Pass On What You Have Learned - 6 - Saving Melanie

Melanie has agreed to train Michael, but will that save her?
Pass On What You Have Learned
by Saless
Part 6 - Saving Melanie

Chapter 1 - Michael

I just about passed out in relief when I got through to Melanie, but I didn’t dare show it. Challenging her seemed to work, so getting all soft now would be counterproductive. “So what now?” I demanded.

The smile didn’t last long on Melanie’s face, but she didn’t go back to sulking on the couch, either. “First we have to awaken your spirit. Ready to feel worse than you ever have?” she asked with a smirk.

I didn’t like the sound of that, but Ann and the others had warned me about this, so I knew I’d have to go through it.

Considering she’d been almost comatose just a few minutes ago, she was disturbingly accurate with her taunts and insults. The whole awakening thing was disorienting and confusing, not to mention tiring. I crashed on the couch afterwards.

When I woke up Jean was watching me. “How do you feel?” she asked worriedly.

“I’ve been better.” I replied. I still felt kind of wrung out.

“What do you think about all this?” Jean asked.

I shrugged. “It’s great. If it really works, and it sure looks like it does, then I’ll finally be me, the real me.”

“Aren’t you scared?” she asked.

“Huh? Why would I be scared? I already went through the worst part from what they said yesterday.” I answered, confused.

“Well, by the time you’ve learned enough to change your body, you’ll know how to do all kinds of things. You’ll have a lot of power at your disposal. Doesn’t that scare you?” Jean said.

“No. I think it sounds great. It’s only scary in the hands of someone like Karl. Why would you think I’d be scared?” I asked in bewilderment.

Jean wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. “It scares me. I experimented just enough to see how powerful I could be. How can anyone deal with that kind of power?” she asked fearfully.

She was really confusing me at this point. We were in the home of four fully trained users. Was she afraid of them? “Do you think this power corrupts, or something? If you do, I don’t understand why you brought me here.” I answered.

“No, yes, I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking about that at the time, I was more worried about what would happen to you if I didn’t.” Jean said.

“Well, I’m glad you brought me here, but it looks to me like you’ve got your own problems when it comes to this stuff. Maybe you’d feel better about it if you learned more about it.” I suggested. I had almost forgotten that Jean had learned a little from Melanie. By all accounts she could be really powerful if she tried.

“Uh, no thanks, I’ll leave that to you.” Jean stammered.

I shrugged, “Okay, whatever. Just don’t be scared of me or them, alright?”

“Oh, I’m not scared of you!” Jean exclaimed.

“But you’re afraid of this power that I’ll have once I’ve completed my training. So you’ll be afraid of me then?” I asked, confused.

“Of course not, I trust you!” Jean replied.

“So what about the others?” I asked, beginning to get an idea of where this was going.

“I wouldn’t have introduced you to them if I didn’t trust them. The fact that Melanie is so bothered by what she did proves she’s a caring person.” Jean answered.

I nodded. “Okay, I get it. It’s you that you don’t trust, then.” I said.

Jean spluttered, “No, I mean, yes! Of course I trust myself!” she tried to say assertively. She didn’t sound nearly as confident as I think she meant to.

“You don’t sound too sure of that. It makes sense, if you don’t trust yourself you wouldn’t want you to have that kind of power. Why don’t you trust yourself, Jean?” I asked. I’d never seen Jean so uncertain. She’s usually very confident and forceful.

Jean threw her hands up in frustration. “I do trust myself!” she answered, and stalked off into the kitchen. I knew I’d hit the mark, now I just had to figure out where this was coming from! Friends can be such a pain, sometimes!

Chapter 2 - Laura

I watched in awe as Michael pushed Melanie out of her funk. I could tell there was still a long way to go, but it was more than we’d accomplished so far.

I don’t think Michael noticed, but tears were streaming down Melanie’s face the entire time she was helping him to awaken his spirit. It always hurt her to do that, but she seemed particularly sensitive now. I wanted to go over and hold her and make her feel better, but I would just get in the way.

Michael slept soon after, as we all did. Melanie went off to her room, so I followed her. I found her silently weeping on her bed. There was nothing to get in the way of, now, so I rushed over to hold her until the tears stopped. She even hugged me back a bit.

“Do you want to rest for a while?” I asked her once she’d calmed down.

“Okay, but…stay here?” she asked plaintively. I was confused by her request at first since I wasn’t going to leave the room anyway and I was sure she knew that. Then I realized that she didn’t want me to leave the bed.

“Sure, Melanie, I’ll stay with you.” I assured her. She quickly nodded off and I tried to get both of us into a little more comfortable position.

I must have nodded off because I awoke when Melanie got out of bed to use the bathroom. She didn’t try to close the door, so I kept an eye on her from where I lay. She seemed a little more energetic now, I noticed. Maybe this would really work!

Melanie wanted to get right back to work with Michael, but I insisted on feeding her first. She grumbled the whole way, but she went with me to the kitchen. Ann and Veronica were already there eating sandwiches.

“Going to eat something?” Veronica asked hopefully. I nodded and prodded Melanie in the ribs with an elbow. She reluctantly nodded, too. “Great! We made some for both of you. They’re on the counter.” she said.

I found the sandwiches on the counter and brought them over to the table. Melanie selected one without being prompted and began eating. She wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about it, but she wasn’t arguing, either.

While we were eating Jean stormed in, fuming. “What’s wrong, Jean?” Ann asked.

“Michelle’s being a jerk, that’s all.” Jean said dismissively. It didn’t seem as insignificant as she made it out to be.

“His name’s Michael.” Melanie muttered. I was so thrilled to hear her speaking up like that!

“Huh?” Jean responded in confusion.

“He asked me to call him Michael, so I think he’d like us all to do so.” Melanie explained. I’d heard that and was already getting used to using Michael and male pronouns, as Melanie obviously had. I wasn’t going to push it if Michael didn’t say anything, but I guess Melanie felt the need to stand up for him. I certainly wasn’t going to argue with that!

“But she’s still a girl.” Jean replied, bewildered.

“He’s not really a girl, that’s why you brought him to us.” Melanie said. I thought I could detect a hint of anger in her voice. It figures that protecting someone else would get her going!

“Oh, okay, I guess.” Jean said. She didn’t sound too convinced. I guess having a transgendered friend doesn’t necessarily mean you understand them.

Melanie grumbled under her breath as she finished eating. I was amazed again at the difference in her. She’d been nearly catatonic, now here she was having a conversation! I’d have to remember to thank Michael for this!

I insisted Melanie eat at least two sandwiches since she'd eaten almost nothing since the fight with Karl. She kept giving me strange looks, but she didn't argue with me. After her third sandwich she announced that she was full. She still wanted to get back to work with Michael right away, so we went into the living room to check on him.

Michael was stretching when we entered. "What's up?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Ready to continue?" Melanie asked.

Michael smiled, then looked confused. "Sure, but what's up with your auras?" he asked.

Melanie and I exchanged wondering glances, her aura looked normal to me, and she didn't seem to see anything either. "What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah, I guess you wouldn't be able to see it. I can see your auras now, which is going to take some getting used to, by the way. Melanie's is this rather Goth violet and black swirl, and Laura's is a deep pink. The weird part is that they're sort of…harmonizing, I guess. Like they're each taking on the traits of the other, a little." He tried to explain.

I looked questioningly at Melanie, but she was just as confused as I. "Ann!" I called out.

Ann came running in. "What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.

Michael explained what he was seeing, and also mentioned that he didn't see the same kind of effect going on with Ann and either of us. "So what is that, or am I just too new to this stuff?" he asked.

Ann stepped over and placed her hand on his head, in order to more easily mesh her senses with his. "No, this isn't about you being new." She said. Then she took a careful look at us herself. "I'm surprised I didn't notice this myself. Your auras are harmonizing somehow. Interesting." She mused aloud, smiling mysteriously.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Melanie asked impatiently.

Ann paused a moment before answering. "I'm honestly not sure yet. Only time will tell." She answered.

We both tried to get a more complete answer out of her, but she wouldn't say anymore and returned to the kitchen.

"So…do either of you know what the hell that was about?" Michael asked.

We both shook our heads. "Not a clue. Forget about that for now, lets get back to work." Melanie answered decisively.

I took a seat to watch as they continued Michael's training. It's funny, all this time being trained by her and Veronica, and living with them, and I never really noticed how beautiful Melanie is. I mean, I saw that, but I never fully appreciated it. Her long satiny white hair, silver eyes, and porcelain white skin is a beautiful combination. Unusual, but beautiful.

I was snapped out of my contemplation when Melanie glanced over my way and said, "What are you doing?" She sounded uncertain, and more than a little uncomfortable.

"Uh, just letting my mind wander while I keep an eye on you, why?" I asked defensively. I'm not sure why, but I felt like I'd just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

Melanie tilted her head to the side while she stared at me, like she was trying to figure me out. I was starting to feel very nervous under her gaze. Finally with a strange smile she turned back to continue teaching Michael. She didn't say anything else to me. What was that about? I wondered.

She continued to teach Michael for a few more hours. Every now and then she'd turn to look at me with a speculative look on her face. Each time she smiled and then turned back to Michael. I was thoroughly confused and was grateful when we all took a break for dinner.

When we walked in the kitchen we found that Ann and Veronica had already made dinner. Somehow we'd missed the delicious smells emanating from the kitchen. Michael managed to stay awake long enough to finish his, just. Veronica helped him get to bed; I let him use mine since I was sleeping in Melanie's room anyway. I was surprised to see that Melanie had eaten all of hers without any prompting.

I was tempted to ask her how she was feeling, but I was afraid of breaking the mood. After dinner we all sat in the living room and watched a movie.

After the movie we were all going to go to bed. I was just about to ask whose turn it was to watch Melanie, when she grabbed my hand and led me into her room. "What's going on Melanie?" I asked when she'd finally stopped pulling.

Melanie smiled shyly and said, "I slept a lot better than I have been when you stayed with me, earlier. I was hoping you'd do that again tonight?" she asked hopefully.

She was giving me this adorable, puppy eyes like look that melted all resistance. "Sure." I said with a smile. Once we'd both used the bathroom we climbed into bed. As soon as I'd gotten comfortable Melanie snuggled up behind me. This is nice… I was thinking as I nodded off.

Chapter 3 - Veronica

I was pleased with how much more alive Melanie seemed at dinner. She even seemed to be paying attention when we watched a movie afterwards. I thought it would take longer, but it seemed like she was coming along amazingly well already. Still, it was my turn to watch Melanie, so I was all set to go until Melanie suddenly grabbed Laura's hand and dragged her off to her room! What is that about? I wondered.

I looked over at Ann, and she was smiling widely. "Do you know what's going on Ann?" I asked her.

"I believe so." Ann replied. "I'm amazed I didn't see it sooner, actually. It took Michael's newly awakened aura sight to see it."

"What are you talking about Ann?" I asked in confusion. I had to wonder what Michael's aura sight could possibly have to do with it.

"Michael told me earlier that Melanie and Laura's auras were harmonizing. Once he pointed it out, it was obvious. Their auras are taking on aspects of the other, establishing a connection between them." Ann explained.

I looked at Ann in confusion. "So, their forming some sort of bond?" I asked.

Ann nodded. "That's a good way of putting it. It's having a very positive effect on Melanie. So long as Laura doesn't do anything to upset her we shouldn't have to worry about Melanie killing herself anymore."

"It's making that much difference?" I asked in surprise.

"Well, that and teaching Michael." She replied.

"So does this kind of bond form often between users or something?" I asked. I still didn't really understand what this bond was.

"No more often than it does between anyone else. It will have some different effects, though." Ann replied with a knowing smile.

"What kind of effects?" I asked curiously.

Ann got a speculative look as she considered my question. "I suspect they'll be able to draw on each others spiritual energy. I'm sure they'll be able to heal each other. I also suspect they'll be aware of each other from much greater distances." Ann said.

"Wow, all that? That's some bond!" I said in amazement.

Ann nodded. "Yes it is. We're fortunate they're forming the bond now. It will make helping Melanie recover from this a lot easier. I just hope Laura doesn't upset her." Ann said.

I frowned as I thought about all she'd said. "Why is it so important that Laura not upset her? Wouldn't any of us upsetting her be a problem?" I asked.

"Yes and no. Michael upsetting her isn't likely to be a problem; their relationship is rather combative anyway. It would be more of a problem if you upset her; as she sees you as a sister. But sisters fight all the time. She sees me as a substitute mother. However, her experience with her real parents leaves that less of an attachment than it might seem. Laura is an entirely different matter." Ann explained.

I thought about all she had said. At first it still didn't make sense. When I finally put all the pieces together I gasped aloud. "Are you saying they're falling in love?" I asked incredulously.

"It certainly looks that way." Ann replied to my surprise. "You look shocked. Do you have a problem with this?" she asked.

I stopped and thought about that. I remembered how I'd initially reacted to Melanie killing Karl. I didn't want to make a mistake like that again. I'm glad I stopped to think about it, as it quickly became apparent I was being foolish again. Where did I come up with these silly ideas, anyway? I wondered.

"Sorry Ann. I don't know what I was thinking. I seem to have picked up some old fashioned ideas from somewhere. If it makes them happy, and especially if it helps Melanie, then I don't have a problem with it." I answered apologetically.

"Well done!" Ann exclaimed before grabbing me and hugging me hard. "You got over that all on your own this time, I'm proud of you!" she said when she released me.

"You're proud of me? But it bothered me at first! It shouldn't have." I said sadly, thinking about my reaction to Melanie killing Karl again.

"You made a mistake Veronica, and you learned from it. That's the important thing." Ann said soothingly.

"I guess." I replied uncertainly. Then I remembered how we got on this subject in the first place. "Do you think they know what's going on?" I asked curiously.

Ann smiled at my obvious attempt to change the subject. "Melanie is at least partially aware. Laura doesn't have a clue." Ann replied with a laugh.

"Really?" I asked in surprise. "I would have thought it'd be the other way around considering the condition Melanie's been in."

"Yes, but Melanie is a stronger telepath and empath than Laura. She sensed what Laura was feeling. Laura's senses are a lot less developed, and she's so focused on taking care of Melanie that she's not paying any attention to her own feelings." Ann replied.

"Do you think we should say anything to Laura?" I asked.

Ann shook her head. "No, it's better for Laura to concentrate on Melanie for now. She's not asking anything of her except to get better, and Melanie is enjoying all the concern coming from her. Besides, she'll figure it out eventually." Ann replied.

We went to bed after that. We were sharing as we didn't want to use the couch. Ann fell asleep quickly, but I was still thinking about our conversation. I worried about Melanie and Laura, and my own prejudices.

Chapter 4 - Michael

My first day of training was exhausting. You wouldn't think it would be, considering I hardly moved the entire time. I guess spiritual muscles are just like physical ones.

When I got up the next morning I found everyone else already up and sat at the kitchen table. I was pleased to see Melanie doing the cooking. I'd been worried she wouldn't be able to help me because of her guilt over killing that psycho, but she seemed to be coming around alright after all.

As I ate I noticed something weird was going on. Laura was watching Melanie closely, as she had been since I met her. I assumed she was still worried about her. Melanie kept looking over at Laura with a strange smile. I have no idea what that was about. Veronica was watching the two of them with interest, and Ann was just smiling at everyone. What is going on here? I wondered.

After breakfast Melanie got back to training me. According to her we were making good progress. It felt kind of slow to me. Laura was watching us again while Veronica and Ann sat in the kitchen. I wondered what they were doing in there all this time, weren't they supposed to be helping Laura to watch Melanie?

I soon forgot all about that as Melanie worked me hard. I took another nap after lunch I was so tired. Then we got back into it. Melanie seemed tireless. After dinner I managed to get a little more work in before I had to call it a night. Where does she get all that energy, anyway?

Things continued like that for a few days. I progressed slowly, and sometimes noticed the strange interaction going on between these four people. Ann seemed very pleased with how things were going, while Veronica seemed mostly curious and concerned. Laura was watchful and concerned, but also seemed lost in her own observation. Melanie was mostly focused on me, but seemed to keep one eye on Laura most of the time.

"I've got an idea to move your training along a little more quickly." Melanie announced one morning after breakfast. We were all still sitting at the table.

"Oh, what did you have in mind?" Ann asked curiously. I wondered about that, couldn't Ann hear everyone's thoughts all the time? Why even bother asking if you already know the answer?

"I want Michael to link up with Laura and have her make some kind of minor change to herself so Michael can see what's involved. Laura's really good at that, so she can make changes and then reverse them in short order. This way we can focus on the skills that are the most important to Michael right now, instead of having to go through the invisible hospital visits like we did with Veronica and Laura." Melanie explained.

Laura was beaming at Melanie. "That's a great idea! I can do my part easily enough. I know I was really uncomfortable going out to the hospital when I was still in between genders. I doubt Michael would be as self-conscious as I was, but it would still save time if nothing else." Laura said.

The others agreed as well, so that's what we did. I was just as glad for it because I would get closer to my goal sooner. It took me a little while to get the hang of linking up with Laura, but once I did I learned a great deal in a short period of time. I could tell that Laura was a real expert at this stuff, as she did some complex transformations that I couldn't even follow until she broke them down into their component parts.

It wasn't long before I was making changes of my own. My progress was a little slower than I would have liked, because the changes I wanted to make were the complete opposite of the ones Laura had experience with.

I'd been rather short and petite before, so naturally I wanted to be the complete opposite. In fact, a male version of Laura looked like a pretty good idea to me. Laura explained, and demonstrated, the kinds of changes she made to make herself as strong and fast as she is. I wasn't able to make those kinds of changes at first, but I was sure I'd get the hang of them eventually.

Time really flew for me. Before I knew it I'd been living with these girls for a month. I'd lost my last job because of my temper, so I didn't have to worry about that. Money would have been an issue, if Ann hadn't insisted on paying my bills for me until I could do so on my own again. That woman is so helpful it's absurd!

Melanie was really coming out of her shell. I began to get to know the real Melanie. Turns out being an unending well of energy is normal for her! She still wasn't as cheerful as Laura and the others described her as being, but she was obviously on the mend.

My transformation was taking a lot longer than it had for the others, because I was gaining mass instead of shedding it. Apparently my spirit energy could be converted to mass to some degree, but not very efficiently. Which meant that in order to grow the way I wanted, I had to eat ridiculous amounts of food!

It was interesting to watch the interactions of these girls that were helping me. Ann sort of sat back and watched over them all, and me, in a motherly way. Veronica watched Melanie constantly, like a big sister looking out for her ill little sister. I couldn't figure out the relationship between Laura and Melanie for the longest time. When I finally did I realized I'd literally been seeing it the entire time!

That weird harmonizing I saw in their auras was the key. I guess they're both lesbians. It was kind of disappointing to realize, as Melanie and Laura are both very beautiful women. What was endlessly amusing for me, though, was the way Melanie was soaking up everything Laura directed her way, while Laura was completely clueless! How could anyone miss what was going on between those two?

I guess it's different when you're in the middle of it. And to be fair, it did take me a while to figure it out, and I could see it in their auras!

By the time I'd been there three months, I felt confident about going out of the apartment as a man. Being so small had made it all but impossible for me before, but now I was almost as big as Laura. I aimed to be taller and stronger still, but I wasn't there yet.

Melanie decided to celebrate my progress by going out for dinner. I gathered that she likes to do that. She suggested Chinese, because that's Ann's favorite and she wouldn't be there much longer. Her European student would be needing her help and she'd already been gone longer than she'd hoped.

None of us have a car, so we walked. I was trailing behind, planning the next change I'd make, when I noticed a building across the street. There was an alley between it and a pizza place. One of the walls of the building facing the pizza restaurant was smashed in. It looked like it'd been hit by a wrecking ball or something. "I wonder what happened over there." I mused aloud.

I walked right into Laura, who had stopped suddenly for some reason. I looked around trying to figure out why we'd stopped, and I noticed Melanie standing stiffly, staring at the broken wall. I think she was looking paler than usual, but it's hard to tell with that white skin of hers. There were tears flowing down her face, though, and she was shaking.

Oh, that's where she killed Karl! I realized. Laura wrapped her up in her arms and tried to calm her, but it didn't look like it was working. Ann and Veronica moved around to block her view, but she just kept staring in that direction as if they weren't there.

Looks like it's up to me again. I thought with a sigh. "I thought we were done with this melodrama, Melanie." I said with a sneer. It was difficult to do, as I'd come to like Melanie, but I figured I'd get her angry like before. The reaction I got wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

I heard Laura yell, "Shut UP!" just before her fist rammed into my face. I was totally surprised and flew a few feet before my back met the pavement. My head bounced off the cement painfully and my back burned from sliding along the ground; but it was my face that hurt the most. Getting punched by Laura when she's mad is like getting hit by a truck!

As I tried to pick myself back up off the ground I saw a shocked look on Melanie's face as she looked directly into my eyes. Then, she was gone.

Chapter 5 - Laura

I was as shocked as everyone else when I decked Michael. Why did I react like that, I knew he was just trying to provoke a response from Melanie! I thought as I stared at my bloodied fist. Michael's nose was probably broken.

I looked up and saw that Michael was staring at something behind me. I turned just in time to see Melanie disappear. She moved so quickly I had no hope of tracking her. "Melanie!" I screamed, but she didn't return.

Ann put her hand on my shoulder to calm me. "Don't worry, Laura, I'll find her." She said, just before disappearing herself.

Veronica was left looking back and forth between us and the direction that Melanie and Ann left. "What just happened?" she asked.

"I think Melanie was just reliving what happened here, I said the wrong thing at the wrong time, and Laura overreacted. I'm not sure where Melanie's mind is at now, but it's probably not a good place." Michael responded.

I felt something weird and looked behind me, the opposite direction that Melanie and Ann had been headed. "I’m sorry Michael!" I called out as I started running. I hadn't learned to boost like Ann and Melanie yet, but my enhanced musculature allowed me to run faster than an Olympic athlete. And I could keep it up for hours. I could only hope that would be enough to find Melanie before she did something horrible!

"What…are…you…doing?" Veronica panted beside me. She must have been boosting as hard as she could just to keep up with me. Michael had been left far behind.

I slowed a bit to answer. "Melanie must have doubled back. She's this way." I said pointing ahead of us, and resumed my previous pace. Veronica tried to keep up, but she was soon left behind as well.

I don't know how I knew where Melanie was, but I did. I could feel her ahead of me, but a ways off still. It took me several minutes to catch up to her once she'd finally stopped moving. I only hoped she wouldn't do anything to herself before I could get there.

I found Melanie on the roof of an office building. She was standing on the inside of the railing. "Melanie?" I called softly, afraid of startling her.

"Hi Laura." Melanie answered calmly without turning around. She sounded okay, but she was still standing on a rooftop looking over the edge, so I wasn't ready to relax.

"What are you doing here, Melanie?" I asked cautiously.

Melanie turned to face me before answering. "Don't worry." She said with a smile. "I'm not going to kill myself. I admit I was planning to at first, but not anymore."

I sighed in relief before replying. "As glad as I am to hear that, what changed your mind?" I asked curiously.

"You." Melanie answered simply, blushing and looking down at the ground.

"Me?" I asked in surprise. "What do you mean?" I thought Melanie and I got along well, but it was Veronica that she looked up to as a big sister, and Ann that was her surrogate mother. I hadn't even known her all that long!

Melanie frowned cutely before saying, "You know, I really thought it was adorable how oblivious you are, until now."

I was thoroughly confused by this point. "What are you talking about Melanie?" I asked.

Melanie sighed in frustration. "You're really amazing Laura! You've spent the last three months focusing your entire being on taking care of me, and you never once thought to ask why?"

"Because I care about you, obviously!" I answered, annoyed. When was she going to get to the point?

Melanie shook her head and laughed. "You are priceless, you know?" she asked with a smile. I was about to ask what she was talking about, again, when she stepped up to me and put her finger to my lips to stop me. "Let me show you what I mean." She said huskily.

Melanie put her hands on either side of my face and pressed her lips to mine. I was too startled to react at first. Even before I realized what she had been trying to tell me I found myself responding. I melted into her kiss, my body molding itself to hers. It was heavenly!

Eventually Melanie pulled away, both of us out of breath. "Wow! I didn't know it would feel that good!" she said with a glazed look to her eyes. I could only nod numbly. We both looked at the glazed expression on each other's faces and began giggling.

Once we'd both stopped giggling and caught our breaths, again, I realized we were holding hands. "What do we do now?" I asked uncertainly. I'd never even been on a date before, so this was all new to me.

"I guess we just keep doing what we've been doing." She responded uncertainly. I realized she was as inexperienced as I. "Only with more kissing, that was wonderful!" she breathed.

"Yeah," I agreed, "now I finally know what all the fuss is about!" We both broke down laughing at that, tears streaming down our faces. That's when Veronica and Michael burst out of the stair well onto the roof.

They both stopped in their tracks a few steps from the door and looked at us with the most comical expressions of surprise and confusion on their faces. We laughed even harder at that. I plopped down on the ground, it was either that or fall down, and Melanie joined me. We were just starting to get ourselves back under control when Ann arrived. Unlike Veronica and Michael, she seemed to just appear next to them.

Ann smiled when she saw the state we were in. "I see everything is alright here!" she said happily. "Come along Veronica, Michael, lets go get that Chinese food and take it back to the apartment. I'm sure these two will meet us there." Then she turned to leave, grabbing the arms of Veronica and Michael as she went and pulling them along behind her.

They both stumbled after Ann, now even more confused. We lost it again! Or maybe that should be still? Anyway, it was hilarious!

It was a few minutes before we finally stopped laughing. I was wiping the tears off my face and thinking that we should probably head back, when I heard Melanie's thoughts, Yeah, I guess we should. I gaped at her. I had heard her so clearly, I usually have to focus to hear thoughts.

Yeah, I'm hearing you even more clearly than usual, too. Must have something to do with how you found me so easy, and how I knew you would. Melanie thought at me.

Wow, we can have whole conversations this way! Can you talk this way with Ann, I know you two have much better telepathy than I do. I replied.

Nope! It's much more stilted with Ann. It's actually easier to say things out loud. Melanie thought back.

Maybe we should continue this at home. We'll still have some time before they get back, especially with how fast we can move! I thought.

We can move even faster if you boost, too. Melanie replied.

But I don't know how! I reminded her.

I think I can show you. Melanie answered. A moment later I felt a jolt and suddenly I knew how to boost!

How did you do that?! I asked incredulously.

I'm not really sure. I just felt that I could, so I gave it a shot. I guess we'll have to ask Ann about this later. But for now, race you home! Melanie said impishly, and disappeared.

I started running after her, and then started boosting. Suddenly I was moving so much faster! It was amazing!

It didn't take long at all to get home. Melanie was waiting patiently when I got there, holding the door open for me. She was breathing a little harder than normal, though, so I knew she hadn't beaten me by too much!

We both sat on the couch facing each other. Neither of us knew where to start. The awkward silence stretched on for a few minutes before I finally said, "So, you really like me, like that?" I asked uncertainly. I know she'd already made that pretty clear, but it was so amazing I was having trouble believing it!

"Yes, and you do, too?" she said, equally uncertain. I nodded. "It took you long enough to realize that!" she said with a laugh.

I blushed and smiled sheepishly. "I know. I guess I just assumed we'd like guys, or something." I said.

"I don't know if I like guys or not, but I know I like you." Melanie said. I felt warm all over when she said that!

"Same here." I replied with a smile.

Melanie kissed me again, and everything else melted away. I was lost in a sea of sensations, and I loved it!

We both jumped and pulled away when we heard Ann clear her throat loudly. "I'm glad to see you two are finally expressing yourselves, but it's time for dinner." She said with amusement. We both blushed and looked away. Then we stood and followed Ann into the kitchen hand in hand.

To our surprise Veronica and Michael were already there. They all saw us! I realized.

Oh man, Veronica's going to be a pain about this, I just know it! Melanie thought back.

You're right, she will! I agreed.

That exchange took so little time that Veronica hadn't even become aware of our presence yet. This telepathy business is pretty cool, our conversations are so much faster! I thought at Melanie.

We sat down and started filling our plates. Yeah, this is pretty cool! We've got to remember to ask Ann about it. Melanie thought back.

I noticed Michael and Veronica looking at us strangely. The look on their faces is priceless! I thought to Melanie.

Yeah, they look like they just realized they stepped into the Twilight Zone and they're looking for the door back! Melanie thought back and we both cracked up.

Veronica looked annoyed at our laughing. "What's so funny?" she asked. We laughed all the harder at that.

Ann was beginning to look puzzled, too. "What is so funny? She asked curiously.

Still gasping I said, "Melanie said something funny, that's all." Before I realized that she'd said it telepathically.

Michael frowned, "When did she do that?" he asked.

"Uh, just now." I admitted.

Veronica looked at me in surprise. "I thought you didn't hear thoughts that reliably!"

I blushed and looked down at the table. "I don't…just Melanie's." I admitted.

"Ah!" Ann exclaimed. "You're speaking telepathically, right?" she asked.

I nodded. Melanie said, "Yep!" with a sheepish grin.

"It must be another effect of their bond." Ann explained to Veronica and Michael.

Bond? What is she talking about? I wondered at Melanie.

I don't know, it's new to me, too. she replied.

"Do you remember when Michael said that your auras were harmonizing?" Ann asked us, seeing our confusion. We nodded. "That bond is the result of your feelings for each other. It's how you were able to find Melanie, Laura. Apparently it also allows you to have private telepathic conversations." She explained.

"Private?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, I couldn't hear what you were thinking when you were communicating with each other." Ann replied.

Cool, they can't hear a word we're saying! Melanie gushed.

This has some interesting potential. I agreed mischievously.

"This is all very interesting but why did you run away, Melanie, and what were you planning on doing?" Veronica demanded.

I squeezed Melanie's hand; I hadn't even realized I was still holding it! "Well, when I saw where I…fought Karl, all the memories of that night came flooding back. I was lost in them at first, but then Laura grabbed me. I was still feeling kind of overwhelmed, but not as bad. But then Michael did his asshole routine again and pissed Laura off. And I felt bad for causing problems, and it got the better of me, I guess." Melanie explained sheepishly.

"What do you mean it got the better of you?" Veronica asked intently.

"You know where you found me, you figure it out!" Melanie snapped.

"Oh." Was all Veronica had to say to that.

"So that's when Laura found you then?" Michael asked.

"No, she didn't catch up with me for a few more minutes." Melanie answered.

Michael looked confused as he said, "But I thought that was where you stopped Veronica from killing herself a couple of times?"

"Yep." Melanie answered.

"So, doesn't that mean that you went there to die?" he asked.

"Yep." She said again.

Michael was looking frustrated as he asked, "So why hadn't you already killed yourself by the time Laura got there?"

This is kind of fun! Melanie thought to me.

They're getting frustrated though, maybe we shouldn't push it? I replied uncertainly.

Yeah, I guess. she said sulkily.

"Because of Laura." Melanie admitted, blushing.

Veronica smirked before saying, "So, my little sister has a girlfriend?"

I knew she'd do this! Melanie thought.

Let me see if I can't nip it in the bud, then! I responded. I leaned towards Veronica threateningly and growled, "Yeah she does, got a problem with that?" Seeing as Veronica is only five feet six inches, and I'm six feet and much more muscular, it probably had a decent effect.

Michael chuckled. "I think you better lay off, Veronica! You're little sister's girlfriend is a lot bigger than you are!"

We all laughed at that, even Veronica. She didn't tease us anymore, either.

Chapter 6 - Melanie

We all had a nice dinner, joking around and generally having fun. Laura never let go of my hand, which was nice. We kept having little side conversations telepathically, and sometimes started laughing for no reason that the others could see. But that just made it more fun!

Even I was amazed at how much better I was feeling. I felt so bad before, but getting together with Laura banished all that. It doesn't hurt any that she's a good kisser!

We managed to talk Michael into taking the night off from training and watch a movie with us. I think he regretted it because we ended up watching a romantic movie. I think Laura and I kissed more than the characters in the movie, but I'm not sure because we missed so much of it!

After the movie we all sat around and talked for a while. Michael claimed fatigue and went to bed early. I think he just feels out of place in a room full of girls! I thought.

He must have been in that situation a lot before, though? Laura wondered back.

Not necessarily. I only hung out with girls in school. Maybe he only hung out with guys. I replied.

Good point, I spent all my time with girls, too. Laura thought back.

After a while we all went to bed. After using the bathroom and changing clothes I crawled into bed and waited for Laura. She wasn't far behind, but she seemed a lot more reluctant than she had before. "What's up Laura?" I asked.

"This will probably sound silly, but sleeping in your bed just seems a lot more…significant now." Laura replied sheepishly.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But it could also be a lot more fun now!" I pointed out impishly.

Laura blushed so red I thought she'd explode! "Melanie!" she gasped. "Don't you think it's a little early to be thinking about that?"

"Well, yeah." I admitted. "But we can still kiss and cuddle, can't we?" I asked hopefully. It still amazed me how wonderful it felt to feel Laura's arms around me or her lips on mine! I shivered just thinking about it!

Laura relaxed at that. "Well, sure, we can still do that!" she agreed heartily. She climbed in and we proceeded to do just that for a while until we were tired enough to sleep. Which took a while. Did I mention that Laura's a good kisser?

Laura woke me with a kiss in the morning, which was awesome by the way! We messed around for a while until Ann knocked lightly on the door to let us know she was making breakfast.

I guess we'd better get up and get dressed Laura thought at me.

Yeah, but I think I want a shower first. I replied.

Good idea. Why don't you go ahead and I'll take one after you. Laura thought.

I have a better idea! We can save time and water and take a shower together! I said.

Laura looked a little overwhelmed by that suggestion, but came back with, That is a better idea!

Needless to say, we messed around some more in the shower. I've never had such an enjoyable shower! Laura agreed.

We managed to make it to the kitchen before breakfast got cold. Everyone gave us knowing smiles as we entered, but we were feeling too good to be bothered by it beyond a blush or two. We kept up our silent conversation through breakfast.

You know it's funny, but my mom was always telling me I should get a girlfriend. Now that I have, I can't tell her about it! Laura thought to me sadly.

Why not? I thought back.

You know why not! Dad would kill me, and I doubt Mom wants anything to do with me, either! Laura replied.

That's not true. I mean, telling your Dad would be bad, but from what you've said your Mom might be alright. Why don't we go pay her a visit? I thought back.

You can't be serious, that has disaster written all over it! Laura thought fearfully, and refused to talk about it anymore.

I wasn't about to leave it at that! "I still think we should go talk to your mother." I said aloud. Laura glared at me for that, but I was determined to see this through.

"What are you talking about Melanie?" Veronica asked.

"We were just talking about Laura's parents. We agreed that we wouldn't want to talk to her father, but her mother might be okay. I want to meet her, and try and get her to accept her daughter. Laura's too afraid to try it, though." I told her.

"Already want to meet the family, huh?" Veronica asked with a grin.

"Well sure, she's already met mine!" I replied.

Veronica nodded, "Good point."

"I think that would be a good idea." Ann said. I gave her a thankful smile. I knew I'd need all the help I could get with this, bond or no bond.

"It would be best to get it over with. At least that way you know how they feel about it." Michael said.

"See, everyone agrees with me!" I told Laura. She was still glowering, but more uncertainly now.

"It is a very bad idea! Especially if my dad's there." She said.

"Laura, he can't hurt you anymore." I said softly. Through our bond I knew that was what I needed to say. This bond business is very handy!

Laura just crumpled when I said that. Tears were streaming down her face and mine as I felt the pain she was feeling very intensely. Since I was already holding her hand I pulled her over into my lap and held her while she wept.

Michael looked confused. "What just happened?" he asked.

Veronica put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't worry about it. Laura just needed to deal with her parents reaction to her the last time she saw them. I guess she never really let herself feel it until now."

Michael shook his head and muttered, "Women!" Even Laura gave a little laugh at that.

 To Be Continued…

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