Today was a great day for writing, woot! So I thought I'd ramble about it while still grinning happily.
We had a friend come visit for over a week (which was great, they're awesome!), and they departed last night for home - so thanks to a preemptive grocery store run after taking them to the airport, that left today entirely clear to get back to the computer and type out many words. Okay, so some laundry also got between word spamming. Book 6 Hope's Light is moving along, and I think as of today has just about cleared the halfway point (or thereabouts). Managed to get two scenes drafted this morning even!
And then this afternoon and into the evening, while pumped up with many rounds of black tea, the one idea that's been percolating for the Resolutions Contest finally hit the page in its entirety, clocking in at just over 3k words - so it even has wiggle room for polished descriptions and proofreading. I really wasn't sure I'd be able to get something ready by the end of the contest period, especially as the book saga demands its tributes first and foremost from any time available. But today, while it was overcast and rainy, the muses decided to shine brightly - and now I can return to work tomorrow anxiously awaiting next weekend in order to continue!
As is on the upcoming book I feel like I've slipped behind schedule, though that may really be due to the time spend on the Light Novelette posted before Christmas, Bethlehem. For any fans of the Light Saga who missed this short entry (~10k words), it's entirely canon and meant to be read after Book 5 The Light Between to give (hopefully!) further insight into an important character. Or two. You can find it here: Bethlehem
The turnout for the contest has been nothing short of astoundingly stupendous, and I shall marvel at Jill and Emma's ability to read them all - and at Joanne's efforts to judge all the comments! And much more important than the prizes and rankings is that everyone has fun and writes according to the wishes of their hearts. :)
- Erisian <3
Woop! Woop!
Your saga is progressing at, well, Light speed, and we’ll get a contest story from you? How fantastic!!! Yay!!!
— Emma