The Voyage of the Visund -96-

Eriana and Tor attempt to decide who is going on the Visund but extras keep appearing. Deliberations are interrupted by a disturbing invasion of the harbor and river. Later, there is a final unexpected addition to the list of travelers.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

96 - Crew Selection

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2025 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

The next morning Eriana called a brief meeting of all the women after bathing but before they had dressed, so that all who had them appeared for breakfast in some version of uniform. Eriana, Bennet and Semma all wore their sand-gray ship dresses while Ursula and Tyra wore Marine attire consisting of green tee shirt and cargo pants. All who had rank slides wore them.

When the group entered the dining room a few eyebrows were raised, but almost all of those in the hostel had been at Hamalbek and were familiar with what the women were wearing, if not today's reason why. The atmosphere in the dining room became more business-like and quieter while the men wondered what the womens' display might portend.

When breakfast was almost over, Ursula sent Tyra to ask Toshi to join them whenever he was ready. He arrived accompanied by the other Kittrin, a move that was not unexpected. Both halted beside her and Toshi made a Japanese-style bow to her.

"Matsuk Hakatoshi reporting for duty, Ma'am. If I may introduce my fellow Kittrin, he is Kapashu Atakami Teratsu," a smile which showed gleaming teeth in the dark face, "but known to many here in the east just as Terry."

Ursula regarded the other man. He looked younger than Toshi but the almost completely black complexion made it difficult for someone like her to estimate age. His arms were bare below his tunic but showed scars, as did the backs of his hands.

There could be a story here. Maybe we ought to take this meeting elsewhere.

She held up a hand. "One moment, please." Turning to Eriana, she asked, "First Director, I need to have a conversation with these two. Can I use the small office? I don't think we will take very long."

Eriana waved a negligent hand. "Of course, Ursula. I can conduct my business here if necessary."

"Thank you."

She led the way out of the dining room, conscious of the eyes following the group. Once inside the small office she gestured to the chairs around the table and asked everyone to sit. Toshi spoke first.

"Ma'am, I did not realize we were expected to wear uniform inside the hostel if we did not have any duties. If I may offer our apologies for being dressed this way."

The two men were wearing ordinary tunics over sand-gray cargo shorts, which they obviously found more comfortable in the heat than the usual tights.

Ursula waved a hand. "Our uniforms today are really to show whoever we speak to that we are dealing with official business. Since neither of you is on duty, I see no reason you should not wear whatever is comfortable. I gather that there is no problem with you two working together?"

"No, Ma'am. Terry and I are from islands at different ends of the Kittrin empire and our clans had little to do with each other. He is here because - I suppose I should let him tell you his story."

Ursula turned to Terry.

"Ma'am," he began, "I was a deck-hand on a trading boat between the islands when we came under attack from a small fleet sent from Tokatsu-jeema." An aside, "That is a larger island near the center of our island group. Our vessel was taken as a prize and we were all considered prisoners. On the way back to their base, a journey of two days, their fleet was in turn attacked by a bigger fleet of small, narrow craft of foreign raiders.

"Our captors were in turn captured, the barbarians did not let us go but kept us as well. We sailed south on the ocean I know not where, to a rude city where we were all sold as slaves. Because of my sailing knowledge I was made to serve aboard one of their raiding craft, doing mostly what I did before but with unfamiliar sail arrangement and rigging which I had to learn.

"Like this I made several voyages, the barbarians sometimes capturing other, larger craft, and because of my sailing knowledge I was eventually given the option of signing on as a free crew member. I reluctantly agreed, but said that I was not able to fight, only help sail their craft, and this was agreed. The very next voyage we made we were in turn captured by a warship from the Six Cities and those people freed me.

"I arrived in K'Kdaril and was immediately offered a place on one of their trading vessels but I decided that maybe the ocean was not a good place for me to be. I stayed there two... no, two and a half years, learning their tongue and to use their weapons and then decided to take my chances as a caravan guard as it traveled east. I had heard that there were places in the east which were beginning to sound interesting.

"I ended up in Stirmond and thought to work my way downriver on one of the many barges." He rolled his eyes. "Imagine my lack of surprise when we were taken by river pirates! I languished in Hamalbek until you, Ma'am, and your people, came to rescue us." He considered, then asked, "What do you intend for us, Ma'am?"

It is beginning to sound like the western ocean is worse than the eastern one is. Still, it will take the Federation some years before we have to deal with that problem.

"Terry, it sounds like you have just the knowledge and experience we need for the Navy," she told him. "If I may, I will speak with you in a moment, I asked to speak to Toshi this morning to give him some news he may consider double-edged.

"Toshi, you may already know that Lars - Force-Admiral Lars, that is - will be forced to remain here in Bibek because of his injuries. He will not be able to travel downriver to join the rest of us until after the Rains have ended. Since that leaves a vacancy when we arrive at Sheldane, our intended destination, he has recommended you as his second-in-command. It will mean a promotion and complete authority over Marine training and operations at Sheldane. What do you say?"

Toshi was taken aback. "What... Why... Ma'am, this is unexpected! To know that Lars trusts me so, I cannot speak of the honor he has done me." His voice lowered. "I do not know if I can do as he asks, though."

"But you were a Prince on your island, you told me," Ursula reminded him, "does that not mean that you had command over at least some of the men there?"

"It is true... but I did not have to teach them tactics I do not know myself! We had masters in all the martial arts we knew, though in the end we were not good enough to beat off the enemy. Ma'am, I am honored by the offer but I do not know if I can do it."

"I don't think it will be as bad as you imagine. We will have the two months or so of the Rains to plan for the future and, of course, you will have all the rest of Eriana's - Princess Eriana's - the First Director's men with us who will teach you what they know. You have already taken part in one assault with them, I think that proves you are capable of doing the job."

His eyebrows raised. "You are using the Norse as a model for the Marines? Ah, I understand now. I thought maybe you were using the Zebrins or Farals as a model. You will be there?"

"Probably. Most of the time. You know that I will have to make certain visits whenever I need to. Also, I am not in your direct line of command, but because Lars is staying here I will be your acting superior if you need any decisions made."

"That is good! Ma'am, you rescued me, I trust you, I will accept your job offer. Do you want me to start immediately?"

"The planning side, yes, if you can find the time, but we will only be at Bibek a few days more. Lars will be returning here this afternoon, you can work out between you what you should be doing. Anything else will have to wait until we reach Sheldane, because we don't even know what facilities will be waiting for us, if any."

Toshi nodded. "I understand. And uniforms?"

"Whatever you feel comfortable with for now. It is going to be awkward and cramped on the Visund anyway so there is little point dressing up just to get wet and dirty."

"Sensible. So, if I am doing that job, what rank will I be? I find all these different ranks to be very confusing."

"We all do! And we're not helping by inventing more for the new service. It was decided that we couldn't use the Navy ranks, most of them, since it doesn't make sense to have a Admiral or a Commodore just of Marines, so we'll probably use a mixture of ranks that already exist. We'll have a talk when Lars gets here but you'll just be the next step down from him, whatever we name it. Possibly Under-Marshal or something similar."

Toshi gave her a glance. "Might you choose some name from the other world?"

She thought. "That is a good idea. Possible, but that might just confuse people more. Tyra? The slides, please."

Tyra dug into her bag and came out with slides which had just one broad bar on them, handing them to Ursula. She in turn presented them to Toshi.

"These are temporary," she explained. "I want to have some made with an extra mark on them to show you are a Marine rather than a Sailor. I have yet to decide on what mark would look good."

"Thank you, Ma'am."

She murmured, "A General is about equal to an Admiral or a Marshal, so the next step down would be a Colonel -"

"A Keronal, Ma'am?" Toshi said, giving the word sounds familiar to him.

Ursula thought, then nodded. "Okay, a Keronal." She stood and reached out her hand. "Welcome aboard, Keronal."

Toshi stood, banged his fist on his chest Palarandi-fashion and then shook Ursula's hand.

"I will do all that I can, Ma'am, and thank you for the honor."

She gave him a small smile. "You may not think it an honor by the end of the Rains, Toshi. We're thinking our way through this but we have little idea what we are really doing. We rely on the experience of the countries around us to give us our ideas, and we'll use the experiences of both of you, but intend to build something better on what we have seen."

"I'll take your advice, Ma'am. This will be all new to me as well."

"Very well. Let me turn to Terry here now. Terry, is it your wish that you stay close to Toshi? Given that the two of you are the only Kittrins I have ever seen or heard of, I doubt there are many others of your people around so it makes sense to me that you two would want to be close to preserve your language and your customs."

Terry made a Japanese bow. "That is what I had thought, Ma'am. But it is now clear to me that Toshi has different talents to me and I do not know if I would be much help to him. I would be content if we were to be at the same place, so that we could meet from time to time and have a drink together."

"You would do that? It appears to me that you are mainly a sailor rather than a warrior so I could see you progressing doing different things than Toshi will be doing. For example, you could end up captain of your own patrol vessel."

"You think so, Ma'am? That would be interesting. But I am still recovering from being held by the pirates. I doubt I could captain even a rowboat now."

"You will have plenty of time before that occurs. There is the Rains, and then probably some basic fitness exercises along with the others we are taking along. Actually, depending on your past experience, once you are fit again you might be working on a sailing ship on the eastern ocean instead of on a river craft."

"The eastern ocean? I never thought of that! Ma'am, I will go if you will have me."

"Done, Terry, and welcome to the Navy."

* * *

Lars arrived shortly before lunch. There was a borrowed carriage which held Nethra and Tamina while a covered wagon held Lars in the back along with a wheeled chair for him to use in the hostel. A detachment of eight of Simbran's personal troops helped get him out of the wagon, into his chair and into the cool of the building. There was a larger office which Eriana had appropriated and the arrivals joined her, Ursula, Toshi and Tor inside.

Toshi was startled by Lars' bare face but smiled. "Greetings, Admiral. I like the new look."

Lars ran fingers of his good hand across his smooth chin. "It feels unusual to me but good. May keep it."

"Agreed," Eriana said. "Though I am used to beards on my men it is sometimes interesting to discover what may lie beneath. At least you are not a troll."

Lars inclined his head. "I have been called that a few times."

"Very well. Lars, we have arranged a room - quarters, they name it here - for you and Nethra on this floor so that you will not have to go up and down stairs. I'm sure that you will be able to find people to help you in and out of the toilet and bathroom. When we're gone there are rooms along here you can choose for an office. I'm sorry, it seems that while there is ale here now, they won't be brewing any more once the Rains begin, so enjoy it while you can."

"Ale? Why not, Princess?"

"It requires boiling the ingredients and there probably won't be enough firewood. Remember, whatever is in this building has to supply everyone with everything until the Rains have ended. I am told it will be folly to attempt to go anywhere, it could be dangerous."

"Oh. Must investigate stores, then."

"Leave that to the hostel staff, Lars, they know what they are doing. What I want you to do is to get together with Toshi and make a rough plan for him to take to Sheldane. Ursula spoke to him this morning and he has accepted our offer to be your second-in-command, with responsibility for Sheldane until you arrive there." She smiled. "Ursula has also promoted him, with a new marine rank, that of Keronal. She will act as his immediate superior, should that be required, until you arrive."

Lars considered this and then nodded. "It is good. What else is there?"

"Almost all who will remain here in this hostel will be survivors from Hamalbek, and most of those desire to be considered for the Navy. That also appears to be the desire of the remaining Yodans, although those will need careful thought. Many of the men will become sailors, not marines, so may not want to join in any training you are thinking of doing, but you might find someone to look at the ship-handling side of the business for you."

"Yah. Can do. Yodans?"

Ursula said, "Don't overlook them, Lars. You have about two-thirds of a galley crew there and they will be better trained for a military vessel than any of the bargemen would be. It might not be a good idea to keep them together as a crew but they can spread their knowledge around the others - even the Marines. We already know that the Zebrins and the Farals prefer to make sure that everyone can at least do every task aboard."

"And, once the Rains end," Eriana added, "there will be several galleys here you can use for training voyages. I will assume that almost all the men will be fit enough by then."

Ursula pointed out, "Some rowing can only improve everyone's fitness after a two-month break, Lars."

"Hmm. Big task." Lars nodded. "Much to think about. Thank you, Princess, Ursula."

"While we are here," Ursula asked, "I gave Toshi some rank slides just one level below yours, but we have nothing to indicate that it is a Marine rank instead of a ship rank. I thought to put some kind of mark or symbol there as well. I know that Eriana made a mark like that of a ship for her rank slides once but have you any suggestions for the marines?"

"Huh. Not anything I ever thought of, Ursula."

"It is common practice on Earth, where uniforms may look the same to an outsider but the wearer may be in a different kind of service."

"Ah. Maybe a sword? Crossed swords, maybe?"

Eriana frowned. "Do not those of Pakmal use crossed swords for some of their troops? I do not desire to risk confusion with other military if possible."

Lars grinned. "Then cross axes, Princess. We are Norse, Marines will do it different."

Eriana smiled. "That's good, Lars. Done. Ursula? Do you have any idea how this mark can be arranged?"

"Not a clue, Eriana. We have no time to do anything here and the distinction won't be important until next year, probably. We could maybe get the women to embroider the axes on for now but we might need to stamp them out in metal in the future."

"Ah! And those of Palarand are experts in such details, I deem. Good, we will ask them when we reach there. Is there anything else we need to tell Lars?"

There was some head shaking and Eriana said, "Then I think we had better show Lars and Nethra to their new quarters. Tor, Ursula, we'll come back here and consider our crew list."

* * *

The door was thrust open. "Highness, come quickly!"

Eriana half-rose and looked at the servant, annoyed because her meeting had been interrupted, yet also secretly glad to have a break from the unrelenting planning session. "What is it?"

"Grakh, Highness, over the city and in the river."

"Are we in danger?"

"Highness, all have been warned to keep under cover and keep the doors and windows closed. It is all we may do."

"They can come inside?"

"No, Highness, but we would deny them the temptation. If you would come? It is safe enough."

She stood, causing the others to stand as well.

"Where do you want me to come?"

"There are windows upstairs."

Upstairs had a better view, but it was the men's chambers which overlooked the river junction. "Upstairs? Where?"

The woman looked momentarily doubtful. "Ah, in the front, Highness, but the room where Admiral Lars was to reside. It is presently empty."

"Very well." Eriana looked at the others. "Shall you join me? I would investigate this disturbing happening, learn more of these creatures if it is safe to do so."

"Of course," Ursula replied, then looked at Lars.

He waved a hand. "Go. I am not so curious."

Ursula, Toshi and Kalmenar followed Eriana out of the office and towards the stairs. Sitting at a table in the adjacent dining room were Nethra, Bennet, Semma and Tyra, who all stood when the others appeared.

Bennet called, "Highness! Are we needed?"

"I do not think so," Eriana called back, "but if you wish you may join us. Someone look after Lars, please."

At the top of the Men's Stair they were shown into a corner suite that would usually be offered to someone of rank who was traveling with their family, but since Lars' accident it had been left empty. The group all filed in and looked out of the windows, which showed views on two sides of the hostel but more importantly showed both the rivers Sirrel and Faral.

The sky was full of dark shapes which were wheeling and diving into the two rivers. Since Bibek was on the outside of a major bend that was where the deepest water was, so most of the creatures were diving there, but Ursula could also see others floating on the water's surface all the way across to the Zebrin shore.

"Gods above! How many of them are there?"

"Many hundreds, Highness, I am sure," Kalmenar replied. "I doubt I have ever seen so many at one time in all my years, or seen them so close."

"It is well, then, that we keep the windows closed and just view them."

Ursula watched the display for a while and then offered, "Highness, I am not sure they are interested in us this time. Since the river level is so low it must be easy to catch fish and it looks like they know how to do just that. Another time it may be different. Why are they coming here now? Apart from those five monsters in Joth I do not recall seeing another one anywhere."

Kalmenar answered, "Mistress Ursula, as I mentioned yesterday they are migrating south-west along the Great Valley to some distant refuge. I did not think they ever stopped but managed somehow to fly that whole distance without food or sleep. Mayhap a few came low enough today to notice some fish trapped in the shallows in the river and that brought the others down to enjoy the feast."

"What will they do after they have fed, Kalmenar?" Eriana asked. "Think you they might roost somewhere and nap awhile, as we do? That might be unwelcome for the folk of Bibek, I deem."

"As you say, Highness, but I have no idea."

"Colors," Ursula said after watching the activity for a while. "They are not all black, as I first thought. There are different groups with bright colors on parts of their bodies. They are not all the same size either. Maybe different species?"

"What matters it?" Eriana replied. "They are all dangerous to people, I deem."

They watched as another skein spotted the activity below and peeled off to descend like a long line of dive-bombers. Some of them dived straight in while others flattened out to alight on the river further away before disappearing into the depths. Ursula had a sudden thought and moved to the left-hand window, which gave her a view that included the roofs of the boathouses at the Royal Dockyard. There were creatures diving into the lagoon there, as well, though she could not see the water from where she was.

"I just had a thought," she said. "Where is Tor?"

"Oh, he should be down at the ship," Eriana replied absently, then realized what she had said. "Gods, no!" She swiftly joined Ursula. "They are landing there as well? I must go!"

As Eriana turned to go Ursula put out a cautionary hand. "Don't do anything stupid, Highness, you will only put yourself at risk if you went outside."

"But -"

Through the closed windows came a faint pock! which was accompanied by a small cloud rising from beyond the boathouse roofs. This was immediately dispersed as the creatures took off in fright, their movement causing others further away to also rise until all were wheeling in the sky. They formed into a great whirlwind of dark shapes, and it seemed to Ursula that they gradually became higher than at first. They kept rising and rising until at last they topped out and began peeling off to resume flying south-west. The surface of the Sirrel was completely deserted apart from a few empty fishing boats. A short time later the sky was also empty.

Kalmenar asked, "What just happened? What scared them away?"

Eriana answered, "I imagine somebody remembered the grenades, My Lord. I cannot think how many were left, maybe only three or four. I do not think anyone intended to kill any of those creatures, merely to scare them away."

"That worked, Highness," Ursula agreed. "That little cloud could only have come from a powder explosion, like those I saw at Hamalbek. Let us hope there were no injuries down there."

Eriana gave Ursula a hard glance. "Do you consider it is now safe for me to venture down there?"

"From what we have seen, Highness," Ursula's replied, "there is now no danger to anyone. However, I can see empty fishing boats out there and I cannot imagine that everyone who was at work down there managed to get under cover in time. Tyra? Grab my basket and your bag, we are going with Her Highness."

"Of course, Mistress."

Naturally, many of those at the hostel wanted to go along so it was a crowd of about twenty who set off some moments later. People were beginning to emerge from hiding as the group made their way down to the riverside and along to the walled area known as the Royal Dock. There was no problem gaining admittance and they all walked around the enclosure, down the ramp and along the floating jetty to the Visund.

Tor was there with Zakaros, Ezran and some of the sailors. He leapt onto the jetty to welcome Eriana and her party.

«You are late. We managed to scare them away on our own.»

«We saw from the hostel.» Tor looked up at where the hostel should be and frowned so Eriana added, «We cannot see the ship from the hostel, only the roofs of those buildings there. We heard a noise, saw a small puff of cloud and then the creatures all began rising into the air.»

«Yah. When they started to come down we were worried, so I told everyone to hide under the tarpaulins and keep still. That worked until some began perching on the ship. Do you know if this is something that usually happens around here?»

«I did not ask. Maybe, since they always come just before the Rains and that is when the river is lowest. Ursula said they could see the fish and once some came down, that attracted the others. Did you use a grenade?»

«Yah, but it was difficult. I was not at the bow where they were stowed. Young Ezran there had to risk exposing himself to reach them and then the box was passed along to me.»

«And the creatures did not attack you?»

Tor shook his head. «The ones that came to the ship were much smaller, Highness, maybe this long.» He held his hands about four feet apart. «When we showed ourselves they flew off and landed in the lagoon. Zakaros carries a striker, he made a flame and I threw a grenade into the water but it sank before it could explode. I had to light another one and guess how long to hold it before I threw it. When I did so it exploded in the air.»

Eriana nodded thoughtfully. «And they took fright and flew up, causing others to take fright until they were all up. Tor, you may have just saved the whole of Bibek from those creatures.»

Tor looked solemn. «Or I could have blown myself up, Highness, and possibly sunk the ship doing it.»

Eriana bared her teeth in a grimace but responded, «It is something every captain of a ship might have to do, Tor. There is no blame to you for risks you are forced to take. I have no doubt you will take other risks in the future.»

Tor nodded. «Thank you, Highness. Have you all come to help? I could do with a few more hands while you are here.»

«We can spare the time. First I must ask if you have any injuries, either from the creatures or otherwise. If so, Ursula will attend to them.»

«We managed, since we had the tarpaulins to climb under.» He pointed to the boat sheds. «I do not know what happened over there but we heard nothing that might have sounded like an attack.»

«Very well.» Eriana glanced at the Visund. «Some of those creatures have left messes where they perched. I suggest you clean that up quickly. I recall that some avian shit can eat through even wood in time and will certainly attack the nails in the hull.» She looked up. «I thought you were going to take the mast down?»

«Baros suggested it might be worth leaving it up, Highness. The river level is so low that we need a good lookout to help us find the deepest channels as we go. If we leave the mast in place we can hoist Tyra up it on one of those little chairs. It gives us more room down below, too.»

«But what happens when it begins to rain?»

He shrugged. «It is no problem, we can take down the mast and set up the awning very quickly if it does begin raining. Oh, that reminds me. One of the men from the boathouses thinks the awning will not be strong enough when the main rain session begins. He spoke of so much water that I have trouble believing him but it is worth warning you.»

«I have heard the same.» Eriana considered, biting her lip as she looked over the longship. «We have no time to do anything different, Tor.»

«Put the Visund in one of those boathouses and stay here until it is all over,» he suggested.

Eriana shook her head firmly. «No. I have no doubt we would be looked after well in Bibek but I think this voyage has gone on long enough. We have done more than I ever expected, fighting off renegade soldiers, defeating an uprising and attacking pirates along the way which have all delayed us considerably. I want to be home, Tor. I do not want to spend an extra two months on the Sirrel. It is time to begin finding our way back to Palarand.»

He bowed his head. «As you wish, Highness. I only suggested an alternative.»

She gave him a smile. «That is what you are supposed to do, Tor, but I have to consider everybody's needs. How soon can we be ready to sail, do you think?»

«We await some of the foodstuffs we will need, Highness.» He spread his hands. «It seems everybody is busy with this festival of theirs. Three days, I was told, possibly four, before we can be sure of getting everything.»

«Three days! But that is Harvest Festival! Gods! I had hoped to have left before then.»

He looked doubtful. «Can we go earlier and pick up what we need along the way?»

«I do not know, Tor. They may not be expecting anyone to be traveling any distance that close to the Rains so foodstuffs may not be ready for us to load. I do not want to wait anywhere while they find what we need.» She made an irritated sigh. «Do what you can, Tor, but tell me every evening when you come back if there is anything delayed or no longer available. We might have to... get creative.»

Tor gave a slight smile. «As you wish, Highness.»

* * *

"Tor talked about putting Tyra up the mast when we were down at the ship," Ursula said at the late afternoon meeting. "While I agree that she is probably the best person to do it, I do not think she could be up there for the whole voyage."

"I do not think that was what he intended, Ursula," Eriana replied. "I plan to use the main current going downstream since that will be the fastest way to get us back to Palarand."

"I understand that."

"But even as the river speeds us we cannot do the whole voyage in one day, Ursula. We know that it would be dangerous to travel by night, even more so now that the river is so low, so we must needs find food and a bed each evening. Some of those places will not be by the main current as Bibek is and that is where having sharp eyes at the top of the mast will be required. Tor knows that and we all know that Tyra is the best person for steering from the mast-head."

"Ah, I see. Agreed. That makes sense, thank you."

"If that becomes too much for her, perhaps we could use Toshi or maybe his countryman... what was his name again?"

"Kapashu Atakami Teratsu, Eriana, but everyone knows him as Terry," Ursula replied. "Actually, he is a sailor where Toshi is not. He is also a little smaller so may find it easier going up the mast. All we would have to do is to teach him the whistle commands."

"Do you tell me? That is useful to know. So, How many names is that now?"

Kalmenar added up the list of names. "We have forty-eight so far, Highness, which includes the seven men you and Lars bespoke the other morning at breakfast."

Eriana's mouth twisted. "We are becoming full, I deem. I do not want to take many more since the Visund floats lower in this river water and will be more sluggish to handle. Does anyone desire to suggest any other name?"

Hashim cleared his throat. "By your leave, Highness, if it were possible then I would ask if you could include my family. I am prepared to travel by myself, I know you will have need of my experience, but I have been away from wife and children over a year now. To bring them with me to a new start in Palarand would indeed be a boon."

"Hashim! By the Gods, I have forgot, you are the only man or woman aboard who has a family! If I may ask your numbers."

"It would be four, Highness. My wife Aryam, my sons Benor and Omar and daughter Allia. Benor is a young man now, he is thirteen years old, Allia is nine and Omar five."

"So, two of almost adult size and two who may be considered weighing half an adult each. I see. What of your older son? Can he make himself useful as we travel? I assume that since he is your son he may know something of life upon the Sirrel."

"Highness, he does, but I am not sure that he thinks of becoming a bargeman as I was before I met you. If you ask, will he accept the commands of you and your men, then I would say yes." Hashim smiled. "He is not yet old enough that he values his own opinion better than that of his father. He will be of help to us, I am sure."

"Have you yet told them that our journey will be on an open vessel which has no deck? That there is scant shelter as we travel?"

"Since I have not yet suggested to them that they should travel with me, Highness, then no, they do not know. They may have seen the Visund, when it first arrived, but no more than that."

Eriana ruminated. "Fifty and two halves... Fifty-one... No more, I deem. Hashim, you may bring your family should they agree to come with us. You should also offer them the alternative, that they might travel in the Green Ptuvil after the Rains have finished. They may find it more comfortable, especially the younger ones."

"You are gracious, Highness. Thank you."

Eriana glanced around the table. "I believe we have about finished here?"

Receiving nods from all she turned to Hashim and smiled at him. "Then, Captain Hashim, you had best leave now to go to wherever your family reside and tell them the good news. You and they may require some time to agree what you will all do and, if they do decide to join us on the Visund, they must needs begin packing their belongings ready for departure and tidying up their affairs in Bibek."

Hashim looked startled. "Aye, Highness, you are right, there is much that may need to be done before we can depart." He shook his head. "I have been away from my family too long, I do not know what state our affairs may be in since I was captured by those of Yod. By your leave, I must go and see what has to be done."

"Of course, Hashim. Send a messenger when you have all decided what you will do."

"As you command, Highness."

Hashim stood, bowed and left the room. Eriana looked at the others.

"Before we separate, is there any other concern? Baros, what of those remaining here?"

Baros waved a hand in the direction of Lars and smiled. "Highness, I assume that Admiral Lars will take charge once the Visund departs and that he will provide me instruction when required. For my part I will do all that he asks and attend my own task of running the Green Ptuvil in the meantime."

"As you wish, Baros. Lars?"

Lars leaned back in his chair and cleared his throat. "Cannot do much but think, Princess, until wounds heal. Baros a good man on the water, name him my second." His eyes slid to another direction. "Would rather have Ursula but know why not possible."

Eriana snorted. "Hah! With all the women on the Visund Ursula will be busy, I deem. Four children as well, if I include Kaldar! Lars, I wish it were not so, I wish you could join us, but you will be in charge here once we depart. You have willing helpers here and I have no doubt you will have a well-drilled establishment by the time the skies clear again."

"Hmph. I hope you are right, Princess."

* * *

Eriana, Ursula, Hashim, Kalmenar and Lars were enjoying a relaxing conversation after the evening meal. They were still in the dining room as that was quieter than the more busy common room at the front of the hostel. Bennet, Semma, Tyra and Nethra were having their own conversation on a nearby table while Tor, Adin, Zakaros and Ezran were hunched over another table at the far end discussing supplies.

"I know nothing of the Sirrel beyond Joth," Ursula remarked during a lull in the conversation, "can you describe it for me, Highness?"

Eriana shrugged. "It is much the same as that above, Ursula. Of course as it nears the sea it widens and the land seems even flatter, if that were possible."

Hashim raised a finger. "Do not forget the tides, Highness."

"Oh, yes! When one gets to around the reach between Smordan and Brugan, that is where the sea begins to make itself felt, since the ocean pushes its way inland along the path of the river. It made our upstream journey more complicated than I expected, I know that. Hashim? If you would explain."

"It is simple enough, Highness. Twice a day the tides rise, pulled, it is thought, by the presence of Kalikan. This can cause some currents in those affected parts of any river to reverse and it certainly complicates travel in those parts. Of course the reverse then happens and all the ocean water is pulled back into the sea as Kalikan passes onwards. Ah, Mistress Ursula, do you know why that happens?"

She answered, "I do, and I can show you diagrams if we have spare time somewhere along the journey. It is to do with -"

What she was about to say was interrupted as two men came through the door from the common room and walked across to Tor's table. Although the two men were in donated tunic and tights she was sure that they were crew from the Yodan galley and she frowned, holding up a hand.

"One moment, Hashim. Eriana, we might have a problem. Do you think those two - who I am sure are from the Yodan crew - have a problem with Zak and Ezran?"

"Maybe, maybe not, Ursula. We are here if there is trouble, let us just watch for now."

They could not hear the conversation but it ended when Zakaros pointed in their direction. One of the men nodded and the two then walked over to Eriana's table, coming to attention beside it. Ursula recognized them since she had interviewed all the captives shortly after they had been freed.

The older man was the most senior surviving officer of the second galley, she had been told that a number had been killed when the pirates had sprung their trap. He was a professional and had been in Yod's fleet of galleys for many years. It was possible that he could have felt humiliated by needing rescue by troops led by women.

"Your Highness," he began with a slight bow. "If we may be forgiven for interrupting your conversation." He looked uncomfortable.

"We discuss minor matters," she replied. "If I may ask what you need?"

He still looked uncomfortable but drew a breath and began. "I am Under-Captain Kardoran Strongarm, recently second-in-command of the galley Deathstrike and with me is Loytant Porthan Swiftrider. We are the most senior surviving officers of that galley."

The other man was somewhat younger, Ursula thought with surprise. Maybe about my own age? If so, how did he get a senior rank in a service as hidebound as that of Yod? Maybe to do with the war. He does not look concerned, though. Perhaps he is not like most Yodan men, perhaps he is more like Karan who seems to have less of a problem with the arrangement in the Visund.

"Highness," Kardoran continued, "we of Yod are grateful to you and your men for rescuing us from certain death. We are also grateful to His Grace for permitting us sanctuary in his lands, even though we were recently at war with many folk along these reaches of the Sirrel. However, we of the crew are all aware that we are strangers here who struggle to understand the ways of lands other than Yod.

"The other men in this place shun us because of our origins but, since we were also prisoners of the pirates and doomed to die, they show us no deliberate ill-will. Those of Faral will likely also treat us in similar fashion. Nearly all of the crew who survive are career military men, trained mostly aboard galleys. Though we know the ways of the river we would struggle earning a living as bargemen do.

"My men and I have held conversations and decided that, unless you and your people can suggest alternatives, we would wish to become part of your new patrol force. We ask that you may consider us as crew who may be of use training your people to use vessels such as galleys."

Eriana regarded the two impassively. "You are not comfortable with a woman in charge, are you?"

Kardoran grimaced but answered, "It is true enough, such things are unknown in Yod, but we have seen you with that big sword and do not doubt your abilities." His gaze turned momentarily towards Ursula. "The other one, though, is a mystery to us."

"Then know you that, before we came to Pakmal, Zebrin or Hamalbek we called at Faralan," she told them. "There by chance we became involved in an insurrection against the ruling Count. There was a battle during which I was slain. Ursula picked up my sword and slew two of those who fought against us."

The two of them were slack-jawed and their widened eyes stared at Ursula before returning to Eriana.

Kardoran stammered, "Highness, you were slain? Dead? How can this be when you sit before us?"

Eriana tried to be nonchalant. "One of them struck me in the chest with a heavy object and stopped my heart. I fell to the ground while my friends fought above me. Ursula then, by means known to her from the other world, restarted my heart and brought me back to this life." There was a faint smile. "My chest was severely bruised and I was instructed to rest for several days."

"The other world?" Kardoran stammered. He turned to Ursula. "Are you she?"

"I am not," Ursula replied, adding, "I have been asked that question almost everywhere I have visited and given the same answer. I have never met her and never been to Palarand, although I have been told a lot about her. The world we came from is as big as Anmar and we were born in distant parts of it. Eriana - Her Highness - has met her and accounts the person you speak of as her friend."

"The rumors were correct, then," Kadoran muttered. "There were impossible tales, we did not know what to think. Mistress, if I may ask what you are? We do not understand your function."

"On the other world I was trained as what you know here as a healer and also as a surgeon. The state of... healing... has progressed somewhat more there than it has here on Anmar, which was why I could revive Her Highness. I serve as the healer to the Visund's crew. It also seems that I have some abilities to organize, so I have been appointed Director of Welfare in the new Navy. In time I may do other tasks."

"Welfare? That is an honorable task for such as you, Mistress. I shall no longer doubt your abilities." He turned back to Eriana. "Highness, we know that you prepare your ship for departure. If you would give word that you accept us before you depart? If you do not I do not know what my men and I will do."

"It has always been in our thoughts that some or all of you might choose to join the new Navy," she told the two. "I warn you now, if you do so you might not have the same ranks that you had aboard your galley. Know now that we do not employ slave oarsmen, all who will row are full members of the crew and, indeed, the whole crew, even myself, may at times be required to row. Do you understand that?"

"Highness, we know that not all employ slave or indentured rowers aboard their craft. If you have different customs then we must needs adapt. If I may ask, would we be expected to travel with you downstream to Palarand?"

"The Sirrel, I am told, is now too low for a galley to safely proceed so far downstream until after the Rains have ceased. Space on the Visund is limited and we have not considered taking any of you aboard with us. While you and your crew remain in shelter here Admiral Lars will be in command but he has limited knowledge of the sailor's art, and between us we have less knowledge of the handling of galleys such as yours. I do not know how much can be done while you wait."

"Highness, we knew that we must needs adapt to the customs of your own organization, or indeed of that of any other land that might take us. If we must remain here we will, but we were hoping that some few might travel with you to learn how your new organization will function. Is it not possible?"

Eriana looked at the others seated around the table. Lars shrugged, leaving any decision up to Eriana.

Hashim said, "I was one of those slave oarsman, Yodan. It is not possible to learn much while chained to an oar below deck. I suspect that you might struggle to adjust your attitudes to having a free crew beneath you."

Kardoran ducked his head. "I cannot disagree with you, sir, but I can only try."

Ursula asked, "Could we take just one, First Director? He won't be able to do much while we are waiting out the weather but we could learn from him how galleys are used - at least by Yod. I'm thinking of handling, navigation, provision, that kind of thing."

"Aye." Eriana stood up and called. "Tor! By your leave, join us a short while."

All four stood and walked over to stand around the table.

"These are the two surviving senior officers of the Yodan galley," she explained. "It seems that most of the Yodans, as we thought, might wish to join the Navy. We cannot take them in the Visund, they are too many, but Ursula suggests taking one for his knowledge which we can glean while we wait out the weather. What say you?"

Tor sighed. «Highness, already we have nearly as many as we brought from Jotlheim but we have more cargo than that time. We can probably get away with one more, but he must be useful on the voyage. We don't need someone who will not row because he is an officer.»

«Agreed. One more? To be knowledgable he would be one of these two.» She indicated. «You choose.»

Tor pointed. «Him. He looks like he would fit in better. The other one struggles to be polite to you, I can easily see that. We don't need personality problems on board.»

«Done, Tor.» She smiled at him. «That shall be the last one. I will not upset you any more.»

«Heard it before, Princess.» Tor waved negligently and led the others back to their own table.

Eriana pointed to the younger man. "Porthan Swiftrider, you are coming with us aboard the Visund. Kardoran, for now you shall be in charge of those Yodans who were crew under you. Speak to Lars if you or your men should have any needs or questions. Welcome to the Federation Navy."

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