Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 21: protecting home

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Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive?
A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power?

This Chapter---dealing with life's issues and a hidden danger GROWS!!
dun dun daaaaa!!!!!!

Well its been 4 years since I posted a I guess its well past time?

I have to tell you this, switching from writing a crazy Drow to a level headed older GOO is not easy!---lol



Whateley Academy Friday Noon

Kyley was just dropping off her lunch tray at the clean up window of the huge student cafeteria under the dome, she loved the days when they had the BBQ on the menu. Because she loved the tangy taste of the well cooked meat and all the sides that they offered with it. It seemed to her that each time they held the BBQ event for lunch, they added in new dishes along with the school’s long lasting favorites!

As she left crystal hall, Ky tossed her bag over one shoulder and made way to the sciences building for the end of the week ‘gate travel’ team meeting. Where she would gather up the team’s math assignments to check over for mistakes, or possible mind bending equations and catch up on the team's progress in creating improved human made dimensional gates that were more stable and easier to build.


Far across the valley in Dunwich

Becky was loading up the BMW with all the groceries she had just bought for the coming weekend and Tessa was doing the best she could with her small child-like body to help Becky. She wanted desperately to help more, but after being changed into a succubus, Tessa appeared to be no older than a six or seven year old. This happened when one of his and yes Tessa was a man and an adult at one time. She was nearly killed by one of her lover’s sisters and Cara used a spell to save her life, thus changing her into a child Succubus or what Kyley calls the race ‘E'draqvar’.

Tessa could grow a bit in size and strength, but that form was full blown E'draqvar and people would certainly freak out at seeing a small girl with huge bat-like wings and clawed taloned legs like a raptor from the jurassic park movie would have!

So she dealt with the disappointment at hand, chose what bags she knew she could handle and helped to load them into the BMW’s trunk. Becky grabbed a cake tray and handed it to Tessa, “Could you put that in the backseat and put your bags around it to keep it safe from sliding around honey?” she asked Tessa.

Tessa gave Becky a happy nod, as she took the large cake tray and cradled it in her arms,then tried to balance it as she went around to the side of the BMW. She carefully placed the tray on the ground for a second while she opened the rear door of the sedan, then picked the tray back up and placed it on the seat. She petted Lily, her pet Wyvern that was hiding from the public with her invisibility in the back seat of the car while the pair shopped.

“Hey Lily, watch over this and make sure it does not fall!” she instructed the small drake who was nudging the tray hoping to get inside it and at the good smelling treat inside. Tessa ‘booped’ Lily on the snout as she placed a bag of her’s on the seat to help hold the tray in place from sliding forward. “NO…do not eat it now!” Lily nodded her head and showed that she understood Tessa’s request.

Tessa made sure the cake was all set and Lilly knew that it was not a snack! So done with that task she ran back to the car’s trunk and grabbed a box of soda off the lowest shelf of the cart and handed it up to Becky who was thankful she did not have to stoop to get it herself!

High above the pair loading up the car, a winged group of figures glided along at about five thousand feet kept an eye on them, they had followed Becky as she picked up Tessa from Whateley and as they went about their week’s end shopping for the house.

“Why didn’t we get her at the school?” one new arrival to the group asked.

“Are you nuts…attack a kid…a student at a school full of superheroes, mutants and crazy kids! They would smear us all over that campus for a few days just for fun or worse!” Kate the leader of the group of flyers said, staring down the far younger girl.

Far below the flying group the pair finally put the last bag of groceries in the trunk and Tessa rolls the cart back to the cart corral. Kate leading the group, thinks to dive down on the kid and snatch her while she is away from the car. But thinks again when a cop car rolls into the parking lot and not just any cop car…this one was one of few the school had in the small village fielded in cooperation with the local police and only sent out on Fridays as the kids spilled out into town. So she knew by watching the town and the target’s home for the last three weeks that this car had at least one mutant or super in it…a huge threat as they could and would call upon more!

So she keeps her group at bay and keeps watch on the car far below as it leaves the shopping center and seems to be heading home, “If they go home we take them there where there are less cops and other mutants or supers…and then add the home is farther from the danger of the school coming to their rescue if they called!” She instructs her group.

Becky smiles at Tessa as they pull into the huge townhome complex, “Home again jiggity jig!” she laughs.

“Are we going to cook the burgers tonight?” Tessa asks just as a E'draqvar crash lands on the car’s hood and starts ripping at the sheet metal with her sharp taloned hands trying to get to the engine and disable the car. Another attacker lands on the roof and starts trying to shove a short sword through the roof. She was attacking the car at its much thinner armor pn the roof and that is when Becky knew for a fact that this group of attackers knows the car is armored like a tank…only on its sides for the most part!

“HANG ON TESSA,” she barks while flooring the car's gas pedal, “We gotta get back to the garage where it's safer…we can close the garage door behind us and keep them or most of them out till help comes to save us!”

Tessa nodded in agreement, she knew the garage door was thickly armored, a quick tap of a panic button on the wall and it was down and locked in a second or so! Tessa knew what was coming and Lily in the back seat was bouncing all around ready for a fight! Lily’s long neck craned all around the inside of the car trying to see what was banging away at the roof so she could be ready to bite back!

The one attacking the roof finally jams a sword through the roof and into the rear seat, the blade misses Lily but she was pissed and HISSED at the act. On the hood, the other attacker had half the center of the hood ripped open like a tin can and was working on the engine’s decorative top cover to get at the wires that once ripped away would stall the engine. With a dead engine, the pair of women was easy picking with help most likely being too far away to help in time!

Becky was not about to let the one on the hood finish off the car only a short city block or so from the safety of home! So she side sild the car several yards sideways into another parked car on the next corner and flipped both attackers off the car with the CRASH of twisting body panels on both cars. Becky did know how to drive a car very well before she met Kyley, but she asked ARC to train her skills even better while she had the free time…she had to try her best to protect her love, herself and now Tessa!

Lily hanging on for life in the backseat, saw the crash coming and actually knew what to do…make sure the cake did not slide off the seat and onto the floor. The car crashed into the parked one and Lily smiled as her claws kept the tray on the seat…she knew that she would certainly get some of the sweet treat now!

With the attackers on the car’s body or engine now gone, Becky gave the wheel a yank as it scraped off the side of the parked car and she aimed the car right at the driveway between the rows of condos. Tessa saw what she needed to do and she tapped the dashboard panel to open the garage door before they got too close! Becky had the car all lined up for her row of homes, then stomped the gas pedal to the floor! With a huge billow of tire smoke the car took off and then she swung it into the waiting garage.

Once in the garage, Lily clawed at the car’s rear door latch till it popped open and lept from the rear seats towards the still open garage door where she stopped just short of the threshold. Lily stood her ground waiting for the fight with all her sharp quills standing up and her tail spines ready to BASH anything! As she stood ready, an E'draqvar landed just outside the door and Lily growled a challenge at the sword welding E'draqvar daring it to attack her.

The crazed E'draqvar fell for Lily’s bait and lept right at the waiting, snarling drake. She did not make it to the poised for battle Lily…not even close as the wall of magic that Kyley had imbued on the home the week she moved in with Becky reacted to him. Magic crackled as it fried the E'draqvar that smashed headlong into the invisible barrier, then its magic flung her several yards across the alleyway right into the wall of the townhome across the alley way.

Lily snickered at the E'draqvar’s pain as she proudly galloped deeper into the garage and across from her a near laughing Becky had jumped out of the car and hit the panic button on the wall that controlled the garage door. “Good girl Lily, way to go!” She praised the young wyvern with a laugh for being smarter than your average E'draqvar!

With the panic button activated, the door’s systems checked to see if anything was in the way of its tracks and saw that nothing or no one was in danger from it closing so fast for an emergency, so it slammed down hard to the concrete, then several large bolts slid home into the steal beams around the door locking the huge door in place like a bank vault!

Three floors up on the townhome’s roof a female landed on the flat roof as Kate the group’s leader watched the battle on from gliding high above, the E'draqvar swung her right taloned arm back and was going to rip the roof off the home so she could attack those inside from here!

She swung at the roof with everything she had in hopes to rip off a huge section of the roof and get at the two inside! When her talons struck what should have been the roof, an explosion of magic blew her arm into bits of tattered meat and bone, then tossed her still smoking body off the roof to fall several dozen feet into the walkway far below.

“SHIT the place has magical wards!” Kate barked and swooped down to try her own attack at the magical shields with a magic crystal he had in her bag.


Way across the valley in Whateley

Kyley was sitting in her weekly meeting for the “gate” creation and improvement group and had a book laying open before her, one that she was translating and noting for ARC when she felt that her personal home down in Dunwich was under attack. She slid that one book back into the bag that protected others from class”X” items she normally carried during the day, then lept from her chair while yelling out…”Someone watch___ my stuff___some crazy soon to be dead being is attacking my home!” and she ran from the room. (underscores ___ are used when Kyley forgets what words to use)

Once outside of the science building's main doors she did not even hesitate or glance at the “warning” flag of the school. A flag that told all students it was all clear to be or act anyway they felt or “there are visitors” on campus and to hide their looks or mutant powers for now. Kyley did not care about human rules right now or about warnings or “how to look” or “what to hide” to the public or outsiders…someone was attacking her new home and her new family!

Kyley grew in size as her black as night armor crept like quicksilver across her body, one of the fellow students warned her, “Ky the red flag is out you can’t!”

“I don’t care___attacking my home___my family!” and her wings unfolded as she took flight with a huge leap and then she changed into a winged bird of pure light as she flew off like a lightning bolt might.

That student knew that one of their fellow students saying that was bad and ran off towards the nearest classroom, they nearly slid into the room and almost fell while doing it, “Dr Zalman…SIR…Kyley just flew off the campus in plain sight during a red flag saying something about someone attacking her home?” the student babbled out rapidly to the room of astonished students. Because showing powers during a “red flag” was a huge no-no!

Dr Zalman knew this was bad and since he knew who Kyley was, plus what she was! This was bad, very bad and was surely going to get out of hand quickly! He grabbed the phone handset off his podium, rang up the security office and linked in Carson’s office at the same time. He told the group of Sam and Carson what the student had witnessed, then hung up the phone. “Class dismissed, please go to your dorms and those on the student security team report to your teams for information.” He said flatly before the whole class scrambled to get their stuff together and leave the room in great haste.


Back in Dunwich

Kate landed at the home’s front door and sighed, “All my plans are falling apart! Who knew that the car they had was a tank, then add to the growing mess this was quickly becoming, the home has guarded insane magic wards too? I am glad I planned for a way to get into this place!” she smiled inwardly, pulling a large six faceted long crystal from her bag.

Kate and her kind were known as Succubus by most humans in legends and stories or E'draqvar that Kyley’s people knew them as or lastly Kynlif is what they called themselves as a race. All of the race had a small binding quirk, they could not enter a home without permission of the owner. This came from their ancient history and was one of the legends that hooked the race to Vampires. Why Vampires, well the race did drink blood long ago vs the emotions they feed on now and their young drink blood for a short time till they are ‘weaned’ off it to themselves feed on emotions as they grew out of the need for blood!

She started to work the cyrystal’s powers at the front door and was smiling at her thinking ahead to pack one for the families most powerful crystals for this task because it surely would be able to blow right past the magic wards of the home, so she could get inside and at the abomination named Tessa!

The Kynlif wanted Tessa dead for one reason, VERY long ago, thousands of years. An oracle said that a child of the Unseelie queens, the bloodline of Morgan would cause the fall of Kynlif tribes. So they needed to end Tessa to keep her from fulfilling the legend!

Kate worked the crystal on the door and the magic wards there just as she heard a large boom or thunder from above her, that is when a black as night’s shadow flew down at her and crashed right into her. The force of the collison shoved her right through the masonry wall of the townhome garden area and right into the entry area next door. This is where she laid on the concrete and got her first look at the dark form of a huge woman in black armor standing over her.

“You DARE attack my home, attack my family!” she roared out as her eyes shone like red coals of fire.

That is when Rashka, one of Kate’s hunting party, leapt down from the roof three floors above and onto the back of the all black being. She jammed a sword into its left wing as she fell to the ground landing in a crouch and she sliced the wing badly. The all black being spun around towards the new attack with silver blood dripping off the gash that lit off sparks as it fell and struck the ground.

“You dare to wound me!” The shadowy figure roared at Rashka as its wing was coated in the same black armor that covered its body, then the injured wing sliced down right through Rashka’s arm, holding her blade up in defense to block the coming blow. The bleeding stump spewed a torrent as she screamed and her blade and arm fell to the ground with a clatter and wet thud.

“Rashka!” Kate shouted as she tried to jump up and aid her, but was slapped away like a small child by the creature's right wing and flung into the walkway!

Kyley grabbed the newest attacker by the neck and lifted her off the ground as her bloody arm dripped blood all over the pavement, “So wish to kill me? You harmed me and I am now collecting my due!” she growled out in her own language as anyone one that looked on could see she was draining the life right out of the offender to heal herself. Rashka looked older and older by the second and you could see her face get thinner…more drawn and boney as her eyes sunk deeper into her skull!

Vaniter! Stop this, you are killing her…draining her like the dark ones!” Night screamed mentally to her hoping to snap her out of her clear rage.

“Shut up Night, these being asked for death this day and I shall give it to them all…and take everything they are for attacking my new home and family!” she barked silently back to her soulmate in life. Kyley was deeply enraged by the attack and was thinking back to her not being able to defend her old life, on her old world…but was not about to take acts or attacks like this laying down again!

Kate watched as her friend and member of her clan was dying slowly in the grip of this dark being, she could see her life draining away. Inside the calmer Night was shouting at Vantier, “Please stop, you can’t do this. I have loss too, your children died…they were my kids too and each one of your children was linked in life to one of mine! Just like us, we live together and die together and cry and laugh together to the end!”

Night could tell now that Vaniter, Kyley was not going to let this E'draqvar live through this fight. So she acted and with her stronger powers of Telekinesis, she flung the girl across the walkway and down to the alleyway of the row of homes across the way.

“Ohhh you deny me that, punishing our attackers Night…are you on their side now?” she mentally questioned her own life partner…yes Kyley was that mad!

Kyley now turned back to the still prone Kate, then started stalking towards her and Kate knew it was time to go…and GO RIGHT NOW! So wisely Kate jumped to her feet, grabbed at her bag as she vaulted over one of the entry garden walls and as her feet hit the walkway she started running as fast as she could “Run for your lives!” she shouted in Kynlif to her group.

As Kate ran away from Kyley…far across the row of homes in the alleyway, two other Kynlif picked up the near lifeless body of Rashka and dragged her away, one pulled a dull looking crystal from her own pouch and aimed it at the air. A gate back to their home opened up and the pair dragged Rashka through it before it vanished.

Kate on her own run for life stumbled and fell as Kyley kept stalking towards her with eyes burning red, the only thing one could see other than the utter black form she had…was those glowing eyes of rage! One of Kate’s hunting party mates Truzrazun leaped from the townhouse row rooftops and landed in the middle of the walkway with a hand sized crystal already in her hand aimed at Kyley.

“Die creature!” Truzrazun shouted as she mentally commanded the crystal to work and the deep blue crystal glowed for a split second before its azure beam struck Kyley in the chest and caused her to stumble for a small step.

“Ohh you wish to use magic on me, you wish to do combat with magic…you fool?” she laughed and she concentrated on the crystal, drained all its magic essence away with a thought and then flung it all back at the poor Truzrazun who was slammed by a wave of pure cold…so much it was freezing her body into a block of ice!

The spell froze Truzrazun’s arm solid and started to work its way up to her shoulder. She was finding his legs already locked into place, so she could not move. Kyley grinned at her, “Stick around I might get back to you later!” and she spotted Kate raising her own dull colored crystal and she aimed it in front of her, the only path to escape Kyley’s rage…its small beam formed a gate back to her home.

“Ohhh no you don’t I am not even done with you and let's see where you are going!” Kyley barked as she took wing and Kate saw that too… so she took to flight to escape before the gate closed or Kyley had her!

Kate made it through the gate back home and landed with a roll across the courtyard around the Afallach crystal or “home” crystal for the main home of the Kynlif clans, but this courtyard was not the one the general population used. It was for the council of the clans and a hidden one.

Each of the clans had its own home and lands, but in this place it was the main gathering place for all and considered neutral ground and where the main council representing all clans met to solve any issues.

After Kate’s body came to a tumbling stop, she looked back towards the gate she had just come through and as if called by the devil itself Kyley flew through the still open gate! Kyley landed with grace that Kate would never have and looked around the room with an angry scowl on her face.

“So this is where you E'draqvar come from, YOUR home? You DARED to attack my home, my family and the one who I am protecting? Do you really want this fight…most would flee in panic by now OR try to appease me?” she warned with an enraged growl.

One of the council guards ran into the courtyard with a few more behind her and pulled her blade from her sheath, “Defend the council and kill this intruder!’ she barked as she ran towards Kyley.

“Ohhh this will be fun!’ Kyley smiled and waved a hand over her face and black silver metal of her armor flowed over her face sealing it up for the coming fight.

The guard came at Ky with her first move, a downward swipe with her blade that Kyley’s right hand caught the blow with ease, “A steel blade versus my armor you fool!” she laughed evily and snapped the blade like a stick!

The guard did not have time to regret that act before Ky backhand slapped her across the courtyard and into a wall where she was knocked unconscious. The next guard ran into the courtyard with a deep red crystal in her hand and aimed it at Kyley. It glowed as it tossed a ball of fire at Ky.

Kyley unfolded her now armored wings to block the fire as she called upon her battle axe to come to her hand from its storage in the either and she whipped back her hand and flung it at the female E'draqvar. When the human sized axe struck the E'draqvar, her body basically exploded into bloody chunks!

One of the council members ran into the chamber or balcony overlooking the gate crystal courtyard and waved more guards to the fight, “We must stop her!”

“That is a Guardian…legend says there is no stopping them!” a new council member spoke as he entered the balcony.

“We must use the crystal's power to send her back to the human’s world at any cost!” a new one yelled and pointed to a panel that controlled the crystal. A guard reacted as ordered and stepped to the panel to touch a few crystals.

“Doing so might damage it or destroy the Afallach crystal and it will take days if not weeks to replace it?” he warned back and blocked the guard from doing her task at sending Kyley back to earth.

Down in the room another guard tried her luck and took a swing at an enraged Kyley with her blade…she failed miserably as Ky ducked the swipe with ease and then tossed the poor E'draqvar into one of the courtyard walls with a meaty crunch!

Even more guards filled into the courtyard from several hidden doors and Kyley smiled under her armored mask, “Yes let's fight, I welcome this!”

“We don’t have enough guards to fight a Guardian…the legends are true! Our forces are like playthings to her!” one elder of the council warned the now growing group of leaders gathering on the balcony.

“She has trapped most of us here, this is the only way out of the Afallach castle on this side and she will end us all over this attack on her home…let's send her away while we still have the chance too?”

The council leader nodded to the guard over the panel, “Force her back before she kills us all!”

Several crystals glowed as the guard operating the panel worked, down below Kyley could feel the first fingers of the gate pulling at her and forcing her back to earth. She acted on instinct alone, pulling her own crystal for gates from her storage in the either and tapped it to the crystal at the center of the room and then put it away.

“Awwwww you don’t want me here anymore? We were having so much fun!” she laughed as the gate grabbed her and her armored feet slid across the stone floor leaving deep gouges in the stone as she slid across it, “I warn you make peace with me and mine soon, stay far far away from my home or I will come back and leave this place a smoldering black pit filled with death!”

“You are not coming back here without help!” one of the council said.

“Once I have been at a place, I know where it is at, for all time and can get back there…TO HERE…sooner or later!” Kyley warned as the gate finally succeeded in forcing her from the room!

Unseen to anyone in the crystal’s courtyard, on the person-sized crystal itself was a new rune forming in its surface to join the hundreds already there, one for each of the Kynlif authorized to use this hidden port to home. The new rune glowed a few times before it became fully formed…a large “V” next to a smaller number “three” in romanesque numerals and several markings above it that looked like simple squiggles of birds in flight.



Shadowsblade here.

This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of fan fic authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one.

But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon!

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Tormented by the past, Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
They say old soldiers never die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Born for eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave
their nest.

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Watch what you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever
asked for.

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Struggling with fate, Kelly has to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with deamons within and the

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade
Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to
find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones. Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind, get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional).
This is the Whateley Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.'
If you want further information you will find them on.


But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

this warning is for our story stealers off site, not the BC family of readers we all know and love!

Copyright © 2024 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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At last!

A new chapter where Kylie is the lead character, not a support! It is always a good day when a new Van tier or Shadows lade chapter is posted!

sorry I am late on this

shadowsblade's picture

I will be writing more Vantier and the shadowblades twins real soon

Just tell my what you like and what you want to see more of?

I have changed the stories over the years. the Pixies were going to be a one shot one chapter but the scream of love for them made them main stream and they doubled!

have fun reading

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective