The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson - Part 6

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson

Written by Kristine Roland
Edited by Joni W

Part 6 - This is the Sequel to Jason's Story.

Meghan moves in and Kelly and her friends help out at a "soup" kitchen.

Author's Note: My sincere thanks to Joni W for all her efforts!

Chapter 15

Kelly handed a box up to John, who was in the moving truck with Meghan's father. She looked back at the house and her friends all here to help Meghan's family on moving day. It was now late April, what would be a pleasant spring day, if not for the task at hand.

A lot of discussion between Meghan, her parents and the Andersons, had taken place in the past couple of months. The job situation in the area had just continued to deteriorate and Meghan's family had to make the tough decisions about moving back in with her grandparents. In the end, her parents decided that it was in Meghan's best interest to stay with the Anderson's, to take advantage of the opportunities at Jefferson.

Kelly thought wryly about how the biggest sticking point came to Meghan's parent's insistence, that they would have to pay for her room and board. Her own parents said that, that was silly, the room was empty, and how much could Meghan eat. In the end, they had compromised and it was decided that they would send fifty dollars a week to the Andersons towards the groceries bill.

Once that was settled, it was just a matter of getting proper release forms signed and notarized, so that in case of an emergency the Anderson's could get Meghan medical treatment. Meghan was now covered by the states Family Care, health care program.

Kelly looked up and down the street, she shook her head at all of the real estate signs. Many of them, like Meghan's house, had "For Rent" signs; several had signs indicating the homes were in foreclosure. She just shook her head and said a silent prayer that things would turn around soon. She knew that there were huge debates going on at the federal level, on how to best stabilize the economy, but it was just more then she could grasp. Listening to the news and hearing arguments from both parties, she sometimes wondered if anyone really put the face of families, like Meghan's, to the problem. It seemed too overwhelming to her at that scale.

She shook her head, and got back to work.

Later that evening, Kelly sat with Meghan in the former guest bedroom, which was now Meghan's room. They were both in their nightgowns and bathrobes; they left the door wide open.

"You ok, Meghan? I know it was hard to say goodbye today."

"I'll be fine. It's not the first time I've been away from them. I went to a sleep away camp, one summer. I think the problem is that we really don't know how long this will be. Certainly till the end of the school year, but if nothing has changed, I'll be back here next year too."

"That is too much to worry about right now. They are not so far away that you can't see them if you need too. It's just a couple of hours drive. They will be coming to see you at least once a month. And your grandmother has Internet, so you can Skype them with the webcam or telephone every night."

"Oh, I know that, Kelly. I'm just sad that this had to happen. Dad was so excited when he got that job at Jones, and we could finally start to get back on our feet. He is really depressed right now. I'm worried about him."

Kelly put her arm around Meghan's shoulder and pulled her close, letting her just cry on her shoulder. Kelly's mom walked by and Kelly made eye contact with her and mouthed, "Please, not now."

Kelly saw in her mother's eyes and face, the look of concern and empathy for Meghan, but she nodded her head in acknowledgement then backed away. Kelly turned her attention back to Meghan and just continued to hold her tight.

When she finally began to quiet down, Kelly said, "Shh… It's going to be fine. Your dad is going to be ok."

Meghan sniffled and said, "I know and Lord knows, there are people that are worse off, that don't have family they can fall back on, I just… it just isn't fair. Daddy works so hard."

"Yes, he does. This thing is going to turn around; you wait and see. In the meantime, you and I are going to do everything we can to help those that are struggling. Minister Goodman mentioned last week, that they need help; he is going to use the fellowship hall and the kitchens, to provide hot meals to the needy. He asked for volunteers to work with serving, cleaning, and collecting donations of food. I already volunteered and you would be very welcome."

"But I don't go to your church?"

"You don't have to. Minister Goodman won't care and he won't proselytize to you, believe me. He will appreciate your help. Julie has already agreed to help too. I plan on asking the whole gang."

"Ok… I think that is a great idea. Thanks Kelly."

They sat together neither one saying anything for a long time. Meghan broke the silence first, "Kelly, how do you do it?"


"You are so… I don't know, supportive. I never knew you as … well, as you were before. I've only known you as Kelly. But from the day I met you, you have been subject to some pretty intense stuff, from Courtney to Brad, to the nonsense with the news. That doesn't even bring up your blasted Aunt and cousin, and their minister. Yet, you never seem to let any of that faze you, you don't even hate them for it. Some of the people you will be helping are the same people that called and left hate messages on your answering machine and you don't care. And here I am, why, because you cared enough to make it happen. I don't think that I could be that forgiving."

"Meghan, believe me, it fazes me. You did not see what I was like the night that we first heard that I was being trounced on national TV. I was really even more upset after the BNN response; I had to have an emergency visit with my doctor that day. But for all of those things, I have been blessed to have parents that have stood by me, as well as my grandparents and my other relatives. I have Julie and all of you as friends. That is what gives me the strength to get through every day. I know that some of the people, that I will be helping, will not approve of me, and will probably resent that I am there. I can't help that, but maybe a few of them will look differently upon me as a result. I can only hope. As for you, you’re my friend. You stood up for me the first day of school, when you had no reason to, other than that you saw someone being mean. You could have kept quiet and not said anything; no one would have thought less of you for it, but you didn't. How could I sit back and not help any way I could."

Meghan said, "I know you told me you weren't trying to replace my family and you were right, because no-one is going to replace my parents. But I don't have any brothers or sisters, or at least I didn't, I do now. So what are you, five days older then I am? How's it feel to be a big sister?"

Kelly laughed and said, "It feels good. Come on little sis, let's go watch a movie, cause I won't get any sleep now."

"That sounds good to me."

Chapter 16

Kelly looked out at the tables set up in the fellowship hall. She and her friends were all helping out several nights a week and as word had gotten around, the number of people showing up for dinner every night was growing.

Several of the other area religious institutions had come together and decided it was better to work together then to have separate efforts. Minister Goodman, having started the project and also having the building with the largest capacity, continued to host the meals, but was more than happy to accept the help from the other area churches, synagogues and mosques.

The area grocery stores all had donation boxes setup for people, to drop non-perishable foods into. Many of the local business had canisters out for loose change to help and the local restaurants were donating the food that was not sold each night that was perfectly edible, but could not be sold the next night. Kelly was proud of how her community was coming together to help.

"Miss… May I have some of those potatoes?" An older gentleman said to Kelly.

"Oh, certainly sir, I'm sorry." Kelly spooned a portion of mashed potatoes unto the man's plate. "Gravy?" The man nodded, and Kelly took the ladle and poured brown gravy on the potatoes. "There you go."

"Thank you, Miss."

"You're welcome sir."

"Oh… Missy. Can I have some potatoes, Missy… Miss, my ass," a boy about Kelly's age said.

"Randell Moran," Kelly said, with a frown, but she served him his potatoes.

"Don't forget the gravy, missy."

"Here." Kelly poured the gravy on his potatoes.

"Excuse me, Mr. Moran. I believe you owe Miss Anderson an apology." Minister Goodman said from behind Randell.

"No way, I won't say sorry to it," Randell said.

"Mr. Moran, this is a church building. Miss Anderson is here helping in our mission and I will not have her spoken to in such a way, now you will apologize, or you may take your meal and leave. I won't withhold food from you, but you will not be welcome here, if you cannot be civil."

"Randell, tell him you're sorry," Randell's mother said, pointing at Kelly.

"That's enough. Mrs. Moran, I will not permit such behavior in our church. Meghan, please bring out some containers for the Moran's dinner, they will be taking them with them. Mrs. Moran, when you and your family are prepared to be civil you may return. In the meantime, here is the location of an alternative program."

"Minister… that isn't necessary. I'm sorry that they feel that way about me, but I'm not here to be a distraction. They need the church's help, or they would not be here. Whether you want it or not Randell, or you too Mrs. Moran, I forgive you, and I will pray for you."

Minister Goodman started to say something, but looking into Kelly's eyes, he saw her pleading him to back down.

The Moran's, took their plates and went to sit down, but Kelly saw Mrs. Moran look back at her, with a puzzled expression. When she saw that Kelly was looking at her she quickly turned away.

"Meghan, please take over for Kelly. Kelly, come with me please."

Meghan took the spoon from Kelly, and Kelly followed Minister Goodman to his office.

"I'm sorry sir. I came here to help, not to be a distraction."

"Kelly, I'm not mad at you, heaven's no! I just want to make sure you are alright. You should not have to put up with that kind of thing here."

"No sir, but they need the help. It's hard enough for some people to admit they need the help, but then to have to accept it from someone that they thoroughly disapprove of, can make it even harder. That is not why I'm here."

"Maybe not, but I for one hope that you will open some minds as a side result. But you are right to point out that we have a mission to help and that has to come first. Just don't be surprised if you become the focal point of one of my sermons, about tolerance, love and acceptance." He laughed at the look of horror on Kelly's face. "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you that way," he laughed even harder at the look of relief. "Go on, back to work with you."

Kelly went on back, to help out. The doors had closed, and they were starting to clean up the serving line. Kelly chipped in and helped with the cleaning. After the last of the guests had left, she helped with cleaning the tables and folding them up to be put away; so that the hall could be used in the morning as a gymnasium for the preschool.

Once the tables were folded up and put away; the floors needed to be mopped. Kelly lifted a bucket into the sink in the kitchen to fill with water. As she struggled to lift the now full bucket out of the sink, Cliff Mccullough came over and said, "Here, Kelly. Let me get that for you."

Cliff reached around Kelly and grabbed the bucket, brushing up against her as he did so. "Uh, thanks." Kelly said, as she moved out of his way. Cliff easily lifted the heavy bucket and Kelly noticed for the first time how handsome and strong he was.

Cliff put the bucket down into its wheeled base and made sure it locked in tight and then he turned to Kelly and said, "There you go."


"Kelly…" Cliff blushed.

"Yes, Cliff."

"I just wanted to say… Look, I'm sorry for what Randell said to you earlier. He can be a bit of a jerk sometimes."

"It's hardly your fault, Cliff. You have never been anything but polite to me."

"um… yeah, I know… Look Kelly, I know that you and Julie are together, so please don't take this the wrong way, but… I just wanted to tell you that I think you are… well one of the prettiest girls at Jefferson. I think Julie is awful lucky to have you as a girlfriend."

Kelly felt her stomach do a summersault, and said, "Oh… well, um… Thanks."

Cliff blushed and went off to finish what he was working on.

Later that night at home, Meghan cornered Kelly. "So what was all that with Cliff?"

"It was nothing," Kelly said.

"Was nothing… it sure looked like something to me."

"We just talked for a minute." Kelly said.

"Uh huh… I saw the expression on your face. I'm glad Julie wasn't there."

"Oh… it was nothing. I'm in love with Julie. I was just startled."

"Was that when he reached around you, or when he told you that you were the prettiest girl at Jefferson?"

"Come on Meghan. Ok, I was startled, because I was surprised when I realized I was actually seeing him as handsome. I've never felt that way about a guy before. But it does not change how I feel about Julie. I'm sure she has seen some guys and thought they were handsome."

"Sure, she has and I'm sure she did even before you met her, but this is new for you. What do you think it means?"

"Nothing, I'm a girl; there is nothing wrong with me noticing a boy is cute."

"Oh, now he is cute…"

"Well, isn't he?" Kelly said with exasperation.

"Ok, yes he is."

"So, what's the problem? I didn't kiss him or anything."

"Did you think about it?"

"No… well… only for a second. Look I told you I love Julie. Cliff is a nice guy, and he is cute. And he knows who I am and I guess he is interested, but he knows I'm with Julie. Nothing happened, and it's not going too!"


"Good," Kelly asked?

"Well first of all, I would have to be mad at you if you were going to cheat on Julie, and second of all, he is cute, and if you aren't going to do anything with him, he is fair game for me." Meghan smiled.

"Oh…" Kelly fought the feeling of jealousy and said, "Of course… go for it."

Meghan, "Oh, do you have some thinking to do, Sis. I saw that look."

"Meghan… It's fine. I just wasn't really expecting this to ever come up. I am very happy with Julie, and if you can get Cliff to open his eyes and see that you are far prettier then I am, I'll applaud and be happy for you both. I promise. I'll even help if I can."

"Well… if you are sure?"

"I'm sure."

The two of them spent the rest of the evening plotting out Meghan's assault on Cliff, and by the end of it, Kelly was feeling much better about things and was hoping that Meghan would succeed.

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