Contest Update: But Wait -- There's MORE!!!

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WOW! We've been getting some fantastic stories for the contest. And let me tell you, picking the best of the best is not going to be easy. You can rest assured that Jill and I will be careful, thoughtful, and diligent -- it's why we're getting the big bucks! Nonetheless, we recognize that every reader will have their own favorites. So we have yet another challenge to throw into the mix. Can't let all y'all get bored.

On February 15, after the contest is closed, we'll post a blog for readers to list their own choices for the top three stories, and why you like them. No negative comments allowed! Anyone who posts a response will be entered into a drawing for a $50 prize. The purpose isn't to sway your intrepid judges. They will not be swayed!!! No, no. They have their own opinions. Firm. Fierce. No! The purpose is to provide a forum for you to show your appreciation for the three stories that you like the best. Entries will have to be submitted by February 22, 2024.

Each person may enter this contest only once. If you list more than three stories your entry will be disqualified. (In the background, a vaguely monastic voice intones, "Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.").

Remember: three. :)

You're going to want to stay caught up on your reading of the contest's entries -- after the last entry is posted you will have only about a week to enter this secondary contest! We'll provide a firm deadline when we post the "readers' choices" blog.

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