Battle Scars

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'When will this ever end?' she thought, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Years of fighting had taken a toll on her body, leaving it adorned with countless scars from previous battles. Her bandaged arm now boasted a new one, but she chuckled to herself, knowing it would be a proud scar for any warrior. As she brushed her shoulder-length hair, she noticed wrinkles beginning to form under her eyes. 'I am getting old,' she thought as she looked at the wedding photo on her table. The young woman in the picture had a radiant smile and sparkling eyes full of life. "Nathan," she sighed, wiping away a tear from the corner of her eye. It had been eighteen years since he left, and not a day went by that she didn't miss him. But she vowed to never give up until she avenged his death or died trying.

As she headed to her garage, where her bloodied clothes lay waiting to be cleaned, her phone beeped with a message. "Good work Amber! Vampire nest successfully cleared. 0 casualties." She smirked as she remembered taking down twenty-four monsters that night alone.
The war between hunters and monsters had raged for centuries in the shadows, ever since humanity's greed led them to summon a demon lord into their realm. The demon lord and his three generals had wreaked havoc on cities across the world, wiping out three completely within their first month of arrival. The news was contained to prevent widespread panic and the collapse of society.

The hunters, who were used to dealing with small monster incursions, suddenly found themselves facing the might of the dark lord and his army. Countless battles were fought between the two factions, resulting in massive losses on both sides. But both sides knew that an all-out war would have devastating consequences. For hunters, it would lead to fear and chaos throughout the world. And for monsters, it would result in humanity uniting against them, making it nearly impossible for them to survive.

So the battles continued, fought in secret at night, hidden from the eyes of the world. Those who witnessed it rarely survived to tell the tale.
It had been eighteen long years since the hunters finally dealt a major blow to the monsters, although they also suffered significant losses. Led by their strongest and most skilled hunter, Nathan, an elite unit of eighty-five fighters took on the demon lord and his three generals. These elite hunters were trained to surpass human limitations, and their strength was enhanced further by divine relics. Nathan, a child prodigy who excelled in tactics and combat, earned the title of strongest hunter at just twenty-one years old. He faced the demon lord and his generals six times, surviving each encounter before ultimately losing his life. The final battle between them was brutal and gruesome, with Nathan managing to kill two of the generals and almost defeating the demon lord before succumbing to his injuries. With his death, the entire unit was wiped out without a trace, leaving behind only blood-stained buildings and weapons.

The epic showdown between these powerful forces changed everything. The monsters realized that they could not underestimate the hunters again, as they were nearly defeated in this battle. They retreated into hiding to regroup and regain their strength for their ultimate goal of world domination. The demon lord himself was greatly weakened, losing half of his power and two of his three generals.

It was only their third year of marriage when Amber's world was turned upside down. She had admired Nathan since she first heard about him as a child prodigy, and they were eventually assigned to the same unit where their bond grew stronger every day until it blossomed into love. They got married and had a son together, forcing Amber to leave her job as a hunter for several years. But one day, Nathan kissed her goodbye as he headed out on a mission based on intel they received, and all that returned was his damaged armor riddled with holes. Every night since then, Amber has dreamt of him leaving and the armor arriving back home, causing her immense grief and sleepless nights. It took her six months to recover from the trauma, and her grief eventually turned into determination. She promised herself that she would finish what Nathan started.

In addition to their work as hunters, all of them also held regular day jobs to blend in with normal society and have a chance at a normal life. Most of them were business owners who could clock in and out as needed while their staff managed the ventures. Amber and Nathan owned a small breakfast joint and bakery together.

Amber began working out and getting back in shape, determined to make the world safe for her son whom she sent to live with her mother.
A couple of weeks later, she received a package. Upon opening it, she found Nathan's restored armor inside. As she stood in front of the mirror holding the armor, tears began to stream down her face. Memories of their decades together flooded her mind and heart. She couldn't hold back her emotions as she cried, overwhelmed by the loss of her husband. But as she put on the perfectly fitting armor, customized just for her, she knew that she was not alone. She took a deep breath and wiped away her tears, determination burning in her eyes. She then grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off her long brown locks, knowing that it was not practical to have such long hair while fighting.

Hours later, a call came in. She wasted no time getting back to work, taking on low rank missions to regain her strength. And with each one she completed successfully, she proved to herself and others that she was not just the wife of a strong hunter, but a strong hunter in her own right.
But a few weeks later, new intel arrived about the movements of the monsters who had been relatively quiet lately. The demon lord had been hiding and regrouping his forces, even summoning four new generals known as the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse: Death, Famine, War, and Conquest. It was advised not to engage these powerful beings without proper backup and preparations.

Despite this warning, Amber received a mission to investigate a monster hideout near a school where students had been disappearing. This was a high stakes mission with 36 hunters dispatched in two teams, one led by Amber herself. As they entered the basement of the building, they were hit with a foul stench and an eerie silence that filled them with unease. They knew it was only a matter of time before the calm was shattered by an attack.
And sure enough, within seconds they were facing off against a horde of demons. With a deep breath and closed eyes, Amber sprang into action, slicing through the monsters effortlessly with her enchanted twin blades. The two teams worked together to take down the creatures, rescuing the two surviving children and carrying the corpses of the other three.

As she looked at the dead children, Amber couldn't help but think of her own son and feel a surge of rage and helplessness. She took out her anger on the remaining monsters, torturing them as they died. One team returned with the rescued children while Amber and her team stayed back to check the floor below.

They easily defeated any remaining monsters, but as they were preparing to leave, they suddenly felt a menacing presence around them. Amber turned to see an imposing female warrior standing in the doorway. Her long black hair flowed behind her like fire, reaching below her waist, and her strong shoulders were accentuated by the sleeveless armor that left her arms bare. The intricately designed armor shimmered in the light, pushing up her large breasts and revealing her dark abyss-like eyes visible through a mask. She wore shoes with deadly blade tips, ready for battle. And as Amber stared at this formidable foe, she knew she was about to face one of the Four Horsemen herself.

"Hello, I am Death," she announced as she approached Amber's unit. She unsheathed two daggers and swiftly cut down Amber's fellow hunters, making her way towards Amber. The cries of the fallen hunters filled the room, but Amber was too shocked to understand what was happening. It was clear that this was not an ordinary demon.

As Death fought off a hunter, Amber attempted to strike at her neck with her own blades. However, Death easily dodged and kicked Amber across the room, breaking her ribs. In just a few seconds, her entire team was dead. But Amber refused to give up; she mustered all her strength and continued to attack Death with her swords, which were effortlessly blocked by Death's daggers. As they fought, it became clear that Death was far more powerful than Amber could imagine. Despite her exhaustion and the knowledge that she couldn't escape, Amber kept fighting until Death finally struck her in the face, causing her to lose consciousness.

As she regained consciousness, Amber found herself being dragged down the hallway by Death. The once fearsome figure was now dressed in a short red dress, a stark contrast to her usual armor. Amber frantically searched for her dagger, ready to use it against Death, but it was nowhere to be found. She struggled against Death's grip, but the demon's strength was no match for hers.

They entered a dimly lit room, where Amber saw a person sitting on a throne with an empty one beside them. On the right side of the throne sat three figures, all kneeling before Death as she approached. Death left Amber near the stairs leading up to the throne and knelt before the person on the throne - the demon lord himself. He lifted her chin , tucked her hair behind her ears and removed her mask kissing her passionately.

"It's time for your final ascension, my Queen," he said to Death, handing her his dagger. She turned and walked towards Amber , holding the dagger in her mouth as she tied her long hair back in a loose bun. Her red dress clung tightly to her body, accentuating her curves and cleavage. Amber stood frozen in shock and horror at seeing Death’s face approaching her.

"Heyy, sweetheart," Death said with a chilling smile as she plunged the dagger into Amber's lower abdomen slowly, twisting it

"Nathan?! Why?! Its not you .Snap out of it." Amber cried out in pain,

"Its Natalie now Hun," Death replied coldly.

Amber's words fell on deaf ears as Natalie slowly slits her wrists and stabbed her heart, leaving her bleeding profusely. As she lay dying, Amber saw her husband make her way up the stairs and into the arms of the demon king, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. A smaller crown was placed on Natalie's head as she officially became the demon queen.

********To be continued*******

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joannebarbarella's picture

By her former husband, now transformed by the Demon King, both in body and mind.

I don't believe Amber is finished, though.

Thank you

Thanks for your comment hun . Hope you enjoyed it . It is impossible for Amber to beat 'Death'