An Annoucement and Request for help
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Hello all:
Some of you might notice it's been some time since I posted anything, and there is a reason for it. I'd been suffering from a complete lack of stamina and endurance for some time. And by complete lack I mean there were times crossing a room would leave me gasping for air. Three weeks ago I went to my normal Dr for it and she found my hemoglobin count had gotten down to 4.5. 15 is considered the low end of normal. She called me that night, after hours on her own cell phone to tell me to stop what I was doing and go the ER immediately. I ended up needing a transfusion of 3 units of blood because I was so anemic.
Once that was stabilized, the doctors went looking for WHY I was missing so much blood. Some of you might know I've struggled with IBS/UC my entire adult life. And, with the most brevity and least unpleasant discussion, a colonoscopy found a restriction in my large intestine that was the source of the blood loss. Biopsies were taken and the news isn't good.
I have Colon Cancer.
So, that's the bad news. Between having to spend the better part of a week in the hospital because of the testing and treatments, and the new surgeon I've been given, my bill is already $85,000. To make matters worse, I was laid off last October from my work of 17 years and with that loss also went my health insurance.
There is some good news in all of this. The extensive CT scans I've had, and the blood test run to see if the cancer has spread appear to indicate this has been caught very early. I'm asymptomatic, other than the IBS, which is normal for me. Sadly, the next steps promise to be expensive. The surgeon tells me my entire large intestine must be removed due to the cancer and the IBS. She is going to attempt to reconnect the plumbing so to speak so I don't have to use a bag other than for healing the patch up.
There may be chemo in my future, I don't know, yet. But, I do know these very talented doctors need to get paid for their excellent work and to do that, I need your help. Below I've begun a new Go Fund Me specific to this issue. If you'd like to make a donation you can at:
For everyone who does donate $5 or more, you'll receive an Electronic copy of my new book Beyond This Illusion, a modern fantasy based upon Celtic myth and legend and an exploration of why fairy tails are not wish fulfillment, but warnings. Or, if you prefer to wait for a dead tree addition, I'll send you an autographed paperback or hard cover, depending on your preference and purchase.
This story will not be released on any of the story sites.
I also appreciate your thoughts and prayers as I start this battle with cancer and encourage everyone 45 or older to get a colonoscopy. It could save your life!
Thank you all for your help and prayers. Feel free to reach out to me on discord as well.