Time flies

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Realized this weekend that it's been a year since the last 'Part' of The Light Between was posted. Time flies! Hmm, though some of those pesky airborne black dots may have been from the sack of too-long-ignored potatoes which were tossed out yesterday...

Anyway, figured I was due for another 'Hey Erisian! Where's the next book?!?' response and ramble-on post. Book six is now maybe two-thirds drafted - and I say 'maybe' because the muse is playing mysterious on exactly how long certain sections are needing to be to get explored properly. Four 'Parts' at this point have hit the pages (with hopefully more grace than the potatoes had when wetly smacking the bottom of the bin! Eww!), with two more on the mental docket to get it done so the editing phase can kick off.

Thus the current goal is to finish this installment of the saga and begin posting before the end of the year, as that hopefully gives enough buffer to deal with any work-related slow-downs. As usual I'm noodling the thought of posting it two chapters at a time with a rate of one posting per week instead of dropping 15-20k words at a shot. I seem to continually debate that, but at least the noggin's ponderings are consistent!

I've got some vacation time in another week where I might even get to spend some extra hours on the writing while visiting friends, and just acquired a new laptop for that purpose! My current one, while it has a beautifully huge display for a laptop, still runs Windows XP. Yes, it's that old. Much like I'm getting. Hmm...

It's hard to believe the first novel sprouted from the fingertips seven years ago. Feels both terribly long ago and yet just yesterday. Thanks to everyone waiting patiently for this next one, it's certainly greatly appreciated!! And no, sadly, we did not win any of the mega lotto jackpots from the past couple weeks - so employment shall continue to be a required activity and prevent continuous writing focus.

Ah well. :)

- Erisian <3


I’ll wait for however long it takes!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Such an extraordinary saga is worth waiting for, however long it takes you to get it where you are happy with it. Your care with quality control is very high, and the end product always reflects that.

Happy writing!


Quality Control

That is unlike Microsoft, Erisian has not skimped on QC, Erisian spares no expense on proofreading and editing!

On occassion...

Erisian's picture

On occasion, in addition to my usual sources, I've needed to rely on a certain wonderful person's emergency aid in doing so. Someday they may even let me send the customary proofreading fees of godiva chocolate biscuits! <3

Old computers

In my humble opinion WinXP was the last decent operating system to come out of Microsoft. The successors were so bad, not to mention the asinine price policy for South America, that I decided to switch to Free and Open Source Software and moved to Linux.

I kept an old laptop with WinXP around for testing purposes. That machine was retired at the end of 2019 when I moved to Germany.

I also had an even older PC with a Pentium 200MHz, upgraded RAM of 48MB, 3GB HDD and Win98. This PC pretty much ran 24/7 for over 15 years as my own personal mail server. It also got retired after I moved to Germany.


Erisian's picture

Win XP was definitely the last decent one they've put out.

I am wondering though if this will force me to update Scrivener. I've been using 1.7, and apparently they now have 3+. I'll try to put 1.9 (from their legacy download) on the new laptop, but as it'll be Win 11 who knows if it'll work right. If not, may have to migrate (erk!) to 3+. I really cannot imagine writing this thing in anything else...having all the books in one project for massive global searches across chapters along with managing all the notes on everything has truly been invaluable.

Scrivener for Linux

SaraKel's picture

You may already know this but the author of Scrivener didn't sell many copies of the Linux version and decided to stop selling it. They could have let it fade away but instead released two versions of Linux Scrivener ( and as free with no license expiration date.

You can find them here --> https://forum.literatureandlatte.com/t/linux-1-9-01-beta-released/31623

It's a great option for anyone who has Linux machine and wants to give Scrivener a try.

Windows 7 was actually quite

Windows 7 was actually quite good, and stable. Losing the ability to run old DOS games was hardest to deal with (and for a couple of my customers, who run DOS applications, it was a nightmare to work around).

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I was OK with Win 7

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I was OK with Win 7. Then MS offered to upgrade me to Win 10 for free. I resisted for a while, but about that time, I bought my current laptop which came with Win 10. So I decided that it would be better for both my desktop and laptop to have the same OS. I can't say that I was truly happy with the upgrade.

Truth be known, I was happy with DOS. The only draw back to DOS that I saw was the long string of commands needed to load programs, making it not very user friendly. But I became a .bat file wizard. I took a short stab at being a computer consultant and developed a thing I called Pseudo Shell. Unlike other shells of the time. The computer operated at DOS level when ever not in an actual program but the user never really had to deal with DOS commands.

That was accomplished with liberal us of .bat files, starting with autoexec.bat that brought up a txt file that was a menu that let the user pick a program by keying in the number and hitting enter. There was a numerical .bat file (1.bat, 2.bat, 3.bat etc.) for each program that entered the complex string necessary to use that program. On exiting the program the .bat file called autoexec.bat and they were free to choose another program. Should the program kick them out to DOS level without calling the menu, the user could enter 0 and that would call it for them.

I made a decent living calling on small businesses and setting up the system on their computers and when they wanted to add a program, which I would happily find and supply as a value added retailer, I charge a small time based fee ($1.05/minute) to install and update the menu. Oh and of course a 40% markup on the software.

Then along came Windows and plug and play; that put me out of business. Alas I had to get a real job after that and went back to driving truck.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

I am very, very much looking forward……

D. Eden's picture

To seeing the continuation of the series. I might need to go back and re-read the series from the beginning though, so please give us a heads up before posting new material so I can get ahead of the curve!

A story this good bears waiting for, and a story this good is always worth re-reading - multiple times!

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Thank you!

Erisian's picture

Thank you ever so much, and worry not! I'll definitely give notice once it's drafted and the editing begins. I may try to get the -entire- thing edited before starting to post for this one, and thus prevent stress on my kind and generous proofreaders regarding deadlines...even if I'll be bouncing with eagerness to get it out there! :)

“I seen a horse fly……..”

D. Eden's picture

“And I seen a house fly……..”

But I ain’t never seen time fly!

To paraphrase Dandy Crow from Disney’s Dumbo.

Sorry - I simply couldn’t resist, lol.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Thank you for the update!

Emma Anne Tate called it “an extraordinary saga” and I wholeheartedly agree! Your story is awesome (just like a certain kitty), and you will take exactly as long as is needed before Part 7 is published.

(That’s the polite part. What I really want is for the story to be published TODAY. Alas, that’s not gonna happen…)



Erisian's picture

Aww, sorry for the wait, Voldy!! :)

thank you

lisa charlene's picture

ive been waiting no so patiently for the next installment lol cant wait

True, Time flies....

I guess a year is fine, but my stories are overdue by 3 years!! Can't believe it, however, I'll post soon - Before the end of the year!! Hopefully, before May...

TGSine --958