there has not been an official announcement of the winners of the caption contest. I know I didnt win, but maybe there should be a shout out to the ones who did?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
there has not been an official announcement of the winners of the caption contest. I know I didnt win, but maybe there should be a shout out to the ones who did?
Checks can be made out & sent to:
Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
Note: $6000 is the operating, maintenance and upgrade budget. Amounts received in excess of the $6000 will be applied to long term debt accrued over the last 19 years.
If you prefer, you can donate through Patreon:
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Thank you!
I’m sure it’ll come
But unless there was a quiet revolution, it was Daring Diane in a cakewalk— or, make that a cat walk, ‘cause she looked great (and, of course, wrote even better)!
Regardless of the winners, your story was great, Dot — very creative.
— Emma
Here are the Winners!
Daring Diane was 1st place with What Am I Doing? for the $150 gift certificate and Julie D. Cole with The Girl In The Mirror for the 2nd place $75 gift certificate. I agree with Dorothy there should have been a better announcement for the winners. Please see Erin or Rasufelle for the certificates.
Grats to Both of You! woohoo!
My music representing me
Unite, Ending 2, Full Mode - Accel World:
Unite, Ending 2, Instrumental Only, Full Mode - Accel World:
Thank You Sephrena
Thank you for creating and sponsoring this contest. Given your illness, it is especially magnanimous of you to be thinking of the welfare of BC.
I enjoyed the Scary Contest immensely as a reader and contestant.
I entered the October contest with a story Rasufelle, and I collaborated on.
My mind is working on an entry for the Change a Life contest. I'm trying to convince Mel to work with me again.
So . . . your efforts have landed with my muse ... and hopefully quite a few others.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
We simply hadn't gotten enough round tuits together to post yet.
The announcement blog is up, and I'll be reaching out to our winners for information on how to handle prizes later today.
-Melanie E.