A May Day I Will Always Remember - 3

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A May Day I Will Always Remember
Part 3 - The Conclusion

by Dru

Part 3 of 3

Monday was anything but quiet and peaceful. Anna was beside herself with excitement. I must admit that I was starting to look forward to it myself. After lunch we bathed and then started getting ready for the festival. Mom helped me to dress. I had never worn this type of underwear before. It was all lacy and silky. The underpants were small, silky and purple. That was just the beginning there was something called a Basque which Mom wrapped around my stomach and hooked together. It felt like she was trying to split me in half. She explained it was designed to give me a womanly figure. I told her I didn’t want a womanly figure. Then there was a silk camisole. Everything of course was purple. There were straps hanging down from the Basque to which she attached hose, again purple. I complained about everything being purple but Mom explained that the color was lavender. Like that made a difference.

There were three different petticoats. Two were different shades of blue and between those two was a purple one. The feeling of wearing these clothes was strange. I felt all girly and wasn’t sure how that really made me feel.

Mom startled me when she said, “It feels nice doesn’t it.”

I blushed and replied, “I guess it does, it feels foreign, but it does feel nice.”

“Well let’s finish getting you dressed and downstairs.”

“Mom, thanks for all your help and support. I know I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“It’s okay sweetie, you know I love you and I understand this is something you never planned. Your father and I are proud of the way you are handling this.”

I finished getting dressed. I was wearing a long blue dress that went almost to the floor. Mom said it was a Schá¼rze or pinafore style. The under dress was purple, Mom called it Lilac. There was blue and purple lace at the neck and sleeves. It was hard for me not to constantly pull at my collar as the lace kept tickling my chin and the bottom of my ears. There of course was the white silk apron which tied around my waste. I wore black shoes which Mom called Mary Jane’s. I almost fell over when I stood up because I didn’t realize there were heels on the shoes. Mom had to help me down the stairs as I was afraid I would fall.

Anna and Aunt Irma came downstairs a few minutes after us. Anna looked very pretty in her dress. Her blouse was medium brown with almost gold and rust lace at the neck and cuffs. Her overdress was burnt orange. Before we left the house our hats were placed over our heads and hung down on our backs and of course we carried our staffs. Aunt Irma drove us into town and we went into the hairdressers again.

“Mom, why are we back here?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, it’s just some finishing touches for the Festival”

“Who me worry, I never worry about anything” — ‘yeah right, I thought’.

I knew the Festival was in celebration of summer. But I didn’t realize to what extremes they went to celebrate this event. I found out when I walked into the hairdresser’s. It looked like a florist shop. I was glad I wasn’t allergic to flowers because I know I would have been sneezing my head off. There were flowers of every description. The Queen and her court were done first and then this year’s Queen hopeful’s and finally the four of us. Everyone was very pretty and had flowers and ribbons in their hair. The Queen and the others all wore their hats on their heads while ours were down on our backs.

I had blue delphiniums of different shades of blue and small purple orchids in my hair, a corsage of the purple orchids on my left arm and a flower rope of delphiniums and orchids around my neck. Finally, a large bouquet of delphiniums and orchids were somehow attached to the top of my staff and another rope of flowers was wrapped around the staff. Anna’s flowers were orange gladiolas and lilies; Helen’s were green carnations and yellow chrysanthemums; while Ingrid’s were pink roses and red tulips.

“Mom, I think I know why the festival is held at night.”

“Why is that, dear?”

“Because, if we walked outside like this during the day we would be attacked by a swarm of bees.”

Mom started laughing so hard I thought she might fall over. The ladies in the shop wondered what was so funny and my mom translated what I had said and everyone had a good laugh.

Our mothers left to prepare for the Festival and the fourteen of us waited quietly together. Finally it was time to leave for the church and the beginning of the Festival. The fourteen of us were driven in three horse drawn carriages through downtown and to the church. We came in from the back of the sanctuary, down the center aisle and formed a line in front of the Minister. The church was full to overflowing. However, all of the individuals present, except the Minister were women. Eight past Queens stood behind the Minister. They were the five from Heiligreuz, Andrea, Irma and my mother. I looked at Anna and could tell that she was surprised that her mother was among the past Queens. For once I knew something the others didn’t and smiled to myself.

The past Queens were attired similarly to us. However, like Friday night their over dress was black. The under dress was one of eight colors. Andrea’s was blue and my mother’s was purple. They wore a white silk apron over the black over dress. I wondered what color Mom,s underwear was, not a good thought. Irma’s under dress was an orange color which matched Anna’s. All the past Queens had black straw hats with white ribbons.

The first two pews on each side were filled with the young girls who participated in the selection ceremony on Wednesday. There were 48 of them. They were all in two tone dresses similar to ours. Whereas our dresses were long and went down to our ankles theirs went only to their knees. Like us they all had ribbons and flowers in their hair. Every seat in the church was filled and women were standing in the side aisles, the balcony and the back of the church. All of the women were in traditional Swiss clothing of one of the eight colors, except other past queens who wore some type of black and white dress.

There was a short service which I didn’t understand much of because it was in German. At the end of the service the Minister stepped forward and kissed both cheeks of the Queen, her court and the prospective Queens. He then kissed Ingrid on both cheeks and then on her forehead. He repeated this with Helen and then Anna. He then kissed me on both cheeks and again bent my head down and kissed me on the top of my head.

After that, the eight past Queens led us from the church. They were followed by the current Queen and her court, then the five prospective Queens, the four of us and finally the 48 girls. We walked slowly as a procession down the street. I was surprised to see so many people. The street was lined four or five deep and everyone was singing a song in German that I did not recognize. Almost all the people were in traditional Swiss costumes.

As we approached the Town Square I saw that the crowd filled the entire square. There were also people on balconies of several of the buildings bordering the square. There was seating on the ground to the left and right of the stage which was reserved for past Queens and May Pole Princesses. There was a path open to the stage and the past Queens led us back to the stage where this all started a few days ago. My mom smiled at me as I stepped up onto the stage.

The past Queens moved to the right side of the stage. The Queen, Anika, and her court took their place at five chairs set in the middle of the stage. The five prospective Queens moved to the left side of the stage. The four of us were directed to four stools, two on each side of the Queen and her court. I had never tried sitting on a short stool while wearing a long dress. I thought I was going to fall on my butt, but somehow I managed to curtsey my way onto the stool.

The remaining girls, who Mom told me were the Sisters of Virtue or Faeys and were known as May Faeys filled in behind the Queen’s court.

Two of the past Queens took a small crown and a cape and walked over to the prospective Queens. The one with the crown walked back and forth behind prospective queens and finally placed the crown on one of girl’s head. The crown had red and pink stones in the crown. The second woman took the cape which she was holding and placed it on the girl. The cape was red and pink and had a black border around its edge. The girl curtsied to the two past Queens. She then walked over to the Queen’s court, stopped in front of the Queen and curtsied. Then one of the members of the court stood and embraced her. The new princess of the court then took the seat of the outgoing princess and the outgoing princess walked around the chair and stood behind the new princess.

This was repeated three more times until the new Queen was the only remaining one standing. After all of the new Queen’s court was seated Andrea with my mother and Aunt Irma behind and to her side approached the new Queen. Andrea carried a crown in her hands which had stones in all eight colors. Irma carried a black cape which had embroidery in the eight colors and white depicting a May Pole and its ribbons. Mom carried a staff. The bottom foot or so was white and the remainder was black. On top there was what appeared to be a large flower with multicolored petals in the eight colors. Andrea placed the crown on the Queen’s head and then embraced her. She then assisted Irma with placing the cape on the Queen’s shoulders. Irma then embraced the Queen. Mom stepped forward and formally handed the staff to the Queen and again embraced her. As Andrea, Irma and Mom stepped back the new Queen curtsied to them, turned and curtsied to each side of the stage where the past Queens and May Pole Princesses were seated. She then walked to a place approximately ten feet in front of Anika the old Queen. Estelle the new Queen curtsied to Anika. Anika stood, curtsied to Estelle and they then walked toward each other and embraced. Anika stepped back and Estelle took her seat as Queen. Anika again curtsied to Estelle and assumed her place behind Estelle’s chair.

Each of the May Faey came forward and curtsied in front of the new Queen. Then the four of us stood and went to stand in front of the Queen. We all curtsied as one. The Queen then stood and starting with Helen, curtsied and then hugged her, then Ingrid, Anna and finally me. The four of us stood around the Queen and held hands. The eight past queens and Anika then formed a circle around the five of us and started moving in a clockwise rotation. The past and present Queens’ court members then stood and taking ribbons of the eight colors formed an octagon around the Queens. Then the Faeys formed two circles around all of us. One circle of Faeys started moving to their right and the other circle moved to their left. Another song was sung by the entire group. Mom had rehearsed this song with me and I was able to sing along with the others.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

At the end of the song everyone separated and returned to stand in their previous locations. The eight past Queens moved to the center of the stage. The past Queens led the procession from the stage. Andrea was in front and Mom was in back just like when we were in Heiligreuz. Estelle followed next and was followed by her court, then the four of us, and finally then Anika and her court. Bringing up the rear were the May Faeys. The new Queen led us out of town on Schulhausstrasse and past Helen’s and then Anna’s homes and up into the low mountains. As we walked slowly out of town the May Faeys and many other little girls started to circle the entourage. A small group then broke off and started to circle the four of us. Once we were isolated from the others all the Faeys and their helpers started to circle the four of us. There were at least four circles each one larger than the inner one and rotating in the opposite direction. As they started to circle us they began a chant. It did not sound like the German I was used to hearing. It was different and almost like an ancient chant.

It was dark as we left the town and there were torches on poles along the way and other torches held by people which lit our way. One time I looked to the side and thought I saw my Grandma Helga and Grandpa Erich. When I looked back they were gone. I knew it couldn’t be them they were back in Wisconsin. The light from the torches flickered as we moved and caused the shadows to move. This created a kind of eerie feeling. It didn’t seem to bother any of the others so I tried to ignore it.

As we reached the end of the road and moved onto a narrow path, all but those who had been on the stage, the other past Queens and Helen’s and Ingrid’s moms dropped back and stopped. After we had gone maybe two hundred feet up the path a fog began to settle on the valley. As I looked back towards town I could not see the town, Anna’s house or the road. I could hear the chants but could not see the people. They continued to chant as we moved on up the mountain. There were torches placed along the path to light our way in the fog.

We passed through a stone pass. There were two black stone columns on either side of the path. Each had a torch on top of it and an iron gate hung open to allow us to pass. The four of us had been in this area yesterday and I did not remember seeing any stone outcroppings or stone columns as we walked through this area.

We continued forward through the woods and the fog. We came to an old wooden bridge that was probably fifty feet long and crossed it. On the other side of the bridge was the clearing Grandma had described to me. We entered on the northwest corner. To our left was a wall of rock. Across from us the wall continued to wrap around the clearing. I could see the cave in the wall on the far side. There were torches all around the clearing. There were two immediately on each side of the cave. Although there was no moon, there was a dim light which illuminated the clearing and seemed to come from the fog which hovered just above the top of the May Pole. The May Pole was in the center of the clearing. At its base it appeared to be over two feet in diameter. It rose straight up to at least 100’ high. It was painted in the eight colors and also had decorative paintings up its entire length. A spring flowed from the small cave and off to our right. I could not see where the edge of the clearing was on the right. As we crossed the bridge it appeared that it was a long way down to ground below the bridge. The entire clearing was covered in different colored flowers.

The eight past Queens went to the May Pole while the fourteen of us formed a circle around them. The May Pole had a lot of long ribbons tied to its top. The ribbons were in the eight Maypole colors, orange, brown, blue, purple, yellow, green, pink and red. The ribbons were 8 to 10 inches wide and were longer that the pole was tall. There were two ribbons on opposite sides of the pole from one another. One was white and one was black. They were both 16 to 20 inches wide. There were eight wooden poles which stood about five feet tall in an octagon shape about twenty feet out from the pole. There were steel rods running from one pole to the next. The ribbons were draped over these rods. The May Faeys formed two circles outside of the poles. The other past Queens and Helen’s and Ingrid’s mothers went to stand along the north stone wall.

Andrea welcomed everyone to the beginning of the festival and called upon the Spirit of summer to provide for our needs and to bring forth a bountiful crop. She said some other things but I didn’t understand what she said. I did hear the word Jungfrau, and some other things, but I couldn’t make any sense of it.

She then called the four of us forward. Each of our mothers also came forward. At this time Estelle and Anika joined the eight past Queens and their courts went to stand with the May Faeys. Our mothers took our staffs and hats from us and carried them to the cave. When they returned the four of us knelt in front of the ten Queens and received their blessing as Princesses of the May Pole. We were then led to the May Pole and each of us stood on a small wooden platform which was about a foot off the ground with our backs to the pole. Anna was to my right and Ingrid was to my left. That meant that Helen was directly behind me on the other side of the pole. Our mothers then took flower ropes and wrapped them around us and the pole. The four of us held hands and our hands were also wrapped with flower ropes. When they were finished Helen’s and Ingrid’s mothers walked back to the north stone wall.

Mom and Irma were joined by the Queen and the past queens and formed a circle around the four of us. They said something that sounded like an incantation. As the incantation was repeated the Queen walked over to cave, took a chalice from the cave and filled it with water from the spring. She walked back to the Pole, took a drink and handed it to Anika. Anika took a drink and passed it to Mom. Finally it was passed to Andrea who drank from the chalice and then said a short type of prayer. She then stepped forward and offered it to Anna. After Anna had taken a drink Andrea kissed her on the forehead and moved on to Helen and repeated the process. It was again repeated with Ingrid. I was last and then she kissed me on the top of my head. Andrea said something I could not understand, she then took another drink from the chalice and poured the rest of the contents on the ground around the May Pole. The incantation continued all this time.

The May Faeys then stepped forward and each one took the end of one of the ribbons. They stepped back until the ribbons were pulled tight. Queen Anika took the end of the black ribbon and Queen Estelle took the up the end of the white ribbon.

Each of the other eight queens removed one of the rods from between the poles. They carried the poles over to the cave and placed them into openings in the cave wall. They returned and removed the poles from the ground. They again carried them to the cave and placed them inside the cave. As they returned Andrea carried something that looked like a crank. She then inserted the crank into the May Pole. The eight queens took turns turning the crank. Each one turned the crank four turns. By the time they finished we were at a height of about sixteen feet in the air. The crank was removed and they stepped back to stand at the entrance to the cave.

Then everyone except the four of us started to sing a song. They started off very softly but the volume grew as the May Faeys started to move. It was amazing to watch. Every other girl would move to her right and the girls on either side would move to their left. Except Anika and Estelle who stood where they were outside the circles of Faeys. As the May Faeys moved they would weave in and out. The result was that the May Pole was wrapped with the multicolored ribbons. By moving in and out the May Faeys wove the ribbons so that they were criss-crossed as they wrapped the pole.

My mom told me later that the way the May Faeys wrapped the pole insures that the ribbons won’t come loose and helped to hold the four of us to the pole so that we wouldn’t fall and get hurt.

As everyone continued to sing and the May Faeys danced around the pole I was getting sleepy. I remember the ribbons starting to encircle me and I felt them holding me to the pole. I was surprised that it didn’t hurt my back or that I didn’t have trouble breathing. I again thought I saw my Grandma smiling at me. My last thought was ‘Wow this is really comforting, I think I know what it feels like to be in a cocoon’.

I remember some weird dreams. It was about German Princesses and Fairy Princesses and Goddesses. I remember my dreams were in German and an ancient language I had never heard but now somehow understood. I have no idea how long we were wrapped in the May Pole. I learned later that we were wrapped up all night and into the next morning.

My mom told me later that when the May Faeys got to our feet they stopped and the Queens came forward and again inserted the crank. They then lowered the wooden platform back to the ground. The four of us were held to the pole by the ribbons. After the crank was removed, the May Faeys continued to wrap the pole and tied the ribbons off to the bottom of the pole. At that point the singing stopped and a chant began as Estelle and Anika circled the pole in the same direction and wrapped the pole in the black and white ribbons. It looked like a barber pole but in black and white. When they were done, the chanting stopped and small bonfires were lit around the May Pole.

Everyone except the eight past queens returned to town where the Festival, dancing and drinking continued long into the night. Throughout the night one of the past queens held vigil over the pole and the four of us.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

At mid morning Queen Estelle, her court, Anika, her court, and the May Faeys returned. Queen Estelle and Queen Anika unwound the black and white ribbons. The May Faeys then untied the ribbons and began chanting as they unwound the ribbons.

The chanting is what woke me up and I recognized it as an ancient tongue which was no longer spoken. As I started to wake up the ribbons reached my feet. Mom and Irma inserted the crank and the platform was raised to where our feet were. The May Faeys then unwound the ribbons until they were above our heads. We were then lowered to the ground and released from the pole. The four of us were moved away from the pole by the Queens and we lay down on cushions in the cave. The pole was re-wrapped by the May Faeys. As I lay on the cushion and watched I noted that even though the four of us were no longer attached to the pole, the ribbons still held our shapes as they were re-wrapped. When they finished tying off the ribbons the black and white ribbons fell from the pole and were retrieved by Estelle and Anika and placed in the cave.

I felt totally refreshed and awake. Each of us was given water and a sandwich to give us some strength. As I became more aware of my setting I noticed that things had changed. My hair was now down to my mid-back. My skin seemed softer and I had what I thought were big breasts. For some reason I was very calm. If anything, I felt as happy as I had ever been. Mom whispered to me that we would talk about it later.

At that time the four of us were helped to stand. When I looked at the other three I was amazed. They were all very pretty, even beautiful. Anna’s hair was a dark brown but with auburn highlights. Her eyes which had been hazel were the most amazing golden brown, almost rust in color. Her hair had a curl to it which bounced when she moved her head. Her figure was perfect. She moved with a grace she did not have before.

Ingrid looked like I imagined Snow White would look. She had coal black hair which was straight and when the sun struck it, it looked to be a dark blue. She had dark blue eyes and dark pink lips which looked almost red. When I looked closely at her eyes I swore I saw flecks of red in her eyes. She had a lithe figure and moved almost like a cat.

Helen had beautiful auburn hair with a gentle wave that framed her oval face with startling green eyes the color of emeralds. She had light freckles on her face and arms and had the most enigmatic smile. Her movements were almost regal in nature.

When Mom held a mirror in front of my face I almost fainted. I was 13 years old, but I thought I looked closer to 16. My hair was a light blond, almost white, but with golden highlights. My face was soft with full lips. Most of all I noticed my eyes. They were a blue but they were almost violet if the light changed in a certain way. I knew I was just as pretty as my three friends. I reminded myself very much of my grandmother. I moved with a confident step that I didn’t have before.

Our dresses had changed too. All of them were the same. Instead of the high necks and long sleeves of last night they had scoop necks and short cap sleeves over short sleeved blouses. They stopped just below our knees and all of them were of a swirling pattern which had all eight colors. When I looked closely I noticed that mine had a little bit more blue and purple than the others and they each had a little more of their colors. Our aprons were of white silk, but the edges were trimmed in our “colors”.

As I looked around the meadow I realized that the fog was still present but the clearing was illuminated as though the sun was shining. Although many people had walked through the clearing it was still filled with flowers. There was no trace of their footprints.

I looked questioningly at Mom and she simply said, “We’ll talk later.”

At noon Queen Estelle led us back to town. Our hats were now placed on our heads and we carried our staffs. Each of the four of us was accompanied by one of the members of the Queen’s court. Margaret was my companion. The past Queens, including Anika, followed behind us. The May Faeys ran ahead to alert everyone of our approach. As we crossed the bridge I looked back at the clearing and could not see where we had just passed as the flowers were everywhere.

When we passed through the stone columns I noticed that they were now white. As we neared the road I looked back and the fog was lifting. I could not see the columns or stone pass, only the pine forest. There was a rainbow over the area from where we had come.

As we approached the Town Square the streets were again lined with people who closed in behind us as we passed.

We again climbed the steps to the stage. The Queen and her court took their seats and the past queens walked behind them and set in chairs which had been placed there for them. The four of us remained standing in front of the Queen. She stood and curtsied to us which we returned. Then the Minister and the Mayor both stepped forward from the side of the stage and directed us to face the front of the stage. As we did the entire crowd broke into loud applause. The Mayor said that the success of the May Pole ceremony would mean continued prosperity for the Town and the entire valley.

The Minister signaled for me to step forward. I was confused, what was this about. I tried to look at Mom but she was behind me. I looked around and that is when I saw my Grandma Helga standing with Grandpa Erich and Dad. She was smiling at me and motioned that I should do as I was asked. I stepped forward to the Minister. He bent down and kissed me on my right cheek, then my left cheek, he lifted my hat off my head and kissed me on the top of my head. He replaced my hat, turned me around, and stood me in front of him as we faced the crowd, he placed his hands on my shoulders and then exclaimed, “The Prophecy has been renewed, the blessing of God our Father and all the Gods and Goddesses shall continue to bring prosperity to this valley.

The crowd again applauded and started singing a hymn. I knew it was an old German hymn but I now understood the words. It told the story of an ancient Valkyrie, Sigrdrá­fa, who was praising the Gods for the blessing of prosperity which was given to her people. It went on to thank the Goddesses for blessing the valley with beauty and for honoring her people through the Goddesses’ acceptance of those presented to her.

The four of us again curtsied to the Queen and past Queens. The Queen and past Queens stood and then descended the steps of the stage to the applause of the crowd. We followed them and we then walked to the Town Hall. Our moms met us there and took each of us home. We would return that night for the final dinner and celebration.

Mom and Grandma took me back to Andreas. Andrea went with Irma and Anna to their home. Other past Queens went Helen and Ingrid. We had lunch. It was then that they explained to me the significance of the festival and more importantly the part which the May Princesses play in the good fortune of the community and the surrounding valley. Afterwards we returned to the Festival.

The Festival continued throughout the day and night with games, food and drink, and dancing. People from throughout the entire valley were present and celebrated the successful May Pole ceremony. I sat with my family and then Anna, Ingrid and Helen came and the four of us walked around the festival. Where ever we went we were hugged. Everyone smiled at me and thanked me for my participation in the ceremony. It was all very embarrassing. As it got dark I found I was very tired and Mom and Irma took Anna and me back to Irma’s before we fell asleep sitting up.

We stayed on for another week and then returned home. “But, that my dears, is the story of my special May Day.”

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Darcy was the first to speak. “But Mom I have so many questions. How did your dress change? How did your hair and boobs grow? What did our Grandma and your Grandma say later?”

Devan added, “What’s this about prosperity and a prophecy? You can’t stop now.”

“And you said it changed your life, I know it was some kind of special May Day but how did it change your life Mom,” asked Darcy.

As I had been telling the story my mom had slipped in the back door and was sitting in a chair behind the girls. She cleared her throat and the girls both jumped. I couldn’t help but laugh at the look on their faces. They both blushed and then jumped up to go hug their Grandma. Since we had been sitting there for a couple hours while I told my tale we decided to take a break, get a snack, and see to other things.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Mom suggested that we sit in the family room to continue the story. Mom was now almost 70 years old, but she could easily pass for someone in their mid 50's. She looked and me and asked, “Are you sure about this?”

I nodded my head and smiled at her. Mom then said, “Girls, what your mother and I are about to tell you is only for the two of you and no one else. It is a story of our family, our traditions, and our legacy. Can you both agree to this?”

Darcy and Devan looked at each other and both nodded their heads. My mom motioned for me to continue.

“Since that wonderful vacation I have learned a lot about the wonderful valley where your Great Grandmother grew up. I spent hours talking with her and Mom and learned all about the history of the May Pole. I have returned to visit several times. As the two of you are my daughters and are now physically mature young women. - - “

“Mom, I haven’t done anything with anybody so don’t go saying I’m mature!” shouted Darcy.

“Darcy, I didn’t mean that you had done anything with anybody, I just meant that now that both of you are having your monthly visitor it is time to share this story with you.

“Okay Mom, sorry I just didn’t want you or Grandma thinking I was doing it”.

Devan didn’t say anything, but she did have the good sense to blush. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to take that.

“Anyway, as I was saying, it is time that you learned the history of the valley and of our family. The May Pole Festival goes back at least 1,500 years. There are indications that it was part of a Pagan ritual. But, as you heard, the local church now participates in the ceremony and blesses the participants.

The songs which are sung and the invocations have been passed down from generation to generation. It is the women who are instrumental in the tradition. Although the May Pole is wrapped and the festival takes place every year, the key to the tradition is what is now known as the leap years. I do not know how that came to be because it is not believed that the Pagans or early Christians celebrated a leap year. However, for the last several hundred years the leap year celebration is the key to this tradition.

Remember that this area is a rural farming area and in the past relied upon a successful harvest for its survival. The May Pole started out as a celebration of the Summer Solstice and the people would ask God and the older Gods and Goddesses for their blessing of a good and bountiful crop. This particular valley is considered to be one of the most fertile in all of Europe. The local wines are thought to be some of the best in the world. The crops are always large and the animals are never barren. The farms have remained in the same families for centuries.

The reason for this is that everyone knows that the prosperity of the valley is due to the blessings received from higher powers and the people continuing to perform the May Pole Ceremony. The community chose not to celebrate the Ceremony in 1828 and 1829. As you know the fire which destroyed the village occurred in May 1829.

Grandma Heidi looked at both of the girls and admonished them, “I can tell by the looks on your faces that you are not inclined to take this seriously. After we are done I believe your attitudes will change and when you go there in 2012 you will see for yourselves.”

“What your Grandma is trying to tell you is that in three years we will be taking you and your brother over to Switzerland for the May Pole Festival and you will be able to experience the Festival for yourself. But right now I want you to keep your mind open to what we are telling you. Okay?”

They both chorused, “Yes Mom.”

“As I told you every fourth year is the key year. That is the year that the May Pole Princesses are selected and are wrapped with the pole. At least one of the girls has to be a daughter or granddaughter of a past Queen or May Pole Princess. When I was the Princess Anna was that daughter. That is why the groups were divided as they were. Each of the final four groups had one girl who was the daughter or granddaughter of a past Queen or May Pole Princess.

One part of the prophecy is that if the girls are virtuous and accept the blessing bestowed upon them then they will be changed. As I described, their clothes change, their eye color changes, their hair and their figure. If they are changed by the ceremony then the prosperity of the valley continues. Do you understand?”

“Yes, but you said ‘one part’ that means there is more and you still haven’t answered my question as to why this changed your life. What else is there Mom?” asked Darcy.

Devan sat thinking for a moment and added, “Mom didn’t you also meet the requirements? I mean your Grandma Heidi was a Queen and Great Grandma Helga, was a May Pole Princess. You should have been double qualified.”

I looked at my Mom and she continued.

“Devan, I will answer your question in a moment. Girls what your mom has been trying to say is that there is a more significant part to the Prophecy as we call it. It only involves two or three branches of women from certain families of the valley. Our branch is one of those branches.

There is a part of the Prophecy which makes the changes we’ve talked about seem very minor. Every generation one of the daughters of our family must be selected to be a Queen or May Pole Princess on a leap year. That selection must be made when they are between the ages of 13 and 18 and while they are still a virgin. That is one of the reasons we are having this talk now.

I had hoped that since Irma and I were each chosen to be a Queen that the legacy would follow her. But she didn’t have any sons. I did. So I knew the legacy was mine to bear.”

“So what’s the big deal you had two sons and a daughter and Mom was a May Pole Princess, the prophecy was satisfied wasn’t it?” asked Darcy.

“Patience child, as they say, all will be revealed.”

“The real prophecy comes from the second part of the May Pole tradition. Before I get into that though I have to ask you a question that I know you are not going to want to answer. However, you have to answer it and you have to answer it truthfully. Will you both agree to do that?”

Darcy and Devan looked at one another and both reluctantly said “yes”.

“Are you still dressing your brother Arron up as a girl?”

Both of the girls turned pale and looked down at their laps. I spoke up then and said, “It’s okay, I know you have been doing it and I know that Arron enjoys it. I know he does it on his own when you aren’t around. It’s really okay.”

“Mom, Grandma, we’re sorry we didn’t know what to do. When we first did it was just a joke, but Arron started asking to play dress up and then after a while he wanted to be our little sister. So we tried to be careful and not let you find out, but I guess we weren’t careful enough,” offered Darcy.

I got up and hugged both of them. “I know and your dad and I love you for it. It’s nothing that you or Arron did it is part of the prophecy. You see, if the youngest child is born a boy then he may fulfill the true part of the prophecy. But he has to want to be a girl, be a girl in his heart and be a May Pole Princess.”

At that point I had to look away. Grandma Heidi went on, “What your mom is trying to tell you is that when you go to Schá¼pfheim three things can happen, one of the two of you can be chosen to be Queen, one of the two of you can be chosen to be a May Pole Princess, or Arron can be chosen to be a May Pole Princess. Everyone in the Village knows that whenever a boy is chosen to be a May Pole Princess and is changed then Prosperity for the Valley will continue for at least 100 years.

My mother, your Great Grandmother Helga moved from the village because of this. She had hoped that the legacy would go to one of her sisters. Regardless of her hope she took me back when I was 15 and I was selected to be the Queen. As your mom told you, Helga was a May Pole Princess. What she didn’t tell you was that my mom’s name before she was the May Pole Princess was Henri.

Both of the girls looked at me with questioning eyes.

“Mom continued, if your brother is selected to be the May Pole Princess I anticipate that her name will be Erin after the transformation. Because, as you now understand, the May Pole wrapping will totally transform a boy who believes in his heart that he is a girl into a girl. Isn’t that right Dani, that’s now with an ‘i’ and not a ‘y’ as it was originally.”

Apprehensively I looked at my daughters and said, “So now you know why it was a life changing experience and a May Day I will always remember.” As they both jumped up to embrace me my eyes filled with tears of joy for the love of my daughters.

The End

I would like to thank Puddin’ for her invaluable insight suggestions and criticisms. I would also like to thank Stanman for his editing and proofreading. Unfortunately I changed the story a lot and added material after his work. So, all the errors, mistakes and misnomers are mine. I hope everyone enjoyed the story ------ Dru

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What a great tale and I loved it. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Color and Pageantry...

...definitely appears in abundance here. (Seems well organized, if somewhat intensely detailed for my tastes -- I'm sure a lot of people enjoy that more than I do.) The story's certainly skillfully written; I'm convinced that Dani's daughters couldn't have seen the punchline coming.

My problem, I guess (outside of the question I brought up last time of how the change affects people in America who knew or had documentation of the male that Dani used to be) is that Dani doesn't seem to fit the description of a boy "who believes in his heart that he is a girl." (FWIW, I'll continue to use "she" here for Dani before and after the ceremony, since a lot of this has to do with the adult Dani telling the story.)

There's no indication in any of this that she's doing any of this out of desire. In telling this story as an adult to her daughters, she's been describing all kinds of things -- clothes, activities, etc. -- as "too girly" for her as they occur. This isn't the classic girly-boy's feigned rejection of feminine things; it's something that she's saying in the present, in the context of telling the story now. She may have "believe[d] she's a girl" back then, but it doesn't seem to have been an especially feminine one, and her acknowledgment that "the clothes feel nice" at the beginning of this section seemed grudging, not heartfelt -- as if Dani's mother, in asking the leading question, was looking for some sign of positivity about the process that hadn't been forthcoming so far.

But the major stumbling block here is that there's nothing here that indicates that the boy has to be kept in ignorance. It's unlikely, in fact, that the townspeople thought that anything of the sort was happening; Dani knew enough German to communicate with them without knowing enough to understand the conversations and speeches going on around her, discussions which presumably would have let her know what was going on. In fact, when it comes to ignorance, just the opposite seems to be true: from what we're being told, good luck only follows if the boy willingly welcomes the change.

(Whether an unwelcomed change would fail to take place or simply fail to bring good luck to the town doesn't seem clear. Since the good luck reportedly lasts a century or more, it'd take quite a while before things got desperate. But either way, a dissatisfied and angry "princess" could disrupt the ceremony pretty badly the second day.)

There may be something to not telling a willing kid in advance if there's a chance he won't be chosen; as we're being informed this time, assuming all three of Dani's kids are still virgins and therefore eligible for the royal honor in 2012, there's at most one chance in three that Arron will be selected, especially since the TG element of the prophecy doesn't need another "victim" for three more generations. (If I were Arron, I'd still want to know, even at the risk of having my hopes dashed later.)

But in Dani's case, since her brothers clearly weren't going to be considered and the whole trip seems to have been arranged to put her in position, it seems to me that the only reason not to tell her (and to keep her away from anyone in the extended family who might) was Dani's mother's fear that Dani didn't really have a girl's heart and wouldn't participate unless railroaded. If I read this right, there may have been some desperation there, with the whole extended family, in America and Switzerland, not having any qualifying sons or daughters to fulfill the requirement that one of their members participate. But even then, the better answer would be to appeal to Dani's family honor and demonstrate, as best they could, the power of the prophecy and the need for Dani to take one for the team, as it were. (Actually, with the explanation here that any virgin 17 or younger can qualify, having Dani observe things this time and serve as princess four years later seems like a viable possibility.)

Anyway, an entertaining story and a well-researched contest entry. Thanks for posting.


Interesting May Day story.


I liked the story, but it seemed to me that mom Dani did not hide the fact that she was a boy during the adventure. It was not clear but I do think her attitude aand questioning of her mother made that obvious. The daughters should have picked this up eaarly on.

I enjoy detailed stories, but at times the description of the clothing and the ceremony overwhelmed me. It would make a great movie.



May Day 2012

It will be an ideal time to resurrect this story and take it another step, not a mere repeating of four years before, it is now 2012. How does one live out a new role. What old friends are receptive to the change. How did mom receive the news that her last child was a boy, thus experience a new transition.


Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

Great Imaginitive Story

I enjoyed the story, which was very creative and interesting. While there were some discontinuities, I thought the story held together pretty well. I see Danny as trans-susceptible, since he was much more aligned with his mother rather than his brothers. Fate had a role to play in his becoming changed. Big magic was at work in his becoming a fertile woman, and fulfilling the prophesy. Time was also in play because the 100 year need was running out.

Great Imaginitive Story

I enjoyed the story, which was very creative and interesting. While there were some discontinuities, I thought the story held together pretty well. I see Danny as trans-susceptible, since he was much more aligned with his mother rather than his brothers. Fate had a role to play in his becoming changed. Big magic was at work in his becoming a fertile woman, and fulfilling the prophesy. Time was also in play because the 100 year need was running out.