A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 3

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It hurt, hurt a lot more than I expected it to and… Oh, wait, let me go back a bit and catch you up.

I had gone to London and checked into a hotel, quite a nice one actually and I’ve been here for three hours just waiting, but now it’s time. The reason I’m here is to meet with the incredibly famous Hollywood actress and the conversation with her was all about making sure this would happen.

What I talked to Penny about that evening was the offer that had been made to me and that I was going to take it, and while I was scared, I was way more scared about what would happen to me if I lost my flat and became homeless. Yes, Penny offered to take me in but even then, she would then have two teenagers living with her and Evie already very much thinks I am just like her and I need to keep bringing her back to reality that I’m really not.

So for the next 24 hours I am at the beck and call of the famous Hollywood actress (can we call her FHA from now on as it’s a lot to keep typing?), for £150k, enough to pay off my mortgage and leave me with enough money now for at least two years.

As Penny said to me, I won’t be the first woman to sell her body to make ends meet.

As I walked along the corridor to the lift up to her floor and knock on the door to their suite at exactly 8pm, it made me think how much this must be costing her, and how funny it was really that the agreement when offered is that outside of anything medical, I wasn’t allowed to have anything bigger than a finger inside me. Yes, of course I had experimented and I had to wonder if two fingers was a technical break of the contract or not, but anyway, the agreement on my side had been fulfilled. While I had found myself looking and wondering about men, I wasn’t exactly sure how to overcome my nerves but this offer had been made and well, money is money and this is good money.

I stepped out of the lift and was pleased no one was there to see me as I walked along the corridor, feeling ridiculously nervous, maybe as much so as doing my first solo reverse with a trailer after passing my HGV1 test out on a delivery, but I was as ready as I could be, and following the instructions given to me. I was dressed as she wanted, which basically meant a short skirt and no underwear, and my online research into this business that I’m entering is that my pleasure isn’t as important as the clients, it’s for them to have a good time within the boundaries set and if I enjoy then all well and good, but otherwise I should make them think I’m enjoying it.

I’m shit scared!

I knock on the door and the FHA opens it and I smile with a confidence I don’t really feel and she ushers me in, quickly looking outside to see if anyone has seen us, or maybe me.

As we walk though the hotel suite, which is exactly what you imagine it be thanks to tv and film, it’s big, open and there’s a bedroom to one side. The FHA says, “Darling, your anniversary gift is here.”

You see, she’s buying my virginity for her husband as a gift. He’s been very famous for a long time, long enough that he was a little too old for the teens that obsessed over him and way to shy to take advantage of those few who were of a legal age. They’ve been married for quite a long time in Hollywood standards, like over 20 years or something and together for about five years before that, and she told me that they have never been with anyone else in all that time.

I’m not quite sure I believed that.

So her equally famous husband walks out and looks at me and is clearly confused so she walks over to him and starts whispering in his ear as I stand there feeling quite stupid. On the plus side, she had told me that if he doesn’t want this I still get the money, but then I see a smile cross his face and he says, “Oh yeah. Is that why you kept trying to talk me about what happened to him?”

Strangely I felt hurt he called me that and he said, “Sorry, I mean her. You know what I mean, you’re clearly a her.”

And he walked over and placed his hands on my upper arms as he kissed my cheek and said, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. Would you like a drink?”

He walked over to a bar and asked what I wanted and my first thought was a beer, but instead asked for a Malibu and coke, which he managed to find and pour for me as FHA quietly talked to me and we dealt with the money transfer to my account. We all sat down, with me on one sofa and them both on the other facing me.

Well, me going commando meant they both saw me, and we just chatted and drank our drinks for a bit, then they suggested I take in the view from the balcony in their bedroom and we headed in there. He stood behind me as he pointed out some of the sights from here, and FHA was smiling at me. Maybe it was the booze, maybe it was how friendly they were being but I had started to relax, so when they suggested we go back inside, I thought nothing of us going to sit on the bed as he took my hand.

He said, “Have you ever been kissed by a man, since you became a girl that is?”

I shook my head. “Not once.”

FHA said, “Have you ever been kissed by a man?”

I shook my head, and then she asked me if I would like to try it. Well, yes, I would like to try it, but I also got the sense from them that they wanted me to be a bit bashful, not a hard thing to pretend right now as I really was feeling that way.

I nodded.

He lent forward and gently touched his lips to mine, and my first thought was wishing I was sitting on a towel. The kissing kept going until our tongues were playing with each others and I remembered we weren’t alone and I opened an eye to look at his wife smiling at us while she watched. And then I felt a hand on my leg.

I might have flinched a little at first, but I never tried to stop it and I never pulled away. So far everything was quite nice.

The hand caressed me slowly as it worked it’s way higher and higher up leg, under my skirt and finally touched me there. I felt a moan from the husband as his fingers felt me and gently played with me down there, running up and down until the tip of a finger went into me and it was my turn to moan into his mouth. I felt myself being gently pushed back on the bed and I lay back with my legs open as he kissed his way down my still clothed body and stuck his face into my pussy.

If he was hoping to make me more wet he was going to be disappointed. It was like he had turned on a hose, but I wanted more.

I reached out for him and didn’t wait, I just put my hand into his pyjamas trousers to feel him and he was rock hard. In the back of my mind I wondered how it was going to fit in me, but my going straight for his cock seemed to fire him up some more and he broke away from me down there and said, “Do you want it?”

I nodded and he quickly stood up and threw off his pyjamas till he was there completely naked, his cock pointing at me. I was still laying there with my leg wide apart and my skirt round my waist and his wife sitting there looking at me. He climbed back onto the bed and moved between my legs getting closer and closer until I could feel his cock touching me and trying to get inside me as he kissed me. I felt another hand on my body, clearly FHA as she reached between us and took hold of her husband as she guided him into me.

It hurt, hurt a lot more than I expected it to and now I’ve caught you up.

So it felt great, eventually, but at first having something that big in me was painful, I mean, he is my first and he took my virginity so I guess that’s not a surprise. When he came inside me I was a bit surprised as he seemed to somehow get bigger and I could feel him twitching in me as, well, his cum was pumped into me. I felt a lot wetter down there, but also thankful for not only Lou’s advice, but apparently the entire medial and therapist team that I should have an IUD fitted before I leave hospital.

Turns out the gynaecologist did notice my moan of pleasure when I was with him and he thought it might be a good idea too.

Anyway, I had sex with the FHA’s husband and I was available to him for 24 hours, so we had sex quite a few more times. Turns out a teen girls body with an adult inside keeps a guy going for quite a while. We had sex in quite a few positions and I’m not only quote ok with swallowing, I’m very ok with taking a dick in my mouth. We had food delivered but I had to hide, and I even had sex with FHA for him to watch, a very new experience and, well, I would say I’m about 10% bi as I quite liked it.

She is very beautiful and maybe in a small way I was living out an old fantasy with her.

Of course, I could have been star struck and remembering that I would have knocked a few wanks out over her in the past, so I guess that’s still to be confirmed, but there is no doubt in my mind that I like men. When I woke up in bed with both of them and him being the big spoon I quite liked it and I found myself looking at him in the half light and admiring his face, looks and well, his body too.

So, in my mind quite a lot was going on. I had sold not just my body but the first time anyone was going to be inside my body was for money, so that was a mental struggle but at least I knew that no one would ever know about it. I can’t imagine the happy couple here talking about it on a chat show and how they wanted a teen girl to give it up for him. Then there was the fact that I enjoyed it quite a lot. Considering it was my first time and what I was doing here he could have done quite lot with me within the agreement, but actually he was surprisingly gentle and nice and really good.

Not that I have anyone to compare him to, but it was good.

I won’t say each of my orgasms were real, but some of them were and for that I’m grateful. They woke up not long after me and ordered breakfast and then the sex carried on. He had planned for them to go out to something or other, they never told me what it was, but he fucked me from behind while standing with FHA sitting in front of us masturbating as she watched him cum inside me once again.

They must have planned what happened next as she picked up my vest top and put it on me while he was still inside me, then she brought over my skirt and I stepped into it, but of course with him in me I couldn't do it up. He shuffled to the door with me impaled on him and FHA looked through the peephole and said it’s clear. I got a quick kiss and he said to me, “Thank you for this, it’s like a fantasy I was never able to live has finally come true.”

The door opened and he was still in me as I tried to hold my skirt up and he said, “I hope you don’t mind, but this is part of the fantasy.”

And he pushed me out into the corridor and my skirt fell to the floor as the door was shut behind me. Quickly I pulled it up and did up the zip, but in bending down for it I of course squeezed some of his cum out of me - there was a lot of cum already in there - and I walked towards the lift. While waiting for it, I heard a door open and two people walked towards me and the lift pinged so I had to hold it till they arrived. It was a couple of men wearing suits in their fifties I guess, and as soon as the lift doors shut I realised I smelled of sex, a lot of it.

They both subtly sniffed the air and looked at me, but of course there was no denying it and the agreement was that no one was to know that I had been to see them or what for, so I couldn't go straight to my room. So I rode down to the lobby with them both as I felt cum run down the inside of my legs. Once in the lobby I walked through it and decided to bluff it out, heading to the desk asking if there were any messages for me (obviously there were none), and I turned back to the lift.

This time I shared the ride with two men in suits, I guess in their forties who were businessmen and both pulling cases and once again I saw the subtle sniffs when they smelled sex from me. One of them had no issue in looking at me and smiled and I had seen the state of my hair, so here I was looking like a teen girl who had been royally fucked because I had.

I was glad to be back in the safety of my room as I ran a bath for my final night here and took my phone out of the safe to turn it on. Penny of course wanted to know I was ok, so I reassured her I was then I got in the bath to clean every part of my body.

While I enjoyed the sex, I wanted to get clean as I felt very dirty about the whole thing. I raided the mini fridge as I’m not the one paying for it, and got a little drunk and maybe a bit tearful. A very pruned me got in to bed and after what seemed forever as I thought over everything I had done in the past 24 hours I finally managed to get to sleep.

Penny came to see me when I got home and pulled me into a hug and immediately I started to cry. She was also desperate to know who had fucked me, it’s good gossip after all, but was kind enough to make sure I was ok first. I pointed out the reason I sold myself was to make sure I was going to be ok for a couple of years as I had to pay tax on the magazine money, and then she broke the news to me that the bank is likely to report the extra money in my account to the taxman so I will need to either break the NDA or pay tax on it and just be honest with them.

I grabbed the bit of paper with all my sums on and she looked up what the tax rates were and I realised that while I was a bit better off, I was nowhere near my intended target.

I looked at her and said, “Shit”.

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3 choices

lisa charlene's picture

she can try to live with the minimum to stretch money as far as it can go. she can keep selling her body for more money or take up Pennys offer and be the teen she looks like .i wouldnt have turned pennys offer down no way anyone is going to hire her looking like a 14 year old.

It Has Happened

joannebarbarella's picture

To countless girls across the world. She was lucky it was with a civilized couple for a decent amount of money.

It should have been a cash transaction to avoid tax.

So many problems

I didn't want to add anymore problems on the poor girl along with having a big pile of cash. But sadly part 4 shows that not everyone she meets is decent, but hopefully part five will get better for her.