Right now, "Resolution Evaluation" has 63 kudos, and "Night Shift" has 58 "kudos. I'm curious if "Night Shift" can catch up, so I'm kind of competing with myself on the subject.
Of course, "Resolution Evaluation" has 28 comments (half of which are my replies), while "Night Shift" only has 10, so its not likely "Night Shift" can catch up in that area before the contest ends, but it looks like the kudo count will end up being close.
{ Snort! }
Sort of reminds me of one company I worked for, where the same company both built the computers, and programmed them. Think "Bell Labs" in the old AT&T.
... No, wait, it >was< Bell Labs ...
I said that the hardware people, by making ever-faster machines, were in a 'race' with the software people who were trying to find ever-faster and smaller programs. Since the whole mess was an embedded system (think "telephone company switching office.")
... No, wait. It >was< a telephone central office ...
The 'payoff' was that every time we 'bought back' some time and space, we then had the time and space to add a new feature, and sell it to Happy Customers.
=== ===
Our payoff here, is that every time we come out with a new story, (we hope to) get Happy Readers.
For "Night Shift", you ran with my idea of a 'free-lance Genie-not-in-a-bottle', and took it a place where I could never have gotten to, the free-lancing and 'meddlesome-in-a-good-way' "Intelligence."
And your last bit improved the story from "Uhm .. OK ... that's nice ..." into "Aww, sweet!"
You got to wonder who's leading the parade.
Is it the software developers or the hardware engineers.
Back in the late nineties I was reading about gaming developers who were writing games for platforms that hadn't yet been invented. They were forward-looking and guessing what was coming down the pike in the feature.
I never figured out how the two finally synced. Did the hardware developers look at the upcoming games and build platforms to accommodate them or did the game developers tweak their games to run on what was finally developed?
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
thank you so very much for the suggestions, Alan
it got the story over the line and made it contest-worthy, so thanks, and have a Dottie huggle!
My own 'self-contest...'
Elsewhere, I mentioned that one of my 'resolutions' is bringing down my ${mumble} in outstanding credit card debt ...
So, between December and February, I've dropped the aggregate monthly interest payments by about $13 [1], which is plenty to take "me, myself & I" [2] out on a Valentine's date and have a vegan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_beef. Picture in Wiki article is exactly what I have in mind. I'm gonna splurge and add vegan cheese.
[1] Interest down about 11% from December to February.
[2] I'm single by very firm choice. Any kind of partner ... not good for me, and really not good for them. Or is that vice-versa?