My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 37.5

My 'Summer in  Pantyhose.png


This is an unauthorized continuation of Jeremy Chandler’s, “My Summer in Pantyhose,” last added to by Jeremy 04/07/2023. The story line and characters belong to Jeremy Chandler and are used without express permission. What follows is intended as fan fiction with the greatest of admiration for Jeremy and appreciation for the original work.

Authors note:

Mea culpa due to a misnumbering of chapters a posting error has occurred. Thanks to a new member, maerga galva, who called it to my attention I offer this chapter to filling the lack of continuity, answering the questions, “…when [were the] 3 skirts were purchased? when did Tabitha got her skort and when Jamie dismissed it? (which chapter?)” I hope that this hasn’t caused too much confusion

   My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 37.5
Continued by Patricia Marie Allen

  “Jamie, up ‘n’ at ‘em.” His mother gently shook his shoulder. He hadn’t responded when she knocked and called through the door.

  Jamie stirred, rubbed his eyes and sat up. He was wearing a long red tee-shirt.

  “I thought you’d be sleeping in one of your babydoll nighties,” his mother said.

  “Oh, I gave that up when Megan broke up with me. It’s not the same anymore.”

  “Still hurts a little bit doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah. How could I have been so wrong about her?”

  “You weren’t alone. We all thought highly of her. That’s the way with people like that. They have the ability to gloss over their shortcomings. Anyway it's time to get up. Are you going to shower this morning?”

  “I think I should.”

  “If you want to explore your feminine side a little, I’ve put my shampoo and body wash in your bathroom along with my body lotion.”

  Jamie thought a little bit.

  “I think I’d like that. What do you do with body lotion?”

  “After you shower, you rub it all over starting at your ankles and go all the way to your neck, including your arms. But you better smell it first. It has a light flowery scent that lingers. Anyone can smell it if you get close.”


  “Tabitha, your boyfriend is here,” Tabitha’s mother called over her shoulder.

  “I’m…” Jamie started to say.

  “You’re a boy and her friend, so you’re her boyfriend,” his mother cut him off and winked at Tabitha’s mother.

  “Do come in. I’m sure that Tabitha will be right down.”

  They were seated in the front room when Tabitha appeared at the bottom of the stairs. She was wearing a full, blue skirt that struck her just above the knees, suntan panty hose, black flats and a pastel gold top that was just sheer enough to let you know she was wearing a cami underneath. Jamie’s mother wondered if she had asked Jamie what he was wearing. He had on his Bohemian Wandering Skorts and a light blue top that went well with the red/orange colors in the skort. His top also allowed the observer to know he was wearing cami. Together they would complement each other’s outfit.

  She had left Jamie to pick out his own clothes that morning. She had also noticed that he had used the body lotion and wondered if the feminine scent had affected the thought process when he chose the outfit, especially that he chose the mary-janes for shoes. His hair was in a less than usual style, bordering on the feminine. But no matter, his gender expression was definitely feminine. She was proud of his courage to do it.

  Jamie’s and Tabitha’s eyes met and matching smiles spread across their faces. Jamie stood.

  “Hi, that’s a great looking outfit on you.”

  What a perfect gentleman, her mother thought. He may be transgender, but he has the manors of a southern gentleman.

  “I like your outfit too. That top really goes well with the skorts.”

  The two mothers had both dissimilar and similar thoughts. Jamie’s mother had noticed just how feminine the combination Jamie had chosen was. And marveled that he’d choose to wear that in public. At The Fabric Barn, he could get away with it because his apron hid the front of the skorts, taking away the effect of it looking like a skirt from the front. Here and now, it was easy to see the two young teens were taken with each other. While Tabitha’s mother admired Jamie’s fashion sense and his courage to express his gender so openly, she also noted the attraction between the teens was undeniable. Each of the mothers wonder how long it would take for both of the teens to come to the realization that they were more than friends.

  After a few minutes of pleasantries Jamie's mother herded the young couple into her car. Jamie opened the back door for Tabitha. She got in and scooted over for Jamie and he followed.

  “I'm doubtful that The Rack will have anything you haven’t already seen,” Jamie's mother said, looking into the rearview mirror. The teens were smiling and looking at each other. “I was thinking of Kohls.” The teens didn’t seem to notice she had said anything. She drove to Kohls.


  “Samantha, what time is your young man coming to pick you up?”

  “I’m not sure. We’re planning on lunch before the matinee. Julie said she’d be over before they got here. She’s coordinating everything. I would think no later than ten.”

  “Are you going to be ready before then?”

  “Yes mother! I just got out of the shower and I’m doing my make up. I decided what to wear yesterday and it’s laid out on my bed.”

  Mothers, she thought, is she still going to micro manage me after I get married?


  Julie heard Jamie and her mom leave the house about eight-thirty. She was tempted to roll over and go back to sleep. However, she wanted to be fully dressed when Aaron and Tyler got there. She was alone in the house and it wouldn’t do to leave them standing on the porch while she threw herself together.

  Arising under protest, she slipped on a robe and did her morning ablutions. Coffee, she thought. Mom must have made coffee and left some. In the kitchen, there was indeed most of a pot of coffee. Jamie didn’t drink coffee yet so there was only two cups gone from a ten-cup pot. If they were planning on being around all day, it would have been twelve cup pot. Pouring herself a mug of the life-giving elixir, she headed back to her room to get dressed.

  She kept it simple. From the bottom up; sandals, white capris and a pullover light blue, sleeveless top. A minimal dash of make-up. even at that, it was nine-thirty when she sat down to a bowl of Multi Grain Cheerios and a second mug of the nectar-of-the-gods. She wasn’t even half-way through breakfast when the doorbell rang.

  “Hi guys. Come on in.”

  “Hi,” Aaron said and pulled her in for quick kiss. “Julie, this it Tyler. Tyler, Julie.”

  “I’m just finishing breakfast,” she said, leading them into the kitchen. “There’s coffee, if you’d like some.”

  “I could stand a cup,” Aaron said. “Some of us had to get up early.”

  “I’m not far behind him so count me in,” Tyler added.

  Julie poured two cups and asked, “Sugar or creamer?”

  “Why don’t you let us doctor our own, so you can get back to your breakfast.”

  The two guys stood leaning on the island while Julie sat on the stool to finish eating.

  “Your mom and Jamie are gone, right?”

  “Yeah, she headed out about eight-thirty to take Jamie and his ‘she’s-not-my-girlfriend’ shopping.”

  “‘She’s-not-my-girlfriend’?” Tyler wanted to know.

  “Jamie’s friend, Tabitha. They act like boyfriend/girlfriend, but both maintain they are just friends,” Aaron explained.

  “And Jamie is???”

  “Oh, Jamie is Julie’s little brother. Speaking of which; don’t you think we should clue Tyler in about Jamie? If double dating Samantha becomes a regular thing, he’s bound to run into him sooner or later.”

  “Probably a good idea,” Julie agreed. Turning to Tyler, “My mom caught Jamie wearing her pantyhose on the last day of school. It’s a long story, but it started as a punishment for getting into her things without permission. It’s morphed into Jamie exploring he feminine side with a feminine gender expression with a minimum of wearing pantyhose 24/7.”

  Tyler smiled and looked at Aaron. “Like Frank Gibson?”

  “Yeah, I kind of forgot about him. I haven’t seen him since you were in eighth grade.”

  It was Julie’s turn to be baffled and her face showed it.

  “When Tyler was in sixth grade, he went to see his friend Frank Gibson. When he walked up on the porch, he could see Frank through the picture window. He was wearing his sister’s dress. Tyler knocked and let himself in. Turns out that Frank often ‘borrowed’ his sister’s clothes when he was home alone. Tyler kept his secret from their friends and Frank’s parents. But he had to tell someone, so he swore me to secrecy. So far as we know, he was never caught.”

  “You actually saw your friend wearing is sister’s clothes, underwear and all?”

  “Yep, full on cross-dresser. When I first walked in he panicked. I demanded an explanation. So he stood there and confessed all begging me not to tell anyone. I thought it was kind of funny and told him not to change. After all in his explanation he had said he needed to do it and couldn’t stop himself. We played some computer games until he thought he’d better change back. After that sometimes he call and invite me over and he’d be in a dress when I got there. He said it was great that he could let someone see him do it.

  “So, Jamie wears pantyhose 24/7… does he wear other girl’s clothes?”

  “Pretty much all the time. Mom kind of pushed his limits and bought him some women’s shorts to wear to work and it snowballed from there. Now he wears skorts and girl’s tops most of the time. The only exception is church and when he goes to play RPG with his friend.”

  “So, today out shopping he’s wearing???”

  “I don’t know for sure; they left before I got up, but I’d say one of his skorts and girl’s tops. He’s recently started wearing camisoles under the tops.”

  “Anyway,” Aaron interrupted. “Try not to react when you meet him. He’ll be wearing pantyhose at a minimum and possibly more.”

  “No prob, man. It’s Frank Gibson all over again only in spades.”

  Julie put her dishes in the dishwasher and said, “Let me call Samantha and we can get going.”


  His mom led Jamie and Tabitha to the women’s section of Kohls and began to look for the skorts that she’d seen online. Jamie and Tabitha followed along. They had been searching for less than ten minutes when a salesclerk showed up.

  “What can I help you ladies find this morning?” she wanted to know.

  Jamie bristled a little at being included in the term “ladies.” He started to say that he was a boy when his mother caught his eye and gave a little shake of her head no.

  “These two would like to see something in the way of skorts,” Jamie’s mom informed her.

  “We’ll find those right over here,” she said, leading them three aisles over. Reaching a rack she separated some and took one out and lifted the hem of the skirt to show the leg of the shorts underneath. “This rack and the next one holds our entire line of skorts.”

  “I think I’ll just let them browse for themselves.”

  “Alright, fitting rooms are on the back wall. If you need anything else, I’ll be right over there,” she said and indicated display she’d been working on.”

  After she had cleared the area Jamie asked his mom, “Why didn’t you let me tell her I was a boy?”

  “You told me that at the arcade, Tabitha had judged it a good idea not to correct the boys. Unless it’s vital, it’s a good idea to let people think what they want. So far, you’ve been very fortunate in the number of people who don’t have a problem with what you wear. But there have been some who have had a problem. Grandma tells me that Lucelle had to intervene when a customer took exception to you wearing hose. And don’t forget your friend, Todd, asked Mike to not invite you and him over at the same time. It’s preferable that they accept you as you are, but it’s advisable not to correct a stranger that you’ll likely never see again, if they see you as a girl.”

  Tabitha and Jamie perused the racks there were several that Jamie found attractive but most of them were some version of a skirt with shorts underneath. But he did find three that he could see as being work clothes. There was a white one that was acceptable it was a pair of shorts with a flap of fabric in front that gave it a skirt look. Tabitha found it in two different colors. What made it a sweet deal was they were on sale at less the seventeen dollars each. Tabitha bought three of the ones that he found attractive but rejected due to then being skirts with shorts underneath.

  But there was one he couldn’t resist. It was a white pleated tennis skort. When he tried it on, he liked the way it looked and felt swishing around his legs. He spent an inordinate amount of time studying it in the tri-mirror. In the end he had to buy it.

  “I don’t know where I’ll wear it, but it’s cool,” he told his mother. She just nodded and decided it was time to push the envelope and stepped over to the rack across the aisle and started looking as skirts. She called Jamie over.

  “Jamie, come take a look at these.”

  She had hung three of them sideways on the rake. Tabitha came over with him.

  “Those are nice. I like them.”

  “I thought since you like that tennis skort, that you might want to consider these,” his mother said.

  They were all full, loose skirts about knee length. One was pleated with box pleats the other two would hang loose.

  “I don’t know. I couldn’t wear them to work. But they are nice.”

  “Why don’t you try them on and see if you like them as much as the tennis skort,” Tabitha suggested.

  So Jamie took the three skirts to the fitting rooms. He took off his skort and removed the first one from the hanger. It was then he found out it was a skirt; no shorts underneath. His breath caught. A skirt, he thought, mom must have made mistake. But he decided to put it on just to get feel of it. It was the right size. He swished it back and forth. His heart raced as he thought about seeing it in the tri-mirror. Out there in a skirt; a real skirt, he thought. There was a strange pull to do it.

  He stood in front of the tri-mirror and found he really did like the look and the way it had swirled around his nylon covered legs had been more enjoyable that with the tennis skort. There was nothing to mitigate the sensation.

  “That looks great on you. What do you think?” his mom wanted to know.

  “Yeah, it looks great and I like it, but it’s a skirt.”

  “I know I thought you might want to try a skirt. If you want, I’ll be glad to buy it for you or even all three if you like them all.”

  “Let me try them on and see what I think after that.”

  Each one captivated him. They were without a doubt a girl’s garment. No way could he justify wearing them they just felt good to wear.

  “Mom, is it wrong of me to want those skirts?”

  “I don’t think so. They’re not that different from the skorts you have that are skirts with shorts. They just don’t have the shorts.”

  “I probably shouldn’t but I want them.”

  “You know, Jamie,” his mother said, as they got in the car, “with all these new clothes, if it was me, I’d want some new shoes to go with. You only have four pair and only the mary-janes are suitable to go with you most recent purchases. I was thinking we could go to Nordstrom's they have a good selection. By the time we do that, it’ll be lunch time. We can catch lunch in the food court and get you back in time to have most of the afternoon at Mike’s.”

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