When I first started going out as myself, I got to talk to a lot of women who told me they didn't like most of the feminine stuff.
They would avoid dresses and skirts and the rest unless they had no choice.
I got the impression they saw being feminine as being less, which is an attitude I would expect from guys, but it was a little strange to hear it from women.
Me, I would have given anything to be allowed to be feminine, so hearing women say they saw it as at best kind of meh . . . well, I really dont know what to make of that.
To each their own
The nice thing about the way society has changed in the last fifty years is that there are many more acceptable ways to be a girl or a woman. The tragedy, sadly, is that there is still only one acceptable way to be a guy.
— Emma
Society Has Been Kind
To women. Sixty years ago skirts and dresses and heels were expected. Nowadays, slacks, trouser suits, tops, with flat shoes are the norm and this translates into comfort for women. Who can blame them?
For those of us who were not born female, in a way we are stuck in the past, and we try harder to appear feminine because we must.
Jo, the world hasn't been kind to women
It is still largely patriarchal and misogynistic with even countries like the US treating women like it was the 1950s and controlling their reproductive rights. The UK and Australia aren't quite as bad but crimes against women and girls are rising and many are frightened to venture out at night or in the daytime in some places. So while women can wear pants the life of women is pants and is getting worse!