The Rise of a New Empire

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In 2026, the United States embarked on a daring and audacious endeavor: testing a new weapon intended to replace atomic weapons. This singularity bomb, a marvel of cutting-edge technology, was engineered to unleash the destructive power of traditional nuclear weapons without any of the radioactive fallout. However, the test didn't unfold as planned.

The USS Monterey, a dummy ship, was meticulously prepared in the vast Pacific Ocean and loaded with unprecedented weapons. An observation ship, the USS Typhoon, stood twenty miles away to monitor the detonation. When the bomb was triggered, the singularity it created defied all computer models and expectations, leaving everyone in a state of awe. The explosion was cataclysmic, instantly destroying both ships, but the impact was far more profound, leaving a sense of wonder in its wake.

The energy released by the singularity bomb tore a hole in the very fabric of reality, creating a rift between dimensions. This rift pulled another world, Faen Shanta, into our reality—a world teeming with mana, a potent magical energy that can be harnessed for various purposes. Earth became saturated with mana as the dimensions collided and converged, fundamentally altering the planet.

This infusion of mana had dramatic effects on a portion of the human population, transforming some into mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns, and griffins and bestowing others with the ability to wield magic, from elemental manipulation to telekinesis. The landscape of Earth was irrevocably changed, setting the stage for a new era of magic and myth, a world where the impossible became possible and the ordinary became extraordinary.

By 2135, nearly fifty years had passed since the end of the wars between the species. These wars had reshaped the world, leading to the fall of old nations and the emergence of new, integrated kingdoms. The flora and fauna of Earth and Faen Shanta had reached a new equilibrium, and Dar Shanta, the Elven sacred tree, a colossal tree that serves as a symbol of peace and unity, had taken root in the northern Midwest of what was once the United States. This new world, forged in the aftermath of a failed experiment, was a testament to the life-changing power of the singularity bomb. This power altered not only the physical landscape but also the very essence of life on Earth, a power that instilled both awe and fear in the hearts of all who witnessed its effects.


"Sam, hurry up! You don't want to be late for testing," my mom's voice echoed up the stairs, jolting me awake. Today was the most important day in every human kid's life. Today, we will be tested to determine which high school we will enter. This test would reveal if we would gain norms, which are physical mutations, as we went through puberty or if we would become magical, gaining the ability to wield mana in some way. Humans were the only species that could mutate into other creatures or mages. My name is Sam, and this is my story.

I am a typical nerdy teen. I had the highest grades in middle school, which attracted attention from the school bullies. My small stature made me a prime target for their antics. My sandy blonde hair was on the longer side, which gave them an easy way to keep me in place when they wanted to harass me, but I knew I would have the last laugh. I would become a mighty mage.

Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, and Fairies were born with whatever magical abilities were natural to their species. These abilities vary among the species' variants, which are different subgroups within a species with unique magical traits.

My desire to become a mage was not just a passing fancy. It was a dream that fueled my every thought and action. I yearned to weave spells and join the revered Mage Corps, the enforcers of magical law who ensure that magic is used responsibly and for the greater good. My fascination with their work was evident in the graphic novels I devoured. I longed to unravel the mysteries of the ghastly spells cast by the malevolent mages. This was not just a whim but a burning ambition that defined me.

My mom had a little magic, but my dad and sister were Normie's. They both supported my dream of becoming a mage. I hoped that I would inherit abilities. I wanted to go to the Elven Academy, where I could learn true magic.

As I hastily put on my clothes, my heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nerves. I couldn't help but think about my friends who were also undergoing the same test. Today was the day that would shape our futures. With one last look at my Mage Corps posters, I rushed downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast, and hurried out the door, my mom's encouraging words echoing in my ears.

Mom took me to the testing facilities, her reassuring presence a steadying force as my nerves threatened to overwhelm me. The facility was a massive, imposing structure, buzzing with activity as kids my age filed in with their parents.

"Don't worry, Sam," Mom said, gently squeezing my hand. Whatever happens, we'll figure it out together."

I nodded, trying to absorb her confidence. The testing facility was designed to accommodate a variety of species, with sections for Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Fairies, and humans. Each section had its own set of intricate testing apparatuses, all meant to gauge each child's latent potential.

As we approached the human section, I could see other kids, some looking as nervous as I felt and others brimming with excitement. We were all here for the same reason: to find out if we had the potential to become something more than ordinary.

The test itself consisted of physical, mental, and magical assessments. I was a bundle of nerves as I completed the physical exercises, my heart pounding with each step. The cognitive tests were a bit easier, but the anticipation of the magical assessment was almost unbearable.

Each of us was led to a small, dimly lit room with a single crystal orb in the center. The tester, a member of the Mage Corps, was a figure of authority in his fiery red robes. His hood cast a deep shadow over his face, giving him a menacing, mysterious appearance. I stood there in awe, admiring his presence.

"Step into the center of the room," he instructed, his voice calm and authoritative.

I moved to the center, where a magic circle was etched into the floor. The sigils that made up the circle were intricate and mesmerizing. As I tried to understand their complexity, my head began to ache; the sigils seemed to shift and move, defying my attempts to comprehend them.

"Stand still and focus," the tester commanded. I positioned myself in the center as instructed, looking up at him as he began to cast his spell. His movements were precise yet fluid, each gesture and incantation a masterful display of control and power. It was amazing to watch.

The sigils around me began to emit a blue glow, and I felt a tingling sensation spread throughout my body. My skin felt as though millions of tiny bugs were crawling all over me, a strange and unsettling feeling.

"Move the mana through your body," the tester said, his voice steady. "Channel any magical energy you might have and form an orb in your hand."

I closed my eyes, concentrating as hard as I could. I felt the magic moving through my body. It flowed like a river, and I felt the rush of power coursing through me. The tingling sensation intensified, and I heard a faint humming sound as if the very air around me was vibrating with energy.

When I opened my eyes, a blue orb shone brightly in my hand. My heart leaped with excitement—I had some magic in me! The tester nodded, a slight smile visible beneath the shadow of his hood.

Suddenly, he gasped and took a closer look at me. "I will be back momentarily," he said, rushing out of the room and shutting the door behind him. I didn't understand his reaction and wondered what had spooked the Mage Corps tester.

I stood in the center of the sigil, the glow from the spell still lingering. Was this supposed to happen? I couldn't help but wonder if something terrible had occurred or if the spell had somehow mutated me. But that kind of thing happens, so I wonder why he would react like he did.

I looked down at my body, and from my perspective, it didn't look any different than before. At least I wasn't an orc or dwarf. I was still contemplating what could have caused such an adverse reaction when the door opened again. I looked up to see that the tester had brought an elf back into the room with him.

The elf was tall and graceful, with an aura of power that was impossible to ignore. His eyes were a piercing shade of green, and his silver hair shimmered in the dim light of the room. He looked at me with intense curiosity.

The elf looked me over and placed his hand on my shoulder. As soon as he made contact, he pulled his hand back, looking shocked. "We need to contact Her Majesty at once. He needs to be protected at all costs."

My heart pounded in my chest. Was I protected at all costs? What could this mean? I glanced nervously between the elf and the tester, trying to make sense of the situation.

The elf turned to the tester. "Ensure no one else enters this room. I will contact the Queen immediately."

The tester nodded and stepped outside, leaving the door slightly ajar. The elf looked at me, his expression a mix of awe and concern.

"Young one," he said softly, "you have been changed into a High Elf, and not only that, you possess an ability that no other High Elf possesses. The energy you hold is incredibly rare and utterly unheard of in the elven leadership."

"I don't understand what you are talking about," I replied worriedly.

"This is something that no one here understands either." He remarked.

"What about my parents? Am I going to be taken away from them? Will I ever get to see them again?" I questioned. I was worried that I wouldn't even get to say goodbye to my family.

"I am sure we can arrange something. You are a unique case, so I am sure Queen Goldleaf will devise a plan," he replied.

The elf I saw before brought five more Mage Corp Officers into the room. "He is to be escorted to the secure waiting area while he awaits transport to Shanta. The Queen wishes to meet with him."

Six Mage Corp guards escorted me out of the testing area. The other kids who were being tested looked at me in shock and surprise. They were all kept away from me while we made our way out of the testing area.

The next area we entered was a more ornate one. It had large white pillars supporting high vaulted ceilings. The hallway had many offices lining both sides. The people in the offices were processing paperwork for all the tested children's placement.

I was led to a large, ornate room that reminded me of a field. My mom was sitting in one of the chairs. She jumped up as I was brought in and rushed over to me. "Sammy, are you ok? Did your change hurt?" She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Mom, I don't know what changes I have gone through. I haven't been able to see for myself," I told her. She reached into her purse and pulled out a compact mirror. I opened it and looked at my face. The obvious things that stood out to me were the glowing blue eyes and the large elven ears. My face was more extended and slimmer rather than the round face I was used to seeing. My neck looked longer as well.

My mouth was agape when I saw the changes to my face. Except for my eyes, I looked like every high elf I had seen on television. What did this actually mean for me? High elves were royalty and never were from a human mutation.

My dad and sister were escorted into the room by elven guards, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. My sister, still trying to make sense of the situation, spotted Mom first.

"Mom, I was just pulled out of a movie I was watching with Trish," she said, her voice tinged with annoyance and confusion. "What's going on? Why are we here?"

Mom gave her a comforting smile, though I could see the worry in her eyes. "I know this is all very sudden, but something important has happened with your brother."

Dad looked at me, his brow furrowed with concern. "Sam, are you okay? What's all this about?"

I opened my mouth to explain, but the elf stepped forward, his presence commanding the room. "Your son has manifested a rare and powerful form of magic," he said, his voice steady. "We believe he may play a critical role in the balance of our world. For his safety—and the safety of all—he must come with us to the Elven Kingdom for training and protection."

My sister's eyes widened as she looked at me, then back at Mom and Dad. "Wait, what? Sam has magic?"

Dad's face paled slightly as he processed the elf's words. "This is... a lot to take in," he said slowly. "What kind of magic are we talking about?"

The elf nodded. "I understand this is overwhelming. Your son's abilities are not just magical—they are unprecedented. The energy within him could have significant implications for our world and Faen Shanta. That is why it is imperative that he is safeguarded and trained by the best."

Mom squeezed my sister's hand, then looked at me with a mixture of pride and concern. "We'll be with you every step of the way, Sam. This is big, but you're not alone."

My sister, still stunned, frowned. "Well, isn't this great? I must leave all my friends and school because of you. God, why couldn't I have gotten powers." She stomped off to the other side of the room, pouting.

Dad took a deep breath, then nodded. "If this is what needs to be done to keep you safe, Sam, then we'll do whatever it takes. Megan, leave your brother alone. This isn't his fault.

The elf motioned to the door. "We need to leave soon. Her Majesty is expecting us, and time is of the essence."

As we prepared to leave, the reality of the situation started to sink in. I wasn't just a normal kid anymore; I was part of something much bigger. My family was by my side, and though the path ahead was uncertain, I knew I had my parent's support as I stepped into this new and mysterious world.

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This story is quite good, and has a great premise

Julia Miller's picture

I’m impressed. Keep going with this story. Sam has had an amazing transformation and he is now unique in this magical world. The high elves are very mysterious. You said they didn’t come from his world. I guess they entered through the rift caused by the singularity. It’s unfortunate that men will do something insane without realizing that maybe they should asked the question if they should in the first place.


This is a tremendous start! It has great potential, and I'm anxious to read the next installment!