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This is an unauthorized continuation of Jeremy Chandler’s, “My Summer in Pantyhose,” last added to by Jeremy 04/07/2023. The story line and characters belong to Jeremy Chandler and are used without express permission. What follows is intended as fan fiction with the greatest of admiration for Jeremy and appreciation for the original work.
For the first time since the end of school in June, Jamie got dressed without wearing pantyhose. Instead, he put on boxers. He left off the cami that he’d become accustomed to. Julie had warned him that the high school encouraged nice clothes. So instead of jeans he wore his khaki dockers; his second most dressy pants and a button up shirt. He fumbled with the buttons for a moment. It’d been three months since he had worn anything that hadn’t buttoned the other way. Some black socks and his dress shoes completed the outfit. It all felt very foreign to him.
Julie had tutored him as to what time to catch the bus. He got to the stop with five minutes to spare. Mike got on at the next stop and sat next to him.
“Hey buddy. Haven’t seen much of you this last month. Whacha been up to?”
“Been doing a lot of stuff with Tabitha on the weekends.”
“Weekends or just Saturday?”
"Her family started going to my church. So we do things on Saturday and then I see her on Sunday as well.”
“That’s a lot of time to spend with a girl who’s not your girlfriend… or is there something you want to tell me?”
“OK, I guess there is. Tabitha is my girlfriend as of our trip to the state fair.”
“High five,” Mike said holding up his hand.
Jamie high fived him just as the bus stopped to pick up another passenger. It was Todd. He saw Mike and headed toward him. But then he saw Jamie and stopped short and sat down next to middle aged man who was reading.
Tabitha lived the other side of the school and rode a different bus, but Jamie knew where her stop would be.
“I’m going over to Tabitha’s stop. Her bus should be here in about three minutes,” he told Mike.
“OK, stud. See you inside.”
Jamie and Tabitha walked into the school holding hands. Mike was down the hall in the direction of the auditorium talking with Todd. Jamie knew that because he and his mother had been to several events that Julie had been involved in.
Todd looked up and saw Jamie coming. He made a face and walked off looking like he was in a huff. Tabitha noticed and wondered who that was and why he made a point of leaving as Jamie approached.
“Just talked with Todd. He’s going to sit with Hank Marsden and his crowd. I guess he wants to break the nerd rep,” Mike told them.
“He looked upset,” Tabitha said. “Did he want you to sit with that Hank guy too?”
“Long story,” Jamie told her. “Todd used to game with Mike and me.” He looked around and continued when he decided that no one was in ear shot. “When I started wearing pantyhose, he told Mike not to invite both of us at the same time.”
“So he quit being your friend over pantyhose? Wasn’t really friend then was he?”
“Not much of a friend,” Mike agreed.
They made their way to the auditorium and found seats. Jamie recognized some of the kids from his middle school, but there were a couple of hundred that were strangers to him. The lights dimmed and the Principal stepped up to the podium and gave a welcome speech.
As Jamie sat he couldn’t get comfortable. His boxers bunched up on him, the dockers were rough and his shirt just didn’t feel right. He wished he’d chanced wearing pantyhose, but that was just a little too risky to chance someone noticing.
A couple of staff members gave some talks, mostly imparting information. They were instructed that in the foray there were tables and teachers were there to help the students. On the tables were stacks of schedules arranged alphabetically by last name. they were to give their name to one of the teachers at the table that would hold their schedule and that teacher would find their schedule and give them a map of the school and the combination of their assigned locker and mark its location on the map. There would be some other paperwork with some papers their parents needed to sign. It all seemed simple enough.
After a receiving their paper work they were encouraged to walk around the school and familiarize themselves so they could find their classes on Monday. They got back together and compared schedules. They all had the same home room and Jamie had three class with Tabitha one of which Mike was also in and two more with Mike. They also shared the same lunch period. After, they located all their classes and lockers. Tabith’s was just down the hall from Jamie’s and Mike’s was across the hall.
Jamie told them that he couldn’t wait to get home and change clothes. Tabitha told Jamie that both her parents were at work and she’d be home alone.
“Yeah, me too. Too bad we couldn’t do something this afternoon. I don’t think that either of our parents would like for us to go to the other’s house,” Jamie said.
“We could go to the mall arcade,” Tabitha suggested.
“I’d want to change clothes first and that’s all the wrong way.”
“I was just thinking out loud.”
“It’d work if we’d planned it. I could have brought a duffel and changed in a service station bath room.”
“Some other time.”
“When you go, if having third wheel wouldn’t cramp your style I’d like to check out the arcade. I’ve heard about it, but I’ve never been there.”
Jamie and Tabitha exchanged a look.
“Ah, Mike, you should know that I don’t just wear pantyhose anymore.”
Mike raised his eyebrows.
“OK, what all do you wear?”
“Something that looks a lot like what Tabitha’s wearing. I’ve dressed down when I’ve been over at your house, but other times…”
“So you’re really into cross-dressing then?” Mike asked without emotion or any indication of how he felt.
“Yeah, you could say that.”
“I noticed your hair is a lot longer than it was in June. I guess that’s part of it huh? Just how much cross-dressed do you get?”
“Enough so people have thought I was a girl.”
“So like skirts and everything?”
“I have skirts, but I haven’t worn them outside the house. I wear something called a skorts. They’re shorts that look a lot like skirts and well, complementary tops. Even shoes that go with the outfit.”
Mike looked into the distance.
“Are you wishing that you’d have taken Todd up on the offer to sit with Hank and Co?”
“Oh no, dude. I was just trying to imagine what you’d look like as a girl. That and marveling that Tabitha still wants to be your girlfriend. You gotta admit that it’s an unusual arrangement.”
“That it is. You’re welcome to join us sometime, but you needed to know that.”
“I'm in dude. I didn’t dump you like Todd over the pantyhose. I told him pantyhose or not you were the same person you used to be and you were my friend. If that’s true about pantyhose, then it’s true for skorts and all the rest.”
Julie went to the food court to find Aaron. He wasn’t there, so she sat and began to eat without him. She hadn’t taken her second bite when he showed up.
“Hi, sorry I’m late,” he said as he sat down. “My last customer was a ditzy blonde and couldn’t make up her mind. She went back and forth between three different pairs. She must have tried each of the on a dozen time and spent five minutes in front of the foot mirror each time.”
“Are you sure? At that rate you’d have to skip lunch all together.”
“OK, so I exaggerated. It was only six times and two minutes in front of the foot mirror. But still I’m ten minutes late for lunch because of her. I didn’t even get what I wanted for lunch. I just chose the shortest line.”
“I’m glad you made it. You know this is my last week full time. Starting Monday I’ll cut my hours to four to six after school. So our lunches are gone until next summer.”
“I know. We’ll just have to see about dinners on Friday and regular Saturdays.”
“We need to work out something. If Tyler and Samantha can’t make it, then we’ll have to see about getting Jamie and Tabitha to do a matinee. And before you say anything, we don’t have to sit in the same part of the theater.”
“You mean that we can still sneak a kiss during the slow parts of the movie.”
“That’s what I had in mind.”
“So you think that Jamie and Tabitha won’t be doing the same thing?”
“I don’t know. I do know that he kissed Megan, so there’s no reason to think he won’t or hasn’t kissed Tabitha.”
“Tyler says he’s sure that in the tunnel of love at the fair, he saw them sucking face.”
“That would explain the moonstruck look on their faces the rest of the day.”
Lucille was out front when Jamie and Tabitha left the Fabric Barn on Friday.
“I’m really sorry to that the two of you have to go back to school. I thought I was doing a favor when I hired you Jamie. Don’t get me wrong. I needed someone to handle unpacking freight. And you contributed a valuable service restocking the partials. When I promised you that if you did good I’d give you more hours I really thought that you’d merely be OK at your job. But you exceeded my expectations. Where you’ll really be missed is receiving freight. You did as well as any experienced receiving clerk I’ve ever worked with.
“And you, Tabitha, when I advertised for a part time worker, I was hoping for someone with experience in the fabric business, but you were the only one to apply. You stepped in and in two days you picked up the customer service part and in less than a week we could turn you loose with the rest of the job.
“You’ll both be welcome back next summer. Not this year, you’ll need a year to get your feet under you in high school, but maybe next year you can work after school, if you want.”
“Well thanks, Lucille . I just might take you up on that. It’s been an experience working here,” Jamie told her.
“Me too,” Tabitha agreed. “This is, er was my first job. My mother wanted me to know what real work was all about so she told me that I had to get a summer job. She's big on me growing up to be responsible. When I met you, I liked you and wanted to do a good job for you.”
“Well, you did that, Tabitha,’ Lucille said as she hugged Tabitha. She then turned and hugged Jamie.
Jamie’s grandma was in her car watching. At Jamie's request she had started giving Tabitha a ride home, saving her the bus ride.
“Phone, Megan,” her mother called up the stairs.
Megan roused herself from the funk she was in and went to the library to take the call.
“Hey Megan,” Nikki said. “You weren’t at cheer tryouts today. What happened?”
“I'm not going to do cheerleading.”
“No worries, the coach said there will be another tryout after school starts. You can go to that one. There’s still spots open.”
“I said, I’m not going to do cheerleading. I told you that before.”
“Well, yeah, but that was before. You were all upset about Josh and the beach party and all. But school starts next week. You know you’re going to change your mind.”
“I don’t think so. I plan to join the chess club and maybe drama. Anything but cheerleading.”
“What’s wrong with you? You know you love cheering.”
“That’s when I thought being around football players would be great. But Josh convinced me that wasn’t true.”
“I still think you should reconsider that. It’s really no big deal and with the right guy it’s really great.”
“I’ll pass.”
“You realize you’re committing social suicide, don’t you?” Your whole social life has been as a cheerleader. All your friends are cheerleaders. You won’t be part of the A crowd anymore.”
“Good. Look Nikki, I’m going to reinvent myself in high school. I’m going to devote my time to getting good grades. It’s time I gave up worrying about being popular and start worrying about what I'm going to do with my life when I grow up.”
“But, Megan…”
“Please, Nikki,” Megan cut her off. “My mind is made up. No need to try to salvage our friendship. We don’t have that much in common anymore. Bye.”
Megan hung up and wished she believed that she really wanted to give it all up.
It seemed strange to Jamie to be waiting at the bus stop with Julie. The last time they went to school together was his first year in middle school. His last two years of elementary, she was in middle school and then they shared a year and she was gone again in high school. Now they’d be going together for two years before she starts college.
After the discomfort of freshy day, he had opted to wear panties under his boxers. The boxers would undoubtedly still bunch up but at least the panties would keep things from getting caught up in the folds.
On the bus, Julie found a seat with some friends and Jamie claimed a seat several rows behind her. Mike got on at the next stop and sat with him. As he might have expected, Todd got on and frowned as he passed them on his way to the back of the bus.
At school, he caught up to Tabitha and the three of them made their way to homeroom. All through the morning things were pretty much like any other freshman’s first day. No one gave any indication that they knew he’d worn pantyhose 24/7 the whole of summer break.
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I've been enjoying reading this series. It's been fun watching your take vs Jeremy Chandler’s on this plot. You have been quite faithful to the pacing of the original. Seems like Megan has done some thinking over the summer. Maybe Tabatha has some competition? Or perhaps we'll see throuple evolve? Who can say at this time.
As always I continue look forward to each next post even if I have not taken the time to comment.
Your friend
Thanks for reading
I've tweaked the storyline just a bit. I'm sure that Jeremy's take would be markedly different by this point in the story, I've used writing in Jeremy's style as a learning experience, I've never carried more than one story arc before. Keeping the separate parts of the story running parallel has been a challenge.
One of the advantages of this style is when you need to leave one arc lay and ferment in the back of your mind, you just look back and grab another arc and run with it a while.
This story has a small, but dedicated following. I'm glad you're one of them. I've always valued your opinion on my writing.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I’m not surprised that Jamie is finding boys clothing……
Uncomfortable. With a little work and forethought, he could possibly slip some more androgynous women’s clothing into his everyday school clothes. He is already starting with wearing panties, so why not a few pairs of womens trousers? Or a couple of button down shirts? Or maybe some polo shirts? There are plenty that are not noticeably feminine, other than the buttons on the shirts anyway.
Todd could be a problem going forward - I wouldn’t put it past him to go after Jamie just to make points with his new friends. Especially if they share a gym class, or just catch him in the hallway or the boys room. All of Megan’s ex-friends could be an issue as well since they all saw Jamie wearing pantyhose. Hopefully Jamie will not be exposed or worse.
Megan sounds like she is trying to distance herself from the so-called “A crowd” and her old friends. I hope she can stand up to the peer pressure; I expect it will get pretty bad in the very near future. It takes a lot of courage and willpower to not get sucked into that whole mess, and even more to walk away from it. Hopefully she will not have to do it on her own. She hurt Jamie badly, letting herself get sucked in to the whole trip to the beach with Josh and company was her own fault - but her sister did make things worse with her fake message regarding Jamie and Josh. The little sister needs to get what’s coming to her, but as things usually go she will probably get away with it.
I’m surprised that Megan’s mother isn’t pressuring her into Cheerleading and being a member of that whole crowd. That seemed to be more important to her than the quality of the people her daughter was hanging out with - not to mention she seems oblivious to how her daughter and relatives treated Jamie. Who knows? She was probably right there in that same crowd growing up and sees it as perfectly normal.
Jamie has a very good friend in Mike - let’s hope that Mike can stand the scrutiny when people we him hanging out with Jamie and Tabitha while Jamie is cross dressed. And the same can be said for Tabitha.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
You're very perceptive.
The points you bring up are the very things that the next two chapter deal with.
Hang in there and I'll get to each of them.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann