so, two things happened to me last night. the first was I had a dream where I was trying to get back to my apartment, and somehow kept ending up on the wrong floor.
Second was I woke up, my clock said it was 8, and for a second, I couldn't figure out if it was 8 AM or PM.
It could be worse, but a little confusion isnt a fun way to start the day.
"Been there, done that."
At least your second one ...
But I had the "excuse"(?) of taking an afternoon nap. Hey - I'm retired. It's not like I have very many appointment's, or time-sensitive tasks.
And, now I have just given myself the 'ear worm' (to the tune of "It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to.": (*)
"It's my retirement, and I'll nap if I wanna ..."
So, woke from nap, looked at the light coming in from around my shades, thought "Looks like morning to me.", got up an got on with my day ...
Except the clocks were making =no= sense, and why was this new day growing slowly darker ... ?
Finally figured out that I had woken from an afternoon nap of only a coupla hours, and the current time was, in fact, afternoon going in to evening ...
So head smack, except that my Doc says "Don't."
So face-palm, except that leaves palm prints on my glasses ...
Been there, done that 2
Once I got onto the the wrong floor in a hotel. The key to my room unlocked the door. The room was dark and someone was sleeping in the bed ... (no, it wasn't Goldilocks)
AM or PM...
That happens to me occasionally. A few years ago a phone call from a charity woke me up and I got upset at them for an unsolicited call at 6:25 am. Realized later when I actually got up that it had been 6:25 pm.
All I can contribute on the other point is the time a friend and I played in a dice baseball tournament in Las Vegas a few years back, Returned to the hotel, took the elevator to the 14th floor and our card keys didn't work. Went down to the desk and they checked on it. Turned out our room was on the 21st floor. We never did figure out why we were both so sure we were on the 14th.
Your post reminded me of a dream where I kept forgetting possessions. I was at some party, and left something there. I went back and picked it up, but left something else behind when I did. And when I went back to get that, I left a third thing behind. Repeat until I woke up.
I try to turn these weird dreams into stories when they happen, but I never figured out how to make that into a story.