I've been trying to find a way of presenting this in a way that doesn't leave me shaking in frustration and anger. I haven't been able to find one, so I'll just post the address the website:
My father (a remodelling contractor) has worked for DJ off-and-on for years. DJ has treated us well, and has given him a lot of business. Having something like this happen, and then not finding out about it until this last Monday, has really shaken me up. I honestly don't know what anyone here might even be interested in doing, if anything. Just know that even just support to DJ would be welcome.
Note that the Mature Themes is due to the graphic nature of the pictures on that site.
Where did this happen?
This happened last summer? The horse is sort of out of the barn now isn't it? I mean, that I'm supportive and all that but why are we reading this now?
Many Blessings
...I only found out about this Monday. The time lag is part of why it hit me so hard. I did some work for him a few years back, subbing for my dad, and thought DJ and Dan were decent people. I posted this because I found out about it now, because I was upset about finding out so long after the fact, and because the trial (of the wrong person) is happening in about two weeks. I understand that it's late in the day, and that people likely can't do much even if they wanted to. I just feel that any support that can be shown would help. Making this visible, even now, is something I can do. I also plan to be in court if I can. If people don't want to get involved, that is their right, and I wouldn't say or even imply anything against them. I didn't put this up for them. I hope someone here might at least make some show of support, but I'm not demanding.
I'm sorry if I've caused a problem for some people, but, like I said, this shook me, and I thought to spread the information, and beg some support.
EDIT: I re-read the comment, and am hitting my head for maybe overreacting a little. As to where this happened, it happened in the Salt Lake area of Utah. Not quite a bastion of GLBT tolerance, though I've always felt far more threatened (at least in the hate sense) by the Rel-Right import "missionaries" we all know and just >love< who come into town to condemn the Mormons for not being christian than any of the "home-grown" ignorant peoples.
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
wow so disturbing and sad
but typical of american justice. so much injustice. Their going on trial this month? I hope their found not guilty, since it seems theres NO evidence except for a mothers statment of a kidnapping. whether it will matter is another question. THere are many inocent people convicted in america.
From what I saw
Apparently there was no kidnapping in the first place, so how is the prosecutor planning to make the charges stick? That makes no sense to me.
I'm not surprised at the nonprosecution of the attackers, that kind of thing happens quite frequently.
Hoping some justice is done here.