Pass On What You Have Learned

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Pass On What You Have Learned
by Saless

Ann is a remarkable young woman.   At an early age she discovers the ability to tap into the power of her spirit.   With this power she can do amazing things.   She is also an extremely caring person, more concerned about the well-being of others than she is about her own comfort.   She travels the world, looking for people to help.   But these stories aren’t about Ann.   They’re about the people she helps.   For in order to help them with their problems, Ann must pass on what she has learned.



This is just a teaser, I guess. I'll be posting the first chapter tomorrow. I'm hoping to have new chapters up every week or two after that (No Promises!). This will be my first story posted anywhere online, so constructive criticism will be most welcome.


"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America

"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America

"Tradition" is a reductionist tactic; Values & Principles

That is why calling "x" tradition is just a way of minimizing and reducing it in order to prepare the way for the overt overthrow. It is only a subversion to call values by the name "tradition". Values are not subject to change. One can abandon his principles or values, but the value itself does not change.

The Eddie Murphy quote is a meaningless. "Times change" ??? sure, so what. It is apparent he means something like tradition changes, but of course, the statement is so incoherent that one could easily dance all day. Nothing is said.