The Voyage of the Visund -95-

An unexpected day of puzzles for many. Ketko confuses Ursula again, no-one knows if Lars can marry Nethra, and both Ursula and Eriana have received unexpected letters from King Robanar! The day ends with an ominous sighting.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

95 - Letters from Palarand

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2024 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

Ursula disentangled herself from Eriana's arms and legs and pulled herself out of the bed. Her actions caused Eriana to waken fully and there was a question in the Princess's eyes.

"Good morrow, Ursula. Why the hurry? Have we overslept?"

"No, Eriana, but if I do not get down to the toilets there will be an accident. I won't be long."

"Ah. A common female complaint, I deem." She yawned. "I will follow, I believe, but at a speed more appropriate for one of royal blood."

"That hasn't stopped you before," Ursula muttered as she pulled on a fluffy robe. "See you shortly."

Tyra awoke as Ursula pulled open the outer door but Ursula just gave her a wave and continued. The young Jothan climbed out of her own bed and went to the door of Eriana's bedchamber. She curtseyed.

"Good morning, Your Highness. Is anything wrong?"

"Good morning, Tyra. No, your mistress has a full bladder, that is all, I deem." Eriana had by now climbed out of bed and was reaching for her own robe. "Will you join us?"

"Of course, Highness. If I may find my own robe first."

Then Matta and Vellana appeared and so it was all four who followed Ursula downstairs to the bathing and toilet facilities. Once they had returned to Eriana's suite all changed into ship dresses since the weather promised to be hot again.

Over breakfast Eriana said, "I am remiss, Ursula. I have seen and spoken to all who reside in this hostel but not those who were ill when we arrived. I can only offer lack of time but that is no excuse. Can you tell me how they fare?"

"Most could probably be released by now, Highness. D'Nandis is fully recovered from the middrin and is just a little weaker than the rest from having spent time in bed. Ketko likewise is recovering well. Tenevar seems to have recovered from the insect sting on his thigh and could benefit from some exercise."

"Tenevar?" Eriana interrupted. "Is he the one from Sheldane?"

Ursula thought briefly before nodding. "He is - Oh, you probably want to talk to him about Sheldane, don't you? I don't think it is a very large place, he should be able to describe it well enough to enable you to draw a map."

"My thoughts exactly, Ursula. I apologize, I interrupted you. The others?"

"Mostly old leg injuries, Highness. Paronar, Sivlik - I want to get them up and about to aid their recovery. Let me see. Of the others, seven of them, only two are unable to stand and walk around at the moment. I think that Presk might have a nasty chest disease called cancer, it is surprising that the pirates didn't finish him off before we arrived. He can walk but gets out of breath almost straight away. Barsak was a recent admission with a twisted ankle - not unlike that of Lars, in fact. He won't be going anywhere for a week or so, but he ought to be helped up and about to have company to talk to."

"Hmm. I think I will pay them a visit this morning anyway. As leader of this mongrel band it is my duty, I believe. You mention Lars, shall you and I then go to the Fortress to give him the good news?"

"As you wish, Highness. I want to speak to the healers there anyway, they have some different ideas about some of the herbs I use."

"Done. Then, when I have finished this mug of pel, we shall go and visit your sick."

Netheran and Sarrik were in attendance when they reached the medium-sized room called the Chamber of the Sick. They approached the group and bowed.

"Your Highness, welcome. As you may see, almost all of those within, including ourselves, are anxious to leave this place and go about our customary affairs."

"Good morning, Netheran, Sarrik. We have come to assess you all and discover if any of you may join the others as you desire. If I may ask, what were your customary affairs? You must have had a normal place of employment before you went on that boat and were captured by the pirates."

The two Faral healers looked at one another.

"It seems so long ago..." muttered Sarrik. "Shall I remember what I was doing?"

"Aye," Netheran agreed. "Much has happened to us, we are two different people now."

"Do you think they will have us back?"

"Mayhap. Much may have changed in the months while we were away, besides ourselves. Why, even the name of our land has changed!"

Sarrik remarked, "I have learned so much from Mistress Ursula, I deem." He addressed her. "It is my thought that you know much more than you have shown during the days we have been together, Mistress."

She replied, "Yes, I do know more and I would be willing to teach you some of it - but you are not part of our company, there are men in Faral who must be your superiors. I do not know what they would say and, I must add, it is likely we will not be here in Bibek for too much longer. We have to get downriver before the Rains begin."

Eriana added, "Aye, and before you ask, the Visund already has two healers aboard. However, if you may come to some accommodation with those who are your superiors here, then the new Navy base at Hamalbek would welcome you as healers there. This would have the advantage that you would not be so far away from friends and family, if you have such. What say you?"

Netheran bowed. "Highness, it is something that we must both consider seriously. Your people have shown us a new and better way of working and we have already talked together about what you intend to do along our great river. It interests us greatly."

"As you wish. I do not seek to entice anyone from what they did before but you know that many of those held captive with you, even those of Yod, are thinking of joining the River Patrol. Most of those no longer have jobs or homes to return to but you two probably do. We will not think badly of you if you choose another way."

Sarrik bowed. "Thank you, Highness."

"Then, let us look at those you have tended, both before and after we rescued you all."

Eriana moved from bed to bed, speaking to each and every man before moving on. With Ursula's advice most were permitted to return to join those friends they had made during captivity. Only one man, a Faral, wanted to go out from the hostel and see if he had any family left in Bibek.

"I dislike the thought that you may go unassisted from this place while still weakened," she told him. "Aye, you may have come originally from Bibek or nearby but the city has changed, I deem, since you were last here. If you would accept the help of two of my men while you search, since they can assist you should you falter and they will protect you from those who may seek to waylay you."

The man bent one knee. "Highness, you are gracious. I had not thought about how much had changed in the months since I was last here. If your offer of employment still stands then I would willingly serve under you, should I fully recover."

"Rise, please. As you may know, we have had requests from many of those who were captives of the pirates but we presently have no need for extra people. Find your family and spend the season of rain recovering with them. If mayhap you cannot find them then this hostel will still be available to you. By the time the weather dries you may be fit enough to be of use to us."

"As you suggest, Highness. Thank you."

The final two who had been infectious in one way or another came last. D'Nandis climbed off his bed and offered Eriana a bow.

"Highness, this is D'Nandis," Ursula introduced him.

"Good morning, D'Nandis. But you are of the Six Cities, this is not your full name, I deem."

"It is as you say, Your Highness. In my home land I have the honor to be Yarbortarsil Benemar'than Doras D'Nandis an K'kjand. If I may be of service to you."

Eriana smiled. "Indeed you may. Garia - Princess Garia - explained to me how the names of your people are constructed, though I do not speak your tongue. Doras is some kind of rank, I believe, and D'Nandis the name of your House or family?"

"That is so, Highness. Doras means that I am the third son of my father and, more importantly, unlikely to become heir to his position should he die or more probably retire. Nandis is indeed the name of my family and house, which for me are the same thing."

"Unlikely to become heir? The position will go to one of your two brothers, then?"

D'Nandis gave a small smile. "One of my four brothers, Highness. It means that to improve myself I may move to a different... trade, let us say, than what my family practises. I will only be to do that once I return to K'kjand. Assuming I survive."

"Ah, as you say. When all bear blades and other weapons then much might befall any traveler, I deem. Will you come with us when we depart? I offer you a place on my ship the Visund when we begin our return journey and I know that you will have a warm and appreciative welcome in our final destination which is Palarand. Once there you may decide to join the Federation Navy, of which I am the appointed head."

"Highness, in the Six Cities Palarand is well known as a safe and interesting place for those like me who care to travel, though very far away. I will accept your offer immediately, but you should know that I doubt I am yet strong enough to pull an oar."

"We understand that, D'Nandis. You will come first as a passenger, to offer such assistance along the way that you may be capable of. I warn you, you have seen the Visund, it is an open craft and the journey may not be so comfortable as you may be used to."

D'Nandis nodded. "I understand, Highness. I will be there." He hesitated. "If I may ask, will you offer the same to my companion Kapis?"

Eriana nodded back. "Aye, I will. The men of the Six Cities are known for their trust and steadfastness and I will take any that I can find."

"Thank you, Highness."

Ursula added, "D'Nandis, you can leave this chamber and go and find him if you wish. You are well enough now not to require our attentions any longer."

He bowed. "Thank you, Mistress Ursula. I have waited for this day but knew that I should not attempt to hurry my recovery."

She smiled. "The best patients are always those who do not want to be somewhere like here. Go on, go and find him - and take it easy until you get used to moving again."

As D'Nandis moved slowly out of the chamber Eriana turned to the final occupant. Ketko had been sitting on his bed, watching Eriana closely, and now slid off it onto his knees. He bent down to touch the floor with his forehead and then straightened, remaining on his knees. He looked absolutely terrified.

"Great Mother, in this strange world there is no Horde which I could call my own. The Honored Mother spoke well of your rule when she tended me and so if you look favorably on me then I would offer you my service."

Eriana looked confused. "I am no mother, man from another world."

Now Ketko was confused. "But, pardon my presumption, I was told that you are the daughter of a Queen, is this so?"

"Yes, it is... but what has that to do with the matter?"

"You are the daughter of a Queen, your mother has unfortunately died giving birth to another, you must therefore be a Great Mother in her place. It is logical."

Her head was spinning. "But... it is true that my mother was a Queen and that she died giving birth. That does not make me a mother! I have yet borne no children and presently have no desire to."

"But..." Ketko's face was covered with sweat now. "I do not understand! Can the rules be so different in this crazy place?" He turned to Ursula with pleading in his eyes. "Honored Mother, I beseech you, you have not lied to me in your dealings with me? I begin to wonder, are we really in Ab Karbna but that you do not know it?"

This is just like before, she thought. Ketko is apparently talking at cross-purposes with Eriana.

But how can I fix this when I do not know what the problem is?

Then, suddenly, a light flickered dimly. Great Mother? Honored Mother? She held up a hand.

"Ketko, I have told you no lies, you have my oath on that. If you would wait a moment. I think you and Her Highness are talking about two different things."

"Your words are my instructions, Honored Mother."

Eriana was beginning to become annoyed. "Now he names you mother! We both know that is impossible!" She flicked a hand in his direction. "This man is insane, I deem. I want nothing more to do with him."

The light flared and Ursula saw it all. "He is not insane, Highness. He just comes from a land where matters are handled in a different way. When you meet the..." she was about to say 'King' but changed her mind, "...Queen, how do you address her?"

"Why, when I first meet the Queen I name her Your Majesty." Eriana's eyes widened. "Oh! Do you tell me that 'Great Mother' is a title in his homeland?"

"Probably a rank as well, Highness. I am guessing that it has nothing to do with the bearing of children but instead means that the holder has to be female. From previous conversations I would say that a Great Mother was the ruler of his Horde, probably what you and I would call a Queen. But there is more and I have only just realized it."


"I am beginning to think that Ketko's society is one ruled by women, not men. Isn't that so, Ketko?"

"But of course! That is the only way..." He paused and Ursula could see the truth dawning in his eyes. "Honored Mother, you are about to tell me that men rule in this world. How can this be?"

"It is the way that societies have evolved on Anmar, I guess," she replied, generating a much longer reply in the local tongue, "Men are more warlike here and women have a different role here, a gentler one. In some of the societies along the Sirrel, like Yod, women are not valued at all and are made to be subservient to the men. I am guessing that is not so on Zeniak?"

"Of course. All men of the Hordes know that a woman's word is law, whatever rank or grade they may be. I find it difficult to understand how the other way may be so, but it explains much that I have observed while I have been in this world. No wonder I thought it was Ab Karbna! I regret that I may find it hard to adjust to another way, and yet here is a woman whose word is law, so I believe." He turned his attention to Eriana. "If men rule here, Great Mother, then how is it you are able to command all these men?"

"Rank here is a... complicated subject and depends, perhaps, on which land you are presently in," she replied. "I have a certain rank since my father is the King of a distant land and that has permitted me to gather some few willing retainers around me. But I am only a Princess. If I were a Prince, a son of my father, then I would have a higher rank and be able to gather more retainers. You may say that as a Princess I am unusual, most other Princesses I have met have been gentle and kind and find other ways to manage their positions."

"Great -" Ketko paused. "I cannot keep addressing you that way, it seems. How should you be addressed by one such as me?"

"Just as everyone else does. On first meeting, it is customary to address me as Your Highness and then just as Highness until we part again."

"This world is a strange place," he muttered. "Highness, then, my plea still stands. Would you take me as one of your... retainers, did you call them?"

"It is a very strange place... Ketko? Is that how I should address you?"

"It is ...Highness."

"I do not know you, you are a stranger to me, I do not know what strengths and weaknesses you may have nor what talents you may possess that may be useful to me and my purposes. For that reason I would not take you - yet - into my retinue. However, there are other considerations than my own wants and desires. I will not explain them now, you may find them too complicated to understand, but I want you to come with us on the Visund when it sails. We journey to Palarand, at the end of the river, and I know that you will be safer there than you would be anywhere else in Anmar."

He replied, "The Honored Mother... I suppose I should not call her that, either, should I? The healer, my healer, said that I should go with her aboard your great ship, ...Highness. Until she was certain that I was well enough." His eyes narrowed at a thought. "You are all interested in me! Why is that? So far as I know I have little to offer any of you."

"Except the fact that you come from another world," Ursula told him quietly. "That single fact puts you in great danger. I can guarantee that your presence here is not chance and that we were meant to find you and take you with us. I have no idea what you will be able to do for us but I am certain that whatever it is, you will become important. Will you join us?"

His eyes flicked between the two of them. Finally, he addressed Eriana. "Highness, I accept your offer. To be taken to a place of safety and to be guided by two strong women, that is what I need at the moment."

"Done, Ketko." There was a strange look in her eyes. "We will indeed look after you."

Ursula nodded. "Heard and witnessed."

"Rise, Ketko," Eriana said. At the look of confusion in his eyes she added, "Get up, please. There are many new customs you must needs learn about our ways and staying on both of your knees is not one of them."

He was shaky standing up and Ursula had to offer him an arm. Standing up for the first time Ursula saw that he was taller than she had imagined. In fact he was almost the same height as Eriana, the two could look one another in the eye. Not that Ketko did, he kept his gaze lowered slightly once he was on his feet. She also noticed that his skin color had softened slightly so that it looked more like a Japanese tint than anything else - but no Japanese ever had a face like that.

"Can you yet walk?"

"Highness, today is only the second day I have been out of bed and I found it tiring yesterday. I do not know how far I can walk, if you wanted me to do so."

Ursula told him, "You must try, Ketko. It is only by doing exercise, gentle exercise at first, that your body will be able to properly repair itself."

"Your words are my instruction... how should I address you?"

She gave a thin smile. "I have a number of ranks and titles according to what I am doing. For now just address me as Mistress."

"Then, Mistress, what is it you want of me today?"

Ursula looked at Eriana, who gave her a nod. "First, Ketko, I think you should join the others. Many of those in this hostel will be traveling with us in the Visund and you need to get to know them. Don't concern yourself with customs or anything like that just yet, concentrate on eating well and doing gentle exercise. Oh," Ursula added with a smile, "and keep drinking pel, of course. You should find Kapis and D'Nandis, you know them well, I am sure they will be of help to you as you recover."

"Your words are my instruction, Mistress. It is my own desire to get myself well so you are not asking me to do anything I would not do anyway."

"Then," Eriana said, "it is time that some of us collected our things and left this place. Ketko, we will assist you as far as the dining hall, I deem. Once we have found some friends for you we have other business elsewhere in Bibek."

"I'll take one arm," Ursula offered. "Tyra, you take his other side."

"As you wish, Mistress."

"Let's go."

* * *

The hostel and the Fortress were, in theory, "a short walk" apart but the terrain around Bibek made that walk heavy going as the day became warmer. This was because the hostel was on one ridge of the weathered slope and the Fortress was on another, at about the same height above the river. The road between dropped around twenty-five strides, crossed an intervening gulley, and then rose again. The small party was glad to reach the imposing entrance and get out of the sun.

The party was small, just Eriana, Bennet, Ursula, Tyra, Kalmenar and Tor. At the gate they were recognized and welcomed, but instead of leading them to the Chamber of the Sick the armsman they were following took them up stairs to the Margrave's office.

Simbran stood from behind his desk and beamed a welcome. "Your Highness, friends, good freshness, please join me for a moment or two. I know that you desire to visit the leader of your armsmen today but some important documents have arrived and one concerns you, Highness. I thought to give it to you now in the event you departed without meeting me."

Eriana looked puzzled. "Documents, Your Grace? Who could be sending us documents?"

"It is most intriguing," Simbran's deep voice replied. "You must of course know that I am now in regular communication with rulers beyond Yod, notably Wallesan of Joth and Robanar down at Palarand. Just this morning the Resident of Palarand has delivered a fat packet from Robanar and when I opened it I discovered that, amongst other things, it contained another packet which is addressed to you, Eriana."

He gestured at his desk with a hand, revealing opened parchment covers, green-and-purple ribbons and other packages.

He explained, "When we must needs send private matters to our Residents or to other rulers we customarily use various strategems to conceal the content from prying eyes. I know the Valley Messenger Service is exemplary but still, mayhap, packets may be mislaid along the way. That is why, first, the Resident of Palarand received the outer packet, inside which was a packet addressed to me. Inside that packet there were more and some bear most unusual instructions. Shall you receive yours?"

"Why, yes, of course, Your Grace." Eriana was mystified. "But I cannot think of any matter which is so secret that it must needs be conveyed in such a way." She received the thick package. "Ah, should I open it here? Would that embarrass you, Your Grace?"

"Regrettably so, Eriana," Simbran replied, pointing with a finger. "You will see written on your packet that it should be opened only in the presence of yourself and Mistress Ursula."

"Ursula! I wonder what my King desires now?" Eriana looked puzzled and then shrugged. "I have only to open this to discover why, I deem. Ah, if I may use a small chamber to open this, Your Grace? It would be unwise of me to take it back to the hostel and then find I must needs consult you about what I might discover."

"As you say, Eriana. There is a small chamber nearby which is used by my aide when privy letters must be written or coded. Speak to Birug when you are ready and he shall show you to it."


"Ah, he does for me that which in Palarand, I believe, is performed by Chamberlain Kendar."

"Ah, of course." Eriana curtseyed. "Thank you, Your Grace. By your leave?"

Simbran gestured to the door. "Of course, Eriana. If you would pass by after you have visited Admiral Lars, I would know your plans concerning him."

"I'll do that, Your Grace."

The party left the Margrave's office and returned to the lower floor where a servant directed them to the corridor which contained the Chamber of the Sick and nearby rooms. Ursula first checked the Healers' office where Darissa was in residence.

"Good freshness, Mistress! Ah, I see you have come to visit your officer Lars." Darissa came out of her office to find the group waiting in the corridor. She curtseyed. "Your Highness! Good freshness to you." She looked at the group with a wary eye. "There are six here, that may be too many for the room."

Everybody turned to Eriana, who said, "Just myself and Ursula, to begin with, oh, and Kalmenar." She smiled. "My legal representative will witness that we bring Lars good news."

"I want to spend a little time with Darissa and, possibly," Ursula showed Darissa an upturned eyebrow, "Tamina? I wanted to speak to her about some differences in herb recipes we have noticed."

Darissa nodded. "Aye, Tamina should be around just before lunch, Mistress. If I may be of help?"

"Perhaps. Some of the salves we used on Admiral Lars looked different and I am interested to find out why."

"Then I look forward to our talk, Mistress."

Ursula turned to Eriana. "If I come out after I have checked Lars over then Tor can go in and see him."

"Done, Ursula."

Inside the room Lars was sitting up on the bed, fully dressed. His head, left wrist and hand and ankle were freshly bandaged. The most striking thing that both women noticed when they entered was that he was now clean-shaven and looked years younger. Beside the bed in a chair was Nethra, who stood when Eriana entered.

"Good morning, Princess, Mistress."

"Good morning to you and to Nethra, Lars. How are you feeling this morning?"

A wry twist of the lips. "Wishing I had not tripped, Princess. But the Gods laughed and here I am." He answered her question properly then. "Ankle hurts but not very much today. Wrist, hand, is bigger problem. Healer changed dressing when I woke," a nod towards Ursula, "and put more salve on. Ear stings a bit."

"It is to be expected," Ursula commented. "It is only a day and a half since the injury happened and these things take time, as you already know." She smiled at him. "I see you decided to tidy your face up, it suits you. It makes you look younger."

"Aye," Eriana agreed. "I know you could not go around with half a beard but I did not know there was a handsome man hiding underneath it! Nethra, do you prefer him like this?"

Nethra managed a smile and a shrug. "He is a man who will do whatever he desires, Highness. The beard did not bother me before but I am wondering if I might petition him to keep his face smooth. He does look handsome, does he not?"

Lars' face had begun to color with the praise. "Always kept beard, custom in Einnland, useful in cold, but now I live in lands of smooth-faces maybe it is time for change." He smiled fondly at Nethra. "Before, it was only me - and service to Princess, of course - but now I have to think of others." The smile faded. "Have done much thinking since you left."

"Aye! And Ursula thinks she knows what you decided."

Lars' eyes met those of Ursula. "She is smart woman. Princess, with wounds I have I cannot go on Visund. Have to stay in Bibek until Rains end. Maybe return in Green Ptuvil afterwards with Nethra. Can use time to plan Hamalbek. Get advice from people here."

"Almost exactly her words, Lars. Done. And you shall have Nethra as wife, I deem. These two," she wagged a finger between Ursula and Kalmenar, "realized that the Navy is a military organization and I am senior to you, so I can, and willingly do, give you permission to marry."

Lars' uninjured hand reached out and grabbed that of Nethra, who smiled back at him. "Princess," he said, emotion in his voice, "We give you thanks for this. You shall not regret the decision."

Eriana held up a hand. "I must warn you both, time passes too quickly here and the Visund must surely depart soon or be caught by the Rains. I do not know if a wedding could be arranged before we departed."

Lars nodded. "Expected, Princess. Go when you need to."

"But who will stand beside you, or for that matter Nethra? I do not understand if such ceremonies can be done that way. In Einnland it was so much easier."

Kalmenar entered the conversation. "Highness, it is possible. If it were not then many marriages could not take place since a liege may live far away. I believe that if the guardians concerned swear before His Grace then His Grace may act as proxy for them."

"Do you tell me? Then it seems that I must speak with His Grace once more before we depart this place. Lars? Will that be sufficient?"

"If Margrave agrees to Lord's words then it is enough, Princess. Thank you."

Ursula frowned. "That takes care of Lars, Highness, but what about Nethra? Does she need a... what did you call it? A guardian?"

They all looked at Nethra, who shrugged. "I do not know, Highness, Mistress. I was of Faralmark, it is true, but when I married Padaran I naturally became a vassal of Mirdul because that was where he was from. Now," another shrug, "I have no idea."

Kalmenar mused, "By the nature of things our lands must needs contain many who are widows. Wars, accidents, disease, all may take a man from his woman. It surprises me that I do not know what happens when a wife becomes a widow. Especially a widow who married someone from another land... and may finally reside in a third."

"Something else to ask Simbran, then," Eriana decided, "though I suspect he knows no more than we do." She looked at Lars and Nethra. "We shall find a way, we always do."

"Thank you, Highness," Nethra replied for the two of them.

"Well, if neither of you have need of me," Ursula told them, "I need to talk to the Fortress healers before we go. I will go out and make room for Tor to come in." She looked at Lars. "I'm sure you have many things you need to discuss."

"Yah, Mistress. Thank you."

Ursula turned and left the room. To Tor she said, "You should be able to go in now. Tyra and I have to go and speak with the Fortress healers."

The Captain of the Visund nodded his thanks. «See you later, Mistress.»

"Tyra? Back to the healer's office, I think."

"Mistress, I just saw Mistress Tamina go in there."

"Oh? That's good. Come on."

* * *

Later, in a different office, Eriana looked at the package which lay on the table between herself and Ursula. The others were waiting in the small lounge area where Ursula and Tyra had taken breakfast the previous morning.

"This is most unusual," she remarked. "Never before have I had such a package from Robanar, though of course I do not know if such as these are customary among the valley lands. If you will wait until I have unsealed it, Ursula."

Ursula smiled back. "I'm here, you're here, there isn't much else I can do, is there?"

Eriana returned the smile. "It is as you say."

She used her belt knife to cut the green-and-purple ribbon that bound the package, and then to worry beneath the seal until the hardened wax cracked. Teasing the cover open she discovered... two more packages.

"Well! This is taking secrecy to an extreme, it seems. Let me see... one is addressed to you and the other to me. Mine has writing in runes! Let me make them out... 'Open this after Ursula has read hers. Ask no questions'." Her eyes flared. "Ursula, what is going on? Robanar knows of you, it is true, but very little, I deem, and you have never met him."

She passed the other letter to Ursula and then could do nothing but watch, simmering, as the other turned it over to examine it.

Ursula told her, "There is writing here which might be that of your King but underneath it is another line which is in a different script... English. Does your King know English, Eriana?"

Eriana thought. "I doubt it, Ursula. Of course some few words have crept into the local language from Garia, since she has introduced so many new ideas and devices, but they would be spoken words, not written. Ah! Now of course Maralin also speaks that tongue, mayhap the two of them have... No. I would have heard if they had begun to teach the letters to anyone and Garia departed Palarand before I did. I deem, therefore, that it must be Maralin who wrote those words. What do they say?"

Ursula read the following to herself:

«By command of the King the instructions inside are in English, against any interception. Do not tell anyone the contents, not even Princess Eriana.»

Just great. This could become embarrassing and also push us apart.

"Eriana, do you trust me? I mean, totally trust me to do what I need to?"

The Princess looked blank. "Why, of course, Ursula. What is the problem?"

Ursula took a deep breath and read out the English. She added, "Please don't be offended by this! I'm only doing what your King instructs me to do. I am certain he must have had good reason for this."

Eriana did look offended but calmed down as she understood that Ursula had no choice in what she had to do.

"As you say, Ursula. Whatever this is, it is not your fault or mine. Robanar must have good reason for sending such a secret message to you this way. If you would open the letter and read it."

Using Eriana's knife, already on the table, Ursula cut the ribbon and broke the seal. She was not surprised to find that the contents, a single sheet of paper, were also written in English.

«From Robanar, King of Palarand, to Ursula, recently of Earth, greetings.

Since I do not speak any of the tongues of Earth this letter is being written by Maralin of Joth whom you know. We believe that you two are the only two people on Anmar who may read and write this particular script, thus keeping the contents private. Maralin is entirely in my confidence and whenever you meet you may speak of the matters within this letter but to no-one else.

Maralin has spoken to you of Garia and from Eriana you have learned that she has departed Palarand upon a special mission for the Crown. The reasons for this mission and how it was managed are covered by a special oath and thus no-one may speak of the details. I have, however, obtained permission to make a request of you and that is the purpose of this letter.

Garia has returned to Earth for a period which may be as much as an Anmar year. Since she now understands what happens during these journeys it is likely that she will bring with her useful materials when she returns. It is our view that most of those materials will be in the English tongue.

In order to make most use of the materials which Garia is expected to bring with her, it is our wish that many of our scientists and engineers should learn English. To do this it will be necessary for us to make use of any and all English speakers and readers as exist on Anmar presently to teach others their tongue and script.

I regret that she departed before you arrived, so she does not know of you and I do not know if she can speak the tongue of your land or write your script. But Maralin has told me that you do speak and write a number of Earth tongues including English.

I am not your liege, I may not command you, but it is my request that when Eriana returns to Palarand you would return with her and make your home in my lands. You would be received with honor as Garia was and will not want for home or funds. In return I ask that you would spend some portion of your time here helping Garia and Maralin teach enough English to our people that they may in turn begin to teach others.

The destination of Garia's mission is held private by our oath and should not be mentioned to Eriana. You should only tell her that I have offered you an honored place in Palarand and that, since she and her crew are returning here, she should travel with you. I am told by Maralin that you are used to keeping secrets so I am assured that you will have no trouble deflecting her concerns.

I am aware that the Rains are presently due and that no reply may be made before the Visund may set sail. If you have made other arrangements and would be unable to accept our invitation then a letter sent when the Rains end will suffice.

Robanar, this day 24th Lemilat, 1175 Since The Great Flood.

With his approval, I have been permitted to add my own notes to His Majesty's letter. I will only add that I always thought that it would be better for you to go to Palarand as that is where most of the exciting things are happening right now. It is a busy place and entirely different than my home of Joth. I feel confident you will soon make yourself feel at home there.

Because of the English project I will be traveling there very frequently so we will be able to consult should there be any problems. Do not think you will be left alone in a strange land, the King and Queen are very friendly. In any event I know you will have Tyra beside you and I am sure that Eriana and her crew will not be far away.

Until we meet again,


More secrets! Oh, just one really. The rest of it I am probably going to do anyway.

She lowered the letter. "Wow. I am honored that your King wrote to me personally. He officially invites me to come to Palarand and live there. I think he wants me to become involved in some of the projects he has going on there."

Eriana laughed. "Oh, yes! Once you meet Milsy and Fulvin, not to mention Parrel and Gerdas, you will be lost, I deem. But the letter says more than that, surely? I do not know that script but your letter seems too long for a simple invitation."

"He also says that he would like me to come to Palarand on the Visund, which was what I was going to do anyway. This just makes the invitation formal. He says that I should not become lonely since Maralin is going to become a frequent visitor."

"Do you tell me? Interesting."

"In fact, it was Maralin who wrote this letter, at the King's command."

"But why do it in an unusual script? Surely the normal cyphers would be sufficient?"

"Ah, but remember, people are not supposed to know my origins. If they could break a cypher, they could work out that I was not of Anmar and that could cause all kinds of problems."

"Ah, as you say. So. Shall I open my own letter now?"

"I think you probably should, Eriana."

Eriana's note was much shorter - and written in runes.

«From Robanar, King of Palarand to Her Highness Eriana of Palarand, fond greetings.

Mistress Ursula has just received and read an invitation from me for her to come and reside in Palarand. I would request that you provide her room and passage aboard your ship for the return journey, assuming that she agrees to come.

When you arrive at whatever port in Palarand you shall decide, it is my request that you bring her as soon as convenient (but without delay) to the palace so that we may be introduced and she may be provided a chamber until a more permanent residence is decided. You are, of course, welcome to return to the palace yourself unless you decide instead to go to Blackstone House.

Robanar, this day 24th Lemilat, 1175 Since The Great Flood.

By command of the King, written by Gullbrand at the palace. Greetings, Your Highness.»

"Well! But I still do not see anything that would, to my mind, require such an elaborate method of delivery."

Ursula pointed out, "Eriana, you have been away a long time and you do not know what has happened there since you left. There may have been some problem with spies. Perhaps the situation in Yod is so unstable that they are simply taking extreme precautions."

"Aye, Ursula, you may have the right of it. Very well, I assume that you are going to agree to my King's invitation?"

"I had always thought that I would go to Palarand, but perhaps return to Joth if I did not like it there. An official invitation is good, since I would be assured of a welcome, but what if I do not like it? I am not sure I want to go against a King's wishes."

"Remember, Ursula, you are not his subject. Even if you go there at his invitation you will only be a visitor until you choose to swear alliegance. Unless you start murdering people or destroying the economy I doubt any would prevent you leaving."

Ursula gave Eriana a look. "Except you, perhaps."

"Maybe. There is no reason the Navy has to be based in Palarand except convenience. I am sure there are other lands who would be interested. Vardenale, for example. That sits upon the north shore of the Sirrel as it enters the great eastern ocean, the Shan."

"Hmm. That is all a long way into the future, though. Let us arrive at Palarand and find out what is so interesting about it that everyone wants to go there."


They took their correspondence into the small rest area where the others sat and burned it all in the kitchen stove.

"We must needs see Simbran again before we leave," Eriana told the others, "for him to learn what we have discovered today. If you would wait for us a short while, we will return as soon as we may. If you so desire, you may again visit Lars until we return. Ursula, Kalmenar, with me."

In Simbran's office Eriana and Kalmenar explained Lars and Nethra's problem and their considered solution. Fortunately Simbran agreed, and with a scribe present, all three made oaths that they thought would satisfy the occasion.

"And what of your mysterious letters, Eriana?" Simbran asked when they had finished.

"Your Grace, they were only mysterious because of a rumor, perhaps more than a rumor, that spies sought to learn what the increased flow of letters between here and Palarand might mean." She scowled. "I know what I would do if such were discovered in Einnland but the Great Valley is a more careful place, I deem. The content of those letters? My King has issued a formal invitation to Ursula to travel to Palarand and reside there, and instructions to me to convey her thence."

"Ah." Simbran nodded. "I wondered if it were something of the sort." He glanced at Ursula. "My dear, we know of your origins and that it would be best if you were to reside in a land where you know you will be safe. Faral cannot offer that, not yet, but both Palarand and Joth already do so for others like you. Know that you will always be welcome on our soil, Mistress Ursula."

She felt the urge to bob and did so. "Thank you, Your Grace."

Then it was time to make the return journey to the hostel for lunch. The party had just crossed the bridge at the bottom of the small gulley between the Fortress and the hostel when some passers-by shouted and pointed before running for cover.


"Up there, Mistress! To the north-west!"

Ursula shaded her eyes and searched above, finding a skein of avians traveling from north-west to south-east. The formation reminded her of geese.

"What are they?"

Kalmenar answered, "Grakh, Mistress. Maybe not as large as the ones you fought in Joth but large enough to cause grievous injuries to such as ourselves. Best we find some cover until they pass."

The corner of a nearby dwelling was enough to get them out of sight of the creatures above but those were not interested in whatever was on the ground, merely beating their way steadily south-east. Once they had passed by the party resumed their short journey, now climbing up towards the hostel.

"You realize what this means, Mistress?" Kalmenar remarked.

"No, is it something special? Are we in danger?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Grakh such as those habitually migrate north-east to south-west just before the Rains begin. It is thought that they lair on islands far out in the ocean, far beyond anywhere Her Highness's people may have been, but that when the storms come which herald the Rains, the creatures flee to some unknown sanctuary far inland.

"What this means is that, if we are seeing such migrations now, the Rains cannot be far behind. Highness, I fear you must adjust your plans accordingly."

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