A few days ago Sue Brown listed seven basic plots and asked if there were more. A lenghthy discussion ensued during which I mentioned non-confrontational plots. I ascerbically stated I didn't think anyone would want to read a TG story based on a non-confrontational plot.
After additional thought I decided to write U Go To Hell which I posted yesterday. It features a non-confrontational plot. It is a slice of life leading to a revelation.
You can judge for yourself if anyone would want to read that kind of story.
My choice would be to have conflict layered on conflict, but then -- I'm ascerbic.
That's your idea of non-confrontational? ::grin::
As for those plot categories, I think UGTH (great acronym) was a combination of vs Self and vs World. But again, those are so general as to almost be worthless. If one REALLY doesn't have conflict in one's story, they might help point out an area that could be developed. You, OTOH, don't need any help. ::smile::
-- Donna Lamb, Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through Doppler Press to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
-- Donna Lamb, ex-Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through DopplerPress to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
Is ascerbic a tangy icing?
Tangy Icing?
No, I am quite sure Ascerbic is a flavor of sherbet ice ;-)
Will Anyone Want to Read.That Kind of Story?
Dear Angela,
I read your story before I saw your blog, so I am commenting here. The answer, based on the quick accumulation of over 500 reads, is a resounding YES!
Very good story, as well.
Avid Reader
I don't think so.
Another good story from a superb writer.
But non-confrontational? I don't think so. The basis of the show was about confrontation.