The Other Side of Me - Part 34

The Other Side of Me – Part 34
by Lily Rasputin

Before that moment, I considered myself a fairly articulate person for the most part. I mean, I knew I wasn’t going to ever be a debate champion, but my grasp on the English language as a whole was pretty good.

Staring into Samantha’s eyes, still tasting her flavored lip gloss transferred to my mouth from that incredibly passionate kiss, left me feeling like an idiot. The wheels were turning but there was zero traction.

“Who … what … out?”

Yep, complete failure in coherent communication.

That joyful smile on the soccer star’s face faltered as her hand fell away from my sides. She slowly glanced over to see Mike standing nearby, staring at us. The look on his face was even less pleased than Samantha’s.

“Wait,” she said as she turned back to me, her expression slipping further into dismay as she looked between me and Mike. “Was this some sort of joke? Did you just … was this all just to make your boyfriend jealous? Do you really not want to go out on a date with me?”

I held up my hands, trying to organize the chaotic swirl of thoughts twirling around in my skull like an F-5 mowing through a small Midwestern town.

Sam had just walked up out of the blue, kissed me like a long-lost lover, and then agreed to go out on a date with me. A date I was pretty sure I hadn’t initiated. Which, of course, meant that it hadn’t been me that had led her on.

God dammit, Charlene! Could you please stop fucking things up? I’m certainly not trying to make living my life harder on you.

“Sam,” I said, focusing all my attention onto the redhead, despite the overwhelming urge to see if Mike was in the process of storming off. “I’m sorry if I gave you, uh, mixed signals earlier. I really do like you, but I don’t think we can, uh, go out. Or things.”

Nope. Still having trouble with forming words and making sense.

“Or … things?” Sam stared at me with a brewing expression of fury. I’d seen that look a few times in my own universe’s version, and knew it was usually followed by her unleashing holy hell on some pathetic jerk.

Which, this time, would be me.

“I can’t believe you, Charlie. First, I get a little tipsy at a party and make a pass at you, only to get rejected. Then, while we are studying, you start making out with me. But when I tried to get that to go further, you totally shut me down. You said you weren’t really into girls like that.”

By now, the storm in those piercing eyes had reached a fever pitch.

“Then, less than three fucking hours ago, you cornered me in the library and told me that you had finally accepted the fact that you had romantic feelings toward me and asked me out!”

“Sam …”

“Shut the fuck up, Charlene! I’m going to say what I have to say and then I don’t plan on ever speaking to you again.” She shook her head and pointed at where Mike stood. Or had been standing, because now the boy was walking away from us. Probably completely confused about what was going on.

God, I wanted to run after him like some lovelorn girl in a sappy chick flick.

“You know damned well that I’ve had a thing for you since, like, forever. But, despite the fact that you couldn’t make up your mind about what you wanted from me, I still wanted to be around you. You were there for me when Rachel pretty much just used me and threw me aside. Which only made me want you more. So, when you finally asked me out, it felt so wonderful.”

She paused, glaring at me for another couple of heartbeats before the anger drained out of her expression, leaving behind only pain.

“And it kills me that it was all just to make Mike North jealous? Really? Well, I hope it worked, Charlie. All it cost you was a friendship.” She swallowed and wiped at her wet eyes. “It cost me my heart.”

“Sam, please. This wasn’t something I planned deliberately.” Mainly because I hadn’t been the one doing any of it.

“Whatever. I don’t give a shit for your crazy excuses.” She pointed at Mike’s departing form, now even further away. “Better go after him, Charlene. Or you’ll end up with no one.”

With that, the defeated redhead turned and stalked away.

I watched her go for a moment, feeling like the world’s biggest bitch. A title I felt confidently belonged one hundred percent to my dimensional alternate. I felt I should chase after Sam and try to explain the truth. Perhaps try to do some form of damage control.

Instead, I turned around and ran after Mike as fast as I could after. Testament to my self-control, I didn’t call out his name until I was only a couple of yards behind him. He didn’t stop at first, and I had a moment of fleeting panic that he was going to break out into a run to get away from me.

Instead, he walked for another ten or fifteen feet before stopping. He didn’t turn around as I closed the distance between us. He just stood there; arms crossed over his chest.

When I walked around to stand in front of him, I couldn’t help but wince at the hurt, confused, and angry expression on his face.

Way to go, Charlene, you know how to everyone’s day, don’t you?

“Mike,” I said, “please will you let me explain what you just saw?”

“That depends,” he responded flatly. “Are you going to be honest with me? Or are you going to try and convince me that your other ‘personality’ is a lesbian?”

I opened my mouth but was momentarily stunned by my brain’s attempt to figure out the correct answer to his blatantly rhetorical question. Shaking my head, I shoved the distracting thoughts aside.

“No. She’s bi.” I paused, unable to not look at the way the muscles in his forearms stood out. Or the way his lips looked absolutely delicious. “Like I am.”

He stared at me for a few moments, then shook his head. “I don’t want to play games, Charlie. My ex was really into head games. I thought you were different. See you later.” He started to walk around me, but I moved in and grabbed his arm.

“Please, Mike,” I said, sounding and feeling like I was begging for my life. I could feel the tears already forming. “I swear I’m telling you the truth ... mostly.”

“Mostly? What does that mean?”

I bit down on my lower lip, looking away from his skeptical gaze. I was at a crossroads. Once again, I needed to tell someone the truth about what Jackson’s experiment had done. Bringing Shelly and Josie, as well as my family, into the fold had been the right call. Because I was pretty sure none of them would abandon me once they knew the truth.

I couldn’t say the same for Mike. And that terrified me to no end.

“Come with me. I’ll prove to you that I’m not playing games with your head. Or your heart.”

The distrustful expression deepened. “Come where?”

“To my, uh, friend’s house. Jackson can help me get you to believe me.”

“Your friend’s house? Your ex-boyfriend’s house, right?” The condescension in his voice caused my heart to twinge with pain.

“I promise, Mike. Let me show you the truth. The whole and complete truth.” I held his gaze, willing the tears not to come. “Then you can decide if you want to still go out with me.”

He didn’t answer immediately. Then he gave a single nod. “Fine. But if I think you’re trying to trick me or lying to me, I will leave and never speak to you again. Got it?”

I nodded, feeling like I was going to be sick. I’d been so concerned about Mike rejecting me over having been a boy in another universe that I never considered that he would flat out refuse to believe me and dump me for lying.

I swallowed. “Yes. I promise I’m not lying. Come with me and learn the truth.” Shrugging, I looked away. “Then if you don’t want to be with me, at least I can say I was honest about who I really am.”

As we walked toward the parking lot, I sent a quick text to Shelly and Josie, briefly explaining the situation, what was at stake, and asking if they would mind joining us at Jackson’s. I wanted them there when Charlene came back just to make sure she didn’t do anything else to screw up my life.

My life meaning this life.

Mike insisted on driving, which meant that I had to leave my Jeep behind at school. Not that it was really an issue. If things went the way I hoped they would, Mike would be convinced and then could just drive me back to get it.

If they went in the complete opposite direction, then Shelly or Josie could be my ride … and my consolation.

I told Mike to drive toward my house. When we reached my street, he cut his eyes over at me with a curious expression.

“Are we picking up something from your place first?”

I shook my head and pointed at Jackson’s house.

“It’s the house across the street from mine.”

He gave a single nod but made no comment about the convenience of the situation. That I lived on the same street with someone who could vouch for the crazy story I’d told him was probably causing alarm bells to ring in his head.

When we stopped, I noticed that neither Shelly nor Josie had arrived. As we walked to the front door, I frowned as I looked at Mike.

“Okay, I just need to warn you about some things. Jackson is a bit off, but he’s a great guy. He’s been my best friend for several years.”

“I thought he was your ex-boyfriend.”

I sighed. “It’s complicated. He’s her ex-boyfriend. To me, he’s just my best friend.”

Mike looked at the house, then back at me. “I thought Shelly was your best friend.”

I nodded. “She is. I mean …” I sighed. “Jackson and I have been friends since middle school. She didn’t meet Shelly until college. Recently, though, I would say that Shelly’s become my best friend.”

To say he looked disbelieving would be an understatement. “So Jackson is the other you’s ex-boyfriend, but your best friend. And Shelly is the other you’s best friend, but is now becoming your best friend. Is that what you’re saying.”

The way he related my explanation back to me, full of doubt and disdain, really chaffed my nerves. Sure, it was a wild, completely convoluted and unbelievable story. If I wasn’t living it, I probably wouldn’t believe it.

I sighed. “It’s more complicated than that. Why don’t we wait until you get the complete story. Then you can be a snarky ass.” I climbed out of his car and shut the door none too gently.”

Mike hurried after me in a Reverse Uno of what had happened on campus.

“Charlie, wait.”

I stopped and crossed my arms over my chest, staring at the front door.

He paused right next to me.

“I’m trying to get you to fully understand what’s going on, Mike. If you don’t want to even entertain the notion that I’m telling you the truth, then maybe you should just go.”

He didn’t say anything for several seconds, and I honestly thought he was going to take my offer and depart. Instead, he sighed.

“I’m sorry. I’ll try to keep an open mind.”

I nodded and resumed my trek for the door.

Fortunately, Jackson’s mom wasn’t the one who answered. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind for another verbal assault from the woman who was like a second mom to me in another world.

Jackson blinked as he looked at Mike standing next to me. Then he frowned my way and gestured for us to come inside. On our way down the steps to the lab, he started explaining his plan.

“So, I thought about what had happened when Josie zapped you with the Taser. The problem with recreating that particular scenario, besides the fact that it probably hurt like hell, is that Charlene might get violent trying to avoid getting shocked again.”

Mike stopped walking, standing in the doorway halfway in and halfway out of the lab. “Josie used a Taser on you? When? Why?”

Jackson looked back at Mike for a moment before turning to me.

“You told me that he knew about you and Charlene.”

“He does,” I said, urging Mike to come closer. He looked about ready to turn around and go back up the stairs. “Mostly.”

Jackson sighed and shook his head. “Half-truths and deception are her trademarks, Chuck. You’re better than that.”

My face grew warm as I nodded. “That’s why we’re here now, dude. I want him to know about all of it. I figured it would be easier to believe if he saw it for himself.”

Mike finally ventured further into the lab, walking over to stop about five feet from us. Along the way, I noticed that he goggled at some of the equipment strewn around the room. Especially the isolation chamber.

“This place is a little freaky. And a bit of a mess.”

I shrugged. “You eventually get used to it.” Jackson shot me an annoyed glance, and I held up my hands defensively. “Trust me, dude. It’s a hell of a lot more disorganized over there,” I said.

“Over there?” Mike asked as he walked over to stand next to us. “Over where?”

Jackson turned to Mike. “Before we get started, what has Charlie told you about what’s going on with her?”

Mike looked back from where he’d been staring at the dimensional window and frowned. “Something about having a sort of split personality. She said that she’s actually two different people, and that’s why she keeps behaving strangely.”

Jackson nodded slowly, cutting his eyes over to me. “Split personality?”

The fire in my cheeks increased in temperature. “It was the first thing I could think of. And it’s not really that far from the truth. We do have different personalities.”

Jackson shook his head and mumbled. “Probably not as different as you think.”

I let the snipe slide and drew in a deep breath as I turned my attention to Mike.

“Okay. I guess the best place to start is that I’m not from here. This universe, I mean. I’m from a parallel reality. One that’s almost the same, but with a few important differences.”

Mike gave me a doubtful look. “So, now it’s not because you have multiple personalities? You’re saying that the reason you’ve been acting really weird is actually because you’re from another universe?”

Jackson smirked, and the heat in my face grew more intense.

“Yes.” Then I shook my head. “And no. I mean, that’s not the whole story.”

Jackson snorted, drawing an angry glare from me. I didn’t appreciate how amused he was at the situation. He hadn’t been a tenth this snarky when we were convincing Shelly and Josie of the truth. Hell, he’d been downright helpful.


The realization hit me when I looked back at him and saw he seemed focused and entertained at Mike’s discomfort.

“What is the whole story, Charlie?” Mike asked in an exasperated tone.

“Okay, I’m from another universe. The Jackson from my world and this one,” I pointed at the guy who was only seconds away from a kick in the balls, “Were both running an experiment with using a specially designed window to peer into parallel realities. There was an accident, and I got brought here and she went to my universe.”

He glanced from me to Jackson and back. “I’m not saying I believe you, because that story is way the hell out there. But let me ask you this. If you came here and she went there, why do you keep acting so weird out of the blue? I mean, did the trip give you multiple personalities or …”

Jackson laughed. “He’s so close, it’s almost painful to watch.” The jealousy in his voice rang loud and clear.

And I wasn’t the only one who caught it.

Mike pointed at Jackson. “You’re the ex-boyfriend, right?” Then he looked at me. “Which one are you now? My Charlene, or his Charlene?” He nodded his head toward Jackson.

Jackson reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose. “So close. So painful.”

“You’re about to see some pain,” Mike growled as he took a step closer.

“Jesus, will you two stop it already?” I moved between them, facing the basketball player. “Okay, here is the complete version of what’s going on. I am from a parallel universe. Over there, I am not Charlene Miller. I’m Charles Miller. A guy. The accident pulled me into this world.” I placed my hand on my chest. “Into this body. It sent Charlene to my world, into my body.”

Mike stared at me for a moment or two, as if waiting for a punchline that he knew just had to be coming. After a bit of awkward silence and staring, he shook his head.

“That’s even crazier than you having a split personality. Are you claiming that you’re really a guy from another universe stuck in the body of a girl from this one?”

“Not just any girl,” Jackson added gleefully. “The body of his dimensional duplicate. Exact same person, just different gender. Otherwise, she would likely be a drooling vegetable.”

“Not helping,” I said to Jackson.

“Okay, you’re both are insane.” Mike threw his hands into the air. “I’m out of here. Bye, Charlie. Have fun.”

“Mike, wait!”

He stomped angrily toward the door. When he got two-thirds of the way there, it flew open as Josie and Shelly burst into the lab. Shelly looked annoyed, but there was a huge smile on Josie’s face.

“We didn’t miss you swapping out with Mega-Bitch, did we?” she asked with a note of anxious hope. “I’ve got some more things I want to say to her.”

Shelly, for her part, was alert enough to read the room. She saw Mike walking her way, Jackson looking annoyed, and me. Apparently the look on my face was enough for her to immediately surmise what was happening.

“Crazy story, right?” She said moving to block Mike’s departure. “Completely bonkers.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” he said, attempting to move around her.

“Yep,” Shelly nodded, shifting into his path again. “And one hundred and fifty percent true.”

Mike stopped and stared down at Shelly. After a moment, he shook his head.


Josie laughed; a grin still plastered on her face. “Afraid not, Mikey. The Charlie you’ve been going out with isn’t the one from here. Why don’t you stick around for a bit and enjoy the show?

Mike looked at me again.

“So, that Charlie is really a guy?” He asked Shelly.

I couldn’t tell if he was disgusted by the thought, or just super incredulous. Anxiety kicked in when I thought about it being the former.

“No,” Shelly said, rolling her eyes with her voice. “That Charlie is all female. She just happens to have a male body in the other universe.” Her expression hardened. “Look, she’s been through a ton of shit lately. All of it because of the Charlene that’s originally from here. She asked you to come here so that she could prove to you that she’s not just jerking you around. So, the least you can do is keep an open mind.”

Apparently, Mike was still having trouble keeping his mind open to the concept of multiversal duplicates.

“I’m just supposed to believe that it was the other Charlene that freaked out and screamed at me to put her down the other day? Would this be the same one who just had her tongue halfway down some other girl’s throat?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Shelly, Josie, and Jackson all whipped their heads in my direction.

Amazingly, Josie caught up first. “Samantha?”

I nodded, feeling my face warm. That kiss had been utterly amazing. Not that I should have been surprised. My own Samantha was damned good with her tongue and lips. In all sorts of places.

“That fucking bitch!” Shelly snarled. “She’s trying to game the system!”

Mike arched his brow. “Bets?”

I waved my hand, trying to move us past the tonsil hockey session and back onto proving that I wasn’t insane. Well, not any more insane than someone bouncing between realities would be.

“Charlene can’t make up her mind if she wants to sabotage her old life, her new life, the one which used to be mine.” I said to Mike. “Or if she wants to make things super comfortable for herself whoever she finally ends up as. It’s a freaking rollercoaster.”

“How does that redheaded girl play into this?” He asked with a note of skepticism.

“She’s my sort of girlfriend back home. Charles, I mean. Apparently, Charlene took the casual relationship to a whole involved level. Like, full on monogamous dating.” I frowned. “Though I have no idea why she decided to try to connect with the Samantha over here.”

“You have a Samantha in that other universe?” He asked. “And another Jackson? Is there another me?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I never met him if there is. Or that universe’s version of them.” I gestured at Shelly and Josie.

Shelly sighed. “Mike, please stick around and see for yourself. I mean, look around this place, dude. Tell me this isn’t the lab of someone who could swap people across dimensions.”

Jackson cleared his throat. “To be fair, that was an accident. Not a pre-designed plan.”

Mike looked at each of us in turn before finally resigning. “Fine. I’ll stick around for this proof to be provided. I’m not saying I’m buying any of this mad scientist crap. There are laws in place that say where people can do those type of experiments.” He gestured around the room. “And a residential basement is probably not on the list.”

“Actually,” Jackson said in a tone that was both exasperated and arrogant. “I have acquired the proper permits and necessary architectural infrastructure for experiments up to Class Four. Would you like to review them yourself, or can I get on with this demonstration-slash-procedure?”

The obviously annoyed scientist went over to the table and pulled several wires from a compartment on the side of a square metal box.

Mike looked from Shelly to me and back. Then, with a sigh that indicated he was reluctantly humoring us, he shook his head and walked over to the sofa. The same one I’d found myself on when this whole nutty adventure started.

Josie leaned against the worktable and laughed as she turned my way. “You know, you should have just shot him with that time-slowing gun that you used on Shelly. Then he’d have to believe you.”

“Unfortunately, I had to dismantle it for a part I needed to fix the dimensional window,” Jackson said. “The company that makes oscillation overthrusters imploded.” He looked at all of us. “And I don’t mean that in the ‘went out of business’ way. Their company literally imploded. There’s only a crater left. Have a seat, Charlie.”

He pointed at a chair that looked like it had been salvaged from a 1960s prison movie set. It was wooden, with metal strips running along the outside of its arms and legs. Thick, padded leather straps sat open and waited for my wrists and ankles.

The only comforting aspect of the whole rig was that the domed cap that was supposed to be attached to it was missing.

Jackson must have noticed my noticing because he reached over and patted me on the shoulder. “The electrical currents I’m planning on using don’t require a direct feed into your head. The goal is to initiate a dimensional transfer, not fry your brain.”

Well, that’s not as comforting as it could be,” I said as I sat down in the chair, squirmed a bit, then placed my arms in position. “You’re still going to start low, though, right?”

Jackson immediately went about strapping me in. “Yes. Just need the bare minimum required.”

Once I was secured in place, the other three gathered around while Jackson hooked wired pads to the sides of my neck. Mike looked confused about what he thought was going to happen. Shelly chewed on her lip in a nervous manner, and Josie’s eyes twinkled with malicious glee.

There was no hiding the fact that she was looking forward to the opportunity of having a few additional choice words for her former friend.

After another five or six minutes, Jackson went to stand next to a small silver box where the leads from all the electrodes stuck to me terminated. He placed his hand on a green button and looked over at me.

“Ready? We’re going to start with something just a bit higher than static electricity. I don’t expect that to do anything, but I want to discover the lowest possible shock required.”

“Go for it,” I said before I looked at Shelly and grinned. “I might not need a curling iron after this experiment.” Then glanced at Mike. “I know it all sounds crazy, but when Charlene comes back, please try not to take anything she says personally. Okay?”

He stared at me for a second or two, then gave a single nod of his head. Which did not instill me with a sense of ease. Oh well, better the truth than more lies I couldn’t maintain.

The first zap made me jump. Which made everyone else save Jackson, flinch in response.

“I’m fine,” I assured them with a smile. “Just didn’t expect it.”

“Moving the power up,” Jackson said. Then he pressed the button again.

This time, I managed to keep my response to a small shudder. Even knowing it was coming didn’t completely stop the shock from stunning me.

“Keep going,” I said. “I’m still me.”

Jackson nodded, turned the dial a fraction further, and pressed the button. And, as the saying goes, the third time was the charm.

As soon as the voltage hit, I jerked violently in my seat, and everything around me faded into darkness. A heartbeat or so later, I found myself standing alone in the bedroom of my apartment with tears running down my cheeks.

Reaching up, I wiped some of the moisture away and looked at my damp fingertips.

“What the hell?”

Author’s Note: Sorry for the long gap. I will try to update this story on a more regular basis.

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