Almost Captive In A Box

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3/30/2024, 6:20 AM

Completely True Account.

Almost Captive In A Box

This is what I can remember of a completely true story that I have never written about or talked to anyone regarding the creepy people I met. It was so traumatic that I blanked it out until now.

This took place between 2005 and 2006 near Sherwood, Oregon. Later when I returned to make sure I was not remembering a hallucination, The place was gone, and tract houses had been built there.

It was right after my very traumatic divorce that I had a complete breakdown. I was on Craig’s list and saw an ad where they were looking for a slave. Answering the ad, I was given an address. I arrived at a single wide 60-foot-long mobile home in the late afternoon and knocked on the door. It was answered by a very rotund man about my height and invited in to a very smelly and garbage filled living room. Inside was an equally fat woman who was his partner. They were sitting on easy chairs and I think they told me to sit on the floor. In their ‘interview’, I was asked if I could clean their house up and do all the dishes. Then he told me that when I was not working, I would be chained and put in a locked box they had there. I was asked if I would let them pee on me and defecate on me. I think they said I would be gagged and not allowed to speak. The interview went on for some time and I sort of went into shock. The clincher was when I was told that my food would be their pee and deficant.

With the last vestiges of my will, I asked them if I could think about it and said I would return in a while to let them know my decision. I was on massive doses of legal prescription psychotropic medications, and they kept me calm. I should not have been driving but somehow managed to avoid any accidents.

I did not return that day and a year or two later, I did to see if I had hallucinated or something. In the last decade or so I had not thought about it until about 4:00 AM this morning woke up from what I thought was a nightmare. Looking back, I now believe that I was very lucky to have escaped. I could have easily been murdered or died from some illness caused by the filth in the trailer.

“Life is like a box of Chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get”.

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