's underweight," interjected Patsy.

"When will you get the test results back?" asked Faith.

"I should have them by the end of next week. I can push for faster results, but it's expensive."

"Send me the bill," replied Faith. The extra cost would be money well spent for Darren's peace of mind.

"Okay, I should have them back in three days. I'll call you when they get in."

"What about the pill?"

"I'll send it in to be analyzed. It's a custom job, as it doesn't match anything I've ever seen. Obviously, it has a high dose of female hormones," replied Patsy. "I would like to suggest that Darren stay on hormones for now. I don't want to shock his system by total withdrawal. I'll write out a prescription."

Faith looked at Darren who nodded his approval. "Okay, that sounds good."

"I'll adjust your dosage, Darren, as soon as I get the lab reports back. I should have it back tomorrow, as I have a friend who works at Pfizer over in Groton," continued Patsy.

"Thank you, thank you for everything," replied Darren.

"Oh, Faith, Darren and I talked about my creating a file for him. It can be used as evidence when you catch those who did this to him."

"Great, I appreciate this, Patsy."

Patsy smiled and gave Darren a big hug. "I'll see you both around."


Chapter 10


Back at Faith's house, they sat down in the living room.

"I'm still reading your journal, but I have some more questions for you, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind, Aunt Faith."

"Who are these people?" she asked as she showed him a list of names that she had copied form the journal.

"Coach Thompson is the baseball coach and health teacher. Mr. Knox is my principal. I wrote those in while I rode the bus out here."

"If it's not too much trouble, I'd like you to write out who each of these men is. If you want I can let you do it on my computer."

"You have a computer?"

Faith smiled at his response. "Yes, I've been using one for a few months."

"Is it a Mac?"

Faith nodded.


The rest of the afternoon, Faith and Darren sat at her desk compiling a list of men who had used him. Eighteen men were unidentified; all had been with Darren more than once.

"What I'd like you to do for each of the men you can't identify is to write as much as you can remember about them," explained Faith.

"You mean like their size, voice, stuff like that?"

"Exactly, my dear Watson," replied Faith.

Darren laughed. Over the next hour, he complied workable descriptions for seventeen of the men.

"This one is a problem. I called him the Ghost, because I never saw him. I was always wearing a blindfold when I was with him."

"So tell me what you do remember," she asked.

"He never spoke, he was fat, and he smelled like cigars."

"That's good, was it always the same aroma?"

"Aroma? No, it was always the same stench! He smoked those cheap stinky ones like Uncle Harold did."

Faith chuckled. Harold was Art's brother. He used to smoke cheap stogies, until the doctors made him quit. He was also in the navy and was currently stationed in Holy Loch, Scotland.

"Okay, that's a good start, what else can you remember?"

"He has false teeth," added Darren. "I know that's pretty gross."

"It is, but it is also very useful. How many times were you with him?"

"Five times," replied Darren.

"How did you get through it?" asked Faith.

"I concentrated on something else. I tried to take myself to another place. It didn't always work, but I did everything possible to distract myself from what was happening to me."

"Okay, this is good enough for now. What do you say that we go out and get some lobster; does that sound good to you?"

"Lobster? I don't have any fancy clothes," replied Darren. "The last time I had lobster was when we went out to dinner in Hagerstown."

"You're dressed fine. This is New England, and we're going to a lobster house. The food is great, but it's not fancy."


Chapter 11


Just as Faith promised, the food was excellent. They ate inside, as it was still raining. The tables were wooden picnic tables, covered with paper tablecloths. The other half of the restaurant was a fish market.

"Wow, that's the best lobster I've ever had," Darren stated, as he dipped another piece of claw meat into the drawn butter.

"It should be, it was in the sound until this morning," replied Faith, as she cracked open a claw.

"So what happens next?" asked Darren.

"I'm waiting for a friend to call. I'm going to ask him to nose around in Carbonville and see what he can turn up," explained Faith.

"And then?"

"Once we know how deep it goes, we'll expose it."

"The police won't do anything."

"I'm not talking about the local police; judging by the amount of corruption in the school, they're probably involved. This sort of thing is too big not to be noticed by an honest cop. No, I'm talking about the state police, and if we can find that there was any interstate transportation of teens, then we'll get the Feds involved."

"I was taken to parties at places other than Mr. Cameron's house a few times. We once drove nearly an hour before getting there."

"How far is it to Pennsylvania from Carbonville?"

"Twenty minutes."

"That could be the key to busting this ring up."

Darren leaned forward. "What will happen to me?

"Obviously, the charges against you are false. But you're still just sixteen. I will try to gain custody of you, if you'd like."

Darren sat in silence. "I don't hate my parents, even after they wanted to send me away. But I can't go back there if they hate me either."

"You have time to make up your mind. I've contacted my lawyer, and she's pretty good."

"Do you think that they'll come here to get me?" he asked.

Faith realized that he wasn't talking about his parents. "No, I doubt they'll come out here."

"I know you're lying, but I appreciate you trying to make me feel better," added Darren.

Faith grinned. "Don't worry; my friend can handle anything they try."

"I guess we also need to address my gender issue too." He then let out a big yawn.

"All in good time, Darren. I suggest for now we head home and you get some more sleep.

"No argument here," he replied. "I want to say that I love you, Aunt Faith."

"I love you too, Darren."

They drove back to her house, and Darren went immediately to bed. Faith read more of his journal. Darren had finally gotten the nerve to speak to his parents; somehow Mr. Cameron must have sensed what was about to happen. She read the despair in Darren's words as he wrote about the meeting with the principal and his parents. Faith had to begrudgingly admit that drug charges were a nice touch when it came to framing Darren.

She finished it just as the news was ending. It stopped right before his running away. She switched over to NBC to watch The Tonight Show. Johnny Carson's nightly monologue was one of her guilty pleasures.

Just as it ended, her phone rang.

"Faith, I heard you need some help," a man's voice greeted her.

It was Max Bowie.

"Yes, Max, I need your help."

"At the usual rate?"

"Double," replied Faith.

"Well, it must be important then; you've never offered me two dinners before. I'll be there tomorrow morning."

"Don't you want to know the details?"

"No, they can wait. Knowing you, this is something serious."

"It is, and it involves family."

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning for breakfast."

Faith hung up the phone. She felt good knowing Max would be helping. She turned off the TV and checked the locks before going to bed. After checking in on Darren, she retired to her room.

Before she turned off the light, she pulled out the .38 Smith and Wesson from her nightstand. Max had given it to her when she was writing an article on corruption involving tow trucks in Boston. She had received several death threats after the article was published. Max had taken her to the range until she became fairly proficient. She still went to the range every few weeks, as it was a way to release stress. Faith held the gun and then loaded it before putting back in the nightstand, just in case.


Chapter 12


The rain was finally over and the morning sun felt wonderful. Faith was sitting out on her deck reading the morning papers. In addition to reading the local paper, The Day, she also received the Boston Globe. In some ways, she missed working for the paper.

Darren joined her a little after eight. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Darren. Did you sleep well?"

"So-so. I had a nightmare that I was back with Mr. Cameron."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Patsy said that I might have nightmares for a while," he replied, as he sat down at the table.

"If you need to talk about it, I'm always here."

"I know, and I appreciate it."

"So, are you hungry?"

Darren nodded.

"Okay, how about French toast?" she asked.

"That sounds great."

"Come on, you can help me."

They walked into the house. Faith dug out the ingredients as Darren set the table.

"Better make it for three," stated Faith.


"Yes, he said he'd be here for breakfast."

On cue, her doorbell rang.

Faith walked over and looked through the peephole; she turned to Darren and smiled as she opened the door.

"Just in time for breakfast, Max," she greeted him.

He walked in and hugged Faith. "Good to see you, Faith."

Max Bowie was a large man, at six-one, one hundred eighty pounds. His reddish-brown hair was short.

"Max, this is my nephew, Darren."

Max smiled as he shook Darren's hand. "Pleased to meet you, Darren."

"Well, I need to start cooking the French toast. Let's head back to the kitchen."

Over breakfast, Faith and Darren filled Max in on why they needed his help.

"I'd like to read your journal, if you don't mind, Darren," asked Max, as he picked up his coffee mug.

"No, I want to do whatever it takes to stop this."

"Good. Look, I agree with Faith that this is a huge conspiracy. I wouldn't be surprised if this has been going on for years. Your guidance counselor may have been forced into this. I'll dig out the truth," continued Max. "But before I head out there, I need to take care of a few things here."

"Like what?" asked Faith.

"I want to install a security system. I know you picked this place out because of the isolation, but I'd sleep easier if you had some protection. I have a friend who'll wire the house and also do a few other things."

"Anything else?" asked Faith.

"Yes, I'd like you to call your sister. Don't tell her that Darren's here; rather just make it a social call. Don't you have a new book coming out soon?" he asked.

"Yes, it comes out in a month."

"Okay, then tell her that you may be in Baltimore next month for a book signing and that you'd like to see them. I want to judge her reaction, among other things," continued Max.

"Do you think my parents are in on this?" asked Darren.

Max shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry, Darren, but in my line of work you never discount anyone."

"Someday you must tell me what exactly your line of work is," piped in Faith.

Max smiled. "Someday, I may even know myself."

After breakfast was cleaned up, Max hooked up an electronic device to the phone.

"What does this do?" asked Darren.

"It records all conversations, but more importantly it will let me know if the conversation is being recorded on the other end. I can tell that by looking at these dials."

"So when Aunt Faith calls Mom, you can see if her phone is tapped," stated Darren.

"Very good," replied Max. "I'll even be able to determine how sophisticated the tap is."

"Is it ready?" asked Faith.

"Sure, you want to call now?"

"Mom should be home right now," added Darren.

"Okay," said Faith as she picked up the phone and dialed the number. After three rings it was picked up.


"Good morning, Hope, it's Faith."

"Faith? Oh, good morning, this is a pleasure!"

"I just wanted to call and say hi. I just got my schedule for book signings, and it looks like I may be in Baltimore next month. I'd love to see you."

"Really? That would be nice."

Max looked at the dials and nodded to Darren. "Your parent's phone is tapped. Not a very good system, but someone is listening to their calls."

"So, how're Art and Darren?" asked Faith.

"Art just got a promotion; he's going to become a shift manager," answered Hope.

"And Darren?"

There was a long pause. "Oh, he's off at camp for the summer; he's an assistant counselor. He left a week ago."

"Oh, sorry I missed him. I'll send him a copy of my new book, can I have the address?"

"Um, why don't you just send it here, we'll send it to him."

"Okay, that'll work. I bet you miss him," asked Faith.

"What? Oh yes, I miss him. Well, this must be costing you a fortune calling at this time of the day. I don't want to keep you, Faith. Please keep in touch."

"Well, you take care, and say hi to Art and Darren for me."

"I will. Good-bye, Faith."

Faith said good-bye and hung up the phone.

Darren was fighting back tears. "She doesn't care about me anymore."

"You don't know that for sure. They might have threatened her," stated Faith.

"They're obviously trying to find out where you are, Darren. Judging from the readings, I would say that your Mom doesn't know her phone is tapped," commented Max.

"What will they do to me, if they get me, Max?"

Max glanced at Faith.

"Please be honest," continued Darren.

"I'd say that you're too big of a risk to let go. If they took the effort to put a tap on the phone, I imagine that they want you pretty bad. If they have half a brain between them, then they'll track you here."

"What do we do?" asked Faith.

"I'll have the security system hooked up ASAP. I'll also have some friends keep an eye on you," explained Max. "I'll pay a little visit to Carbonville and see what I can turn up. For now, I'd like to have a look at the journal and notes."


Chapter 13


Max spent the rest of the day reading the journal and Faith's notes. Two men arrived around two and began to install a security system, including an alarm and motion sensitive lights.

By dinnertime, the system was operational and Max was done reading.

"You have an eye for detail, Darren, I'm very impressed," stated Max, as he lit the fire in the grill.

They were out on the deck. Faith was preparing some chicken breasts to be barbecued.

"I tried to concentrate while they used me, to take my mind off what they were doing to me."

"This is going to cause quite a stink when it blows up," continued Max. "Well, at least we have the security system up and operational. I'll show both how to work it after dinner. It's pretty easy to turn on. I also want you to know how to set off the panic button, should someone break in."

"I'm so sorry I dragged you into this mess, I shouldn't have come here," lamented Darren.

Faith shook her head. "Nonsense, Darren. You did nothing wrong."

"Darren, you're the victim in all this. It also took great bravery for you to escape," added Max.

"But this is my fault; if I hadn't written that paper, then this wouldn't have happened," replied Darren.

"You can't be so sure. It's obvious that they targeted you without knowing you were transsexual. I imagine that they would have dragged you into this regardless," explained Max.

"You think so?" asked Darren.

Max nodded. "Since you insist on hearing the truth, I want you to know one more thing; I don't think they had any intention of putting you into an institution. I suspect that you would have been killed. I want you to know that I'll do everything in my power to prevent them from hurting you ever again."

"Even though I'm... transsexual?"

"What difference does that make? Look, it's your life Darren; if you feel more comfortable as a girl, then who am I to object?"

"Thanks, Max."

"No problem, kid," replied Max. He then cocked his head as he stared at Darren. "I just thought of something; it might be better if Darren became a girl."

"What do you mean?" asked Faith.

"Well, if I was one of the bad guys, I would hire someone to track Darren. Judging by what you took with you, I would be looking for a boy."

"But wouldn't they know that I want to be a girl?" asked Darren.

"Maybe not, I suspect that they'd tell the person sent to get you just enough information."

"What do you think, Aunt Faith?" asked Darren.

"I only write detective novels, dear. Max is the resident expert, but what really matters is what you think."

"It would be nice to be me... not that thing they made me... and not a boy...."

There was a long silence. Faith decided to break it. "We can start tomorrow if you want."

Darren nodded.

"What do you want to be called? I assume anything but Debbie," continued Faith.

"You got that right!" he replied. "I'll think about it, if you don't mind."


Chapter 14


It was after ten, and Faith and Max were sitting outside on her deck drinking cognac.

"This is very good, where did you find it?" asked Faith.

"In a little shop near the Seine," he replied.

"Thank you for coming out here."

"You're welcome. I don't mind, besides Darren's a nice kid. It really pisses me off that someone abused him. I'm going to take special joy in taking them down."

"So what's the plan?" asked Faith.

"Well, since I can't legally go in and shoot them, we'll have to do this with more finesse. I'll see what I can find out by poking around Carbonville. Since you're the writer, you can help me consolidate it all. Who knows, it might become your next bestseller."

"Are you saying we expose them by writing a book? That's silly."

"No, you write it, document it, and we'll turn it all over to the Feds. They can make the arrests and should the book be published, the profits can help a young person I know get on with her life."

"Wow, and I thought all you were good for was muscle!" quipped Faith.

"I'm still pretty good at that too," he replied with a wink.

Faith was glad that it was too dark for him to see her blush. For some reason she felt like a schoolgirl around him.

"The security system will provide you protection, but if they find out Darren is here, they won't stop till they get him. We should consider stashing him somewhere else."

"I know. I've been thinking about that."

"Who knows he's here?"

"Patsy Neves, my doctor, and of course Gabby." She then told Max about taking Darren for a physical.

"She sounds trustworthy, and I know we can trust Gabby."

Faith took another sip of her drink. "When are you leaving for Carbonville?"

"Not for a day or so. I want to check in with some contacts before going out there, why?"

"I have a friend in Baltimore who writes for the Baltimore Sun. I'll call her and see if she has any info on Carbonville."

"Good idea. Hey, that gives me an idea. I have a friend who deals in fake IDs. What do you think about having Darren become my kid sister who's staying with you for the summer?"

"What if they check your background?"

"Good luck on that, most of it is made up anyway!" laughed Max.

Faith joined in the laughter, although she wasn't exactly sure if he was telling the truth or not.

"By the way, thanks for your suggestion regarding Darren becoming a girl. I was trying to think of a way to allow him to transition. The trouble is that I have no legal authority over him, and he's only sixteen."

"No problem. It seems silly for him to suffer for two more years just because society is lagging."

Faith's eyebrows rose. "I'm impressed; I didn't suspect that you were so liberal."

"I'm not liberal. Like I said to Darren, it's his life, and he has a right to be happy."

"Well, I'm going to bed, you need anything?" asked Faith as she stood up.

Max looked at her with a sly grin, with a meaning that showed through even in the dim light.

"Do you need anything besides that?" she replied with a laugh.

He shook his head. "It's just good to see you again, Faith."


Chapter 15


The following morning Faith called her friend in Baltimore.

"Well, this is a surprise! You know, Faith, if you keep this up every hack with a pen will start to write books," joked Marissa Jacobs. "By the way, I got an advance copy of your latest, and it's wonderful."

"Thanks, Marissa, I appreciate the good reviews. The reason I'm calling is I need some information on a small town near you. It's called Carbonville; have you ever heard of it?"

"Unfortunately, yes. It's become a sort of hobby of mine, monitoring the most corrupt little town in Maryland. I once drove through there during one of my weekend hunts for antiques. I was arrested for doing twenty-seven in a twenty-five zone. The fine was three hundred bucks! I couldn't believe it, so I started keeping a file. I've later found out that there's more going on there than a speed trap. However, I've never gotten enough dirt to turn it into a story, but one can always hope!"

"What can you tell me about it?" asked Faith excitedly, not believing her luck.

"Wait a second and I'll get my file," stated Marissa. "Okay, the town is run by a local family, the Camerons. Virtually every governmental job in town is either held by a member of the family or a very close associate. That's not all that unusual around here, but there's more. I've seen the name of the town in several probes of interstate smuggling of everything from drugs to cigarettes; the problem is no one has ever made any inroads into the family. The State Police have made some minor arrests, but nothing significant."

"Very interesting."

"The town is also far enough away from any major city that they don't attract a lot of attention. They're also sort of low end on the crime list; yes, drug dealings exist, but far worse goes down here in Baltimore on a daily basis."

"Tell me more about the Camerons," asked Faith, as she wrote notes.

"The leader of the clan is also the mayor. His name is Harry Cameron, and he's been re-elected eight straight times, the last four times unopposed. Most people call him coach, as he used to coach the local high school football team even though he retired over ten years ago. His brother Russell runs the local machine shop, the town's biggest employer, and his son-in-law Randy Monroe in the chief of police."

"Does Harry have any kids?"

"Yes, one son and two daughters. Harry Jr. is presently a high school teacher. His oldest daughter, Mary, is married to the aforementioned Randy Monroe, and his youngest daughter, Colleen, is married to Gregory Knox, the high school principal."

"Okay, so who runs the crime aspect?"

"Everything that happens in the town goes through Harry Sr. He may not actually run anything, but he gets a kickback. Monroe is suspected of running most of the smuggling. He may be the only police chief in Maryland who once did three years in Leavenworth."

"You're kidding?"

"No, he did time for armed robbery."

"What about the son?"

"Harry, Jr.? So far, he's maintained a clean record, but I think he's being groomed for something; he's his father's pride and joy."

"Anyone else I should be aware of?"

"How 'bout the local minister?"


"Yes, his name is, where is it... oh, here it is, Dean Greenville. His name came up a few years ago during a child abuse case here in Baltimore. He was accused of providing teens to local perverts. The case fell apart when the main witness disappeared. The charges were dropped and Rev. Greenville left town."

"What about Russell?"

"He used to live here in Baltimore, has a record for working in chop-shops. He was caught twice before heading back home to Carbonville."

"Do you think he's still in the business?"

"I wouldn't doubt it. I can see what my connections in the State Police think. I can tell you one thing, they don't like strangers there. I went back to nose around town and within an hour I was being followed by the local cops. I didn't want to get another three hundred buck ticket, so I left. No one would talk to me anyway."

'So why haven't you written about it?" asked Faith.

"Not enough evidence, besides it's a small town; no one cares about it unless something big is going on there. Like I said, the town is more of a hobby to me than anything."

"Thanks, Marissa, you've been very helpful."

"Whoa, hold on Faith, what's up? You just didn't call me up to do research on some shit-hole town in Maryland. There are plenty of corrupt places closer to you."

"Actually more corrupt; however, you're right, I'm working on something. If you hear anything on Carbonville, call me."

"You working on a book?"

"Maybe, but that's not the main reason. I'll tell you one thing; I'll give you the story when it breaks."

"Really? Hmm, I'll tell you what, I'll send you a copy of my file. Who says having a hobby doesn't pay!"

"That would be great, Marissa. Oh, one more thing, do you have anything on a man named Art Wagner?"

"The name isn't familiar."

"Okay, thanks again, Marissa, I'll be in touch with you."

"Good talking to you again, Faith."

Faith hung up the phone and began to sort through her notes. Max came into the kitchen and found her writing out data on three by five cards.

"Looks like you've had a productive morning," he stated as he looked at the cards.

"Yes, it appears that Carbonville is a festering little pool of corruption, but nothing big enough to attract the attention of the Feds," replied Faith. "My friend Marissa is going to send me her file."

"I imagine that there's more going on there then she knows," stated Max as he read the cards. "The chief of police has a record, that's rich!"

"You better be careful when you go there," advised Faith. She told him about Marissa's experiences in Carbonville.

"Careful is my middle name," replied Max. "Is Darren up?"

"No, he's still asleep. Do you think it's safe for me to take him into town?"

"It should be. Where are you planning to go?"

"My hairdresser first, then over to the new mall over in Waterford. It won't take much to make him passable."

"I know. Any idea on what they were giving him?"

"Patsy is trying to have it analyzed."

"Can I have her number? I may be able to give her a hand, if she gets stuck."

Faith wrote out Patsy's number on one of the cards, and then handed it to Max. "You're going to follow us, aren't you?"

Max smiled and pointed a finger at his chest.

"I'll see if I can pick up your tail."

Max laughed. "Good luck!"

Darren walked into the kitchen. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. The t-shirt was tight enough that it showed off his small breasts. With his long hair, pierced ears, and thin physique, he looked very feminine.

"Good morning, Darren," greeted Faith.

He greeted both of them and then looked at Faith's notes.

"You mean Dad's boss is a crook too?" he asked.

"It looks like it," replied Faith. "Well, I'll clean this up and make some breakfast."

Over scrambled eggs and bacon, they discussed their plans.

Darren listened intently then spoke. "By the way, I've thought of a name. It's Diana."

"That's a nice name, any particular reason?" asked Faith.

"Yes, she was the hunter in mythology. I'm tired of being the hunted."

"I like that attitude, Diana," added Max.


Chapter 16


Faith drove Diana into Mystic to her hairdresser. Before they left, Faith had given Diana a red short sleeve blouse, a necklace, and silver hoop earrings.

Diana applied her own makeup and seemed very pleased when Faith complimented her. Faith noticed how happy Diana was; in fact, she seemed like a new person.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Faith.

"Yes. Throughout everything that has happened to me, I've never lost the desire to become a girl," replied Diana with joy in her voice. "I appreciate that you're giving me a chance to be a normal girl. I don't know how this is all going to turn out, but at least I'll know some happiness."

The salon usually didn't open until eleven on Fridays, but the owner made a special concession for Faith.

"Faith, I'm so pleased that you trust me with your friend's sister," stated the woman who opened the door for them.

"Diana, this is Gail."

Gail Clapton was another old friend of Faith's. They had known each other since high school and Faith trusted her implicitly. Faith had told her the truth about Diana, and the cover story. Gail eagerly agreed to play along, as she was also a big fan of Faith's detective series.

Gail was five-six and weighed one-hundred-seventy pounds. She was married and had four kids.

"Now, what sort of style do you have in mind, Diana? Please don't tell me a Princess Diana style; we just had our prom season here, and I'm so sick of doing those!" joked Gail.

"I trust you to pick out something nice," replied Diana.

"Okay, and while we're at it, how do you feel about a different color?"

"Anything but blonde," replied Diana instantly.

Gail glanced at Faith and nodded knowingly. "Okay, I was thinking of maybe auburn, which would look good on you."

They spent two hours in the salon. Diana's new style was short and layered. In addition to dyeing and styling Diana's hair, Gail also waxed and dyed her brows, and gave her a manicure. She topped off Diana's new look by doing her makeup.

The result was that Diana looked like a new person.

"I can't believe this is me," Diana squealed in delight as she stared at herself in the mirror.

"You look lovely, Diana. I'm so happy to have been the one to help you," remarked Gail. "You're always welcome here."

"Thank you, Gail," replied Diana as she hugged her.

The next stop was the mall. They drove down I-95 to the Waterford Mall. As they crossed the Thames River, Faith pointed out the submarine base and the Coast Guard Academy on the right hand side and Electric Boat to the left.

"What's that obelisk on the hill to the left?" asked Diana.

"That's the monument for the Battle of Groton at Fort Griswold. The British under Benedict Arnold attacked Groton during the Revolutionary War. Col. William Ledyard defended Fort Griswold and was killed along with most of his men after he surrendered."

"Can we go there someday?"

"Sure, why not? I haven't been there since my sixth grade field trip."

"Why do you keep looking in the rearview mirrors?" asked Diana.

"I'm looking for Max. Damn, he's good. I know he's following us, but I can't pick him up."

"You like him, don't you, Aunt Faith?"

"Yes, I do."

"Cool, I like him too."

They arrived at the large mall and parked near one of the entrances.

"Now, we have a lot to get, but I'd like to focus on essentials — casual clothes, shoes, accessories, makeup, and toiletries," remarked Faith.

"I'll pay you back... some day," replied Diana.

"Don't worry about it, Diana. I've always wanted a little girl to spoil, and a niece is the next best thing!"

They spent three hours working their way down the mall. This included four trips to the car to drop things off.

On the way back, they talked about the shopping trip and how normal everything felt.

As they unloaded the car, Max pulled up behind them. He let out a wolf whistle.

"If you think that will get you out of helping us unload the car, you've got another think coming," remarked Faith.

He just smiled and helped them carry in Diana's new wardrobe.

As Faith and Diana unpacked the bags, Max took off to pick up some lobsters for dinner.

"Oh, don't forget to get some corn on the cob, if you can find any," stated Faith.

"Do you have any beer?" he asked.

"No, I'm out."

"No problem, I'll pick up some too."

Faith was impressed by how neatly Diana put away her new clothes. She mentioned this to her.

"I was trained this way. I would get punished if I didn't do it neatly," she replied.

"What do you mean punished?" asked Faith.

Diana sighed. "I didn't put everything in the diary. I was spanked if I 'displeased' him. He would spank me until I cried. There were some things that I didn't want to record."

"I'm sorry, Diana."

"It's okay, Aunt Faith. He's never going to touch me again."


Chapter 17


Faith was in the kitchen preparing dinner, when her phone rang.

"Faith, it's Patsy. I just got the results back for the pills he was taking."

"Go on," replied Faith.

"They're very strong, and I can't trace them to anything that's on the market. It looks like they're from Europe, probably initially designed for women who have had a hysterectomy. I doubt they would ever pass through the FDA. There's also an illegal weight reduction drug mixed with them. As I mentioned earlier, I'd like Darren to stay on hormones for the immediate future, at least until I can find out more on the pills."

"Okay, can you make the prescription out to Diana Bowie, which will be the name on her ID.?"

"Sure, I'll list you as her guardian while we're at it. I'll send it to your usual pharmacy."

"Oh, can I get a copy of the lab report on the pills? I have a friend who might be able to narrow down its production."

"Sure, that would be great. One more thing, I should have DarrenxC9 I mean Diana's test results back tomorrow. I'll call you as soon as they arrive."

"That would be great. My friend is Max Bowie, and he'll be by for the lab report tomorrow."

"Okay, well, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night, Faith."

"Good night, and thank you, Patsy."

Faith hung up the phone as Max walked in with the corn.

"I got lucky and got the last six ears. They're small, but fresh," stated Max.

"Where's Diana?"

"She's helping with the groceries."

Diana walked in with the lobsters and humming the theme from The Tonight Show. "Here's dinner!"

"Very funny," replied Faith.

Max brought in the rest. He offered Faith a beer before he put the rest in the fridge.

"Mmm, Narragansett, good choice," stated Faith as she took a sip of the beer from the bottle.

"They had it on ice, couldn't resist," replied Max, as he tapped his bottle against hers.

Faith told them about Patsy's call while she cooked dinner.

"Does Patsy know she might get in trouble for what she's doing?" asked Max.

"Yes, she doesn't care. She's crossed the line a few times to help people in trouble," replied Faith.

"What do you mean?" asked Diana.

"She's helped teenage girls get birth control, among other things," replied Faith.

"Oh, I talked to my friend, and he's preparing your new ID, Diana. What do you want your middle name to be?" asked Max.

Diana shrugged her shoulders.

"How about Veronica?" offered Faith.

"You mean after Grandma?" asked Diana.

Faith nodded as she dropped the lobsters in the pot.

"That's cool, I'd like that."

"Now you know this is a fake ID — granted a very good fake, but a fake nevertheless," stated Max.

"I know, but I'd like to have some tie to my real family," she replied.

"Okay, I'll go call him. He'll drop off your new birth certificate, social security card, and a few other things tomorrow. He'll also have to take your photo for your school ID."

"Okay, sounds so James Bondish!"

Max laughed. "Please, I'm much better than he is!" He then cast a glance at Faith, who winked back.


Chapter 18


By mid-morning Diana had her identification. Her hometown was Cambridge, Mass. There was one small change, instead of being Max's sister, Diana was now his daughter. The ID specialist said it would give anyone checking less loose ends to trace. Max thought the only reason the specialist suggested the idea was to get back at him for beating him in poker regularly.

"So what was his name?" asked Faith.

"He doesn't give that out when he's working," replied Max.

Diana was too busy looking at her ID. "The only thing is year of birth, I'm now fifteen again!"

"He didn't think you should be the same age as before."

Faith looked at a photo of Darren and then Diana. It was remarkable how different she looked. They didn't even look like they were related.

"I need to go pick up the lab report," stated Max.

"Can I go with you, Dad?" asked Diana.

He flashed her a dirty look then broke up laughing. "Okay, come on, kid."

"Why don't you pick up her prescription while you're at it? I'll call and let them know you're coming," suggested Faith.

"Okay, where's the pharmacy?" asked Max.

"Just down the block from Patsy's office, she'll give you directions."

Faith then returned to looking at the file cards. Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang; it was a courier with a package.

Faith looked at the sender and saw it was from Marissa Jacobs. She immediately signed for the large package and opened it up and spread the contents out on the kitchen table. In addition to files and newspaper clippings, there were photographs. As soon as Faith looked at the photo of Harry Cameron Sr., she knew he had to be the Ghost. It was a photo taken at some public event, and Harry's large gut was very evident. Sticking out of his mouth was a thick stogie.

She began to read through the files and look at the men who ruled Carbonville. Russell Cameron looked like a younger version of Harry Sr.; his gut wasn't as big, but he was younger. The only photo of Harry Jr. was in a group shot with the principal.

Faith picked up the phone and called Marissa to thank her.

"Wow, it sure got there fast. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help," replied Marissa.

"There is, have you heard of any sex parties involving teens in say... the Carbonville area?"

"Nothing, but it's not exactly my area. I can ask around if you'd like."

"Okay, but be very subtle. I promise to tell you more later."

"You've got it, Faith, I'll keep in touch."

Faith hung up the phone. Just then she saw Max's truck pull into her driveway. Max and Diana walked inside.

"Well, you've been busy, what's all this?" he asked.

"Marissa came through big time for us," replied Faith.

Max then stopped and walked out to the living room. "We've got company."

Two cars parked were parked in the driveway behind Max's truck and Faith's Volvo. The first one was a Connecticut State Police car, and the other was a green Ford sedan.

"Faith pack up that stuff on the table please. Now everyone follow my lead," stated Max. He then gave them some instructions.

A man in a dark suit followed the State Trooper to the front door. They rang the bell and Faith answered the door.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Collins, but we need to talk to you for a few minutes," stated the Trooper. He was very young looking.

"It's Ms. Collins, and what does this concern?" she replied.

"I'm sorry. Can we come in and talk?" he asked meekly.

Faith let them in.

"I'm Ron Underwood, and I'd like to ask you a few questions," asked the man in the suit.

"And who are you?"

"I told you," he replied. "My name is Ron Underwood."

"That's not what I mean," she replied politely.

"I'm a private investigator," he replied as he flashed her his identification. "I was wondering if you have heard from your nephew, Darren Wagner, lately."

"No, I haven't. I talked to my sister the other day, and she told me he's off at camp. Is there something wrong?"

"We have reason to believe that he's here," stated Ron.

"He's not here. My sister told me he was at camp."

"I know he's here."

"Why would I lie about that?"

"Beats me why anyone lies. I just need to look around here," he replied.

"Do you have a warrant?"

"I don't need one," he replied with a grin.

Faith turned to the trooper.

"Mr. Underwood, you can't just search her home," the trooper said.

"Look, you go call your supervisor, Junior," Ron retorted. "I'm a licensed bounty hunter, and when I'm on the trail of a runner I don't need a warrant."

The young trooper stood there not knowing what to do.

"Can I see the paperwork?" asked Max as he walked into the room.

"Who are you?" asked Ron tersely.

"This is my good friend, Max; he's staying here with his daughter," replied Faith.

"I asked to see your paperwork. If you're working a skip trace, then you'd have the paperwork to back up your claim," interjected Max. He the pulled out his own identification and showed it to the trooper and Ron. It identified him as a PI. "Now, can we see your paperwork?"

Ron pulled out a folded up sheet from his inside coat pocket. It stated that Darren Wagner had been bailed out for ten thousand dollars. He had been charged with several counts of drug dealing.

"Looks in order," noted Max. Meanwhile he was memorizing the significant data on the form. "But the kid isn't here."

"If you don't mind I'd like to look around anyway," stated Ron.

"Don't worry, Faith, I'll take him through the house," stated Max.

Just then on cue, Diana walked in wearing a green bikini and carrying a beach towel. "Dad, I thought we were going to the beach?"

Even Faith was amazed at how feminine Diana looked in her bathing suit.

"This is my daughter, Diana," stated Max, as he put his arm around her.

Ron produced a photo of Darren. It was the photo taken for the yearbook and had been taken the previous fall.

Faith felt a rush of fear when she saw the photo and fought to suppress it.

Ron held out the photo to Diana.

"Excuse me, Diana, have you seen this boy since you've been here?" asked Ron as he handed her the photo. "Please tell the truth."

Diana glanced nervously at Max. "What's going on, Dad?"

"It's okay, honey, do like the man asks," replied Max.

Diana looked at the photo. It didn't look anything like the auburn haired teenage girl that she was now. "No, I haven't seen him. Who is he?"

"You sure?" Ron asked again, ignoring her question.

"Yes, I'm positive," she replied, as she handed Ron the photo back.

"Okay. I'm sorry for the interruption. My office got a call on this one, and I was down here on another case. I got a lead to check this out and thought I'd pick up a quick payday; well, you know how it goes, Max," he remarked with a smile. "No hard feelings?"

Max nodded. "No, I understand. I've been there a few times myself."

Ron turned to Faith. "I'm sorry to have interrupted your afternoon."

As they turned to leave, the young trooper stopped. "Excuse me; are you Faith Collins, the writer?"

Faith smiled and nodded.

"Cool, can I have your autograph?"

"Sure, let me get my pen." She then retrieved a paperback copy of her second book and signed it. "Here you go."

"Wow, this is cool. Thank you," he stammered as he walked back to his car.

They watched them back out the driveway.

"Do you believe him?" asked Faith.

"Doesn't matter what I believe, it's what I'll find out. I have his name, his plate number, and the data off the paperwork. I can find out in an hour of he's legit," replied Max. "By the way, well done, Diana!"

Diana took a bow.

"How did you... um... hide your assets?" asked Max.

"Tape," she replied. "Now excuse me while I go remove it!"

"Yikes!" replied Max.

"Do you think he believed us?" asked Faith.

"Yes. If he'd suspected that Diana was Darren, he would have grabbed him right then and there. Of course, he wouldn't have left here with her."

"So what do we do now?" asked Faith.

"Call your sister, tell her what happened," stated Max. "It's a normal reaction."

"Of course," she replied.

A few minutes later she was talking to her sister, who began to break down and cry.

To Faith's amazement, Hope stuck to the story that Darren had bolted after receiving bail.

"We have no idea where he is, I was hoping he'd show up at your place," cried Hope.

Faith played along. "Why didn't you tell me the truth?"

"I'm just so sick of how Darren betrayed us! He was dealing drugs, Faith. I never want to see him again in my house. I hope they catch him and toss him in jail. Art is also furious. He says he's so angry that he'll kill him if he shows up here again."

"I'm so shocked, Hope. I'll call if he shows up."

"Thank you, Faith. Please be careful, he's changed since you've last seen him. He's such a monster now."

Diana stepped into the room; she was now wearing shorts and a t-shirt. She listened as Max played back the tape of the conversation. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Diana," commented Faith, as she hugged her niece.


Chapter 19


"Well, everything Ron told us checked out. He's a PI from Hartford, sometimes skip chaser. From what I've found out, he's pretty clean, but strictly low rent; just the sort of guy who would get the case, more interested in the cash than anything else. The bail bondsman is out of Taneytown; he's a real piece of work from what my sources say. Not exactly legal and has connections to the Camerons," explained Max. "Oh, and you'll never guess the last name of the judge who issued the warrant for Darren, I'll give you one guess."

"Let me guess, some sort of Scottish name?" asked Faith.

Max smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "Judge Michael Cameron."

"So now they're claiming I ran off after being bailed out?" asked Diana. "What's next, are they going to accuse me of murder?"

"Makes it easier to track you down," replied Max. "My guess is that they've contacted men like Ron everyplace they think you might've run off to. Don't worry, when we break this open, the truth will wipe away their lies."

"I hope so," replied Diana.

"The fact that they're so anxious to get you back works in our favor. They're obvious scared of what could happen if you talk. That means they might get sloppy."

"So are you still going out there?" asked Diana.

"Yes, I'll have to do a little alteration to my appearance, but I should be okay. I'm going to use their own plan against them. If they question why I'm poking around, I'll tell them that I'm a bounty hunter, and that I'm looking for information that will help me find you."

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning, no time like the present," he replied. "Don't worry; I'll have someone trustworthy watching you."


Chapter 20


Max was gone before the sun broke over the horizon. Faith sat out on her deck drinking her morning coffee and reading the paper. She also felt a sense of longing, as she had forgotten how much Max meant to her.

Diana walked out onto the deck. She was wearing a pink polo shirt and jeans and looked like a typical teenage girl. She was drinking a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning, Aunt Faith. Did Max leave?" she asked.

"Yes, earlier this morning. He's driving down to Carbonville. He didn't tell me all the details of what he was looking for, but he did pillage the notes that Marissa sent to me."

"What happens if he can't uncover what Mr. Cameron did to me?" asked Diana, as she sat cross-legged on the bench.

"Let's think positive, Diana."

"I do feel better having you guys on my side," replied Diana.

Faith put down the paper. "I know you want to write, but what are your plans?"

Diana smiled slightly. "I haven't given it much thought since I becamexC9 well, this." She pointed to her chest.

"Being female shouldn't change the fact that you want to write, look at me."

"That's true. I wanted to go to college. Originally I wanted to stay close to home and go to Maryland, but it doesn't look like I have a home anymore."

"Let's just focus on getting you into college. What are your grades like?"

"Mostly A's. My grades sort of dropped off a little near the end of this school year."

"That shouldn't be too damaging to your grades. Now, if you continue with your transition to becoming female, I doubt you'd want to do it in a regular school. I can arrange for you to be home schooled here. I have enough friends who are educators that we should be able to design an acceptable academic plan to get your diploma."

"Assuming Mom and Dad don't kill me."

"I don't think your parents really hate you; they may be being threatened by the Camerons," commented Faith.

"Did Mom sound like she was acting to you?"

"I don't know, but when this is all over, if they don't want you back, I'll fight to get custody. I'll have my lawyer start working on it."

Diana bit her lower lip. "You mean that?"

"Yep. I love you, Diana, I have the room, and being a writer means I have the free time."

"I don't know how I can ever thank you for what you've done for me."

"Go to college and become the best writer you can be."

"I will."

"Now, the next big question, how far do you want to take this; what I mean is do you want surgery?"

"Sex change surgery? Yes — yes, I'd love that. More than ever, I know that I want to be a girl."

"I've talked to Patsy, and she says that in order to qualify, you'll need to start seeing a therapist, which considering everything you've been through is a good idea anyway."

"That's true."

"How are you holding up? No bull, the truth?" asked Faith.

"I'm shaky. I had another nightmare last night. I also know that there's no way that I'm ever going to have Mr. Cameron or any of his people touch me ever again. I'd rather die."

"When you can't sleep, don't hesitate to come to my room," stated Faith. "Diana, you're only sixteen. You've been through something that no one should ever experience. Don't hold it in."

"Thanks," replied Diana, as she wiped away a tear.

"Did you take your pills yet?" asked Faith as she handed Diana a tissue.

"Yes. Patsy told me how important it is to be consistent with them."


The phone rang and Faith got up to answer it.

"Faith, this is Patsy, I have wonderful news for you and Diana. All her tests came back negative!"

"That's wonderful! She's right here, I'll tell her. Thank you so much!" stated Faith. "Diana, this is Patsy, you're clean!"

"Oh, thank God!" exclaimed Diana.

Faith wrapped her arms around Diana and they hugged.

Faith then picked up the phone and talked to Patsy for a few more minutes before hanging up.


Chapter 21


To celebrate, Faith and Diana went out shopping. Actually this was part of Max's plan. He told them that they might be under surveillance, so they should act as if Diana was visiting.

"We'll go over to Old Mystick Village; it has a bunch of specialty shops and restaurants," stated Faith as they left her house.

"Since I'm playing tourist, can we go to the aquarium sometime?" asked Diana.

"Sure, I haven't been there in years," replied Faith. "We can also drive over to Newport, RI."

"That would be fun," replied Diana. She let out a sigh. "This is so weird. I'm wanted by the law, I'm hiding from a bunch of perverts, and yet I'm excited about seeing some seals, beluga whales, and historic mansions."

"You can't wallow in your troubles, Diana. This doesn't mean ignoring them either, but if you sit back and just worry, you'll drive yourself crazy."

"That's true."

"So tell me more about yourself, what sort of music do you like?"

"I really like Pat Benatar, Prince, Sting, Talking Heads, and R.E.M.," replied Diana.

"I like some of those too."


"Yes, I even like Madonna," added Faith.

"What about Dire Straits?"

"Oh, yes, they're good."

"Do you like Bruce Springsteen?"

"Diana, I've been a fan of the Boss for years. I've seen him in concert five times."

"No way!"

"Hey, there's advantages to being a minor celebrity. There's a concert promoter in Boston who's a big fan of my books. I created a character based on him in my third book, and he's provided me with tickets to any concert I've wanted."

"Maybe he can get you tickets for the big concert in Philadelphia!"

"You mean Live Aid? That would be pretty cool, but I'd prefer to watch it on TV and see the acts from London too," replied Faith.

They continued their music discussion as they shopped.

After lunch they headed to New London. Faith wanted to take Diana to her favorite music store.

As they drove down I-95, Faith noticed a two-tone blue Chrysler New Yorker following them. She thought she had seen the same car back when they stopped in Mystic.

"We may have company, don't turn around; they're probably just checking us out," stated Diana.

"So what do we do?"

"We go to the shop, but we stay on our toes. Don't stray too far from me, okay?"

"Okay," replied Diana.

They arrived at the music store and walked in. It was located in a small mall in New London.

The shop manager smiled as Faith walked in and waved to her. His long brown hair was pulled into a ponytail. Dressed in jeans and an AC/DC concert t-shirt, he was also wearing John Lennon type wire frame glasses, perched on the end of his nose.

"Faith, I got those albums you wanted."

"Great, thanks, Dave."

"When are you going to start switching over to CDs?" he asked. "The sound is superior to anything on vinyl."

"Are you switching over?" she asked.

He glanced around and then nodded. "I know they're expensive, but the sound is worth it. Mark my words, in five years everyone will have them."

"I'll think about it. Oh, Dave, this is Diana; she's the daughter of a good friend, and she'll be staying with me this summer."

"Cool. Nice to meet you, Diana," he greeted.

Diana smiled back. "I like your shop."

"Diana, what do you think of CDs?"

"I've only heard them once or twice."

"Trust me; they're the next big thing."

"I'm happy with my Walkman," replied Diana.

"They have portable CD players now," stated Dave.

"Not today, Dave," interrupted Faith with a smile.

"Okay, can't blame a guy for trying."

Both Diana and Faith shopped, keeping an eye on each other. No one came into the shop who looked out of place. Faith bought Diana a few new tapes, including the newest Tina Turner.

"Trust me, you'll like her," stated Faith.

They then walked down to the bookstore.

"I need to touch base here, we won't be long," stated Faith. "Besides, it'll be another person that I'll introduce you to. If anyone is tracking us, it'll help confirm your cover."

"That's cool. I love bookstores."

The manager was very pleased to see Faith.

"I can't wait for the new book to come out, Faith. I hope you'll do another book signing here," stated Nicole Robertson, the manager.

"Nicole, you know that I always have my first signing here, it's a tradition," stated Faith. She then introduced Diana.

An hour later, they were driving back to Stonington. The New Yorker was hanging back five car lengths behind them and followed them until just before Faith turned down her road. It then roared past them.

"I got the plate number," stated Faith. "I'll give it to Max when he calls."

Faith put The Beatles White Album on her stereo, and sat down in the living room on the couch next to Diana.

Diana was drinking a Coke, and Faith had one of the Narragansetts.

"I hope you don't mind, but I have some more questions for you, Diana.

"I don't mind; it helps me to talk about it."

"What do you consider yourself sexually?"

"I only like girls," replied Diana immediately. "Granted, I only know what I feel, I've never even been on a real date, but I know that I feel nothing for men. I did what I did because I was forced to."

"Your journal didn't go into great detail about what the men did to you; did they ever try to get you off?"

Diana nodded. "Some of them tried, and sometimes they succeeded, but it wasn't pleasurable to me. I really don't like talking about it."

Just then the phone rang. Faith answered it and was relived to hear Max's voice.

"I'm staying in a motel ten miles outside of Carbonville. I'm going in town this evening to a local tavern. It's called the Highlander, so I suspect that some relative of the Camerons runs it."

"Be careful," commented Faith.

"I will."

"Oh, we were followed this afternoon. I have a description of the car and the plate number," stated Faith proudly.

"1983 Chrysler New Yorker, two-tone blue, Connecticut plates," remarked Max. "I told you I didn't leave you alone. It traces to a New Haven PI."


Max laughed. "You did good, Faith, Now tell me what you and Diana did this afternoon."

Faith told him about their shopping trip.

"Well done, Faith. The PI went back to those places and was seen talking to the staff. Their stories should support us. I'm very pleased."

Diana motioned to talk to Max.

"Your daughter wants to say hi."

"Hi, Dad," stated Diana as she took the phone.

"How're you doing, kid?"

"Good. Please be careful."

"I will. I'll call you two tomorrow," replied Max.

Diana hung up the phone. "Is he always like this?"

Faith nodded.

"He really likes you," added Diana.

Faith laughed. "I like him too, Diana."

"So why don't you two get together?"

"Maybe we will this time."


Chapter 22


After dinner, Faith and Diana sat out on the deck.

"Diana, you wrote that Mr. Cameron took photos of you and that he videotaped you dressing. Did he ever videotape you while you were having sex?"

"Almost every time," replied Diana. "Why?"

"Well, think about it; if we can get even one of the tapes, then we might be able to break this wide open."

"That's right! It wouldn't just be my word against theirs!"

"Where do you think the video tapes might be kept?"

"Probably in Mr. Cameron's basement. He kept the door locked whenever we left there."

"I'll tell Max this the next time we talk."

"But if steals the tapes, can they be used as evidence?"

"Probably not, unless we send it to the Feds or the State Police and let them run with it."

"Do you think that they would keep the tapes after I ran off?"


Diana nodded and stared off into the woods. "I'm only a kid, how come my life is so complicated?"

"Things just happen."

Diana laughed. "That's it? Things just happen?"

"Sorry, I'm not a philosopher," replied Faith.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?"

"After Max calls, we'll go to the aquarium if you want."

"That would be fun," replied Diana.

"Patsy's also supposed to call me tomorrow about setting you up with a therapist. She may have found one who deals with gender issues."


"Yes, we'll know more tomorrow."

"Good, well, I'm off to bed. Good night, Aunt Faith."

Faith hugged Diana and watched her leave. She then headed inside herself and watched the news. The main story was about the hijacked TWA flight in Lebanon. She watched for a while before going to bed herself.


Chapter 23


Faith was shattered out of her sleep by the sound of a bloodcurdling scream. It sounded like Diana, and without hesitation Faith reached into her nightstand and grabbed her gun. She ran to Diana's room and found her sitting up in bed crying.

"What happened?" asked Faith as she walked towards the bed.

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry, but I just had an awful nightmare. It was so real," explained Diana, as she tried to regain her composure.

Faith sat down on the edge of the bed. "It's okay; it wasn't real."

"I know, but it was so disgusting. I was back in Mr. Cameron's den, and he was going to use me again. I tried to fight, but he was too strong for me."

Faith set the gun down and pulled Diana close to her. "It's okay, he's never going to hurt you again." She began to stroke the back of Diana's head.

Soon Diana was calmed down. "I'm sorry I got you up." She then looked over at the gun. "Wow, you're not kidding about them not hurting me."

"It's just a precaution. When I heard you scream, I grabbed it instinctively," replied Faith.

"I'm glad you have it."

"You want to talk for awhile, or are you ready to go back to sleep?"

"I'm okay. Thanks again, Aunt Faith."

"No problem. If you want, you can sleep in my bed tonight," offered Faith.

"Thanks, but I'm okay now."

They hugged again, and Faith returned to her room with the gun. "I guess that answered that question," she said aloud to herself. "I guess I really can use this thing."


Chapter 24


The next morning, Faith received a phone call from Marissa.

"Hey, I did some digging, and while I couldn't find anything about sex clubs or anything like that, I did turn up something rather disturbing," stated Marissa.

"What?" asked Faith.

"In the last five years, six runaway teens from Carbonville High have turned up dead. Two were obviously homicides; the other four were all drug overdoses. None of the bodies were found in Carbonville. Four were here in Baltimore, one was in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, and the other was found in a rest area bathroom off I-70, near Hagerstown."

"Is that it?" asked Faith.

"No. The two killings were done with a similar caliber handgun."

"Which two were shot?"

"The one in Pennsylvania and the one found in the rest area. The ballistics were never compared, as there was no apparent connection between the killings. The gun used in both killings was a .44 magnum xD1not usually something used in random killings."

"What about the ODs?" asked Faith.

"All were with heroin. However, according to the Medical Examiner's reports, none of the teens had extensive track marks. In fact, three of them only had the single track. All were killed with a very high dose of the drug. As they were all found in a well known drug area, the police marked them off as accidental overdoses. The teens died over a five year period, so it's unlikely that anyone would see a pattern. Still, it seems strange that four kids from the same town all died in the near identical way."

"How did you track this down?"

"Well, you sparked my interest. I went back and scanned the obits for Carbonville for the last five years. The two shootings were three years apart. I found out that the teens were all listed as runaways from a friend in the State Police."

"What do you know about the kids?"

"There were two boys; judging by the photos in the obits, they all looked rather slight, long hair, almost effeminate. The girls were both very pretty."

"Do you know anything else?"

"Okay, here's the really weird part. You'd think that the parents of the murdered kids would raise a fuss, but they didn't. Neither did the parents of the kids who overdosed. Faith, when a small-town kid is killed, there's an outrage in the town. My contact in the State Police said that all the parents stated that they just wanted to put it behind them. Faith, what the hell is going on there?"

"I wish I knew exactly. I promise that I'll tell you everything I know soon. Marissa, please be careful."

"I will be. I sense that there's something really evil in that town."

"Can you send me the info?"

"Already have. It should be on your desk by tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"This is going to be really big, isn't it?"

"Yes, it should be. But please promise me that you'll be patient. I couldn't stand to see you get hurt."

"Hey, I'm no heroine. I'll do my sleuthing through the files and my connections. The last place I'd want to go right now is Carbonville."

"Thanks again, Marissa," stated Faith.

As soon as she hung up the phone, it rang again. This time it was Max.

"How are you?" she asked immediately.

"I'm okay. I met the chief of police last night in The Highlander. We had a very nice conversation."

"You're kidding!"

"Nope. Your friend is right about the town not liking strangers. I wasn't in the bar ten minutes before I was being watched. Within twenty minutes, the chief came over and asked me what my business was. I told him that I was a bounty hunter and that I was just passing through."


"I told him that I had just finished off a case in Morgantown, West Virginia, and that I was headed back home to Providence when I stopped for the night and decided to have a few brews. He immediately seemed interested in me and asked if he could join me."

"Come on, it couldn't have been that easy?" asked Faith.

"When he asked me why I picked the Highlander, I told it made sense, since my name is Ross Mackenzie."

"And suppose he checks you out?"

"Good, because he'll find that Ross Mackenzie is a bounty hunter out of Providence. I even had a bondsman friend ready to cover for me. Sometimes this is too easy, I fear the day when they computerize everything; it'll make it a lot harder to have a fake identity."

Faith laughed in spite of herself. "Okay, so what happened next?"

"We mostly drank scotch, and, boy, is my head is feeling it this morning. However, the good chief did ask me to stop by this morning, as he said he might have a case for me."

"You thinking it might be Darren's case?"

"Yes, cops usually have little use for bounty hunters."

Faith then updated him on the info Marissa had found.

"You get a gold star for this, Faith. I may have to stop by and take Marissa out to dinner for what she's turned up."

"So, if you're meeting the chief, you're not exactly going to be low key there," stated Faith.

"Just as well, I doubt I would have gotten far the other way. No, this is better. If they offer me Darren's case, I'll get to interview some of the people who know him, including his teachers and guidance counselor. I'll also have to speak with his parents. If the chief agrees, then I doubt I'll have any flak from anyone else."

"And being school is out; you can arrange to meet Mr. Cameron at his house."

"Exactly! Oh, how's Diana doing?"

"She had another bad nightmare," answered Faith, who went on to describe what happened.

"I hope Patsy comes through; it can only get worse for her."

"Call me tonight, please."

"Do I sense concern?"

"Maybe. Hurry back, I miss you."

Chapter 25


An hour later Diana was up and met Faith on the deck, she was wearing a white denim skirt, sandals, and a yellow sleeveless top.

Faith immediately updated Diana on the case. She told her everything, including the deaths of the other teens.

"I'm really torn right now, Aunt Faith. Part of me wants to run and hide, and the other half wants them caught and punished."

"I know. We'll get them, Diana."

"I believe you."

Faith smiled and hugged Diana.

"So what time are we going out today?" asked Diana.

"You don't mind going out?"

Diana shook her head. "It'll keep my mind off everything bad that's going on. I don't want to just sit around and do nothing."

"Okay, then how about right now, if you don't mind? There's a good breakfast place in Mystic, and I have a side trip to make before we hit the aquarium," replied Faith.

"Cool, so where else are we going?"

"Well, the only thing that you've disrupted in my life that bothers me is that I can't go out for my daily bike ride. So, I'm taking you to my bike shop and getting you a bike."

Diana laughed. "That's it? No bike ride?"

"Yes, I know, but we all have our quirks. You do know how to ride a bike?"

"Hey, do you think Mom and Dad would have given me a car?"

Faith laughed. "I never asked you, but do you have your driver's license?"

"Yes, but Dad almost never let me use the car. Now that I'm fifteen again, I guess I have to wait even longer to drive."

"Well, grab your purse, and we'll hit the road," stated Faith.

Chapter 26


They picked out a nice bike for Diana, and the shop promised to have it ready the following day.

Diana immediately fell in love with the aquarium, especially the sea lions and seals. She stared and watched them for nearly an hour, occasionally taking photos of them.

Faith didn't mind. It was a beautiful early summer day and she soaked in the sun. She was slightly surprised by how content she had become having Diana in her life. She had never thought of having kids of her own, and to be honest little kids did nothing for her. But Diana was different, she was a person!

At first, Faith had thought these feelings were just due to being protective and being outraged over Diana's abuse, but it had become deeper. No, she wanted Diana to be part of her life. She wanted to help Diana bloom into the intelligent young woman she had the potential to be.

"Okay, I'm sorry I've taken so long, but I could watch them all day," remarked Diana. "Thank you for being so patient."

"I don't mind, is there anything else you want to see?"

"No, I'm ready to leave if you are."

"Okay, let's get lunch."

They stopped and picked up sandwiches and sodas and drove down to the beach to eat. That also gave them a chance to talk more privately.

"When did you first know you were different?" asked Faith.

"I always knew, and I knew to keep quiet about it. Actually, I remember wishing I was a girl from the time I was four."

"It must have been tough keeping it a secret all these years."

Diana nodded as she took a small bite of her sandwich. "It hit really hard when I hit puberty. I was so confused and didn't know what to think. I guess that's why I jumped so quickly at Mr. Cameron's offer."

"Did you dress at home?"

"Sometimes," replied Diana. "As you know Mom doesn't work, so I had to wait for a time when she and Dad were both out of the house, and when I knew they'd be out for a good while. I also had to be very careful to put everything back exactly as I found it."

"What did you do about wearing panties? I mean, when Mr. Cameron ordered you to wear them that must have been difficult."

"It was. I had to hide them in my room, I had to find a time to use the washing machine, and I had to remember to put my male underwear in the laundry. I suspect that Mr. Cameron did that just to keep me on edge."

"I can't believe that your parents never noticed what was happening to you."

"Dad just thought I was a wimp. He pretty much gave up on me when I didn't go out for sports in high school. I guess he wanted me to follow in his footsteps. He played football at Carbonville and told me numerous times what a great player he was. I like sports; I just didn't want to go out for teams that I knew I'd never play on."

"I didn't know Art played football at Carbonville High," stated Faith, as she finished up the last of her potato chips.

"Yes, he was so angry that I could accuse the son of his old coach of being a pervert. It was as if he couldn't imagine that I was telling the truth."

"Wait, Art played for Coach Cameron, Harry, Sr.?" asked Faith.



"So what was Mom like when she was a kid? I mean you two are so different."

Faith laughed. "Well, you know that your mom is only a year younger than me. We got along well, but it was obvious that we were going along different paths. I always wanted to go to college. Now, back when I was in high school, it was rare for girls to go to college. We were supposed to get married and raise a family. That's what Hope wanted. She met Art while he was stationed here. They hit it off almost immediately."

"How did your parents react when you told them you wanted to go to college?"

"Mom thought it was just a phase I was going through and that I would meet Mr. Right at college. Dad, on the other hand, supported me. He told me that if I was going to be a writer, I should be the best I could be."

"Granddad said that? That's cool."

"Hope also thought I was nuts. She told me that once I found the right man I would soon forget about having a career."

Diana just shook her head.

"I don't mind; remember now, I was the one going against what was initially expected of me."

"Did you ever consider not following your heart, and doing instead what was expected of you?" asked Diana.

"No. I found that I was good at writing, no make that extremely good. I was the first girl to be the editor of both the school newspaper and yearbook. It would have been wrong for me to not follow my heart, as you put it."

"So is that why you don't mind about my gender issues?"

Faith smiled. "Partly. I read an article once that much of what makes up our essence is controlled by our chemistry. I've even read where sexuality may be genetic. You just told me that you've always wanted to be a girl, even when you didn't know what that meant. It tells me that you don't have a say in this. It would be idiotic to have you repress those feelings."

"I wish I knew more about what's going on in my head. I suppose the information is out there, but how do I find it? I wish there was a way I could do it with a computer — you know, like Star Trek, ask the computer a question and get the answer."

"That would make my job as a writer a lot easier too," replied Faith.

Diana sighed. "I really appreciate the fact that you talk to me in a normal way. It helps me from going crazy. Aunt Faith, what will happen to me if we can't find the evidence to support my position? You can't hide me forever."

"I don't know. I do know that I'll never willingly turn you over to them."

"That's refreshing, an adult willing to admit that they don't know everything," remarked Diana.

"Hey, I'm a firm believer in the truth; it's what drove me as a reporter," replied Faith. She then glanced at her watch. "We'd better get home; Max should be calling soon, and I also want to call Patsy."

Diana stood up and then stopped and pulled back the shoulder strap of her top. "Look, I'm getting a tan line!"

Faith smiled and slipped her arm around Diana's waist. "Let's go home."

Chapter 27


The ride home was uneventful, as neither saw any trailing cars.

There were three messages on Faith's answering machine. One was from Patsy, and two were from Max.

Faith first called Patsy.

"Good news, Faith. I have a therapist who is perfect for working with Diana. Her name is Angela Sullivan, and her office is in Providence. She has a background in treating victims of sexual abuse, and she's also trained in treating people with gender issues."

"Really, that's fantastic. Does she care that Diana is wanted?"

"From what I've learned about her, I doubt it. She's used to treating those who are hurt and often living in fear and sometimes in hiding. I learned about her through a friend who treats battered women."

"Do you think she'd take on Diana as a patient?"

"She already said yes. Don't worry; I didn't give out your name or anything. We spoke hypothetically."

"Ahhh, I used to speak fluent hypothetical when I was a reporter. So when can she meet us?" asked Faith.

"Here's her number, she's expecting your call," stated Patsy. She then gave Faith the number.

"Thank you so much, Patsy," replied Faith.

"It's a pleasure. Say hi to Diana for me."

Faith hung up the phone. "Well, looks like we've got you a therapist."

"I'd never thought I'd say this, but yippee!" exclaimed Diana.

Faith snickered as she dialed the number for the therapist.

"Dr. Sullivan, this is Faith Collins, Dr. Neves gave me your number," stated Faith.

"Yes, she did. Can you speak freely right now?" asked Dr. Sullivan. "Oh, and please call me Angela."

"Yes, thank you for asking," replied Faith.

"Patsy told me about your niece, I'd love to talk to her."

"Patsy also told met that you're used to being discreet," added Faith.

"Absolutely, why don't we meet tomorrow? Are you familiar with Providence?"

"Enough to get lost," replied Faith.

Angela laughed and gave Faith the directions. "How about tomorrow at one?"

"That would be perfect," replied Faith.

"One more thing, are you the same Faith Collins who writes those Erin Flynn mysteries?"

"Guilty as charged"

"I do enjoy your novels," stated Angela.

"Thank you," replied Faith, making a mental note to bring along one of the advance copies of her newest mystery.

"I'm really looking forward to helping Diana; Patsy spoke very highly of her."

'Well, we'll see you tomorrow at one."

After Faith hung up the phone, Diana cocked her head to the side. "Well? What do you think of her?"

"I like her."

"Okay, what's next? Do we call Max, or do we wait for him to call back?"

"We'll wait for him to call."

Chapter 28


A little after eight Max called.

"Sorry I didn't call sooner, but traffic has been awful," he explained.

"Where are you?"

"Still in the Carbonville area, I'll be leaving in the morning."

"So what did you find out?"

"As I suspected, I've been given Darren's case. The chief told me that the trail was cold, and that it was very important that I find the kid. Naturally, I accepted the case. He gave me a list of potential places Darren might have gone; of course, your name is at the top of the list."

"What else did you find out?"

"I talked to Darren's parents. Art's a real piece of work, not exactly an intellect."

"No, I doubt anyone would confuse him with that," interjected Faith.

"Hope seemed very nervous. She also didn't seem to like the fact that I was going to be hunting down her child," continued Max.

"Did you talk to Mr. Cameron?"

"Yes, he's very slick. He told me how concerned he was for Darren and that he just wanted him to get some help."

"Did you meet with him in his house?" asked Faith.

"Yes. I caught a glance at the downstairs den that Diana wrote about. There was a padlock on the door."

"Really? I'd love to have a look down there," commented Faith.

"Me too; I'm already planning how I'll get in there."

"So what's next?"

"I'm planning to do a little extortion."

"Tell me more," stated Faith.

"I'll call the chief in a few days and tell him I found Darren. I'll send him a piece of Darren's clothing as proof. Diana gave me her jean jacket and school ID before I left. I'll then tell them that the kid has told me all sorts of stories. I'll make it clear that unless I get a substantial contribution, I'll take him to the state police."

"Besides pissing them off, what will that accomplish?" asked Faith.

"I'll set up a drop with them. I'll insist that Mr. Cameron Jr. be the one who I deal with. I'll pick a spot a couple of hours away from town, and while he's there, I'll drop in to his house for a little sightseeing."

"Won't they destroy the evidence once they discover the break in?"

"That's assuming they'll discover that I was in there."

"Okay, I'm sorry what happens then, do we go to the authorities?"

"I haven't decided yet. I have some ideas that I'd like to run by both of you first. Can you start to write this up?"

"I'd like to bring in Marissa for that, if you don't mind?"

"No, that sounds fine. I'll see you tomorrow evening."

Faith repeated what Max had told her to Diana.

"It sounds like we still need more proof to bring in the feds," stated Faith.

"What would it take?"

"Evidence that he took you across state lines would help. Were you blindfolded the entire time he took you out?"

"Only on the trips to and from the house where the sex party was held."

"So once inside you weren't blindfolded."

"That's right," replied Diana.

"Think, Diana, is there anything you saw that might help us locate where they took you?"

Diana concentrated and thought about the trips out of town.

"We drove north out of town; I know that for a fact."

"How long did the trip take?"

"An hour. I know this because I heard the DJ give out the time on the radio."

Faith smiled. "Good, what else do you remember?"

"After about thirty minutes the road changed."

"What do you mean?" asked Faith.

"The type of road changed; the car was riding different, and the sound of the tires changed."

"Very good, Diana. Now try to picture the drive, what did you hear besides the radio?"

Diana closed her eyes. "Wait, there was a really bad smell, just after the road changed. It smelled like cow manure."

"What time of the year was this?"


"So it was too early for farmers to be fertilizing their fields?"

"There was still snow on the ground."

"So you must have passed a dairy farm or something like that."

"Oh, we weren't on a highway; we were on a smaller road as we stopped often, as if we were waiting for stoplights or stop signs."

"Anything else?"

"The house we stopped at was near a small airport. I heard planes fly over the house several times."

"What sort of a house was it?"

"Old farm house. I heard Mr. Cameron talking to the man that it must be nice not having any neighbors. OH! I just remembered something else! The man said that the privacy wouldn't last much longer, as the property next door had just been sold to build houses!"

Faith smiled. "We may have enough info to trace your trip."

"So what do we do with it?"

"I'll call up Max; he's the detective, and he should be able to find out something."

Faith called Max back, and he was very pleased with the info. "Tell Diana great job!"

"Here, you tell her yourself," stated Faith, as she handed the phone to Diana.

He asked her a few more questions before he let her go.

"Will it be enough?" asked Diana.

"It may be enough to entice the Feds in now. Max says he knows an agent who might be interested in hearing about it."

"I hope so."

Chapter 29


The next morning, Max got in his car and drove into Carbonville. He drove by Harry Jr.'s house and headed north. He glanced at his watch and noted the time. He figured that Harry would have been driving the speed limit, if not slightly below it, as the last thing he'd want would be to get pulled over by the police.

Max noted that there were three possible routes if Harry was driving to Pennsylvania. He picked the most obvious one and reached the border in twenty-eight minutes. As soon as he crossed into the Keystone State, he noticed the change in the road surface. So far so good, he thought.

A few minutes later, he noticed the smell of manure. There was a large dairy farm to the right.

Max looked out the window and smiled. "Moo."

As Diana had stated, the road soon had a series of stoplights. Max pulled over at a 7-11 and pulled out his map. There were several options as to which direction he could go. Max stared at the map. "Okay, Sherlock, time for some of the detective stuff."

He walked into the 7-11 and, after buying a coffee, talked to the clerk.

"Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. Is there a small airport around here?"

The clerk looked up from the Heavy Metal magazine he was reading. "Yeah, go up the road three miles, turn right on Kemper Road; the airport is a few miles down on your left."

Max smiled. "You obviously know that area; can I ask you another question?"

The clerk smiled. "Sure."

"I was told that there's a housing development being built near the airport."

"Oh, yeah, Morgan Farms, it's near the airport. Just drive by the airport and turn right on Morgan Drive; you can't miss it. Are thinking of moving here?"

"Maybe," lied Max with a smile.

"Why? I can't wait to get out of here. Nothing ever happens around here xD1 well, almost nothing."

"What do you mean," asked Max.

"Oh, we had a guy killed the other day. The paper called it a suicide, but I know he was murdered," stated the clerk. "The cops come in here all the time, and I heard them talking about it while they were getting some coffee and doughnuts.

"What did you hear?" asked Max.

"I really shouldn't say; I did eavesdrop the information, and I wouldn't want the cops pissed at me.

Max pulled out his wallet, took out a twenty-dollar bill, and laid it on the counter.

The clerk looked at the twenty, glanced around, and then leaned over. "He was found in his car. It was parked in his garage, the engine was running, and a hose was pumping the fumes into the car. However, I heard the cops saying that if he committed suicide then why did he look like he was beaten up? One of the cops said that it looked like he had been punched a few times. The other said that it wasn't their concern as it was now officially a suicide."

"What was the man's name?"

"Tom Harrison."

"Where did this happen?" asked Max, as he slipped the twenty closer to the clerk.

"Right over by the Morgan Farm development! You know what I think? I think the developers killed him to get his land," stated the clerk.

Max gave the clerk the twenty. "Thanks."

Max was pleased to see that the clerk's directions were right on, and he found what had to have been the house. He pulled into the driveway and saw two people walking out of the house.

"The house ain't for sale yet!" yelled a young man with long brown hair. "Fuckin' vultures, can't you wait until he's been in the ground more than a few days before bugging us?"

Max got out of his car and smiled. "I'm not a realtor."

"I'm sorry, Mister, my brother's a bit angry," stated a young woman with short bleached-blonde hair. "How can we help you?"

"I'd like to talk to both of you," stated Max, as he flashed a badge.

The young woman looked at the badge and then her brother. "See, I told you Dad was in trouble!"

"What do you want?" asked the man nervously.

"Can we go inside to talk?" asked Max calmly.

The woman nodded. They walked inside and sat down at the kitchen table. Her name was Susan, and she was a secretary in Gettysburg. Her brother was Michael, and he was going to Penn State. Both had come down to the family farm when they heard about their father's death.

"Can I see the badge again?" asked the woman.

Max nodded and pulled it out.

"Why would the Feds be interested in our father?" asked the girl.

Max could immediately tell she was lying. "I think you know."

"Look, our dad's dead; he killed himself. We're dealing with enough shame as it is; why drag his name deeper into the mud?" asked Michael.

"I understand you're both upset, but there are other people out there that are involved," stated Max, hoping that they would continue to give out information.

"It's disgusting, all that filth in the basement!" stated Susan.

"Shut up, Susan!" yelled Michael.

"Screw you, Michael! I told you to burn that stuff."

"Susan, Michael, I think your father was murdered. I need to see what's in the basement," stated Max.

"You think Dad was murdered?" asked Susan. She looked stunned at the idea that her father might have been killed.

"Yes, and I want to help you."

Susan looked at Michael, who nodded.

"Okay, follow us," stated Susan.

After unlocking the door, she led him down to the basement. Part of it was set up as a bondage dungeon. Hanging neatly on hooks were a variety of whips, paddles, cuffs, gags, and other bondage S&M equipment.

There was also a shelf of VHS tapes. Max saw a video camera in the corner. There was also a whole bookshelf of pornographic magazines and books. Max scanned through the videos. All were professionally produced items. Max pulled out his camera and began to take photographs of the room. He took close-ups of the videotapes to record the names on the tapes.

Max looked around the room until he noticed that the bookshelf didn't seem just right. He felt around the edge until he found the lock that let the shelf swing away from the wall.

Located behind the shelf was another group of videotapes. They were apparently the ones that had been recorded by Tom Harrison. Max scanned the tapes; all had handwritten labels on them. Each had a name and a date. Max found a tape with the title Debbie: March 9th 1985.

"Excuse me, but I need to see this," stated Max.

Susan pointed numbly to a TV and VCR in the corner. Max put the tape in and played it. He saw Diana being tied down by Mr. Cameron. Max looked over at the bondage equipment and confirmed the tape had been shot here.

Susan gasped as she saw a large nude man begin to touch Diana.

"Oh God!" she exclaimed. She began to cry. "How could you that, Dad?"

Max shut off the VCR. "I'm sorry, but this will help us put some really bad men away."

"You think that Dad was killed over this?"

Max nodded. "I'd almost bet on it."

"But if you prove this, then everyone will know he was a pervert, right?" asked Susan.

Max nodded again.

"Can you get the men who did this without dragging our father through the mud?" asked Michael.

"I can try," replied Max. "Look, your father is dead. The men I'm after are alive and have killed and hurt many others. That kid on the tape is a minor, and those men brought her here. I can use what's here to nail them, but I need your help. Now, if anyone shows up asking about your father, tell them that you burned everything. Michael, did your father have a place where he burned things?"

"Sure, the pit was around back."

"Okay, I want you to burn some of the magazines and some blank tapes. If someone comes here you can show it to them."

"Okay, what about the rest of this filth?" asked Susan with a disgusted look on her face.

"It's evidence," replied Max. "May I use your phone, please? I have a few phone calls to make."


Chapter 30


Around the time Max was in the farmhouse in Pennsylvania, Faith and Diana were driving to Providence. Faith decided that they should get there early, shop, and have lunch before Diana's therapy session.

Diana was uncharacteristically quiet as they had lunch.

"You nervous?" asked Faith.

Diana cracked a small smile. "Is it that obvious?"


"I guess I'm just worried that she'll say that I'm really crazy," confessed Diana.

"You're not crazy," replied Faith. "If you really don't want to go, we can postpone it."

Diana immediately shook her head. "No, I want to do this."

Faith smiled and glanced at her watch. "Well, we'd better get going."

Angela Sullivan's office was located in the first floor of her three-story brick house. They were immediately greeted by a large orange tomcat as they walked up the steps.

Angela was a pleasant looking woman with reddish brown hair. She was wearing a green suit and a white silk blouse. Faith figured that Angela was around the same age as she was.

Angela sat them down in what looked like a living room.

"I'd like to talk to both of you first, before I start the session with Diana," stated Angela. "I promise that what happens here will remain confidential."

Faith told Angela a condensed version of why Diana was staying with her.

"I see, well, we have our work cut out for us," stated Angela. "Diana, you ready?"

Diana nodded and in a tiny voice replied. "Yes."

Angela smiled softly and led Diana into her office. Faith pulled out a book and began to read. It was strange, but since she'd become a writer, she barely had time to read. She had a stack of books that she had been meaning to read. She had once heard that people who bought books but never read them were buying time, as they always expected to find the time to read them. She had just been given a copy of the newest book by Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale, by her editor, and she'd finally decided to read it.

Two hours later, Angela brought Diana out of her office. Diana was smiling, despite the fact that it was obvious that she had been crying as her eyes were red and puffy.

"I'd like to start seeing Diana every week, if that's possible," stated Angela.

"That won't be a problem," replied Faith. "How're you doing, Diana?"

Diana glanced at Angela and smiled, then looked back at Faith. "Better."

They talked for a few minutes and Faith gave Angela a copy of her newest book.

As they were walking out, a young woman came into the house holding the cat.

"Diana, Faith, this is my daughter, Jenna, and Pumpkin," stated Angela. "She'll be attending Brown this fall and plans to follow in my footsteps."

"Mom, do you have to tell everyone my plans?" asked Jenna with a smile.

"Yes, when it concerns my future Ivy Leaguer!" replied Angela.

They talked for a few minutes before heading to their car.

"I have one last stop before we head back. There's a bakery near here that makes the best Portuguese sweet bread. I want to get a loaf for dinner," explained Faith. "I'm glad you want to keep seeing her."

"I really like Angela; she really understands what I've been going through," stated Diana. "I mean, you've been great, but it's different with her; does that make sense?"

"Yes, it does," replied Faith.

After buying the bread, Faith drove the Volvo back to Stonington. Diana told her more about the session.

"You don't have to tell me everything that happened if you don't want to, Diana," remarked Faith. "Don't get me wrong, I'm interested, but therapy can be a very private experience."

"I don't mind. In some ways it helps me absorb what we talked about," replied Diana. "Angela has already helped me to see how deep my gender issues are. Back when I was fighting these feelings, I thought I could turn them on and off. I was so wrong."

They talked until they reached the Connecticut border.

"You feel like making a quick side trip to see if your bike is ready?"

"That sounds great," replied Diana.

An hour later, they were back at Faith's house. She was about to prepare dinner when the phone rang. It was Max.


Chapter 31


Max laid out his plan to Faith and Diana.

"Have you contacted the Feds yet?" asked Diana.

"I have a meeting with one tomorrow," stated Max. "How long will it take you to write out the article?"

"Two to three days, assuming Marissa signs on," replied Faith. "What I don't understand is, if you have the videos with Mr. Cameron, why not bring in the Feds and police right now?"

"This is deeper than just one man. I've been going through the private stock of videos, and there are dozens of teens in them. There are also several unidentified men in the videos. I suspect that Harry Jr. and Tom Harrison were running a private sex club at the farm, unknown to the rest of the Cameron clan. If we just arrest Harry Jr., we might not get the rest. If we just arrest Harry, then the others might get away."

"Aren't you afraid that they'll destroy any evidence in the meantime?" asked Faith.

"The evidence here will be safe. I have someone coming in to watch it. We have no control over any tapes that Harry Jr. might have. We'll just have to hope that they don't suspect anything until we get the warrants," replied Max.

"Okay, I'll call Marissa, and we'll get started on the article. We should be able to edit it as we get more data."

"Good, I'll get back to you soon," stated Max. He then went on to explain why he wouldn't be back in Connecticut as planned. "The good thing is that I'm close to blowing this wide open. I'll keep you informed about my progress."

Faith turned to Diana. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, tonight may be our last night for a while to do something fun, so when I get done talking to Marissa, why don't we go catch a movie?"

"Cool," replied Diana. "Any ideas of what you want to see?"

"How about that new movie with Michael J. Fox?" asked Faith.

"Back to the Future? That's supposed to be great."

"Okay, we'll grab dinner in town before we see the movie; can you put the food away while I talk to Marissa?"

Chapter 32


Around the time Faith was talking to Marissa, Max called the Carbonville police department. He was quickly routed to the chief.

"Well, do you have the kid?" asked Randy Monroe.

"Yes, I picked him up this afternoon. He's told me some rather interesting stories; I can understand why you want him back so badly," replied Max.

"The kid's a liar; you can't trust a druggie."

"I don't think he's a druggie," replied Max.

There was a long pause.

"When will you bring him back?" asked Randy.

"Look, I don't care what sort of shit is going down in your town. I'm no puritan; I'm strictly a capitalist. I think his value just increased."

"How much?" asked Randy.

Max smiled. "$50,000."

"You're got to be kidding?"

"No. Do I sound like I'm kidding?"

"Do you really expect to get away with blackmailing us?"

"Actually, I do. Besides, I can help you; think of the 50K as an investment," replied Max.

There was another long silence on the other end of the phone.

"Why don't we meet somewhere, just you and me and we'll talk?" offered Max.

"What about the kid? I want proof you have him."

"My partner is watching him. And just in case you get any strange ideas, my partner will immediately contact the authorities should something happen to me," explained Max.

"Okay, where do you want to meet?" asked Randy.

"Do you know where the Blue Sky Motel is?"


"Good, I'll be in room 214. Be here at six, and don't do anything stupid."

Chapter 33


Marissa immediately hopped on the next Amtrak north. She couldn't wait to get started on the article. Additionally, she had uncovered new information on many of the main suspects.

Faith moved her computer to the dining room.

"We can use the table to hash out the story and sort through the evidence," explained Faith.

"Do you really think you can knock this out in a couple of days?" asked Diana.

"Why not? I have a good supply of coffee! Seriously, Diana I used to do this all the time when I was a reporter."

Diana smiled. "You're enjoying this; I mean the writing of the article?"

Faith smiled back. "I do miss this part of being a reporter. I like the hours of being a writer much better, but I love the thrill of putting together the article, especially when there's a deadline. Should you become a writer yourself, you'll know what I mean."

"Do you think this will work?" asked Diana.

"I don't know, but I trust Max."


Chapter 34


Max was sitting in his hotel room playing solitaire when there was a knocking at the door. "Showtime," he said aloud as he got up to answer the door.

Randy Monroe was standing outside. He was wearing jeans and a green polo shirt. He was also wearing a black Member's Only jacket.

Max motioned him in. "Nice disguise."

"Okay, Ross, I'm here, where's the proof you have the kid?" asked Randy as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

Max walked over to closet and pulled out Darren's jacket and tossed it to Randy.

"That's it? You expect me to believe you got the kid just because you have a jacket?"

"Look in the pocket."

Randy pulled a wallet out of the pocket. Inside was the school ID and drivers license for Darren Wagner. Randy looked at them and returned them to the wallet.

"Okay, you have the kid; now what?" asked Randy.

"He told me he was used as a sex slave, that he was made to dress as a girl, and was used by many men in Carbonville."

"The kid's a dealer; he'll do anything to avoid being prosecuted."

"Really? Then how do you explain the fact that he has breasts?"

Randy glared back at Max. He started to reach into his jacket.

Max was faster and pulled out his semi-automatic nine millimeter and shook his head back and forth. "I wouldn't do that if I was you."

Randy slowly pulled his hand out empty.

"Look, I'm not some small-town hick you can push around. I really don't care if you like to fuck sissies or not. I told you, I'm in this for the money. Besides, I can make you even richer," stated Max, as he returned his gun to his shoulder holster. "I want to be your friend xC9 and partner."

"What do you mean?"

"I can provide you with customers xD1 high rollers, foreigners xD1 who are willing to pay top dollar for the right product. I'm willing to take a measly ten percent finders fee."

"You mean teens?" asked Randy.


"Why help us?" asked Randy.

Max smiled to himself, Randy had virtually admitted that he was a part of the sex ring.

"For the money."

"You're a regular mercenary, aren't you?"

Max shook his head. "I consider myself an above average mercenary. Look, Randy, I like money. This looks like a good gig, besides all I'll have to do is direct people to you."

"So if we pay you for the kid, you'll help us?"

"For a price. But before I help you, I want to hear about your organization."

Randy smirked. "You must be kidding."

"No. Look, I know the teacher recruits and trains the kids. Great plan, grabbing them in school! But some of the people I know like them younger; is that possible?"

"Yes, we have several pre-teens being groomed."

"Is this how the minister is involved?"

"How do you know about that?" asked Randy.

"Just a guess, but the kid told me that the Rev. Greenville used him a few times. I did a little research on my own; is this the same Dean Greenville who was once arrested in Baltimore?"

Randy nodded. "You mind if I smoke?"

Max shook his head.

Randy carefully pulled a pack of Marlboros out of his coat pocket and lit one. "You definitely do your research."

Max ignored Randy's comment and continued laying the trap. "So, back to the kid, the teacher pulled him in, and when he got troublesome you were called in, right?"

"Yes. I framed the little shit. Look, I know he got away from us, but he was the first. I've silenced other ones in the past."

"Not that I really care, but what are you going to do to the kid?" asked Max, as he poured himself a glass of whisky. He offered some to Randy, who readily accepted.

"I suspect he'll be shot trying to escape, if you know what I mean."

Max shrugged his shoulders and sipped his drink. "Won't the family complain?"

"Hell, no. The father works for one of us! His boss has been very supportive and has even given him a promotion. What a laugh, his boss was one of those who used the kid! No, we've got it under control."

"Does anyone complain around here?"

"Look, Ross, this is a solid program we've got here. The mayor gets his cut, and no one bats an eye. We've also taken care of any opposition," stated Randy. "This is good stuff."

"It's real single malt," replied Max as he refilled Randy's glass.

"We've managed to blackmail any opposition. I've got dirt on so many of the fine citizens of Carbonville, none will dare speak to the authorities. You know the charges against the kid? All fake! The kid was already a runner when we had the judge backdate the charges."

"What do you have on the judge?"

"He fucked a young woman he thought was nineteen," replied Randy. "She was actually thirteen, and we got it on tape!"

"Very good, but don't you worry about covering your own ass?"

"Nope, I've got tapes and stuff on most of those involved. If any of them double-cross me, I'll get take them down with me," replied Randy.

Max nodded.

"Now, Ross, we try to keep our parties low key. I don't know about bringing a bunch of strangers into town."

"We don't have to bring them here. Can't you use a place out of the area, say like that farm house in Pennsylvania?"

Randy stared at Max and then broke out laughing. "Hell, Ross, you're my kind of guy; you don't miss much do you?"

"What happened up there?" asked Max, as he refilled Randy's glass again.

"Stupid bastard got greedy and wanted more money. I had to go up and end our business deal, if you know what I mean."

"Don't worry about me, Randy; I just want what we agree to. I don't go back on deals with a fellow Scot."

"Too bad others aren't as dependable. Yes, we can get another house somewhere out of town."

"Good, and can you get one near a major highway? It would make it easier for your potential clients."

"Seems like you've had experience in this sort of thing before," noted Randy.

"I'm no stranger to organizing groups. You have a good small operation, but to make the real money, you need to expand; however, at the same time you need to do it smart."

"You know, it's funny, but the sex stuff was just something that was done for fun! It's gone back twenty years. Initially, it was just teenage girls, but some of the club members began to get more exotic tastes. The kid who ran was the first sissy we've created. I'll tell you what, I'm not into guys, but I can't believe how good it felt to fuck that kid. When he was dressed up, you barely knew he was a boy anyway! Too bad we can't keep him in the stable."

Max stared back, smiling inside at the effect the eighty proof whisky was having on Randy's tongue.

"So when can we have the kid back?" asked Randy as he lit another smoke.

"When do I get the money?" asked Max with a smile.

"I can get you twenty-five thousand by tomorrow. What do you say that we shake on the rest? I'll have the rest in your hands by next week," asked Randy as he held out his hand.

Max thought about it and then extended his hand. "Deal."

Randy laughed. "You know, you scared me for a moment. I thought you might actually shoot me!"

"I still will, if you double-cross me," replied Max with a grin and held out his glass.

Randy broke out laughing. "Well, I better get going."

"You okay to drive?" asked Max.

"My driver will be here soon."

Max nodded and then handed Randy the half-empty bottle of scotch. "For the road, Randy."

"That's mighty nice of you, Ross."

"I'll have the kid brought down tomorrow. I'll call you the following day to set up a meeting place."

"You mean you won't still be here?"

Max laughed. "That's a good one, Randy."

A few minutes later, Max watched Randy drive away. He walked to the room next door and knocked. A man in a three-piece suit opened the door.

"Well? How was that?" asked Max.

The man in the suit waved him in. "Combined with what was in the farmhouse, we should have enough to have the warrants by tomorrow."

"Remember our deal, Robert; I want the article done first xD1 before we raid the town, I owe that to them. I also want them to have exclusive rights to the story. If it hadn't been for them, you wouldn't even have a case."

"I understand. So when are you coming back fulltime to the agency, Max?" asked Robert.

"I like being part-time too much. Besides, I've always come back when you guys really need my help."

A technician was reviewing the video of Max and Randy's meeting. "Excuse me, Agent Ledyard; I'll have a copy of the tape ready for Agent Bowie in five minutes."

"This is your first big case on your own, isn't it?" asked Max with a wink.

"Well, thanks to working with you for two years, it took time for the Agency to trust me again," replied Robert. "We'll have our strike teams standing by for the raid. It's going to be big, especially since we can't trust any of the local cops."

"Just as long as none of them get away," replied Max.

The technician handed Max a tape.

"Well, I'll be back tomorrow. I have to go see a woman about an article," stated Max.



Chapter 35


Marissa arrived on the last train into Mystic and was met by Faith and Diana. Marissa was a slight woman with thick, curly chestnut hair. She also wore thin wire framed glasses.

Diana was surprised at how young Marissa looked, as she didn't look as if she was over twenty. When Diana said this, Marissa laughed.

"I owe it all to pure living!"

"Oh, please!" retorted Faith. "Can you even spell pure?"

"Maybe, so tell me everything," stated Marissa.

On the way back to the house, Faith told Marissa what they knew.

"Diana, with what you've told us, we'll nail them for sure," replied Marissa.

"My friend Max is on is way back here with what he's calling the smoking gun. He said his jet should land at Groton-New London airport soon," stated Faith.

"Okay, sounds like we have our work cut out for us. I brought my entire file on Carbonville. This will teach them to run a speed trap!" laughed Marissa.

Within the hour, they had laid out the framework of the article. Diana's journal was a key piece of evidence in connecting many of the conspirators.

Marissa began to type out the initial outline of the article, with Diana sitting by her side.

"You don't mind me asking questions?" asked Diana.

"Heck no, Diana, it's how you learn. By the way, I'm very impressed with your writing style. You have a good eye for detail."


Faith watched Diana and Marissa work together and smiled. She'd had reservations about including Diana in the writing of the article. She was initially worried it might be too much for her to handle, but seeing Diana with Marissa, her fears disappeared.

Around one in the morning, Max arrived.

Faith gave him a huge hug and kiss, which even surprised herself.

"Well, that was worth renting the jet, just for that," stated Max.

After greeting Diana and being introduced to Marissa, he brought out the tape.

"Diana, this is pretty disturbing, I'm not sure you want to see it," he stated as he put the tape in the VCR.

"I want to see it," stated Diana firmly, as she sat down on the couch next to Faith.

Marissa was standing behind the couch, drinking her third mug of coffee, with her notebook in hand.

Max hit the play button, and they watched the surveillance tape in utter silence. Faith glanced over at one point and saw tears rolling down Diana's face. She swung her arm around Diana's shoulders and pulled her close.

"I can't believe he gave you so much information. Talk about giving someone the rope to hang you with! Faith, what do you need me for, this guy just wrote the article for you!" stated Marissa. "I'd like to watch it again; I want to make sure I don't misquote him."

"I've seen enough," stated Diana, who yawned.

"Why don't you go to bed, dear? It's rather later," commented Faith.

"I guess so," stated Diana. "Good night, all." She then hugged everyone and headed off to bed.

"She's pretty impressive," stated Marissa. "I can understand why you're all fighting for her."

"No argument here," stated Max. He then told them about when the raid would take place.

"Um, I have a question. The Agency hasn't always had a friendly attitude to the press; why the sudden cooperation?" asked Marissa.

"It works to their favor. The case will be big news, and they'd prefer the first article to be favorable. Plus, this wasn't their case until we went to them. I cut a deal with them to get us on the inside," stated Max. "The new director is also more forward thinking. You'll also get exclusive rights to new information as the story breaks. I've been promised few hours lead time before any press conferences."

"I'm impressed," stated Faith.

"Okay, Faith, it's two-thirty in the morning, I'm wired on caffeine and ready to go!" stated Marissa. "Let's burn this article out!"

Faith glanced at Max. "You need anything?"

"Just some sleep. I'll crash on the couch; don't hesitate to wake me if you have any questions. Oh, can you give me a ride to the airport at eight? I have to fly back to Carbonville."

"With any luck, we should have the article done!" interjected Marissa. "Damn, I smell a Pulitzer!"

"Has she always been soxC9 energetic?" asked Max.

"No, she used to be worse," replied Faith as she rolled her eyes.

Max leaned over and took Faith in his arms and kissed her. "Okay, get back to work! We've got bad guys to catch."

Chapter 36


Faith and Marissa quickly pieced the article together. They made a good team and had few disagreements on the story.

"I'm planning on turning this into a book," stated Faith. "The proceeds will go toward putting Diana through college. I'd like you to co-author it with me."

"Cool! This could be my break to jump into getting a book published on my own. Oh, will the funds go towards her surgery too?"

"Sure, that makes sense," replied Faith.

"I can see why you've become so motherly; Diana is pretty special. If I hadn't known, I would never guess she was a boy," stated Marissa.

"I know. As soon as she became Diana, it was like she had always been female. I was half expecting to be correcting her on how she should act, but there was no need."

"I know what you mean, she's so feminine. It's not an act. God, it must have been hell for her to try to pass as a guy. Did you have any idea?"

Faith shook her head. "I never suspected the gender thing. I knew she was different, but at most I thought Darren might be gay."

"Does she like boys at all?"

"From what she's told me, she's never felt a thing for any male. After what she went through, I doubt she will. She associates sex with abuse. I've gotten her into therapy, and I hope she'll eventually be capable of relations with someone who is gentle and understanding."

"I'm surprised she functions so well," remarked Marissa. "She just seems like an average teenage girl."

"I think it's just that she's focused on surviving this ordeal. I'm afraid of what will happen when she comes down."

"What about the parents?"

"There's no way I'll allow them to take her back. I know she wants to see them, but she feels that they betrayed her."

"And that's because they did. Oops, sorry, Faith."

"No need to apologize. I plan on having a few words with my sister when this is all over. I want to have guardianship of Diana. I think it'll be the best thing for her."

"No argument here. Okay, now what about this next paragraph?"


Chapter 37


By the time Max was ready to leave for the airport, the article was nearly done. Diana had returned to help around five and aided Marissa in better describing how Mr. Cameron gained control over her.

"Will your editor give you any flak over the article?" asked Faith.

"I don't expect he will. I told him I was working on something big that would be an exclusive," replied Marissa. "Besides, I told him that I was working with you and that if he turned it down then the story might go to someone else. I lied and told him that you have connections at the Post."

Faith laughed.

"So, Max, when do you want us there?" asked Marissa.

"The raid will be tomorrow, so get there sometime today if you can," he replied.

"Can I come?" asked Diana.

Max looked at Faith, who shrugged her shoulders.

"You can't go on the raids, but you can come down to the command center and wait it out," stated Max. "Don't worry about the charges, my agent friend has already told me that they're illegal. Still, we'll need to keep you out of the public eye until after the raids."

"Why don't we all go now?" suggested Marissa. "I can have a computer brought out with the photographer to wherever we're coordinating all this."

"I can pack up my Mac and be ready to go," added Faith.

Max looked at the three women. "You have ten minutes to pack a carryon bag."

Chapter 38

On the flight down to Maryland, Faith and Diana slept while Marissa talked to Max.

"Will there be any issue with you giving Randy booze? I mean it could look like you got him drunk."

Max smiled and shook his head. "I just offered it to him. Besides, he had pretty much incriminated himself by then anyway."

"Will you be on the actual raids?"

"Yes," he replied. "I'm going on the one that'll enter Randy's house. I want the files he claimed to have on the others."

"Do you think he'd really keep them in his house?" asked Marissa.

"Yes, that's where he could always check on them," replied Max.

Marissa looked out the window of the private jet. "Faith really likes you."

"I know. I like her too."

"And?" asked Marissa, turning around to face Max.

"And what?" replied Max.

"You're too smart to let her slip away," continued Marissa.

Max turned and looked at Faith, who was sound asleep next to Diana.

"You're right," he replied with a grin. "Max Smart, that's me."


Chapter 39


They landed at an airfield near Frederick, Maryland and drove to the Agency's temporary headquarters located twenty miles away from Carbonville. A motor lodge had been taken over, much to the delight of the owner. The site was picked because it was believed to be far enough away from the influence of Randy and the others.

Marissa's photographer met them there and had already set up the Mac inside.

"They gave us a spot to work and everything, including our own coffee pot," remarked Calvin, the photographer. He had got his first photographic experience in the Marines and taken several award winning photographs in Grenada. He was hired immediately upon his discharge and was usually assigned to the most hazardous stories.

Robert Ledyard met with Faith and the others. He was very nice to Diana, and she immediately felt that she could trust him.

"Are you descended from Col. William Ledyard?" she asked Robert.

"Yes," he replied, referring to the man who had commanded Fort Griswold in Groton during the Revolutionary War.

"Cool!" replied Diana.

They talked for a few more minutes until the formal briefing started. Robert liked the young woman and had to admit that he never would have suspected that she was really a boy.

"Marissa, you and Calvin can accompany us on the raid. I'd like you with me if you don't mind; we'll be raiding the home of Randy Monroe, the soon to be ex-chief of police. Other raids will he held simultaneously on the homes of Harry Cameron Jr., Harry Cameron Sr., Rev. Dean Greenville, and Russell Cameron, plus Carbonville High School and, of course, City Hall. Also there will be additional warrants served on Dr. Lang at his office in Taneytown, Ms. Jodi Morris, and several other people identified by Diana or from the tapes. We have a federal judge standing by to order warrants accordingly."

"What will happen to the town? I mean you're pretty much going to be shutting it down," asked Marissa.

"The state of Maryland has been notified, and they'll move in and take over until some semblance of real government can be re-established," stated Robert.

"How many agents will be involved in these arrests?" asked Faith.

"Twenty agents, augmented with nearly sixty state troopers. Oh, that's right, the troopers will also take over until we can determine if there are any clean cops on the Carbonville force," continued Robert.

"When is this all going down?" asked Faith.

"Tomorrow morning at five AM," he replied. "I'm sorry, but until then you cannot call out, unless an agent is with you, strictly for security reasons."

'Why not earlier?" asked Marissa. "I could have the story released with the morning paper."

"Not possible. There's a strong possibility that there will be second round of raids if we get evidence to nail those who've been using the teens. This is also a very large operation; we want to make sure we get anyone who slips through the cracks."

"The word of the raids is going to get out, a news blackout will only attract more attention," argued Marissa.

"Out of my hands, Marissa. The main office says 5 AM. I don't imagine we'll be holding an initial press conference until late tomorrow afternoon. True, the networks will get a jump, but you'll have more information than anyone else. I promise that we won't hold a detailed press conference until the following day; that way you'll have the jump on everyone else."

"I still don't like it; we were promised an exclusive," replied Marissa as she sighed. "Well, I'd like to ask you a few more questions for the story, Robert."

Robert smiled. "Okay, that would be fine."

Diana walked over to where Max was talking to some other agents.

"What's up, Diana?"

"When can I see my parents again?"

"You sure you want to?"

She nodded. "I want to see them. I've talked about this with Aunt Faith. I can't believe that they don't love me. I also have some questions for them."

"If you're sure, we'll take you there after the raids."

"Thank you," she replied. "I still want to live with Aunt Faith, regardless of what my parents say."

Faith and Marissa worked on the article. They decided that it should be split up into a series and made the appropriate changes. Diana watched and asked questions.

"Why are you calling me John or Jane in the story?" asked Diana.

'You're a minor, Diana, got to protect your identity," replied Marissa. "You'll learn all this when you go to journalism school, which you'd better do great in, or I'll come up to Connecticut and kick your butt!"

Diana smiled.

"One more thing, Diana, once I get rolling on a story, I tend to get tunnel vision; if I appear to be too into the story, it's the way I am. I apologize in advance if I seem too enthusiastic," explained Marissa.

"I understand," replied Diana.

By dinner time the first article was done. It explained why the raids were held and gave a brief background on the Cameron clan's dealings in Carbonville. A second accompanying article would have the exact details of the raids and arrests. Marissa claimed she could knock that one out in a few hours.

For the most part, there was nothing to do but wait. However, Max still had a phone call to make.

Chapter 40


"Randy, this is Ross. I've got the kid," stated Max.

"Really, that's great!"

"Do you have the money?"

"Yes. My associates are very agreeable to your ideas. However, I'd like to offer a slight change to the plan. We'd like you to kill the little shit. Don't worry, we'll pay you. How does an additional 50 grand sound?"

"Why the sudden generosity?" asked Max.

"I want us to have a long and mutually beneficial business relationship. For this to happen, we need assurances that you're dedicated to us. Look, I doubt if this will be the first time you've knocked someone off."

"I see your point. I want half up front."

"Does that mean you'll kill Darren?"

"Yes. But I won't do it until I get the first fifty grand. Trust goes both ways, my friend."

"That's acceptable. How will you do it?"

"Well, since you've tagged him as a druggie, I'll inject him with enough heroin to kill him. The police will just assume he overdosed."

"That works pretty good, I've done that to a few problems in the past," replied Randy. "Damn, we think alike. I'm going to like working with you, Ross."

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow morning and set up a meeting point to get my money."

"Great. Goodnight, Ross."

Max hung up the phone and looked over to the agency technician. Robert Ledyard was standing next to him.

"How was that?" asked Max.

"Great. By the way, Randy was taping the conversation," stated the tech. "I heard the click when he turned on the recorder."

"I'm not surprised. Randy's just covering his ass. I'm more convinced than ever that we'll hit the mother lode when we raid his house," replied Max.

"I agree. He'll also be dangerous. I brought an extra vest for you, and you're required to wear it," added Robert.

"Just as long as I get one of those cool blue Agency windbreakers too! You know, someday it would be nice to have a tactical uniform as cool as they have on TV," replied Max.

Chapter 41


"Time to get up, Diana," said Faith, as she softly shook her.

"Umm, what time is it?" asked Diana, as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Three-thirty," replied Faith. "I thought you'd want to see Max and Marissa off."

Diana nodded as she yawned and got out of bed. "I do."

"Meet us in the command center. They're serving breakfast there; it's actually pretty good."

Ten minutes later Diana walked into the well-lit command center. She was stunned by the large number of agents who were eating and talking. Max saw her walk in and waved her over.

"Pretty impressive, huh?" he asked.

"I'm shocked. All this because of me?"

"Yes, you should be proud of how you're playing a part in the liberation of Carbonville."

Diana looked Max in the eyes. "Isn't that a little much?"

"No. What happened to you was just the most extreme of what's been going on here for years. Everyone will benefit from today's arrests."


"Well, not those in the Cameron clan."

Diana thought about what Max had told her. She then noticed that he had a badge on a chain around his neck. "What's that? Are you really an agent?"

"Shhhh, don't tell Faith. I want her to think I'm some sort of rouge!"

Diana laughed. "Be careful today, okay?"

Max smiled and swung his arm around her shoulders. "I will, kid. Now, have you eaten yet?"

Diana shook her head.

"Come on, let's get you some food." He put his arm around her shoulders and led her to the buffet.

Chapter 42


Max walked over to Faith before leaving.

"You be careful, okay?" she stated.

"It's my middle name, never could understand why my parents picked that name until now," he replied with a smile. "I suppose that you're a little disappointed about not coming along."

"No, not really, I'd rather be with Diana," replied Faith. "Besides, I've been along with the police for arrests in the past. These are emotional times for Diana, and I don't want her to be alone."

"I like this new maternal side of you," commented Max. "Seriously, I admire you for what you've done for Diana."

"She's special," said Faith, as she looked over at Diana who was talking to Marissa. "In fact, I can't imagine her not in my life right now. I know it sounds silly, but I like having someone to watch over and nurture. Something was missing in my life, and Diana has filled it."

Max shook his head. "It's not silly. You deserve a lot of credit." He then leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.

"That was nice," replied Faith.

Max winked. "See you later, Faith."

"I'll be here."


Chapter 43


The agents and state troopers headed off to Carbonville to make the arrests. Faith knew that even though the plan was to hit all the targets at once, there would be problems. Max explained that while the target homes and offices were being raided, the State Police would be establishing roadblocks. He told her that it would still be possible for someone to escape, especially if they knew the area.

She was also worried because Max had picked the most dangerous target, Randy Monroe.

Diana was sitting next to the command table, listening to the agents check in by radio.

Faith looked at her watch and saw it was five AM. She was now standing behind Diana, as she was too nervous to sit. They then heard the sound of Robert Ledyard's voice on the loudspeaker.

"All agents move in," stated Robert.

Faith put her hands on Diana's shoulders. Diana reached around and looked up into her eyes and nodded.

Chapter 44


Max accompanied Robert as they approached Randy's house. It was a split-level home on a three acre piece of land. Additionally four troopers backed them up, two covering the rear and two going in the front covering Max and Robert. Marissa and Calvin were waiting back at the car with another agent. They wouldn't be allowed into the house until it was cleared.

The house was dark as they approached. Robert signaled to the others to close in. He glanced over at Max, and they approached the front door.

As planned, Max knocked on the door. "Randy, open up. This is Ross." He then knocked again.

Randy could be heard approaching the door. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" he stated angrily.

'Sorry, but I have something important to tell you."

They could hear the sound of him undoing the deadbolt on the front door. Robert was standing off to the side with the two troopers behind, ready to rush in with weapons drawn.

"This better be damn important, Ross."

"It is, Randy," stated Max.

The door opened and Randy stepped out to meet Max. He was about to complain when he saw the badges on the agents and the uniformed state troopers.

"Randall Monroe, you're under arrest," announced Robert Ledyard, holding out the warrant for his arrest.

Randy stepped back and attempted to slam the door shut, but he was immediately rushed by Max and the others and knocked to the floor. They wrestled him to the floor and attempted to get him cuffed. Randy was a powerful man, and it was difficult to subdue him. Suddenly, a single gunshot rang out and Robert screamed out in agony.

"Enough of this shit," stated Max, and he punched Randy in the face, knocking him out. "Cuff him."

While one of the troopers cuffed Randy, Max looked over to see Robert clutching his thigh. One of the troopers was standing there holding his service revolver. The trooper had a look of confusion on his face.

"I... I... I'm sorry," the trooper stammered.

The other two troopers came running into the house, having heard the gunshot.

Max picked up the radio and called for assistance. "You two clear the rest of the house." He then pulled off his belt and wrapped it above Robert's wound.

"Stupid son of bitch!" grumbled Robert.

"Hurts, don't it?" asked Max with a grin.

"Damn right it does. How bad is it?"

"Looks like it missed the bone, bleeding doesn't look too bad either. Don't worry, the EMTs will be here shortly," replied Max.

"The house is clear," stated one of the troopers.

Randy began to regain consciousness.

"Where's your wife, Randy?" asked Max.

"She's out of town. What the fuck, man, are you a cop?" asked Randy, as he stared at Max.

"Something like that."

"I'll kill you, you fucking snitch!" screamed Randy as he struggled to get free.

One of the troopers read Randy his rights, as he continued his tirade.

"You feel like cooperating or not?" asked Max.

"Fuck you," snapped back Randy.

"I'll take that as a no," replied Max. He picked up the radio and called in additional agents to begin the search of Randy's home.

The EMTs arrived and carted Robert off. "I'll never live this down. Shot by a trooper."

"Hey, be thankful it was in the middle of the thigh," commented Max, as he watched Robert being treated.

The trooper who'd fired his weapon stood there in shock. "I'm so sorry."

Robert glared at both of them as they wheeled him out to the ambulance.

Max turned to the trooper. "You'd better go off to the command center for now. Don't worry, kid, I know lots of cops who would have loved to shoot a Fed." He then patted the trooper on the back.

Right then Marissa and Calvin came in. Max pulled her aside. "No mention of what happened to Robert, okay?"

"Is he okay?"

Max nodded. "It's just sort of embarrassing. "

"I understand. So, where's the stuff?"

With Randy and Robert out of the house, Max began his search. He found what he was looking for in the basement. While part of the basement was a standard family room, the other half had been turned into Randy's office. The file cabinet had a padlock on it that Max ordered cut off. Inside were files on numerous residents of Carbonville. Max pulled one out labeled Harry Cameron Jr. and opened it up.

Inside was documentation on all of the teens that Harry had corrupted. Additionally, there were photographs of him having sex with the teens.

Max waved over one of the investigators. "Here's the jackpot."

"We've struck oil at Harry Jr.'s house too. Like you suspected, we've got lots of videos and photos to back up the charges."

"When can I see the files?" asked Marissa.

"Not until we've looked through them first," replied Max. "Don't worry, you get first shot at them."

Max then radioed back to the command center. "Did we get everyone?"

"Negative. So far we're missing Russell Cameron. Apparently he slipped out just before the raid on his house. His truck is missing, and we've issued an APB for him," stated the agent at the command center.

"How's Robert doing?"

"He's fine. The bullet went clean through his thigh, didn't hit the bone. He claims he'll be released by noon."

"Be kind to him," replied Max. "Back to Russell, any idea of where he is?"

"No, but we're checking all leads."

Max looked around the house and saw the tape recorder hooked up to the phone. He rewound the tape and found the conversation he'd had with Randy. He went back further and found a call Randy had made to the mayor. He hit the play button.

"Ross came through. He's got the kid," reported Randy.

"Wonderful news. Have him kill the little shit," replied the mayor.

"Will do. He wants in pretty bad, so I think I can swing it."

"Promise him anything, we can always get rid of him should we need to."

"I think he'll cooperate; he could be a useful person to have around. I've been lucky so far and haven't been connected to the previous disposals."

"Okay, but he's yours. If he betrays us, you'll be the one I'll be looking for."

Max smiled and looked over at the investigators going through the files. "Is there one in there on the mayor?"

"A nice thick one," he replied, holding it up.

Marissa was furiously writing down the conversation between the mayor and Randy. "Can I hear it again?"

Max replayed it for her.

"This doesn't get any better," she stated.

"I'm going to pick up Diana's parents; you sticking here, Marissa?"

"No, we're going to Harry Jr.'s house, so we can get some more photos. Can you drop us off there?"

"Yeah, it's along the way," replied Max.


Chapter 45


Thirty minutes later Max was sitting in the living room of Diana's home, telling her parents what had happened.

"You mean that Darren was telling the truth?" asked Art.

"Yes. His teacher had turned him into a sex slave to be used and shared by everyone from the mayor to your own boss," replied Max. He didn't see any reason to dilute what had happened to Diana. "And, by the way, he wasn't either doing or distributing drugs. Randy Monroe framed him on that."

"Where is he?" asked Hope through her sobs.

"She's with Faith, and she's safe. In fact, she's been with Faith since she ran away. Diana was very fortunate to have someone so caring to go to. Now, would you like me to take you to see her?" asked Max.

"You keep saying her," stated Art.

"Darren's a transsexual and is seeing a therapist; presently, she'd prefer to be called Diana," explained Max. "It was Darren's admission of his gender conflicts in a school paper that gave young Harry Cameron the idea of abusing him and keeping him quiet with threats of exposing him."

"I don't care, I just want to see my baby," gushed Hope.

"Where are the men who did this?" asked Art in a firm cold tone.

"We've got most in custody. Your boss slipped away. Any idea where he might be?" asked Max.

Art shook his head. "Wait a minute, you mean RussellxC9 used Darren?"

"Yes. Think, Art, is there any place he might have run off to?"

"I need to get some fresh air," stated Art, as he stood up.

"Just so you know, Art, it's because of Diana that the sex-ring has been broken up. She gave us the necessary leads to break the Camerons' grip on this community. You should be very proud of her."

"Can you take me to see my baby?" cried Hope.

"Yes, and what about you, Art?" asked Max.

"I can't... not right now... I need... I need to think," he stammered. He was staring at the floor.

"Fine," replied Max. "Just so you know, Art; they were planning to kill your only child."

Art looked up at Max with a look of pure fury. "How... do... you... know... that?"

"Part of my undercover mission was playing a bounty hunter. I claimed I had Darren. Randy Monroe, your town Police Chief, asked me if I would kill Darren; he even offered me fifty thousand to do the job."

Art didn't reply, he just got up and walked slowly out of the house.

"You ready, Hope?" asked Max.

"Yes. Please don't judge my husband; this is a lot to take in."

Max didn't say a word, as any response would have been inappropriate.


Chapter 46


Faith sat with Diana in one of the motel rooms as they waited for Hope's arrival.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Faith as she softly brushed Diana's hair with her hand.

"Yes. I need to see her," replied Diana.

"I'm sorry that Art isn't coming here."

Diana didn't reply.

"Do you want me to stay here with you?"

"Oh, yes," replied Diana with a smile. "I can't express what you mean to me. I want to stay with you; that's part of what I want to say."

"Thank you. I love you too, Diana."

A few minutes later Max brought Hope to the room.

Faith couldn't believe how much her sister had aged since the last time she had seen her. Her normally bleached-blonde hair was faded, and she looked ten pounds heavier. Her face also looked weary.

"I need to check in at the command center. I'll be back later," Max stated.

Faith felt a wave of relief run through her body as she saw Max standing there. "I'm glad you're safe."

Max smiled and walked away.

Hope walked tentatively into the room, as if she didn't know what to expect. She stared at the young woman sitting on the couch next to her sister.

"Darren? Is that you?" asked Hope.

"Please call me Diana, Mom," replied Diana softy.

Hope walked slowly closer. "I can't believe that's you."

"This is the real me," replied Diana.

Hope never took her eyes off her child. "How did this happen? Why didn't you tell us?"

"Tell you? What would you have done if I had told you that I thought I was a girl?" replied Diana. Her voice got louder as her anger grew.

"We would have gotten you help," replied Hope.

"Help? Help? Mom, I heard you and Dad agreeing to have me committed to a mental institution! I heard what you told Aunt Faith; you said that I was a monster!"

"We were just upset. We heard so many bad things about you," countered Hope.

"And you believed it all! Mom, you and Dad refused to believe me!"

"Darren, you must understand, the people who accused you...."

"Were the same people who were abusing me!" screamed Diana, who was now crying too.

Faith felt it had gone far enough. "Okay, both of you calm down."

Hope turned to her sister. "This is your fault! You betrayed us! You lied to me. How could you hide him and not tell us?"

"If I hadn't, Diana would be dead right now, and the festering shit-hole of a town you live in would be chugging along as if nothing happened!" snapped back Faith. So much for being a calming effect, she thought. "Look, dear sister, like it or not, your child is a transsexual. However, that wasn't the reason Diana was targeted. They picked out Diana because she fit the profile of what they were looking for. They abused and blackmailed Diana into sexual slavery. She was used by every influential man in this rotten community. You were ready to ship your only child away to an asylum without as much as a minor protest! And, my dear sister, you lied to me first."

Hope stared back in confusion and disbelief.

"Look, Hope, I don't think you were involved; you were victimized like your daughter was. If you want to have any relationship with your only child, then I recommend you start to accept the fact that Diana did nothing wrong," continued Faith.

Hope wiped away her tears and stared at Diana. "Are you happy like this?"

Diana nodded. "I've never felt more whole. I hated trying to be a boy."

"Did you always feel that way?"

"Yes, Mom," replied Diana.

"I see."

"There's one more thing, I want to stay with Aunt Faith for now," stated Diana.

"Are you sure?" asked Hope, glancing at her sister.

"If it hadn't been for Aunt Faith, I have no idea what would have happened to me! I had nowhere else to go. She not only took me in, but she got me medical treatment, and even more importantly a wonderful and caring therapist. She didn't turn me into a girl; she just let me become the person I've always wanted to be. I think it would be best for all of us, don't you?" asked Diana, as she wiped tears away.

Hope bit her lower lip and began to tremble. "I guess so."

"That doesn't mean that I don't want to see you," added Diana.

Hope stared at the young woman sitting on the bed. "You mean that?"

"You're still my mom. We all need time to recover from what's happened," replied Diana. "So, where's Dad?"

Hope shook her head. "I have no idea."

Chapter 47


The mountain of evidence was being sorted through and had already led to a second round of arrests, which included two local judges.

Marissa was typing furiously at her computer to get out the initial report of the raids. Faith and Diana joined her and watched with fascination as Marissa poured out the details of the raid. A half empty mug of coffee was next to keyboard, as were several empty cans of Mountain Dew and Jolt Cola.

"Were you like this, Aunt Faith?" asked Diana

"No... I was much worse. I even smoked back when I was a reporter," replied Faith.

"Never smoke, kid, it ruins the taste of your coffee," piped in Marissa without looking up, as she picked up her mug for a sip. She then held out the mug.

Diana noticed that she never stopped typing with the other hand as she drank her coffee.

"Diana, can you fill this up for me please?" asked Marissa, holding out her mug.

Diana took the mug and filled it with coffee.

"Thank you so much. If you're going to be a reporter, never forget that caffeine is one of your best friends."

Max walked over to them. "We've contacted the families of the other teens who were being abused. The state is providing counseling for the victims and their families."

"So what's the initial tally?" asked Faith, as she leaned over the computer.

"Randy is looking at the most charges so far. We've got evidence on him for at least three murders, possibly six others. Tack on to that sexual abuse, abduction, blackmail, bribes, and numerous state and federal charges, including charges in two states; well, let's just say he'd better get used to the idea of life in prison."

"What about my teacher?" asked Diana.

"You won't have to worry about him. He's facing a huge number of charges. I doubt he'll go to trial. I suspect he'll make a deal."

"Why?" asked Diana.

"He's presently sobbing in his cell and is under a suicide watch," replied Max. "The last thing he wants is the public scrutiny of a child molestation trial. Combined with all the evidence we've found at his home, he would be crucified by a jury."

"Excuse me if I don't show any sympathy," countered Diana.

"What about Jodi Morris?" asked Faith.

"Looks like she may not have had a choice. Apparently, she was one of the first teens used by the group. After she graduated from college, they contacted her and blackmailed her into helping them. She was set up in the school to help them screen new victims," stated Max. "While she's pretty despondent, she also seems relieved that it's finally over."

"What will happen to her?" asked Diana.

"She's being very cooperative and will be an excellent witness for the prosecution," answered Max. "I suspect she might get a reduced sentence, if anything at all. There's a possibility she could go into the witness protection program."

"What about the others?" asked Faith.

"Well, the high school principal, Knox, shot himself as the agents broke into his house. The Mayor apparently had a heart attack when he was arrested, but it looks like he'll survive."

"What do you have on the mayor?" asked Faith.

Max explained about the file and the tapes. "We can definitely tie him to several of the killings."

"What about Rev. Greenville?" asked Diana.

"He's in custody; however, it turns out that Dean Greenville isn't his real name. When they ran his prints, it turns out he's actually Larry Holton of Richmond, Virginia. He's a convicted child molester, and there are several outstanding warrants for his arrest," replied Max.

"This keeps getting better and better," stated Marissa as she typed.

"What about that doctor?" asked Diana.

"He's in custody. The authorities are currently reviewing all the patients he's had, especially those who he's helped commit. Apparently, he's been doing a landoffice business in getting rid of people for money. If you had a wife you wanted to get rid of, but didn't want a messy divorce, he'd take care of the problem and commit them to an institution. There they would be drugged so that they couldn't complain."

"What a sick bastard. I couldn't create a villain that foul," stated Faith. "So what about Russell Cameron?"

"No idea," replied Max. "We think he got up early to check on the arrival of a shipment at the machine shop. His path to work would have taken him past some of the sites of other raids. He probably saw what was happening and took off. He's lived here his whole life, so he probably knew a way out of town."

Max then briefed them on the other arrests. The only injury was Robert who, as promised, hobbled back into the command center on a pair of crutches. A round of applause greeted him.

"Get back to work," stated Robert.

"Shouldn't you be in a hospital, or at least a bed?" asked Max.

"I'm fine. I just want to see how it's going," he replied as he gently sat down. He winced slightly. "Hey, if the shot had been two inches to the right it would have been a miss."

"And if it had been two inches to the left you might have lost a leg. Go home, Robert," ordered Max. He then waved over another agent. "I want you to drive Agent Ledyard back home. You have my permission to use force if he complains."

The younger man looked at Robert and then Max.

"It's okay, Agent Willis, I'll go peaceable," stated Robert.

"Robert, you did a great job," added Max.

'Still, I'll never live this down," he grumbled.

"Hey, two inches higher and it would have been in your ass, and then I guarantee that you'd never live it down."


Chapter 48


Around two, Max was called over to a phone. He talked on the line for nearly thirty minutes before hanging up. He walked over to Faith.

"Where's Hope?" he asked. He had a serious look on his face.

"What's wrong?" asked Faith.

"Art was shot, but it looks like he'll live."

"I'll go get Hope and Diana," said Faith.

A few minutes later, they were all sitting around a table. Marissa was standing behind Faith.

"What happened?" asked Hope.

"Art tracked down Russell Cameron at a hunting camp an hour away from Carbonville. Apparently, he confronted his boss and tried to bring him back. They fought, and Art beat him up," explained Max. "Russell was lying on the ground, and Art went to get his truck. Russell pulled out a small handgun and shot Art twice. The first shot struck him in the back of the left shoulder. The second shot struck him as he spun around. It hit him in the left side, breaking a rib and sending splinters into his lung. Still, Art was able to turn around and return fire. He put three rounds from his .45 right into Russell's chest before collapsing."

Hope was crying again, and Diana also had tears rolling down her face.

"A forest worker heard the shots, found them and called for help. Art's in intensive care, but they expect him to make it," continued Max. "Russell didn't."

"Where is he?" asked Hope anxiously.

"In a hospital in Hagerstown. They had to fly him there in a helicopter," stated Max. "I'll have someone drive you out there."

"Do you want to join me, Darr... I mean Diana?" asked Hope.

"No, I'd better not. But let me know how he is. Tell him... tell him I still love him," replied Diana, wiping back tears.

"I will," replied Hope, as she walked away.

"Can I add this to the story, Max?" asked Marissa.

"I'd like that," added Diana.

"Sure, go ahead. Oh, the initial press conference will be in an hour," said Max. We're doing it at the State Police station; you're welcome to ride over with me."

"I'm ready to release my... excuse me, 'our' first article will ready in few minutes. Calvin will be running it down to Baltimore," replied Marissa. "We definitely have a major scoop. My editor's been putting out the word; it looks like the articles will be picked up cross-country."

"I'll pass on the press conference," stated Diana. "I'm feeling really sleepy."

"You okay?" asked Faith.

"Just really weary, it's been an emotional day," replied Diana. "I feel exhausted."

"I'll stay here with Diana," said Faith. "Let me know how the press conference goes."

Max walked over and hugged Diana, who wrapped her arms around him.

Chapter 49

Diana fell into a deep sleep within minutes of her head hitting the pillow. Faith was also exhausted, but wasn't ready to sleep. She retrieved her computer and set it up in the room next to where Diana was asleep. She began to type out the first pages of what would become her first non-fiction book.

She soon lost all track of time and was caught off guard when Marissa walked in.

"You're back early," stated Faith without looking up.

"Early? Faith, it's been three hours," replied Marissa, as she looked over Faith's shoulder.

"Three hours? Wow, I guess I really lost track of time."

"You started the book?"

"Yes, I needed something to do. I hope you don't mind," replied Faith.

"No, not at all. I'm sorta busy with the articles. My editor is overjoyed with the first article and the fact that the Post is calling us for a change! He's giving me a full week series. The last article will be the front page article on Sunday!"

"I'm so happy for you," replied Faith. "We'll work your stuff into the book."

"I trust you, Faith. How's the kid?"

"Asleep. As soon as we get back home, I'm taking her to her therapist."

"Good idea. Don't worry about her, Faith; Diana's a tough kid."

"I know that, but she still needs help. She's only sixteen and has seen things no one should ever see."


"Anything new on the case?" asked Faith, as she took a break from typing.

"The state has taken control of the town, but it doesn't look like there'll be much of a town left. The manufacturing plant was owned by the Camerons and others in the sex ring. Unless someone buys it, it'll close, putting sixty people out of work. There are three other businesses owned by the Camerons that'll probably close too. I imagine the place will be a ghost town within a year."

"Oh, I hadn't thought about that," replied Faith.

"Not that it would have made a difference. Faith, you did the right thing. It was only going to get worse here."

"I know, but Hope's still my sister. I worry about what will happen to her and Art."

"Oh, Art is being portrayed as a hero by the others in the press for what he did. I know it doesn't excuse what he did to Diana, but who knows? Maybe he'll come around. Obviously, he feels something for her. Besides, he'll get another job, people love hiring a hero."

"I'd like to think that the reason he went after Russell was because of what he did to Diana, but I'm not so sure," stated Faith. "They'll have to move now, there's no way they can stay here."

"They won't be the only ones moving. It'll definitely be a buyers market for houses. I don't image anyone will want to live here after the truth comes out."

"I mean, people will be looking at each other, wondering if they knew about it, or worse, participated in it," stated Faith.


Chapter 50


The next day Faith and Diana went back to Stonington. Max said he would be away for a week or so as the case wrapped up.

They had made a short trip to the hospital to see Art before leaving. The meeting was brief and few words were spoken; still, Faith was encouraged that he had wanted to see Diana. While Faith was against Diana moving back in with Art and Hope, she didn't want them totally out of Diana's life either.

The first thing they did upon returning was to drive to Providence to see Angela. The raids brought out a torrent of emotional release in Diana, and her session lasted two hours. Angela found room in her schedule for weekly visits.

One of the new issues Diana had to deal with was the way her father responded. She was torn between feeling elated that he still cared for her in some small way, and horrified that he was nearly killed and had killed another man, even one so vile as Russell Cameron.

As expected, the raids on Carbonville quickly became a major news story and Marissa was even interviewed on the Today Show. Faith had told her publicist that she didn't want to do any interviews at the moment. The last thing Diana needed was a spotlight on her.

"Faith, I think you should seriously reconsider your position," stated her publicist. "This is a hot story, this could really boost your career."

"Sandy, I'll do the whole interview circuit when the book is released. I'll even do the Phil Donahue Show, but for now I need to be with Diana. She needs me, and she come first in my life now," explained Faith.

"I understand. It's not good business, but I understand," replied Sandy. "But I'm holding you to your promise when the book is published."

Much to his doctor's amazement, Art made a very rapid recovery. Hope called and said that he'd like to meet with Diana after he got out of the hospital.

"What are you two going to do?" asked Faith.

"We've talked about it, and we've decided that we're moving. We have nothing there but bad memories," stated Hope.

"Where are you going?"

"We're thinking about moving back up there, if you don't object," stated Hope.

"Why would I object? Look, we have some issues to resolve with Diana, but keeping away won't improve that."

"That's true," replied Hope. "I thought I had the perfect life in Carbonville."

"Nothing's perfect. Have you thought about my request?"

"Yes, we both agree it's for the best. Is Darren... I mean Diana really happier as a girl?" asked Hope.

"Yes. I know this is the best thing for her," replied Faith. "She's in therapy, and I think she's going to recover from this."

"It'll take some time for her to trust us again. I can't believe how stupid we both were."

"You weren't the only ones conned by the Cameron clan."

"I know, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept," replied Hope.

"How're you fixed financially?" asked Faith.

"We should be fine for the immediate future. I don't think we'll get much for the house. My God, Faith, there are already three for sale signs up on our street alone!"

"Hopefully, that will pass. I've heard that the state is bringing in people to try to prevent the town from collapsing."

"Good luck."

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Thanks, Faith," replied Hope.

Faith went back to work on the book. Her editor had told her that she should try to get it out by September, when the grand jury was due to meet. The reason for the delay was due to the mountains of evidence they had to sort through.

Most of the charges were initially being handled by the Feds, although Randy also was facing murder charges in Pennsylvania and Maryland. There were also numerous arrests in five states with some of the clients.

Even though the town was being torn apart, the past victims of the Camerons could finally come forward and receive help. Apparently, Diana was the first transgendered victim of the Camerons. So far twelve women and six men had come forward, admitting they had been victims of the sex ring and had been blackmailed to keep quiet. Faith expected the final number to be much higher.

"Good morning, Aunt Faith," Diana greeted her.

"Good morning, Diana; so how'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good. You feel like going for a bike ride?" asked Diana.

"That sounds like a marvelous idea. I need to get out of the house," replied Faith.

A short time later they were riding down the road to the coast.

Chapter 51


Two weeks later, Max arrived at Faith's house carrying a basket of lobsters and a twelve-pack of Narragansett.

"Well, look who's back, the prodigal agent," quipped Faith, as she greeted him at the door.

Max put the lobsters and beer down and gave Faith a very passionate kiss.

"I've missed you too," she whispered.

Diana came to the door and smiled. "I can go out for a bike ride if you two want some privacy."

"Very funny," replied Max. "However, since you brought up the optionxC9"

"Come on, Diana, it's high time you learned to cook lobster," interrupted Faith.

"Faith is teaching me to cook," stated Diana proudly.

"Faith? What happened to Aunt Faith?" asked Max, as he carried the beer to the kitchen.

"I asked her to stop using it; it makes me feel old," interjected Faith. "Did you bring any corn with you?"

"Yes, Jersey sweet corn, I bought it at a roadside stop on the drive up here. Oh, the fish market also had some fresh littleneck clams," replied Max. "I'll go get them."

He walked back in with the remaining items. He laid them out on the kitchen table.

"Are you sure the clams are fresh?" asked Faith.

Max nodded. "We'll find out shortly. As my old Uncle Nick used to say, you can tell a clam is fresh if it winces when you hit it with the lemon juice and Tabasco."

Diana giggled, as she picked up one of the clams.

"They look wonderful. Diana, you're also going to learn how to shuck clams tonight. If Max doesn't know how, I can show you," stated Faith, as she filled a pot with water. "A good New England girl should know how to prepare seafood."

"Please! I know how to shuck a clam. I can even shuck an oyster," stated Max. "I learned when I was a kid."

"I don't believe it," replied Faith.

"What? You don't believe that I know how to shuck an oyster?" he asked.

"No, I can't believe that you were ever a kid!"

He pretended to throw a clam at Faith.

"Where did you grow up, Max?" asked Diana.

"I was a military brat; my dad was in the Navy. I was born in a naval hospital in San Diego, but lived in six homes by the time I graduated high school," he stated. "I went to elementary school in San Diego, Hawaii, and Washington DC; middle school in Japan; high school was in Norfolk and then back to San Diego."

"Max, I've known you for six years, and that's the first time I've heard you say anything about your past!" exclaimed Faith, as she pulled the husks off the corn.

"I figured it's time to stop being so secretive," he replied, as he opened up a beer and handed it to Faith.

"Why is that?" she asked as she took the beer.

"Well, I figured that it may be time to settle down," he replied as he opened his beer and tapped it against Faith's bottle. "Cheers."

Faith smiled back. "I like the sound of that."

Chapter 52


After dinner was cleaned up, they sat together out on the deck.

"I can understand why you like it here so much, Faith. It's very peaceful."

"I know. I'm trying to work out a loan to buy the property next door. It's three acres, and I'm worried that it could become a mini-development. I'm not a hermit, but the last thing I want is new construction next door," she stated.

"So you'd keep it undeveloped?" asked Max.

"I might add a small cottage to use as an office and maybe as extra guest space. That way I can use the dining room for meals," she replied.

"What a novel concept!" joked Max.

"I'd also like to expand your room, Diana," added Faith.

"It's fine, I don't mind," replied Diana.

"Thanks for being polite, but it's too small. I want you to have a place to study, and you'll need a place for your computer. You also need a much bigger closet for your growing wardrobe."

Diana cocked her head to the side. "My computer?"

"Well, I can't have you hogging mine! It should be here this week."

"Thank you, Faith!" Diana got up and hugged her.

"Now for the bad news, I'd like you to get started on your home schooling next week. There's a good possibility that you'll have to testify at any trials, and I don't want you to fall behind. I've got a teacher friend who's putting together your curriculum. Hope sent me your transcripts, and it looks like you should have your diploma before spring."

"What about college?" asked Max.

"I'd like to stay here," stated Diana.

"Well, that gives us a few options. You can apply to the University of Connecticut; that's just up in Storrs. They also have a regional campus over in Groton at Avery Point. Then there's Connecticut College just over in New London. That's a great liberal arts college," stated Faith.

"That would be nice," replied Diana.

"What? You're not applying to the Coast Guard Academy?" asked Max.

Diana laughed. "Oh yeah, that would go over really well!"

"How's the book coming along?" asked Max.

"Pretty good, the prosecutor has been pretty supportive about sending me the files I've requested. Diana, by the way, has been a major contributor," answered Faith.

"I've just provided stuff that's in my diary," interjected Diana.

"That's true, but you've had to rewrite it for the book in order to add more detailed descriptions," added Faith. "You're learning to become a professional writer. And, if you keep it up, you could be the only freshman in your class at Connecticut who has co-authored a best seller!"

"No way," replied Diana.

Faith nodded. "Why not? Marissa and I are sharing it, so why not add a third?"

"Cool!" replied Diana.

"I can also count this as your English credit," added Faith.

"That's even better!"

Chapter 53


It was almost midnight and Diana was fast asleep. Max and Faith were cuddling together on the couch, watching Johnny Carson. A half-empty bottle of wine and two glasses were on the coffee table.

"How's Art?" asked Max.

"He's out of the hospital and back home. Hope says that he's eager to leave town," replied Faith.

"Are they still coming up here?"

"Yes. I can imagine that it must be very uncomfortable for them back in Carbonville. Marissa's articles have shone a light on a lot of darkness, and I imagine the Camerons still have their allies. For many people, this whole mess just means a loss of their jobs and a huge disruption."

"That's true. The State Police have been patrolling Carbonville regularly, and they say there's a lot of tension. It'll just build up until the first trials."

"I know that Harry Jr. has already made a deal, but what about the others?"

"The mayor is still in intensive care and may not make it, which is just as well. He's facing a ton of charges. My good buddy, Randy, is still denying everything and claiming that he was in the middle of his own investigation. A jury might believe him if it wasn't for the videos of him having sex with the teens and his own tapes of his phone conversations."

"Ugh, what a piece of shit!"

"Faith! I think I'm becoming a bad influence on you!"

"No, not at all, actually piece of shit is too good for him," replied Faith, as she kissed Max.

"Hmm, I like that."

"Okay, back to the updates, my dear."

"Dean Greenville is facing a large number of charges. He's considering a plea to escape some of the state charges in Virginia. Most of the men charged with having sex with Diana and the others are also trying to make deals. Those videotapes are convincing many of them that a trial might not be in their best interests."

"And what about Jodi Morris?" asked Faith as she picked up her wine glass.

Max filled it up and then refilled his own. "It's obvious she's a victim; we found files on her in Randy's house. She was a high school junior when they framed her for dealing drugs. She was used regularly until she graduated. When Randy found out she was studying to become a guidance counselor, he brought her back in. He also threatened to do the same thing to her younger sister unless she cooperated."

"My God, what a monster."

"Yes, you'll read it all in the files when they arrive. She sacrificed herself for her sister. We've got her in therapy now."

"How many others have turned up?"

"Thirty-eight and counting, it looks like Jodi may have been one of the first ones to be enslaved."

"And Randy is still planning on going to trial?"

"It looks like it. Are you going to cover it?"

Faith hesitated. "It would be difficult, assuming that the trial starts early next year; who'd be here for Diana?"

"I'll do it," replied Max. "I'll only have to be there when I testify; the rest of the time I can be here with her."

Faith smiled. "I don't know. I mean I'm trying to get legal custody of Diana, and the courts are strict for a single woman. What would they say if I left Diana here with a mysterious rascal like you?"

"That's true. Well, there's one way to take care of that problem. Why don't we get married?"

Faith stared at Max in disbelief. "Are you drunk?"

"On two glasses of wine? Please!"

"You're serious, aren't you?"

"Yes, I want to marry you."

Faith kissed Max on the lips.

"Is that a yes?" he asked between kisses.

"Yes, I'll marry you."

Max pulled her closer, and they began to kiss again.


Chapter 54


It was Saturday September 28th and Max was busy cutting up one of nearly three dozen trees that had fallen around the house thanks to Gloria, the category three hurricane that had struck New England the previous day.

The house itself was in good shape, other than a few missing shingles and a broken shutter. Faith had never been that worried as the house had survived numerous nor'easters over the years.

Faith, Max, and Diana had sat out the storm in relative comfort. The storm was gone by mid-afternoon, but the damage would cause problems for weeks. They had lost power twenty minutes into the storm, but thankfully the emergency generator she had bought the previous year started up immediately. Her foresight became even more important when the power company said they might not get the power lines to her neighborhood restored for a few days. Max was slightly annoyed that they ended up missing the two hour season premier of Miami Vice.

"I can't help it; I actually like it," he bemoaned as they sat in the darkened living room.

"Don't worry, it'll show up again on reruns," stated Faith. "Besides, I thought you liked Magnum."

"I like them both; they're guilty pleasures, what can I say?"

Faith smiled. "I have to admit that I have a soft spot for a few shows myself. I love Cheers and Night Court."

"Those are all good," agreed Diana. "I also like Newhart."

They'd ended up listening to the radio and playing Trivial Pursuit until they went to bed.

Faith watched as Max used a chainsaw to cut up a maple tree that had fallen just ten feet from the house.

"At least we'll have a good supply of firewood, once these logs cure," he stated as they surveyed the damage after the storm departed.

"I'm just glad the storm blew through so fast," added Faith.

Diana joined Faith on the deck. "I can't believe the storm did so much damage in such a short time. We never got hurricanes in Maryland, just a lot of rain after they weakened."

"We were lucky," replied Faith as she looked at several large oaks that had survived the storm. If they had fallen, the house might have been seriously damaged.

"Oh, I finally got through to Mom and Dad. They're both okay." stated Diana. "They just got their power back. Dad said it was because they're living in an apartment near a major street."

"As opposed to those of us who live in the sticks," replied Faith. The generator provided just enough power to keep the fridge and freezer running, along with a limited number of lights. "Well, it could have been worse."

Hope and Art had moved up to Groton in August. They were currently living in an apartment as they looked for a house. The good news was that Art had gotten a new job, in part due to Faith. He had been hired as a mechanic at the Mystic Aquarium. In fact, he had been put immediately in charge of pump maintenance. Hope had told Faith that he'd never seemed happier with a job.

As far as Diana's relationship with her parents, it remained strained. Art and Hope reluctantly began to call their child Diana, but neither really understood what she was going through. Art blamed it all on the Camerons and expected that Diana would get over it. Hope meanwhile began to blame herself and began to suffer from depression. She had never been much of a drinker and when Faith found her drunk on Jack Daniels one afternoon, warning bells went off. Due to Faith's urgings, Hope was now seeing Angela.

"It's going to take time for everyone to find a sense of balance," stated Angela.

Diana now visited her parents once or twice a week, but never unsupervised. It wasn't that Faith didn't trust her sister and brother in-law, it was just she saw no need to take chances. Diana had been making great progress with her therapy, and the last thing she needed was a blow up with her parents.

Faith's lawyer had formalized the legal name change from Darren to Diana. Art wasn't happy about this, but reluctantly accepted the lawyer's explanation; mainly that Diana needed the name change in order to apply to college.

Faith was surprised by the reaction of the rest of the family. Her parents were totally accepting of Diana, much to the total shock of Faith.

"I always thought Darren was feminine," stated Faith's mother. "Please send us some photos. I can't wait to see my granddaughter, Diana."

"You know that Hope and Art aren't that pleased about what Diana is doing," added Faith.

"Hope will come around, she's always been a little slow, and Art isn't exactly going to be appearing on Jeopardy anytime soon. Don't worry, Faith, I'll work on both of them," continued Faith's mother.

Faith had told Max that there must be something in the water in Florida.

"Mom was never that accepting of change in my life!" joked Faith.

"Grandkids are different," stated Max. "My mom is also thrilled about Diana, and she isn't even her grandchild."

The rest of Faith's family was equally understanding. She wished the same could be said of Art's family. His parents made it very clear that "Darren" would not be welcome in their home. This rejection hit Diana rather hard, even though she only saw them once or a twice a year.

"It just bothers me that they won't even try to accept me," Diana had complained to Faith.

"If it makes you feel any better, Grandma and Grandpa are coming up here for Christmas this year," stated Faith, referring to her parents.

"It does," replied Diana. "Angela told me that my transition would have its ups and downs. I know not everyone will accept me, but I wish that they'd at least meet me before rejecting me. I also wish that they'd understand how whole I now feel. This is the right thing to do."

Faith just nodded. She kept a close eye on Diana and made sure that she never missed a therapy session. There were still nights shattered by intense nightmares, although they were becoming less frequent.

As for her life in Connecticut, Diana was becoming fully immersed in her classes. In addition to her working on the book, she was also working on several other subjects, including history and biology.

Faith was pleased with Diana's academic work, but was worried about her lack of friends.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much; Diana's still adjusting to her life. She's very good around adults. I think she'll do fine when she gets to college," stated Max.

"I hope you're right," replied Faith. She scanned her memory for friends who had teenagers. The only one who came to mind was Angela's daughter, Jenna. She wondered if she should bring up her concerns to Angela.

Diana's applications to college had been sent out, and all they could do was wait, although Faith tipped the balance slightly in Diana's favor by agreeing to do some guest lecturing at Connecticut College.

"We'd be honored to have you lecture," stated the head of the English Department. "It's so rare for a best-selling author to come to us."

"I don't mind, as my niece has applied to Connecticut to become an English major. Diana's a real prodigy; she even assisted on my latest book."

"Really, well, that's interesting, she must be very talented."

"She is, but then again I'm biased, but my editor also thinks she has talent."

"Do you have any copies of her work?"

"I'll bring them with me, if you'd like?"

"That would be wonderful. What's her name again?"

"Diana Veronica Bowie."

The first lecture had been the week before the hurricane hit and had been a huge success. Faith fully expected that Diana would be in the 1986 freshman class at Connecticut College. She didn't consider what she did as underhanded, as it would still be up to Diana to produce once she started her classes.

Max walked up the steps of the deck and wiped his brow. "Too bad you didn't wait to buy that piece of land; you could have gotten it a lot cheaper after this storm."

"I didn't want to take the chance of losing it, just like I didn't want to take the chance of losing you," replied Faith as she held out her hand, showing off her wedding ring.

Max and Faith had gotten married in August.

He had moved his PI office to Mystic, although he still maintained his ties to the Agency.

"I'm just glad the grand jury was over before the storm hit. I can't imagine not having you around when that came through," remarked Faith as she handed him a cold soda.

"It was pretty cut and dried. I'm still surprised that Randy didn't follow the example of Harry Jr. and cut a plea. He's the only major player who's going to trial now that Harry Sr. died," remarked Max, as he popped the top of the can of Coke.

Harry Sr., the mayor of Carbonville, never recovered from his initial heart attack, and his health quickly declined. He died without ever entering a plea.

There would be dozens of trials, but those would involve the men who sexually abused the teens. The list was pretty impressive as it included several judges, some prominent businessmen, and a retired state legislator.

Dean Greenville, AKA Larry Holton, had pleaded guilty to avoid extradition to Virginia. He might have thought he pulled a fast one on the legal system. He appeared to have a plan to become a model prisoner and help others. However, this plan took a disastrous turn when he was beaten to within an inch of losing his life in prison.

The suspects were two of his fellow prisoners, but had known Dean while he worked in Richmond. Neither would admit it, but officials suspected that Dean had molested them when they had been teens.

Dean suffered severe brain damage in the beatings and wasn't expected to recover. He would spend the rest of his life in a prison hospital.

While Max frowned on vigilante justice, he felt that Dean had gotten what he deserved.

As for the book, it was in limbo until after the trial. The prosecutor had asked Faith to hold back the book until after the trial was over.

"Randy could claim that the book prevents him from getting a fair trial," stated the prosecutor.

"The only way he could win is if his jury is made up of twelve other scumbags," replied Faith.

Still, she agreed. The book was done, except for the final chapters. She was waiting to write about the trial.

Marissa had spent several weekends helping write the book. Diana had provided great detail on life in Carbonville. Both Marissa and Faith agreed that she should get co-author credit.

"So what's for dinner tonight?" asked Max.

"How bout steaks on the grill? I'm rather limited on use of the stove."

"That sounds fine," replied Max. "Well, I'll go clear some more acreage, and then see if I can shoot us some food for dinner."

Diana laughed.

"Oh no, Diana, don't encourage him! He's enjoying this macho life too much."

Chapter 55


Faith and Max got their power back two days later, which was just as well as the temperature dropped as the first taste of fall hit.

Faith was teaching Diana to cook a stew that her mother had taught her to make. It had been learned from a family friend who came from a Portuguese fishing family.

The phone rang, and Faith called for Max to answer it. She and Diana continued chopping up onions, garlic, carrots, celery, green peppers, potatoes, and some late season local tomatoes. Then they washed and shucked four dozen littleneck clams, carefully saving all the clam juices.

"There's a lot of prep work that goes into this stew, but the actual cooking is quite simple and fast," Faith told Diana.

Ten minutes later, Max walked into the kitchen without a word. He set down three champagne glasses on the kitchen table and then retrieved a bottle of the bubbly from the fridge.

"What's going on, Max?" asked Faith.

He just smiled and popped the cork and filled the glasses.

"I think Max has gone nuts," stated Faith to Diana.

He handed Faith a glass, and he also handed Diana one too, granted it was half-full. He then lifted his glass to the air in a toast.

"Randy just pled guilty to all charges. There won't be a trial!"

Faith stared back and then touched her glass to those of Diana and Max. They sipped the champagne.

"What happened?" asked Diana excitedly.

"The prosecutor uncovered solid evidence linking Randy to two of the murders in Pennsylvania."

"But why the change? Those aren't new charges," replied Faith.

"Yes, but the prosecutor told Randy that the feds were thinking of letting Pennsylvania have him, and that, due to the nature of the crimes, he would be facing the death penalty. He even showed Randy the extradition papers. Randy copped a plea an hour later," explained Max with a grin.

"Would he really do that?" asked Faith. "I mean they have a solid case on the federal charges."

"Let's put it this way, I once saw that prosecutor win a poker pot with a pair of threes," replied Max. "I guess Randy would rather spend life in prison than on death row in Pennsylvania."

"So it's over?" asked Diana.

"It should be. Once word gets out that Randy's made a deal, I doubt if any of the others will go to trial. It also means that the book can be published."

"I'll call Marissa after dinner. Speaking of which, we need to get back to it!" stated Faith. "But in the meantime, refill my glass, Max!"

She poured some olive oil in the bottom of a large, heavy-bottomed pot, then guided Diana in sautéing the onions, celery, carrots, and green peepers, adding in the garlic for just the last minute of the sauté. They then added a half-bottle of dry white wine, the clam juice, and the potatoes, along with a bay leaf, some thyme, black pepper, and a few hot pepper flakes. When the pot came to the boil, she turned it down to a simmer.

"Wow! That smells great just the way it is," Max exclaimed.

"It won't be long now," Faith replied. "It's time for you to do your famous garlic bread."

"Right away, Mrs. B," said Max with a mock salute.

"Thank you, Mr. B," Faith replied with a grin. "OK, Diana, we need to fine chop some of the celery leaves, along with the fresh basil. As soon as the potatoes are tender, we bring the pot to a boil, add the tomatoes and clams, cover the pot, turn off the heat, and wait five minutes. Then we just stir in the chopped herbs, and we're ready to serve."

A short time later the stew was cooking and it's aroma filled the kitchen

"Well, looks like it's my turn to teach you something Diana," stated Max. "Set the oven to 450 degrees, and I'll get the ingredients."

Diana turned the oven on and then walked over to where Max was starting to chop up some fresh garlic.

"The trick is to chop it up really fine. Now, while I'm doing this, I'd like you to start grating the Parmesan cheese. We'll mix the cheese and garlic together along with some soft butter," stated Max.

"How much cheese do we need?" asked Diana.

"We'll need equal amounts of butter and cheese. We'll spread this over the slices of bread and then toast it until it's golden and bubbling slightly. It takes seven to ten minutes," continued Max.

"The bread looks so good," replied Diana. "I love crusty bread like that."

"It should, it comes from a great bakery in New London," replied Max. He dumped the garlic into the bowl with the butter. He directed Diana to add the cheese. "Now mix everything until it's nice and smooth."

"So who taught you to make this?" asked Diana as she mixed the ingredients.

"I learned this from my Uncle Guido, it's an old family recipe handed down from one generation to the next," replied Max.

"He did not!" interrupted Faith. "He got it from the owner of a restaurant in Boston. I was with him when he asked for it!"

Diana laughed. "Making dinner was never like this back in Maryland."

"Did you ever help Hope with dinner?" asked Faith.

Diana shook her head, as she spread the cheese on the bread. "Dad wouldn't allow it, but that's all in the past now."

During dinner Faith marveled at how much her life had changed in the past few months. She had gained an instant family, and she couldn't imagine life without Max and Diana now.


Chapter 56


In spite of everything she had been through, Diana adjusted completely to being a girl. At times Faith had to remind herself that Diana had been born male. Patsy continued to monitor Diana's hormone intake and the effects of the drugs that Harry Jr. had given her. Two weeks after the storm, Diana had her latest exam.

As part of his plea, Harry Jr. had to identify the source of the pills. They were originally produced in Eastern Europe and had been initially developed to counter the effects of steroids in female athletes when they retired from sports. Somehow the formula had showed up in Amsterdam and been modified to include the weight loss ingredients. Harry had apparently heard of them while he was in Thailand and saw their effects on several teenage boys. The man who sold them to Harry Jr. was now facing a shopping list of charges.

"They're very powerful and, to be honest, I have no idea of the long-term side effects. I doubt that the East Germans will provide any information. So, I'd like to conduct regular physicals on you, Diana. I'd like to do one every three months for now," stated Patsy.

"What sort of effects are you talking about?" asked Diana.

"Hormones are very powerful drugs, and they can affect the entire body. Excessive hormone intake has been linked to some forms of cancer. They can also damage your liver. Now I don't want you to worry as your latest exam shows that you're extremely healthy. I just want to play it safe," replied Patsy.

"Okay," replied Diana. "I trust you."

"Now, I've located the names of a few doctors who do sexual reassignment surgery and have taken the liberty of talking to them. I didn't mention your name. None will do the operation until you are at least eighteen. In fact, most suggested that they would prefer you to be at least twenty-one. I explained the circumstances involving your case; two have agreed to review it regarding surgery when you turn eighteen."

"What do you think?" asked Faith.

"I'm no expert, but I don't see the harm in waiting until Diana turns at least eighteen. It's a very complicated surgery," replied Patsy.

"Do you have any information on the operation?" asked Diana.

"Yes, it's rather technical in nature; you may need a medical dictionary to translate it."

"Oh, well, I'd still like to try it, if you don't mind," replied Diana.

Pasty nodded and walked over to a file cabinet and pulled out a large file. "You can keep this, it's a copy."

Diana opened it up and skimmed through it. "I see what you mean; well, I suppose I can use this to expand my vocabulary."

Patsy pulled a book down from her shelf. "This was my dictionary when I went through med school, you can borrow it. Write down any questions you have, and we'll talk about them when we meet."

"Cool, thanks, Patsy!"


Chapter 57


In the spring of 1986 "Corruption in a Small Town" rocketed to the top of the bestseller lists. Faith and Marissa did the full media tour to promote the book.

As Max and Diana watched them on Good Morning America, they ate breakfast. The VCR was running to add the interview to the same tape that had The Today Show and Phil Donahue.

"Do you have any regrets about not going along?" asked Max, as he sipped his coffee.

Diana shook her head. "No, I have my name on the cover and that's pretty cool. I don't need a big spotlight on my present life."

"You sure?"

"Well, if Faith and Marissa get an interview on Letterman, I might tag along," replied Diana. "For now, I just want to concentrate on being me and my future."

Chapter 58


It was a brisk October morning as Diana Bowie drove to the Federal Correctional Institution Schuylkill in Minersville, Pennsylvania. It had been almost twenty years since Harry Cameron Jr. had been sentenced, and today was another of his parole hearings. Diana never missed one.

Harry was one of the two remaining major figures in the Carbonville sex ring who was still in prison. The other was Randy Monroe and he wouldn't be eligible for parole for another ten years. Dean Greenville had died in 1993 in a prison hospital.

Jodi Morris had been a star witness in Randy's grand jury and those of many of the other defendants, and had entered the Federal Witness Protect Program. While it was unlikely she was in any danger, the government provided her with a change of identity to allow her to start her life fresh. Diana didn't mind, as the more she learned about what had been done to Jodi, the more sympathetic she was.

Diana parked her BMW and checked in for the hearing. She stopped in the restroom before going to the parole office. She checked her appearance; she stayed in shape by running and riding her bike, another thing she'd learned from Faith. Her auburn hair was still styled short. Her tailored forest green suit looked perfect.

"Okay, it's time," she said aloud to herself.

Diana headed into the room and looked around and saw six other women waiting to testify, all were victims of Harry Jr. At least four of his victims showed up at each hearing.

Diana knew the drill by now, as she had attended the last four hearings for Harry. She wasn't out for revenge, just justice. He had agreed to a forty-five year sentence to avoid a trial, and now he wanted out early; that didn't seem fair to her.

While Diana was now a successful reporter and writer, not a day went by when she didn't think of the abuse she had endured because of Harry Jr. There were still the occasional nightmares of being a teenager in his clutches, only to awaken in a cold sweat. The nightmares usually picked up the closer it got to the annual parole hearing. She'd had one the previous night in her motel room in Pottsville.

Diana now lived along the Delaware River in New Hope, Pennsylvania, having bought her house with the money from her books. She had followed a similar path to Faith's, making her name as a reporter then becoming a writer, but instead of writing fiction, she became a recognized expert on violent crime, and had written several bestsellers on major crimes. Her books were lauded because they didn't sensationalize the crimes; rather they focused on the emotional impact on the victims and their families. Because of this, Diana had also become a regular on Philadelphia news stations as an expert commentator. She had been offered a position on one of the cable news networks, but decided to take a different path. She went back to college in order to get her PhD and had been hired to teach a course at Penn. To her surprise, she loved teaching and especially enjoyed the interaction with the students. She was offered a fulltime position starting in the spring of 2006 and was seriously considering taking the job.

While her professional life was a success, her private life was still lacking in many ways. It was difficult for her to become close intimately with another. Her ordeal as a sex slave had turned her off men completely. The one or two times she had gone out on dates with men had turned out awfully, as all the bad memories resurfaced with a vengeance. All Diana could picture was the men who had used her back in Carbonville.

She had been in several relationships with other women, but they always seemed to crash and burn. Diana usually blamed herself for the relationships failing, even when she knew it wasn't true. She was presently dating a woman who ran a small café in New Hope.

Diana had taken a different approach with Kari, and had laid out her personal history. To her surprise and relief, Kari was very understanding and told Diana that it didn't matter to her who Diana was twenty years ago and, as for the abuse, they would overcome that in time. The relationship was slowing progressing, but Diana had good feelings about it.

Thankfully, Diana also had several good friends she could lean on when the shadows got too dark. They all knew about her surgery and had been constant visitors during her recovery back in 1989.

She had become best of friends with Angela's daughter, Jenna, who was now a top therapist on her own. Jenna had also helped Diana when she'd attempted to self-medicate her occasional depression with alcohol back in 1998. They kept in touch and Diana usually had dinner with Jenna whenever she was in Washington, DC. She occasionally had dinner with Robert Ledyard, now a high ranking federal agent.

Diana also gained a close circle of friends while attending Connecticut College. She had been a bridesmaid in two weddings so far. All of the women knew about Diana's past and did what they could to protect her.

Of course, she was still strongly attached to Faith and Max. She saw them often and relished her visits to Stonington. In many ways she was closer to them than to her own parents. They were the two people she trusted most in her life, and she couldn't imagine life without them.

While things got friendlier, Diana was never able to get close with her parents again. Hope tried to understand, but still called her Darren at times. Art just gave up trying to comprehend it all. He just went along with the flow, begrudgingly acknowledging the fact that he had a daughter now. Still, there was a cloud of tension in the air whenever they met.

"Ms. Bowie, do you have a statement?" asked the chairman of the parole board.

"Yes, thank you. I have heard today how Mr. Cameron has been a model prisoner and has set up numerous education programs. That is not the issue. Mr. Cameron was an excellent teacher, even while he enslaved and abused me and dozens of other trusting vulnerable teenagers. He's very good at portraying the part of a model citizen."

Diana glanced over at the other women who were watching her intently.

"First Mr. Cameron violated my trust, then he violated my body. He forced me to sexually pleasure men while he profited. He then turned my parents against me, forcing me to flee for my very life. He admitted these crimes, and to avoid the pain of a trial, he made a bargain with the prosecutor. Now he wants out, stating that he's reformed and won't do it again. Where's the proof? No one in Carbonville ever suspected what he was doing. Do you want to take the risk that he won't go back to his old ways?"

Diana then stared intently at each member of the board.

"I still carry the emotional scars of what he did to me, as do all his victims. We're still under sentence, when do we get a parole?"

Several of the women began to applaud, but quickly stopped.

"I'm not out for blood, but I merely want Mr. Cameron to serve his full sentence — the one he so readily agreed to twenty years ago. He didn't want the embarrassment of a public trial exposing the pain and abuse he inflicted on us. At the sentencing all he said was that he was sorry that it all happened. He never apologized to us or our families xD1 he was sorry that he was caught."

Until now, Harry Jr. had been sitting quietly taking it all in. He then turned slightly and stared intently at Diana.

"Did you think that I wouldn't show up this time?" she asked seeing his eyes glaring at her. "I'll be here every year."

"Freak. You loved every minute of it," he muttered and then, realizing his mistake, regained his composure, but it was too late as everyone heard his comment.

Diana was notified later that day that parole for Harry Cameron Jr. was again denied.

She immediately dialed Faith. "We won again."

"How're you holding up?"

"I'm a wreck, but I expect that I'll have a good night's sleep tonight," replied Diana. "Faith... if it's not too much trouble... can...."

"I'll have your room ready for you; I can't wait until you arrive, and I know Max will be thrilled."

Diana laughed. "I can always count on you, Faith."

"Always, my dear, always."

"I'll see you tomorrow. I'll pick up some Yuengling's Beer for Max."


Chapter 59


"Who was that?" asked Max, as he carried in several logs for the fire. A jet black, flat-coated retriever bounded in beside him.

Faith smiled as she hung up the phone. Max's hair was totally gray now, but he was still the most handsome man in the world, she thought. "That was Diana; Harry's parole was denied, and she's on her way here to spend a few days."

"Well, that is good news," replied Max, as he placed the wood in the fireplace. "How's our girl doing?"

"She won't be here until tomorrow, so I should have time to get everything for the stew. I'll even let you make your garlic bread, Atkins be damned!" stated Faith.

"That's the spirit," replied Max. He was no longer working for the Agency and only worked the occasional PI case. He kept busy by volunteering at Mystic Seaport four days a week. "So, how's the book coming along?"

Faith was still writing and was in the middle of the twenty-fourth book of her Erin Flynn series. Faith had decided long ago that Erin would age at the same rate as she was, and so Erin was now dealing with arthritis too. "I'm about halfway through it."

Max smiled. While Faith was writing a book, she often worked late into the night; her minor arthritis did little to slow her down.

"Well, as much as I know you hate to take a break while you're writing, why don't we go out for dinner tonight?" asked Max, as he petted the dog.

"That sounds wonderful," replied Faith.

Max walked over and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "You did a wonderful thing when you saved Diana."

Faith smiled. "Isn't that being a little dramatic?"

Max shook his head. "No, I can't imagine what would have happened to her if you hadn't taken her in. I know that I would have missed out on having you in my life. I love you, Faith."

Faith smiled and then kissed Max. "I love you too."

The End


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