Reading Your Own Stories Aloud

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I've had enough of my complaining off topic about the sins of Micro Soft and the billionaires who victimize us.

After pecking away in MS Word today at "Andromeda Smith" I was feeling doubtful that it was any good, and started to read it out loud to myself, then found out that the software will do it for you. So, after I sat there and listened to the less than 1000 words, any flaws just jumped out at me. The AI that does this is rather limited in places so I don't know how I can get it to interpret stretched out pauses, that I would normally write as ...

This is fun.



my apple does the same thing;

my apple does the same thing; sometimes I use it to proofread for me; handy little bugger; you can even download different voices and accents which helps suppress the tedium