The House Fire: Chapter 1

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Nick finally finds the courage to venture out of the house dressed as Nicole only to return to a house on fire with his parents screaming to firemen to rescue him from the burning house. Special thanks are in order to Michelle B. for editing this for me.

The House Fire: Chapter 1

By SaraD

All the preparation, practice and the many hours in front of the mirror, dressing and applying makeup, had finally, in my mind, come to a conclusion. I was going to venture out of the house for the first time. It was just after midnight, I had it all planned out, I knew exactly what I was going to wear. A beautiful blue and white sheath dress, tan pantyhose and two inch blue open toe heels. I had shaved my under arms and legs in the shower before I faked going to bed.

I already had on my light blue satin panties; I then added the matching blue satin bra. I shivered as I pulled the pantyhose up my smooth legs. I slipped the dress over my head, stood at my mirror and looked at the familiar feminine figure staring back at me. Nicole stood five foot five, had long wavy brown hair that touched her shoulders, green eyes and lightly tanned skin from the summer sun. I sat at my makeshift vanity, a towel set on top of my dresser. I put on a light shade of blue eye shadow, pink lipstick, blush, black eyeliner and finally did my eye lashes.

My plan was working as I had hoped; mom and dad were in bed as well as my twelve year old sister. Once I was satisfied with my look I grabbed my shoes and carefully climbed out to the window. Once I was safely on the ground I slipped on my heels and walked quietly out the back gate.

I loved the feeling of the breeze as it tickled the fabric of the dress against my nylon covered legs; it’s such an exhilarating feeling.

I began walking down the sidewalk heading for the park three blocks away. I made it all the way and sat on one of the swings. I felt much younger than my fifteen years as I began to swing back and forth. I lost track of time since I did not have on a watch. I thought it best to get home before someone realizes I was out of the house. Besides, I did not want to be caught dressed as a girl. I knew I would tell my parents, just not yet. You know what it’s like, all the fear and anxiety.

I put my luxurious night behind me and began the three block walk home. I did not hurry as I wanted to relish in my accomplishment of getting this far. It was easy after all, no one was out and there were very few cars on the street at this time of night. I made it to the first corner and stepped out into the street to cross and I heard the loud wail of sirens from my right. I looked and saw two fire engines, a police car and an ambulance barreling past me. I didn’t think anything about it because this street was the main thoroughfare and was often used by emergency services. I once again began to casually walk the rest of the way home.

As I turned the corner to get to my street, I saw all the flashing lights of the fire, police and ambulance. I realized immediately they were fighting a blazing fire at my house. My heart leapt into my throat as I approached my panic stricken family. I saw that my dad was yelling at a fireman to rescue his son from the now engulfed house.

I looked at the faces of my sister and mom who were sobbing uncontrollably. I knew then they were crying because they thought I was asleep in my burning bedroom.

I looked around and saw that firemen were frantically pulling hoses out and watched as they began dowsing the flames with water. The thick black smoke made it hard to see the house; all I could see were bright flames breaking through the front windows and engulfing the roof. A brave fireman quickly swung a fire hose in that direction to prevent the flames from spreading to the house next door. The front door of our house was broken in by another fireman who rushed in with an axe. I was frozen in place as I tried to go and comfort my family as I struggled with being caught.

I finally found the courage and walked as quickly as I could, in my heels, to let my parents know I was ok. Slowly and fearing for my life, I walked up to my mom, as she turned and saw me. She gasped in relief as she realized I was out of the house.

“Oh my God, Nick your ok.” Mom said and gave me a hug.

I could feel her wrap her arms around me squeezing me tightly. My dad turned his head and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank God you’re safe.” He joined mom and then my sister in a group hug.

I was visually shaking in fear and pain. Not for just being caught dressed as a girl but also for watching in awe as all of our memories were being whipped away by the fire. We all just held each other for a while and then after a few minutes, we were backed away by the firemen to the opposite side of the street.

“It’s much safer on this side of the street.” The fireman said. “I’m glad to see you found your daughter and that she is safe.” He said running off and helped battle the blaze.

Dad, mom and Heather all looked at me with a confused look but seemed to be too emotional to ask the obvious question on their minds. Mom just gave me a look then they focused on the efforts of the firefighters. The firemen quickly had the flames under control as they worked to put out the fire. The fire was soon out and a group of firemen were hosing down the hot spots. I could see as the smoke began to clear that the firemen had cut a hole in our roof and the front of our house was completely destroyed. The only portions of the house that were spared were the back and the garage.

A tall slender firewoman wearing a white shirt walked up to us once the chaos had subsided.

“Hello, my name is Kathy Doran, and I’m the Fire Inspector for the county. We found the initial source for the fire; it was an electrical short in the front room.” She said in a monotone voice. “I will give you a full report once I complete my investigation. Here is my card; you can give it and my report number to your insurance agent… MR?” She said handing my dad a card.

“Carlson? Thank you Ms. Doran, My family and I appreciate the actions of the fire department for what they did in trying to save our home.” Dad said visibly upset.

“That is what we are here for Mr. Carlson.” She said as she shook my father’s hand. “My, don’t you have on a pretty dress.” She said looking at me. “What’s your name sweetie, were you coming home from a date?” She said trying to lighten the mood.

Mom and dad both looked at me and I swallowed hard and smiled at the fire inspector.

“I’m Nicole.” I said not knowing how to answer the second part of her question.

“You have two very lovely daughters Mr. and Mrs. Carlson.” She said sweetly. “Oh good here comes Red Cross.” She said as a white van with a red cross on the door pulled up.

I could have just died right there, she had no clue I was a boy, and to make it worse I could not tell if mom and dad were upset about how I was dressed. A nice looking lady with a Red Cross t-shirt came up and greeted us.

“Hi, my name is Samantha Thompson from Red Cross; I am here to help you, and please call me Samantha.” She said somberly.

My dad, ever strong, answered for us. “I’m James Carlson, Samantha this is my wife Karen and.” He paused for a second looking at me then at my mom.

“These are our daughters Nicole and Heather.” Mom quickly piped in saving my dad from an obvious dilemma as what to say.

“I am very sorry for the loss of your home. As the regional manager for Red Cross, I am here to help find you a place to stay, clothes to wear and food to bide you over until your insurance company takes action.” She then handed my dad a packet of information and food vouchers. “It’s good that you have two daughters. It makes it easier to find you a place to stay tonight, just give me a minute to make a few calls.” She said quickly as she made a few calls on her cell.

A fireman came over and gave each of us a blanket to keep us warm. He must have thought I was cold because I was shivering in fear of what might happen next.

Samantha quickly got off of the phone and explained what would happen next. “I’ve got a place for you at the YMCA for tonight, a room for you and your wife Mr. Carlson, and a bigger room for your daughters that can hold 15 girls.”

“You don’t have anything else were we could stay together?” Dad asked probably fearing I would be discovered as a boy.

“I’m afraid not for tonight at least, you can find a hotel tomorrow if you like. I had our phone center check and there are no vacancies for tonight. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience Mr. Carlson.”

“Don’t be, you’re doing what you can to help us and I thank you for what you are doing, and please call me James.” Dad said politely.

“No problem James. If you will come with me, I’ll take you to the YMCA and get you settled.”

The four of us piled into the van; Dad took the front passenger seat, mom took the next seat and I began to slide in next to her.

“Smooth your skirt and watch your knees honey.” Mom said calmly as I complied and sat next to her. I gave her a half smile as Heather climbed in next to me. I was surprised when mom put her arm around my shoulder and hugged me to her. “Everything will be ok, you’re very pretty.”

“Thanks. Are you mad at me?” I asked as I began to cry again.

“No I’m not mad sweetie, just disappointed you thought you couldn’t come and talk to me about this.” Mom said looking at me.

“I was afraid of what you might think.”

“We can talk about this later.”


As I said that I looked over at my sister to try and gage how she felt seeing me all dressed up as a girl.

“I’ve known for age’s sis. You’re not very good at hiding your things. I’m not mad; I think I will love having a sister.”

I gave Heather a hug and we cried the rest of the way to the YMCA. Our emotions weren’t under control. As far as we knew we had just lost everything in our home. The next few days were going to be stressful.

We finally arrived at the YMCA and were greeted by volunteers. Each of them was very nice and tried to help us as much as they could. In the reception area we were asked a few questions. A nice woman brought us to a counter and asked mom.

“Good evening my name is Donna, what are your ages and sizes; I need those so we can get you some clothes and some pajamas for your daughter there.” She said pointing at me and smiled. “That’s a pretty dress.”

Mom spoke before I could answer, not that I could.

“Nicole she’s 15 and a size?” She looked at me because she obviously did not know my female clothes size.

“I’m a size nine.” I said quietly and mom continued.

“Heather is 12 and a size six.” Mom finished.

Donna then led us to the back room where we were able to pick out clothes for each of us. She handed me a white cotton nightie.

“This should suit you for the night. You and your sister go ahead and pick clothes to tide you over for a few days.” She led us to some shelves in the back of the room with donated clothes in each cubicle with sizes labeled on each shelf. I looked through them and found a nice pair of flared jeans and a pink t-shirt. Heather picked almost the same colors I had.

“Look, our clothes will match for tomorrow.” Heather said showing me her choices.

“I remember saying something similar to my sister when I was your age.” Donna said and handed my sister and I packages of panties, they were all white cotton. She then led us to the shoes and Heather and I picked from the pile. I picked a simple white pair of walking shoes and Heather did the same.

Donna had us gather up our things and we met back with our parents. My mom and dad both had their hands full of clothes as Donna led us to the sleeping area. Mom and dad were given a small room with two small cots and a chair. Mom still looked sad, and dad was putting on a brave front.

It took me by surprise when dad asked if he could hug us kids.

“Come here and give your dad a hug.”

Both Heather and I obliged and hugged him tight.

“I love you too more than anything; I was really scared when I thought you were trapped in the fire Nicole. I was so relieved when you showed up ok.”

Did dad just call me Nicole; He was referring to me by my female name and only after hearing it for the first time tonight.

“I love you too,” Mom said joining the hug. “Now you two get some sleep and we’ll talk in the morning, we are going to have a lot to talk about.”

“Thanks Mom, dad, I love you too.” I told them.

“I love you both too, and Nicole.” Heather said putting emphasis on my new name.


Author’s Note: The End, or is it, you decide. Please leave feedback.

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Nice Start

I would very much like to read about the continuing adventure of Nicole. Sounds like she has very understanding parents.



A fire burns in the night

But the hearts are warm. A very sweet story, it is unfortunate that they have lost their house, and a lot of belongings, but the most important is still there - unity in the family. I would like to see how will th e story continue from there. And a few questions you may have to ask yourself, and the story:
1)How will their acquaintances react?
2)How will they sustain themselves? Was there an insurance on their house?
3)Will they move from the area, or stay?
4)They should be sent to psychologists, to make them get over the loss of their possessions. How and when will the subject of Nicole's origin be breached?
5)What was the day before? It is obvious that Nicole is not too tired from her night out. So did she have a nap the previous afternoon?
6)Heather has known for ages. How and when did she learn it? Did she ever cover for Nicole?
7)The parents are accepting, it seems. Is it a reaction to having thought their then-son was dead? Or is it that they are simply nice? Or they had some earlier experiences? The last one, IMHO, is unlikely, mind you.



On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

a great beginning

laika's picture

or ending. Don't let us decide, most of us are greedy little piglets for well-told, heartwarming stories like this and will always want more if given the option. The further adventures of this family seem to have a lot of potential. Nicole's whole family was just the best!!! The fire, the fear of having lost a family member may have helped them to see her not-so-secret secret as an easily accepted matter by comparison. Good things might even come from this loss. As the poet Basho said a couple hundred years ago:

since my house burned down
I have a better view
of the rising moon

~~~hugs, Laika

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

An intersting premise

This story needs a good proofreader, but is an interesting premise from which to start a series of adventures.

I see a lot of scope for short stories, perhaps beginning with the family who now have nothing, yet have to come to terms with a new daughter.

I do hope that you continue this; it has so much potential.



I have this violent antipathy to stories that have the main character come out and find everyone immediately accepting. I need grit in what I read so I can accept what is happening. However reading this I enjoyed the idea of being forced into coming out prematurely so even though the immediate family seem to be rather too accepting (shock?) I'd like to find out what happens next.


The Legendary Lost Ninja

I'm with JC

I can see the story developing with a nice mixture of unusual situation caused by the loss in the fire combined with the TG aspect. Keep writing, and I'll keep reading and enjoying it :-)

I didn't notice any typos or language problems, but it's late :-) - A proofreader is always good advice, though.

- Moni

Where is the conflict?

Very cute story I have no problem reading more but what is the conflict? Every thing was resolved by the end of the story. I can sense the next conflict because of the real world but you haven't set it up yet. Conflict that problem or issue that the main character must resolve or overcome. The central theme of all stories.

By the way examine your Too(s) and Two(s)(not present) in the last few paragraphs.


keep it going

I just love it and keep it coming it was very sad tale to start.
wot happins next did he ever get found out that he was a boy.
did he go back to being a boy or did he stay as nicole when thay got a new home.

thank you

A quote by Samual Johnson

There is a quote by Samual Johnson that came to mind when I read this. Nothing more wonderfully concentrates a man's mind than the sure knowledge he is to be hanged in the morning. (Samuel Johnson) It seems to me that during an incident like this, people become aware of the really important things in life, like family. The parents thought they had lost a child, now that child has been given back to them. That is the important thing at the time.

There will be discussions of what is going on in the cold light of day, don't think this is all settled. But mom and dad have their children safe with them tonight, indeed a reason to find joy in life.


Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

Great start

This is a great start. Please don't leave us hanging.

Sara, I Say

Continue it! You already have A Prayer Answered, let this new story add to your story universe. Heck, I am sure that your Sandy would love to know your Niki.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

This is a sad, yet happy story.

Much like my poem I Go Walking After Midnight. I really loved how the family here pulled together and were there for each other. But this isn't finished, and I too would love to read about how the family and Nicole get along together, and what problems Nicole will have from now friends and school. This just has to be continued.

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."

Please do continue!

I too wonder what is going to happen next. I can see where in a stressful time like that a family can pull together, but as things shake out, where does that leave Nicole? Folks know that there is a son, the Red Cross thinks there is a girl, and when the newspaper comes out someone is going to put 2 and 2 together and find out that it doesn't equal what is printed. I don't know about their town, but ones I've been in will have some sort of article about the fire which may have details about the family.



More story please?

NoraAdrienne's picture

Your fans need to know what happens to Nicole after the fire. What about her friends, and school?

All I can say is this is a

All I can say is this is a rather unique way of being found out. I would love to see the story continue so we can all see how Nicole and her family sort this issue out, as well as with the fire. Janice Lynn

Don't stop now

We need to learn more about the family and Nicole. It sounds all peaches and cream for the moment, but whne the sun comes up reality is gouing to set in quickly. Nicole I'm sure has some friends that don't even know she exists.
in real life not everyone accepts what is taking place.

Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

house fire

Oh no I think you have let yourself in for a serial here, I for one would be glad to have it continue

hope it does


SaraD, l think you got me hooked

on another great story! there's are so things that have me wondering like how in the world did the parents instantly recognise there own son dressed? well anyway like everybody else that comment i hope you continue to write this story! i would very much like to see how this family gets back on their feet

I'd love to see more of

I'd love to see more of this. I thought it an interesting way to come out! ;)


"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America

"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America

The House Fire

Great start! like to see where you take the story.

It's probably been said, but...

...please write more! We just have to know all the back story as well as what becomes of Nicole.


house fire

i love this its verry good and i like were the dad did not get up set or even his her mom i wood love to see a part 2 on this verry buffetel story verry lovey careing ,tyanks for shareing have a good one

mr charlles r purcell
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareing

I Was Going... offer my normal counterpoint to the sequel fans, along the lines that you'd told what you need to and didn't need to continue along a more familiar road.

But the comments here have convinced me otherwise. Not only do the complications figure to be interesting, it occurs to me that Nicole has only been established as a crossdresser so far, not as a transsexual. There's a legitimate question here as to how Nick/Nicole wants this to play out.

So like everyone else, I'm looking forward to seeing this move forward.


Another vote to Continue


I will join the chorus and ask that you continue this great story. Interesting premise. I get the feeling that not only did Heather know about Nicole, but it seems that her parents also knew. Nicole was apparently careless in hiding her true identity.



Please Continue

You've got the start for another great serial here. I urge you to continue.

Michelle B

Thank you all for the great comments

I gives my great pleasure and a big smile that all of you have enjoyed this story as well as "A Prayer Answered". I will continue this story to squash your fears. It come as a great pleasure to do so. As you all know I am in the Navy and I will be home soon. My writing has not only kept me sane but has opened me up to friends here. As I am writing this I am sitting in my hotel in Phuket, Thailand. If you have never been here, I recommend it greatly. If you are like me a guy on the outside and woman on the inside, it gives me great comfort that there are places like this, and that the TG comunity is accepted so much here. To a point I must tell you. "Lady boys" as the locals call the TG girls here are well known but some frown upon them. My buddy and I hired a taxi for our stay. $60 US dollars for five days, and he takes us everywhere. He told us it is not "Normal" but will be some day. Funny he said that, I was curious and wanted to ask but with my "Sara" side is always hidden from the world as the "Navy" is still not the place for this.

Oh yah, if you are interested in staying in Thailand we got our hotel for about $35 US dollars a night with internet. If you want to call I suggest getting a cheap cell phone for about $50. Anyways enough of my ranting. Have a good day.

It's a short and sweet story

It's a short and sweet story that stands on its own. It doesn't need to be serialized, but it could of course because all the elements to continue it are in place.

Glad to see that you will continue This Story!

I will add my vote for continuing, though. This is a different twist and although the circumstances are horrific, I can see that there will be comforting ways that the problems will be solved. I don't give a hoot if the parents were so accepting... after all, it was a huge relief that Nicole/Nick wasn't killed in the fire! I hope to see part 2 soon!

Thanks a bunch!


The English Teacher's picture

Look like your good Nicole?
The English Teacher

So much to read, so little time and only one of me :)

The English Teacher

Hello Sara - this was an

Pamreed's picture

Hello Sara - this was an interesting story that has a good ending. It leaves you with using your imagination as to what happens. Yet it does have the bones for an interesting series!
I know you are still writing "A Prayer Answered" and would like to see that one completed before you start a new serial.
But once "A Prayer Answered" is completed this would be a great story line to continue!


Now That THATS taken care of!

Sara, that was a very interesting way to bring all of that out in the open.
Sad, but effective. Oh, and I just love little sisters who already seem to
know everything.

Very interesting story. Thank you.

Sarah Lynn

This one hits me

When I was a teen I came home to find my house on fire, and I can relate to the shock from personal experience. Fortunately, I was in my normal clothes and didn't have to explain that!