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Luggage is lost and adjustments must be made. Not the most original premise, but, hopefully,
you'll enjoy a fun ride.
Author's Note: I hope you all do enjoy this particular tale. It is a F to M one and let us see where things take us! Please toss me a review? ~Clara.
This version of Disney Princess - 1 has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar.~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at .~Sephrena.
Chapter 1
“Saint Mary’s Women’s Chorus and Show Choir?” The woman called out from behind the counter at the Walt Disney World resort. “Saint Mary’s Women’s Chorus and Show Choir?”
Kelly pushed forward through the crowds of his own students and those from schools all around the country. “Here! Right here! I’m coming!” he called as he pushed his way to the counter. At 5’2”, Kelly was very used to having to fight his way through the crowd, but this was ridiculous. “Here I am.”
“Saint Mary’s Women’s Chorus and Show Choir?” the young woman repeated as she typed the computer keyboard without glancing up.
“Yes, Saint Mary’s from Seattle, Washington. Here’s my paperwork,” and he handed the thick pile of papers across to the ‘cast member.’
When she finally tore her eyes from the computer screen, the woman looked, first, over Kelly’s head and then down to meet his eyes. Kelly was 27 and very used to this behavior, so he just smiled and indicated the pile of papers.
She smiled back at him, “Oh, umm, thank you, sweetie. Is Ms Powell with you?”
“My wife?” Kelly asked, confused. “Yes, my wife is with me. Why?”
It took a moment for the woman to process what Kelly had said. ‘Oops,’ she thought, ‘I thought he was a teenager at most.’ “Yes, I guess I need to see your wife. Her name is on the forms.”
Kelly was confused. He and Cathy both taught at St. Mary’s Girl’s High School, but she taught Physical Education and was just along as a chaperone.
“Cath!” he called to her and she came quickly to the counter.
“What’s up, babe?” she asked quietly.
“She needs to talk to you. I guess your name is on the forms.”
“Really? Weird.”
“Yes,” the woman interrupted, “I need to see your ID, Ms Powell.”
“Ok,” Cathy said as she fished her license out of her pocketbook. “Here you go.”
The woman took the license and started to turn back to the computer, but she stopped. “I’m sorry,” she said, “is your name Catherine?”
“Oh, dear. All of your registrations are in the name of Ms Kelly Powell. I’ll need her to sign everyone in.”
Cathy laughed a bit, “Oh, well,” she indicated her husband, “this is Ms Kelly Powell, my husband.” At 5’9”, Cathy was much taller than her husband, which never bothered either of them. They’d grown up together and been in love since they were 10 or 11, about the same time that Cathy began growing taller than Kelly. Even though she was sensitive to the challenges he faced as a small man, she always found pleasure in incidents such as this when people mistook her husband for a younger brother, or even, since he’d let his hair start growing out a few years ago, her younger sister. Once, while shopping for a new suit in the boy’s department at the local department store, a woman asked if Kelly was her son. It was mildly amusing and a little kinky for Cathy, but she just laughed as she placed her arm around Kelly’s shoulders and presented him to the woman at the counter.
“Oh,” the woman said, “I am so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to offend anyone.”
“No offense taken,” Kelly chuckled, trying to make the best of things, “it happens all the time,” and he handed over his license.
The woman choked back her embarrassment and moved things along. “Ok. You have 32 rooms for 112 girls and 15 female chaperones. Correct?”
Cathy giggled a bit as Kelly shook his head and said, “14 female chaperones and one male: me.”
The woman just nodded. “Of course. Did you use Disney transportation from the airport?”
“Yes, and do you know when the luggage will arrive?”
She shrugged and said, “I can’t guarantee anything, but it’s usually between 1 and 4 hours before all the luggage arrives.”
“That's fine,” said Kelly as he and Cathy grabbed all the paperwork, Magic Bands and food vouchers and headed back to the group. They passed out everything and began the long slog to their rooms, which were, of course, as far away from the main desk as possible.
Passing one building after another, the girls all marveled at the wonderful Disney theming that distinguished each one. Each building was ‘T’ shaped, three stories high with exterior hallways. The entrance to their building was adorned with a giant statue of Tramp, the dog from ‘Lady and the Tramp.’
As they reached the elevators, one of the girls pointed to a waiting luggage cart, “Look, those are our bags.”
Cathy glanced and saw that the girl was correct. “Yes, that’s a few of ours. I’m sure that it will be a little while before we all have everything. Oh, but see, there’s mine! That huge, ugly green suitcase that Mr. Powell made me carry so that we could bring extra gowns and dresses, just in case. Did everyone bring their gowns and dresses?” The girls all nodded and sighed – they’d been asked this several times by their nervous choral director before they were allowed on the bus back in Seattle. “Oh, good,” Cathy said with great sarcasm, “I’m so glad that I left my beautiful, Louis Vuitton luggage with the smooth rolling wheels and retractable handles back in my garage and took that steamer trunk.”
The girls and chaperones all laughed, but Kelly was too involved in the paperwork to even notice that he’d been the brunt of a joke.
Cathy noticed. “What’s up, baby? Everything ok?”
“Kind of,” Kelly replied. “It’s just that they seem to think that I’m a woman. Everything says, ‘Ms’ or ‘Mrs’ on the forms. Oh, well… it’s not the first time this happened and it won’t be the last. As usual, I can only blame my mom. I am so tired of hearing her explain ‘It’s a boy’s name, too,’ to everyone she ever meets.”
Then, raising his voice, he shouted, “Ok, listen up, ladies!” The girls quieted and listened. “The rooms are ready and I assume that you all remembered to pack a swim suit in your carry-on. So, let’s get up stairs, unpack, put on our suits and head to the pool! It’s almost 8:00 right now, so we can enjoy the Florida heat for a couple of hours and then it’s in your rooms at 10:30 and lights out at 11:00! Remember, we have a big day, tomorrow; 2 adjudicated performances starting at 2:30, so keep the shouting to a minimum!”

Kelly sat on a lounge chair next to the pool while he spoke to most of the chaperones about the next day’s itinerary. “Breakfast at 8:30 in the Food Court here, a rehearsal for the concert choir, then the show choir and then a light lunch around 11:30 and on the bus to the festival stage at 12:15. First, the full concert choir will perform. Then, another ensemble will perform their selections while the girls in the show choir get changed out of their gowns and into the show choir dresses.”
“Oh, I love those new dresses!” said Audrey Menard, one of the most enthusiastic chaperones. “The two different color purples and the dancers’ petticoats, they are just adorable.”
“And,” chimed in Ann Warren, another enthusiastic chaperone, “I love that Cathy talked you into getting a matching shirt and tie for that section of the song when you come out onto the stage to conduct the slower section of their routine.”
Other chaperones joined in with praise for the conductor and the attire. “You’ve done such a good job with them.” “They sound so good.” “The new gowns are beautiful, too.”
Suddenly, all the girls in the pool started shouting out whistles and ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs.’ Kelly and the chaperones turned to see what had gotten their attention, as if Kelly didn’t already know. Walking to the edge of the pool was Kelly’s magnificent wife in a beautiful, if a bit revealing, one-piece swim suit that showed off each and every one of her beautiful curves. Her smile and body language indicated that she adored the attention.
“Good lord, Kelly,” Audrey said, “How do you deal with so much woman?”
Kelly laughed, “I just give her everything she wants and say, ‘yes, dear’ a thousand times a day.”
While Cathy frolicked with the girls in the pool, some chaperones stood by the edge, others went to the food court or their rooms and Kelly continued to deal with every detail of the trip using his tablet. Updates to parents, communications with the school’s headmaster, who also happened to be Audrey’s husband, and confirming events with festival coordinators, all of whom kept referring to him as ‘Ms Powell.’
As the evening wore on, the kids were given a ’15 minute warning’ and the activities at the pool started to wind-down. Cathy pulled herself out of the pool and gave herself a quick drying with a towel, then wrapped her cover-up onto her hips and smiled as she approached Kelly.
“Hey, babe, I’ll head up to the room and shower so that you can take yours when you’re finished here. Can I steal your hair-tie? I like to tie it back when it’s wet like this.”
Kelly pulled the tie from his hair, letting it fall to just below his shoulders. “Ok, Cath. I’ll be back in the room when I’m sure that the girls are all in their rooms.”
“Don’t worry about the girls,” Audrey said, seemingly out of nowhere, “We’ll all take care of them. You got us this far, you need to get to bed. I tell you, Cathy, this guy is a workaholic. He stresses over every little thing, doesn’t he?”
“Oh, you know it,” Cathy giggled. “He creates stress where none exists and this trip will either be a great success, or he’ll have a heart attack trying to make it one.” With that, she gave Kelly a peck on the cheek and headed to their room. “I’ll see you in a few.” She called back as she walked.
Audrey and Kelly wandered around the pool and picked up all kinds of things that the girls had left behind; tee shirts, swim-wraps, phones, hair ties, etc. Then they headed back to their rooms, chatting as they walked.
As the elevator doors opened, a hotel guest backed out of the elevator car pulling a luggage cart that was followed by four very young children and a woman in her late twenties with a sleeping infant on her shoulder. The man looked frazzled and didn’t even notice Audrey and Kelly until he was out of the car.
“Joan, Ellen, Katie, Brianna, come on. We’re going to miss the bus to the airport.” He ordered his children.
Audrey and Kelly moved to try to make room for the man to maneuver.
“Philip,” the man’s wife said in a loud, scolding whisper, “don’t wake the baby and watch out for those women behind you.”
The man turned and noticed Audrey and Kelly for the first time. “Oh, sorry, ladies,” he said with a bit of embarrassment. Then he reached for the elevator door to hold it open for them. It was an awkward reach, but he was trying to be polite. “Here. Let me hold this for you.”
Audrey started to tell the man that he was mistaken about Kelly’s gender, but Kelly cut her off, “Thank you sir,” he said as he ducked into the elevator followed by Audrey.
The doors closed and Audrey said, “Does that happen a lot?”
Kelly laughed. “Too often, I guess. Especially when my hair is loose, like this. It’s ok, though. I’m short and I look younger than I am. Either they think that I am a little boy or a prepubescent girl. It’s been that way most of my life. Cathy thinks it’s hilarious every single time. I’m just kind of used to it. You know, being one of only a few male faculty members in an all-girls-school makes it a little easier. As long as I have a tie and suit coat on, there are no mistakes like that.”
The doors opened on the third floor and there were 3 girls waiting for them.
“Mr Powell,” said their spokesperson, Ericka, a senior and one of the section leaders, “we have a problem. Connie and Samantha haven’t gotten their luggage yet and they need their night-clothes and their concert gown and dress are in them, too and they have pillows in them and…” Kelly knew that Ericka was a mother hen for the ensemble. She'd been a leader since she joined as a freshman and she was the go-to-girl for every problem amongst the choruses. Sometimes, Kelly referred to her as his lieutenant, or first mate.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said Kelly, “I’m sure that the bags are coming and even if there is a problem, I’m sure you can borrow from some of the other girls. Mrs Powell has all the extra gowns and dresses in her suitcase, too, so, no matter what, no one needs to panic. Let me make a call from my room…”
Just then, a hotel worker carrying 2 suitcases came around the corner.
“That’s my suitcase!” shouted Samantha and Connie followed with, “Mine, too!”
“See,” Audrey laughed, “problem solved. Now, get into your rooms and let Mr Powell get some rest. Go on, now!”
She smiled at Kelly and said, “Go on, you too. Off to bed. We’ll hold down the fort here and see you in the morning.”

When Kelly open the door to his room, Cathy was just finishing drying her hair. She was completely naked and Kelly was, as usual, mesmerized by her beauty. It wasn’t just her amazing body, it was her confidence and grace. The door opening didn’t even phase her. Had it been a hotel employee instead of him, Cathy would have just giggled and stepped back into the bathroom. Nothing ever “harshed her groove.”
She spotted Kelly in the mirror and, without turning, she smiled at him and continued to fluff her long, light brown hair.
“Well, Ms Powell,” she joked, “is everything ok with the troops?”
Kelly walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist, nestling his face in her hair and shoulders and breathing in the sweet strawberry smell of her hair. He was 100% smitten with Cathy and was forever grateful that she saw something worth loving in him.
“So far, so good, I guess. Samantha and Connie didn’t have their suitcases, but they showed up.”
“Huh,” said Cathy, “yours isn’t here yet, either. We should call down to the desk.”
“In a minute. Let me just hold you for a minute or two.”
“Hold me?” Cathy turned to face him and raised his arms to wrap around her neck. “Don’t you want to do more than hold me?” He rested his head on her soft, yet firm breasts as she wrapped her arms around his back and began kissing the top of his head.
“Well, yeah,” He said as he lowered his lips to suckle her nipples, “but I need to call downstairs first.”
Cathy held him tighter and guided him towards the room’s phone. Between kisses on his head, she said, “Tell you what. I’ll call down to the desk, while you be a good little Ms Powell and get down on your knees and make me happy. How does that sound?”
Kelly continued to suckle her nipples, but looked up into her beautiful, blue eyes and smiled. Then, with one final kiss to each breast, her released his hold on her neck and slid his hands softly down her back as he knelt before her and resumed his kissing, this time on the lips of her vagina.
As Cathy dialed ‘0’, his tongue slide into the sweet opening. He adored this. He felt like he was worshipping her and her reaction always made him horny.
Cathy’s breathing sped up just a bit as she spoke into the phone. “Yes, this is room 9357. We are still waiting for a suitcase. (Pause) Kelly Powell. (Pause and a shiver as Kelly’s tongue prodded deeper and deeper) Ok. Yes. Thank you.”
She hung up and dug both of her hands into Kelly’s pitch black hair as she began thrusting into his face. “Oh, babe, keep that up! They say that they're running late because of the festival, but your bag should be outside the door by morning. Oh, oh, oh, that's a good little Ms Powell. Keep that up, Kelly Girl. Ms Powell! Ms Powell! Ms. Ms. Come on Missy, make me happy, my sweet little babe!!”

“Well, that’s just great! I’m screwed!” Kelly said as he and Cathy turned from the front desk. His luggage had not arrived and the girl at the counter had called the airline, only to find out that his luggage had been located in Costa Rica. They would have it back to him as soon as they could, but that would be at least 4 days. “That’s just freakin’ wonderful! I work all year for this and the damned airlines mess everything up!”
“Wait a second,” Cathy said and ran back to the counter. “How long does it take to get to a shopping center by cab?”
“About a half-hour, mam. What store do you need?”
She thought for a second, “I guess we need a tux rental company more than a store.”
The girl typed on the computer for a few moments. “The closest is about a 45 minute ride. Just a warning, though, it is Saturday morning and there is the music festival, a cheerleading festival and a half-marathon all going on today. So it may only take 45 minutes to get there, but it could take an awful lot longer to get back onto Disney property.”
“How long?”
“I can’t say for sure, but it won’t be quick.”
Cathy did some figuring in her head and then asked, “What time does the shop open?”
“11:00, mam.”
“Damn it,” she whispered “Thank you.”
Audrey was already with Kelly.
“No luck?” she asked.
“Lots of luck, just all bad,” Cathy said while putting her arm around Kelly’s shoulders and hugging him to her.
“Kelly,” Audrey said, “can I talk to Cathy for a moment, alone?”
“Sure,” Kelly replied. “I have to use the men’s room. I’ll be back in a moment.”
“I have an idea,” Audrey began. “I want to bounce it off of you first, though.”

When Kelly returned, all the chaperones and girls were assembled in the lobby.
“Ok, Mr Powell,” Audrey announced so that everyone could hear. “Mrs. Powell and the other chaperones will deal with the attire issue. You take your troops to a secluded corner and get them warmed up. You brought these girls here to sing, so you get them ready and when you come back to your room, we’ll be ready for you.”
Kelly glanced at Cathy who gave him a reassuring smile.
“Well, alright, then!” Kelly perked up. He checked his watch. ‘Hmm, well ahead of schedule. Maybe we can pull this off,’ he thought. Then he grinned at the girls and let out one of his trade-mark phrases, “Let’s get this road-on-the-show, ladies! Follow me!” and off they went towards the walking paths where Kelly had spotted a few places that he could rehearse.
When he’d left, Audrey, Cathy and the other chaperones all formed a circle to arrange everything. “So, where do we stand?” Audrey asked.
“I have lots of clothes that I brought for Julie,” said Rose Elliot. Julie was a very talented and petite freshman and Rose was her mom. “She’s a size 2 and she is pretty self-conscious about being so small in the chest. I bought her 6 padded bras for the trip. They look like a very natural B-cup. Also, I bought her new panties before we left, some are bra and panty sets. So, if he needs them, he can have a few pairs – all brand new.”
“Great,” said Cathy. “We probably will need them.”
“Penny has two pair of dress shoes that she brought with her; one for the concert and one for the reception on Sunday night.” Said Penny’s mom. “She’s a size 8. You said that Mr Powell is a size 6 ½ or 7 men’s, so they should do. They're a 2 inch heal, so nothing too dramatic. They should work.”
“I brought several pairs of extra pantyhose for Elise - she's such a tomboy. She's a petite, too, so he can have those.”
“All the extra concerts clothes are in my suitcase and,” Cathy jumped in, “since Audrey is the best beautician in the greater Seattle area, she’ll take care of his hair and makeup! I think we’re gonna pull this off, ladies!”
“Only if he goes along with it,” said one chaperone.
“He will,” nodded Cathy. “He loves those kids and he'd do anything for them. He’ll argue about it, but he’ll do it.”
Audrey laughed, “You know what he told me last night? When I asked how he was able to handle a woman like you, he said, ‘I give her everything she wants and I say ‘yes’ a thousand times a day.’ With that philosophy, I think he’ll jump on board pretty quickly!”

It was a great final rehearsal and the excited girls all ran past Cathy on the way to their rooms. Kelly was the last one to arrive on the exterior balcony that acted as a hallway. He was talking to Grace McPhee, a sophomore who was very nervous about the performance.
“Gracie,” Kelly was saying, “it's just another performance. Like I always say, we do our best at every performance, so it doesn't matter if it's 6 people or a thousand. If we all do our best, we’ll all do great. Ok?”
“Ok, Mr Powell. I'll do my best!” She replied and ran to her room.
“I could hear some of the rehearsal from here. They sounded great!” said Cathy as she folded Kelly into a hug.
“Thanks,” he said and relished her smell for a moment. “Any luck?”
“Lot’s of luck, but…” Cathy started, “…lets go inside and get you all set up.”
When he entered, Kelly was taken aback by what he saw. Audrey had set up a chair by the sink and had a whole assortment of hair-styling tools on the little table in their room.
“What's all this?” He asked.
“Ok, babe, I know this is unusual, but I think we can do this. All the forms already say ‘Ms Kelly Powell’ anyway, so we figured that the only solution…”
“No, no, no!” said a petrified Kelly. “I can't wear a dress. I'd look like an idiot!”
“No you won't. I'll make you beautiful,” said Audrey.
“Kelly, its this or go home without a trophy. You've worked so hard to get them here and it means so, so much to all the girls,” Cathy said while rubbing his back. She kissed his head and said, “All the girls will understand that this was an emergency situation. They love you and they'll all adore you for being their hero.”
“Yeah. Some hero! Wonder Woman, I guess,” Kelly said.
“Then please, babe,” Cathy said, “do it for me. It would kill me to see either you or the girls disappointed. Please, baby, please.”
Kelly sighed, “Ok, but, please, don't make me look foolish. It's bad enough that almost every one of my students is taller than me. I worked hard to get their respect. Please don't take that away from me.”
“There we go!” hollered Audrey! “See, I told you he'd do it for you!”
“Great!” said Cathy as she handed him over to Audrey who immediately set about wetting his hair.
“Do we have clothes that will fit me?” he asked.
“All set.” Cathy said. I'm not positive if you're a size 0 or 2, but we've got both sizes in the gown and the dress. We have shoes from Penny, pantyhose from Elise and a bra and panties from Julie.”
“Wait!” he said with great concern in his voice, “I'll be wearing my students’ underwear!?”
“Well, you can't wear mine, I'm a size 12,” said Audrey, “and you can't wear Cathy’s because she's a pretty well developed woman. Face it, stud, your best bet is to borrow from the freshman girls.”
She and Cathy laughed just a bit of nervous laughter. Kelly just sighed. His whole life he'd hated being mistaken for a child or a girl. Now, his best bet was to borrow from 14 year old girls. “I can't look like a freshman, though, Cath. I need to look like Kelly Powell, the choir director.”
“That’s where I come in, honey,” said Audrey, who seemed to have descended into a focused work-mode. “There are lots of petite women in the world and I know how to make them beautiful. You'll see. You'll love what I do.”
She wrapped the towel around Kelly’s head and led him to the other chair. He could smell Cathy’s shampoo in his own hair and at once felt both turned on and as if a bottomless pit had opened in his stomach.
“Now,” Audrey said, “is the time when I usually say, ‘this will be painless,’ but, honey, I need to work on those eyebrows a bit, so… just take a deep breath and let me do what needs to be done. It'll be over before you know it.

By 11:30, Kelly was clean shaven, clean shaven everywhere, including around his genitals. It had happened while he had been otherwise involved with Audrey. He was standing while Audrey was using a curling iron on his hair and Cathy was buried under the sheet that covered his naked body from shoulder to floor, shaving him as clean as the day he was born. His hair was partially piled on his head and there were a few hot-curlers still in his hair which, Audrey assured him, would put lots of body into his hair. His makeup was done and Audrey had taken some ice and a sewing needle that one of the mother's had brought, just in case, and pierced his ears, so that he was wearing the same tear-drop pearls that his students wore for concerts.
Cathy had fastened and adjusted his black bra which was trimmed in white lace while he now stood with the sheet wrapped around his waist. Well, in fact it was not ‘his’ bra. It was 14 year old Julie’s bra and both Audrey and Cathy had complimented him on how flattering it was on him. He had no real response for what was probably meant as a compliment, so he just whispered, “Thank you,”
“Oh aren't those adorable!” Audrey cooed as Cathy handed her husband a pair of size 2 panties. “They match the bra perfectly. I love all that lace. You know, my daughters all love that ‘hipster’ style; kind or halfway between a bikini and a boy short. I never really liked them on me, though. I prefer old fashioned, medium waisted panties.”
Kelly was shocked by the panties. They were just so… so… girly. “Cath, I can't wear those. The girls will know.”
“I doubt it, babe. Rose said that she’d bought Julie all new bras and panties for the trip. Julie probably has no idea that you're even wearing her clothes. Now, be a big boy and go put your panties on.” Cathy laughed as she tapped her husband’s sheet covered bottom and scooted him into the bathroom. “And remember to tuck it between your legs, too babe! We don't want any unsightly bulges!”
Kelly headed for the lavatory, but stopped at the mirror. It was his first opportunity to see the makeup and hair. The bra and the earrings. It was a lot to take in.
As soon as the door was closed, Audrey turned to Cathy and, in hushed tones said, “Oh, my God, he's even cuter that I could have imagined. No one will suspect that he's a boy.”
“Shhh,” giggled Cathy. “I know, he is absolutely adorable. I can't tell you how amazing I am finding all of this. You are truly a miracle worker.”
“No, he is truly a beautiful woman.”
They quieted as the bathroom door opened, but Kelly did not come out. “Cath? Can you come here? I need your help.”
Cathy went to the door. All Audrey could hear was whispers. When Cathy stepped back into the room, she was laughing just a bit and looked a little embarrassed. She was towing her very feminine looking husband behind her and he was still wearing the sheet as a skirt to cover his lower half. His head was down in embarrassment as well.
“Umm,” Cathy started, “well, I guess there's no tactful way to say this, but would you mind just stepping out for a moment? My little friend, here, is having a problem with his little friend and I think I can help them both.” Her voice was filled with giggles and her smile had grown bigger with each word.
Audrey stared blankly for a moment, then said, “Oh! OH!! I understand. Um, yes, of course, I… well I'll be outside the door when you're done.” She started to open the door, but stopped for a second and turned to say, “If you need some ice to cool it down, there's still some in the bucket.”
“Umm,” Cathy grinned, “no. I think our ‘girl’ is just a bit overstimulated. We’ll just be a few minutes.”
“Oh, ok.” And she went out the door.
Cathy turned to face her husband. He was still lost in humiliation over this situation. Cathy had always felt tall next to Kelly, but now she felt powerful. His bra made him look somehow smaller. The hair and makeup and the last few curlers in his hair, it was like he was her daughter or something. She just felt… empowered for some reason.
“It's ok, babe. It's just a sensory overload for you. It'll be fine.” She put her hand under his chin and softly guided his face up to meet hers. “I promise, baby. It'll be fine. I'll take care of you. Now, we don't have much room here and I don't want you to lay down and mess your hair, and there isn’t enough room for me to kneel down, so I really can't do this with my mouth.”
She stepped aside and grabbed a few tissues. When she turned back to Kelly, he was staring into the mirror. It was as if he was in shock at the beautiful woman looking back at him.
“You’re beautiful, babe. You see that, right?”
He looked away from the mirror, a bit ashamed, then raised his eyes to a Cathy and nodded.
Cathy pulled off the sheet and pulled around the chairs that had been used for his shampoo. She sat in it and pulled Kelly to her. She made sure he was still looking into the mirror while she began stroking his hairless penis.
“Shh,” she whispered, “look how pretty you are. It's a lot to take in, I know, but you are such a pretty girl. No one will know that you're a man and I have never found you more attractive than I do right now. I love your soft, smooth skin with no hairy parts. It's so sexy.”
Kelly put one arm are over Cathy’s shoulder and moved a little closer while she continued massage his member. When he was close enough she began nipping at his faux breasts, too.
“Do you like your breasts? I had breasts like that when I was a girl, too. Not too big, not too small; just right.”
As she picked up momentum on his penis, his right hand began to rub up and down his hairless torso. As he neared his crotch, Cathy reached over and softly guided it towards his penis. She wrapped her hand around his and had him join in his masturbation. Once she was sure that he was focused on his member, she let go and just watched as he rubbed himself.
Cathy pulled him close so that he was standing between her legs, but still facing the mirror. Her head was just below his ear as she whispered, “That's it babe. Do it for me. I want to see my little girl cum for me. That's it baby, that's it. Look at the beautiful girl and rub it as fast as you can.”
She readied the tissues as his face grew red and his penis grew purple.
She reached around and watched with astonishment. Years of dating and years of marriage and she never even imagined him jerking off. Now, he was so weakened by these feminine things and the makeup, that he was doing it in front of her.
“Let it come, baby. Let it come. Think of your pretty bra and how pretty you'll be in your matching panties and just let it come.”
It came. It came with a vengeance and Cathy clamped the tissues to the tip of his penis to try to collect every drop as his knees nearly buckled out form underneath him.
Cathy supported him, though, and whispered, “That's ok, baby. That's ok. Mommy has her little girl. Don't worry, just let it all out.” And he did.
When the spams ended, she carefully arranged the tissues on the counter and grabbed a dampened face cloth. She wiped his groin clean and had him step into the black panties with white lace. Then she slowly raised them up to his waist, stopping long enough to tuck his exhausted penis down between his legs so that she could secure it in the silky softness of his panties.
Then she rubbed the smooth front created by the tucking. “Oh, so smooth. Aren't you pretty? Do you like your panties?”
Kelly’s senses were returning and he was deeply embarrassed. He turned away for a moment.
Cathy could see the opened and soiled tissues on the vanity top. She reached over and dipped a finger in to taste it herself. It was still warm and salty. She stood and turned Kelly back to the mirror. “Oops,” she said, “I think you need a little lip gloss.”
Kelly looked at his lips. They looked fine to him – for a woman’s lips, anyway. While he examined himself, Cathy dipped 2 fingers back into the messy goo on the tissues, then turned Kelly back to her.
“Purse your lips for me, babe,” she said.
Kelly did and Cathy smiled as she spread a coating of his cum onto his lips, then thrust a sticky finger into his mouth. Kelly closed his mouth on the finger and she pulled it out slowly. Then he licked his lips. ‘Salty’ he thought. Not what he expected.
“Taste good?” She asked
He nodded.
Cathy knew that she would need to change her own panties before leaving for the concert.

His nails had been painted, his heels were on, he’d tried on his show choir dress and he was wearing the concert choir gown. It was a classic, black concert gown. A silky, slip-lining for a short sleeved, full length taffeta-like material that flared out from an empire waist. The upper part of the dress was V-necked, with short sleeves, with a black lace overlay and a sparse, but effective smattering of sequins across the bodice. With the high heels, he actually felt taller and with the amount of fussing over his appearance that had been going on for the last few hours, he actually was enjoying the feeling of being pretty. Cathy was behind him, finishing off the large bow that sat on each girl’s rear end when wearing these new gowns. Many complained that the bows made the zipper hard to manage, but it pulled in the dress beautifully and created a feminine shape for all body shapes.
Audrey had left about fifteen minutes earlier. She'd explained the situation to her husband, the headmaster, and then gathered all the girls together to prepare them for Kelly’s appearance.
“Time to go, babe. Are you all set?” Cathy held a garment bag containing the show choir dress that Kelly would be wearing for the second performance.
“No. I'll never be ready for something like this, so we might as well get it over with.”
He took a deep breath to steel himself to step outside and Cathy marveled at how his bodice rose and fell. ‘My God, he looks so beautiful,’ she thought.
Three floors down, on the sidewalk, all of the girls were waiting. All were wearing identical dresses to Kelly. They were very excited. Excited to be there. Excited to be performing in the festival and excited because their teacher, Mr Powell, had, through a series of events beyond his control, been forced to dress as a woman. They knew he was small, but they all respected him and were ready to support him however they could.
“I wonder how he’ll look?”
“I bet he’ll be pretty in a dress.”
“I hope he's not embarrassed”
“I have a boy-cousin who wears dresses all the time. He looks weird, but his boy- friend looks great in his dress.”
Back on the third floor, Cathy and Kelly waited for the elevator. Kelly had not said a word since leaving the room. Cathy had only offered a few words of advice. “Small steps, babe and hold the skirt of the dress up a little when you walk. Remember that it touches the ground. Let's keep it as clean as possible.”
The elevator seemed to take forever. Everything just felt ‘different’. The silky pantyhose that reached high above his normal, male waist, the lining of the gown, the need to care for the clothes while moving, the tightness of the bra around his torso. Different.
They heard voices approaching and Kelly slouched a bit to hide himself.
“Stand straight, babe. Relax. You're gorgeous. Remember, use your normal voice, just a little softer. It'll be fine.”
Two women rounded the corner to join them. Both were wearing Disney themed sundresses. Very light. Very pretty. Very feminine.
One looked at Kelly and said, “Oh, my! Aren't you all dolled up!”
The other jumped in, “Concert today? Are you with all the girls downstairs in the gowns?”
Kelly smiled and replied, “Yes. We’re performing in EPCOT this afternoon.”
“How awesome,” the first woman smiled. “Where are you from?”
“Seattle,” Cathy said. She indicated the garment bag over her shoulder and said, “I'm just a roadie for the girls, so I get to bang around in Capri pants while they all dress up.”
“Very nice,” the second woman said as the elevator arrived and they stepped in. “And what grade are you in, sweetheart?”
Kelly laughed a bit, “I'm the director of the choruses.”
“Oh… I'm sorry. How old are you, dear?”
“27. Don't worry about it, when you're a short guy, you get used to people underestimating your age.” Kelly immediately realized he'd said he was a guy.
Cathy jumped in, “People frequently think she's my niece or even my daughter. I'm her wife, by the way.”
The woman smiled, “Oh, how nice. Well, good luck and wish the other ‘guys’ good luck from us, too.”
The doors opened and the women stepped out into the crowd of St Mary’s choruses. “Good luck, guys! Knock ‘me dead!”
Cathy put her arm around Kelly’s shoulders and gave him a reassuring shake. “All set, babe? It's now or never.”
He took a deep breath and let it out, raised his eyebrows and said, “Here goes nothing. So much for my teaching career.”
“Oh, now…” Cathy was saying, but she was interrupted by Audrey’s voice.
“Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! I present to you, your new Chorus director, Ms Kelly Powell!”
They girls all turned and for a moment, there was silence. Then there was excited giggles and “oh, my God!” and “he’s beautiful!” and “that's not really him, is it?” And then – applause and hoots and cheers.
Then they started cheering, “Mis – ter – P! Mis – ter – P! Mis – ter – P!”
But the chaperones quickly quieted them and reminded them that they could not say ‘mister’ this weekend.
Then the cheer began again, “Mis – sus – P! Mis – sus – P! Mis – sus – P!”
Finally, Cathy helped Kelly stand on a bench so he could address the girls. “Alright, girls, we've come a long way to get here and, to be honest, it has not gone at all as I had planned it. So, let's walk to the front of the resort, get on the bus, go to the concert and show everyone why we came.”
More cheers as the girls walked away.
The chaperones were not allowed to go “back stage” where the choruses warmed up, so they waved goodbye to the chorus’ charter bus.
At first, Kelly felt very awkward with all these young woman asking questions and giving compliments, but, as soon as he started focusing on getting ready, it all faded away and the clothes, jewelry and makeup became secondary.
They warmed up and got in line to take the stage. Suddenly, Kelly was overwhelmed with the enormity of what he was doing and he started to sweat.
Ericka, the faithful section leader, was next to him and was afraid that he was about to pass out.
“Ms Powell, are you ok?” No response. “Ms Powell? Ms Powell?”
Kelly broke free of his anxiety and turned to Ericka. As his thoughts cleared he smiled, but he was shaking a bit and, try as he might to stop it from happening, a tear rolled down his left cheek.
Ericka, who was taller than Kelly by at least a few inches pulled him into a friendly hug and said, “You’ll be great. You're always great and we all love you for doing this for us.”
He straightened himself, nodded and took a deep, cleansing breath as the stage manager came to lead them to the stage. In the past, they had a tradition of each student giving Mr P a high-five on the way to the risers. This time, each gave him a quick, chaste, sisterly hug on the way. When the last student passed onto the stage, he felt that he had never been so connected to these girls.
One more deep breath and out he went, holding the skirt of his gown just off the floor.
He smiled at the girls and they returned big, sincere smiles to him.
He was focused.
He was ready.
Kelly was known for being a bit of a showman, even a show off, when leading his chorus and today was no exception. He was broad and flamboyant and he felt the girls following his every nuisance and sway. It was an amazing performance and, when it was done, they all knew that they had scored well, but they wouldn't find out what that score was until the banquet on Sunday night.
Now, as the next group took the stage, the girls in show choir grabbed their garment bags from the chaperones and ran to the changing rooms. Audrey and Cathy had special permission to join the girls to help with quick changes and pinning in hair that might interfere with the choreography.
The entire group or 20 girls ran into the girls’ locker room. Kelly headed to the boys’ locker room, but stopped before he reached it and looked around in confusion. ‘Damn it. I am definitely NOT getting changed with the girls!’ He thought.
Just then, a coordinator spotted him and shouted, “Excuse me, miss, are you a director or a student?”
“Well, we have a private room for directors. Come this way.”
“Oh, thank God!” He whispered and followed her to the room.
He tried to unzip the gown, but that damned bow was in the way. So, he opened the door a crack to look for Cathy. She was no where to be seen, but the ever helpful coordinator appeared from around the door.
“Everything alright?”
“Oh, umm, I'm afraid that I am having trouble with the zipper. I need a little help, I'm afraid.”
“No problem, Ms Powell. I'm a costume assistant here, I can give you a hand,” and without another word, she gently pushed Kelly back into the dressing room, turned him around, untied the bow and pulled the zipper all the way down to his buttocks.
Kelly was shocked and moved his hands to cover his rear, but that just made it easier for the woman to pull the gown down his arms, leaving him with his bra exposed and the lower part of the gown hanging from his hips.
He didn't know what to do, but the clock was ticking, so he removed the gown, but stayed turned away from the woman.
She continued to be helpful, though and removed the show choir dress from the garment bag. “Oh, how pretty!” she cooed as she pulled the dress out.
And it was.
The mothers’ committee had gone all out to pick this dress for the girls.
He remembered that they called it a ‘fit and flare’ style of dress. It's was soft and stretchy in the top and the bottom floated about their knees as the girls danced. Mostly, it was a light purple color, but the bodice was a darker, velvety, stretch material that accentuated the girls’ figures. The skirt was a series of soft, mesh material that was designed in three, asymmetrical layers with a tiny petticoat at the top to create the illusion of hips for girls who had yet to develop completely. Sadly, Kelly was now a member of that group. The petticoat also enhanced the girl’s movements when they danced.
The woman held the dress so that she could help Kelly get it on without messing his hair.
“Turn and face me, honey. I'll help you with your hair. That's far too much work to mess up with another performance coming up.”
He had no choice, ‘What the hell?’ He thought, ‘I've got a bra, panties and pantyhose on. I'll just look like an underdeveloped woman.” And he turned and thanked her.
“My pleasure. Really. Oh, my goodness, what a beautiful bra that is. Do you mind if I ask where you got it?”
Kelly suppressed the instinct to say, ‘Sure, I borrowed it from a 14 year old, high school freshman who is in my choir and will probably be taller than me in three months,’ and instead he thought of stores where Cathy loved to buy her lingerie and said, “Ummm, I believe I got it at Neiman Marcus. I'm not 100% sure, though.”
As the coordinator pulled the dress into place and fussed with it to make it hung just right, she said, “Oh, I LOVE Neiman’s! A little pricey, but so pretty, right? Well, I think you're all set now. Good luck, honey. Have a good show.” And she gave him a strange ‘almost kiss’ on his cheek before leaving the room.
Kelly could hear Cathy organizing the girls in the open area in front of the dressing rooms, so he hung his gown up in the garment bag and headed out to the troops.
“Ooh, Ms P, you are gorgeous!” One girl shouted at him.
Again they all applauded and he made a show of doing a little curtesy for their benefit.
They laughed and applauded more.
“Oh, wait, Ms P. You can't dance in those heals. You need some character shoes like the rest of us. I brought my old pair in case anyone needed some.” It was, of course, Ericka to the rescue. She dug in her bag and pulled out a pair of tan character shoes.
Cathy took them from Ericka and thanked her. “Ok, girls. If your hair and makeup is already done, you can move into the waiting area. I'll help Ms Powell finish getting ready.
The girls happily hustled into the waiting area while Audrey tapped Connie on the shoulder and said, “All set, dear. Go ahead and join the rest of the girls,” and off Connie went to wait with the rest of the girls.
Cathy guided Kelly to the chair. Kelly knew that the girls all wore much more dramatic makeup for the show choir, but he hadn't considered he'd wear it too.
“Ready, beautiful?” Audrey asked as Kelly sat down.
“Is this really necessary?” Kelly asked. “I'm only on stage for 5 out of 20 minutes.”
“Sit still, babe,” Cathy said. “Pretty girls have to go through a lot in order to be pretty girls. Now, cross your legs at the knees and sit up straight. Your hair will be fine. I'll put the flower-hair clip in.”
He sighed and said, “Thy will be done.”
Cathy smiled as she fastened the barrette with three large flower buds (purple, white and purple – the school colors) to the back of his head.
When his eyes were smoky and his lips a startling shade of red, Audrey, Cathy and Kelly joined the girls. Kelly said, “These shoes are much more comfortable than the other ones were.”
“That's because they’re made for dancing, not fashion, babe.”
“Well, I prefer comfort to fashion, I guess.”
“Oh, but you were so pretty in your heels.”
“Hrumph.” He grunted, but smiled broadly, none the less.
“Saint Mary’s Show Choir! You're at places!” Shouted the stage manager. “Two minutes to stage. Ready?”
Kelly came to the front of the line and said, “Yes, mam. We’re all set.”
Once again, Erica was next to Kelly.
“You look even prettier in this dress, Mr P.” She whispered.
“Ms,” Kelly whispered. “Ms P.”
“Can I ask you a question.”
“Do you like it? The dress, I mean. I think they're very comfortable and I love the feel of the soft material. Do you?”
“It's… comfortable, I guess, but I can't wait to get get back into my jeans.”
“Oh, really? I think you like it a lot. How could you look so beautiful and not like it.”
“Shhh” came from the stage manager.
Kelly whispered, “Ericka, you're only seventeen…”
“I'm eighteen.”
“Ok. You're only eighteen. Being pretty is a big part of your world and you're very good at it, but…”
“Aww. Thanks.”
“… BUT! I've worked very hard to be taken seriously. I'm a short man and that's not an easy thing for a short man to achieve. I've worked hard to get to where I am and I feel a little like a clown with this makeup on.”
“You know what? You remind me of a line from a play we read in AP English Lit last week.”
“What line is that?”
“It's from HAMLET and it goes, ‘I think the lady doth protest too much.’ I think you like it more than you're letting on and I think Mrs Powell likes it too. She's been smiling like a cheshire cat all day. She thinks you're hot. I can tell.”
“Well,” Kelly said, embarrassed and taken aback by the honesty of his student, “Cheshire cat, huh? I bet that Mrs Gregory is giving you an ‘A’ in AP Lit this quarter.”
He licked his lips in thought and tasted the lipstick and he smiled a bit. “I think we need to change the subject, Ericka. Ok?”
She smiled, too. “Ok.”
“Let’s go, Saint Mary’s!” The stage manager called and waved them forward. Lots of hugs on the way by, again and the girls took the stage.
They were on fire! Hiring the choreographer was so worth it! Everything was going great and the audience was eating it up. When the moment came, Kelly stepped out and joined the girls in a quick dance move to move down stage to conduct the next part of the medley. Strange thing, though. When he did this before, it always got laughs. This time, just some cheers and applause.
He conducted them through the slow section and and, as the tempo picked up speed, he danced back off and waited backstage. When the girls finished, he was so, so proud of them. As they ran off stage, he hugged each of them as they passed him and they all ran to meet the rest of the girls and the chaperones out front.
Hugs, hugs, hugs. Tears, tears, tears. They were all so emotional and Kelly felt like their hormones were infecting him. He felt tears of joy on his face, too.
“Ok, girls!” Cathy finally said. “Let’s get you all changed and Ms P and I will take your bags back to the resort while you enjoy some park time. We’ll be back here ASAP.”
“Yay!” And off the ran to change.
“Congratulations, babe. They were wonderful and they were beautiful. And you were wonderful and you were beautiful,” and she hugged him to her breasts. “When we have all their bags, we can call for a cab to take us to resort, get you changed into something more comfortable and come back here. Sound good?”
“Sounds great!”
The girls brought out their bags and loaded them up into a larger bag designed for just this kind of maneuver. It was a bit heavy, but they made it to the front gate and hailed a cab.
Ten minutes later, they were hauling their load up the stairs to their room.
They dropped it on the floor and looked at the disaster area that was their room.
“Well, I guess we should pick up before we go to the park, don't you think?” Kelly asked.
“Nope.” Cathy smiled. “Come here, sexy. I've been thinking about this all day.”
As her eyes traveled up and and down her small, feminized husband, he could feel her lust and he felt… sexy. He swayed towards her and bit on the French-Manicured nail extension that was glued to the forefinger of his right hand, and he smiled as he wrapped his arms around his wife’s neck and pulled himself up on his toes to kiss her and allow her tongue to explore his mouth. Then, slowly, he slid down to his knees and unbuttoned the waist of Cathy’s Capri pants.
Cathy looked down at the perfect hair and sexy makeup of this woman on her knees in front of her. The purple flowers and the soft, light and dark purple dress and she felt empowered as never before.
Kelly pulled the zipper down slowly and guided the pants past her hips to the floor, all the while nibbling at the front of her panties.
“Oh, babe,” she moaned. “Oh, babe. You are my woman now.”
Kelly smiled and slowly lowered Cathy’s panties, then, still slowly, slid his tongue into her vagina and went to work.
She came in seconds, but she was not done.
As soon as her orgasm subsided, she bent over, put her hands under Kelly’s armpits, lifted him fully off the floor and threw him, quite literally threw him, onto the bed. He let out a very girlish squeal as he landed and his skirt flew up to reveal the little lace petticoat that was hidden underneath.
Cathy was aggressive. She grabbed his feet and tried to pull the character shows off. “Straps, honey. There are straps.” She quickly undid the straps and pulled the shoes off, followed by the pantyhose.
Then she saw those wonderful, pretty, black panties with the white lace. They were pretty and they were virginal and pure. She stood at the foot of the bed and pulled his legs to her, one on either side. Then she rubbed his silky, flat, firm crotch. There was nothing there. With his penis tucked, the front of his crotch was just plat – like a Ken-doll.
No. Like a Barbie-doll.
He was her Barbie-doll.
His hand, his little, petite, beautiful hand came down to join her big, powerful hand and they rubbed him together.
“Keep rubbing,” she said as she stopped and gently pulled off his perfect little panties allowing his penis to pop up, free from its silk bondage.
“Rub it,” she whispered.
He took his member in his hand and started to masturbate himself.
“You are beautiful, you know, babe.”
“So are you.”
“No. I'm fit and sexy and all, but, princess, you are beautiful. You're my beautiful, Disney princess,” and she raised his legs high up onto her shoulders and rubbed his bare bottom while he continued to play with his erection with his soft skirts and the little lace petticoat turned inside-out. He looked like a sexy virgin on prom night.
Slowly, she moved her vagina towards his turgid member. “Put it in me, princess. Put it in me.”
So, he did and she began thrusting her pelvis into him in a very unladylike manner, but both were so wrapped up in the eroticism of the moment and the newness of it all that they barely noticed that their sexual roles, their dominance roles, their life roles had completely reversed themselves.
Kelly’s eyes rolled upward as he approached the most explosive orgasm of his existence.
Cathy grunted with lust and exertion as she claimed her lover.
When they came, it was together and both screamed out in ecstasy.
Cathy held him in the folds of her Kegel muscles and milked him until he withered and slipped passively from her with a soft, feminine sigh.
She stood over him, smiling at him for more than a minute before she glanced at the clock.
His eyes were still closed.
“Babe? Babe, are you awake?”
“Uh-huh,” he sighed.
“We need to clean up and get back to the park, babe. We've been here nearly an hour.”
“Uh-huh” he sighed again and rolled to the side, holding the skirt up to avoid soiling it. When he stood, on shaky legs, Cathy helped him pull the feminine garment over his head. He stood in front of her in just a bra, earrings and makeup and gave his beautiful, powerful wife another kiss and cuddled into her tee shirt.
She sniffed his hair. Strawberry shampoo and hairspray. Lots of hairspray.
She could smell the makeup and lipstick.
She could smell the perfume left behind by each of the hugs from the girls in the choirs.
All in all, she smelled a woman. A girl. In her arms.
With great regret, she pushed him towards the lavatory. “Go pee and wipe me off of yourself, then come out and I'll take off your makeup. I bought you some clothes to wear.”
He smiled and did as he was told.
When he returned, she handed him his panties, which he happily put on expecting to be taking them off again, soon, and she sat him in a chair, removed the barrette and a couple of Bobbi pins from his hair and brushed it straight down. Then she took a head-band and pulled his hair neatly off of his face and wiped the makeup off.
When she'd finished taking it all off, she whispered, keep your eyes shut, and he felt her brush something along his eye lids and then his lips. Then she fussed with removing his earrings and wiped them down with cool alcohol, fussing with them again.
“Ok, stand up, babe. Let's get you dressed.”
When his eyes opened, Cathy stood between him and the mirror, helped him stand and turned him towards the bed. She opened a bag an pulled out a pair of white flip-flops with little red bows with white polka dots that sat daintily between his first and second toes.
He saw them and asked, “Where are my sneakers that I wore on the plane?”
“Somewhere in this mess, I'm sure, but you'll like these better.”
He was about to argue that it was time to dress as himself again, when Cathy pulled his new outfit from the bag. It was a white sundress made of layers of soft cotton. It had a China-blue pattern of stylized images, which, at first glance may have been flowers, but upon inspection revealed themselves to be various Disney princesses and their castles. It had medium width shoulder straps that lead to a modest, scoop neck, an empire waist and a pretty, flared skirt.
It was a feminine confection of a dress and, as much as he wanted to try it on, he said, “Cath, I better be a man again. I wore what I needed to for the concerts, but I should go back to wearing men's clothes, now.”
“Well, babe,” Cathy smiled, “First off, you never wore ‘men’s clothes.’ You wore ‘boy’s clothes.’ And secondly, you can't wear boy’s clothes this weekend because, A) your boy’s clothes are in Costa Rica and B) the festival only knows about Ms Kelly Powell, so Ms Powell better show up.”
She raised the dress over the head of her stunned, little husband and slid it onto him. She turned him and zipped him in knowing that he would have difficulty finding the small zipper and pulling it down on his own. As she concealed the zipper in the covered tract of the dress, it felt as if she had trapped him in it and he would need to come to her to get out of the dress and, again, she felt just a little more powerful, in control – masculine and motherly – all at once.
“But, Cath, the girls will see me, the parents will find out, the other teachers will find out. I'll lose my job.”
“Kelly,” Cathy laughed as she fluffed his skirts, fluffed his hair and kissed his forehead, “everyone already knows. You haven't had your phone or tablet for the last few hours, but there are, quite literally, hundreds of pictures of you on social media. Pictures of you walking, conducting, hugging the girls, curtsying… The parents know. The teachers know. Your mother and your sisters know. They called me and told me how adorable you looked. Face it, babe, Ms Powell is here at least until we leave Florida on Tuesday and, judging by the comments on Instagram and Facebook and a phone conversation that Audrey and her husband had, Ms Powell may be expected to be around for a good long while. Maybe forever. And would that be so bad? Look how pretty she is.” And Cathy turned him towards the mirror.
He saw a very small, young woman looking back at him.
She seemed smaller and younger than he'd remembered himself being just a few minutes ago, but she was him. He was her.
She had a pretty little sundress with pretty little princesses on it and a pretty little head band to match. She had on just a light coating of eye makeup, framed by delicately arched eyebrows and soft, pink lips below. On her feet were cute, flip-flops with Minnie Mouse bows and in her ears were the same bows as earrings. Her hair was combed straight, but still retained some of the under-flip she had worn earlier in the day, so her hair had bounce and body to it.
She was a very pretty young woman, but it was him. He was her.
“I look so young.”
“You do. Isn't it amazing?”
“I mean, I look like a girl. A young girl. Fourteen, fifteen. A girl not a woman.”
“I know.”
“Is this even a woman’s dress?”
“Babe, you wore boys’ clothes when you came down here. Not men’s. Now, you'll wear girls’ clothes, not women’s.”
“But, couldn't I wear girls’ pants of something?”
“No, babe. You’ll wear what we pick out for you and isn't it pretty?” Then something funny occurred to her, “I'll wear the pants for now.” She giggled.
Cathy pulled her Capris back on and checked her look in the mirror. She looked good and Kelly looked so sweet and dainty in that beautiful dress. All those horrible jokes about female Physical Education teachers being lesbians and now, she was turned on by dressing her husband up in pretty little dresses. Wait till he sees his nightie and what she has for him to wear tomorrow.
“Ok, babe. Let's head back to the park and find all your little friends. They are just going to gush over you, you know.” She fluffed his hair a few more times before guiding him to the door. “Today, you were their hero. Their knight in shining armor who bravely wore a dress for them. Tonight, you'll be their new friend who enjoys the park with them while wearing more pretty things – and he’s... or, rather… she’s doing it just for them. Now, they can chat freely and openly with you – you know, girl talk. Take you on rides. Tell you secrets. Tonight, instead of being their prince, you'll be their princess.”
To Be Continued...
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Another enjoyable story by Clara……..
And without meaning to ruin it for anyone who has not read the whole tale (spoiler alert!)……..
I have trouble believing that while the head of the school is the prejudiced asshole who freaks out about how Kelly is dressed, it is the Catholic priest who comes to Kelly’s rescue, LOL. Of course, his reasoning is about the public fallout, but it has been my experience with the Catholic Church (my spouse is Catholic and my children were raised in the Catholic Church) that although they don’t try to keep me from attending mass, they are not exactly welcoming either.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
One of my personal favourites..
There is just something in thus tale that sparkles with joi de vivre, and even when we hit the bumps, you know that all will be well.
Also, any story that has a character saying "let's get this road on the show" has got to be memorable.
Lucy xx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."