TWINS - Part 4

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They say that, somewhere in the world, everybody has a twin.
Nothing was said about the sex of that twin…………

Part 4


By Karen J. Taylor
Copyright 2006 by author

If you haven't already, please read parts 1,2 & 3 first.

Standard Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead, or recently thought of indicates either A. you have a vivid imagination, or B. you are in serious need of psychological counseling. Song lyrics used under the Fair Use Doctrine are copyrighted by their respective groups, including Fleetwood Mac and Led Zeppelin. Names have been changed to protect the innocent, the insolent, and the guilty. Void where prohibited by law. Your mileage may vary. Not responsible for debts other than my own. No deposit, no return. Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. It's only a movie. The smoker you drink, the player you get. Objects in t-shirt are larger than they appear. Caution, contents may be hot. Do not attempt to exit vehicle while in motion. Please fasten your seatbelts and ensure that your seatbacks and trays are in an upright and locked position. Have a nice day.


They say that, somewhere in the world, everybody has a twin.
Nothing was said about the sex of that twin…………

Part 4


Elliot: It was late afternoon when I woke up, feeling rested and at ease. Something had happened today. Let’s see, I went to the clinic, they ran all those tests. Then the MRI, and I….. Oh, Shit!

I guess I said it out loud, because from next to me on the bed came Kathy’s voice, “Oh, shit what?”

“I’m remembering something at the clinic, did I get a little crazy?” I asked.

“Well, I understand you tried to live up to our hair color” Kathy said. “What do you remember?”

“They gave me a tranquilizer, and I got goofy. I was teasing the orderly something awful. I remember the receptionist and I were talking about him, and I tried to unbutton his shirt, and he got all embarrassed but he had an erection at the same time, then you came and picked me up and I got the receptionist’s phone, oh, hell, where’s my purse!”

“I dropped it on the sofa when I dragged your sorry ass in from the car,” Kathy said. “Worried about losing her phone number? She is cute.”

“Yes, I mean no, I mean, well it’s not what you think, we’re supposed to go clubbing and she told me to call, and it’s just a girl’s night…” I wound down as Kathy lay there grinning at me.

“Guilty conscience? Afraid it looks like you’re running around behind my back?” I nodded sickly.

“Relax, you told me about it before we left the clinic.”

“Oh” I said. “I guess I made a complete fool out of myself.”

“Well, just a little bit, but other than your blonde moment, you actually seemed very comfortable in your skin, the most comfortable I’ve seen you,” Kathy said. “I’d like to see you that relaxed more often.”

“Me too,” I said. “I remember I felt good. Everything was right, the way it should be.”

Kathy poked me with a finger, “Remember that, the next time you start getting nervous. You look like a women, you act like a woman, you feel good about being a woman. Everybody sees you as a woman, a pretty one no less.”

“You’re right,” I said.

“Of course I’m right, I’m a woman!” Kathy snickered,

I started giggling, and pretty soon we were both laughing helplessly. As the mirth subsided, Kathy poked me again, “Get up and go fix your makeup and hair, we’ve got things to do.”

“Like what” I asked. “For one thing, we need to get us some phones! A girl without a phone is like a fish out of water. BTW, it’s pill time.”

So on the way to the bathroom I got a pill out of each bottle and downed them. While repairing my makeup I felt myself relaxing again, not quite like at the clinic, but at ease.

I took the clip out of my hair and shook it out. After brushing, I fooled around trying to figure out what to do with it.

“Need some help?” Kathy asked from behind me. I smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

“Yes, please.”

Kathy reached over and plugged a large curling iron in, then took a section from the front on either side of my forehead and pulled it back. Taking the curling iron, she wrapped the hair around it and held it for about a minute. Unwinding the iron, she pulled the sections up to the crown of my head and clipped them in place with a barrette, then let the curls fall down the back of my head. She fluffed them a bit with her fingers, separating the strands out. Then she used the iron on the end of my hair where it hung down below my shoulders. Soon the ends were loose and bouncy, hanging down my back and spilling down to my breasts in the front.

Holding a mirror behind me so I could see the back of my head, she asked “How’s that?”


We hopped into Kathy’s car and headed back to the mall. Catching Laurie at the shoe store, we got the word on which cellphone deal was the best. Soon we were the proud owners of our own “girls must have” phones, Kathy’s in her pink she always favored, and mine in my electric blue. We went back to see Laurie, and she beamed everybody’s numbers into our phones, and IM’d our info to the others. Almost immediately phones started beeping and chirping, and plans were made for the evening. It was decided we’d all meet for a late dinner after the mall closed.

So Kathy and I headed back home to get ready. I called Suzy from the clinic, and she was game to join the group, so I IM’d everybody about the addition. Once home I changed into some seriously low-cut jeans and a clingy electric blue top that showed more than it covered. A white linen jacket and wedges completed the outfit. Kathy also wore jeans, with a brown v-neck sweater that left her affiliation with the taxonomic class Mammalia in little doubt.

We got back to the mall a little early and went in to wait for Laurie to close up. When we walked into the store Laurie saw us and whistled, “You two are so hot tonight! Oh, give me your phone, Kari!” so I dug it out and handed it to her.

A couple of button pushes and beeps and she handed it back. “There!”

“What?” I asked.

“Call me!” I did, and instead of ringing, her phone played “Rhiannon”.

“Now hang up and let me call you.” I did and my phone started playing “Oops, I Did It Again”.

“Everybody’s got their own song, we’ll swap when the others get here. Now let me have your phone Kathy.” Soon hers was programmed, when she called either one of us, our phones played “Say You Love Me”. “You can change it if you want, I tried to pick something that sounded like you to me.”

“It’s great” Kathy said. “Thanks!”

By then the others showed up, including Suzy, who I introduced around. Laurie got the store closed and we descended on a little Italian restaurant down the road. Tables were moved together and we got busy telling about our day. Suzy insisted on telling about me and the orderly, much to my embarrassment, but the others thought it was hilarious. Of course, phones were produced and more numbers were beamed around. Everybody got the new ringtones and their's were beamed to us.

By the time the restaurant closed, we had dissected everybody’s love lives, as well as that of various prominent member of the social scene. Heading out, we all agreed we’d do it again soon. Suzy thanked me for inviting her, and promised to stop in and check out the shoes where Laurie worked after seeing mine.

When we got home, Kathy insisted I properly cleanse my face, then put up my hair before we went to bed. We kissed and cuddled for awhile, made some pillow talk, then went to sleep in each other’s arms.

For the next day and a half, things were pretty slow around the house. Kathy and I did some cleaning, and we worked on getting Kathy settled into the house. We moved much of my male clothing into the spare bedroom’s closet, and Kathy’s stuff plus my new things were put in their place. It amazed me that Kathy and I were the same, or almost the same size in everything, even shoes. I was actually skinnier in the waist, due to my weight loss after the accident. Kathy had broader hips, but my extra padding helped make that up. So there was no division of clothing in the closet or the drawers. It was all “ours”. We did go out for awhile Thursday and bought some “twin” outfits, just for fun. A couple of matching dresses, with shoes and purses.

When we got back home, there was a message on the answering machine from Dr. Hanson, saying she would like to see both of us Friday afternoon, and asking us to confirm the time. I called the office to let them know we’d be there. Then I started getting nervous, I don’t know why, something about the call just sounded ominous to me. Kathy checked the time and saw I was behind on taking the medication, so she saw to it that I took my doses right away. Well, the “mother’s little helper” did it’s trick and I started feeling better. Kathy made dinner, and we curled up on the couch and watched TV.

The next morning I was a bundle of nerves all over again. Even the pills didn’t completely remove my anxiety. By noon, I was pacing the room, wishing it was all over with. Dr Hanson had asked me to be sure and be ‘female’ for this visit, and Kathy and I had decided to do the twin look, for fun, and also because knowing Kathy and I looked alike reassured me that I didn’t look like a guy in drag. I was standing up and tugging on my skirt, even though it wasn’t really short, then prowling the house, stopping in front of the mirror and tugging on my outfit again.

Unbeknownst to me, Kathy called the doctors office and informed them of my condition, and she was told to arrive a little early so I could be given a calming shot. So we left around 1 PM, even though the appointment wasn’t until 2.

“Yes, Ms Taylor and Ms Johnson, right on time. I’ll just let the nurse know you’re here” and the receptionist picked up the phone. I turned to Kathy in surprise.

“I called the doctor and told her about your anxiety this morning,” Kathy said. “She wants to give you a shot to help. It’ll be okay.”

About then, the nurse came out, looked in puzzlement at the two of us and asked “Ms Taylor?”.

I replied “me” and her expression cleared.

“Right, come with me please” and we stepped back into the same exam room.

“Please lower your pantyhose and panties and lean over the exam table.” I did, and felt two stings as she gave me a shot in each cheek, just like last time.

“Ok, you can put your things back in place.” I did and she escorted me back to the waiting area.

I sat down next to Kathy, and she reached over and took my hand. I felt the now-familiar lassitude creeping over me, and I leaned back and closed my eyes. It seemed like only a moment until I heard Dr. Hanson’s voice calling me.

“El? Would you two come in now please?” I let Kathy go in first, following and sitting down next to her on the couch. I realized I was still holding her hand, but felt no inclination to let go.

“Well, first off, how’s everything been this week, El?” Dr. Hanson asked.

“Not bad, I guess. I’ve actually had some fun.”

“Yeah, like at the clinic the other day,” Kathy added with a slight grin.

“Yes, I heard about that” Dr. Hanson replied, smiling.

“You know, Doctor, that’s the most comfortable I’ve seen Karielle this whole week. Other than being a bit ditsy, she really seemed to feel comfortable about herself,” Kathy told her.

“Hmmm, let me look into that. We may change your prescription, uh, ‘Karielle’?”

“My idea,” Kathy said. “I felt she needed a more feminine name than ‘El’. I’ve been calling her Karielle, Kari, or Kari-Ellen. We’ve been trying to decide which works the best.”

“And how do you feel about this,” Dr. Hanson asked me.

I surprised my self by saying “I like it”.

“Which name to you prefer?”

“Karielle, I think. The girls call me Kari part of the time, which is fine, and when Kathy says ‘Kari-Ellen’, I know she’s pissed at me,” I said with a grin. I squeezed Kathy’s hand and she squeezed it back.

“Who are the girls,” Dr. Hanson asked.

“Oh, Kari’s been busy making friends this week. First a girl at the shoe store, then all her close friends. Oh, and the receptionist from the clinic,” Kathy told her.

“Sounds like you’ve done more in the last five days than you have in years,” Dr. Hanson said to me.

“Actually, yes,” I told her. “I’ve always had problems making friends, there always seemed to be a wall between them and me. But this week, the wall seems to be down. All these girls met me and want to be my friend,” I said with some amazement.

“Like I said, she seems to be more comfortable in her skin now,” Kathy added.

“Well, that’s interesting, in light of what I have to tell you. Elliot, or should I say Karielle, there was an anomaly when you were born. You were born an intersexual, that is, you have the sexual organs of both sexes. This is what used to be called hermaphrodite, although that term is no longer used.”

I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t say anything. I clutched Kathy’s hand like it was a lifeline.

“You know that scar under the base of your penis? That’s where your vaginal opening was. The treatment used to be to assign a sex to such a baby and alter the appearance to match. But the MRI confirms that you still have a complete vagina, uterus and ovaries inside you. However, you could never have babies, not could you ever father any either. You had a low testosterone output, which explains your external appearance. And your pelvic bones are more typical of a female than a male.”

“But my penis worked! I had sex….” I protested.

“Yes, but in comparison to a normal man, it is very small, and you’ve always been sterile. Now, your accident has thrown your body out of kilter, and as I told you earlier, your testosterone level has dropped to zero."

"Some other things. Your love of long hair, your lack of interest in typical guy things, these are all likely the result of your brain being set in female mode by exposure to estrogen while in the womb. Your brain, and much of your body, is for all intents and purposes female. Almost everybody around you sees that,” Dr. Hanson added.

“You haven’t been ‘passing’ as female this last week, that’s normal for you. You’ve been passing as male for the last 26 years, and not doing very well at it,” she said. Your social adaptation as a male had been poor. I suspect this is why your father was so upset when he came back and found you with long hair. He wanted a son, and here you were with long hair, being seen by most as a girl.”

“Why hadn’t anybody told me?” I asked. “I had no idea!”

“Yes, and I’m very annoyed about that,” Dr. Hanson said “As physicians, we are taught ‘First - do no harm’. But your doctor has lied to you and misled you for years. When you were a minor, he had to abide by your parent’s decisions."

"But when you became an adult, and certainly after your parent’s death, he should have sat you down and explained all of this to you. Instead, he kept up a masquerade that could only result in long-term problems for your well-being. I’ll be making a complaint to the medical review board about this,” she told me.

“Now, I told you I was establishing a proper hormonal balance to help you cope, and I am. What you need to know is that it’s a female balance, in line with what I perceived to be your best interests. And I asked you to be female this week to see how well you adapted."

"Frankly, you’ve done better than I hoped. I think this female I see is the real you. You are making friends, going out, doing things. You weren’t doing those things when you were pretending to be male, even if it was an unconscious pretension.”

“But it’s decision time” Dr. Hanson said. “What do you want? You can go back to being Elliot, or you can continue on the road to Karielle. Some fairly simple surgery can reopen your vagina, and reshape your penis into a clitoris. That, plus continued treatment with estrogen, will give you a female body to match your brain.”

“I, I don’t know,” I said. “I’ve been happier this week than I’ve been in a long time. When I’m relaxed, things have just seemed right. And there’s Kathy, she seems to like Karielle a lot.”

“Let me ask you this” Dr. Hanson said. “How do you feel about Kathy?”

“I love her,” I said with no hesitation.

“Would you be willing to spend the rest of your life with her, as Karielle?”


Turning to Kathy, Dr. Hanson asked her “And how do you feel?”

“I love Karielle, and would willingly spend the rest of my life with her.” she said.

I realized we were in danger of breaking each other’s hands, we were clinging so tightly to each other. I turned to Kathy and kissed her gently, the turned back to Dr. Hanson. “Yes, let’s do this.”

“One more thing” Dr. Hanson said. “What you two said just now sounded a lot like wedding vows. If you want to get married, that can be done while you’re still legally male.”

Kathy gasped, and I was a bit surprised myself. But what the heck! Turning to Kathy, I asked “Would you like to do this? Is this what you want?”

Kathy looked at me and said “Karielle, or Elliot, is that the best you can do? That’s not a very romantic proposal!”

“Then how’s this? Kathy, I’m asking you to become my wife, and my partner, and my lover, for all the years of our lives. Will you marry me?”

“Yes! Yes, Yes, YES!” We hugged and kissed, paying no attention to Dr. Hanson, who was busy entering things into her terminal.

“But we have some legal things to attend to first,” Kathy said.

“Like what,” I asked.

“You need a prenup.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do,” she said. “You have a lot of property and money. It’s only fair that you be protected.”

Dr. Hanson interrupted, “I have the name of a good attorney here, who would be willing to handle your legal sex change. Why don’t you talk to her about these matters also?”

She pulled a paper from the printer and handed it too me. “I also have some consent forms here for you to sign, plus the documentation needed to apply for a legal name and sex change.

Under normal circumstances, there’s a one year waiting period during which you’d need to live as a female full time. But since you’ve always been a female as well as a male medically, I can prescribe corrective surgery as necessary to your mental well-being. If you can get everything else handled in time, I’ve scheduled surgery for two weeks from Monday.”

“You don’t waste any time, do you,” I said.

“No, not in cases like this” she said. “Unless I miss my guess, you were close to committing suicide when this all started, weren’t you?”

“Well, uh-h-h….”

“Be honest with yourself, and me.”

“Yeah, I was.” Kathy stared at me, her mouth wide open, but nothing coming out. I reached over and gently closed it for her.

“Then this is critical medical and psychiatric intervention, and the speed is justified,” she replied.

“I took the liberty of making appointment with Ms Stevens, the lawyer, for you at 4 PM. You should be able to get over there in plenty of time,” the doctor said.

“You knew I would decide this way, didn’t you,” I asked.

“Let’s just say I hoped you would. Your friends, like Donna and Sarah and Kathy here, have been worried about you. Now, I’ve changed your prescription for the tranquilizers, stop on the way down and get it filled. I’ll see you next week.”

When we got downstairs, there were actually four prescriptions. “Dr. Hanson said to take these instead of the ones you have now, but not to throw them away. You may need them later.” the pharmacist said.

As usual lately, my response was “okay”. We hopped into Kathy’s car and found the lawyer’s office with a minimum of problems. When we identified ourselves, the receptionist told us Ms Stevens was expecting us, and took us right in.

Ms Stevens stood up from behind her desk and shook hands with us, then looking from one to the other, asked us which was which.

“I’m Karielle, uh, Elliot Taylor, and this is my fiancée Kathy Johnson” I said.

“Well, you’re impressive! By the way, please call me Cindy. Fiancée, hmmm. Dr. Hanson said you had some things you’d need extra help on, but I didn’t expect that. So what are we doing?” she asked.

“Well, as you already know, I’m going to need a legal name change and all my records will need to be changed to reflect my new sex. That hasn’t happened yet, by the way. Before I do, Kathy and I want to get married. We need prenups before that happens. And I have extensive insurance settlements and other income, credit cards, etc., that will need to be changed over to the new me.”

“Ok, that should be easy enough” she said. “What about the prenup, what do you want there.”

Kathy responded before I could say anything, “Everything that El has prior to our marriage stays hers. I don’t want any of it.”


“Really,” Kathy said. “I want her, not her money.”

“Very admirable,” Cindy said. “Now, I’m given to understand there’s a bit of a rush on. I can have the prenup ready Monday afternoon, you can get your marriage license after that. Civil ceremony?” I nodded.

“That’s easy, they’ve got a judge up there that rubber stamps everything each afternoon, you can be in and out in an hour. I’d suggest you make an effort to look male, might make things easier” she said with a grin.

“Now, I need to make copies of all your IDs, credit cards, Social Security, etc.” Cindy said. I took my billfold out of my purse and extracted everything I had and handed it to her.

She left the office, and returned 10 minutes later with photocopies of everything, handing my stuff back to me. “Now, you need to stop using anything here, credit cards, debit cards, bank accounts. How much cash do you have on you?”

Not much, it turned out. I was used to pulling out the plastic to pay for anything I wanted.

“That’s what I thought.” She extracted a paper from the pile on her desk, wrote on it and handed it to Kathy.

“Here’s a cashier’s check for $1000 made out to you, Kathy, since your ID won’t be in question. Don’t worry, the amount is included in my expenses.”

“Which reminds me, just how much is this going to cost” I asked.

“You’ve got some extra expenses here that aren’t usual, so I’ll have to figure that part out, but in round figures,” and she quoted a price that made Kathy’s jaw drop open, but was well within the range I’d mentally figured.

“Sounds reasonable.”

“That’s good” she said. “Too many people come in here thinking it’s going to be cheap, and it’s not.”

“Well, for everything you’re doing, it’s cheap at the price” I replied.

“Yes it is, I have a special price for people like us.”

“Then you are, uh…”

“Yes, I’m a post-op transsexual myself. After all the hassles I went through, I decided to specialize in these cases. People like us need somebody who understands what they’re going through,” she said.

Well, you wouldn’t have known it to look at her, she was tall, almost 5’10”, with a trim figure, a round face, and light brown hair in a conservative style. Very much the image of the professional woman.

“So, do I meet with your approval,” she said with just a hint of a smile, and I realized I’d been appraising her appearance rather closely.

“Yes, on all counts” and I smiled at her. “Good!” and she smiled openly then.

“You need to sign this retainer and power of attorney, so I can get started on things. I need copies of all your bank and other financial records, you can bring them Monday. Dr. Hanson said your surgery is set in two weeks, is that right?”

I nodded and she said “That will be fine. I should be able to have some ID and credit cards for you by the time you get out of the hospital, as well as having your bank accounts changed over. The rest will take a little longer. Take these forms, fill them out and bring them back Monday.

Oh, I almost forgot, what’s your full name going to be?”

“I’ve been using Karielle Taylor” and I spelled Karielle for her, “but I don’t have a clue about a middle name.”

“Well, how about something with a “El” sound” Cindy said.

“That was part of the choice of Karielle” I said. We looked for a match with Kathy, since we look so much like twins, and came up with Kari. Then we tacked El on the end.”

“Hmmm, any ideas Kathy?”

“No, not a one” she said.

So we turned to an old standby, the internet. We checked several popular naming websites before coming up with something.

“How about ‘Elyse’? Karielle Elyse Taylor” Cindy asked.

“Sounds good to me” I said, “What do you think, Kathy?”

“Works for me too” Kathy said. So it was done. In a little over two weeks I would be Karielle Elyse Taylor.

There were some more details to be handled, and at my request Cindy would try to speed up access to my bank account so I would be able to write checks and use a debit card, but we were headed home by 5. When we got there, I dug into the back of my closet and pulled out a box.

Walking back up front, I found Kathy and asked her to sit down beside me.

“I’ve got something here, it was for Robyn. You may not want it, I don’t know. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I don’t sure, I’m kinda stupid sometimes. Oh, forget about it,” and I started to get up.

Kathy grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. “Karielle, I have no idea what you’re talking about! Why don’t you show me what it is, and let me decide!” So I handed her the box.

Opening it she saw a 1-ct. diamond engagement ring and wedding set.

“It’s beautiful! This was Robyn’s?”

“I hadn’t had a chance to give it to her when I was injured. It’s been in the back of my closet ever since," I said. “We can exchange it if you want…”

“NO!” She pulled the engagement ring out of the box, then handed it to me.

“You do it” and extended her left hand.

I slid the ring on her finger, it was a near-perfect fit. She held her hand up, twisting it back and forth, watching the light reflect from the diamond.

She turned to me, and I saw tears running down her face. “Kari, darling, I never thought I’d be so happy. You see, I’m a lesbian, never had any interest in men, and the relationships I’ve had with women have been less than satisfactory."

"Then I met you, and my heart flipped. At first I couldn’t believe you weren’t a woman. Then I didn’t care. Everything about you said “woman” to me. And now you are one, or soon will be. I wouldn’t have believed I could be so happy. And I want to make you as happy as you’ve made me.”

By now tears were running down my face also. “Kathy, you have. I was so depressed I couldn’t imagine a reason for living. Then you came along and gave me that reason. My biggest fear was that everything that’s happened would scare you away. Then I’d be lost again.” We hugged and cried on each other.

After we both settled down, I laughed suddenly.

“What was that for” Kathy asked. “You know the saying ‘Somewhere in the world everybody has a twin’?”

She nodded.

"And another saying ‘Everybody has a perfect mate somewhere‘?”

“Yes” she said.

"Well, who’d a thought the two would be combined in one for us? You’re my twin, and my perfect mate, and I’m yours.” Kathy indicated her agreement with a kiss that made my toes tingle!

Suddenly she broke away, “What time is it?”

“Not quite six.”

"Great, we’ve got time, let’s go!” and she started dragging me to the door.


“The shop! I want to tell them the news!” I wasn’t so sure.

“Kari, they want to apologize to you, and after all, they’re responsible for all that’s happened! We should tell them!”

By now we were out the door and at the car. “Take one of your pills, you’ll be fine. Get in the car!”

As we backed down the driveway, Kathy pulled out her cell and called the shop. “Donna? Great! Yes, this is Kathy, who else is there? They are? Great! Tell them to stay. We’ve got a surprise for you! Be there in a few, bye.”

When we got there I mentioned “They’re gonna freak out when they see us like this!”

“So they are!” Kathy responded, “Wait until they hear the rest of the news!” By this time the pill was kicking in and I was feeling good enough that the prospect of telling them didn’t bother me. Well, not too much.

Donna, Sarah and Tina were all waiting by the front counter when we walked in.

“Wow!” from Tina.

“Unbelievable!” Sarah said.

The ever practical Donna asked “Which of you is which?” We both burst out laughing!

“There’s an easy way to tell us apart,” I said.

“What’s that?”

“Kathy is the one wearing the engagement ring!” and Kathy pulled her hand out from behind my back where she’d been hiding it.

In the general uproar that ensued, Donna was eyeing Kathy, I could see suspicion on her face.

“Hey, there’s more news to tell you. Lock the door, Donna, and let’s go in the back. Y’all need to sit down.”

In a few minutes we were all seated in back. “We got the results of all the tests Dr. Hanson ran. It turns out I’m a girl!”

That was a conversation stopper, so I explained what Dr. Hanson told me about intersexual people, and what was done to me at birth.

“So, according to Dr, Hanson, I’m actually more female than male. That’s why I’ve been so miserable and depressed for years. My mind wasn’t happy with the body I was being forced to live with. It wanted my other body, the one the doctor tried to take away from me at birth."

"In a couple of weeks I’m going to get that body back. It’s actually quite minor surgery, as everything is still there. Then I’ll be Karielle Elyse Taylor, body and mind,” I told them.

“But in the meantime, while I’m still legally male, Kathy and I are going to get married.”

“Yeah, we just came from the lawyer’s office,” Kathy said, “getting all the legal stuff settled, Kari’s name change, the prenups, and all that.”

I saw the cloud pass from Donna’s face when the prenups were mentioned, so that was what the problem was!

“The prenups were all Kathy’s idea, I didn’t see the need for them, but she insisted,” I put in.

Now Donna was smiling as much as the other two. Kathy reached over and took my hand. I squeezed her hand and she squeezed mine back.

“So, when’s the wedding, are we invited” Sarah asked.

“Monday, and no” I said. “It’s going to be a low-key civil ceremony. I’ve got to become male again, probably for the last time. In and out, probably take an hour.”

“Besides, Kathy has to work Monday,” Donna said.

“Oh shit, I forgot!” Kathy moaned. “What’s my schedule?”

“I’ve booked you two appointments, both in the morning,” Donna said. “I suppose, under the circumstances, I can let you have the afternoon off.”

“Thanks Donna!” I said.

“Come by afterwards and we’ll give you honeymoon makeovers!” Tina said.

“I don’t know about that,” I replied, and Tina’s face fell as Sarah poked her in the side.

“We’ve got something to say to you El, or is it Karielle,” Sarah said.


“Well, Karielle, what we did was wrong, and I’m sorry. I took advantage of your trust, and tricked you badly. I apologize,” Sarah said.

“Me too” Tina added. “What I did was wrong.”

“The way things have turned out, perhaps I shouldn’t complain” I said. “But you hurt me badly, and you had no way of knowing this was going to happen.” Both girls were downcast, I saw a tear running down Sarah’s cheek.

Kathy whispered in my ear, and I nodded. “I accept your apologies, and forgive you both.” As their faces brightened I continued “But there is a penalty for your actions, one that you’ll both be required to pay.”

“Whatever you say” Sarah said.

“What do you want us to do” Tina asked.

“Well, in about a month, after I heal, Kathy thinks we ought to have a reception for everybody. She points out that we’ll need to look our best, so you two will be tasked with seeing to it that we do. Are you up to it?”

“YES!“ Tina squealed, and Sarah hugged first Kathy, then me.

“Robyn would be proud of you” she whispered in my ear.

“This place is officially closed” Donna said. “What do you say we go have a drink and toast the happy couple?” This met with general approval.

Gee, I hated being the wet noodle. “I really shouldn’t be drinking while I’m taking this medication” I said.

“I think you could safely drink one glass of champagne” Kathy rebutted.

“Well then, in that case…”

“Great! Let’s go!” Tina said.

We ended up at the same club as the previous Friday. No problems at the door, we sailed right through. We had no sooner sat down then Karen, the waitress from a week ago, hurried up to the table. “Hi! Thought it was you! What can I get y’all!”

“Got any good champagne” Donna asked.

“Sure do! Five glasses?”

We all nodded and Karen said “Back in a jiff!”. She returned a few minutes later with five proper champagne glasses (tulip-shape, not those horrible wide things you see on New Year’s Eve) and a bottle of Moet & Chandon. Yes, definitely the good stuff!

The glasses were filled, and Donna raised hers “To Kari and Kathy: Live as long as you love, and love as long as you live!”.

You don’t toss good champagne, we sipped appreciatively, and I could feel the warm glow spreading out from my stomach.

Karen came back to check on us, and kneeled between Kathy and I. “You two look great! What’s the occasion?”

Kathy showed her the ring, “I just got engaged!” Karen ooh’d at the ring “Very nice! So where’s the lucky fellow?”

“Oh, this is a ladies night, no men allowed,” I said.

“Of course! Gotta run, I’m getting dirty looks, catch ya later!” and off she went. All too soon, the glass was empty. Kathy and I made a trip to the Ladies, when we returned our glasses were full again.

“I really shouldn’t…” I began, but Donna stopped me.

“Go ahead, you deserve it.”

“Okay” (my favorite word again).

What a difference a week makes! Seven days ago, I was a semi-suicidal man, alone and miserable. Now I’m a happy woman with lots of friends, and I’m engaged to wonderful woman.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Kathy whispered in my ear.

“Pay yourself. I was thinking about you,” I replied.

All too soon, we emptied the bottle. I was feeling quite good myself, just a little of that “airhead” feeling from the other day. I touched Kathy on the arm, she looked over at me, then nodded assent.

We excused ourselves to the gang, but Donna stopped me, “Why don’t you come by the shop Monday morning?”

“Any reason in particular,” I asked.

“Yes” she replied, “We’ll ‘de-girl’ you before you go to the courthouse.”

“Oh, yeah, right!”

“Make it about 11.”

“Will do,” I said

Monday arrived, and I think I was more nervous about appearing as Elliot than I had been as Karielle. I resurrected a pair of slacks, sport coat, and a dress shirt from the stuff we’d stored away. I even found a tie to wear.

I removed the breast forms and the gaff, and showered carefully. Inspecting myself in the mirror, I made sure there was no trace of makeup on my face. The nail polish came off easily, but the nails themselves would have to be fixed at the salon.

Getting dressed, I had to belt up the waist fairly tight due to the changes in my body caused by the accident. The shirt was rough-feeling against my nipples, I noticed they seemed larger, and were certainly more sensitive. As the song said: “Ch-ch-ch-cha-changes”!

I found my billfold, and pulled all my IDs from my purse and put them back in it. The last task was my hair, I finally pulled it back and clipped it at the base of my neck with an old unisexual barrette I found. Hopefully the girls at the shop could do something with it.

Driving to the shop I was caught at a traffic light. A carload of teenage boys pulled up next to me, and several of them looked over at me. As the light changed, one of the boys shouted “Hey Dyke!” as they pulled away. Yes, this was going to be tough!

When I arrived at the shop, I saw Donna waiting at the counter.

“Come on, lets take you back and get you cleaned up.”

As we walked through the shop, I saw Kathy working on a woman’s hair, she paused long enough to blow me a kiss, which I returned.

Donna had her own private room with chair, and that’s where we went. She sat me down in the chair, and the regular nail technician, an oriental girl named Kim, came in.

“Kim will work on your nails while I fix your hair” Donna said.

As Kim took my right hand and started working with some chemicals, Donna picked up what appeared to be a fall and held it up against my hair.

“Yes, that will do nicely.”

“Why are you adding more hair, I’d have thought we wanted less” I asked.

“I’m going to gather your hair on the back of your head, and work this into it to cover the length. By the time I’m done your hair will look inches shorter. After that I’ll fix your eyebrows, and see if I can do something about those lashes.”

“You’re the expert.”

Donna took a brush and started brushing my hair back from my face. Somehow she managed a side part that came across the top then blended into the side and was pulled back with the rest. She anchored the resulting mass close to my scalp in the back, then started brushing and rolling it up.

At some point she picked up the hairpiece and started working it in. 15 minutes and countless hairpins later, she pronounced herself satisfied. Kim had finished my right hand by then, the nails looked a little ragged, but were of normal length for a guy.

Donna turned me around to the mirror and asked “Think that will do?”

“Amazing” I said, and it was. It looked as if my hair barely brushed my collar, yet I knew she hadn’t cut any! It looked neatly combed over and tucked behind my ears like a guy would do.

“Now for your face” and she turned me around as Kim took my other hand. Donna picked up what looked to be a hank of blonde hair and held it against my forehead, then set it down and picked up a bottle of something. She’d daub a little of the stuff in the bottle along my eyebrows, then hold the hair up against it, and ‘snip’ with her scissors, After doing this to both sides, she ran a fine comb through my eyebrows, then picked up a small battery-powered trimmer.

“Close your eyes tight” she told me so I did. I could feel her running the trimmer along my eyebrows, then she said “Hold still and don’t flinch” and I felt the trimmers against my cheeks. “Just a minute longer” and I felt a soft brush whisk across my face.

“Alright, you can open your eyes now”.

When I did something didn’t feel right. I said so, and Donna chuckled.

“I cut off those long lashes, you’re used to the weight”

Kim finished my left hand then, and Donna turned me around to the mirror once more. Gone was the beautiful girl I’d been, in her place was a rather ordinary skinny guy. I looked completely normal, and I hated it!

As I looked at what I’d become, first one tear, then another ran down my face.

“I didn’t think I did that bad a job” Donna said.

“You didn’t, it’s just that I…….” I couldn’t finish.

“You like yourself better as a girl” Donna said.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

“You two come back here after you get through at the courthouse and I’ll fix you up like new. I’m wasn’t supposed to tell, but the girls have a surprise for the two of you also.”


“Your welcome. Oh, did you take your pills before you left home?”

“No, I was so nervous I forgot”

“Kathy figured you’d forget, so here” and Donna dumped a pill box in my hand, with each of the medications I was supposed to take.

“Wash them down with this” and handed me a glass of water. After I did, Donna said “It’s almost 1, and Kathy should be ready. Let’s go.”

Donna motioned me through the door first, and waiting outside was Kathy, a vision of loveliness in a white dress that came down to just above her knees, with lots of lace. It was long-sleeved, with a jewel neckline and high waist. Her hair was pinned back at the top, secured with a white ribbon, descending in a cascade of curls. Little tendrils of hair curled down either side of her face. She had on matching white shoes, and was carrying a small bouquet of roses. God, she was beautiful!

“Do you like it?” Kathy asked me.

“Honey, you’re beautiful!” I said “I wish I had a camera.”

“Oh, we got plenty of pictures, never fear!” Sarah said from behind her. “Now we need some of the two of you together.”

“Too bad I don’t look nearly as good as you, people are going to wonder what you see in me” I tried to joke.

Kathy reached up and placed her hand along the side of my face, “Well, it is quite a change, but it’s only temporary,” she said. “And it’s a small price to pay, isn’t it?”

“It certainly is!” I affirmed.

“Okay, you two, get going!” Donna ordered us. “Got all the papers, blood tests, birth certificates, etc?”

“In the car” I replied.

“Got the rings?” and I pulled the box out of my pocket, opening it to show the matched wedding bands, identical in every way. Even the sizes were the same, no worry about mixing them up.

“Alright then, the sooner you leave, the sooner you get back.”

On the way we stopped at Cindy’s office and dropped off all the papers she’d requested. She had the prenups ready, we signed those as well as some other documents that needed my signature, then headed to the courthouse.

The courthouse was anticlimactic after that. The clerk barely glanced to our papers, gathered them up , and entered the information into a terminal. I paid the fee, and a printer whirred, spitting out our license.

“Come with me” and she took us down the hall to an ordinary office where a gray-haired man sat behind a desk. The clerk handed the papers to the judge who glanced at them.

“Mr. Taylor and Miss Johnson?” We both nodded. “You have the witnesses?”

Oops! “Ah, no, I didn’t think of that.” The judge nodded to the clerk, who stepped out and returned with another woman from the license office.

“The rings”, and I pulled the box out.

The judge went through the civil ceremony in a bored tone of voice: Do you, Kathy…Do you, Elliot…”

We exchanged rings. “Under the authority vested in me….I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

I was just getting into that part when the judge cleared his throat.

“You need to sign here, and here, and you sign here, and here. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.” And that was it.

We headed to the car, and I started laughing.

“What’s so funny” Kathy asked.

“They could put all that on a computer, just enter the names on the keyboard.” I imitated a robot walking stiff legged “Con-grat-u-la-tions Mis-ter and Mis-ses Tay-lor. BEEP!” and we both cracked up.

“Now that we’re married, I get to nag you, right?” Kathy asked.

“You certainly do, I think it’s written in the constitution” I said.

“Well, then, would you get your ass in gear and get us back to the shop! I want to see you back the way I want you to look!’

“My pleasure, Mrs. Taylor!”

When we got to the shop I was practically ambushed as we walked in.

“Go into the bathroom, strip, and put this on,” and Sarah handed me a fluffy white robe.

“Donna’s waiting for you. Oh and put this on,” and she handed me a sack that had my gaff in it.

“How’d you get this,”

“Kathy gave us her key and we went over and picked up all your stuff” she replied.

I went into the bathroom and stripped, then pulled out the adhesive and proceeded to tuck everything away and glue it down. I put the robe on and went to Donna’s private room, where Donna and Kim awaited me.

Donna started in on my hair, while Kim grabbed my right hand and went to work.

“Nails very bad,” Kim frowned at me, “You need take better care,” then she broke into a big smile, which I couldn’t help but return.

After pulling my hair down and brushing it out, she pulled the top back and started in with a curling iron, taking a section, curling it, and pinning it up, the repeating with the next section.

After working her way through the hair she’d pulled back, Donna stepped back, and contemplated her work.

“That’ll do for now, time for the face. Hold really still, Elliot, no I guess that should be Karielle,”

“Oh, shit, that reminds me,” I said. “I’m supposed to call the lawyer.”

Donna stepped to the door and opened it, “Tina! Tell Kathy to call the lawyer and tell her the deed is done!”

Then she came back and smeared a cream all over my face, waited a few and wiped it off with a tissue.

“There, those ugly eyebrows are gone.”

Next she pulled out a box of artificial lashes. These were glued on one at a time, a painstaking effort not helped a bit by the fact that she’d just cut some off barely two hours ago. By the time she was done with both eyes, Kim had finished my hands and started on my feet, giving me a pedicure.

Donna pulled out the makeup next, skillfully applying foundation and blush. Next came eyeliner and shadow.

“You know, Kari, you ought to consider permanent eyeliner, it’s so much easier” she said.

“I’ll have to see” I said. After finishing my eyes, she started working on my lips, drawing the shape with lip liner, then applying the lip color with a small brush. Picking up a jar and brush, she twirled the brush in the contents.

“Close your eyes tight”. I complied and she twirled the brush across my face, setting the makeup.

“Now open your eyes” and she surveyed my face. “Not bad, if I do say so myself” she said with a grin.

“Your boobs are next.”

“Boobs! I’ll have you know those are the best breasts money can buy!” I said with feigned indignation.

These were carefully glued in place, and Donna used a little makeup to blend the seams. Kim had finished and left the room by then, and Donna handed me a pair of panties and pantyhose, which I put on. She then handed me a white lacy pushup bra, which I put on with only a little difficulty.

“Now for the dress” she said taking a dress bag down from where it hung on the back of the door. Opening it reveled a duplicate of the dress that Kathy was wearing.

“I get to wear that?” I asked.

“Yes, you do,” Donna replied with a smile. “Kathy insisted you have matching dresses.”

After putting on the dress. Donna helped me fasten the buttons. There must have been about 50 down the back, and 20 down each sleeve.

Then she had me sit back down in the chair so she could finish my hair. She took tendrils from the side and curled them with the iron, letting them hang down either side of my face. I knew now how I was going to look, but was still amazed when I saw my final look in the mirror. Me, wearing a beautiful wedding dress!

“Put your shoes on” and I slipped on the pair of white 3” pumps.

“And finally this” and she handed me a twin to the bouquet Kathy was carrying.

Donna opened the door, and the strains of the wedding march started playing. Kathy waited outside for me and she stepped to my side. We stepped over in front of a plain wall, and it seemed like a thousand camera flashes went off.

“And this is from us” Tina said, and Sarah wheeled out a cart with a small wedding cake on it. On top of the cake it had our names, Kathy & Karielle, and in place of the usual bride and groom figures, it had two brides.

They then produced a large bottle of champagne and glasses. The cork was popped with much cheering and glasses were poured for everyone.

We were toasted several times, then Sarah called out “Time to cut the cake!”

Kathy held the knife in both hands, and I wrapped mine around hers. We paused to let some more pictures be taken, then cut the first slice.

I leaned over and whispered to Kathy “No smearing the cake in each other’s faces. I’ve always thought that was so tacky.”

Kathy whispered back “Me too, lets show them some class.”

So we each cut a bite with a fork and fed it to the other, very cleanly and daintily. I could tell Sarah and Tina were disappointed, they were both ready to take pictures of a cake fight, but not us, no way. We got to sit down then, but continued to serve each other bites of cake.

Sarah watched us for a couple of minutes, then shook her head. “You two are so sweet, it’s sickening!”

At last it was time to go home. As nice as everything was, we were ready to get home to a little privacy.

“Give your car keys to these two” Donna said. “I’ll drive you home and they’ll follow in your cars.”

In no time at all we were in the privacy of our home. We wasted no time getting shed of the dresses, although all those buttons were frustrating. What happened after that is nobody else’s business!


Kathy went back to work Wednesday, which left me at loose ends. I daily practiced applying makeup and became fairly adept at it. I also worked with my hair, learning to put it in a variety of styles. That wasn’t as easy, for one thing my arms got tired fairly quickly. Lacking anything else to do, I started walking around the neighborhood, at first out of boredom, then because I enjoyed the exercise.

I was out Friday afternoon when I caught up with an elderly woman who I’d also seen walking in the area.

“Hello dear, nice afternoon isn’t it” she said.

“Yes, a good day to stretch the legs. I always feel good after a walk” I replied.

“You’re living at 931, aren’t you.” she asked.

“Yes ma’am.”

“What happened to the couple that were living there?”

“That was my - cousin” I said with barely a hesitation. “It’s sad, really.”

“Oh dear, nothing bad I hope.”

“I’m afraid so. Elliot was severely injured at work, and while he was in the hospital, his fiancée was struck and killed by a car.”

“Oh, my, that’s horrible!” she gasped.

“So anyway, he decided he couldn’t stay in the house, too many memories, and he offered it to us. I’m sorry, I haven‘t introduced myself, I’m Kari, Karielle Taylor. The other girl is Kathy, my twin sister.”

“I’m Mrs. Carter, dear. My husband and I live just up the street from you, the white house with blue trim. Twins, well that explains that!” she said with some satisfaction. “We all thought we were seeing things. You’d leave, then you’d leave again, in different cars. Or you’d leave in one car, and come home in another. Nobody could figure out how you were getting around so fast.”

“That’s why” I said with a smile.

“So what do you two do?” Mrs. Carter asked.

“Kathy, she’s a stylist at A Cut Above. I’m a photographer.”

“Oh, like children and flowers and things?”

“No actually I’m a television photojournalist. I’m not working right now. I’ve had to have some operations,” waving my hand in the area of my middle, “Female things, you know.”

“Oh dear, is everything alright?”

“Should be. I go back again in a week, that should finish things up.” By now I recognized her as the neighborhood busybody. If I didn’t supply her with the answers, she’d snoop until she found them herself, and this way I could control what she knew. I’d just have to remember to tell Kathy all the details..

“You married, dear?” she asked. “I see you’re wearing a wedding band.”

“Kathy and I got these to wear, it keeps most of the guys at bay. Otherwise we can’t go anywhere without being bothered. You understand how men can be.”

“I certainly do” she replied with a chuckle. “I once was a beauty like you myself. Well, dear, this is my house. Nice walking with you. I hope they get all that nasty cancer out.”

She was fishing, as I’d said nothing about cancer, but it made as good a story as any, so I ‘confirmed’ it, “Me, too! It’s been rough.” I saw her nodding, hah! Cover story in place! “See you again, Mrs. Carter.”


In the time it took me to reach home, Mrs. Carter was on the phone to her circle:

“Yes, Twins! Kari and Kathy."

"Poor thing, Kari, she’s got cancer! Nothing but skin and bones! Moved here to be close to the medical center, like as not."

"Nice girl, too, soft spoken and polite. Not like most of the girls these days, wish my granddaughter was like her. Shouldn’t happen to such as sweet girl."

"Going back to the hospital again in a week for more surgery. I’ll have to take them over a nice casserole.”


While this was going on, my own phone started playing Brittany Spears.

“Hi! Laurie! Wassup!”

“Well, I haven’t heard from you,” she said.

“Sorry, things have been hectic” I replied. Just then, the house phone started ringing. The caller ID said Cindy Stevens.

“Hang on a sec, Laurie, I’ve got a call on the other phone I need to take.” I punched hold on the cell, and picked up the wired phone.

“This is Kari”

“Kari, good! This is Cindy, I’ve got some stuff for you, and some more things for you to sign. Can you come by before 5?”

“Sure, if I don’t have to dress up. I just got in from a walk”

“No, that’s fine” she laughed. “It’ll only take about 15 minutes.”

“I can be there in about 30,” I said.

“Take 45, I’m sure you’ll want to towel off first. See ya!”

Picking up my cell, I punched Laurie back up, “Hey, that was a call I’ve been expecting, gotta go run and take care of some things.”

“Call me later then,” Laurie said. “We’re thinking about dinner and a movie Saturday night, if you and Kathy are free.”

“I’ll talk to Kath and call you, sounds good, though.”

“Bye, then!”

A quick wipe with a washcloth, touched up my makeup, then I slipped on a skirt and blouse and headed out the door. Most of the traffic was headed the other way, so I made good time.

The receptionist showed me right in to Cindy, who opened a folder on her desk.

“I was able to push through your name change, here’s your new Social Security card, voter ID, and bank card. You need to fill this out to order new checks, and sign this new signature card.”

“That was fast! I’m impressed!” I exclaimed.

“Hey, I’m good!” Cindy replied. “Now, I got everything handled on your disability and insurance, those will continue with no gaps. Your credit card accounts are changed, but it takes a little longer to get new cards issued. They’ll be mailed directly to you."

"After your surgery is completed, I’ll be able to get an amended birth certificate issued, then we’ll be able to get your driving record changed so you can get a new driver’s license issued. Also I filed for amended titles on your house and car, this is an affidavit that says you are legally changing your name, not selling or transferring the property, so there won’t be any taxes added on. Sign here, and here.”

“Now, how’s married life” Cindy asked.


“I’d never have guessed, from the look on your face” Cindy commented dryly. “You’re positively glowing! One more hurdle left to jump. Nervous?”

“Yes I am. It’s all happening so fast. But I really want it to happen faster. I wish I could get it over with” I said.

“Count your blessings,” Cindy said. “You’re getting the express treatment. I had to wait almost two years myself.”

I was immediately apologetic, “I’m sorry, I realize how fortunate I’m, and not everybody is as lucky.”

“That’s alright, you came into this sidewise because of your medical condition. Just remember how lucky you are,” she said. “Well, that’s everything for now. If I don’t talk to you before, good luck with the surgery. Have somebody call me when it’s done.”

“Thanks, I will.”

When I got back to my car, I punched up Kathy on my cell, “Hi love!”

“Hi yourself! What’s doing?”

“I’m just leaving the lawyer, I’m now legally Karielle Elyse Taylor.”

“Hey, that’s great!”

“I haven’t had a chance to cook, shall we eat out,” I asked.

“I’m beat, and my feet hurt,” Kathy said. “How about if I pickup some Chinese on the way home?”

“That’s good for me,” I said. “If you get some extra fortune cookies, I’ll even rub your feet!”

“Honey, if you’ll rub my feet and my back, I’ll get you a case of the damn things!”


“See ya at home. Kisses!”

I headed home, driving carefully in the heavy traffic. Wouldn’t do to get pulled over now, I didn’t want to have to explain the disparity between my license and my appearance. Another thing I’d be glad to have over and done with. Everything now hinged on the surgery.

As if on cue, my cell rang, caller ID said it was Dr. Hanson’s office. I answered it long enough to say “Just a sec” and set it down. Spotting a convenience store I pulled in and stopped, then picked the phone back up.

“Sorry, I was in traffic and had to pull over.”

“Very proper of you, Kari, but I’m not surprised. Can you come by my office Monday morning, I’ve got something to show you.”

“This isn’t going to delay my surgery, is it,” I asked, suddenly nervous.

“Not at all,” she said. “It’s a good thing. It may even move things up a few days, if you’re willing.”

“Ooh, I like it already!”

“Alright then. 10 AM Monday morning. You can bring Kathy if you want.”

“I’ll see if she’s free, she’s started working.”

“Either way, Karielle. See you Monday morning.”

I drove the rest of the way home excited. Move up the surgery, that would be wonderful. I felt like a kid the day before Christmas, I couldn’t stand the wait, I wanted to open my presents now!

I had just gotten home and kicked off my shoes when Kathy came in, set several sacks on the coffee table and yelled “Dinner!”.

I walked into the living room and greeted her with a long kiss.

“Ummm, nice!” she said. “Let’s eat so you can get busy rubbing my feet.”

“I don’t see any case of fortune cookies, I thought we had a deal,” I pouted.

“Will you take an IOU,” Kathy asked.

“From you?” I asked in mock surprise. (I don’t know, do all newly married couples act this goofy, or is it just us?) “I guess so,”

Kathy gave me another kiss, then we sat down to eat.

“So what was your day like,” she asked me.

“All sorts of things” I replied. “I met the neighborhood gossip, let me fill you in on our story,” and I told her what I’d told Mrs. Carter.

“And Cindy called, she got a bunch of stuff done, look!”

I got out my new ID cards, showing them off like a proud parent of a new baby.

“That’s good, now all you need is the surgery,” Kathy said.

“News there too! Dr. Hanson called me on my way home. She wants to see me Monday morning, 10 AM, you’re invited also, if you can make it.”

“Why,” Kathy asked.

“I’m not sure, she has something to show me. It could result in my surgery being moved up.”

“For that, I’ll make time,” Kathy responded. “I’ll clear my Monday AM schedule tomorrow, nothing on it as far as I know anyway.”

By then we’d finished eating, and I gathered up all the cartons and dumped them in the trash.

Returning to the living room, I found Kathy stretched out on the couch, so I lifted her legs and sat down, taking her feet in my lap. I took her left foot and started massaging the ball of her foot.

“Oh, that feels so good! For this I’d marry you all over again.”

After I finished rubbing her feet, I pulled her up, unbuttoned her blouse and removed it, then removed her bra and rolled her face down on the couch so I could rub her shoulders and back. Understand, this took a lot longer to accomplish than to tell; as neither of us was in any great rush we took time to enjoy ourselves while doing it.

When I got done, Kathy lay face down, utterly relaxed.

“You realize that now you’re going to have to carry me to bed. There’s no way I can get up.”

“Too early for bed anyway” I said. “Let’s see what’s on TV.” Why is that with over a hundred channels, there’s still nothing to watch?

“Anything on the movie channels” Kathy asked. By now, she had turned around on the couch and lay with her head in my lap, stroking my legs with her hand. It felt good and was incredibly distracting.

“Oh, glad you said that. Laurie called, wants to know if we want to go with them for dinner and a movie tomorrow night.”

“What time?” Kathy asked.

“I don’t know,” I said.


“Don’t know.“

“Which movie? Let me guess, you don’t know that either.” I smiled sheepishly as I shook my head.

Kathy reached up and thumped my head with her finger. “Blonde!”

“Hey now, you’re a blonde too!” and I thumped her back.

“Yeah, but I don’t act like it all the time!”, this with a tickle in my side.

Before this dissolved into a tickle match, Kathy sat up.

“Where’s a phone, I’ll call her. My purse was on the table, so she grabbed my phone and hit Laurie on speeddial.

“Hi Laurie!”

"No, this is Kathy, my sister is acting even more blonde that usual, so it’s up to me to be the responsible one and OUCH!”

“No, she just pinched me in the side, You’ll pay for that!”

“No, I meant Kari. Anyway, what did you have in mind for tomorrow night?”

“7:30, Olive Garden. What about the movie?”

“Whatever sounds good?”

“OK, we’re in.”

“She’s right here, just a sec,” and handed the phone to me.


“Hi yourself! Why are you picking on Kathy?”

“The ingrate! I just finished rubbing her feet and massaging her shoulders after a hard day at work, and she picks on me for not knowing a few minor details! It’s not fair!”

“Ooh, sounds nice! Tell her to quit picking on you.” (Aside to Kathy: “She said to quit picking on me!”)

“What are you going to wear,” Laurie asked.

“I don’t know, what about you?”

“Nothing too fancy, but we thought skirts would be nice.”

I turned to Kathy, “Laurie says skirts, but not too dressy.”

“Fine by me”

“Kathy said fine.”

“Cool, see ya later, bye!”

Kathy was rummaging in my purse during the last, and when I set the phone down, handed me my next dose of pills.

“Time to take your medicine.”

“Do I have to?” I mock whined. “Yes, you want to grow up and have boobs like your big sister!” (We had determined that she was a week older than me, although we were both Pisces.)

I swallowed the pills, then poked her in the chest, “Don’t call those boobs, they’re much too pretty to be called boobs.”

Kathy looked down at her chest and cradled her breasts in her hands, “They are, aren’t they! Then you want to be sure and get a pair just like them,” she said, and poked me back.

I tickled her in the side, she tried to tickle me back, but was hindered by the fact that I was still fully dressed. So she proceeded to try to strip my clothes off to even things up. Eventually we finished up in bed, worn out and happy.

Saturday morning Kathy got up to go to work, while I remained in bed. Walking into the bedroom with a cup of coffee, she stood and contemplated me for a minute.

“You look like a lazy cat lying there,” she said.

“Just leave my saucer of cream on the nightstand,” I replied, stretching and yawning.

“Meow!” she said. “Keep that up and I’ll skip work and climb back in bed with you.”

My response was to stretch my arms over my head and smile at her.

“Arrggh!” she said, and left the room. As she walked down the hall she called back “I should be home by three. Pick us out something to wear tonight.”

I got up a short time later and blessed Kathy when I found she left some coffee for me. Walking back into the bedroom, I contemplated the closet for a few minutes, the decided what the heck and pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. My imitation breasts did interesting things to the fit of the shirt, and I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to imagine them as real. Someday, I hoped.

I slipped on some flats and walked outside to pick up the morning paper. Several of my neighbors were outside, working in their yards and such. Previously they had ignored me as if I didn’t exist, but today several waved and a woman walking by with her young children smiled and said “Hi!” to me.

I said “Hi!” back, thinking to myself that Mrs. Carter must have been on the phone all evening reporting on us. I went back inside and poured myself a second cup of coffee, and sat down at the kitchen table to read the paper.

A little while later the doorbell rang, I opened it to find a young girl, maybe 8 or so, holding some brochures in her hand. Her mother was standing by the driveway.

“Hi, my name is Brittany, and I’m selling these for my school,” and she held out the brochures, which I took and looked at.

She reached over and pulled one out and put it on top.

“My momma said you were sick and maybe you couldn’t eat the candy, but these candles,” pointing at the brochure “are real pretty and they smell really nice. This one’s my favorite,” she said, pointing at a lilac-scented candle.


“Oh yes! Mamma only lets me light mine when she’s home ‘cause she said it’s a fire haz - haz…”

“Hazard?” I supplied.

“Yes! haz-zard, Hazard! It’s a fire hazard!” and she gave me a heartbreaking smile.

“She’s right. You must be really careful with fire.”

I looked up at her mother, who mouthed “Thank you” to me.

“Your welcome” I mouthed back.

“I’d love to buy one of your candles, let me get my purse.”

“Oh you don’t have to pay now, just when you get the candle” Brittany said. “I just need to put your name down.”

She pulled out a pencil and sat down on the concrete.

“It’s K-A-R-I-E-L-L-E” and she carefully printed each letter. “My last name is Taylor, do you know that?”

“Of course” with the scorn of a child who thinks an adult is talking down to her, and she carefully wrote down T-A-I-L-O-R. I looked at her mother and drew a “Y” in the air with my finger, and her mother smiled and nodded.

Brittany got my attention then, “Kari…” and I realized she was trying to figure out how to pronounce my name.

“It’s Karielle”.

“Karielle! That’s pretty!”

“Thank you, honey! It’s not as pretty as Brittany though.”

“Almost it is!”

“Okay, it’s almost as pretty. When will the candle be in?” I asked.

“Oh, in..” and she glanced back at her mother who was holding up six fingers, “six weeks. I’ll bring it over when it comes in.”

“That would be very nice of you” I said.

“I gotta go now, see ya! An’ Thank you!” she yelled back over her shoulder at me as she took her mother’s hand.

“Your welcome, honey!” I replied, and her mother smiled back at me.

As I closed the door behind me, I considered that no young child had ever come to Elliot’s door to sell something, was I that different as Karielle? Maybe I was.

About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang again. Opening it, I saw Brittany’s mother standing there.

“Sorry to bother you again. I’m Suzanne Thomas, Brittany’s mother.”

“Yes” I smiled, “I remember you.”

“Well Brit forgot to mark which candle you wanted. She said it was the large lilac one, but it’s the most expensive one on the page, so I wanted to make sure.”

“Brittany said it was her favorite, so who am I to question her judgment?”

“Well thank you, I just wanted to make sure.”

“That’s fine. She’s a lovely child, Mrs. Thomas” I said.

“Call me Suzanne, please. We just live down the street. It’s nice to have you in the neighborhood.”

“Thank you, Suzanne. I think I’m going to enjoy living here.”

Suzanne hesitated, as if debating something with herself.

“I don’t mean to pry, but the word is you’ve been sick”

“Yes, I’m having to have some surgery performed.”

“No chemo?” she asked.

“Thankfully, no, I’d hate to have my hair falling out.”

“Well, what I wanted to say was, if there’s anything we can do, you know, to help, just ask.”

I know my eyes got wet then, but I replied “Thank you, that’s very thoughtful of you.”

“Brittany is quite taken with you, she says you’re a ’special pretty lady’”

“I think she’s a special pretty young lady myself” I replied. “Your only child?”

“Yes, I had problems during my pregnancy, and the doctor said it would be too risky to have another” she said. “I’ve got to run, but it’s nice chatting with you.”

“I enjoyed it, and thank you,” I said.

I sat back down at the table and thought about what just occurred. I had just met this woman, and on the strength of her child’s opinion of me, she offered help if needed. This never would have happened to Elliot. It left me feeling extraordinarily good, that this child should trust me. I guess I got lost in my thoughts, as the next time I looked at the clock, it was after 1 PM. Oops, things to do! Clothes first.

I opened the closet and pondered the contents. Skirts, but not too dressy. Well, denim would fit that description, and I pulled out two identical denim skirts we’d bought the week before. Not too short, several inches above the knee; pleated, they had sleek lines but lots of give.

Blouses, and I thought hard about that. It took several tries before I located two tops that would work. Long sleeved, square-neck knit, one sky blue and the other aqua colored. Two denim jackets with bead work and wedge sandals completed the look.

Next I hopped in the shower, after pinning up my hair. My legs looked good, but I shaved my underarms. Just a faint fuzz on my lip, so I lathered up and shaved my face carefully.

I patted myself dry as I had been instructed, wrapped a towel around me and went in to sit down at the vanity. The vanity was one of Kathy’s contributions to the house, and was straining under a double load of makeup.

I started with a light foundation, blending it in carefully, then applied a pale blush. Looking at the tops, I decided I would wear the sky blue one. There was an eye shadow quite close in color, so I set it to the side.

The next chore, however, would be eyeliner. Picking up the pencil, I tried to apply the liner to each eye. It took several tries, but I finally got it to my satisfaction. I’d have to see what Kathy thought about the permanent eyeliner, sure would save effort. Next I applied the selected eye shadow.

I was looking at my efforts in the mirror, not quite right but I wasn’t sure what the problem was, when I heard Kathy come in.

“Hi Honey, I’m home!” she called out.

“Back here,” I yelled.

Kathy came in and hugged me from behind, then looked in the mirror at my efforts.

“Got a ways to go yet, I see.”

“I’m trying,” I said. Kathy went into the bathroom and came out with some cotton swabs and tissue.

“Scoot over.” I slid down the bench and she sat astride it facing me.

First she used a swab to remove some of the eyeliner, then smudged the rest slightly. The result was a less harsh line. She looked at the tops then asked “Planning on wearing the blue one, I guess?” I nodded.

“You can’t have just blue, it’s too monotone. We’ll add a little Teal to the mix” and she brushed the teal across my eyelid, then faded it into the blue below my eyebrow. She then took an eyebrow pencil and added some more definition to my brows.

“Not enough blush, you use more at night.”

“I wasn’t sure.“

“That’s fine” she said. “Most beginners apply it too heavily.”

“Now for your lips. We’ll use a subtle red, not too strong.” She picked up a lip liner and outlined my lips, then brushed in color. Somehow when she was done, my lips looked larger and fuller.

“You’ve got to show me how you do that”

“I will, never fear” Kathy said. “A little powder to set the makeup,” and she dusted my face with the brush.

“There, how’s that?”

I looked in the mirror, “Only about 900% better!”

“Well, I’m for the shower” and she kissed me behind my ear. “Don’t want to mess up your makeup.”

“If I’d known that, I’d have waited,” I complained.

Kathy patted my cheek, “Patience, dear. All good things come to those who wait.”

While Kathy was in the shower I started getting dressed. Pantyhose and underwear, and I found a low-cut bra in a pale blue that looked good under the top. Slipping on the skirt, I marveled at the freedom of movement provided by the pleats. I decided I’d wait and slip on the wedges later.

PURSES! I remembered seeing some purses in a box in Kathy’s old bedroom. I dug through the box and found two classy denim purses with shoulder straps. Laying them on the bed, I couldn’t decide which one to use, so I closed my eyes and picked one. I dumped my current purse on the bed, then transferred the contents to the new one.

Kathy emerged from the bathroom just then.

“Get the sack I left in the entry, would you please” she asked. Bringing it back, I saw it contained two set of hot rollers.

“Plug those in over here, would you?” so I pulled them out and plugged them in and turned them on.

“There’s a cup there that needs to be filled with water, these are steam rollers.”

I followed her instructions, then sat down and watched her put on her own makeup, learning a little in the process.

When the rollers were hot, Kathy had me sit down at the vanity facing the mirror.

“You need to learn how to do this, but I’ll take care of it for tonight.”

She directed me to hand her the rollers, explaining how each size was used.

“Okay, it will take 30 minutes or so for those to work” Kathy said. “Let me in there so I can do my hair” and in next to no time she had her hair all rolled up. She dressed quickly then sat down on the bed next to me.

“How was your day?”

I told her about the new friendliness of the neighbors compared to previously. When I got to the story of Brittany, Kathy gave me a hug.

“Little children are so open and trusting, you’ve got to be very careful not to hurt them.”

“When she looked up at me with those wide, trusting eyes and big smile, my heart just melted,” I told her.

“That explains what happened when I came home,” Kathy said. “I drove by the house just up the street, and the little girl playing in the yard gave me a big wave.”

“I hoped you waved back,” I said.

“Of course” she replied

When I told her about Suzanne’s separate visit, Kathy’s eyes got a bit teary. “There are some good people here. I want to meet Suzanne and Brittany.”

She reached over and felt my hair. “Okay, time to unroll this. You can do that. Pull the clip off, and let the roller unwind, don’t pull on it.” It only took a couple of minutes to unwind all the rollers, and I had big, bouncy curls hanging all around my head. Kathy sprayed them with a setting spray and let it dry for a minute.

“Now, take that big brush and start carefully brushing your hair from the top down. Don’t pull on it. Just brush the surface of the hair. Now flip over at your waist, and brush the underside of your hair all the way around, then straighten up, flipping your hair back in a single motion. Then brush it back down, from the top of your head to the ends.”

I followed her directions, and soon a full head of cascading waves of hair emerged, hanging down past my shoulders.

“Not bad” Kathy said. “A little less lift at the top, I think,” and she brushed it down. Then she pulled a section of hair back from the side of my face and fastened it with a gold barrette at the back. She did the same on the other side. “How’s that look?” she asked.

“Great, as usual,” I replied. By then her hair was ready, and she quickly duplicated my look. I got out some gold dangling earrings and slipped them through my ears, and handed a matching set to Kathy.

“What time is it” Kathy asked.

“Oops, almost 7, time to go!” I said.

We got to the Olive Garden about 20 after. Laurie and Kelli were already there, and Nova arrived soon afterwards. We got a large round table where we could all see and hear each other, and I swear, they all started talking at once. When the conversational intensity dropped, I made an effort to track what was being said, but still missed about 20%. In some areas, I may never be a total woman.

Kathy, as usual, dragged me into the conversation, “Kari, tell them about the little girl.”

So I told them about my young door to door saleswoman. When I described how precious she was, with those big trusting eyes and smile, they all went “awaaah!” When I told them what her mother repeated about her describing me as a ”special pretty lady” the general response was how cute little girls are at that age. “Makes you want one of your own,” Laurie said, and heads around the table nodded.

The discussion shifted to men in general, and what we looked for in potential mates.

Somebody noticed Kathy and I were wearing wedding rings (Kathy took the engagement ring off before she went to work). We gave our stock answer about keeping some of the wolves at bay.

The general opinion was that it sounded like a good idea, but didn’t work as well sometimes as you’d want. Nova’s comment “I haven’t had a problem with too many men bothering me,” earned her a raspberry from Kelli.

When the topic turned to which movie to see, I kept quiet until a consensus seemed to be emerging then joined in. When we sat down, somehow Laurie ended up between Kathy and me. Drat! No holding hands in the dark!


We slept in Sunday morning, then had a late brunch while reading the newspaper. After that a couple of hours were spent cleaning the house and starting the laundry. Kathy had some things she wanted to try out in the house: lamps, pictures, knick-knacks, etc, so we unpacked a couple of her boxes and spent some time rearranging the house. By 3:30 or so we decided it was time to take a break.

“Lets go for a walk” I suggested.

“Sounds like a good idea, I should get more exercise” Kathy said.

We headed up the street and I saw Brittany playing in her front yard. I waved at her and she yelled “Hi Karielle!” then ran into the house. She immediately ran back out and commanded “You wait for me” than zipped back inside. A minute or so later she came running back out with a camera, followed by her mother.

She ran up to us, glanced at Kathy, then, clearly dismissing her, grabbed my hand and tugged on it. “I wanna picture of us!”

“Brittany, it isn’t nice to ignore Karielle’s sister like that” Suzanne scolded.

“I’m sorry”, Brittany said to Kathy. “Here, you can take the picture,” and she thrust the camera into Kathy’s hands, then resumed tugging me over in front of the house.

“Well, guess I’ve been put in MY place,” Kathy said quietly.

Suzanne walked up to Kathy and held out her hand, “Hi! I’m Suzanne Thomas, Brittany’s mother. I apologize for her manners, she’s got a one-track mind sometimes.”

“I’m Kathy. That’s alright, Suzanne, I wasn’t any better when I was her age.”

“The pic-ture!” Brittany commanded, then turned to me, “You stand right here, Karielle.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Brittany reached up and took my hand, and gave me that sunny smile of hers, and I smiled in return.


“That was perfect!” Suzanne said.

“Another one!” Brittany demanded.

“Okay honey” her mother said, “This time look at the camera you two”.

We smiled for the camera, CLICK!

Brittany then insisted on showing me all the flowers that were coming up in the flower beds, naming each one carefully and describing their color. Kathy and Suzanne chatted while this was going on.

Kathy: “Kari told me about meeting Brittany yesterday, I see she didn’t exaggerate. Brittany is certainly a sweetheart.”

“Oh don’t let her fool you, she’s a little terror most of the time”, Suzanne replied.

“Well, she certainly charmed Kari, I heard all about her when I got home from work.”

“Where do you work?”

“A Cut Above, I’m a stylist” I told her.

“That explains why you both have such beautiful hair” Suzanne said. “I never have the time to do a thing with mine.”

“You know, take a little weight off the ends, and your hair would look fine, and be easier to care for.”

“Maybe I should drop by sometime while Brit’s at school,” Suzanne said.

“Do that,” I replied, “I’m new in town, so I don’t have a lot of regulars. I could fit you in most anytime. And I’ll make you a good deal, 15% off my regular prices.”

“You don’t have to do that” Suzanne protested.

“Suzanne,” I said, “Kari told me what you said. We’re both touched by your offer.”

“It just seems the right thing to do,” she said. “How is your sister, by the way, she looks so thin, is she getting better?”

“She’s got another surgery coming up sometime in the next week, hopefully it will be the last, at least for now. We see the doctor tomorrow to find out what’s planned.”

“Oh, dear, I hope Brit’s not tiring her out,” Suzanne worried, and looked over where Brittany was dragging Kari around the yard, hanging on to her with both hands. “Maybe I should call her?”

“No, don’t”, I said.

“Are you sure?” Suzanne asked.

“Kari has been a bundle of nerves for the last week, Brittany is the best tonic she could have right now. It’s good for her heart to see your daughter’s love of life.”

“She’ll never have children, will she,” Suzanne asked quietly.

“No,” I said, “Her ovaries are irreparably damaged, the doctors say she’s sterile. Eventually she’ll have to have a hysterectomy, but their putting that off until she’s stronger.”

“Oh”, Suzanne said. Just then Kari and Brittany returned from their tour, and we dropped the subject.

Kari: By the time we got back to Kathy and Suzanne, I felt like my right arm had been stretched several feet longer than the left. But Brittany’s enthusiasm had carried me along with her as she proudly showed me her flower garden to be.

“Brittany didn’t tire you too much did she?” Suzanne asked.

“Not at all, I enjoyed it,” I said, and I actually did. I felt as if a weight had been lifted from me.

“Momma, I promised Karielle I’d give her some flowers when they grew, okay?” Brittany asked.

“Certainly, honey, you can share your flowers with Kari”, Suzanne replied.

“That’s very generous of you,” I said.

“Not at all” Suzanne replied, “it’s neighborly.”

I could feel myself starting to tear up, there was this aura of love that washed over me. I tried to wipe my eyes inconspicuously, but Suzanne saw me and pulled a tissue out of her dress pocket and handed it to me.

“Thanks,” I mumbled as I wiped my eyes.

Suzanne placed her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it, “Good luck at the doctor tomorrow.”

“Kathy told you, did she?”

“The offer’s still open, all you have to do is ask,” Suzanne said.

She turned to Brittany “Come on Brits, let’s let Kari and Kathy get on with their walk, it’s time for you to go inside.”

“OK, Mom,” Brittany said. “Bye Karielle, bye Kathy, nice to meet you.”

I said “Bye Brittany” and Kathy said “Good bye, Brittany, nice to meet you too.”

“She’s as sweet as you said” Kathy told me.

“Yeah, it’s funny, I never was much for children, but already there’s a little space in my heart that has “Brittany” written on it. I suppose that seems silly.” I said.

“No,” Kathy replied. “The more you love, the more you can love.”

I took Kathy’s hand and squeezed it, and that’s how we finished our walk, holding hands.


Monday morning rolled around finally, and I was awake early. Kathy still slept peacefully, so I slipped out of the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I made a pot of coffee, took a cup into the living room and turned on the TV. The morning shows were as banal as I remembered, so I turned the TV off.

I tucked my feet up under me and thought about how I’d gotten here. Now that I thought about it, I could see that all through my life, my behavior had been more feminine than masculine, something that had probably driven my father crazy.

My mother, on the other hand, had always been supportive of me. I remembered one time, after a particularly difficult start at yet another new school, my mother told me “I don’t care who or what you are, as long as you are happy”. Had she foreseen this?

I sighed, and Kathy’s voice startled me “You ok?”

“Yeah, just thinking about life, the universe and everything.”

“Another Douglas Adams fan, I see,” Kathy said. “Why the heavy sigh?”

“I was remembering something my mother told me,” and I repeated it to her. “I wonder if she somehow knew this time would come, and wanted me to know she would support whatever I chose to do.”

I started crying, not sobbing but a slow steady stream of tears, and Kathy held me until they slowed.

“I wish she was here!”

“Of course you do, honey” Kathy soothed me. You’re scared, and the child in you wants her mother.”

I finally sat up, and looked at the clock, “Oh, we need to be getting ready, we’ll be late.”

“We can shower at the same time, I’ll scrub your back,” Kathy said with a smile.

“Sounds good!”

When it came time to decide what to wear, I couldn’t make up my mind.

Kathy finally pulled a shirtdress out and said “Here, put this on.” It was a pale green color with long sleeves, the hem came to just above my knees, I had to admit it looked good.

“Now, about your hair” Kathy started.

“I don’t know!”

“What I was GOING to say was, I will fix it for you.” Kathy sounded like she was gritting her teeth.

“I’m not sure if it’s the Blonde Effect, nerves, or a combination of the two, but you’re a mess! By the way, have you taken your pills,” she asked.

“No, I forgot,” I admitted.

“Combination of both, then. Here, swallow!”

She then pulled my hair back and secured it with a copper barrette. After that she did my makeup, then had to hurriedly fix herself up as we were running behind by then.

When we got to Dr. Hanson’s office, there was a man already in the waiting room, but the receptionist showed us right in.

Dr. Hanson looked from one to the other of us, “Karielle?”

I raised my hand.

“Good, it’s getting harder to tell the two of you apart. I asked you to come in today, not only because I wanted to discuss your surgery with you, but also to present you with an offer.”

“I was contacted last Friday by Dr. Miller, the gentleman waiting outside. He works for Prosthetics, Unlimited, a company which designs breast implants, among other things. They’ve developed a new breast implant whose size can be enlarged or reduced after they are surgically implanted."

"Normally we wouldn’t consider implants for you at this stage, as your own breasts are going to develop as the hormones work on you. But these can be resized as your breasts grow, so you can maintain a constant breast size."

"The advantage to you is considerable. No more gluing on breast forms, your figure would look totally natural, no matter what you wear. The implants use a new fluid they’ve developed to replace the saline currently being used. Like silicone, it would give your implants a natural weight and feel, like natural breast tissue.”

“What are they wanting from me,” I asked, and Kathy nodded.

“Here’s the deal,” Dr. Hanson said. “They’ll supply the implants free of charge, and pick up 50% of your total surgical expenses, and supply a surgical team to install the implants. They’ll pay for all of the follow-up medical care relating to the implants, including removing them should that be necessary, and replacing them with conventional implants. You’d see their doctor every 90 days or more often if necessary, and all treatments to size them to your wishes will be done by them, all at no charge."

"In return you agree to be part of their study for a period of five years, and to allow your case to be written up in a medical paper, with suitable safeguards for your privacy, of course. I’ve got to tell you, the amount of care they are providing would probably cost several hundred thousand dollars if you had to pay for it on your own. What do you think?”

Kathy looked at me and nodded.

“I’m willing to talk to him,” I said.

Dr, Hanson invited Dr. Miller in. “Which of you young ladies is Karielle?”

“I am” I said.

"I suppose Dr. Hanson has told you something of our offer?”

“Yes, but I assume you can supply more details.”

“Yes, I can. Each implant has a self-sealing valve in the lower side. Within a certain range, the size can be increased or decreased by inserting a hypodermic through your skin into the valve and adding or subtracting fluid.

Here’s one of the implants,” and he took a clear plastic blob out of a box and placed on the desk. “The valve is here, as you can see it’s extremely small, it will be unnoticeable after they are implanted.”

“Then how can you locate the valve to change the size,” I asked.

“See this guide,” and he held up a small ring, “It’s actually a small but powerful magnet. Placed against your skin in the proper area it will align itself with the valve” and he demonstrated how it clicked into place over the valve.

“Then we insert the syringe though the hole in the guide, and we can add or subtract fluid. This fluid has already been extensively tested in the laboratory, it’s absolutely harmless to your body.”

“What if the valve leaks” Kathy asked.

“Practically impossible. Here, let me show you.”

He pulled out a rubber mallet and WHACK!, hit the implant lying on the desk. He then handed the implant to me, I looked it over, then passed it to Kathy.

“See, no leaks, and the sac itself is practically rupture-proof.”

He took it back from Kathy and picked up the syringe. “It’s even puncture-proof” and he pressed the needle tip against the implant and pushed, without the needle going in.”

“Sounds impressive,” I said. “Do you have a copy of the agreement that I can show to my lawyer?”

“Right here.”

“When do you need an answer,” Kathy asked.

“That’s the thing. We already have a surgical team in the area, if you consent right away, we can fit you in this week. Otherwise, you’d have to come to our medical center in Boston, or wait until another team is scheduled in this area. The decision is yours, I’m not trying to rush you. We will accept Karielle as a subject anytime in the next 300 days.”

“Dr. Hanson, if I say yes, my other surgery can be performed at the same time?” I asked.

“That can easily be scheduled,” she said.

“And your company is picking up all the expense relative to the implants, and paying 50% of my total medical bill, including hospital stay, surgical expenses, and the like?” I asked Dr, Miller.

“That’s correct.” I looked over at Kathy, who nodded, and made a open-hand gesture to me.

“Alright then, subject to my attorney’s review of this agreement, I’m your girl.”

“Excellent! You’re an ideal subject for our trial, I was hoping you’d agree. How long do you think you’ll need to get that checked by your lawyer?”

“Let me call her and get her input.”

I pulled out my cell and punched Cindy’s number. I identified myself to her receptionist and was put right through.

“Cindy, this is Kari Taylor.”

“Hi Kari, what can I do for you?” she asked.

“Cindy, I’ve been made an offer I’m not sure I can refuse. I’ve been asked to take part in the clinical trials of a new breast implant,” and I gave her a brief description.

“The thing is, they’ve already got a surgical team here, and if I agree, they can do the implants this week, and the rest of my surgery at the same time.”

“What have they offered you,” Cindy asked, and I explained the deal.

“Do you have a copy of the agreement, and can you fax it over?”

“Do you have a fax machine” I asked Dr. Hanson.

“Right over there,” she pointed.

“What’s your fax number, Cindy?”

“555-0144” I walked over to the fax, Dr. Hanson showed me where to insert the documents and I dialed the number.

“On their way.”

“OK, let me look them over and I’ll call you right back.”

“That fast?”

“Maybe. If I need more time than that, I’ll let you know.”

I hung up and turned to Dr. Hanson and Dr. Miller, “She may have an opinion for me in a few minutes, it depends on what she sees.”

“I think she’ll be pleased with the agreement, we’re an ethical company.”

Dr. Hanson had coffee brought in, and we all sat back with a cup. I tried to relax, but failed.

Kathy reached over and squeezed my hand. It seemed like forever, but was probably only 15 minutes, until my phone rang. My throat suddenly dry, I was barely able to say hello.

“Kari, this is Cindy, this looks good. Subject to a few changes, I say go for it. Let me talk to their representative.”

I turned to Dr. Miller, “She wants to talk to you." "Cindy, here’s Dr, Miller” and I handed the phone to him.

“This is Dr. Miller, and you are?”

“A pleasure talking to you, Ms Stevens, what do you want to discuss?” As he talked to her, he retrieved the agreement from the fax machine, going through the pages, making notations in the margins.

“Yes, I can agree to that."

"Hmmm, that’s a little more than we usually cover, but…., I have the authority to accept that."

"Of course, you’re correct that should read……"

"Alright, I’ll sign that, can you fax it over?" "Kari, she wants to talk to you.”

I took the phone back. “Kari”

“Kari, that’s a pretty good deal they’re offering, I got them to sweeten it a bit more. If you want to accept, then I’d advise you to go ahead.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and said “okay”.

“I’m faxing back the revised agreement, make sure you and he sign that one, then get copies and drop them by the office,” Cindy told me. “You can back out anytime until they start cutting, don’t worry.”

“Okay, thanks Cindy. Bye” I gathered the papers up from the fax and turned to Dr. Miller, “Where do I sign.”

“Right here” I signed, then he signed, then Dr. Hanson and Kathy signed as witnesses.

“Let me make some calls” he said, and he sat down in the corner with a notepad, a daily planner and his cell.

“Dr. Miller and I have been friends for a long time, that’s why he contacted me about these trials,” Dr. Hanson said. “I immediately thought of you, and after I described your case, he agreed you’d be a perfect subject. I believe you’re in good hands, or I never would have called you.”

Just then Dr. Miller spoke up, “Excuse me? Subject to your approval, here’s the schedule. You’ll check into the University Medical Center Wednesday afternoon. Surgery is scheduled for 9 AM Thursday morning, and should take about 4-5 hours. You’ll need to plan on a five day hospital stay, that’s mostly to monitor you for complications from your other surgery, the implant operation is fairly routine.”

“Afterwards we’ll provide you with a schedule of follow-up examinations, and any changes you need can normally be made during these follow-ups. Is that agreeable?”

I nodded, then managed to say “yes” when Dr. Miller cupped his hand around his ear, indicating that I needed to make a verbal response. Dr. Miller made some notations on a sheet, told the person on the phone to “lock it down”, and hung up.

Turning back to me, he held out a sheet. “Here’s a list of what we’d like you to bring to the hospital, check-in time is at the top. Dr Hanson probably has some other things to add to that list. Thank you for agreeing to be a part of our study, you won’t regret it.” He excused himself then, and left.

I sat there in a daze, holding the paper he gave me. Dr. Hanson looked at me.

“Kari? Karielle? Are you alright?” she asked.

I shook myself as I returned to the world, looked around her office, and in my best British accent said “Pardon me, but have you seen a large white rabbit come by?”

Dr. Hanson and Kathy both cracked up, and I joined them, although my laughter may have had a slight hysterical tinge to it.

“I suppose it does seem as if you’ve fallen through the looking glass, doesn’t it? Come with me and I’ll give you something to help you.”

Into the exam room we went, and once again I was injected in the rear with something to relax me.

Dr. Hanson stepped back into her office and told Kathy, “Take her straight home and put her to bed, she’ll be out like a light in 30 minutes, and should sleep for at least 6 hours. And here’s my list to add to Dr. Miller’s. I’ll be by Wednesday evening.”

Returning to the exam room, Dr. Hanson took my unresisting arm, “Time to go, Kari”

“O-Kay” I said.

She took me back to Kathy, who took me by the other arm. “Come on, love, time to go”


Kathy: By the time we got back to the house, Kari was almost rubbery, and could hardly walk. I took her inside, managed to get her undressed, then poured her into bed, where she immediately went to sleep. Looking at my watch, I decided I had time to go to the shop as originally planned. I’d need to make arraignments for some more time off anyway, better to do that in person.

When I got to the shop, Donna was looking at the appointment book.

“Glad you came in” Donna said, “I was just trying to set up a schedule for you.”

“That’s why I came by, I’m going to need Wednesday afternoon and all of Thursday off.”


“Yes, Kari enters the hospital Wednesday afternoon and her surgery is Thursday.”

“That’s fast” Donna said with a question in her voice.

“Can we go someplace more private, and I’ll fill you in.”

“My office do?”


After the door was closed I told Donna about the offer from the prosthesis company. “So, since their surgical team is already here, everything got moved up.”

“Where’s Kari now?”

“At home, asleep. Dr Hanson gave her something to help her relax. She’ll be out for hours.”

“This seems awfully sudden, are you two sure about this” Donna asked.

“I know, but Dr. Hanson seems positive that this is the right thing to do, she’s quite pleased with the progress Kari’s made already.”

“Still, I have to wonder at the speed.”

“May I tell you something in confidence, not to go outside this office?” I asked.

“Of course.”

“Elliot was suicidal before all this happened. He was so miserable with his life as it was, he just didn’t see any reason to prolong the pain.” Donna gasped.

“Since becoming Kari, he, SHE has opened up. You should have seen her with the little girl from down the street yesterday. Brittany was pulling her around, showing Kari her flower garden, and the joy on Kari’s face was something to behold. She was smiling so big, I thought she’d split her face. So yes, I think this is the right thing to do.”

“Now, I know I haven’t been here that much since you hired me. If you’d rather find somebody else to fill my slot, I understand.”

"Oh, hush” Donna said. “Elliot, or Kari, is part of our family here, and so are you now. You get things settled at home, take as much time as you need. We’ll work around you for now. That reminds me, a Mrs. Thomas called, a neighbor of yours?”

“Yes, that’s Brittany’s mother, I suggested she come by for a trim.”

“She wanted to know when you’d be available. I told her you’d call her back.”

“I thought maybe I’d try to come in for awhile tomorrow, say 10 to 3?”

“That’s up to you, your book is clear for now. Why don’t you give her a call right now. Unless there’s something else.”

“Nope, that’s it. I’ll call her.”

Back out at the desk I located Suzanne’s number in the appointment book and called her.

“Suzanne, this is Kathy, I understand you called?”

“Yes, Kathy, I wanted to set up a time for that trim, rather than just surprising you.”

“I’m glad you did,” I said, “Things are going to be a bit crazy for the next week or so, but how about tomorrow first thing, I’ll be here 10 to 3.”

“Oh, news from the doctor?”

“Yes, Kari enters the hospital Wednesday afternoon, surgery is Thursday morning.”

I heard a gasp behind me. I turned around and saw Sarah standing there, her hand covering her mouth. Sarah made a “you and me - talk!” motion with her hand, and I nodded.

“Are you sure, I can wait” Suzanne said.

“No, that’s fine. I need to get some hours in anyway, and I don’t want you going to the competition!”

“Not a chance of that. How’s Kari doing?”

“Actually, right now she’s sound asleep at home, the doctor gave her something.”

“That’s good. Oh, by the way, Brittany insisted I take her camera in to be developed. I just picked up the pictures, and the ones of her and Kari are beautiful. Can I bring them over to show you?”

“Maybe tomorrow evening, I don’t know how long she’ll sleep today” I replied. “Why not call first, our home number is 555-1001.”

“Alright, and I’ll see you at 10 tomorrow. Bye”

I wrote her into the book at 10 AM for a shampoo and cut, with a little smiley face next to her name.

“That’s cute” Sarah said.

“That’s my way of identifying my special customers” I told her. “That’s Brittany’s mom.”


“One of our neighbors, Brittany is her daughter, about second grade, I think. Brittany met Kari Saturday afternoon, and she’s got a crush on Kari. I think Kari has fallen in love with her too, she told me there’s special place in her heart for Brittany.”

“Oh, Kari’s got a new girlfriend!” Sarah said.

“Yes, and I don’t mind a bit, she’s such a sweet little girl. You should see the two of them together.”

“Now, what’s this about Kari and surgery, why haven’t you told us!”

“It all just happened, we only left the doctor’s office a couple of hours ago,” I said, and I gave her an abridged version of what I told Donna.

“Let us know as soon as she can have visitors, and give her our love.”

“I will”

When I got home, Kari was still asleep. I grabbed my camera and sneaked a few shots of her lying there, so lovely at rest, the worry lines gone from her face.


Kari: When I woke up, it was already Tuesday morning. Kathy was in the bathroom, getting ready for work. I walked up behind her and slipped my arms around her waist, laying my head on her shoulder. Kathy turned her head and kissed me on the forehead.

I looked up at her, “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

“Not nearly often enough” Kathy said, and kissed me again.

“So, you’re off to work, I take it?”

“Yes, Suzanne’s coming in first thing for a trim. I’ve got a great idea for a new style for her. By the way, she’s got the pictures from Brittany’s camera, she wants to bring them over later. Maybe around 4?”

“When are you coming home?” I asked her.

“I’m working until 3,” she said. “Then I’m taking Wednesday and Thursday off.”

“Thanks,” and I hugged her again.

“De nada, chicka.”

After a few minutes (too few!) Kathy said “Look, I gotta run, or I’ll be late. See you this afternoon. Be Good!”

“Yes mother,” I laughed.

I went into the kitchen, and blessed Kathy, she’d left me some coffee. I poured a cup and went in to the living room. Nothing in the paper worth reading, besides, I couldn’t concentrate anyway. I turned on the stereo and selected the oldies station. I’d always preferred the music of the seventies and eighties to the current stuff. The older music had a melody, and singers who could actually carry a tune.

After sitting and contemplating my navel for awhile, so to speak, I finally roused myself. Dressing in jeans and a sweater, I set out to walk off my nerves.

I wasn’t surprised to see Mrs. Carter come out and head for me.

“Good morning, dear” she said brightly.

“Good morning to you, Mrs. Carter. You’re looking good this morning.”

“You know how it is, dear. Some days are better than others.”

“Yes, I do know that” I sighed.

“You alright, dear” she asked with real concern in her voice.

“Yes, no, I don’t really know. I go in tomorrow for surgery.”

“Oh, my, is everything alright?”

“Well, it should be. It’s just that the surgery is going to be more extensive than I originally thought, and sooner than I expected, but the doctor insisted.”

“How long will you be in the hospital?”

“I don’t know, five days, maybe” I said.

Mrs. Carter put her hand on my arm, “The doctors are so good these days, I’m sure you’ll be fine, dear. I’ll pray for you, too.”

Well, that choked me up, but I managed a “Thank you”.

Shortly we reached her house and she excused herself, “You take care, dear, and don’t worry.”

“I will, and thank you” I replied.


Mrs. Carter went in her house, and the neighborhood grapevine came alive.

“Apparently it’s worse than they thought, they’ve got to do surgery right away.”

“She looks all drawn and tired, poor thing.”

“Must be hell for her.”

“I’ll take a casserole over Thursday, I’m sure her sister won’t have time to eat, being at the hospital all day.”

“A pie would be lovely.”

“I’ll call you later.”


When I got home, I decided I might as well start getting things ready for the hospital. I knew from previous experience that I would be bored out of my mind, so I decided to get some books to read.

I hopped in the car and ran down to the mall, where there was a Walden Bookstore. After picking up a couple of new Sci-Fi titles, I wandered through the store. In the woman’s section, I found a book on style and color that looked informative, as well as some chick books with intriguing covers. Not bodice rippers, just novels from a woman’s point of view.

After leaving the bookstore, I wandered for awhile, going no place in particular.

“Kari! Karielle!” I realized I was in front of the shoe store where Laurie worked.

“What are you doing, girl? You were a million miles away!” Laurie asked “Doing some shopping?”

“Yes, got some books to take to the hospital,” I replied without thinking.

“HOSPITAL! What, are you sick!”

“Well, I’m going in to have some surgery done.”


“Tomorrow, surgery on Thursday”


“Stop shouting, Laurie. I just found out for sure yesterday.”

“I’m going on break,” Laurie told the other girl in the store.

“Come on!” to me, and she dragged me into a coffee shop down the mall.

“Now spill” she said when we got our coffees and were seated.

“Well, I’ve got some plumbing problems, and they’re going to makes some repairs. They’ve also got some things they want to look at in my breasts, that’s why this all came up so fast.”

I was enveloped in a hug that almost crushed the breath out of me.

“Hey, careful now,” I said.

“I’m sorry,” Laurie was immediately apologetic. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“No, but I like to breath,” I replied.

“How long are you going to be in?”

“Five days or so, I guess.”

“Oh no, look at the time, I’ve got to get back,” Laurie said. “Will they allow visitors?”

“Probably not for the first couple of days, check with Kathy Friday.”

By then we were back at her store. “You take care of yourself, and get well soon. I’ll see ya!” Laurie said.

“See ya soon,” I replied. “Bye”

“Bye yourself,” and I got another hug.


As I walked away, another round of phoning started.

“Kelli, it’s Laurie. Hang on, I’m calling Nova.”

“Nova, it’s Laurie and Kelli, have I got news for you.”


“I just saw Kari, she’s going into the hospital tomorrow for surgery!”


“You’re kidding!”

“Nope, she just found out herself yesterday.”


"She said she has some ‘plumbing problems’ and they want to look at something in her breasts, very rush! You know what that sounds like!”

“Oh, my god! That sounds like what Mary’s mom had!”

“Yeah, that’s not good!”

“But she’s so young!”

“Well, you know what Mary said, age doesn’t really matter.”

“Look, I’ve got to go, let’s get together tonight, my place, 9:30.”


“See ya”.


Oblivious to all the turmoil I was leaving in my wake, I went to the big department store to get an item from my list. I walked into the woman’s section, then stopped, lost.

“May I help you” a salesgirl asked me.

“Yes, I’m going into the hospital, and I’m supposed to get a soft cotton bra to wear after surgery.”

"Oh yes, having a biopsy done?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Right over here, this is the one most prefer. Your size?”


“Then I’d recommend this one, it runs a little larger, so it won’t bind.”

“Guess I should get several” I said.

“I’d suggest 3. Anything else?”

“No, thank you.” I paid for my purchases and headed back to the house.

When I got home, I grabbed a suitcase from the garage, one that Kathy and I had just unpacked. When I opened, Kathy’s smell came out of it, I buried my face in it and inhaled deeply.

Then I started placing the things inside that I was asked to bring, cotton underwear, the bras, a robe and slippers, several nightgowns, all the usual toiletries, etc. Then I added my books, my MP3 player and headphones, and some other miscellaneous items. Poking through the vanity, I located some scrunches and threw them in.

Setting the suitcase aside, I tried to figure out what I’d wear to the hospital. I’d certainly need the tape, the expensive latex gaff I’d just bought wouldn’t be needed after Thursday, and there was no point in wearing it to the hospital And Kathy’s breast forms, I wouldn’t be needing these prosthetic ones either.

But I just couldn’t decide what to wear. I dithered for awhile, then recognized the signs that it was time to take my pills, so I did. Going into the living room, I flipped the stereo back on and sat down on the couch. Then I decided to stretch out for a minute. I don’t even remember falling asleep.

Kathy woke me when she came home. “Hey, sleepyhead, you’ll get all the chances you want to nap when you’re in the hospital. In the meantime, rise and shine!”

“Oh, hi.”

“Oh, hi she says! There’s a warm greeting for you! Come here and give me a hug!”

I not only gave her a hug, I got in a nice, long kiss.

“Now that’s more like it!” Kathy said. “Go brush your hair, Suzanne and Brittany will be here shortly. You want to look good for your girlfriend,” she teased. I was brushing my hair when the doorbell rang a few minutes later.

I opened the door to Suzanne and Brittany, before I could even say come in, Brittany rushed in and wrapped her arms around me.

“Oh Karielle, mamma said you hafta go to the hospital, are you ok? Promise you’ll be back, Promise!”

Gently prying her arms loose, I kneeled down to her level, “Of course I will honey. The doctor just has to fix some things.”

“I’ll miss you” she said.

“I’ll miss you too, honey” I told her. I straightened up and took her hand, “Let’s go sit down, why don’t we.”

I looked at Suzanne then for the first time, “Suzanne, I love your hair, it’s beautiful!”

Suzanne smiled, obviously pleased. “Your sister does good work”. It came down a little below her chin in a layered cut that fluffed around her head. I could see that just a few minutes scrunching some foam in it would give her an easy, carefree style. I noticed that she was carrying a box in her hands, my look reminded her of it.

“Oh, yes, I brought you two some dinner, I figured you had enough on your mind without having to worry about cooking. Hope you like tuna casserole.”

“I love tuna casserole,” I said.

“Me too,” Kathy said as she entered. “Here, let me take that and put it in the kitchen.”

Suzanne handed it to Kathy, then said “Just a sec” and retrieved a package with a bow on it and handed it to Brittany. A envelope of pictures she held on to. Kathy put the box in the kitchen, and came back in, and we all sat down, Brittany barely able to hold still.

“Okay, Brittany, now,” her mother said, and Brittany bounded over to me.

“This is for you to take to the hospital. I liked it the best.” and she handed me the ribbon-wrapped package.

Unwrapping it revealed a framed picture of me and Brittany. She was holding my hand and gazing up at me with that heart-breaking smile of hers, and I was smiling back at her. Across the bottom she had carefully printed “You are my bestest friend! Brittany“, with hearts drawn on either side of her name.

“Thank you Brittany! I’ll put it where I can always see it” and I gave her a big hug.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear “You get well!”. When she let go, there was a tap on my arm, and Kathy handed me a tissue. Wiping my eyes, I saw that Suzanne was doing the same for Brittany.

Settling back and composing myself, I accepted the other picture from Suzanne. It was a more conventional pose, Brittany and I standing facing the camera.

“The other is definitely my favorite” I told her.

“Can I come see you in the hospital?” Brittany asked.

“Now honey, I told you not to bother Kari about that,” her mother said.

“Brittany, I don’t know” I said. “I’ll have to see what the doctor says.”

Brittany looked downcast, so I added “Maybe after I get stronger, your mother and you and I can do something, alright?”

“I’d like that,” she said.

“Come on Brit, it’s time to go home. We don’t want to wear Kari out”, Suzanne said.

As they got up, the doorbell rang. Kathy was closest, so she answered it. At the door was a nice-looking middle-aged woman.

“You don’t know me, I’m Mrs. Howard from three doors down. I’ve been meaning to come over and welcome you to the neighborhood, then Ethel Carter said one of you was going to the hospital, so I brought this homemade apple pie for you. You know what they say about apples and doctors!”

“Thank you, Mrs. Howard. I’m Kathy Taylor, and this is Kari. She’s the one you heard about. Do you know Suzanne Thomas and her daughter?”

They said hello to each other, then Mrs. Howard came up to me and took my hand. “You be strong, dear, and everything will be alright.” She stepped back and said “I’ve got to be going. I just wanted to drop that off. Nice meeting you.”

“Nice meeting you, too,” Kathy said.

I called “Thank you” after her.

“I’ll just put this in the kitchen”, Kathy said.

Suzanne turned to me, “I think you’re in for it now”.

“Why’s that,” I asked.

“The neighborhood grapevine is obviously spreading the word about you far and wide. The first thing most of these women think to do when somebody is sick is bring food.”

I glanced pointedly at the kitchen table where Suzanne’s tuna casserole sat. Suzanne smiled at me, “It’s motherly instinct, I guess”.

After they left, Kathy asked if I was hungry.

“Not very, but it would be a shame not to try the tuna casserole while it’s hot.” Kathy got some plates and silverware out and put them on the table, and we had just sat down when Kathy’s phone rang, playing Brittany Spears.

Kathy had to get up and get it, so she was already talking by the time she got back to the table. “…not until Friday at the earliest.”

“Yes, I’ll call you as soon as I know something.”

“She’s sitting at the table, waiting for me to sit down so we can eat.”

“Yes, I’ll tell her, Laurie”

“Okay, Laurie”

“Good Bye, Laurie,” and Kathy hit the disconnect and set the phone down. Then she picked it back up and turned it off.

“I take it you told Laurie,” she said.

“I ran into her at the mall while I was shopping for some stuff to take to the hospital, and it slipped out,” I said.

“Well, she’s called everybody we know. They all agreed not to bother us tonight. I expect the rest will be calling shortly.”

“Sorry,” I said.

“Go turn your phone off.” Kathy said, so I did.

“By the way, I can’t have the phone on at the hospital, so I thought I’d forward it to yours” I said.

“No, just leave it off. Everybody that has your number also has mine.”


Just then the doorbell rang again. Kathy rolled her eyes, and went to answer it. By 8 PM, we’d received a meatloaf, a lovely green salad, a green bean casserole, and a chocolate cake. “You’re going to have to get well just to help me eat all this!” Kathy joked.

We shut off the lights in the front part of the house to forestall any more people from stopping by, and got ready for bed. I snuggled in next to Kathy and she put her arm around me. I must have gone to sleep almost immediately, as that’s the last thing I remember.

Wednesday morning dawned bright and sunny. I woke with a feeling of anticipation, for a moment I couldn’t quite remember why. Then it hit me! All at once I was both excited and scared. The clock was ticking, for better or worse.

Kathy, as usual, was already up. I sat up on the edge of the bed and stretched, and slipped my feet into my slippers, as Kathy walked in from the bathroom.

“’Bout time you got up. Good thing you have money, you’d never make it in the working world.“ I stuck my tongue out at her and she made a valiant effort at grabbing it with her lips. Not a bad way to wake up in the morning!

“Come on into the bathroom, we need to remove your assets.”

Kathy applied the remover and quickly the various items were detached. She used some cotton to remove the last of the adhesive left on my skin.

“Didn’t get much use out of them” I commented. “I wonder if the breast forms can be used by somebody? Maybe somebody on a limited income that’s had a mastectomy.”

“Good idea!” Kathy said. “Dr. Hanson may know.”

Kathy looked at my chest, “Wow, your nipples have really grown!” I looked down, and sure enough, they were at least twice as big as they had been.

“Well that explains the itching” I said.

“Oh really?” Kathy said. “How does this feel?” and she reached out and rubbed one gently between her fingers.

I experienced a rush like I’d never felt before! “Ooh!” I sighed.

“Look!” and Kathy pointed at the nipple, which had stiffened in her fingers and was jutting out.

“That’s amazing,” she said. The aureole around the nipple were at least the size of a quarter, and there was already some protrusion of the breasts apparent.

“It’s like your body has been waiting impatiently for the chance to develop,” she said. “Now, hop in the shower, we need to get moving. You’re supposed to check in at 3.”

When I got out, Kathy was waiting with a big fluffy towel. She wrapped me in it and dried me, with much touching and kissing.

She seemed to enjoy rubbing my nipples and watching the effect it had on me. For that matter, I enjoyed it too!

Then it came time to dress, I still hadn’t decided what to wear. I stood in front of the closet, pulling out first one item, then another.

“You’re worse than a girl on her first date,” Kathy said. “Here” and she held out a pill and a glass of water.

“What’s this?”

“Dr Hanson gave it to me the other day, she said to give it to you if it looked like you needed it. It looks like you do,” she added dryly.

“Secure that”, pointing at my penis, “and put on your panties.” She then handed me a bra and the falsies, “No glue today, just slip them in the bra.”

Kathy contemplated the pile of clothing I’d already dragged out. “Nope, none of this.” She pulled out a blue three-quarter length cotton skirt and hung it on the closet door. After trying several blouses against it, she found one she was happy with, an ivory turtleneck body shirt.

“Pull this on first, it snaps under the crotch, which will help keep things tucked away, then I’ll zip up the back.”

I then stepped into the skirt and pulled it on, zipping it up. Kathy handed me a pair of knee-highs and a pair of flats.

“Now, come over here and I’ll do your hair and makeup.” The pill had it’s desired effect, and I was relaxed and compliant. “Nothing much, just a little eye shadow and lip gloss.” She pulled my hair back and quickly braided it. “There, you look great.”

Kathy went over and quickly checked my suitcase against the lists.

“Take off your ring, we don’t want anything happening to it.” I wasn’t happy about that, and I guess it showed, for Kathy picked up a gold chain.

“I’m going to put it on this and wear it around my neck until I can put it back on your finger, okay?”


“Silly sentimental bitch” she said, but she kissed me to take the sting out of it, then hung the chain around her neck and tucked it in her blouse. “Grab your purse and lets go.”


“We’re having lunch with Laurie, she insisted.”

Laurie was waiting for us at the restaurant, as soon as we got seated she reached over and put her hand on mine.

“Are you alright? How do you feel?”

“I’m fine,” I said.

“She’s better than fine,” Kathy said. “The doctor gave me something for her to take for anxiety. “Bubble-Headed Blonde” doesn’t begin to describe her right now.”

“Hey now, I resemble that remark!” I protested, and didn’t understand why they both laughed.

“Here, before I forget, this is from all of us” and Laurie handed me a beautiful get-well card.

“Where are the others” I asked.

“Kathy felt you didn’t need the emotional stimulation of having all of us crying on you, so I’m representing the gang.”

“Tell them thank you, it’s a lovely card,” I said. Kathy handed me a tissue, and I carefully dried my eyes. The waiter arrived just then, and we ordered. All I had was a small salad, I had even less appetite than usual.

Kathy and Laurie kept a conversation going around me, occasionally dragging me in.

“Well, we better get going” Kathy said, and I roused myself.

“Is it time already?” I asked.

“NOW she wakes up!” Laurie laughed.

“I’m sorry, I guess I’m not much company today.”

“That’s alright, I understand,” Laurie replied. As we walked to our cars, Laurie gave me a hug.

“We’ll be by to visit as soon as we can, take care of yourself.”

Next we stopped at the salon. Apparently everybody wanted to see me before I went in. More cards, and more hugs.

Sarah came up and hugged me, “I had no idea what I was starting,” she whispered in my ear.

“I’m fine,” I told her. “This is right, I feel it.”

For those who might question the speed of these events, the medical background and procedures, or the way the hospital in the story is run, hey, that's the way it works in MY universe!


This is the fourth part of a fairly long story, with several sequels in the works. A big hug and thank you to Angel O'Hare, who has kindly proofread portions of it. Any mistakes left are mine.

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