It's amazing how time goes fwoooosh. The older I get, the quicker that arrow zips on past.
And thus I realized today when looking at posting dates that four years ago is when I finally decided to be brave enough to quit being a (long time) lurker and toss the two books I'd written out onto BCTS. Four years! Can hardly believe it. I remember being incredibly nervous about doing so too, having debated with myself for months on end. Though admittedly with each additional installment of the story since those nerves still flare. They shouldn't but, well, yep.
However the reception of everyone here has been simply astounding and awesome. So thank you to all who clicked the up-doot kudos button and especially to those who commented either publicly or via private message. Without such support I'm not sure I'd have kept writing. When facing the blank pages of unwritten chapters, the encouragement from knowing kind folks wanted to read more really help to keep the motivation flowing. And I'm sure I'm not the only author on here for whom the community at BCTS have made that kind of difference.
Thank you all ever so much. And though it may take me awhile (-cough- too long -cough-) for each new bit - I can't and won't quit thanks to you all! Oh, and special thanks to Kimmie again for all the fantastic proofreading efforts!!
Right, with that said I'd better get back to those blank pages. ;)
- Erisian <3
Thank you for the kind praise.
My efforts are for a good clause, predicated and subject to having an author who is well versed in his/her craft in the first place and is not adverse to correction
Grammar fun
Well phrased. ;)
What's the difference between cats and a comma? Cats have claws at the end of their paws and commas are a pause at the end of a clause...
"brave enough"
Every once in a while, I am reminded of the paralyzing anxiety of posting one's first story, for some authors.
It happened several times for me. On ASS*, it was compounded by the subject matter of my particular story. I made sure I was behind solid encryption, with a pseudonym.
-- Daphne Xu
Time flies
It used to baffle me as to why the older I got, the quicker the years flew by, but then I did the math.
At five years old a year is 1/5 of your life, 20%. Fifteen years later, at 20 it's 1/20 of your life, 5%. Then look at age fifty. It's then 2% of your life. At age 70, it barely more than 1.5%. I'm pushing toward 80 in three years. It'll be 1.25% of my life. If I live to be a hundred (my goal, George Burns said that should be your goal, to live to be over a hundred, because very few people die over a hundred) it'll be 1%.
So no wonder the years seem shorter as you get older. The years behind us are the frame of reference by which we determine their length.
OK, joke time.
It was a hot muggy day down at the pond. There was a huge swarm of flies hovering around. Two bull frogs climbed up on lily pads and started feasting on the flies. They were having a great time. One of them observed, "Fun times when your having flies."
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Fun quotes
I always liked the quote, "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."
Thought it had been said by Groucho Marx, but that may not be the case from what google just popped up with. Huh.
As for our perception of time, yeah the frame of reference thing makes sense. I also think it's due to living by routine: wake up, go to work, do the things which are much like all the other things over and over, go home, sleep, repeat. The days become blurred into weeks, into months, and then years. And now I'm singing Once in a Lifetime by Talking Heads because I'm old. :)
"The same as it ever was..."