Just two quick notes!
When I announced the publication of Rebekkah's newest book in her 8 Dragon Saga ( number 4 ), I forgot to mention that the price of $2.99 is only temporary! In under a week the price will go to our usual level of $3.99, go grab it at the lower price!
Also Rebekkah has told me that she is writing the remaining book and a half to finish of the series! We already have books 1-6 and half of 7 in a 9 book series, so , just a book and a half to go! ! I'm sure we can take Rebekkah's promise that she will be finish the Saga !
I hope this answers some of peoples fears!
Enjoy! ( and don't forget to get it while he price is reduced )
Damn! Forgot something again!
The link to buy the story is on the Kindle page on my site: