WHEN It's NOT Crossdressing any more.

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Many members here say they are compelled to Cross dress. How many surgeries does it take. If you live as the "other" gender long enough, does one ever get accustomed to it?


I've lived nearly forty years

Angharad's picture

As female, I've been used to it for most of that, as for cross-dressing, as soon as you transition, it is no longer cross-dressing. It's only clothes and much of the time I wear jeans and sweatshirts, today I just felt like wearing a skirt, because I can. I used to think all that trouble to be able to wear skirts and dresses and here I am in jeans. It's warmer and more practical for all sorts of activities including my fieldwork.


Only 19 years

If this is remembered correctly, you've been at it twice as long as me. Not being proud of what drives my actions... For reasons not understood very well, compulsion seems to make pants unsuitable. There is considerable abuse driving that. The same for getting a hair cut. Not proud of being guided by anger.


It’s been nearly ten years since I transitioned…….

D. Eden's picture

And have been living full time since then.

I still enjoy dressing nicely, which for me means a skirt or a dress - but then I enjoyed getting dressed nicely when I presented as male as well. I guess I just prefer to be dressed well, and it has nothing to do with my gender. I will admit I am much more comfortable in a dress than I was in a suit before transitioning, but that has more to do with the fact that I am now the gender I should have always been rather than the clothes I am wearing.

I will also readily admit that my mother always raised me to dress nicely - except of course when the appropriate clothing was dictated by a specific task, such as yard work, etc……… this was also reinforced by my extended time in the military where wearing a uniform was required, and wearing it properly was part and parcel of that. Yes, I spent a lot of time in BDU’s, but as an officer I also spent a great deal of time in a dress uniform. I am sure that reinforced my inclination to dress well, lol.

Having said that, I sit here in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweat shirt as I type this. Today is cool, hence the sweatshirt, and I was up early emptying a storage shed and dressed appropriately for the job.

As to when cross dressing is no longer cross dressing…….. I would say when a person acknowledges their true gender and becomes that person, then dressing to present as such is no longer crossdressing but rather simply dressing appropriately.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus