Why High School English Sucks -1-

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Why High School English Sucks
Part 1:The Transformation
By Willy Mays Hayes


“What is this?” I cried out.

“What do you think it is, its payback for all of the suffering you have caused me!” cackled my evil english teacher.

“What are you doing to me!” I screamed as I struggled to free myself for the chair I was strapped to.

“Let me go, what are you doing!!”

“It’s simple really, you see you’ve made a mockery of my class, you and all of the other boys and since your parents do not see things the way I do, I must take things into my own hands!”

Falhaber advanced towards me, her long floral print dress slowly moving side to side, her long black hair drawn up in a bun sitting on her head unmoving, she licked her red made up lips and then spoke “I have looked forward to this day for many weeks, since you so enjoy making a mockery of my ardent support of the feminist movement, I feel the only punishment best suited for you is to become a woman!”

She continued to come closer to me until she stood next to me. She stroked my hair and smiled an evil grin and continued: “Now don’t say a word or I’ll make it painful!!!”

I lost it then, I just started roaring, “You’ve really gone off the deep end this time” I laughed, “it’s impossible to change someone’s gender!”

“Oh really, well, we’ll see won’t we, now be a good boy and hold still.”

She grabbed my shoulder and jabbed a huge needle into my arm and pressed down the plunger. An icy sensation spread down my arm and into the rest of my body.

“Don’t worry, its not painful, but the results will be spectacular!” Falhaber cackled ominously.

“Let me gooooo!!” I screamed before I felt my entire body go cold and limp.

“The less you struggle, the less it will hurt and the sooner your new life will begin, look, its already started!”

I felt an intense compression building in my feet and the sound of snapping bones could be heard across the class room. I suffered in silent agony as my old size seventeen feet were reshaped into dainty size two’s with cute little toes.

The transformation then spread into my legs, I was in total agony as I felt both of my tibia’s shatter and then be reformed in to smaller, thinner, hairless legs. I thrashed in my seat at I heard a loud cracking sound as my hips were torn apart and then set into the wider female placement.

I felt a nauseating sensation as my balls retracted into my abdomen and the shaft withdrew and formed a perfect shaped vagina complete with lips, a clit, and a heart shaped mound of light brown pubic hair.

My rib cage shattered with indescribable pain and then compressed into a much smaller shape. Two mounds of flesh began to form on my chest, expanding to massive proportions with large pink areolas. My shoulders cracked and shrank as the hair in my arms recessed into their pores. The cracking sound coming from my now petite feminine fingers was positively sickening.

I felt an odd bobbing sensation from my throat and my Adam’s apple completely disappeared. My face compressed into a much smaller shape. I could feel my lips swell and my cheek bones reshape, my eyes blurred for a second and I felt the cool sensation of long hair flowing down my back.

And then it was over. Falhaber, released my bindings and I slumped to the floor.

“Look at yourself, look at you now, a small waifish little thing now aren’t you?” she cooed into my ear as she handed me a small mirror. What I saw stunned me, I was no longer 6’6”, I was lucky if I was now 5’1” or 5’2” at best. I had perky looking c-cup breasts which strained the front of my otherwise way too big t-shirt. My face was best described as mousey, not amazingly attractive, and yet I wouldn’t call it ugly, just cute. I had pouty, kissable lips and soft brown eyes with small arching undeniably feminine eyebrows, and sandy brown hair hanging down below my shoulders. My eyesight had also changed, it appeared that I would need glasses to see now.

Falhaber bent over and placed a pair of very feminine, pink designer glasses on my face and everything came into focus.

“Well, look who isn’t mister athlete now, now you can’t even see without glasses and don’t worry you have no athletic ability now, you can’t even run fast!”

I started crying uncontrollably now for reasons I didn’t understand.

Falhaber pulled me tight into a hug, I was now noticeably smaller and weaker than even her, I bet I only weighed one hundred pounds. She stroked my hair and spoke calming words into my ear as she held me tight.

“Don’t worry, you are still smarter than the rest of your class, and after I am done modifying your mind, you will have no trouble at all with your academics.”

I continued to sniffle and hold her even as I wanted to kill her.

“Shusssh now, only one more injection and you’ll never cause me any more trouble.”

“The hell I won’t!” I snapped as I pulled away from her.

“You will, and you’ll like it and not only that, but you are going to found the school’s first feminist club with me.”

“Not a chance, I’m going to kill you bitch!”

“No need for the unlady like language, you are going to become like the very woman you despise most, me! You will only wear dresses and skirts, wear immaculate make-up, but most importantly, you are going to do better than any boy in the classroom!”

“Oh yeah, how ya gonna do that!” I still hadn’t lost my bravado yet.

Falhaber displayed another needle, “This needle is filled with a very powerful chemical, it will erase any part of your mind I choose and I will then replace it with what I want!”

I stood up to make a run for the door, but I only made it two feet before I tripped over my too bug pants which had fallen to my ankles.

Falhaber stabbed the needle into the soft spot of my skull and I felt a strange warmth spreading through my mind.

“Its starting!” yelled Falhaber, “You can’t stop it now, you will be my willing protégé now!”

“Go fuck yourself you old hag, I’ll never surrender to you!” I yelled at the top of my lungs in a very soft girlish pitch.

“Oh really now, you are huh? She said with a smile on her face, “Tell me what your name is!”


“Tell me what your name is!” she repeated.

I struggled, it seemed like there was a great haze blocking that part of my mind but I finally found it, “Tyler”

“Tell me what your name is” she said in a soft, girlish voice.

I struggled but could not think of it, I struggled and struggled but still nothing would come.

She laughed and shouted “What, you forgot so soon, I thought you were stronger than that!” she taunted.

I felt my mind go soft and I felt compelled to ask what my name was.

“Your name is Katherine Marie Smith, silly!”

It seemed so natural, how could I forget my own name, of course my name is Katherine but then I felt a pulling in the back of my mind. Tyler was clinging for dear life and when Rebecca (Falhaber) asked

what gender I was, I rebelled with all my might,

“I am a MAN!”

“I’m sorry, what gender did you say you were?” she asked quixotically.

I thought for a long time before I responded “I’m a male, at least I think I am, I mean, I don’t know?”

“Look at you, how could you be a man, of course you’re a girl, actually, you are an empowered young woman!”

I smiled at Rebecca and giggled, of course I’m a girl, how could I be anything else, I blushed at the thought of being anything else. But then I took back over and yelled defiantly, that she would never make me a girl.

“Who are you attracted to?” She asked.

“Amanda Jeffords, and any other girls around!”

“Now that just won’t do will it now, tell me what do you think of boys now?”

“Oh, I love looking at them, especially that blond haired boy Bryce, I just need him inside of me, my heart turns to mush every time I see him!” I giggled and blushed and felt a small wetness forming in my genitals.

“What’s your name?” Rebecca asked gently.

“Kathy silly!”

“What gender are you?”

“A girl of course!”

She walked out of the room with a smile on her face and all that could be heard was the sound of her high heels on the cool tile.

“What am I doing naked, my breasts are soooooo cold!” I wondered aloud.

I noticed my pink Lands End book bag ling on the ground and opened it. I put on my silky smooth panties, humming softly to myself as I pulled up the smooth sheer nylons, enjoying every second of the erotic sensations they caused. I pulled on my Victoria’s Secret silk bra, fastening the clips like I had done it all of my life.

“There we go, much more comfortable” I cooed as I adjusted my supple breasts until they rested comfortably in their lacy cups.

I slipped into a smooth silken slip and then slid on a black and pink floral print dress which fell to my dainty ankles.

“Much better and I look sooo cute too!“

I pulled out a small compact and a tube of red lipstick and applied several coats of the creamy, cherry red lip stick. I expertly applied a touch of mascara and some rouge before fastening a small silver cross around my girlish neck. I fastened a pair of silver dangling earrings in my ears

“I love these earrings, they are sooo cute and look great.” I stated to no one in particular.

I swept my silky sandy brown hair in to a bun, letting the bangs hang down in my face and slipped on my favorite pair of black open toed one inch heels. “I absolutely love these shoes!” I cooed in a soft girlish voice, “These shoes make my toes look sooo cute!”

I put on my favorite girlish silver ladies watch and admired my appearance in my small pink compact.

“I look great, I hope Bryce loves the way I look, he always stares when I wear a dress!” I blushed thinking about him, goodness I love him.

“Thinking about Bryce again Kathy?” I heard a voice call, “ I understand, I was young once too and he IS cute!”

Rebecca approached before speaking again, “You look lovely Katherine but we don’t have time to think of boys, you need to study for your English exam so you get a one hundred this time instead of the ninety eight you got last time!”

“Of course I do, I hate it when those foul boys top my grade, will you help me with the study guide for chapter eight of “The Picture of Dorian Grey”?” I asked in a soft, demure, shy voice.

“Of course Kathy!” as she opened her textbook to start.

As we started to work I adjusted my glasses and thought about how lucky I was to have a teacher and a friend like Becky and how thankful I was to be a soft girl instead of a disgusting boy!

To Be Continued...

The End

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Great story


Cute well written story. Will we get to see more adventures of Kathy and her mentor Rebecca, as Kathy enjoys her development as a beautiful girl. But I'm surprised that Rebecca as an ardent feminist would make Kathy as boy crazy as she appears to be. I though perhaps a lesbian relationship was more in her future.



This is a horror story, for sure.

I'm not really the type to make harsh comments, but this one is simply calling out to me. But, I'll try not to be unjust.

The teacher, Rebecca Bradford, is presented as a mentally unstable sociopath, who completely and most likely irreversibly shattered the life of Tyler, his parents, other relatives and who knows who else. A reason, in protagonist's eyes, is very minor - disagreement in opinions and views on life, feminist movement in particular. The question arises how was such person allowed to teach in the first place. However, upon further inspection:

1)We see everything from Tyler's and later Kathy's POV, and both are biased - the former considers his teacher evil, the latter worships her.
2)Rebecca is very confident in this story, it's as if she has no fear about loose ends like classmates, fellow jocks, parents and relatives, school authority, government... And with her having access to mindwipe drugs, I suspect/fear it could be justified.
3)Somehow, the jock found himself strapped to a chair in the beginning of a story, and it is a very strange occurence considering Rebecca being the member of a fairer (or, stereotype calling, "weaker") sex. It also hints to her being more than meets the eye.

To the mindwipe drug: it seems that it erases those parts of personality and memory that are called forth when it is in use, but doesn't touch general knowledge much. However, it has a handwavium inside that makes a semi-coherent memory of the user's desire in the recipient's mind. It is interesting, to say the least.

The whole story, I think, is well written, and arouses strong emotional responce from the readers (worked for me, at least). I may lot be fond of the plot very much, but the story and its continuations (provided there will be any) would not be unwelcome.

Keep up the good work!



On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

The Teacher Forgot One Thing,

Tyler's parents will be looking for him, and no doubt, someone will have seen what happened, or will know that he was last seen with her.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Nice, no; well-written, yes

I think that Tyler was right; Bradford IS evil personified. She obviously hates men and can't tolerate dissent. She was all-powerful in this tale and Tyler had no chance. Stanman pointed out a flaw, too, that people would be looking for Tyler, and I also have to wonder where Kathy will be spending the night, although I suppose, if Bradford was confident enough to have trapped Tyler and make up a serum that re-writes memories and attitudes, she would have all that covered.

I see this as a vignette, rather than a story, yet it serves the purpose. It puts the reader into a place where she can start off her new life as a girl without worries and guilt.


"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

Mahatma Gandhi

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

Mahatma Gandhi

Name Change

Willy Mays Hayes

The name for the antaganist was really bugging me, I just didn't like it so I changed it to one that I liked better. I appologize for any confusion and I just ask that everyone bear with me I'm new at this. I promise not to adjust anything else, I just plain didn't like the name. If anyone has any recomendations on where this story should go, just leave a comment with your suggestion or send me a message.

Thanks and sorry,
Willy Mays Hayes

Willy Mays Hayes