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The Other Side of Me – Part 20
by Limbo’s Mistress
After Mike and I had agreed upon a time for them to pick us up, I ended the call. Which was immediately followed up with a barrage of asinine questions from Shelly.
“You have a date? With who?” Her tone was a mixture of concern and surprise.
“Mike North.” I answered, trying to sound far more casual about the subject than I felt. “Well, technically his little brother asked Katie out. Mike has to chauffeur them around so he asked if I wanted to tag along.”
“Mike North?” She scrunched up her brow as if trying to solve a complex algorithm. “The hot basketball player?”
“Yeah.” I wanted to counter that the boy wasn’t that hot, but the memory of the way talking to him the previous evening had affected me stood up and filed a formal protest. “That’s him.”
Shelly held up one finger, still staring at me with an incredulous look. “The totally hot basketball player that we go to school with? That Mike North?”
I sighed loudly and nodded. “Yes. That Mike North.”
“The hot basketball player with the perfect hair, gorgeous smile, and totally cute butt? That’s the Mike North you have a date with?”
I balled my hands into fists and brought them up to press against my temples. “Yes, Michelle. Can we just drop it now?”
You would have thought I just asked her to stop breathing. She shook her head as she got to her feet and held out her hand in my direction.
“No, we cannot drop it.” She looked down at her phone. “I have to get back to work. But I’m here to help. I want you to go home, chill out a bit, take a bath and get ready. I’ll be over to your house the second I get off, okay?”
I shrugged, unable to focus on anything other than the sound of Mike’s voice.
“It’s really not fair, Charlie,” Shelly said wistfully as she began to walk in the direction of Eternal Style. “You’ve been in that body for less than a week and still have better luck with guys than me. I thought you were maybe exaggerating last night when you said some of Charlene’s skills had transferred to you. At this rate, you’ll be a perfect copy of her before you know it.”
The comment slapped me sober.
I stopped walking and stared at her. “Do you think that’s what I want?” I gestured at myself. “The first few hours, I fought against the way this body moved and posed because it was completely alien from what I was used to. Now, I don’t even notice it unless I consciously think about it.” I glanced around to make sure no one was within earshot. “I can do my makeup almost on autopilot and I’m instinctively pairing clothing styles and hues like I’ve been doing it all my life.” I clenched my jaw. “And now I’m getting all weak-kneed over some really cute guy I don’t even know.” I shook my head and sighed. “At what point is the only difference between me and Charlene the fact that I remember how things used to be when I was a guy?”
Shelly stopped and looked at me, her mouth turned down into a frown. She crossed her arms over her belly and sighed. “I’m sorry, okay? I … I keep forgetting at times that pretending to be her is hard on you. The struggle you had the first couple of days, when I thought this wasn’t going to work, has lessened so much it’s easy to lose track of how disturbing it has to be for you.” She drew in a deep breath, released it, and then unfurled her arms to pull me into a hug. “I’m really sorry.”
My arms hung limply at my side for a moment before I finally hugged her back. During the embrace, I could feel her breasts pressing against mine, the heat of her breathing so close to my ear, and the faint aroma of strawberry scent of the conditioner in her hair. If I was still Charles, I would have immediately sprung an erection so hard that would have put my pants in mortal peril.
As another woman, though, all of those sensations provided comfort, in addition to arousal. I should have been ecstatic that I still found females as sexually desirable as before. Instead, I couldn’t help wondering if I would feel the same way if Mike was to hold me in such a manner.
Shelly finally pulled away and smiled at me. “I have to get back to work. I’ll be over to your place right after so I can help you get ready, okay?”
I nodded, taking a step back. “They’re picking us up around seven.”
“Okay. Plenty of time.” Then she moved closer again, this time placing her hand on my upper arm, rather than giving me another hug. “Just breathe, Charlie. You can do this.”
“I can’t do this!”
I pulled the towel wrapped around my torso higher as I looked from the open closet door to the girl lounging nonchalantly on my bed. After taking a quick shower, I’d styled my hair into gentle waves and applied a light layer of makeup before moving on to choosing an outfit. Problem was, I had nothing to wear.
“I want to just go with something casual,” I complained as I jerked my thumb over my shoulder. “But everything I pick is either ‘flirty’, ‘sexy’, or ‘boring’. Why doesn’t Charlene have anything that’s just normal and won’t make me look like I’m on the prowl?”
Shelly looked up from the magazine she was flipping through. It was one of those entertainment tabloids full of paparazzi pictures of celebrities. The cover photo showed Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston walking hand in hand with their three kids. Looks like on this side, he never dumped her for Angelina.
“You’re joking, right?” Shelly asked, tossing the magazine on the bed as she turned to sit sideways on the edge of the bed. “First of all, you are not going to look like you’re on the prowl, okay? The whole closet full of ‘normal’, non-sexy clothes. I think your problem is that you might be able to coordinate like a modern young woman, but you’re preoccupied with thinking about how they are going to look from a guy’s point of view.”
“I am not!”
Shelly laughed. “The fact that you referred to everything as either flirty, sexy, or boring just goes to show that I’m right. Did you think about anything you’ve worn before now in those categories? What about last night? You looked completely hot and the idea that you might look hot, especially to guys, never even entered your mind.” Her mouth twisted into an amused smirk.
“Charlie, you wondering if some guy is going to find what you’re wearing attractive isn’t new territory. We all think along those lines. All the time. Normally, us women have to guess, but you get the luxury of being able to put yourself into the guy’s shoes and have a fairly good idea the reaction is going to be. But now you’re not thinking along the lines of what Charles might like, but what Mike is going to fancy. It’s making you act like a girl.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but realized I had no logical counterargument. Shelly was right. Every outfit I considered wearing instantly brought up the question of what Mike might think of it.
Sighing, I leaned against the open doorframe of the closet. “I should cancel. This isn’t … what if Charlene comes back while we’re together?”
Shelly shrugged. “She could. She could also come back in the next five minutes, Charlie. But you can’t avoid doing things here because you’re worried she is going to pop in.” She held up a finger. “Besides, Jackson has the early warning device, right? He can call you before the swap.”
“That didn’t exactly work out last night, now did it?”
“Didn’t it? You knew it was coming. If we hadn’t been separated by that damned game, I could have helped.”
“Maybe,” I said, unconvinced. “But you won’t be there again tonight.”
“No,” she smiled. “But Katie will be. You two could work out some kind of, I dunno, signal. If Jackson contacts you about an upcoming swap, you can give her the signal and she can do something to get you away from Mike.” She wagged her finger at me. “Because I’m not sure what she would do if she popped in to find you on a date with a boy she doesn’t know.”
“Probably just fuck him,” I said. Maybe a bit too harshly.
Shelly frowned. “Charlene’s not a slut, Charlie. I disagree with what she did with Danny, but it’s not like she sleeps around.”
“You called me … her … that when you busted into Jackson’s lab. Before you found out about the swap. I think the words ‘scuzzy whore’ were also banded about.”
“I was mad as hell,” Shelly said. “I didn’t mean to imply that Charlene was an actual whore.”
“You wouldn’t know, though, would you? Hell, you didn’t even know about Danny until she and I started bouncing around. For all you know, she’s got a plethora of bedmates you don’t even suspect.” I turned and slapped the side of the closet door. “I should probably get tested for an STD.”
Shelly’s eyes narrowed. “You’re being ridiculous, Charlie. You’re letting your anxiety about this date get to you.” She stood up and walked over to me, putting her arm across my shoulders. “Just try to relax, okay? I know you’re confused about these feelings, but you don’t have to act on them. Not tonight.”
“I’m sorry,” I said as a wave of regret rolled over me. “I know it’s mostly the stress and frustration talking. I keep trying to maintain Charlene’s life, even though I don’t have clue one of what I’m doing, and she really doesn’t care.”
“I’m sure she cares a bit,” Shelly countered. “When you guys get back to where you belong permanently, she’s going to have to deal with whatever choices you made while you were here.”
“Just like I have to deal with the choices she’s making over there.”
Shelly opened her mouth, then closed it as she took a step toward me and planted her hands on her hips. “I want to ask you a question and I want a completely honest answer from you, okay?”
I didn’t answer her right away. Mainly because I spent several seconds trying to pre-guess what she was going to ask. However, when she arched a brow and began tapping her foot, I decided that I should at least entertain her.
“Okay. Complete honesty.”
She nodded. “You swapped into Charlene’s life about four days ago.”
“That’s not a question,” I said.
“I’m not done. Since that time, you’ve been back to your universe for, what, four hours total? Maybe five?”
I nodded. “Something like that.”
“The rest of the time, you’ve been here,” she gestured at the room around us. “Living this life.”
“You know I have, Shelly. What’s your point?”
“How much fun have you had while you’ve been here?”
I just blinked at her. Was she joking? Fun? My whole life had been turned upside down. Hell, it’d been completely replaced for the most part. With a life that I didn’t completely understand and possibly didn’t want. What about this would be considered fun?
Shelly didn’t wait for me to formulate an answer. “Yes, you’ve had to put out fires left and right. You’ve busted your ass to make sure that you live Charlene’s life to the best of your ability. You’ve had to deal with the knowledge that she’s not a completely nice person, which means that your family is being subjected to having put up with her. You’ve been doing all of this non-stop pretty much for almost ninety-six hours.” She frowned and looked at me. “When are you going to allow yourself some fun?”
“Have you done anything since your arrival that’s been enjoyable?” She smirked a bit and placed her hand on her chest. “I mean, other than spend time in my wonderful presence?”
I couldn’t speak. Instead, my mine whirled back to the moment I woke up on Other Jackson’s lab sofa to find that I was inhabiting the body of my universal counterpart. Then there was dealing with the fact that my mom was dead over here. Bringing Katie into the knowledge and doing what I could to maintain Charlene’s life. School with classes I didn’t expect. Relationships and friendships that Charles didn’t have.
All of it felt like I’d been trying to keep a dozen plates spinning in the air, knowing that they would all come crashing down at some point.
Then I thought about the snippets here and there where I’d been able to just let go. Be in the moment. Times when being Charlene wasn’t a complete chore.
“Well,” I said as my face warmed slightly. “I did sort of enjoy cheer practice. And shopping with Katie yesterday.”
“Shopping?” Shelly sounded incredulous.
“Well, the shopping wasn’t the part I liked the most. It was, uh, spending time with Katie. I’m not as close with my sister anymore, and it was nice to actually hang out with her for a bit.” Then I smiled. “Plus, there’s you.”
“Me? Are you saying you have fun with me?”
I nodded. “Sure, it seems like we spend all of our time fixing things. Or planning for how we’re going to handle possible situations. But it’s nice to have a friend.”
She laughed, but then gave me a serious look. “You don’t have any friends back home? Really?”
I shrugged. “Just Jackson. Everyone else is an acquaintance. Or a roommate. Or a teammate. I mean, if you’d asked me a week ago, I would have said I had plenty of friends. But the truth is, I really don’t.” Pointing at the phone on the nightstand, I let out a defeated sigh. “I wasn’t lying when I told Rachel that Charles was a boring loser.”
“That sounds really sad.”
I nodded. “Yeah, it does. But I guess that also means there are less people to notice Charles is acting funny. Makes things easier on Charlene, right?”
“Not that she deserves things to be easy for her. Here or over there.”
“It is what it is, I guess.” Turning back to the closet, I chewed on my lower lip. “So, do you think maybe a skirt with a cardigan would be cute without sending the wrong signal?”
Shelly smirked at me. “What would be the right signal? That you find Mike North to be totally yummy and you want him to think you are too?”
I swatted at her with one hand while the other grabbed the top of the towel. “Are you really sure you’re my friend?”
She laughed again and nodded. “I am. Just trying to get you to loosen up. Yes, I think a skirt and sweater combo would be perfect. It’ll be cute, let Mike at least enjoy seeing your enviable legs, and come off as completely casual.”
She seemed as if she were going to add onto her statement, but at that moment, her phone rang. Looking down at the Caller ID made her frown slightly.
“Josie?” I guessed.
Shelly nodded. “She called me right when I was leaving work and asked if I would be willing to hang out with her tonight and comfort her broken heart. I told her that I needed to run home and help my dad with something first, but that I’d definitely be down to bring over a pint of Rocky Road and listen while she laments about Danny and you.”
I shook my head. “We need to tell her the truth.”
“We will. Tomorrow. I’ll tell her that I think there’s more to the story than we know and tomorrow the three of us will go to Jackson’s and get him to explain it.”
“It should be tonight,” I said softly. “She shouldn’t need to suffer all night because I’ve got a not-date.”
“She won’t be open to hearing your side of the story tonight, Charlie. She needs to get some of that pain out of her system first.” She placed a hand on my shoulder. “Trust me on this, okay? It’s a total Girl Thing.”
“I trust you,” I said. “Though it won’t be long before there is more girl than boy in my head.”
“Then I’ll bring over a pint of Rocky Road to commiserate your new womanhood with you.” She shoved her phone into her back pocket and flashed me a smile. “So, I’m gonna jet. Relax. Have fun. Enjoy being Charlene for once.” Crossing to the bedroom door, she turned to look back at me over her shoulder. “I expect a phone call this evening with all the details.”
I rolled my eyes. “It’ll be a short report, Shells.”
She winked and departed the room. A few seconds later, I heard the front door slam.
Turning back to the closet, I pulled out a faded denim skirt and a lavender cardigan. The V-neck was a bit deeper than I would have preferred, but I figured it would be okay. Thinking about what Shelly had said about giving Mike a nice view of my legs, I laughed.
“Looks like you’re going to get a bit of cleavage to ogle as well, Mr. North.”
From the dresser, I pulled out a peach-colored thong and an off-white, lace-trimmed bra. Tossing the towel on the back of my chair, I pulled the panties up onto my hips and fought with getting the bra on. The clasp was on the front, rather than the back, but it felt a bit on the smallish side.
Almost as if my boobs had gotten a slight bit bigger.
When I pulled the skirt up my legs to my hips, I had to shimmy a bit to get it all the way on. Then I struggled with getting the button at the top of the zipper to fasten. Eventually, I managed to get it closed, but immediately shook my head as I looked at myself in the mirror.
“Better watch the carbs, Miller. If Charlene pops back into a body that’s gained a few pounds, she’s really going to be pissed.”
Once I had the sweater on, I grabbed a pair of ballet flats from the shoe tree and slipped them on. I grabbed my phone and a small purse that held a few essentials before heading downstairs
Katie was already waiting, sitting on the edge of the sofa like she was awaiting the order to launch herself at the door. I could hear Dad in the kitchen banging around, pretending like he was busy doing something. It was more than obvious he was merely lurking in order to meet the brothers who were coming to collect his daughters for the evening.
“You look really pretty,” I said to the anxious teen. She was wearing a black skater skirt with a dark green crewneck jersey with white stripes across the sleeves. Her hair had been parted down the middle and braided into a pair of pigtails. The style looked completely adorable and really showcased her face.
I made a note to have her teach me how to do that to my own hair.
“Thanks,” she said, beaming up at me. “You, too.” Then she chewed on the inside of her cheek for a second before adding. “Thanks for doing this for me.”
“It’s okay, Katie-Kat. I don’t mind at all.”
She shrugged, cutting her eyes over at the kitchen doorway for a second. “Charlene wouldn’t have.”
I sighed but had to nod in agreement. “I know.”
“I just want you to know I really appreciate it.”
Reaching out, I took one of her hands into mine and squeezed it lightly. “I know you do, sweetie. And I’m really happy I could help you out.”
We both jumped when the doorbell rang. I released Katie’s hand and turned to the door, but before I could manage more than a couple of steps, Dad zoomed out of the kitchen. His dark blue apron had what appeared to be a fresh tomato sauce stain on the front.
When he opened the door, I could see Mike and Sebastian standing on the porch. Both boys were in jeans and wore t-shirts beneath an unbuttoned casual shirt. Though the colors were different, there was no mistaking the fact that two were brothers.
“Mr. Miller?” Mike said as he stuck out his hand. “I’m Mike North and this is my little brother Sebastian. Are Charlie and Katie available?”
He delivered his lines with the utmost sincerity in voice and expression. I had to cover my mouth because I knew he could see Katie and I standing there plain as day. However, the young man continued to maintain eye contact with my father, rather than risk looking our way.
Dad took a moment to size up both boys before shaking Mike’s hand and stepping back to allow them to come inside. Turning his head, he looked at the two of us.
“Charlie, Katie, your dates are here.”
I rolled my eyes at him as I walked across to the door. For a flash of an instant, I wondered how Dad would react if I just planted a long, slow kiss on Mike. Unfortunately, the image that popped into my head was so vivid, and so intriguing, that I felt my face ignite into an inferno.
“Uh, hi.” I said to them as Katie bounced up next to me and waved.
“I expect them home by eleven. Understood?”
For a second, I felt like reminding him that I was beyond curfew age. Then I remembered that it wasn’t just me going out. Luckily, Mike was there to keep greasing the wheels.
“Yes, sir. Charlie made that abundantly clear earlier. Eleven o’clock sharp. I promise.”
I sighed and lightly bopped my father on his shoulder. “Daddy, behave.” Then I looked at Mike. “Don’t mind him. He’s upset he forgot where he put the chastity belts.”
Katie gasped, then giggled while Seb just looked confused. Mike merely smirked. My father turned to give me a look like he was completely shocked I’d said something of that nature. Of course, it’s possibility that Charlene was never that forwardly bold. I’m sure she would have never let Mike pick her up and risk him meeting her dad or sister.
But I decided ‘to hell with it’. Shelly said I should try to have some fun in this life. So, dammit, I’m going to have some fun.
What’s the worst that could happen?
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You just had to say it
"What’s the worst that could happen?" and was when the readers all facepalmed in unison. Hope that Charlene gets the karma backlash that she deserves when this all gets sorted out
"Worst" is a subjective term. What Charlie might think as a bad outcome might not be as bad as she thinks.
"All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream." Edgar Allen Poe
"But what if Charlene pops in?"
That was on my mind from the start and would be one "worst that could happen", causing all sorts of interpersonal mayhem...
Ruling out anything silly like a zombie apocalypse, the other that comes to mind would actually start out wonderfully- a magical date with the brothers followed by a night of glorious sex after getting Sebastian and Katie home; and would only become apparent a few weeks later with Charlie realizing: "Shouldn't I have had my period by now?"
And that could turn out to not be a bad thing at all if she and Mike are in love and committed to a serious long-term relationship and being parents; but it would definitely bring complications to college life and her dependency on that cheerleading scholarship. I'd love a storybook sappily-ever-after ending like that but it seems like it would be better planned and entered into after graduation. And come to think of it.... if Mike's the stalwart he seems to be I don't think he would be so reckless as to fuck her bareback, even in the throes of passion. So...
There's probably yet another worst-that-could-happen that I haven't thought of, and if so I'll bet it's lurking somewhere in the next chapter or two, ready to pounce out at some cliffhangerish end-of-the-chapter moment, because that seems to be the pattern and it's very effective serial storytelling. It's got me hooked!
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Not that mean.
Even I wouldn't be so mean as to have Charlene come back in the middle of this date. Plenty of ways things can go wrong, or right, all by themselves.
"All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream." Edgar Allen Poe
Sounds like someone is about…..
To have a visit from Auntie Flo, and that is truly going to freak Chuck out! Hopefully Katie can help her through it.
But it should go a long way toward helping convince Josie of the truth.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
With all that Charles' has been through over the past three days, it's understandable that he's forgotten about Katie's warning that first evening.
"All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream." Edgar Allen Poe
What could go wrong? Looking forward to the next chapter.