Why High School English Sucks -2-

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Why High School English Sucks
Part Two
By Willy Mays Hayes

Kathy continues upon her path to womanhood with the guidence of her mentor Rebecca


“Brrriiinnnggg!” screamed the bell as school let out for the day.

I walked slowly to the parking lot with my books held in front of my chest, my dress slowly swishing side to side, with only the clamoring commotion of the other students and the clicking of my heels on the pavement to keeping me from my thoughts.

“I only wish that those nasty boys in gym would stop teasing me, I mean after all, why would I want to help them with their homework when they spend their free time saying that women are not as smart as them?” I wondered to myself, “Hmpff!, those boys waste their time with their stupid video games and sports, if only Bryce would see things the way I do!”

I found my way to Rebecca’s car where she sat waiting in the driver’s seat. “There you are Kathy, I was stating to wonder if you were ever going to make it!” Bradford said in a soft, motherly tone, “Did you stop to talk with Bryce again on the way I out like I told you not to?”

“No” I giggled, “What, me stop to talk to him, I’d never!” I choked out in between fits of giggles.

I placed my book bag in the backseat before opening the passenger door. I smoothed the bottom of my dress before sitting and swinging my legs and feet into the car.

“Are we ready?”

“Yes, I’m in Rebecca.” I responded in my very shy, soft voice.

I am very lucky to have someone like Rebecca to care for me and to love and nurture me. After my parents died in that car crash, I was devastated, but she was there for me! She’s my best friend and I’m sooo lucky to have her! I thought to myself silently as I watched the other cars and houses fly by.

When we pulled into the driveway watching the small stand of trees go by before coming to a stopping in front of the average sized house. Its exterior was painted a very light shade of pastel pink, with wooden shutters and a brick walkway leading to the front door.

I entered the house and removed my feels, placing them against the wall by the door. I pranced up to my second story room. My room was painted in light pastels, with the walls being pink and the ceiling a very cute baby blue. I sat down on my soft four poster bed and began to undress, I removed my dress and placed it back in its closet with all of the others. I selected a knee length silken pink skirt and a white blouse with small pink flowers.

“Oh, I love this shirt, it makes my boobies seem so large and yet its so comfortable!” I gushed in excited tones that only a girl can make.

I pulled my hair out of its bun and brushed it with my purple brush until it looked halfway decent and tied it into a ponytail with a small pink ribbon. I sat down at my small vanity and examined my face, “My make up looks terrible, I need to fix it!” I thought out loud to myself.

I reapplied my lipstick and added some dark eye shadow before putting on a pair of pink sandals. Bryce would love this look!” I thought to myself, unconsciously blushing and feeling wet in my nether regions. I was interrupted from my reverie by the sound of Rebecca yelling.

“Have you started on your homework yet Kathy?” called Rebecca up the stairs, “You need to finish your homework before dinner because I rented a movie I think you’ll love!”

“I will, I’m getting started right now, and what’s the movie?” I called back down the stairs.

“I’m not gonna tell you, it’s a surprise, now hurry up and do your work, its almost time for dinner!”



To Be Continued…


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Let me guess:

The surprise movie is a recording of how Rebecca got rid of Tyler's parents? Followed by a recording of Tyler's transformation.

No, that is highly unlikely.



On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

NIce so far...

I do not know whether to quote Lou Brown or Harry Doyle on this LOL....but being a fan of that movie you have referenced in your handle....Nice one there and it is not a bit outside *S*

Randi L. Dennis

The Movie

Is a part of the program to cement the new identity against her real parents shocking her back to reality and releasing the boy trapped within.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine