Dance, Dance, Dance: Full Moon -01-

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Dance, Dance, Dance

Full Moon

Chapter One: It's a Secret!

By Jo Dora Webster

What further challenges await Dee Jay as he portrays the mascot Amy the ARMYdillo?


Chapter One ~ It's A Secret!

[Friday Day One of the Full Moon]

"Hey, Kiddo! How's the secret agent business treating you, son of mine?"

"Oh Mom!" I exclaimed exasperated and rolled my eyes at her.

"We've been through that all of football and basketball season and no one's the wiser. We are very good at keeping secrets at Lamur Institute. We're not the ARMYdillos for nothing! We know how to keep things undercover!"

When tryouts were held at the beginning of the year, I won the job of being the school mascot, "Amy the ARMYdillo". A very talented person had made the costume cute as a button as opposed to the animal in real life.

She rolled her eyes right back at me, "Is that so, Aaaiiiimmmeee!"

"That's Amy the ARMYdillo, Mom. You know, Lamur Institute's mascot. My name is Dee Jay. Gee Mom! Really!"

"Why is it a ARMYdillo? We're here on Lamur Air Force Base not Army base."

"Lamur AFB was originally an Army Air Corp base, which explains the ARMY in our mascot's name for our high school, the Lamur Institute. I've told you this about a hundred times already. You know you shouldn't call me, Amy unless I'm in the mascot costume. It's a secret and you don't say it that way anyway."

"Okay, Kiddo, you are almost right. Your nickname is "Dee Jay" but I named you Dexter Jacob and for another the ARMYdillos mascot may be named Amy but when they shout out her name at the end of the 'Spell out Amy' cheer it comes out as 'Aaaiiiimmmeee!' So there!" She playfully stuck out her tongue at me and even giggled a little.

I grinned at her and didn't let her bait me into doing the same."

"Why do you tease me so much, Mom. I can't help it that I look cute as a button as Amy. A very talented person made the mascot outfit and it's said that it's the original one, still."

"It's because I care for you so much, Dee Jay."

"How can I stay frustrated at a Mom so great at playing with me like that! I imagine that had you been anyone else, I would have never have been given a chance to go on with this masquerade."

"Kiddo, how could I not let you do it when it makes you so happy? We were close before your Dad died in Iraq but now we are even closer. I understood you, accepted you and loved you unconditionally.

"Thank you so much, Mom. I'm so glad you are letting me use my talent for the squad."

"Son of mine, you are almost uncanny as a mimic. As as long as you've been shown something one time, You can reproduce it. How could I not love your harebrained idea that with the tradition of not knowing who is inside the "Amy the ARMYdillo" mascot suit that she could be any girl in the school. You wondered that as long as a person has all the moves, did it have to be a girl inside?"

"Well, ours was traditionally an all female cheerleading squad. So Jenna, the cheerleader captain, didn't know what to think of me trying out for mascot. However, my special talent allowed me to be able to be shown a dance routine once and reproduce it with all the nuances and feelings. Jenna realized that I could be a stand in for her when she turned to face the girls to evaluate how a new routine worked or to coach the other girls to give their best performance. She reasoned that since I moved like a girl that it really didn't matter whether there was a boy or girl inside the mascot suit."

"Then Hailey recruited her sister, Chelsea, who was in eighth grade, to be your backup in the mascot suit, and also when you practiced the main routine with the girls, she would do the mascot's part."

"It's a tradition that the identity of the mascot is a strict secret, to aid in the illusion that the mascot itself was real and not just someone in a suit. Just like it didn't matter if I were in the suit, it would not matter when Chelsea was in the suit. Chelsea and I would work on the mascot routines together so that she was ready to step in just in case my time as mascot ended suddenly. Chelsea was trustworthy and we knew that she could keep the secrets."

I paused and reflected on the great luck that I had in having a Mom who let me discover things without freaking out if I went a bit outside the norm.

"Penny for your thoughts! Okay a whole SBA dollar! What gives Dee Jay?"

"I was thinking what a great Mom you are to have understood me enough to try this scheme. Without your help, I would never have been able to pull it off."

"Once I realized that you wanted to do it only because you felt that it was the best way that you could contribute to School Spirit, I knew I had to support you. You felt strongly about the school tradition that being Amy was about being the very best in order to serve the needs of the school and not for any self glory. Being a cheerleader myself in college, and high school, I knew about the work ethic of a great cheerleading squad. You were in for being worked to the bone without the compensation of popularity that the rest of the squad gets. I really admire your character, Kiddo!"

"And you came through for me! You found out that the tryouts for being the mascot started in standard cheerleader uniform and then if that was passed, it was repeated for the mascot's routines in the mascot uniform.."

"I couldn't believe the expression on your face when I suggested that if I was serious about it that I would dress you up as a cheerleader and test you. Since I know the starts to the squad's JV routines from your attempt at 8th grade football last year, I put you through your paces and you performed each routine flawlessly. You made a very pretty girl but I knew you were relieved when I let you get back to your old self."

"I sure was, but I knew you were right to test me like that. If I couldn't perform for you under those conditions then doing it during the secret tryouts would have been impossible! Just how did you find out about where the secret tryouts were being held anyway?"

"Cheerleader secret! I can keep a secret too!"

"Anyway, you convinced Jenna, our head cheerleader, that my trying out was not a glory grabbing stunt but a selfless act in the best tradition of that anyone worthy could be Amy."

"You didn't let me down either when you created an original routine for Amy by demonstrating it in the suit on the spot. When you came down into that perfect split at the end, the whole squad's mouths dropped open and mine too. I'd seen you do splits before dressed as a cheerleader but doing one in the suit was thought impossible but you did it!"

"I'm glad that it won me the chance to serve the school as Amy. What have you got packed for lunch for me, Mom?"

"A chef salad per your request. I can't imagine why."

"It's for Amy, she's got to have a good figure, Mom!"

"Okay. What's in store for today?"

"We've got a pep rally last period and a baseball game tonight. Instead of having to sneak me into the costume twice, I'm going to stay in costume and hang with the other cheerleaders. In between Hailey's Mom is treating the squad to supper. It's being catered at the school. After the game it's the cloak and dagger to get me back to where my cover will say that I spent all that time today."

"And what is the story going to be today to extract you from class?"

"Even I don't know 'til they tell me. All I know is that Headmistress Lacon will be getting me out of my next to last period class so I can become Amy prior to the pep rally. That's been easy since they switched me to next to last period Study Hall. The Headmaster keeps coming up with projects for me to get extra credit. I guess the real project is me being Amy."

"Who's filling in for you with Deidre? Friday's you usually spend supporting her?"

"Kendra's Mom! She has a real talent for putting girls in Deidre's situation at ease. It's as if she had a transdaughter herself. Her only child is Kendra and of course she was a complete girl from the very start of her life."

"Okay, kiddo. I'll pick you up after Deidre's meeting. Just be careful during that unscripted time in between school and the game. Be ready for anything."

"I will Momma. Thanks."

I scooted on out the door and down the sidewalk toward the Lamur Institute. Both our house and the Institute was outside Lamur AFB but I had to cross the street at the main entrance to the base before I was able to arrive at the High School.

I had flashed Corporal Jane Randolph, at the guard gate, a big smile and she flipped the switch triggering the light to change. They had an override on the traffic light to the T intersection into the base where they could use the light to cut off traffic into the base if conditions required it. Jane had also been "Amy" so she was willing to help me cross the street if she could. The lights changed and I was able to scoot across the street waving to Jane as I passed the guard house located in the median of the base entrance.

I tried to always get to homeroom early since Coach Nestle was such a stickler to paying close attention to the rules and any deviation would earn detention. It was almost worth it the one time that I thought that I had covered all the bases before a project that I was doing for Drama club was unveiled on the unsuspecting rest of the school that day. I knew that Coach was looking for something to ding me on since he was overruled on the consequence he imposed.

"Good Morning Coach Nestle!"

"Greetings Dexter! It warms my heart that you have applied yourself to details since our last encounter."

"Thank you sir"

I winced as I turned away from him as I went to my seat. He insisted on calling me Dexter while all of the other teachers called me "Dee Jay" like all the students here. Once we were all present and accounted for at roll call, then the coach's behavior standards were relaxed and he allowed whispered conversations between people in close proximity. But if anyone got loud, he was quick to call them down. I saw Francine West come into the room and hand the Coach a note.

"Class, your attention please! Dexter, you may accompany Ms West on school business. Get your books and report to your next class afterward. Here's your pass."

I grabbed my books and went up to the front of the room smiling at the coach as I took my pass from him and smiled at Francine as we walked side by side out the door.

Francine must have been a bit out of it today because she was just grinning like the cat that swallowed the canary. She must not have been thinking straight since she had inadvertently placed herself so that her assets were on prominent display. I repositioned myself waiting for her to say something so that I could have a conversation with her face instead of her boobs should she break the silence. We came to Dr Richard's office, knocked and entered. Dr Richards was also doubling as school counselor so that's why he rated the office.

"Come in, Francine! Thanks for coming Dee Jay! Have you two discussed anything in the hall about coming here?"

"No sir. I've just done what you asked and brought Dee Jay down to see you without saying a word."

"Good. Close the door and please be seated and we'll get started."

The door was closed and we both took a nice padded seat in front of Dr Richard's desk. There was a table between us which had diet cokes on it for both of us.

"Do you remember the testing that the English department was doing with all the Freshman Students a few weeks back?"

"You mean those aptitude tests and psychological tests that were being used by the School Board to evaluate the improvements made to the curriculum?"

"Those are the ones. They also have a secondary purpose and that is for us to identify exceptional students and make sure that they are being fully challenged with their education. On top of the scores, it takes a nomination by two teachers to qualify for the special scholarship. Both Ms Ariel Jordan your algebra teacher and myself have nominated you for consideration by the scholarship committee. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Dr Richards. What would accepting this scholarship involve?"

"I'm not sure myself since they keep the details private until an offer is made. The school board here approves of the other benefits of the program and that is enough for them even if the students chosen decline the program. You are free to do so and no one will think any lesser of you if it isn't what you want when you hear the details."

"When will we hear from the scholarship committee to evaluate us?"

"Sometime next week. Dr Ariel Jordan has agreed to be liaison for the scholarship committee to administer their added tests and if those are within their parameters then you will meet a representative of the committee to discuss the details and make arrangements if you accept the scholarship."

I could not help but keep my eyes glued on Francine's face as we heard the news. She had a goofy look on her face. I couldn't tell why she was so happy since we did not know if the scholarship was anything at all to treasure. It could be only enough to buy books so even if every bit helped it would not be the answer to our future education. There was something going on with Francine that I could not figure out but since she did not hang with the cheerleader crowd I saw little of her outside of class and my friends would not likely have the word on what was going on in her head. It would have to remain a mystery to me.

I guess I zoned out since the next thing I heard was:

"If you don't have any questions, you both can go to class. Thank you!"

"Thank you, Dr Richards." "Thanks Dr R."

"Have a great day."

We exited the office and closed the door behind us and started down the hall towards Ms Jordan's classroom.

I stopped and touched Francine's arm, "What is it, Fran?"

"Somehow this seems like something special. Why don't you join me at lunch and we'll discuss it? We don't have time now because neither of us wants to miss any more of Ms Jordan's class than we can help."

"Okay, Lunch it is!"

We went through the open door into Ms Jordan's classroom. Somehow it was never rowdy enough inside for the door to be closed even though we did have a good time in there. Everyone learned from Ms. Jordan.

Since she became a regular teacher this term, all of the student grades were A's and that was not because she gave easy tests but because everyone learned everything perfectly that she taught. Ms. Jordan had, all by herself, raised the math scores on standardized testing due to her teaching.

We all loved her! Her face was angelic and her smile always lit up the room. There was no way to have a bad day when in Ms Jordan's class. We were blessed.

We each handed in our hall passes and took our seats. For once I was glad that we did not sit close together because I would not have wanted to cut up in Ms Jordan's class but I was about to burst from the news and Fran was the only one I could talk to about the award.

Class went by quickly and soon we were out and on to our next class. For me that was Biology with Mrs. Turner. Fran wasn't in my biology class but Glenda was in there. Glenda was part of the Secret Seven who covered for mundane me when my alter ego Amy was required to appear.

Each of the Secret Seven had a story of their own to tell. One way or another they had something extraordinary in their lives and that made them trustworthy to keep and protect Amy's secret. Contrary to Algebra, Biology seemed to drag on forever. However, it finally ended and I only had one class left to go to before lunch.

I knew the way really good to this one since it was the same as my home room taught by the Coach. The Coach made history more than places and dates and made it about people. In learning how they lived their lives, I learned more about decisions and their consequences than I expected from a history class. Time passed quickly in the coach's class not for the same reason as in Algebra since there was so much material and Coach explained so much that he had to talk as fast and as exciting as he could so that most people could follow and digest the lesson.

On coming into the cafeteria for lunch, I got into line and saw that Fran had already found a secluded, small table overlooking the greenhouse. I took note of where she sat and once I had paid for my tray, I went out to meet her.

"Thanks for coming to eat with me, Dee Jay. I'm surprised that you didn't have to get permission from Jenna to come sit with me."

"Jenna means well. It's just that stunt we pulled that has her over protective of me. She never said that I have to sit with her, but that it would be better for me if I did. In the beginning she was right but I doubt that anyone remembers anymore unless someone reminds them."

"You were a good sport. I know it was mostly Deidre and your Mom at home that got you ready for our performance art but as a part of the English class, I feel proud of what we accomplished."

"Well it wasn't until the next day when I revealed myself that there was any static. That whole day as an updated Juliet from Romeo and Juliet, not one person could tell who I was."

"It was a tribute to your acting skill. It is no wonder that when the speculation on who is this year's Amy goes on, that your name comes up even though there never has been a boy Amy and I bet never will be. It's fun to talk about. When you went to that first dance and showed that you have two left feet, they realized that you could never be Amy!"

"You've got that right! Do you know anything more about this scholarship than what we were told together?"

"Just rumors from others who have been considered. It seems that it is usually in pairs that they are chosen and that they are whisked away to an undisclosed location and disappear."

"Sounds very hush hush as in cloak and dagger stuff."

"I really don't know any more. Not even any more rumors. I think we ought to stay in touch in case they contact either of us separately to share information."

"That seems like a good idea, Fran."

I pulled out a card and handed it to her. "This is my cell number. Call and leave a message anytime and if I can pick up then I will"

"That's weird! Your card is the same design as mine. Looks like we got them at the same place. Here's my cell phone number, Dee Jay."

Thank's Fran. It's lucky that we were thrown together again cause it seems we are destined to be really good friends"

Fran whispered something under her breath that I didn't catch. "Thanks for eating with me. I have to go to the Library before my next class for some freshman class business. See you in English!"

"That I will. Take care."

I was left alone at the table and instead of immediately going over to see Jenna and the girls, I decided to stay put. What if I were putting the secret in danger by having too close contact with them? Their protection after the incident (which was one of the reasons for doing it in the first place) was no longer needed so it was really past time that I should be put back in circulation.

We'd find other means to convey ARMYdillo information. We were always rising to a challenge. Well the challenge now was getting to my next class which would either be very enlightening or rather frustrating depending on how it went. Both Dr Richards and Fran would be there who I had shared so much with today. I was about to see how secret this would be by what happened.

Well an hour later I could conclude it was very frustrating. There wasn't a chance to talk to either of them in class and Dr Richards didn't even call on me or Fran for any of the class discussion. Fran had to hurry on to her next class and I did the same as well because I was due to be lifted from Study Hall to become Amy for the pep rally last period.

I took my traditional seat in study hall by the door. Kendra was in the class before and had not left yet. She was leaning over to get something that was wedged under her seat. Due to her short cheerleader skirt and deep plunge top, she was exposing all of her assets to public display. After putting my books down on my desk, I went over and pulled out her book where it was stuck and handed it to her.

"Thanks Dee Jay, you are a life saver!"

"You are welcome Kendra!" Kendra couldn't help that she had a body better than a Barbie Doll's that every male lusted over, but they didn't have to be jerks like Dick Wallace

"Dee Jay, what'cha go an' spoil the view! Kendra's a nice piece of ass. Baby's got Back!"

Kendra, as modestly as she could, scurried out to her next class leaving me to respond to Dick.

"Dick, cut her a break. She can't help how she looks!"

I was half hoping the teacher would give Dick detention for embarrassing Kendra like that, but since Dick was the starting tackle on the football team, he could get away with murder and they would chalk it up to flirting instead of harassment like it really was.

While I was mulling over the situation, the Headmistress herself delivered a request for my presence to the teacher, Mr James Hill.

"Come along, Dee Jay, I've got preparations ready for that special project you agreed to help on."

"Coming Headmistress."

She led me down into the basement of the gym by using a special door that was ordinarily hidden from view. We had entered Amy's secret domain. Down here was her dressing room, the special fabrication facilities to keep her costume in shape, the secret practice area, and the secret cheerleader's lounge and kitchen. It even had a bedroom for special circumstances. This facility, along with the Secret Seven, was why Amy's secret had been kept all these years.

"Here you are Amy! I'll leave you to get ready since I have preparations to make before the pep rally. Thank you for your service to LHS and have a great pep rally!

"Thank you, Headmistress."

As she was leaving, Jenna arrived to help me put on the costume. Since I was to be eating in between, we were going to be using one of the special features of the mascot costume to substitute my mouth for Amy's which meant I had to be made up completely in the face as a girl might since that's what was expected. We came to the table and Jenna sat on the other side of me and began to work on my face. Jenna was a skilled artist so she was wonderful with makeup. Not much would be visible of her work, but not knowing what might be seen at any angle it was all important to get right and Jenna nailed it.

"There you go, Amy! Hey why didn't you check in with us at lunch today?"

"I think that things have died down from that stunt. If we keep using that for an excuse to get together, it might give Amy away. We knew eventually since I'm a guy that I would have to keep my distance at times. Can we work out some other way to keep in touch?"

"Already in place."

She handed me a cell phone with a grin.

"This is the Amy phone! Welcome to our phone tree! You are about to witness the joy of keeping up with all your female friends through the phone. It will be fun!"

"What if someone outside of our team calls to become a part of the conversation?"

"It will automatically drop you off the line if someone outside our circle joins in and one of us will bring you back in when they leave."

"I guess I don't need as much hand holding now as in the beginning."

"That's for sure! You know everything there is to know about Amy now. All we have is mundane issues left."

"Thanks for watching out for me and letting me be Amy"

"It is our pleasure. You are clearly the best ever Amy! Know that even though only we know who you are the whole school loves Amy and that's due to you!

"Okay, thanks for helping me into the costume. I'm going to the practice area to do my warm-ups."

"Great, I'm going up to get ready with the squad. Meet us upstairs in our room 15 minutes before the pep rally."

"I'm on it!"

Jenna let herself out the secret door and I limbered up and did my stretches. I had the scoreboard clock counting down to the time I had to go. At last having taken care of all the necessaries, I was ready to join the rest of the squad in preparation for the pep rally

The pep rally began with us all singing the Lamur Institute Alma Mater. That song really meant a lot to us. It warmed my heart to hear the student body's voices blending with our own as we sounded the way we all felt. We were in unity of spirit and purpose and with respect to the traditions of the Lamur Institute,

We had a small baseball diamond laid out on the gym floor which was prepared for the introduction of tonight's starting lineup for our first baseball game of the season. Jenna and Star lined up on the right side of the door where the team would enter from while Hailey and Kendra lined up on the left side. I, as Amy, stood with my back to the entering players along the path they would take to the diamond. It was a tradition that each had to touch me on my back somewhere for good luck. Few touched me at my shoulders, since most could not resist the impulse to give my fanny a pat.

With the team introduced we launched into a series of cheers that brought the student body out of their seats and revved up their enthusiasm. One of the cheers introduced the squad in a really cute way that I enjoyed. When the pep band struck up the musical interlude, I realized they had on tap my favorite song for the team to dance to. In the original song "You're a grand old flag " we used the music but with our filk the words were completely different. In our adaptation it was about Amy and I was the star of the show.

A-my, Dance, Dance,Dance
A-my now! Dance, Dance Dance
A war-rior is rea-dy to fight

Ar-my-dillo of
My school was chose
To fight the good fight ev-ery day

A-my, Dance, Dance,Dance
A-my now! Dance, Dance Dance
Make us vi-gil-ent to the task

When foe fall in-to dis-ar-ray
Then its time A-my Dance, Dance Dance

I had quite a workout with that since I was dancing and shaking it and working it all the time. Coach Nestle, my homeroom teacher, really knew how to inspire everyone with his speaking. When the speech was through, he had us believing that we would be taking home a championship that depended on each student and athlete doing their part to achieve that goal, We went into my favorite cheer right after the coach gave us the breather by delivering that motivational speech.

"Okay Amy, Ready to shine!"

I answered in my Amy voice, "You Bet!"

Jenna started us with the call:

"Spell Out Amy! Hit It"

We all joined in right on the beat! Jenna and Star were formed up on the right of me whileHailey and Kendra were on my left. As they danced in time to the beat, they would move their pom poms from the outside to center and to the inside. As Amy, I danced in the center.I was the star of this cheer and I didn't want to let down my teammates nor the student body who poured out their adoration.

"Aye Emm Wye clap clapity clap clap clap ~ Amy!

Aye Emm Wye clap clapity clap clap clap ~ Amy!"

I held my "A" pose while they all chanted:

"Aye ~ Ambition for our baseball team!"

I held my "M" pose during the phrase:

"Emm ~ Mighty to beat our en-e-my!"

I posed as a "Y" as their yell continued:

"Wye ~ Yell out to all our Vic-to-ry!"

I started my last tumbling run as they returned to what they were doing in the beginning.

"Aye Emm Wye clap clapity clap clap clap ~ Amy!

Aye Emm Wye clap clapity clap clap clap ~ Amy!

Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh Aaaiiiimmmeee!


While the other cheerleaders jumped up and down and shook their pom poms in salute to Amy, I maintained the split in the middle of them that I ended up in after my tumbling run down the center of them all.

The student body went wild cheering! They sure loved Amy and I was glad that I had a part in keeping the tradition alive.

"You all did good! Let's go get some food and then we'll be ready to cheer the baseball team on to victory for their home opening game of the season!"

"I like that, Jenna!"

We followed her out of the gym to the cafeteria where the catered supper was waiting for us. On the way I stopped by the secret room to reconfigure the head portion of the Amy costume to exclude the articulated lips and revealed the gap so that my own mouth would be exposed. I checked to make sure my makeup was still okay and it was. Jenna used some very long lasting lipstick on me! With that chore taken care of, I joined the rest of the squad in the Cafeteria.

It was a feast, I filled up on salad and got a taste of a burger and a hot dog. I was a little nervous eating in the costume but with care and a big Amy-sized napkin protecting from any spillage everything went well. We soon helped Hailey's and Chelsea's Mom clean up the remains, although I could not do much hampered by the costume. I was able to push carts back to the kitchen. We had free time until the pre-game warm ups and those who had tickets for the game were able to get into the large open area around the ball park and there were groups of students and alumni with picnics of their own. We split up and spread the cheer to the groups by performing individually for them.

I was swung around as I was off balance from dancing by someone who had a hold of my arm and was pulling my head toward him. I recognized Dick Wallace just before he laid a French kiss on me that he would not let go!

"There, now I've stolen a kiss from all the cheerleaders, but yours was the best yet Amy!"

I couldn't breathe while he kissed me and I was still trying to catch my breath so I couldn't speak.

"Why don't you come out of that breast plate as well so I can cop a feel of your tits?"

I thought that I was a goner but then I saw Hailey out of the corner of my eye. She was chanting something and making motions in Dick's direction. I was just about recovered enough to do what I felt was my first reaction and that was to drive a kick as hard and as deep as I could into his groin to cause him maximum damage.


The scream started in base and cracked and finished as a soprano. I hadn't touched him. I wanted to kick him but I hadn't. The thing was that he looked like someone had kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. Hailey grabbed me and spirited me away back to the secret room.

She got me out of the costume and I had a good cry on her shoulder.

"What happened?"

"I think he was about to rape me. I was going to kick him down there and before I made up my mind, he was already doubled over in pain but no one touched him."

"It was Majick, Dee Jay. Nothing permanent and no damage. His reproductive system is temporarily shut down and the process for doing that caused pain but no damage. It will come back better than new, hopefully his lust won't overcome him again. I'm sorry sweetie that you had to endure that oaf forcing himself on you."

"That's what I saw you doing out of the corner of my eye then?"

"As you can tell now, Majick is real. Besides the Secret Room and the Secret Seven, the Circle that I'm part of is part of the protection that all the Amy's have had and now it's yours too. We can't do things too dramatically individually. It takes all of us on a certain place time and day to get really big things done."

"I'm feeling better! I need to get back in the costume for the game!"

"Amy sweetheart, there's still time. I need you to go lay down on the bed and rest. All of us will come down and get you ready to go just before the game so you can recover."

"Okay Momma!" I giggled and let Hailey lead me to bed where I got under the covers and drifted off.

Before I knew it, I was awake completely refreshed and I was no longer obsessing on the kiss. I took care of what I needed to in the bathroom and when I returned the entire squad was there lending moral support and getting me ready to go work the game.

We made our entrance to the field and then positioned ourselves to cheer the team onto the diamond. I don't think we ever cheered better as a squad. We were all cohesive and our most enthusiastic. It took everything we had to cheer them on to victory! The biggest fault was our starting pitching. It seemed that no one was able to follow what the coaches wanted from their pitching. It would not have hurt to have a little more offense too. It was a 6-6 tie coming down to the bottom of the ninth and a boy who I had played JV baseball last year came off the bench to hit a pinch hit home run to win the game.

I think besides the dismal playing at times, the one thing that kept my head out of the game was that I was faced with the reality that Majick is real and that Hailey had it. It was a bit comforting to have all of the squad support me and Hailey saved me using her Majick. It was upsetting to consider what something like that would do in the hands of someone like Dick. It was a bit of poetic justice that he would be sexless for a while since his sex drive got him into trouble.

I didn't get to participate in the post game party because I had to be spirited away to validate my alibi for the evening so that no one could connect me with Amy. Another of the Secret Seven drove me over to the meeting where Deidre was so that I could share the last part of it with her.

I recognized Kendra's Mom beside Deirdre at the meeting. I slipped in and took her place holding Deirdre's hand. She looked over me and gave me a big smile and whispered, "I’m so glad that you are here, Dee Jay."

I patted her hand and smiled back at her, not wanting to detract from the girl who was currently sharing in the circle. Deidre sure has come a long way, I thought as I relaxed and focused on the girl who was sharing in the circle. As I relaxed into a feminine posture, those looking at the pair of us might guess that I was the transgirl and Deidre was the moral support. Deidre was one of the Secret Seven who helped preserve the secret of Amy. We had fallen into becoming best friends soon after we met. Here was this very lovely girl with a special challenge, but she gave of her time anyway to uphold our tradition. I made the commitment to her to be her real support instead of just a sometimes stand in and never regretted spending each Friday with her.

As each girl shared around the circle, some with moral support and some by themselves, I could not get over the sheer courage that poured out as the common thread in each of their stories. Too soon for me since I had gotten there late, the last girl had shared and the therapist gave us all some things to consider. Before she would let us go, she had another announcement.

"Girls, I am so sorry to disrupt our weekly meetings but I have been assigned to teach a Monday Wednesday Friday class in the evenings, this quarter at the University. I’m going to have to move our meetings to Tuesdays until the quarter is over. We'll skip next week and resume the following week on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you all then."

There were a chorus of goodbyes from the girls as they started to get up and scatter going their separate ways. I looked over at Deidre.

"How's Tuesday going to work for you?"

"It's going to be fine for me but have you looked at the baseball schedule?"

"Not yet, why?"

"There aren’t many games on Tuesdays. I’m not going to be of as much help as I was. I hope that we can cover Fridays without me."

"You all have pulled off some miracles covering for me this year. I imagine you all still have a few left in you."

"Just so long as I get to save one special miracle for me. Am I selfish to want that?"

"You are one of the least selfish girls that I know."

"I’m in good company, honorary girlfriend."

"Thanks!" We hugged a girl type hug and then she giggled and I snickered. I had been made an honorary girl by the circle for my support and friendship with Deidre. But I was also an honorary girl by being the person inside Amy, so what she said had a second secret meaning.

Just then we both spotted our mothers entering the room. Deidre got up and rushed over to her mom and gave her a big hug. I too got up and gave a big hug to my Mom. When I emerged from the hug, Deidre and her Mom had already gone.

"I love you, Mom"

"I love you too, Dee Jay! How was your day today?"

"Mom, do I have a story to tell you!"

"Well it's late, so how about we make it a bedtime story only you get to do the telling."

"Fine by me! I'm really tired out."

Mom knew best. She drove me home and I bathed and got ready for bed. Then she tucked me in like she used to when I was little and I told her the story of my day. Only thing was that I was still trying to tell it when I fell asleep.

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Well Ariel

that was different....But i liked it, Dee Jay is so very lucky to have such an understanding mother, Nice story, Well told, Looking forward to reading more soon.

Hugs Kirri

really liked the magic aspect of this story.

How would she know that unless?

Hi Kirri,
Dee Jay does have a very understanding mother who seems to know exactly what Dee Jay is going thru. How would she know that unless? (Well I can't say any more and I hope you understand.)

Thank you for the compliment concerning the story telling. The aspect of Magick and the supernatural world plays a big part in Dance, Dance, Dance, not only in Denise's transformation but thruout the story.

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope that you enjoy the rest of the story as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

All my hopes,
Jo D Webster

Will This Most Excellent Story, Ever

Meet with your other stories such as Enterprise, or Mustard Seed, or any others?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Cross over stories a possibility within the same Universe

Hi Stan

I do cross over characters within the same universe. So the short story, Life Passed, the novels Dance, Dance, Dance: Full Moon, Beauty and the Vial: Tested all take place in the fictional town of Lamur, Georgia. I'm working on completing the novels and there will be character cross over and setings which will be introduced in one story and used later in another

Why no Ending?...

You have made a significant effort in getting the story to this point & have abandoned it. I am not sure if you where wanting,waiting for, others to step into your Universe as you have 'used' other universes in your story. Not a lot of comment here given the number of readers but to be expected I suspect given the single story contribution. I suspect when a writer creates a long story over time readers like to encourage the completion.

Cheers anyway on a good read.


Growing as a writer

Dear John,

I'm sorry that I'm only just now getting to your comment. I opened up way too many stories at the same time and left them all unfinished for the longest time. This one suffered from my relocating it and reposting it here at some point. This story originated on Stardust. If Stardust ever comes back comes back it will be interesting to compare the story there to the story here which has evolved over the years. I was trying something new over there at Stardust which has the same Drupal software underneath it as BCTS. I was posting in the same entry space chapter by chapter appending the new chapter in the same space as the old chapter. When I moved the story to BCTS, I tried the same way of posting here and then going back and placing chapters in their own individual postings.

Since the start of posting Dance Dance Dance I have completed, Pretty Please!, No Foolin' (which also started on Stardust) and USSF Enterprise (USSF Enterprise is under contract to DopplerPress) which have all become DopplerPress Books and all have all proceeds benefiting the upkeep of BCTS. I have completed and self published both "New Meaning of Sugar and Spice" and "Mustard Seed Expresses Life" at Amazon. I have completed "Gerald Versus the Good Ol' Boys" but I've held up Self Publishing it at Amazon until I was able to rework and expand it's ending. I had a short story which I had posted to Usenet ages ago make its way to BCTS called " Beauty and the Vial" to come to BCTS. In my attempt to rehabilitate the story I started making a Trilogy out of it. I utilized a whole lot of effort on it, ran out of steam and ideas to expand the story into a novel. I have resisted the temptation to make my third short story set in the Lamur GA USA setting into a novel, "Life Passed"

Those efforts bring us to July 2022 where I have turned my efforts to solely focus on Dance Dance Dance. I've added to Dance, Dance Dance a chapter in 2020 at which time I feared that writing a chapter a day in the life of my protagonist would prove too difficult to complete. I broke it up into two novels, Dance Dance Dance: Full Moon covering the first half of the lunar cycle and encompassing 15 chapters and having the natural climax of the cheerleader competition for which Denise was created. The last half of the lunar cycle will be told in Dance, Dance, Dance New Moon. This is a book I will put off posting until it is completed since I don't want it taking 15 years like Dance Dance Dance Full Moon has taken. In 2022 as of the writing of this comment I have completed chapters 8 - 12 gotten a start on chapter 13 and plotted out chapter 14 & 15 which have to do with the competition and it's aftermath. I feel reasonably sure that I will get Dance, Dance, Dance: Full Moon finished in 2022. I got inspired at Fan Expo Denver to do something with writing yet again and Dance Dance Dance is the beneficiary of that inspiration. At long last it's this story's turn to be completed.

Three questions will remain unanswered at the end of Dance Dance Dance Full Moon. Will Erida win in making Denise her minion or will Denise and the forces of Hera defeat Erida? Will Denise prove to be transgendered and at the end of the Lunar Cycle have Dee Jay die an identity death or even with staying Denise escape that fate for Dee Jay? What will come of the budding romance between Richard and Denise amidst the increasing speculation about where Richard really came from? On top of that will come other questions to be answered in the next Dance, Dance, Dance book to complete the trilogy.

I Found Part 8 First

I so enjoyed my introduction to this story that I needed to go back to the start. This part. It is so rare to find a magical surprise among these stories!

Welcome to the Journey!

Hi Alexia,

Welcome to the journey started years ago with this experimental piece of writing that I began on the website Stardust. 2022 is the year that Dance, Dance, Dance :Full Moon gets completed. I have up to chapter 12 completed, I'm working on chapter 13 and I have the last two chapters concerning the competition and its aftermath plotted out. Thank you for saying that Dance, Dance, Dance is a magical surprise. I'll add that to my inspiration to keep writing and finally finish this story in 2022