while the term Triggered has been co-opted, I can think of no other word to describe what happened to me today.
I was doing laundry, and reading a book, when a particular passage in it set off memories of what happened to me as a child.
It took me a while, but I managed to get through it.
That said, I am accepting all hugs right now.
Hugs on their way.
Any delay is only due to distance.
Free upgrade to your delivery ...
I send my Huggles via the Æther.
The advantage is that delivery is at the Speed of Thought.
This Æther is unrelated to "EtherNet".
I have co-opted the term from the now defunct notion that light waves had to "wave" in something, called the Ether, like sound waves, ocean waves and earthquake waves all wave in a medium.
Alt+0198 -> Æ.
Alt+0230 -> æ.
Sending a few more hugs your way! <3
Key phrases: "I survived" & "I managed to get through it"
Yaaaay! Dorothy!!!!
And now =you are stronger= for next time.
Triggers are no fun. I've been there.
Hugs are good
And freely given. Have one from me. It's warm and smells of lavender.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
All the hugs you want for free
I'll happily supply all the hugs you want free of charge
Hugs and love from Denmark
Bouncy of Denmark
The only good Triggers ...
You survived, because . . .
You survived, because that's what you do. And you have done it so often, you are incredibly strong. I can't tell you what an inspiration you are!
Hugs, Dot.
— Emma