Taxonomy upgrade extras:
If you were to believe the vocal minority who write most of the comments and probably do most of the voting for stories -- no one likes forced fem.
Their wailing and gnashing of teeth anytime a story ventures close to femdom asserts that such writing should be banned from this site as inappropriate.
Recently two very good authors suggested to me that they wanted my help to make sure their stories didn't cross the line into femdom. They were concerned about adverse reader reaction. Arrrgh!
BC is a democratic site that seemingly bows to the wishes of the majority. The dirty little secret seems to be that the majority of the readers on BC prefer femdom.
At least that's what the numbers tell me. I've posted 64 stories/chapters on BC. The average number of hits for those stories is just north of 2,000. Five of my stories have attracted more than 4,000 hits. Every one of those had a femdom element . . . while almost every other story I've written does not.
I recently posted a terrible story that had fendom as its main theme. It is in all likelihood my worst story. Yet it already has over 4,000 hits and is on its way to becoming my most read story.
So . . . when those who try to set the ethics for this site tell you that femdom is a lesser form of our genre, pity them for the naive fools that they are.
Vicki Tern rules . . . which is certainly redundant.
I don't have a problem
with FemDom. I rarely go for such stories, but I respect the rights of authors to write, and readers' freedom to read, what appeals to them.
I totally agree Susie!
But, for the record how do you know what some stories will be like until you read them and understand the message?
Yes, the profile will warn you, but not to read may deny us a great story!
I would prefer that all stories are read:- and screw the ratings, what would have happened to the best writers we have ever read if we agree/disagree with the minority/majority, "and when in History".
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
While I Am not A Fan Of Femdom Stories
If the story is posted, I will read it. One of my favorite stories is the Aunt Jane story which could be a femdom story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Hits, like all stats, are complex, and only the most basic of 'em are easily interpreted. (Number of girls in the class: 10, number of boys: 12. Or is that just kids who *appear* to be girls..? And is that girls who *identify* as girls..? Etc.)
I posted a story once that I made the first twenty hits on *myself*, having not quite developed the habit of pre-pre-final editing before posting.
The numbers *might* mean that femdom lovers just make more visits....
I don't like femdom stories.
So I don't read them. It's what is nice about having categories listed for stories, I can filter out the stuff that gives me the willies.
Mr. Ram it reallly defined or is it a grey area?
I don't like the hard core BDSM stories and I certainly don't enjoy reading about pain and misery inflicted on someone to make them dress in the opposite clothes than they are.
Femdom to me is either slyly convincing a boy he should be a girl or so maybe some light coercing.
Anything beyond that is an adult getting pleasure from torturing a child.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
"Femdom" stories
or rather, forced femdom. I don't have any problem with them being here, I've even read many of them. It isn't my favorite genre and I hate wimpy transformee's but that's the authors choice and I have the right not to continue reading them. I do agree with Stan about the "Seasons of Change" which feature "Aunt Jane" and eagerly wait for Ellen Hayes "Tuck" version she is re-writing (I have the original version in my archive). For those that do not like this style of story, DO NOT READ IT!!!! Just click on the little home button and go away as I'm tired of listening to your whining and trying to force your morals on me and everyone else! Sorry if I stepped on too many toes but some people need to get a life.
Tuck-style doesn't bother me so much. What gets me is those that it's for cruelty or revenge or both. And it's hard to choose not to read something based on what's inside it if it's not clearly marked. If a story is clearly marked as FF, I don't even open it.
Apathy rules
If the majority of the commenters and voters are antipathetic to femdom, then instead of criticising them, shouldn't you be encouraging those who don't vote or comment to do so.
I don't have a problem with
I don't have a problem with forced fem stories being on the site. I even like some of them. Some of them I find too disturbing, but that's just my tastes, everyone's different. The tags make it possible for us to skip the stories with themes we find objectionable, so I don't understand the problem.
As for hits, well, who can figure them out?! ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Another thing about statistics
The pool of readers is an open one. The 4,000 presumed readers of the femdom stories may not overlap to any great degree with the 2,000 presumed readers of the non-femdom stories. And the pro-femdom comments may be lacking for the same reason there are very few pro-one-handed story comments, the people that do read them wish to remain anonymous.
Really, from the limited data available, I doubt a serious statistician would attempt to draw any conclusions.
They know they can survive
Credible Data
Having worked with statistics for years I can assert with some degree of certainty that the data used to draw my conclusions is to be taken seriously. It is the logic ,or lack thereof, in my conclusion-drawing that causes pause. (Princess Chelsea should note that it causes pause and doesn't paw causes.)
It it obvious from that responses that with regards to femdom stories -- many are culled and far many more are chosen.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I'm no statistician
In fact, the only "formal" training I have had in the area was as part of a political writing course I had in journalism school way too many years ago. The whole purpose of that little bit of training was to try and teach us budding young reporters to be extremely wary of any statistics and/or polls supplied to us by anybody, especially by politicians and government.
But I still humbly differ with you about the seriousness with which your data can be taken. You have X number of hits. What is a hit? A hit is generated by a mouse click on a story. As Erin has pointed out time and again, nothing more than that. It might be one user clicking on the story X times, or it might be X users clicking on the story one time. It in no way indicates the number of times a story has been read. So not only are your conclusions drawn suspect, the data used is suspect; because you can not conclusively identify what it is in the first place.
We each draw our own conclusions from the number of hits a story gets. Humans are amazing that way, we can reach conclusions from incomplete or flawed data, and stand firmly by those conclusions. That doesn't mean they can stand up to critical examination by others. As somebody once said "Figures don't lie, but liars figure". (Multiple sources cited on the Internet.)
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." Benjamin Disraeli
They know they can survive
I can tell if repeated readers hit the same story
I checked for Mercedes, just out of curiosity. The same guest readers hit the story over and over again. They must be reading the good parts. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
>> They must be reading the good parts. :)
Or read a little at a time, going back to read further when time allows. I generally make comments privately, clicking on the write to author link, and may go back and forth between story and post page repeatedly. Once one has made a comment in the public comments section, you can see if it's been updated, so some people may go back to see what's been changed.
Hit counts and votes are very flexible measures, and one size doesn't fit all.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Repeated Readers
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the hit counter does not make that determination. A hit is a hit to it, whether I click on a story once or once an hour or once a day. Each click shows as a hit. So the data as available without extra work on your part that you do not normally do makes no distinction, right?
They know they can survive
Hits and repeated hits
If the same person hits the same story, time and time again, I'm going to make the assumption that that person is reading and re-reading that story. When hundreds of people do that, it makes a pattern in the logs.
But BC is a little different than most other sites. We have a long teaser available in which authors can describe their story and we have an extensive tagging capability with free-tags available, too. So, one can assume that a lot higher percentage of hits on a story turn into reads here than on other sites where a brief synopsis is often ungrammatical and misleading and the tags are frozen in a ten-year-old timewarp.
I don't know if the repeated hit phenomenon occurs on other sites too but I have no reason to think it doesn't. I even still get reports of hits on stories on versions of BC (postnuke and shoeboxen in particular) that no longer exist online but merely in saved pages on people's machines. When they open the file on their home machine while connected to the internet, the reporting links in the page attempt to write to the logs. The postnuke logs no longer exist but the shoeboxen logs are the same one's used by the current version of topshelf.
If you want to avoid that happening with pages you save in files on your home machines, you can either cut and paste the story into another file or use the print option and print to a file instead of the printer.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
What can I add?
Well... In general, I don't go for the forced fem, BDSM, and similar stories. On the other hand, I have read some good stories by Tigger that illustrate very well how BDSM can happen in the context of a loving relationship. Reading those stories has helped me to understand the diversity that we see in human sexual/loving relationships.
In short, it has helped me to become less judgmental. It has also helped me to understand more about my own desires, attitudes, and fantasies. More importantly, it has brought home the fact that some fantasies should never be lived out in real life -- they simply would not be fun if they really happened.
In fact, I have seen some stories (not here,) where the protag is busily having a rich fantasy life via chat rooms and stuff, where one of the doms tracks him down, captures him, and forces him into the role that he was previously fantasizing about.
Not fun, but such stories do illustrate the point quite well. Of course, the stories are fun for those who have such fantasies.
As for forced or accidental fem... it seems to be a common fantasy for borderline or closet TG people. After all, if you can say that it's not your fault, you don't have to explain about what others could consider to be perverted desires.
I haven't written any forced fem stories, but a lot of my stories involve accidental feminization (my MORFS stories, for instance.)
My personal opinion...
It all depends on whether or not the lines are blurred between forced-femme and femdom. I do not tend to like femdom, but I should make that clear "TEND not to like." There are a few femdom stories that are good or interesting but those types of femdom stories tend to be more "forced-femme". There is a *huge* difference between the two.
Forced-femme, in my opinion consists of a boy (or girl) who would not normally cross dress but was pushed in to it by someone. Now this could be gently pushed in the direction or shoved in to it. Usually, I don't mind but it *has* to be well written! I cannot stand a story where the spelling is consistently wrong, the grammar is wrong, or the sentence structure just doesn't make sense. Next, and here is the big one, sex should not be the main theme of the story. I don't read sexual stories. I usually stop reading a story the moment the author describes their character getting an erection off of "dressing". I'm just not that way inclined. What's worse is when the character gets sexually aroused around their close family members (mother, father, brother, or sister) from being "punished" or just being around them, touching them, or thinking of them. I find incest gross. In all fairness I would *never* condemn an author for writing this way, I may comment "I'm sorry but I was turned off your story because of this: reason 1, 2, and 3".
However, I wouldn't bash the author, in fact most of the time I just quietly leave. I usually leave a reason why I left a particular story because I had been enjoying it up until that point and felt disappointed with the way it started to go. I don't expect or even want the author to judge their work based entirely around what I say, though. If the author is happy with their results more power to them and I hope they keep going (even if I don't like where it goes). I leave my comment as a help, so to speak. If they turn around and notice that "hey my views have gone down since my first post" at least they'll have comments to read and figure out why.
If a person likes incest, has a fetish they like to explore, and/or likes the idea of total and unquestionable submission that is *totally* fine by me. I don't like to judge. But *I* can't stand reading that subject. I will, however read stories with sex, I mean one of my favourite stories is Tales of The Eerie Saloon and that has sexual parts to it but I need it to be tasteful. Having a character randomly get naked is NOT tasteful, IMO.
To sum it up: I have no qualms with these stories being posted here I will just most likely avoid reading them. If admins start drawing a line in the sand as to what is acceptable and what isn't acceptable to publish here I will probably stop visiting. Even if I don't like those subjects people have a right to read them and I certainly don't need a police state on the web!
Most authors should know by now to pretty well ignore comments. Some are nice, some are mean, some criticize, and some praise but in the end all that matters is whether or not the author likes their own story. If you're happy with it keep on rolling, if you aren't than maybe those comments will help guide you to a place you want to be. But never, ever, let a single person (or even a group of people) get you down based on what you like to read. It's all personal choice and at the end of the day what matters is your own personal happiness.
Jill, If You're Right
Laika's "Femdumb" should score 10,000 hits by tomorrow evening!
I think you two have a conspiracy going here :-)
Wasn't that story posted a few days ago under a different name?
I read it a few days ago. It isn't my cup of tea, but it was definitely humorous when taken as a satire. It was way over the top.
Yes it was posted before, Ray
And I have half a mind to yank it again for another rewrite. As parody it doesn't quite hit the mark. Too much BDSM, not enuff about the descent into weakness and emotional vapidity of becoming "less than a man", which is what really riles a lot of us girls about femdom. Though I'd NEVER call for censorship. Censorship is a genuine evil, whereas femdom is just stupidity & bad taste. Like listening to KISS.
~~~hugs, Laika
What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.
Some forced femme stories I
Some forced femme stories I like, some I don't. Now Vicki Tern, many of her stories, I don't like for several reasons BUT I always read her stories because she is such a GREAT writer. Her stories, even though the nature of many of her stories I find personally harsh, are just too good not to read.
Talented writers
Writing Female Domination/Humiliation and or extreme Forced Femme are still writing those stories. I try to quietly ponder the waste of their talent, sometimes I say so. To each their own, but regardless of who writes it, I don't read it.
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
Lost in the pros and cons about femdom
is Jill's line that authors asked her help to make sure their tales didn't include femdom. THAT I find sad.
If femdom is part of the story, then it is. Editing it out because if does not advance the telling or add anything, sure - but removing it just because the subject has received negative comments seems somehow, wrong.
My 2 cents.
I know there are those who like it
And even those for which it is a favourite genre. All I've ever gotten upset about is if such a story is not marked as such. I have been very vocal that I personally do not like FF at ALL. However, my only objection to that being the October contest was that it was TOO marginalized a group for the site as a whole to get behind it.
When I got upset at Sephrena, it was because she was saying she would do something that Erin had told me wasn't allowed, and I figured that she just hadn't gotten around to telling Sephrena that particular tidbit yet. Sephrena subsequently proved to have been having a pretty bad day and so had taken what I said as an attack and in turn upset me.
What we must remember in those cases is that 93% of communication is LOST online. Yeah. Rather a lot.
I never said FF was a lesser form of the genre. Simply that I preferred not to have to deal with it. There are aspects of it that echo too closely to my life, and I don't want to revisit those things. So when I come across a story that is NOT marked FF but turns out to be such... it makes me a bit upset. Especially if I was enjoying the writer's work up to that point.
I tend, in most cases when this happens, to just close the story window and then avoid work by that author for awhile. Now and then, it happens that I was really looking forward to that particular story as it was well written, and then I get the unpleasant (to me) surprise of it being FF... this might lead to my commenting or writing to the author to please include a tag that states that it has such content. To me, this is like a story containing rape and not having a warning tag.
I know (and support) that the tags are there primarily for the authors, not the readers -- but there are some things that warning just seems to be... or should be... required.
I don't like it, but it has its place
I don't object to any particular type of story appearing on BC myself, though that's not to say I like them. Anybody who writes anything has a right to post it to the site, so long as it follows the site's terms of use -- which do not, in fact, include a limit preventing forced femme stories from appearing on the site. I don't like them, so I don't read them. It's the easiest way not to be offended or hurt, and most of the time a forced femme story can be identified fairly early when reading, or they are clearly labeled in the tags, both of which should mean that people who don't like that genre can avoid it.
Forced femme isn't the only genre I tend to avoid; I also usually skip over age regression, bondage, smoking fetish, and lesbian romance stories, along with a few others. Does this mean those genres are "bad?" Not at all, it just means they're ones that don't interest me personally, and I probably miss out on a lot of good stories by skipping them -- but I also prevent myself from being angered by reading something I know will upset/disturb/annoy me, or being bored by something that doesn't interest me.
I agree, a lot of the people who read TG stories, whether they admit it or not, like stories with many of the darker or more fetishistic aspects of the genre present. Me? I'm the very definition of prude. Heck, I still fast forward through most nude or sex scenes in movies because it embarrasses me to watch them. But I'm not going to badmouth something just 'cause I don't like it. If I have read a story that had such elements, for one thing I only comment if I make it all the way through the story, and even then my only references to such things I usually try to limit to comments such as "I usually don't read (genre,) but..." or "(genre) really isn't something I usually enjoy, but..." and then go on to let the author know why I enjoyed their story, and what made it so good that I could read a genre I would have otherwise avoided -- this is how I've in fact found some of my favorite authors, Brandy DeWinter being one who immediately comes to mind.
I did recently object, QUITE vocally, to the forced aspect of the halloween contest when that was brought up, but that was more because I saw it as a limiting factor on being creative for the contest. Perhaps that was a biased point of view -- after all, someone who doesn't enjoy a particular type of story could claim that any contest that has been posted was unfair because of that same type of limitation to another genre or writing style. However, even then my biggest problem was with the implication that the change must terrorize or otherwise mentally abuse it's subject in addition to the forced physical changes, because like most my judgement on the strictness of a label is highly dependent on how far it goes: I can much more easily deal with a forced physical change if the subject's mind is given free reign to overcome any challenges that are brought about, or if there is even the smallest indication that the subject approves of or doesn't mind what's going on. I might still not read it past a certain point, but... you know, I can't really explain it. I know it's fairly irrational to put limitations on things like that, but oh well, I'm an irrational person :P
Melanie E.
Me, too, Melanie
Not really much to add that you haven't already covered. I do have a "Yes, but . . ." feeling about the idea behind not saying anything unless I've read the entire story. On one hand we have people endorsing the idea that if a story is disturbing, the reader should stop. Then we have those who say if the reader didn't finish the story, then they shouldn't say anything at all. Then we are back to the group that say if the story was distasteful, why did the reader continue. But the idea that you can't have something to say about a story if you didn't finish it doesn't seem right, either. We all comment on serials, even though we haven't finished them, right? Round and round we go, and there is no one size fits all answer, just as there is no perfect system for categorizing stories.
Yep, I'm human, that makes me irrational. Or so Mr. Spock says. :-)
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
If you don't like it, don't read it.
Personally, I don't like Forced Femdom stories. I find them to be simplistic(you can almost recite the plots by rote. Husband does something stupid. Wife doesn't like it. She turns into a totally controlling bitch. Beats(mentally and physically) husband into submission. Decides Husband is a wimp, goes out and cheats on him because she wants a 'real' man. Husband either winds up on the street, or as a 'servant' to wife and her new lover(s).) The characters are almost stock, and frankly, the situations are beyond unrealistic.
In short, they lack depth and much in the way of creativity.
I also feel they reinforce a stereotype already rampant in society: that Transgendered people are all weak and whiny. That is a lot of bull, we all know. But these stories, in my opinion, don't help that opinion.
However... I also believe in free speech, and freedom of expression. Even if I find the material somewhat degrading and/or offensive. Sometimes, you just have to bite the bullet.
There is an audience for these stories, and they have a right to read what they enjoy, as much as I do.
So, while I don't personally like Femdom stories, I think it's wrong to have people go around actively trying to keep them off the site. I won't be reading them, but that doesn't matter. The stories are well categorized, so you can avoid them if you want.
And that's what I said at the start of this post. If you don't like them, don't read them. Quit trying to tell others what to write, or what to read.
That is just plain WRONG.
P.S. I read that story of yours, btw. I read it because it had your name on it. I've found your stories to be quite well written and enjoyable in the past. This one wasn't either. However, I reserve my comments for when I have something positive to say about a story. I didn't find anything I liked about it, so I didn't comment.
However, I wouldn't think of saying don't write it, or don't post it here, or anywhere. I will be more careful in the future of what I read of your works, however. Once bitten...
Is it really going that way?
Oh dear, sort of struck me as Vickie Tern meets Gilbert and Sullivan. Don't mind some VT but G&S drive me up the wall. Hah.
Not sure if we're all talking about the same thing here. I mean there's forced femme and there's forced femme. I have written a FF story, complete with psycho Dr. But, I like to think it was not 'typical'. I think you can use pretty much any device to get to a point in a story, it's when that's all the 'story' is that it becomes meaningless. The whole humiliation/sissy/wimp/bitch wife/girlfriend thing is pretty pathetic. So there's an awful lot of… 'stories' I won't touch with a very long international connection. Mostly not here on BC I must say. Which I am on the whole rather glad of.
My recent little play on a theme thing might be called Femdom, but there's no force or brutality, like reading, it's freewill. There are other stories and writers here that touch on similar things in their own way, so it's all how it's handled. I suspect at times I lose readers because my people tend to be a little rough around the edges. They swear and drink more than they should and are not always exactly ladies or gentlemen, but I do try for reality. Too much cute and sweet is just that. Each to their own and so it should be. Mostly here is pretty good.
Does all this relate to comments decrying particular behaviour or patterns in certain stories? Probably. Some tend to get a bit worked up over a developing theme they don't like the feel of. No problem with that, we all do it, it's how it's expressed that's maybe at issue. I hope none feel coerced into changing things because it might be better received. If they change it because they believe it works better that's fine. It is though at times difficult to just shrug off a comment and your own mood may play as much a part as any perception of those words. Just gotta try to be considerate and polite. Then I suspect there's a bit of peer type pressure in the lack of comments on some things deemed outré. A sort of sneaking into the dark theatre type thing. Not sure we want too many raincoat wearers here anyway… sigh, balance is a toughy innit?
But as ever it comes down to reading what you like and if something goes where you don't… well, there's an easy way out and you don't have to say anything. Sometimes it's good to try though.
Hmmm, okay someone else 'aveago, pompous rough edged Aussie scribbler out. Got this piece of fairy floss I need to work on.
I love it
When people think that we have a great deal of choice of what we right. My muse is evil, therefore she writes evil stories. I write horror, and I've never submitted a story to this site because TG horror I've never written for before mew. but I'm trying the genre and it's a pain in the bum ;_; Someday I'll get it, hopefully or I'll just go back to writing non-tg horror xD
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Embracing Hypocrisy!
Angela is quite right. I wrote a long serial that would fall into the definition of FemDom and a lot of people read it. I have written other things that are completely different without any trace of FemDom and few people have read them.
It is all very puzzling, unless some people are telling little porkies.
Incidentally how can it be claimed that -
"I find them to be simplistic(you can almost recite the plots by rote. Husband does something stupid. Wife doesn't like it. She turns into a totally controlling bitch. Beats(mentally and physically) husband into submission. Decides Husband is a wimp, goes out and cheats on him because she wants a 'real' man. Husband either winds up on the street, or as a 'servant' to wife and her new lover(s).) The characters are almost stock, and frankly, the situations are beyond unrealistic.
In short, they lack depth and much in the way of creativity."
- unless someone has overcome their natural repugnance and, presumably in the interest of scientific research, has actually read a lot of them?
And actually of course they aren't. Mine certainly wasn't anything remotely like that. Well at least the plot wasn't. I can't vouch for the depth of creativity etc. My innate modesty forbids.
Heigh Ho. There's nowt so queer as folk.
Most popular all-time stand alone story on BC...
... in terms of number of hits is still Robin Goodgirl which Lainie Lee wrote just to try to hit all the femdom buttons she could reach. I've pointed out before that hardly anyone who likes the story comments on it but it does get lots of reads. :)
I wrote Mercedes for a similar reason.
The dirty little secret is that some people like to have their buttons pushed and pulled at the same time. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Hmmm...Vickie Tern is it???
FemDom is such a wide subject to begin with. Are we speaking of a girl, or a woman, with a strong personality who leads a male along a path of her determination? Or are we speaking of a giant Valkarie clutching a bullwhip as she observes the mortal remains of some male scattered about the room? I won't even attempt to breech the various 'shades' in between the two extremes.
I do enjoy good dialogue between the characters. On the surface, Vickie Tern is relatively boring. She themes are repetitive and the outcome rarely differs. But her use of dialogue elevates her work beyond being a simply story of revenge or one upwomanship. Her works are very often theatre because the dialogue is so rich with the reality of how people speak to one another. I am the max!
We certainly are blessed with a forum that will exhibit all shades of FemDom and all styles of telling the tale. I'm certainly grateful that I can explore these tales which, for the most part, are very well written. :)