Since yesterday was my laundry day, and most of my non-winter pants were already in my laundry basket, I pulled out a skirt, and because it was a bit cool, I also put on a pair of pantyhose.
Now, despite what my friend Jaci says about me being a girly girl, I do this far less often than you might think, but yesterday I found myself wondering why that is.
Because I felt good.
Tension I didn't even realize I had left me.
Now I don't look pretty. I don't really even look like a woman, more like a dude in a skirt, but I have reached the point where I don't really care what others see or think.
So why do I punish myself, by denying myself the chance to feel even a tiny bit better?
Do I hate me that much?
I think I do, and I wish that wasn't the case.
Where's that damned-to-CAFO ...
"Sad" react button, when I wanna use it?
Over in the Humanist's part of the world, we figure we get 'one trip only'. Nothing comes 'after.'
So we enjoy 'it' now ... or never.
* looking at clock *
My clock reads 'Now-o-Clock."