As a card carrying member of the ACLU, I regularly get communications from them. Yes, many of those are asking for money to support their programs, but many others are asking for me to sign a petition or to reach out to my Congressman or Senator. They also send out communications regularly to help keep members informed.
I received this one today………
And help support an organization which is working to save our rights - to save our very existence.
First, let me say that I support your right to your opinion……
But let me also say that I cannot agree with all of it. Having said that, I do agree with part of what you have said. I do agree regarding your opinions on sport - although with the following caveat: transgender girls who transition at an early age have no discernible advantage over many cisgender girls. If a genetically male child is placed on puberty blockers prior to going through a male puberty, then that child may actually be at a disadvantage when compared to others. It is a well known fact that girls tend to mature earlier than boys, and that at some ages girls are easily physically equal to (and often superior to) boys of the same age. This is obviously not true once a transgender girl has gone through some amount of male puberty.
However, any doctor will tell you that until puberty girls and boys are extremely similar in physical capabilities. This obviously changes with puberty.
Admittedly I am taller than my spouse, my shoulders are more broad (but not by a huge amount), my hands are larger (but again, not by a huge amount), and I may have some physical advantages over her because of it. But I can tell you that years after transitioning, there is really no discernible difference in strength between us, as has become quite evident to her when we are playing around. Honestly, she is probably the more aggressive of the two of us normally as well - a fact which she finds quite humorous considering my military background and record.
The other major point which I differ with you in is in regard to the so-called “safe spaces” and showing respect for them. Are you suggesting that I, as a very obvious female, should use the men’s restroom? That I should allow women their “safe space” while placing myself in harm’s way by entering the men’s restroom? After more than a decade since I first transitioned, just how am I less entitled to the use of your so-called “safe spaces”?
I do in fact agree that some of our community have pushed too far, too fast, which may have contributed to the current backlash. However, I think the more realistic view is that they have simply made us more visible, and as a very small minority we are an easy target for people like Trump and his ilk to use. We make an easy target for them to use to whip up support amongst the ignorant and prejudiced morons who are their political base. It is an old story that goes back further than written history, but the most obvious example being the abuse of Jews throughout history as an obvious scapegoat. Additionally, there is an obvious irrational fear of transgender women in some men - and that is especially evident in specific sections of society. It is an old story for those seeking power to play on those fears for their benefit.
I also feel that your correlation between Jenner’s very public transition and the increase in backlash against the transgender community is a well made point. As you have pointed out, Jenner has been a contentious person for the rest of us in the transgender community due to our desire to support another transgender person, while at the same time being revolted at her idiotic political statements. Jenner has done none of us any favors by becoming the face that many think of when transgender people are discussed. I am sure that most of us could think of someone we would prefer to be the example people think of.
But the question here is simple? Is that correlation simply due to the transgender community suddenly becoming more public? If that is the case, shouldn’t we also be placing some blame on things like Ru Paul’s Drag Race? A show which I personally cannot stand as it pushes the whole idea that transgender women are no different than drag queens to much of the population. I am not a drag queen and resent that idea. I find it insulting when people assume that I must love that show. Why? Because I am transgender I must love a show about overly campy drag queens? That is insulting.
Is that how people see us? Is that how we want to be seen? I think not.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Many good points
I agree with much of what you say. Mostly I think that as a minority we have made many mistakes. One of the biggest is we've contended ourselves with riding the coattails of the Gay Rights movement, thinking that if we ally ourselves with them, we will be part of a larger minority and be more likely to be heard. I'll point out that in the acronym, LGBT that T is the last letter; kind of like an after thought.
When negotiating for rights, the leaders have always come from the other three letters while we Ts have sat back and let them do all the work. As a result when it became necessary make concessions to make progress, the afterthought, the Ts were thrown under the bus.
We watched this time after time and done nothing.
Mind you, I understand the mindset. My goal as a trans-women is to blend in with women at every turn. To do something would require me to step, no to jump, out of my comfort zone and suffer the slings and arrows of being outed to one and all. And that is the conundrum we find ourselves in.
What doesn't belong?
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Sitting on the fence.
OK, so I am going to live up to all those clichés about women being conciliators. I actually agree with the main points which all of you have said.
I think that the "overt" trans activists have not helped the vast majority of those of us who just want to get on with our own lives quietly without people spitting at us in the streets. Frankly, I worry that some "trans" sportspeople were motivated by exactly the physical advantages that they may have had from experiencing male puberty. Dallas is totally correct to say that if you haven't undergone male puberty, you don't have those advantages. Let's be honest, though. How many trans "athletes" didn't go through male puberty? The result is that a huge swathe of the cis female community, stoked by the right wing media, feel that trans women are "beating" them "unfairly".
Frankly I don't give a damn who cycles faster, or runs a race or throws a spear. I just want to be able to use the ladies public toilet should I need to. Since my surgery, there's no damn way I am going to the "other place".
Caitlyn Jenner made us all look stupid. Let's face it, anyone in the media circus looks stupid, but Caitlyn, she took it to a new level., and claimed to typify the rest of us. So we all are tarred with a brush of being media seeking airheads. Thanks love.
There is also an issue that activists here, in Scotland, introduced a "self declaration" scheme. That was far from helpful, as lots of "males" declared themselves female "for a laugh". Those of us who went through intensive psychiatric assessments to get our "certificate" were suddenly lumped with a bunch of media attention seekers. The same is true about women's safe spaces. No Dallas, I'm not talking about toilets, but refuges for women raped and beaten, who might not appreciate sharing their space with someone still holding on to the kit that could rape them.
The only way that we as trans women are ever going to win this battle is to be accepted as women by the rest of the population.
Speaking for myself, I was fortunate in that male puberty passed me by, so I "pass" easily. But it's really nothing to do with big arms, or square jaws. People see me as a woman, because that is what I am. I cry at emotional scenes, I don't argue in public. If I am cut up whilst driving, I smile politely and think "pillock".
My mother in law loves the fact that I sit and talk with her about her interests, something that her two daughters never do. My niece loves the fact that I buy sweet clothes for her toddler's birthday.
What Trump has declared is vile, evil and unfair. It is also flawed to its core. We won't beat it by rioting, but by winning friends and influencing people.
Lucy xx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
I thank you for your input, especially as it is well spoken…….
And I fully understand and agree with your comment regarding abused women. I do think that it is painting us all with a very broad brush, but that it is also pretty much what many women who have been abused or raped feel. The difference being is that not all of us are “holding on to the kit that could rape them”, to borrow your words. And not all abusers or rapists are in fact male.
But you do raise a very valid point.
Having said that though, I am absolutely certain that there are plenty of transgender women who have been assaulted in the exact same manner - if not even worse! Should not they be afforded the same safe space?
As to men having themselves declared female “for a laugh” - that should be criminal as there is no legitimate reason for it to be done. However, that is a failing of your legal system and could easily be corrected by requiring the proper medical proof before it is allowed. To your point, those of us who are legitimately transgender have had to jump through the requisite psychiatric and medical hoops to prove who we truly are - even though we had no doubts of our actual gender, we were required to prove it. Oftentimes meeting requirements which were not only overly stringent, but even cruel. And often, even that proof is not enough for society.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus