Hello all:
Some of you might notice it's been some time since I posted anything, and there is a reason for it. I'd been suffering from a complete lack of stamina and endurance for some time. And by complete lack I mean there were times crossing a room would leave me gasping for air. Three weeks ago I went to my normal Dr for it and she found my hemoglobin count had gotten down to 4.5. 15 is considered the low end of normal. She called me that night, after hours on her own cell phone to tell me to stop what I was doing and go the ER immediately. I ended up needing a transfusion of 3 units of blood because I was so anemic.
Once that was stabilized, the doctors went looking for WHY I was missing so much blood. Some of you might know I've struggled with IBS/UC my entire adult life. And, with the most brevity and least unpleasant discussion, a colonoscopy found a restriction in my large intestine that was the source of the blood loss. Biopsies were taken and the news isn't good.
I have Colon Cancer.
So, that's the bad news. Between having to spend the better part of a week in the hospital because of the testing and treatments, and the new surgeon I've been given, my bill is already $85,000. To make matters worse, I was laid off last October from my work of 17 years and with that loss also went my health insurance.
There is some good news in all of this. The extensive CT scans I've had, and the blood test run to see if the cancer has spread appear to indicate this has been caught very early. I'm asymptomatic, other than the IBS, which is normal for me. Sadly, the next steps promise to be expensive. The surgeon tells me my entire large intestine must be removed due to the cancer and the IBS. She is going to attempt to reconnect the plumbing so to speak so I don't have to use a bag other than for healing the patch up.
There may be chemo in my future, I don't know, yet. But, I do know these very talented doctors need to get paid for their excellent work and to do that, I need your help. Below I've begun a new Go Fund Me specific to this issue. If you'd like to make a donation you can at:
For everyone who does donate $5 or more, you'll receive an Electronic copy of my new book Beyond This Illusion, a modern fantasy based upon Celtic myth and legend and an exploration of why fairy tails are not wish fulfillment, but warnings. Or, if you prefer to wait for a dead tree addition, I'll send you an autographed paperback or hard cover, depending on your preference and purchase.
This story will not be released on any of the story sites.
I also appreciate your thoughts and prayers as I start this battle with cancer and encourage everyone 45 or older to get a colonoscopy. It could save your life!
Thank you all for your help and prayers. Feel free to reach out to me on discord as well.
Talk to the hospital
While I applaud your effort to raise the needed funds on your own, I think you will need help. The hospital's finance office will be able to direct you to appropriate resources such as Medicare. You paid taxes to support these programs and may do so again when you're healthy again. Right now you need to use them.
good luck!!!
I am a survivor of colon cancer and I understand what you are going through. Good luck and stay tough!
Fund Raising Sources
I've not tried any of them but there are places to raise funds for situations like yours. You're going to be to out of it to do this on your own, a friend, family member, or social worker would be best for starting a page in your name. The more exposure, press, etc the more successful it will be. After all people must know there is a need before they donate.
Your community should have social services support. Again, someone needs to be digging all this up on your behalf.
Hugs E. E. Nalley
God please send thy angels of mercy to comfort and care for this special person.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Getting tested
Not highjacking this thread.
But, for those who don't like the intrusive and very uncomfortable colonoscopy but have are on the low end of risk for getting it due to lack of family history plus having a very healthy 'regular' diet that keeps you clean, at the very least one should get a 'poop in a box' test done.
I've done it twice and am clean so far.
I know, I know a colonoscopy is of course more thorough but ever since I had to do the whole clean out the bowels thing with the 'go litely' stuff prior to my SRS/GCS, I've been so disgusted with the idea of needing to do something like that again.
Getting back on thread: I wish you the very best of luck in getting treated.
In the mean time, the best you can do is pay what you can.
I had to do that after having to get an appendectomy and I was just a poor student that was pretty much broke. It took me a long time to pay off my debt to the surgeon.
As long as payments are made then they will typically not sic the collections crap on you.
It is sad that in the US, healthcare is tied to employment. Of course if you can't work due to getting sick you will lose your job and your coverage. That means insurance through the employer may really be only good for short term healthcare issues.
Long term healthcare may eat you alive if you are let go in the middle of your care.
Edit: If I donate, can the e-copy of the book be PM'd to me here or does an email have to be involved?
PM transfers
Hey Kimmie!
Thanks for the advice and the kind thoughts. I have no issue with a PM here if the system will allow PDF transfers. If not, you could always get a burner Yahoo or Gmail account for a single use transfer.
I'm out of my mind and into yours!
As a cancer survivor……
This hits close to home. Luckily for me, I have very good insurance and the monetary cost was minimal. My out of pocket expense was maxed out at $8000, including all of my doctor’s visits, surgery, 12 months of immunotherapy, treatment for the reaction to the immunotherapy, and follow up visits.
Considering the fact that the immunotherapy treatments ran around $27,000 each, and I had one every three weeks for a year, getting out with a bill of $8000 was unbelievable. Especially since a supplemental policy my spouse carried paid us $8000 in cash for cancer treatments - so effectively the cost was nil.
Of course, I am still seeing a dermatologist several times a year, an oncologist several times a year, and undergoing PET scans every four months - but those are all only $35 co-pays. As a member of our local city government, my spouse received insurance at no cost through New York State - and when she retired after 26 years she qualified for coverage for the two of us at no cost for life. Living in NewYork, I pay higher state taxes than most everyone else - but I stopped complaining about that a long time ago as I see the benefit of those taxes directly.
I will be contributing today, but I will also tell you that I am upset that you did not mention the issue to me earlier. Don’t let your pride put you in the grave.
Be well, and keep in touch!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Check your inbox
Mea Culpa, Dallas! No slight intended and check your inbox!
I'm out of my mind and into yours!
Please get well soon
I want to head and threw $25 to you. Hope it can help.
There are a few on this channel who will know what it means. Hopefully it will pull them into the conversation.
I'm going to PM with more information.
Hug Ms Nalley
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I wish I could help you
but all I got are prayers and huggles.
Don't fret, Dorothy! Those
Don't fret, Dorothy! Those are just as needed and welcome.
I'm out of my mind and into yours!