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Blonde Joke
Chapter Four
by Jeffrey M. Mahr
What is a blonde with brunette died hair?
Artificial Intelligence. |
“Hey girls.” The airlock was open and this time it was Dick Baldwin’s voice, slightly tinny over the speaker. “Wakey, wakey. You’ve got breakfast and clothes in the airlock.”
“Are you ready?” Katrina whispered to Tommi. “Are you sure you can do this?”
“We’ve talked this to death. There doesn’t seem to be another way and as a businessman I always take the best deal I can get.” Tommi sighed and continued, also in a whisper, “Let’s do it.” She jumped out of the bed they had been sharing and then turned back to Katrina.
“Ooh, clothes. Will you help me Trina, help me get dressed real pretty?” Tommi gave Katrina a peck on the cheek and scampered over to the airlock.
“Ooh, yeah, and makeup too. Now we can look human again.” Katrina was right behind her digging through the pile on the floor of the airlock. They giggled and teasing each other as they dragged the huge pile of clothes into the center of the room and nibbled at the breakfast in snatches as they tried on item after item of clothing. Tommi needed some help with some of the garments and especially with the names of some of the garments, but quickly fell into the swing of things as they took turns modeling outfits and practicing makeup on each other, all the time commenting on each change. For some reason they seemed to concentrate on the raciest clothes and undergarments in the pile.
Eventually, Tommi glanced up, tapped Katrina on the shoulder and pointed. Dick Baldwin was at the window beside the entry lock staring at the sexily attired women bouncing about modeling clothes. Miniskirts and tube tops did wonders for their already beautiful appearance.
“You know Trina, it seems such a shame.”
“What, the fact that we haven’t redone your hair yet?”
“No silly, that we are all dressed up with nowhere to go.”
“I know what you mean. I feel like partying. I’d like to go dancing really close to some man and rub up against him and let him hold me really tight.” Katrina’s hands were on her breasts gently caressing them as she spoke.
“Ooh yeah, that sounds really good.” Tommi was now rubbing her breasts also, “You know that’s what I really want too?”
“A man. I want a man to hold me and touch me and fuck me real good.” Turning towards the window Tommi pretended to see Dick for the first time and pointed. “Ooh look, that’s what I want. I want a man like him.” She smiled brightly and waved. Turning toward the window Katrina also smiled what she hoped was seductively.
“Ooh, it’s Dick Baldwin.” Katrina sashayed over to the window with Tommi right behind her. “Hi, Dicky,” Tommi giggled as if Katrina has said something amazingly funny, “Let’s party?”
“Yeah, Dicky-boy. We’re all dressed up and ready for fun, but we don’t seem to have anyone to have fun with.” Tommi pouted prettily while Katrina rubbed up against the window. It was clear that something was happening because Dick’s forehead was damp and he kept readjusting how he was standing as if in some sort of discomfort.
“Can Dicky come in and play with us?” Tommi began kissing the window.
“Yeah, Dicky. We want you to come in here and play with us. Please come in and play with us.”
Dick held up a finger indicating that they should wait a moment, then grabbed the microphone and flicked it on.
“Ladies, you look hot, really hot. I’d love to party with you, but I’m afraid I can’t.”
“Oh please, Dicky. We really want to party. We need a real man; a man like you, sooo bad.”
“Yeah, Dicky-boy. We’d really like to have all of you but if you can’t come in could you please send in that thing between your legs. Tommi is great, but it’s not as much fun without a ‘Dick’ around.” They both giggled at Katrina’s pun and Tommi playfully tweaked Katrina on the breast.
She yipped and giggled as she tweaked Tommi back.
“Ladies. You have no idea how much I’d love to join you. But if I do...”
“Ooh, please, please, please, please, please.” They were both jumping up and down in excitement. The rise and fall of their breasts was not lost on Dick, who reached down to adjust the uncomfortable bulge in his crotch yet again.
“I don’t think he’s going to join us, Tommi.” Katrina pouted in disappointment.
“Well, it won’t be as much fun, but I guess we’ll have to party without him.” Tommi was pouting too.
“If you won’t join us would you at least give us some music to party with?” Katrina batted her eyes pleadingly.
“Sure, ladies. I’ve got a radio right here.” Dick turned on a portable radio and tuned to a station he liked.
“Oh, but it sounds so tinny, can’t you please bring it in here?”
“I guess so...sure ladies. I can’t see how that would hurt anyone. I’ll bring it right in.” He left and the sound of the outer lock opening could be heard. Tommi crossed her fingers and nodded to Katrina. They both moved next to the inner door and continued to giggle and jiggle. When Dick entered the airlock, they began squealing and jumping up and down again. Tommi hugged Katrina and kissed her. Without taking his eyes off the women, Dick slowly reached down to put the radio on the floor of the airlock.
“Oh, Dicky, please come in and play with us.” Katrina licked her lips and gave him a look of pure lust while Tommi began to gently rub her breasts and make kissing motions as she stared at Dick.
“Well...if you insist ladies, but just for a few moments.” Both women cheered and bounced up and down impatiently as he reached back and closed the outer door. The squeals grew even louder when he opened the inner door and they literally dragged him into the biohazard room and plugged in the radio.
Dancing around Dick, they led him into the center of the room. Katrina danced in front of him, hands stroking his chest and gently unbuttoning his shirt, while Tommi danced behind him rubbing her body against his. Too impatient to wait, when the shirt was halfway unbuttoned Katrina began slowly pulling it over Dick’s head. Tommi immediately joined in pulling it further over Dick’s head from her position behind him. Katrina moved to Dick’s pants. Kneeling before him while Tommi reached around to rub his nipples, Katrina quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down to his knees. Glancing back at Tommi she suddenly called out, “Now!”
Katrina ducked her head down so that she was on her hands and knees beside the man and Tommi gave Dick a tremendous shove from behind. Unable to properly maintain his balance, Dick tripped over his pants and fell forward over Katrina. Hands hobbled by the shirt, he was unable to protect himself as he fell. There was a satisfying thud as his head hit the floor. He rolled to a stop and didn’t move. Katrina checked for a pulse. It was strong and regular, which meant Dick was only unconscious, not seriously hurt. The two women glanced at each other with evident satisfaction.
“Let’s get the hell out of here,” Tommi shouted as she grabbed some scarves and belts and quickly hogtied the unconscious man.
“Sounds good to me,” Katrina agreed. They charged the airlock, closed the interior door and tried to recycle out the exterior door. It did not open.
“Damn, the bastard locked the door. We’ll need to find out what the key code is.” The two women filed back into the biohazard room. Katrina rolled him over onto his back while Tommi got a large glass of water. They both moved chairs beside him, one on either side, and then sat down. Then, Tommi splashed the water on his face.
Groaning and sputtering Dick came awake. The groans turned to curses as he realized he was tied up. “What the hell is this? I don’t party like this, now get these damned restraints off me.”
“Isn’t it cute, Tommi? He still thinks we’re playing with him.” Turning to Dick, she continued. “The straps stay. You’re about to tell us the door combination.”
“You bitches! I’ll kill you,” Dick shouted and began to struggle violently. The women waited patiently until he had tired himself out. Katrina routinely checked the restraints to make sure he didn’t get loose, while Tommi carefully cut the cord off the radio and stripped the insulation off the tips of the wires. Plugging the cord back in, she scraped the wires together and smiled at the bright flash of sparks.
“Dick, I know you don’t want to tell us anything, but you’re tied up very tightly and I’m about to ask you some questions. If you don’t answer, I’m going to start by shocking you on the arm. If that doesn’t work, I’ll move to your stomach. If that doesn’t work, I’ll move to your cheek and if that doesn’t work I’ll move to your testicles. If you haven’t answered by then I’ll let Katrina here have fun, she has some ideas involving spike heels I don’t think you’ll like at all.” Sparking the wires together again so Dick saw them flash, Tommi knelt beside Dick before turning back to Katrina for a moment.
“Who said television was a vast wasteland. Look at the wonderful ideas for torture it’s provided for us. You may want to turn away, Katrina.” Turning back to Dick, she again made the wires arc and watched as the man’s eyes grew wide with fear.
“What’s the combination?”
“Go to hell.”
The wires touched his arm.
“Ouch. Stop that. It hurts.”
“Certainly, Dick, just answer the question. What’s the combination?”
“If I tell you you’ll get away.”
“That’s correct, Dick, but not the right answer.” The wires sparked against his stomach and he screamed.
“We should have gone directly to the high heels, Katrina, he’s going to be difficult.”
“I’m afraid you’re right, but that would have been so permanent. At least this will heal.”
Turning back to Dick, she continued. “Next is the cheek and after that the testes. What’s the combination?”
“No, don’t. I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you. It’s 36-22-36, 36-22-36. That’s the combination. Don’t shock me again, please.”
“That’s the combination?” Katrina asked angrily. “That’s really the combination?”
“Yes! Yes, it is. I swear.”
“Geez, maybe all men really are pigs,” Katrina grumped as she glared at Tommi who assiduously ignored her.
“Sure, Dick. You did well,” Tommi said soothingly as she turned to Katrina. “Let’s get out of here. You check the combination. I have one more question for Dicky here.”
“Tommi, we really need to get out of here, make it fast,” Katrina noted as she moved quickly toward the door.
“Sure. Just one more question,” Tommi agreed and turned back to Dick. “Who’s the bastard who’s orchestrating this?”
“Just Harry and me.”
“It seems I’m going to need to use the wires again. We may as well go directly to the testicles. As Katrina noted, we don’t have a lot of time and this will be very painful. It’s a good thing she’s not watching, isn’t it, Dicky?”
“Wait! Wait! Please. It was your father. He set this up. Your father! Please don’t shock me. Please.”
“Come on, Tommi, it works. The code works. We need to go. Now!” Katrina called out from the door lock. She had dropped the wires when Dick had answered and now she moved, but slowly, as if in a daze.
“Son of a bitch. It really was him. Shit! His own son. That bastard,” Tommi kept muttering over and over as Katrina dragged her out of the biohazard chamber.
Now what?” Tommi asked, seemingly snapping out of her shocked state as Katrina sealed the exterior door so Dick would not be able to escape and sound the alarm before they were free and clear.
“Well, I need to get into my lab. I’ve got papers, diskettes and samples that I’ll need to get back to my old self. I’ve also got a change of clothes I always keep in case of a lab spill. I’m sorry, but I only have one change of clothes, but you might want to check the women’s locker room.”
Tommi looked down at the clothes she was wearing with an expression of disgust. “Yeech, I hadn’t really thought that far ahead. If I can’t find something less revealing than this micro miniskirt and tube top I’m going to have to go out in public like this.” He shuddered.
“Hey, those clothes you’re criticizing are what I grew up wearing.” Relenting, Katrina continued, “But I guess I do understand. Wearing women’s clothes is a bit new to you, isn’t it?” she sighed. “Okay, follow me, let’s see what we can do.”
Heading to her lab, Dr. Isseksen quickly checked her locker. Surprisingly, her clothes and purse were still there. Katrina kept the purse and generously gave Tommi the pair of khaki pants and matching flowered blouse. Katrina quickly rummaged through the lab while Tommi changed, still moving in slow motion. They both finished about the same time and then Katrina quickly put on the discarded clothes.
“Do you think the emergency door is still sealed?” Katrina asked.
“After three plus months, I hope not.”
“Good. Let’s go.” Pulling Tommi along, she grabbed her purse, yanked the emergency door open and ran to her car. Looking back, she saw that Tommi wasn’t really following. Instead, she stood by the door, as if unsure whether it was safe to step beyond its protection. With a curse, Katrina ran back and dragged the other woman to the car.
“Get in!”
Tommi got in without even thinking. The shock of discovering that her father, the man who had ordered her to harass Dr. Isseksen in the first place, was responsible for her incarceration had disoriented her. If the elder Brodsky was writing off his own son, what else would he do? If he could do that, he couldn’t be trusted.
For that matter, Tommi thought, after what I’ve done to Dr. Isseksen, why isn’t she seeking revenge on me. If someone had tried to destroy me I wouldn’t have trusted him or her or helped him or her if they had a problem, I’d consider it just retribution. So, why is she helping me now? Worse, am I really so stupid now that I’m trusting, and following, this woman who I had, until recently, been trying to destroy?
The two drove in silence, Katrina concentrating on the road, Tommi concentrating on her own thoughts. Katrina glanced over from her driving and saw tears on Tommi’s cheeks. She was shivering and holding herself in a tight little ball.
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Ah, the question.
Why does Katrina help Tommi if she did this to her, and why did elder Brodsky, the man who had ordered Tom to harass Dr. Isseksen in the first place, is ordering the incarceration?
The answer, I think, is along those lines:
As Katrina has made it impossible to use ViTaGeSeM without her consent, and it was still used, she needs undeniable proof, and Tommi is that proof. Also, if she was stalled, Tommi could be used as a fraud and give consent in Katrina's stead, so she needed to deprive the elder Brodsky of this asset. As for the father's reasons, I'm lost here.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
I like the way you think.
It's very, very devious. It will be interesting to see how much you predict correctly. Of course, I'm not saying, but you already knew that.
I'm what you could call an idea generator. I like to toss ideas around, but I'm usually not the one to implement them. You know that Soviet Union, or USSR, is sometimes called "Страна Советов", which can be liberally translated as "The country of advices", so that's what I do.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Looks like Tommie is finally
Looks like Tommie is finally getting a "clue" regarding the real world. She is a "write-off" as far as her father is concerned and he doesn't really care what happens to Tommie or Katrina for that matter. Hopefully Katrina will be able to stop the spread of the serum before the two of them are not able to function mentally. J-Lynn
Did you know...
Did you know that psychologists are devious bastards? Sadly, we are (if not initially, after a few years of dealing with human beings it's inevitable) and I hope to prove it as this story progresses.
Enjoying your Tale
My question is, if Dr Isseksen someone was messing around, why didn't she replace the serum with something less dangerous?
Now she and Tommi are in the same boat or are they? I hope they succeed and give Tommi's father his just rewards.
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Twist the magic eight ball
Twist the magic eight ball and the answer is, "Wait for chapter six."
Hey, don't those things usually give some innocuous answer like "Maybe" and "We'll see?"
Tommi Was Following Orders
So, the Doctor is after the real evil mastermind. After all, the 'girls' are in it together.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Tommi'sdad is a total jerk
for what he initiated, and sacrificing his son turned daughter once she was changed.
May Your Light Forever Shine