Suppression of GLBT literature by major retailer will not be tolerated!

I don't do stuff like this very often, in fact, I've never done it. I'm asking for everyone who can and does not fear to do so to go to every social news and networking sites they can and make sure that this action by Amazon does not get "disappeared." We are here, we read books, we buy books and we will not be stuffed into a closet, even if some of us live in one.

Spread this idea on other bulletin boards and social networking sites like:

Here's a site that has a list of other social networks, some of which are appropriate and some not:

Go to Google and find other sites that talk about this subject. Mark this post and other such posts on other sites in social bookmarking sites like:

And increase the rankings of such sites talking about this in the social news/bookmarking networks by visiting the sites or otherwise increasing their rank by voting for them.

If you feel brave enough and mad enough, email Amazon and tell them how you feel.

Find other online news outlets and send them notice of this new attempt by Amazon to suppress GLBT literature.

Latest news is that Amazon is saying this was a "glitch." A glitch that involved emails from customer relations explaining that it was deliberate new policy? I don't think so. You know me, I'm willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt but in this case there really is no doubt that SOMEONE at Amazon did this deliberately. Let them know how big a mistake it was.

Hugs to all,